Error 9006 when restoring ipad. Codes of all iTunes errors when updating and restoring iOS and how to fix them

Owners of devices from Apple use the iTunes program to view, download media content, update, restore firmware and other purposes. The wealth of functionality has made the service practically an indispensable tool for working with iPhones and other Apple devices. But despite high quality Apple products, users often encounter errors when operating the program. Problems can arise both when launching the application, synchronizing with the computer, and during the process of updating or restoring. One of the common failures in iTunes when updating firmware or restoring is error 9006. It occurs when the connection to Apple servers fails, and this may be due to different reasons. Fixing the problem is not difficult and can be done by a user who does not have special skills, but since the culprit of the problem is unknown, you will have to try several methods that can help in solving it.

Fixing Error 9006 in iTunes.

Failure code 9006 implies the impossibility of loading the firmware and is not a complex fault. In most cases, you can fix the error yourself, without the help of service specialists. To provide correct operation iTunes requires a stable connection to the Internet, so you should check the connection, settings, and the correctness of the content hosts file. Additionally, you should make sure that you are using the computer as an administrator and not a guest. In the case of error 9006 and similar problems, it often works the simplest way reboot devices (for iPhone it is used in forcibly), which instantly copes with system failure. You can also try downloading the firmware manually. But if the problem is deeper and remove annoying notification, informing about the failure, did not work, we will consider the available elimination methods, which are also not complicated and can be performed by a user of any level.

Method 1: Using a different cable

A prerequisite for a correct connection is original USB cord. If used non-original cable, even though it is certified by Apple, and even more so produced in the Middle Kingdom, problems with connection are to be expected. But in any case, the cord must be carefully inspected for damage and kinks, and if found, replace it. At first glance, the cable may seem to be working properly, charge the smartphone and not show any signs of unusability, but when flashing the firmware, even minor defects can trigger error 9006.

Method 2: Connect to a different USB port

In some cases, the problem is a malfunction of the connector used, so to rule out or confirm this version, you need to change the USB port. The connection should be made directly to the device, without using hubs, ports on the keyboard, etc. On a computer, it is better to use the connector on the rear panel system unit, connected to motherboard, for a laptop it doesn’t matter, except for 3.0, which is visually different from other ports in blue. It is better to turn off other unused devices at the time of operations with iTunes.

Method 3: Time and date settings

Such an absurdity, how wrong set values time and date on the computer, easily leads to a lack of connection and subsequent error 9006. We check and, if necessary, replace the time, date and time zone with the current ones this moment.

Method 4: Update iTunes

One of possible reasons error 9006 appears during update – outdated version applications. It is recommended to check availability available updates and install the latest one. After restarting the computer, you can try to continue working, but if the problem is not solved, move on.

Method 5. Disabling antivirus and firewall

Often, error 9006 is associated with blocking access to Apple servers by security software installed on the computer. Antivirus, Windows firewall or Firewall may prevent the connection, perceiving the program's actions as virus attacks, so you need to disable protection while performing the procedure in iTunes. If the error disappears, then you need to add the application to the list of exceptions of security programs to avoid the problem from occurring in the future.

ADVICE. The conflict may also be caused by other software, so it is recommended to disable other software as well. third party applications, which are not currently used, but may affect the process.

Method 6: Deleting the IPSW file

To perform the update procedure, iTunes recovery uses IPSW files that may be damaged or simply not loaded from the server. In this case, you need to find the firmware file and delete it, and then download a new one. IPSW location folders:

  • Windows XP: /Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Apple Computer/ iTunes/iPhone Software Updates;
  • Windows Vista and 7: /Users/ username/AppData/Roaming/ Apple Computer/ iTunes/iPhone Software Updates;
  • Windows 8, 10: / Users/ username/AppData/Roaming/ Apple Computer/ iTunes;
  • macOS: ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates.

Method 7: Restoring the registry

Any manual operations with the registry should only be carried out by a specialist, since even the slightest changes made by a user who does not have certain knowledge can lead to unpleasant consequences for the system. To automatically correct records, special tools are used, such as WinThruster, which allow you to perform the procedure automatically. The program will create a backup copy and scan, as well as replace damaged registry files at the same time.

Method 8: Reinstall iTunes

If previous methods did not bring results, you can try reinstallation applications, while iTunes needs to be completely uninstalled along with all the “tails”, and then restart the computer and install latest version.

Method 9: Updating system components

Component conflicts can only be eliminated if, in addition to the latest iTunes program, all updates for the operating system are installed on the computer. The same applies to drivers, as well as antivirus databases, it is also recommended to “refresh” them.

