Bitcoin QT error. How can I prevent database corruption? Bitcoin Core keeps throwing an error: "error reading from database, shutting down Bitcoin core has encountered a fatal error"

The cryptocurrency community has been discussing a critical vulnerability discovered in the Bitcoin Core (BTC) client. A bug introduced in Bitcoin Core version 0.14, which also affects all subsequent versions, may have caused a large number of current Core nodes to fail. According to the Optech developer news blog, Core contributors have released a patch that fixes Core version 0.16.2 and the latest patch 0.16.3 requires an immediate update.

An anonymous user reveals a critical bug found in the basic Bitcoin clients.

The entire community is talking about a vulnerability that was introduced into the Bitcoin Core base client two years ago. An issue discovered in Bitcoin Core software (currently patched) version 0.14 and above has sparked another heated debate regarding whether the developers are getting it wrong and using a single reference client rather than using multiple implementations. This bug went unnoticed for two years when it was introduced in November 2016, and the vast majority of key contributors accepted (ACK) the change without many questions.

According to the developers, bug fix release notes and the Optech blog, an anonymous person reported a bug to Core contributors. Essentially, the vulnerability found in the Bitcoin Core software would allow malicious individuals with 12.5 BTC to crash approximately 90 percent of the major nodes. A Fast Internet Bitcoin Device (FIBER) manufactured in Core would make the situation worse due to the way FIBER distributes blocks.

The bug, introduced in Bitcoin Core 0.14.0 and affecting all subsequent versions up to 0.16.2, will cause Bitcoin Core to crash when attempting to validate a block containing a transaction that attempts to use the same input twice, explains the Optech information blog.

“Such blocks would be invalid and therefore could only be created by miners willing to lose the allowed income from creating a block (at least 12.5 BTC or 80,000 US dollars)”

Are the mistakes and use a compelling argument for multiple clients?

Of course, the bug started a ferocious debate regarding the BTC community, which has kept the Core developers high on the pedestal all these years. Additionally, the error re-triggered a compelling argument for several clients. For example, Bitcoin ABC released a patch for this vulnerability two days ago, but both Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Unlimited variants did not affect the problem. On the Bitcoin Unlimited Reddit, Peter Rizun emphasized that this is why having multiple implementations is a good idea.

“Wow, isn’t this one of the biggest consensus mistakes ever? This affects all BTC Core nodes, and the only thing that prevents unrelated inflation is that the nodes crash, destroying the entire BTC Core network,” Rizun says on September 19.

“Maybe multiple implementations aren't such a bad idea after all, Greg Maxwell? I think only ABC is affected for Bitcoin Cash.”

The problem with most people depending on a single reference client is that some people say that history has shown that alternative clients can be very useful in finding critical bugs like this one, which was introduced in Bitcoin Core 0.14. For example, when consensus bugs were discovered in Geth Ethereum over the past few years, the network still had Parity clients to rely on, and vice versa.

At the time of writing, there are 9,628 nodes running on the BTC network, and 9,135 running Bitcoin Core nodes. This is 94 percent of the BTC network running a single directory client, and each node is affected by any issues found in the Core codebase. This means that not only do bugs have to be fixed quickly, but mandatory updates also have to be done quickly. Unlike the BTC network, which is dominated by Core nodes, the BCH network currently has 2006 nodes running, but only 59 percent are Bitcoin ABC nodes. Similar to the ETH network, client diversity gives BCH 738 Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) nodes covering 39 percent of the network.

Additionally, according to a comment on r/bitcoin, Lightning Nodes may also be vulnerable to attacks due to a recent Bitcoin Core bug.

The recent bug confirms that many cryptocurrency advocates depending on a single developer's QA process, as opposed to a diverse client base and multiple development teams, can be extremely risky - especially when such an exploit is discovered in production and tied to a $100 billion system.

What do you think about the bug you found? Do you think multiple clients are the best way to avoid bugs and exploits? Let us know what you think about this story in the comments section below.

James Ray

Bitcoin Core keeps throwing an error: "error reading from database, shutting down"

Bitcoin 0.14.1 Windows 10 Home v. 1703 Bitcoin Core continues to throw the error: “error reading from database, shutting down.” I tried deleting the only file in the database folder under J:\Users custom made\James\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin latest\database and rebooting the computer, but the same error happened after downloading the app and showing the Sync progress bar for a minute or so the same as before when the problem arose today. I have a similar problem with the Ethereum Mist program, which crashes after a short launch. The error in this application also mentioned the file path in chaindata. Likewise, I deleted all chaindata, restarted, and the program has now been synced for many minutes, however, it appears to have started syncing from scratch rather than from where it was before (about 100%, with just a few thousand ). blocks left). The Bitcoin qt error debugger in the Visual Studio community says nothing:

Andrew Chow ♦


Andrew Chow

To solve this problem you will need to reindex. You have already started this process, chainstate folder with chainstate . The Bitcoin core will look like it is syncing from scratch, but it is not. It simply reads all the block files that are already on the disk and creates its own databases. If reindexing doesn't solve your problems, then you may need to actually re-sync the blockchain, and if that also fails, then there will most likely be a hardware error.

A serious bug was discovered in Bitcoin's software, prompting developers to urgently compile and publish a fix on Tuesday.

The fix was made available to the general public via Bitcoin Core software version 0.16.3, a denial of service vulnerability. The bug could be used to eject nodes and, in the worst case, temporarily crash a large segment of the network.

However, not everyone can take advantage of the error. Only miners—those who operate the hardware and conduct transactions on the network—can exploit this vulnerability by double-spending a transaction and placing it in a block. But for miners this is not entirely painless. If they tried to exploit the vulnerability, they would lose their reward for finding the block (approximately $75,000 at today's prices).

