Determining the frequency range of keywords. High-frequency and low-frequency keywords and expressions Mid-frequency Yandex queries

Do you want to receive more targeted traffic from , but promotion for high-frequency queries seems problematic? Try differently. Use promotion for low-frequency queries, and low frequency traffic will greatly surprise you: it will come faster, it will be higher, and the competition will be lower. But “how is this so?” and “what’s the catch?” - I’ll tell you more now.

High and low frequency queries

Imagine a huge apple tree, at the top of which there are overgrown apples (high-frequency queries), and at the bottom everything is strewn with fallen smaller apples (low-frequency queries). At the top, the apples are large, beautiful, not always tasty, but they are in great demand. Many people climb to the top of the tree for the biggest apple and fight for it. At the same time, not the largest, but ripe and tasty apples grow at the foot in huge quantities, and no one fights for them. Your task: to get as much apple mass (entire SEO traffic) as possible.

What will you choose?

  1. Collect a bag full of smaller apples.
  2. Fight for the biggest apple.

The most interesting thing is that choosing the first point does not mean that you have given up and are not going to fight for the top of the tree and the biggest apples. You simply take time to prepare for the battle with competitors, and the more low-frequency queries you collect, the easier it will be for you to get a place in the TOP.

What queries are considered low-frequency?

Low-frequency queries most often describe a specific need. Here examples of low frequency queries:

  1. buy a toyota rav4 2011 car in moscow
  2. children's center Moscow VDNKh wool felting
  3. kate upton carls junior commercial

Therefore, unlike high-frequency queries, low-frequency queries may convert better, since a page tailored for a low-frequency query is more likely to give the visitor a useful result.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are unpretentious: they do not need to be enriched with external links, you need to simply and informatively give an answer to an accurate low-frequency search query. If the answer is useful, the site page dedicated to this low-frequency query will quickly appear in other search engines, receive it, and it can be transferred to other pages of the site that are more difficult to promote, for example, for mid-frequency queries.

There are practically no problems with how to promote low-frequency queries. Low frequency queries promote themselves and help promote the entire site as a whole, forming a solid foundation and the basis of the site’s semantics. Low-frequency queries allow you to reach widely and thereby attract more traffic to a larger number. Large keyword coverage- important, which can affect the promotion of all pages of the site in search by saturating the topic with keywords.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to select low-frequency queries? Fully! All low frequency queries you can find, up to 1 impression per month. Why? Because the Internet is actively developing, and if now low-frequency queries are searched 10 times a month, then in six months they may start searching 100 times a month. Although the point is not even in impressions for low-frequency key queries, but in semantics, as I already wrote above. And another thing is that every key request is a question, and if YOU don’t answer the question, YOUR COMPETITOR will answer.

How many low-frequency queries are there? The more requests you collect, the better. The more requests are reflected on the site, the more low-frequency traffic there will be and the faster the promotion of mid-range and high-frequency requests will go.

Advantages of website promotion for low frequency queries

Since coverage of low frequency key queries occurs gradually, costs and results can be clearly assessed and planned. Moreover, the result of promotion for low frequency queries is the most stable among all promotion methods. Such sites are the hardest to compete with.

In order to promote a website for low-frequency queries, it is enough to regularly and methodically describe low-frequency queries on the website. How? Create, answer questions from the audience. In parallel with creating content, plan. Even a beginner can engage in website promotion with low frequency queries; this is the easiest way in “combat conditions” to understand how search engines work, without going broke or losing what has already been accumulated.

Promotion of low-frequency queries is the biggest advantage of such promotion - the absence of regression. YES! Content is not purchased links; it will not disappear after you stop paying. It will stay with you and continue to drive traffic. In fact, low frequency promotion is a win-win option if the specifics of your work and subject matter allow you to work with low frequency requests.

What's the result?

