We optimize the resource content. Optimization for mobile devices

A vital component of any website. As a layout designer or blogger, you understand how important SEO work. Here are ten easy rules that will directly improve SEO on all your websites.

Rule one: focus on keywords Oh.

Select a few keywords or phrases that describe your site. Use them and words similar to them (synonyms, related words) whenever necessary. Simply repeating them is useless; use them in sentences, headings, links.

Rule two: content is the most important thing.

Users are looking for content, not design. If your site has no content, what people need, no one will look at the site.

Rule three: clean code is easy to find

Build your website in text editor, and write clean, humanly readable html. Try to use descriptive tags whenever possible. Use UL for list, P for paragraph, H tags for headings and subheadings. Your website can also be artistic and cool by using CSS.

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Rule four: the home page is the most important

The home page is the key to your site, found search engines. It should summarize information from across the site and give the user a compelling reason to look at other pages on the site.

Rule number five: links matter

Search engines pay a lot of attention to the links on your site, as well as the words used in those links. Never use the phrases “click here” or “learn more” for links. The link text should tell about where the user will end up, for example - “How to write an article in 20 minutes.”

The more relevant the links, the more findable the pages become. Don't go overboard or refer to anything irrelevant. If your page is focused on web design, linking to a page with a similar topic will boost your SEO, and linking to funny picture with a cat - no.

Rule Six: Title Tags to Win

Each page should have a title containing the name of your site and short description pages. About 60 characters in total, including keywords. Remember that the page title is what appears in search results and should give the user a clear reason to click the link.

Rule Seven: The Importance of the Alt Tag

Every image on your site should have an alt tag. Especially pictures that are meaningful to the page. If your page is focused on CSS stuff, pasting a screenshot of “examples rounded CSS corners", you will significantly improve the findability of your page.

Rule Eight: Ignore Most Meta Tags

Once upon a time, meta tags were the secret to SEO. Those days are gone forever. The only meta tag that matters now is the descriptive tag. Search engines can use it to write text under your link in their results. Make sure it describes the page in a way that makes a user searching for your content want to visit the page.

Rule nine: have a site map

Make sure you have a sitemap. This is an XML file that describes the structure of your page. Create one and give it to Google.

Rule Ten: Design for People

Search engines were invented to find what people need. It means that The best way making your site easy to find - designing it for people. Your job as a developer is to solve a problem, not to create a piece of art, to prove something to someone, to serve your ego, or to break boundaries. IN in this case your job is to provide users with a site that is easy to use and filled with what they are looking for. If you can do this, search engines will definitely find you.

On this moment by high-frequency (HF) and mid-frequency (MF) search queries It is no longer possible to get to the top just by optimizing the content on the site. You will need to support your position with a very decent external link mass.

But for low-frequency (LF) requests it is still possible and quite realistic for this moment getting to the top, simply through competent and correct internal content optimization (by achieving the optimal frequency of keywords, due and due to ).

But even when promoting in HF and MF, competent optimization on the site will allow you to significantly save on purchasing external links to achieve the same result. Personally, I would advise using exchanges of permanent rather than temporary links for purchasing. Examples include GoGetLinks or MiraLinks, described .

But in addition to content optimization, there is another factor, taking into account which you can significantly save and achieve the desired result by purchasing fewer external links. I'm talking about such a concept as subject matter. External links from resources the same topic will be a much more valuable acquisition than similar, but non-thematic ones.

One backlink from a resource on your same topic can cost several from sites different from yours. You can also promote by purchasing links that are not in your field, but this will be much more expensive. But first of all, we will need to decide how search engines define it.

Firstly, content plays a very important role here. And not just the content, but how well it is optimized. After all, algorithms still cannot read and understand texts—they only operate on individual words. And it is by the frequency of use of words that they judge whether this text belongs to a specific topic.

If the content is well and correctly optimized, i.e. All texts are tailored to certain keywords, then it will not be difficult for the search to assign it to the correct group. To do this, you will only need to achieve a keyword usage frequency of 1-2 percent of the total number of words in the text.

In addition to content, the anchors of external links leading to this resource are also taken into account. The best option At the same time, there is a situation when projects on the same topic will link to you, and their content will correspond to it and external links they won't let you down. Because at this time it is thematic links play a very important role.