Method 10: Performing the procedure on another computer

When all methods have been tried, but error 9006 remains in place, you can try your luck on another PC or laptop. This often works if your computer settings or malfunctions prevent you from performing the procedure in iTunes. Despite the ease of elimination, in some cases error 9006 cannot be eradicated at home, then there is nothing left but to go for help to a service center, where they will carry out diagnostics and, having found out the cause of the problem, fix the problem.

While you are updating or restoring your Apple device, iTunes program, users often encounter error 39. Today we will look at the main ways to help deal with it.

Error 39 tells the user that iTunes is unable to connect to Apple servers. The occurrence of this problem can be influenced by several factors, each of which, accordingly, has its own solution.

Method 1: Disable Antivirus and Firewall

Often the antivirus or firewall on your computer, trying to protect against viral thunderstorms, takes safe programs for suspicious activity, blocking their actions.

In particular, an antivirus can block iTunes processes, and therefore access to Apple servers was limited. To fix this type of problem, all you need to do is temporarily disable your antivirus and try running the restore or update process in iTunes.

Method 2: Update iTunes

An outdated version of iTunes may not work correctly on your computer, which may result in a wide variety of errors in the operation of this program.

Check iTunes for updates and, if necessary, install any updates found on your computer. After iTunes updates restart your computer.

Method 3: Checking for Internet Connection

When restoring or updating an Apple device, iTunes must provide a high-speed and stable Internet connection. You can check your Internet speed on the website.

Method 4: Reinstall iTunes

iTunes and its components may not work correctly, so to resolve error 39, you can try reinstalling iTunes.

But before you install a new version of the program, you need to completely get rid of old version iTunes and everyone additional components this program installed on your computer. It will be better if you don't in a standard way through the “Control Panel”, and using special program Revo Uninstaller. More details about the full uninstalling iTunes previously described on our website.

After you finish removing iTunes and all additional programs, reboot your system and then proceed to download and install new version media combine.

Method 5: Windows Update

In some cases, problems connecting to Apple servers may occur due to a conflict between iTunes and Windows OS. As a rule, this occurs due to the fact that an outdated version of this operating system is installed on your computer.

Check your system for updates. For example, in Windows 10 this can be done by calling the window "Options" keyboard shortcut Win+I , and then go to the section "Security Update" .

In the window that opens, click on the button "Checking for updates" , and then if updates are found, install them. For older versions of the operating system you will need to go to the menu “Control Panel” – “Center” Windows updates» , and then install all detected updates, including optional ones.

Method 6: Check your system for viruses

Problems with the system may also arise due to viral activity on your computer.

IN in this case We recommend that you scan your system for viruses using your antivirus or a special scanning utility, Dr.Web CureIt, which will not only find all existing threats, but also completely get rid of them.

As a rule, these are the main ways to deal with error 39. If you know from your own experience how to deal with this error, then share it in the comments.

Almost every user iTunes I encountered that the program refused to perform any action and showed a pop-up window with the number of the error that had occurred...

What do these iTunes errors mean and how to solve the problems that arise - more on that below...

Reason for error 1: iTunes version the firmware is too old or does not match the device.

Solution to error 1: Update iTunes to the latest version, download the firmware again (make sure you download the software version for the desired device).

Reason for error 2: The downloaded firmware is not packaged correctly.

Solution to error 2: Most likely, you are trying to install custom firmware (not the original build). Just download the original firmware, or use third party software For custom installations firmware

Reason for error 3: This error user can observe upon completion iPhone firmware, iPad, which may indicate a faulty modem inside the device.

Solution to error 3: In fact, the error is similar to error -1, and if the latter is corrected by the recovery mode, then error No. 3 can only be solved in service center by replacing the modem.

Reason for error 5: The firmware is not installed in the mode for which it was intended. (DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).

Solution to error 5:

Reason for error 6: Error installing the firmware due to a damaged Boot/Recovery logo (occurs when installing custom firmware). Solution to error 6: Download the original firmware, or try installing it in different modes(DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).
Reason for error 8: iTunes cannot install the firmware because it is not suitable for this device(for example, install firmware from iPod Touch on iPhone).

Solution to error 8: Download the original firmware for your device model.

Reason for error 9: Kernel Panic. Critical kernel error. Analogue blue Windows screen. This may occur if data transmission via the cable is interrupted during installation. Or when using poorly assembled custom firmware.

Solution to error 9: Check the USB port and connector on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

Reason for error 10: LLB (Low Level Bootloader) was not detected in the firmware, installation is impossible.

Solution to error 10: Rebuild the custom firmware or use the original one.

Reason for error 11: Some files were not found in the firmware.

Solution to error 11: Rebuild the custom firmware or use the original one.

Reason for error 13: The cable or USB port is damaged. Or beta iOS version trying to install from Windows.

Solution to error 13: Change USB and cable. It may also help disabling USB 2.0 in BIOS.