  1. Low competition for targeted queries.
  2. High conversion to .
  3. Ease of advancement even for a beginner.
  4. Large coverage of key queries and target audience.
  5. Stable growth of positions and traffic.
  6. Accurate planning of promotion expenses.
  7. High frequency of site indexing due to development.

Do you promote your website using low frequency queries?

One of the defining moments in the process of effective website promotion is filling thematic content on its pages with keywords and expressions, or, as they say among professionals - keywords. The final success of promoting the resource to the “tops” of search engines for certain search queries of Internet users will largely depend on how skillful the selection of the latter turns out to be.

Speaking about keywords and expressions, it is worth noting that among specialists it is customary to distinguish two main groups - tweeters(HF) and woofers(LF). As for the representatives of the first group, they, as a rule, represent the most common (popular) search queries that are found in a particular area. Low-frequency words, on the contrary, are words or phrases that, in comparison with high-frequency words, are found much less frequently when Internet users compose search queries on a particular topic.

Thus, the presence of two main groups of keywords determines two basic search engine optimization strategies web portal regarding the use of keywords. The first of them involves the introduction of a relatively small number of high-frequency keywords into the thematic content of the site. The second, on the contrary, involves filling the text material of a web resource with numerous low-frequency search queries.

Of course, in our opinion, it is difficult to give preference to any one strategy in the search engine optimization process, and that is why, as practice shows, experienced webmasters or SEO optimizers, when promoting their Internet brainchild, resort to the services of both.

And yet, in some cases, according to experts, it is worth giving preference to one strategy. For example, if we are talking about a young project that has recently launched on the network, then in this situation it is recommended to fill its thematic content in line with the second strategy - with an abundant amount of low-frequency speakers. Why, you ask? The answer is quite simple: as statistics show, it will be quite difficult for such a resource to compete with already popular websites of identical topics, which use high-frequency words and expressions in the structure of their texts and are at the forefront in search engine rankings. However, if you resort to the second strategy and introduce a larger number of low-frequency keywords into the content of a young site, then the optimization effect can exceed your wildest expectations - for such keywords, the resource can quickly get to the leading positions of search engines.

To summarize, I would also like to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that you can find out which group a particular keyword or phrase belongs to within a specific topic thanks to specialized Internet resources (of which there are a huge variety these days - for example,) , as well as thanks to individual services of the search engines themselves (for example, Yandex - , Rambler - , and Google -

To create a semantic core (SC) and do it absolutely free, you need to: use a wonderful, and most importantly - free, service from the Yandex search engine, called Yandex Wordstat. This service is available at In addition to the specified service, we will also use a free program klooch.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat?

In a special input field we write phrases or individual words whose frequency we want to check and select similar ones. Then click on the button "Pick up".

After selection, we will see statistics of requests in the specified search engine, which will include the phrase or word we specified. In addition, there we will see other queries that were indicated by people using the words we specified. Phrases and words will be in the column on the left, and other queries will be on the right.

Some numbers will be displayed next to each request. They give some preliminary forecast of the number of impressions per month. And perhaps we will get this number of impressions when we specify this query as keywords or a word. Let’s say a certain number next to the word “laptop” will indicate the number of impressions with the word “laptop” for all queries, such as: “compare laptop”, “buy a laptop”, “laptop is broken” and so on..

You can also specify “All regions” and then the selection of words and phrases will come from “the whole world”. Or you can specify a specific region or regions and the selection will match requests only from the specified region.

Why don't we select words using the Slovoeb program?

The thing is that lately this program has often been somewhat disappointing and issues 50 requests at once. Also, the requirement to enter a captcha appears very often.

What is the program klooch ?

Using this free program, you can easily determine whether a particular request is free, so to speak. This will be discussed in more detail below.

How to determine the frequency of a request?

There is no absolutely definite indication to determine the frequency of a request! For example, this level is higher for non-commercial requests than for commercial requests.