The return on them can be several times, and sometimes even an order of magnitude, greater than from non-thematic ones. And here you can even sacrifice the opportunity to get a backlink in favor of a less authoritative resource on your own topic.

Another mechanism for assigning themes to sites is the most significant global directories. , Yahoo, etc. catalogues, and for Yandex – Y.Catalog (read about it in the article given just above). Some of these directories can only be accessed by on a paid basis, and some are free.

The topic itself gives quite a lot in terms of facilitating and reducing the costs of website promotion. If it is observed in the set reference mass you can achieve much greater results than without taking it into account.

If the request for which you are promoting is very competitive, then sometimes without using thematic links you will not be able to rise above a certain position in the search results.

TITLE optimization is the key to successful promotion

Internal optimization site includes working with texts, as well as the internal structure (linking), so that the weight transmitted through external links flows evenly to all pages of the project. That. static weight will also be pumped on those pages that do not have an external link.

First, let's look at text optimization. There are several simple rules that you need to follow. In principle, all these rules are important in their own way, and to achieve success it is advisable to follow all of them to one degree or another.

The basic rule is that the frequency of keyword use should be within 1-2 percent of the total number of words in the text. If you exceed this percentage, you will no longer be able to rise higher in the search results, but you can easily get filtered for spam.

The second rule states that some of the keywords can sometimes be enclosed in certain HTML tags. The most important and significant for search engines is, of course, TITLE.

It is important not only that the search engine, based on the content of this heading, judges the content of this web page and the words to which it refers. But it is also important that the contents of the Title are displayed in search results and can influence users’ decisions whether they will go to your site or not.

Only a certain number of characters from the TITLE page title are displayed there (about 65 characters). However, the remaining symbols are still taken into account when ranking. Here is an example from Yandex, where my article is in first place, but all the query keywords are located at the very end of the long title:

Google does not shift the TITLE in the results (shows only the first 65 characters from it), but still takes into account those keys that were used in the part that did not fit. This means that long headings for articles have the same right to life as short ones. An example of this is my blog, where they are very long.

It is very important that the titles for all pages of your project are unique. The keywords contained within them will carry the most weight compared to all other ways of highlighting them in the content. Therefore, the TITLE content must be taken seriously if you want to successfully promote your article.

Different content management system engines (Joomla, WordPress, etc.) form the content of the TITLE tag in different ways. But by default, as a rule, the title of the article located on this page should be used as it.

In most cases, you will have the opportunity to fill out the Title content manually when working on an article. But it will still be easier to configure its automatic formation in the form in which you want. You can do this using any settings or extensions for the engine you are using.

You can view the contents of the page title directly in the browser in its very top field:

You can also see its contents at the very top of the source code of the web page, which can be viewed in the browser by clicking right click mouse anywhere and selecting from context menu item “Source code” (Opera) or “Page source code” (FireFox):

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the Title is displayed in search results and the number of visitors who come to you will directly depend on the attractiveness of your titles. It is possible, with a well-designed Title, to get more visitors even than sites higher in the top search results. About how.

Description and other ways to optimize content

There is another meta tag that should be filled out separately for each page - this is Description, which specifies the description of the page. Why is it so important? After all, everyone knows that the impact on the ranking of documents Description and Keywords in Lately They don’t provide any assistance at all.

Nevertheless, you should fill out the description, and at the same time you will need to use the keywords by which this article is promoted. Search engines usually take into account the first 160 characters.

The thing is that its contents can sometimes be . Essentially, this is the text displayed in the search results and characterizing the content of the article:

Of course, the content of the snippet will depend on the request in the results of which it is shown. But the Description content can be displayed in a snippet in some cases when the search engine itself has not yet found a better fragment in the article.

Therefore, don’t be lazy and fill in the contents of this meta tag for each article on your resource. In WordPress, this can be done if you use the All in One SEO Pack plugin already mentioned above (and I highly recommend you use it).

If you work with Joomla, you can use .

Remember that Description (as well as Title) is, in fact, free advertising of your site in the search results of Yandex or Google. Make the most of this opportunity.

Also pay attention to the fact that you must use keywords in the Description, because... they will stand out in bold in the issue. This will help to further attract users' attention to your resource.

You can see the contents of this meta tag by viewing source in the browser:

H1 - H6 - text structuring and strengthening keywords

But, as before, the slightly higher importance of the text enclosed in the heading tags H1 - H6 remained unchanged. Keywords should be used in them, but carefully and without repetition, as well as without spam. The main thing is to maintain maximum naturalness.