Reason for error 14: The firmware file is corrupted. Either there is a problem with the cable or USB port.

Solution to error 14: Disable your antivirus. Change USB and cable. Try the original firmware.

Reason for error 17: An attempt to update non-original firmware (custom).

Solution to error 17: In this case, you need to restore the device from DFU or Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 20: The device is in Recovery Mode.

Solution to error 20: In this case, you must enter DFU Mode.

Reason for error 26: Errors when assembling the firmware.

Solution to error 26: Upload another firmware.

Reason for error 27 and 29: An iTunes error that occurs in older versions of the program.

Solution to errors 27 and 29: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Reason for error 28: Malfunction of the 30-pin/Lightning cable or connector in the device.

Solution to error 28: Repair at a service center or replacement of the 30-pin/Lightning cable.

Reason for error 34: There is not enough space to install the software (on your hard drive).

Solution to error 34: Free up some space to install the software (on the drive where iTunes is installed).

Reason for error 35: Incorrect folder permissions (the problem occurs on Mac OS).

Solution to error 35: In enter:
sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
, where is the username.

Reason for error 39: An error occurs when syncing photos.

Solution to error 39: Several of your photos are causing this error, you need to find them using the exclusion from synchronization method.

Reason for error 40, 306, 10054: Problems connecting to the server.

Solution to error 40, 306, 10054: It is necessary to disable anti-virus software, proxies, and clear the browser cache.

Reason for error 54: Occurs when transferring purchases from your device to iTunes.

Solution to error 54: There are a number of things you can try:

  • iTunes > Store > Authorize This Computer
  • Delete C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
  • Exclude music from synchronization by deleting the folder (then you can return the folder to its place)
Reason for error 414: Content is intended for persons over 17 years of age.

Solution to error 414: Agree to these rules or change your date of birth in your account settings.

Reason for error 1004: Temporary Apple server problems.

Solution to error 1004: Flash later.

Reason for error 1008: Apple ID has invalid characters.

Solution to error 1008: To prevent this error from occurring, you must only use your Apple ID letters and numbers.

Reason for error 1011, 1012: iPhone/iPad modem problem.

Solution to error 1011, 1012: Hardware problem, requires repair.

Reason for error 1013, 1014, 1015: When checking the firmware after updating, a mismatch error occurred.

Solution to error 1013, 1014, 1015: You need to download the TinyUmbrella utility. In it, use the Kick Device Out of Recovery function.

Reason for error 1050: Servers Apple activation temporarily unavailable.

Solution to error 1050: Activate the device after some time.

Reason for error 1394: The device's operating system files are corrupted.

Solution to error 1394: Restore the device or try to jailbreak again if the error appeared after it.

Reason for error 14**: Cable transmission error.

Solution to error 14**: Either the firmware file is broken (you need to download another one), or the usb cable is broken.

Reason for error 1600, 1611: An error occurs when installing custom firmware via DFU mode.

Solution to error 1600, 1611: Try installing via Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 1609:

Solution to error 1609:

Reason for error 1619: iTunes is too old for your device.

Solution to error 1619: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Reason for error 1644: The firmware file is accessed third party programs.

Solution to error 1644: Restart your computer, turn off antiviruses if you are not working with the firmware file yourself.

Cause of error 2001: The error occurs on Mac OS. Driver problem.

Solution for error 2001: Update Mac OS.

Cause of error 2002: Third Party Processes work with iTunes, thereby blocking access.

Solution for error 2002: If it is not an antivirus, then restart your computer.

Cause of error 2003: Problems with USB port.

Solution for error 2003: Use a different USB port.

Cause of error 2005: Problems with the data cable.

Solution for error 2005: Use a different data cable.

Cause of error 2502 and 2503: Installer errors due to limited access to temporary files. Found on Windows 8.

Solution to errors 2502 and 2503: The problem is solved by adding full access to the user to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. This is done as follows:

  • press right click mouse over the folder C:\Windows\Temp;
  • follow the path “Properties – Security – Change” and select your user;
  • put a tick next to " Full access", then you need to save the changes.
Reason for error 3000, 3004, 3999: Error accessing Apple server.

Solution to error 3000, 3004, 3999: Access is blocked by some program. For example, antivirus. Disable them, reboot.

Reason for error 3001, 5103, -42110: iTunes can't load the video due to hashing errors.

Solution to error 3001, 5103, -42110: Update iTunes
Delete the SC Info folder:

  • Win7 – C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Vista – C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Mac OS – /users/Shared/SC Info
Reason for error 3002, 3194: There are no hashes stored on the server. (Apple or Saurika).