Without insisting on anything, we can define it like this:

Micro-low frequency (MLF) - from 0 to 200 requests within a month;
Low frequency (LF) - from 200 to 1200;
Mid frequency (MF) - from 1500 to 5000;
High frequency (HF) - from 5000 to almost no limit.

You can also highlight Mega Frequency (mHF), but it’s not worth going deeper into this.

How to determine the competitiveness of a request?

The competitiveness of requests can be determined using formulas, or it can be done “by eye”. For example, you can see the number of documents that appear in the search results for a specific query:

1) Results from a million or more - highly competitive (VC);

2) From 100,000 to 1 million - moderately competitive (MC);

3) Up to 100,000 - low competitive.
This sorting will never tell you exactly, so we won’t take it into account. Competition can also be determined by its direct occurrence in the title of the article - the more occurrences, the worse for us; in terms of the total number of optimized articles - the fewer such articles, the better; by the number of main pages in the results - the fewer faces, the better; according to the site trust from the search results - a smaller trust is better.

There are many such divisions; we have indicated the main ones. First, we need to determine the topic of the request. For example, the topic of our site is games. So, there is no need to take the request “how to train cats”, since this request is not compatible with our topic. And all this is not very good for search engines.

For example, let’s take the same theme of “games”. We enter a general query into Yandex.Wordstat, such as “play in....”, “.... finish the game":

After that, we select a more rare query, such as “play racing”.
We see the following:

Now we select a low-frequency request. But there are also a lot of generalized queries here. Therefore, we need to go to the second page and select the request “play racing against zombies.” Number of requests per month - 516:

We carry out the analysis:

According to the Klooch program, there are no matches in Title in Yandex. Therefore, you can easily reach the TOP10 or even the TOP3. How can we now determine if a request is free?
Let's say there are five matches in the Title - then you can easily reach the top6. That is, the fewer coincidences there are in the Title, the better for us. The situation is similar for main pages.

Next, copy all found queries into Excel. But! A frequency of 500 requests per month does not interest us. We need to find medium-frequency queries. Let's take a closer look at the example of the request “racing play online maquin”.

We carry out the analysis:

This is a mid-frequency query with a long tail. This request is low competitive. There are few pages in the search results for this query. It can also be included in the semantic core.
Now it’s time to find a free high-frequency query, for example, “cars play racing.”

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about internal site linking and its meaning for .

Actually, I have been focusing on internal factors since the very beginning of the blog’s existence, but at the beginning the main motivation for me was simple, but the tasks solved by linking do not end there. By link we should understand the usual ones, which, as you know, are taken into account. The beauty of internal linking is that you are free to do it the way you want, and spend only your time, not money.

LF, MF, HF and NK, SK, VK search queries, link weight

In fact, not only external links decide the issue of your site being in the top, but also internal text optimization, which we talked about in the article about, as well as correctly placed links from one page of your resource to others. We will try to explain why this is so important in this article, and I will also show several examples of linking that I use myself.

Before continuing, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that links (including internal ones) are taken into account on two scales:

  1. Static weight transmitted by the link (for Google this is determined by a non-toolbar value, and for Yandex it is determined by an unknown value)
  2. — the text that stands between the opening and closing tags of a hyperlink, which is called the link anchor. Search engines cut out anchors (and internal ones too) leading to this page of your site and file them with the text of this page. Therefore, be very careful when composing texts, even for internal links, so as not to get banned or.

I forgot to mention in the previous article the principles of gradation of search queries that SEO specialists came up with to simplify the situation. So, they are divided into:

  1. LF (low frequency)— in many commercial areas we can say that low frequency fluctuates in the range of 30 - 100 requests per month. This refers to statistics taken from already eliminated dummies (the request is enclosed in quotation marks and an exclamation mark is placed before each word). For non-commercial topics, the range of low frequencies, in my opinion, is wider and may well reach up to 300.
  2. MF (mid frequency)- from 100 to 1000 (sometimes up to 500) in commercial subjects and up to several thousand in non-commercial ones.
  3. HF (high frequency)- everything above the two categories described earlier

But that is not all. There is also such a thing as the level of competition in a topic. In this regard, it is customary to divide search queries into:

All these figures for determining the gradations of frequency and competitiveness are purely arbitrary and will vary from topic to topic. However, this helps to correctly distribute efforts and quickly understand what is at stake. It is clear that best option for promotion will turn out to be midrange or even HF, which is also NK.