You should adhere to the rule that one heading must be per text of at least 1000 characters and no more often, otherwise they will no longer be taken into account and you will lose additional bonus when ranking.

If there is not enough text on the page, then one H1 will be enough, and the use of additional headings H2-H6 will be unnecessary.

Many people advise using the H1 tag only once on a web page, because... in this case it will work one hundred percent. In my blog, H1 is generally the same for all pages, and article titles are already enclosed in the H2 tag. In the text of the articles I use levels H3-H5.

H1 - H6, by themselves, even without taking into account the increased influence of the keywords contained in them, can improve the perception of the article by visitors, and also texts with a detailed heading structure are more popular with search engines, especially Google.

STRONG and EM - we carefully use increasing the importance of keywords

In addition to title tags, you can, but very carefully, use tags such as STRONG (bold) and EM (italics) to highlight keys and phrases. In this case, the keys will have more weight in the eyes of search engines than similar ones that are not highlighted in any way. But because of them frequent use Spammers need to be more careful with this matter.

The STRONG and EM tags should not be overused, otherwise they will stop working. One STRONG or EM will be enough for 1000 characters. Never allocate blank keys twice - this is obvious spam. Better in a diluted form or simply in meaning, without taking into account the keys.

If you need to highlight phrases in the text that are not key phrases in bold or italics (to attract the attention of visitors to these words), you can use alternative tags - B and I. The words contained in them will not have any special meaning for search engines systems

Because Since the indexing bot reads information from the HTML code of web pages, it would be a good idea to use keywords in all possible tags and attributes of these tags, and not just in the text of the page. Same attribute ALT tag The IMG or Title of the link tag A will be read by the bot and the keys in them will be taken into account. But you have to be careful with this, because it can easily happen, as happened to me.

Although, for example, you can use the Title attribute of the “A” link tag to add keys to the links leading from the pictures. Then the contents of this attribute will be taken into account as an anchor. But again, an article that talks about compiling anchor lists.

Also important factor, influencing the attitude of Yandex and Google towards you is what resources you have hyperlinks to. If you link to sites that are bad in their understanding, then sanctions may be imposed on you. To avoid this, you should use the attribute to block external links from the pages of your resource from indexing.

This is especially true for comments, where anyone can leave a link to some spam or obscene resource. For a WordPress blog, you can block all external links from being indexed by search engines.

I also advise you not to neglect this the most powerful tool. Using this file, you can control the indexing of your resource by search engines, thereby closing off all unnecessary things, focusing the attention of bots only directly on the content.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Search engine optimization of texts - optimal frequency keyword usage and its ideal length

In this article we will look at optimizing content for high, medium and low frequency queries. The division of queries is conditional and in each topic it is necessary to highlight its own high-frequency, mid-range and low-frequency queries, based on the frequencies of the most popular phrases.

Content optimization must begin after collecting the semantic core and distributing queries across site pages (if there are no suitable pages for some queries, they need to be created).

General requirements for site content

  1. The content must be unique. Texts copied from other sites, partially or completely, will only cause harm. Synonymization is also ineffective - search engines can easily detect such manipulations.
  2. The optimal content size is 2000 characters with spaces. This is the minimum amount of text to which you can assign your authorship through Yandex.Webmaster. Otherwise, if you do not assign authorship, your site may suffer from copying of content by other resources.
  3. For every 1000-1500 characters, make one subheading. Check that the text has a clear structure and is well designed (contains photographs, pictures, tables, lists).
  4. First of all, the content of the site should respond to the user’s request and, secondly, to SEO purposes. Not the other way around.
  5. It is advisable to provide links in the text to other sections of your site.
  6. Check if it is possible to put links to new text since already existing sections– internal links are no less useful than external links.

Optimizing content for HF requests

When working with high-frequency queries, it is very important that they are included in the TITLE and H1 of the text in an exact occurrence - the order of words in the query is preserved (if this does not contradict the rules of the Russian language) and the number (singular or plural).

A high-frequency query must be found in the first paragraph of the text, in subheadings (in moderation), and generally throughout the text (evenly).

If possible, the RF request should be included in the title of the section on the site - this will give many internal links to the page from the menu.

An additional plus is the presence of words from HF queries in Page URL document (in Latin).