The vulnerability was discovered in Bitcoin Core version 0.14.0, which was first released in March 2017. But the problem was found just two days ago, prompting the developers to take action and eventually release a fixed fix within 24 hours.

And fortunately, most Bitcoin users don't have to do anything to avoid this vulnerability.

The developers emphasized that “stored” bitcoins are not at risk. However, this may impact those using the Lightning network.

However, since the bug is potentially dangerous to the network, the developers strongly advise users who use "full nodes" to update their software.

Lightning Network

As it turns out, a popular quote in tech circles applies exactly to this error.

“A distributed system is one in which a computer failure that you didn't even know about could render your computer unusable,” said renowned computer scientist Leslie Lamport.

In this particular case, a miner producing a faulty transaction can impact nodes running throughout the network. As the Bitcoin OpTech newsletter notes, “a miner would have to try to double the spending in a Bitcoin block in order to reset Bitcoin nodes.”

Bitcoin's code is configured primarily to protect against such problems, but this error shows that such measures are not always effective. Owners of Lightning nodes on the main network were also affected by this error.

Greggory Sanders, Blockstream developer, wrote on reddit:

If you are foolhardy enough to work with Lightning, you should really upgrade ASAP or close your channels. The update is quite easy to install, fortunately.

Because the Lightning Network is in such an early stage, it requires users to view the “channels” that hold Bitcoins in the experimental layer of the Bitcoin system. Of particular concern here is that if a user's node was mined by a miner exploiting this bug, an attacker could use this capability to trick other Lightning users.

Unless you're running a business or Lightning network node, you really don't have any funds at risk.


But how significant this error is in the context of Bitcoin history is still difficult to understand. engineer Antoine Le Calvez compiled a list of similar problems, showing that they were more common in the early years of Bitcoin.

But one of the Bitcoin Core developers, Luke Dashir, responded that the number of errors probably won't decrease over time, saying:

Unfortunately, I think that in recent years there has been less information, not fewer errors.

He continued to admit that he did not know why this was the case, but he nevertheless claimed that "some bugs in the Bitcoin software have already been found and fixed, but they have never been published."

Meanwhile, other members of the crypto community draw different conclusions from the error, namely, that the programmers from the Bitcoin Core team are mere mortals. Lead OpenBazaar developer Chris Pasia has gone so far as to argue that despite claims that Bitcoin developers are some of the best in the world, the latest development proves that they are in fact ordinary developers who face problems in their work.

So I turned on my computer this morning and I found that Bitcoin QT had crashed on its own. I'm trying to return it and I get this message.

"Bitcoin - System Error Error: Database Corrupt"

I'm sure Windows 7 rebooted to install updates. Did this cause corruption?

Luckily I have zero bitcoins and reinstalled Bitcoin QT without any problems, but this will stress me out if I want to mine bitcoins while out of town.

Apparently, if the database is corrupted, you may have lost your wallet and all your money!

My question is is this true and how can I prevent this error from happening again? What could cause this? I've turned off automatic windows updates, so that must mean we're ok? What happens in powercut? Bitcoin QT wish was more reliable :(

update Even weirder, I gave the corrupted Bitcoin QT a try and for no reason at all, it started and didn't give me an error. I'm actually afraid of losing all my money. Can someone explain what's going on? Thank you very much guys.

update No. Despite the work, it is still damaged. He was stuck at 86 weeks forever.

Tried to penetrate Bitcoin to reindex the database:

Tried it delete everything and reboot my computer and resin bitcoin-qt:

Thought it was working, but the second one stayed at 85 weeks:

Gentlemen, please help. Logically thinking about it, it must be the same database she is using that somehow survived the reinstall. Maybe if someone can point me to where this database is stored so I can delete it manually?

Brand new computer, 64-bit genuine windows 7. Any installed programs only. I can't believe how weak open source software this is.

7 answers

I think the error is based on the hardware. Ran memtest86 and found several errors in my memory. Also yesterday's blue screen appeared for the first time. Makes sense, sometimes Bitcoin qt takes minutes, sometimes days, to launch. I think it was a bad address at different times.

If anyone else is getting this error, check your RAM with memtest86. Probably should have done this first. Prime 95 can also be used to test your CPU (let Prime 95 run overnight, if there are no errors in the morning, you can be 95% sure that your CPU is in perfect condition. Run it longer, say 48 hours, to be more confident ). Check your hhd/ssd using CrystalDiskInfo; it should instantly display the health of your drive. (hdd/ssd should not cause this error since your controller detects and does not automatically use bad sectors.)

I'm using Bitcoin-Qt v0.8.2-beta on a Mac with Mountain Lion (10.8.4) and my database gets corrupted every time I restart the Mac -.-

However, Bitcoin-Qt "simply" recreates (don't know what the English word is, sorry) Blockchain/Database (which always takes 3 or 4 days), but there is no money left. I can't access my money during re-indexing as it is not confirmed yet, but as said it is still available and available in 4 days; -)

When I terminate Bitcoin-Qt manually before shutting down the Mac, the database is not corrupted. But it's very annoying to have to think about it every time.

Manually reinstalling the database is possible, but you will lose every address. Read here: where to look for the file that needs to be deleted. I haven't tried this since I actually have money stored in my addresses.

My RAM new pen has no errors.

If you are still having problems, you may want to consider switching to an online wallet. You can easily export your address like this: Open Bitcoin-Qt > help > debug window > console > dumpprivkey YOUR_BITCOIN_ADDRESS ex.: dumpprivkey 1DjEL ..... will get you..VcHHcF ... Then you can import this "private key" , for example, by simply copying the private key into the “import” section. This will work even during the reindexing process.

Hope this helps :-)