This has happened to me extremely rarely for my information requests. But the opposite happened more often. For example, almost all requests from the WordPress theme are LF or at most midrange, but in terms of competitiveness, almost all of them can be classified as VK or SK.

Promotion through them is troublesome, costly and, if successful, will not bring the desired dividends in the form of a gigantic flow of visitors. However, this does not stop a number of enthusiasts who built their project only around this topic - honor and praise to them.

The meaning of internal linking, how to link manually

Well, now you are savvy in theory and it’s time to voice the benefits that you can get from competent internal linking(keyword “literate”):

  1. Firstly, links to other pages on your own site can seriously improve the usability of your site for visitors, which in turn will lead to . What will an improvement in PF entail? That's right, the stability of the growth of your project's positions in search results and a guarantee of a good search relationship.
  2. Secondly, you can purposefully increase the static weight of promoted pages by placing internal links on them from other (preferably similar in topic) web pages.
  3. Well, and thirdly, internal links can be placed on promoted pages not anyhow, but with the necessary anchors. Thus, for low-frequency requests you create conditions for getting into the Top, and for high-frequency and mid-range queries you give a good impetus for the better use of external optimization - obtaining links from other resources, mainly through their purchase, for example, in such services:
    1. MiraLinks, described
    2. GoGetLinks— read about the nuances of working with it
    3. GetGoodLinks— description of the possibility of purchasing links from pages with PR (high static weight)
    4. RotaPost— a complete overview of the exchange’s capabilities

There are various linking schemes for promoting queries of different frequencies, as well as technical solutions that allow you to implement all this. We'll talk about this too, but I want to give a simple example of placing internal links to a promoted page. Which pages should you add links from? How to understand this?

Yes, in general, it is best to ask the search about this. Let’s say that you want to use internal linking to help a page get to the top for mid-range or high-frequency queries. How to choose donor pages? Just. Open the advanced search (to the right of the search bar is an icon with two horizontal lines) (remember, I wrote about it in the article about that), limit the search only to your resource and enter this very query:

Your promoted page will be in first place in the search results (if this is not the case, then there is already reason to think), and it will be followed by other pages of your resource in descending order of their relevance to the search query. Those. These are the most relevant pages of your site after the one promoted in the opinion of the search engine itself. There will only be add internal links from them to the promoted one.

What anchors should you use? It is clear that a request in its pure form, mentioned in a hundred links, will be overkill. I think that you need to follow the logic of diluting anchors when purchasing external backlinks (we’ll talk about this in more detail in the continuation of this series of articles), however, some particularly savvy SEO experts believe that you can simply take the words that already exist in these articles, which the search considered the most relevant from the entire text . Have you already guessed? That's right, these are the words that will be highlighted in.

The need for invention is cunning. Personally, I use this exact method of searching for relevant pages for internal linking, but I don’t use highlighted words from snippets. It is possible that I am neglecting something that should be taken into account.

Internal linking schemes, “ring” for WordPress

In order to implement one of the linking schemes, automation methods will be needed. The static weight transmitted by links to certain pages of sites is calculated using the iteration method.