Optimizing website content for mid-range queries

In this case, it is important that mid-frequency queries are included in the title and subtitle of the document, and, if possible, in the TITLE and the first paragraph of the text.

If it is not possible to use mid-frequency queries in these blocks or their use is insufficient, it is necessary to include these queries more often in the main text, lists, and tables.

An additional plus is the presence of words from the middle queries in the URL of the document page (in Latin).

Optimizing website content for low frequency queries

In the case of low-frequency queries, it is enough that the query occurs in an exact occurrence at least 1-2 times in the text. In addition to this, on the site you can put internal links to the section with inclusion in the anchor low frequency queries– this will help improve your position.

If you cannot use low-frequency phrases in sufficient quantities (the text becomes over-optimized), include low-frequency queries in the description meta tag. Another option is to use instead of words from key phrases- their synonyms. This will reduce the density of keywords in the content without compromising optimization.

It is not necessary to include low frequency queries in TITLE or headings - as a rule, this cannot be done.

Prohibited optimization techniques

  1. Posting SEO content with high density keywords in the footer of the page. Previously, this method worked, but now it can cause sanctions for over-optimizing the page.
  2. Excessive use of STRONG or B tags. These tags highlight words in bold. It is believed that key phrases highlighted in this way increase their weight for search engines. In fact, excessive use of such tags in website content is perceived negatively by search engines.
  3. A simple listing of key phrases on a page, for example, in the footer of a site. Perceived as search spam.
  4. "Footcloths." At one time, long texts worked very well and SEO specialists specifically wrote long, long texts. Today, such content is perceived negatively. Write in moderation.

Useful articles

I will devote this article to everything that will be on the site inside the body tag, or rather, internal site optimization. So, we believe that your content is unique and normally readable, otherwise there is no point in optimizing it.

How to optimize the internal content of a website for search engines?