Solution to error 3002, 3194: Update to stable version firmware. Remove the line: from the hosts file in:

  • Win – C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Mac OS – /etc/hosts
Turn off antiviruses, try restoring via shift. An error may also occur when trying to roll back to a previous version of iOS. IN Lately Downgrade is not possible, calmly update to the latest version of iOS. A complex error, the explanations for which were highlighted in a separate article -.
Reason for error 3123: Problems authorizing your computer in iTunes.
Reason for error 3195: Error getting SHSH.

Solution to error 3195: Try updating the firmware again.

Reason for error 5002: Payment refusal.

Solution to error 5002: Look for errors in the completed bank card information.

Reason for error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: The firmware download session has expired.

Solution to error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: Delete the Downloads folder in your iTunes folders Media.

Cause of error 8248: The problem occurs if plugins for iTunes are installed that are incompatible with new versions of the program.

Solution to error 8248: Remove iTunes plugins. It often happens that the problem is in the Memonitor.exe process, close it.

Cause of error 9006: Something is blocking the firmware download.

Solution to error 9006: Download the firmware from another location, or solve the problem with antivirus software.

Cause of error 9807: Something is blocking the verification of signatures and certificates.

Solution to error 9807: Solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 11222: Access blocked.

Solution to error 11222: Disable your firewall and antivirus.

Reason for error 13014, 13136, 13213: Something is interfering with iTunes.

Solution to error 13014, 13136, 13213: Update iTunes, restart your computer, turn off your antivirus software. The problem should go away.

Reason for error 13001: The media library file is corrupted.

Solution to error 13001: Delete your iTunes library files.

Reason for error 20000: An error may occur when using a non-standard Windows themes.

Solution to error 20000: Install standard theme Windows.

Reason for error -39: iTunes can't download music from iTunes Store.

Solution to error -39:

Reason for error -50: There were problems connecting to the server.

Solution to error -50: Update iTunes. Relog your account. Turn off your antivirus software.

Reason for error -3259: The connection timeout has been exceeded.

Solution to error -3259: Update iTunes. Check your internet connection. Remove unfinished downloads, logging out/logging in may help iTunes account. If that doesn't help, try restarting your computer.

Reason for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: The time and date in the system are not set correctly.

Solution to error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: Set the correct date and time in the system settings.

Reason for error 0xE8000022: Damaged iOS files.

Solution to error 0xE8000022: Restore the firmware.

Reason for error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050:

Solution to error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050: Reinstall the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Reason for error 0xE8008001: The problem occurs when installing applications on a jailbroken device.

Solution to error 0xE8008001: Install the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Reason for error 0xE8000013: Synchronization error.

Solution to error 0xE8000013: Resync your device.

Reason for error 0xE8000065: A mistake in operating system.

Solution to error 0xE8000065: Restart your computer, use a different USB port. If it doesn’t help, then the problem is in iTunes and you will need to restore the firmware.

If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

Over the past few years, Apple has released all kinds of updates for its own devices. However, take full advantage free versions software, installing them on own iPhone- it's not too much simple task. In most cases, in time for updates, mobile devices can inform the user about a problem that has arisen, and then coping with the problem will become much more difficult than before. Naturally, failures of various kinds that occur when restoring or updating a device are a serious nuisance, however, no one is immune from them.

This article will tell you about Error 9006, which pops up in iTunes during the process of updating your iPhone device. Often this problem in iTunes appears if the developers of third-party applications for use have not provided enough quality content. Perhaps even the updates from the developers had flaws, which caused a significant problem during the update.

Symptoms of iTunes Error 9006

The very first signs by which you can be sure that error 9006 is present will be a problem with launching the iTunes utility on your computer. There may also be a problem with the input official store applications – App Store(iTunes Store). Some people also complain that they couldn't even create backups, carry out the synchronization process and perform many of the necessary manipulations related to the device - iPhone.

First way to fix the problem

In particular, a simple correct update can help fix problems that appeared on the iPhone (including fixing error 9006). However, in order to complete all the steps correctly, you must follow the tips below:

  • Set on the computer correct date, as well as the current time;
  • Find out whether you have administrator rights on the computer when updating the device;
  • to the most current version for today;
  • Update Windows components;
  • Update the security software;
  • If there is a need, reconfigure this software (antivirus);
  • On certain time switch off antivirus program and repeat the update process;

Error 9006 may also appear due to the fact that a special entry is added to the registry, which is called TcpWindowSIze. It is she who changes the package size in the operating system and this causes conflicts, which is why error 9006 occurs in iTunes.

Second way to fix the problem

If the steps you took did not produce results and you were unable to resolve the problem, you must perform the following steps:

  • Check whether the connected network has access to ports such as: 80 and 443;
  • Make sure that access to update resources has not been blocked Windows Defender or any other security utilities;
  • Delete the .ispw file and try the update again;
  • Perform the update process using another computer (laptop).