The first pass is carried out and the relative state weight is calculated for all pages, and then the second pass is made taking into account the obtained weights, etc. Explaining all this is quite tedious and I won’t do it, but nevertheless I will give calculations that can be applied in practice:

  1. Any page, even one that has just appeared on the Internet, already has unit static weight. Any link coming to it increases this weight.
  2. Outgoing links, contrary to popular belief, do not take away static weight from the page, but can indirectly influence the overall static weight accumulated by the site (it takes a long time to explain, but it’s true). Therefore, when placing internal links from a page, you should limit your Napoleonic plans. Everything needs moderation.
  3. The optimal one from the point of view of increasing static weight is the “ring” scheme. The simplest example would be two pages linking to each other. If one of the links is removed, then the status weight accumulated by both of them will sharply decrease (at least this was the case before). The ring can include more than two pages - the main thing is that it is closed.

  4. If there are more than one leading links from a web page, then the weight that will be transferred will be divided by the number of outgoing links
  5. The link does not transmit the entire static weight of the page, but only part of it. Which exactly? Nobody knows except the programmers of Yandex and Google. Previously it was believed that ninety percent. Now they say that this value is already less than ten percent. In this regard, although internal linking diagram “ring” and it works now, it no longer gives the phenomenal gain that it had before.
  6. Due to the decreased percentage of status weight transferred via links, it will no longer be profitable to buy links to the main page or sections when promoting, so that the weight flows from them to the target documents. An immeasurably small part will reach the recipient, so it is better to buy backing directly for the promoted pages.
  7. To exclude from the linking scheme pages that do not need to be upgraded, but links to which must be present on almost the entire site (for example, a shopping cart in an online store or a login/registration block), then these links are better close from indexing by search engines in Ajax(read more). It's very easy to do (once you figure it out), despite the scary name. Create a separate file for the hyperlink and connect it in the desired place in the template. Elementary.
  8. The main page in any case will have priority in the eyes of the search engine, therefore, when promoting mid and high frequency queries link from home on them will be a prerequisite for internal linking

It should be taken into account that end-to-end links(for example, from a menu) are taken into account by search engines not as a hundred links from different pages, but, most likely, as one or a little more. Therefore, when creating various link blocks, you need to understand that they should not be end-to-end, but must change from page to page. In this case, their static and anchor weight will be transferred much more efficiently.

Among other things, this linking method will improve site indexing and increase its completeness. Sometimes, for indexing purposes, they write a separate block, where they randomly scroll (after the next page update in the browser) links to all pages of the resource so that the search robot can see them.

Personally, to promote my articles, I use a scheme similar to what is commonly called “promotion for low frequency queries”:

This scheme is quite often implemented in online stores, placing links in the product card to the previous and subsequent items from the same category. Optimizers have noticed that such a ring works best within one section or category. Apparently search engines break large sites into relatively independent parts, links between which will not be as effective as within a section or category.

But a link like “ring” for pages with articles I have already implemented it. Articles from each section are linked separately, thereby forming several dozen rings. Moreover, it all works automatically and quite well. Well, my external links mostly lead directly to landing pages with articles. Although, with such an internal linking scheme, even without external optimization, low-frequency queries are able to reach the Top.

The idea of ​​this method was proposed by Dimox, who has already been mentioned many times (back in 2009), and it was finalized by the well-known admin of the WP-kama blog. In general, everything is discussed in detail there, but just in case, I’ll give you the code that I added to the file from my theme (they live at /wp-content/themes/):