1. The first factor that greatly influences ranking is keyword density inside the site, or to put it in professional language - "nausea". By and large, we ourselves must show the search engine what this or that page of our site is dedicated to. To do this, you need to not only select keywords and phrases yourself, but also show them to search engines. The first step in this difficult task will be to designate the tag , but it is also important to focus the attention of search engines on the fact that this is not the only place on the page where our keyword is, namely, repeat the key from <title>in one or more places on the page. Keywords for the entire site, as well as for individual pages, must be taken from what you have compiled in advance <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chto-delat-s-semanticheskim-yadrom-semanticheskoe-yadro-dlya-internet-magazinov-kakie-klyuchi-ispolzuet/">semantic core</a>.<br>There may be one, two, three or more keys on one page of the site, which is worse, but possible if they are low-frequency. The most acceptable option is when all the keywords are written in the tag <title>and are crushed on the page. For example, our title is as follows: “Internal SEO content optimization.” From it we can isolate three key phrases: “content optimization”, “internal SEO optimization”, and also “SEO content optimization”. Accordingly, the page needs to be optimized according to these three queries. <br>It is necessary to mention these keys on the site page, but in such a way that it does not harm the readability of the text for humans. If we translate this requirement into numbers, then this is somewhere around 5-10% of the volume of the entire text. This is called keyword density, or the “nausea” of the site. However, this concept is very relative, and here everything basically depends on the subject of the site, and on the search engine for which this site is optimized. <br>For example, Yandex can reduce words into numbers and cases, while other search engines cannot boast of such abilities. On the other hand, the value of keyword density and content <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chto-pisat-v-meta-teg-keywords-glavnyi-zagolovok-stranicy-h1-chto-takoe-tegi-v/">keywords meta tag</a>, have recently become less and less important, so chasing the acceptable “nausea” of the site in this case is a very useless and often dangerous exercise. <br>By the way, if the frequency of using keywords is exceeded, the site can easily end up under a filter, or even a ban from one or another search engine. <br>One fact applies to all search engines - the keyword must be mentioned at least once at the beginning of the page, or in the first hundred words of the text, in order to emphasize the topic of this page; also, in the course of presenting a certain topic in the text, several inclined keywords can be introduced. In conclusion, I can say that you can check the site’s nausea in one of the many specialized services, for example:</p> <p>In general, there are quite a lot of such services, although they differ in some details of analysis and report output. <br>Remember - the main thing is not to damage the readability of the site for people, and then everything else, including keyword density.</p> <p>2. Using tags to highlight some keywords. Uses of some <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/forma-dlya-zapolneniya-v-html-vvod-dannyh-polya-formy---teg-html-formy-kak-oni/">html tags</a>, such as <strong>, <em>and so on, is not only an appeal to a person, but also to a search engine. By highlighting key phrases, you somehow focus attention on them. With all this, any selection has some weight, albeit different. For example, by highlighting the text with the tag <strong>or <b>, you will attach much less importance to it than if you allocated it to a tag <h1>. From the point of view of search engines, the h1, h2, h3 and h4 tags indicate hierarchy, and therefore it is extremely undesirable to use h1 more than once on one page. Title tags more <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/upravlenie-zvonkami-android-pishem-svoi-dialer-dlya-android-i-rabotaem-so-zvonkami/">low level</a> can be used more times depending on page size. <br>If you are not happy with how a particular header looks (for example, it is too big), edit your file <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-ubrat-neispolzuemye-stili-css-udalenie-neispolzuemyh-css/">CSS styles</a> and give it the necessary parameters. <br>Methods of highlighting text such as underlining and italics, which sometimes have more weight than a tag <H>, also should not be applied to more than 5-10 words, or one single sentence in the text. In general, underlining content elements often distinguishes hyperlinks, so using it for other purposes is not advisable.</p> <p>3. Internal optimization of site images. This method <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/belye-metody-poiskovoi-optimizacii-ch-rnaya-optimizaciya/">search engine optimization</a> is one of the most beautiful, and also has correctly written attributes <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-avtomaticheski-dobavit-atribut-alt-v-tegi-img-vashego-bloga-na-wordpress-tam-gde/">img tag</a>, such as title and alt, will allow you to add keywords to the page without damaging it at all. These attributes look like this: <br> <img src='/optimiziruem-kontent-resursa-optimizaciya-pod-mobilnye/' loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Moreover, download the image you like and make it a little unique - perhaps change the size, or add some element to <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/horoshie-graficheskie-redaktory-gde-mozhno-prosmatrivat-raw/">graphic editor</a>, and perhaps your image will end up in the Yandex or Google image catalog, which will give your site additional trust from search engines, and perhaps even a small influx of traffic. Copy the link to this image and place it wherever possible - and you will get a normal external link, which is not much worse than all the others. And finally, include in the name of your image file <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chto-takoe-sch-i-nch-zaprosy-nch-sch-vch-vidy-klyuchevyh-zaprosov-kak-oni-rasshifrovyvayutsya-i-kak-opred/">key query</a>, for example, when adding an image for this article, optimizacija.jpg came up, this will also be very useful. In transliteration, you should write not as you hear, but according to the rules (then this word is taken into account as a keyword), it