Function kama_previous_posts_from_cat ($post_num=5, $format = "", $cache = "", $list_tag="li", $echo=true)( global $post, $wpdb; $cache_key = (string) md5(__FUNCTION__ . $post->ID); $cache_flag = __FUNCTION__; if ($cache && $cache_out = wp_cache_get($cache_key, $cache_flag))( if ($echo) return print($cache_out); else return $cache_out; ) $cat = get_the_category($post->ID); $cat_id = (int) $cat->term_id; $same_join = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_date, comment_count, guid FROM $wpdb->posts p LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships rel ON (p.ID = rel.object_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tax ON (rel.term_taxonomy_id = tax.term_taxonomy_id)"; $same_and = "AND tax.term_id = "$cat_id" AND tax.taxonomy = " category" AND p.post_status = "publish" AND p.post_type = "post""; $sql = "$same_join WHERE p.ID< {$post->ID) $same_and ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT $post_num"; $res = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $count_res = count($res); if (!$res || $count_res<$post_num){ $exclude = $post->ID; if ($res) foreach ($res as $id) $exclude .= ","".$id->ID; $post_num = (int) $post_num-$count_res; $sql = "$same_join WHERE p.ID NOT IN ($exclude) AND p.ID != ($post->ID) $same_and ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT $post_num"; $res2 = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $res = array_merge($res,$res2); ) if (!$res) return false; if ($format) preg_match ("!(date:(.*?))!",$format,$date_m); foreach ($res as $pst)( $x == "li1" ? $x = "li2" : $x = "li1"; $Title = $pst->post_title; $a1 = "ID) .""> "; $a2 = ""; if ($format)( $date = apply_filters("the_time", mysql2date($date_m,$pst->post_date)); $Sformat = str_replace ($date_m, $date, $format); $Sformat = str_replace("( title)", $Title, $Sformat); $Sformat = str_replace("(a)", $a1, $Sformat); $Sformat = str_replace("(/a)", $a2, $Sformat); $Sformat = str_replace("(comments)", (($pst->comment_count==0)?"":$pst->comment_count), $Sformat); ) else $Sformat = $a1.$Title.$a2; $out .= "\n<$list_tag class="$x">($Sformat)"; ) if ($cache) wp_cache_add($cache_key, $out, $cache_flag); if ($echo) echo $out; else return $out; )

This feature allows me to add multiple links at the bottom of each article. Probably, this will not be superfluous for usability, but basically this type of internal linking is aimed specifically at increasing the static weight of promoted pages.

In theory, low-frequency requests should themselves get to the Top, but high-frequency and mid-range queries will have to be helped by additional manual linking (I described its principles a little higher).

Oh yes, I completely forgot. Adding code to functions.php is not enough. You also need to place the call to this function in the right place in your blog template. The single.php file is usually responsible for articles in WordPress, so I added the block title and function call code to it:

Previous articles from the same section (will open in a new window):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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From the author: Promoting low-frequency queries provides a number of advantages. The most important thing is the opportunity not to spend a large budget on website promotion. We’ll talk in detail about promotion of low-frequency speakers today.


But before you start the conversation, you need to decide what a low-frequency request is. In general, search queries are divided into HF, MF and LF. Moreover, people determine in different ways which group a request belongs to. In any case, a low-frequency query is one that is entered into the search bar less often than a mid-frequency one. Promotion under LF is considered the easiest because there is the least competition.

Typically, LF includes all queries that are entered into a search engine no more than 300-1000 times a month. If you read various articles on this topic, you will most likely see different numbers there.

But this is not so important. We can see the frequency of each specific request. The most important thing to understand about low-frequency keys is that there is usually less competition for them.

It's just an obvious fact. Agree that many more companies and webmasters will want to promote popular queries in order to get more traffic. And many beginners make the mistake of writing exclusively under HF. The competition for such requests is huge.

Hundreds, and in some cases thousands and tens of thousands of sites will compete for places in search results, of which there are only 10. After all, practice shows that if a page is outside the TOP 10, then you should not expect much traffic to it.

For example, in Moscow alone there are hundreds of companies installing plastic windows. Accordingly, if you want to get to the top for the request “installation of plastic windows in Moscow,” then moderate your ambitions. You will have to compete with many other companies. Moreover, they will most likely be able to allocate a large budget for promotion and SEO specialists, what about you?

The essence of promotion for low-frequency queries

It’s worth paying attention to low-frequency requests, if only because they allow you to receive small traffic. Let's look at 2 sites that have chosen different strategies for promotion. Now there will be no specifics, just examples.