is better for <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/otkryt-elektronnuyu-pochtu-voiti-pravilnoe-napisanie-adresa/">correct spelling</a> in translit, use the appropriate program or conversion service, for example http://translit.ru/</p> <p>4. <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chto-takoe-perelinkovka-kak-sdelat-gramotnuyu-vnutrennyuyu-perelinkovku/">Internal linking</a> pages of your site. For search <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/pereiti-na-poiskovuyu-sistemu-google-kak-sdelat-gugl-poiskom-po/">Google systems</a> This method is perhaps the most important when optimizing a website, and certainly one of the most important. Competent linking can help you not only increase, but also maintain the PR of the site, even considering the fact that the site contains a large number of external links. The following must be considered when creating <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-izmenit-brauzer-po-umolchaniyu-v-android-webview---sozdai-svoi/">internal link</a>(as well as any other link too): <br>- The link text must be meaningful and contain <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/znaki-himicheskih-elementov-periodicheskaya-sistema-himicheskih-elementov-d/">key phrase</a>. Try to avoid the boring “read here”, “here” and the like. <br>- For each link, try to include key phrases in the title attributes. <br>Example: <br> <a title=”ключ1” href=”URL” taget=”_blank”>Text of your link</a><br>- It is highly desirable that any link be surrounded by some text, thematic of course. Blocks of links are perceived by search engines worse than links surrounded by thematic content.</p> <p>5. Depth of nesting of site pages. This is also called the nesting level (NL). The nesting level is <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/raid-10-minimalnoe-kolichestvo-diskov-pochemu-raid5-must-have/">minimal amount</a> clicks on links from <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/feisbuk-moya-stranica-vsegda-so-mnoi-registraciya-v-facebook-i-vhod/">home page</a> site to the current one. Of course, the fewer such transitions, the more significant the page will be in the eyes of search engines. You can easily achieve at least the third level of nesting for all pages of the site if you create a sitemap and place a link to it from the main page. Of course, with large sites you have to put several links to site map pages; a one-page site map is acceptable with about 200 pages. However, you can create a group of pages for your site, for example, “important”, and place direct links to them from the main page, thus reducing their nesting level is up to the second level. It is advisable to place such links at the top of the site, and not in the footer.</p> <p>6. Relevance of pages and the entire site as a whole. When you send a request to a search engine, you seem to ask it a question, and the search engine tries to give you sites with the most complete and reliable answer. Question/answer correspondence is relevance. But this is only the first type of sorting that search engines perform. Next comes the ranking according to the degree of trust of search engines, otherwise called site trust, ranking, and other factors. <br>Therefore, even if you choose the right keywords, there may be quite strong competition for HF (high-frequency) queries. In this case, do not despair if you do not see your site not only among the first five positions, but even in the top ten or twenty. Instead, come up with several low-competition (LC) queries, create appropriately optimized pages for them, and then move on to off-page SEO optimization (buying links, increasing trust and ranking).</p> <p>7. Don't create too much <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/maksimalnoe-kolichestvo-repostov-v-kontakte-bolshe---ne/">large quantity</a> external links from the page, the fewer the better. External links to sites on different topics other than the subject of the page have a particularly bad effect on ranking. Close unnecessary links in the nofollow tag, or better yet, make them in the form of a script. The script link is not visible <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kakie-poiskovye-mashiny-vam-izvestny-poiskovye-mashiny/">search engine</a> and accordingly will not worsen the ranking parameters.</p> <p>Content optimization is related to its writing: the content of the site should be interesting both for <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-ispravit-vnutrennyuyu-oshibku-servera-vnutrennyaya-oshibka/">ordinary users</a>, and for <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/roboty-kak-oni-ustroeny-raznovidnosti-poiskovyh-robotov-blok/">search robots</a>. Content should direct site visitors to the goal (place an order, download a brochure, etc.), and robots should be offered texts that are most relevant to the selected queries. It is not always possible to work with both sides at once and you have to look for compromise options, changing text structures, trying <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-narisovat-tekstury-dlya-minecraft-sozdanie-tekstur-bolshego/">various styles</a>. Search <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ispolzovanie-plansheta-v-kachestve-navigatora-esli-garmin-ne-vidit/">optimal solution</a> It may take <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-vyzhat-maksimum-iz-akkumulyatora-macbook-i-uvelichit-srok-ego/">long time</a>, since each option must be indexed and taken into account.</p> <p>We offer a number of recommendations that will make your job of writing texts for the site easier. The first group of tips is aimed at meeting user needs. The second one is on <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/razbiraem-na-vintiki-nabor-instrumentov-dlya-seo-nastroiki-i-optimizacii/">SEO optimization</a> texts. Indirectly, both groups influence each other.</p> <ul><li>The text must be structured and logical. It is better to formulate several detailed sentences into a compact but significant phrase. Each subsequent paragraph should follow from the previous one.</li> <li>Don't write long texts. The Internet is a field for finding clear and quick answers. Write each paragraph in such a way as to provoke the user to read the next one, but avoid “water” in the text. There are no clear criteria for the volume of texts, but, from experience, it is already quite difficult to read more than 3,000 characters on one page of a corporate website.