They decided to promote 1 young site by HF, the other by LF. Time passes, and the second project receives traffic from search. Most likely, it will be small, around 10-100 people, but it will be there. The first site may not even take a position in the top ten, let alone reach the first 3 places. Most likely, you will have to spend money to promote the site.

The key difference is that in the case of promotion under HF there is always a risk, even after spending good money, you will not promote the site and will not receive traffic at all, or it will be minimal, because few people click beyond the 5th position in the search.

If you optimize and sharpen your content for low frequencies, then you risk practically nothing. Over time, if there are no serious errors on the site, its pages will appear in the top. And although this will bring much less traffic, it will be stable.

What other advantages does promoting under LF have?

In general, you do not need to buy any links to the site. You can forget about it. It is possible and necessary to reach the top in low frequencies through high-quality texts and good internal optimization. The only thing is that links can be obtained manually if you know how.

You don’t have to spend money on a website promotion specialist if you’re willing to learn a little yourself. Promotion is not such a complicated science. All you need is to gain at least a little knowledge in this area. Understand concepts such as key occurrence, relevance, uniqueness, nausea, duplicate pages, etc.

If you have a site on Wordpress, then it will be even easier for you, because today hundreds of webmasters in their free articles give a bunch of useful tips on how to promote a site, as well as how to set it up correctly technically. In this article I will not say anything about those. setting, because this is a separate topic. But you must clearly understand for yourself that there is nothing complicated in this and you can carry out basic optimization, even if you are still a complete dummie.

Promotion through HF is a completely different matter. There can be no guarantees here even if you hire a specialist.

How to identify and collect low frequency phrases

In general, this is done by the person who makes up the semantic core. Simply put, this is a list of key phrases under which the site will be promoted. It is he who is familiar with all the necessary tools for this. But still, I will tell you about some basic tools that are useful to use.

For example, I promote my websites myself. And just 2 years ago I knew nothing about this. Absolutely nothing. And the promotion is going well. And this happens because I mainly choose only midrange and bass.

Okay, let's move on to how to find such keys. First, you should know about a service like WordStat. This is an already legendary keyword selection service.

For example, I entered here the phrase “how to build a computer yourself.”

As you can see, Wordstat showed the number of impressions for this request per month - 996 times. But here you need to understand that it shows the so-called wide frequency. A simple example: if you enter the word “kitchen” into Wordstat, it will show a huge number - it seems like several million impressions per month.

But let's think, is this really possible? Much more often people are looking for something more specific. Some are interested in kitchen renovations, while others are simply looking for the TV series of the same name. In general, these millions of impressions include all queries in which the word “kitchen” is used, and in different cases.

So, in order to find out the exact frequency of a word or phrase, you need to write the entire text in quotation marks, and put an exclamation point before each word. Like this: “!how!to!assemble!a computer!on your own”

As you can see, WordStat now shows reliable information. This phrase is accurately entered into a search engine 216 times a month. Of course, these statistics change every month, but these are approximate figures that you can use as a guide.

So, can this query be considered low-frequency? Of course, because there are less than 300 searches for it. It would seem that everything is fine - the request is low-frequency, all that remains is to write an article for it and over time the traffic will flow. But we do not take into account another important detail - competition. The fact is that it can be high even for LF.

How to check the competition

Here I suggest using 2 services. Both allow you to clearly see the level of competition.

The first is free, the second is paid if you plan to check more than 10 phrases per day. Let's deal with the free stuff first. This service allows you to check the competition in Google and Yandex. In particular, we are more interested in Yandex.

Enter the key in the field. If it consists of several words, then the phrase needs to be put in quotation marks; the service itself tells us this. Next, check the InTitle checkbox and click the check button. InTitle means that Yandex will give you pages that have the specified keyword in the title.

Let's enter our phrase and see the result:

There are already 1000 pages whose title is optimized for this phrase. This suggests that it will be difficult to get to the top for this request. And from this we conclude: Not all low-frequency keys are low-competitive!