</li> <li>The very first phrase that all visitors see should carry a crystal clear idea. They greet you by their clothes! For example, the line “Welcome to the website of the company “Horns and Hooves”” does not tell the visitor anything, and you need to read the text carefully. But it’s easier to go to another site, where the first line is “The company has been operating in the installation market for 10 years <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kakie-byvayut-vidy-plastikovyh-okon---razlozhim-vse-po-polochkam/">plastic windows</a>"- clearly describes the theme of the site, confirming to the visitor that his choice is correct.</li> <li>Avoid unnatural phrases, grammatical errors, and an overabundance of keywords - all this leads to a loss of trust in the site and the company.</li> </ul> <ul><li>Logically separated parts of the content have <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/samyi-bolshoi-smailik-znachenie-smailikov-napisannye-simvolami/">highest value</a>, therefore it is very important to competently (but not overdo it) use all possible page markup tools: indicate the page title ( <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/v-pamyat-o-keywords-dlya-chego-nuzhen-meta-teg-keywords-pochemu-on-ne-rabotaet/">title tag</a>), page title (h1 tag), first paragraph, first page subheadings (h2 tags), highlighted words in the text (strong and em tags).</li> <li>Keywords selected for must be used in the title and title of the page, evenly distributed throughout the text of the page (both in exact form and in word forms) and appear as highlighted words in the text. Their number should be natural, so pay attention to the density of keywords, which, according to various observations, should not exceed 5-7% of the total volume of the text.</li> <li>Number of precise forms and <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kakaya-kombinaciya-klavish-pozvolyaet-vydelit-vse-obekty-vydelenie/">individual words</a> of the key phrases have a high value in the calculation <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/raskrutka-lending-stranicy-nastroika-tekstovoi-relevantnosti/">text relevance</a>. The natural text must contain different forms of key phrases and separately occurring words, and then the site will not be penalized for over-optimized content.</li> </ul><p>To write text that is interesting for people and optimal for <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/poiskovye-sistemy-vo-vsemirnoi-seti-kak-rabotaet-poiskovaya-sistema-istoriya/">search engine</a>, you need to prepare 2 documents. The first document – ​​the brief for the text – is responsible for the user’s perception of the text. The brief is filled out by the site owner or marketer, because only he can provide information on how to contact visitors, how to correctly name the company, and how it differs from other companies. Second document - <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/tehnicheskoe-zadanie-dlya-razrabotki-lendinga-polzovateli-s-vysokoi/">technical task</a> to text. It is formed based on an analysis of sites included in the TOP 10 for selected keywords.</p> <p>After both documents are compiled, the text is written and optimized according to the listed recommendations.</p> <p><b>How to prepare optimized texts for a website?</b></p> <p>IN <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/prodvizhenie-po-nizkochastotnym-zaprosam-kak-prodvigat-vysokochastotnye-zaprosy/">search engine promotion</a> sites, one of the key roles is played by high-quality optimized texts. A good text, firstly, gives the user the most complete and specific information about the product or service you sell, reveals the advantages of your company, and carefully summarizes <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-naiti-potencialnyh-klientov-v-internete-iskat-klientov-mozhno-s/">potential client</a> to make a purchase or submit an application. Secondly, <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/prilozheniya-dlya-sozdaniya-i-obrabotki-tekstov-na-ipad-luchshie-tekstovye/">good text</a>“liked” by search engines – it is unique, relevant to the request, but at the same time not overspammed with keywords.</p> <p>Create <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skanirovanie-neskolkih-stranic-v-odin-fail-pdf-besplatnaya/">quality text</a> There are several ways to promote a website page:</p> <p><b>1. Write the text yourself</b></p> <p>No one knows the features and intricacies of your business better than you, so material written independently will convey all the details very accurately. However, there is a risk that the preparation of the text will be delayed, because... this task will constantly be distracted by other urgent matters. In addition, experience is required to prepare optimized texts: it is not easy to take into account all the requirements regarding the number of keywords and word forms that should be used in the text the first time.</p> <p><b>2. Order text on the content exchange</b></p> <p>The most popular text exchanges today are Advego.ru and Etxt.ru. To order text on the exchange, you need to draw up a detailed technical specification for a copywriter, which, in addition to the specifics of your business, will indicate the requirements for SEO optimization (number of keywords, features of their distribution throughout the text, etc.). One freelance copywriter works on the text, so the quality of the text will depend entirely on his professional competencies.</p> <p><b>3. Order a text from the Rookee service</b></p> <p>To set a text writing task, you need to use the “SEO-Text” service, which is available to all clients of the system. As input data you need to indicate:</p> <ul><li>order name;</li> <li>keywords for which you need to improve your site rankings;</li> <li>number of characters in the text;</li> <li>other requirements for the text - marketing aspects, wishes for text style, etc.</li> </ul><p>A whole team of specialists works on each text: SEO optimizer, copywriter, proofreader and editor - so you don’t have to independently calculate the number of occurrences of keywords and look for grammatical errors in the finished article.</p> <p>Thus, in the Rookee service you can order content for the site without interrupting the promotion process, and as a result you will receive text that “sells” your product and is professionally optimized.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div><div class="clear"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('hc_full_comments').innerHTML = ''; 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