You can do and optimize better than others

If in doubt, see point 1)

You must understand that nothing is impossible. Getting to the top with a lot of competition is difficult, but possible. And even without a budget. Much depends on you and your desire to learn, as well as on the quality of your writing.

For example, it is obvious that for this request a person is looking for the most detailed and understandable instructions for assembling a computer. If you provide it to him in full detail and with photographs, you will have a great chance of getting to the top.

But still, in this case, our phrase for promotion is not optimal. Here I can advise you the following: it is better to spend several hours searching for an excellent keyword phrase than several hours writing an article for unpromising keywords. That's it.

Okay, let's find it, this optimal phrase, and at the same time let's try the second service - Mutagen. In general, you need to register with it before you start using it for free, but I’ve already done that, so I’m just inserting the phrase that interests me:

Mutagen shows exact frequency. As you can see, it is equal to 215, which is about the same as the previous phrase. In addition, the service immediately shows the level of competition.

This value is calculated according to the classification of the service itself, where 1 is the least competition, and 25 is the most. Thus, we need to try to find keys with less than 10-15 competition. It is precisely such phrases that have a chance to advance without additional costs.

Our key has only 5 competition! This is very good, let's check it in another free way:

As you can see, only 1 result! What does this mean? The fact that competition for the request is very low, there is practically none. This means that even minimal optimization on your part for this request will lead to the fact that you can move to the top for it. Naturally, if you have a website on a relevant topic.

So, we have found our optimal phrase. To be honest, I found it at random. They may also help you:

Search engine hints when entering queries

wordstat tips

Well, they are also in mutagen (hints)

In general, this way you can quickly find phrases for which there is little competition. I will also say that the longer the phrase, the fewer competitors there are likely to be. Because low frequency queries mostly consist of 3-7 words.

How to optimize a website and a separate page for low-frequency queries

Okay, with the search for low frequency keys everything is more or less clear. What to do next? Take and write text for them. On each promoted page you should use 1-3 low-frequency keys, and you should highlight one as the main one (for which there are more searches). It should be included in the title, if possible in the description, and also mentioned in the text. Preferably as close to the beginning as possible - somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also, if possible, you should find additional low-frequency keywords for which there are fewer searches and there is no point in writing an article for them. You can include them in the text. For example, how about this key:

In general, you can find many similar keys. Your main friend in selecting such requests is your head. Think about the main topic of the article and try to imagine what else people are interested in about this topic. For example, if they are interested in learning how to assemble a computer from components, then they will probably be interested in replacing individual parts of the computer.

You shouldn't use too many keywords in one article. There is a rule here - the larger the text, the more keywords you can insert into it. You don’t need more than 1-3 for a small article; you can try more than three for a large one.

The written text needs to be checked for nausea in order to accurately determine whether you have overdone it with optimization. Also, for each article you need to write a unique title and description, where to enter the main key. In general, there are people who manage to insert several keys organically. But here it is important not to overspam; it is better to write for people than for search robots. Moreover, robots can detect deception.


Okay, I was thinking that I can write in this spirit for a long time, but the main thing is to understand the main essence, and you will consolidate the rest in practice when you select keys and write texts for them (or order articles from copywriters).

In this article, I tried to convey to you what the promotion of low frequency queries looks like. If we repeat the general principles, we get something like this:

LF key is dialed 0-300 times a month

We are primarily interested in the exact frequency of each phrase, and not the wide

The fact that the key is low frequency does not mean that it will be easy to move under it

To search for optimal keys and determine competition, use the services specified in the article

Optimize each article on your website for one or more low frequency keywords.

All you have to do is try and observe the result. Promoting a resource using low-frequency phrases is not so difficult; today thousands of webmasters are already doing this. Apply the tips and you will succeed! And to be guaranteed to become a guru in matters of promotion, you can look at ours. If you have such a blog, then you can eventually bring it to an income of 20 thousand rubles if you use the tricks that are described there.