Pay for fly with a bank card. Payment methods for Tattelecom services by bank card

Letai is a mobile operator in the Republic of Tatarstan, part of PJSC Tattelecom, with own network base stations. The Tattelecom company includes a management office and seven branches throughout the republic. The story begins in 2006, when the region held wired Internet By adsl technologies. In 2009, the operator launched its IP-TV and also began installing free wi-fi points. And later the company launched mobile communications. But all services must be paid for, and in this article we will look at how you can top up your cell phone balance.

Top up your balance with a bank card

You can pay for communication through the official website . To do this, go to the website and select the “Payment” item.

Payment is made directly on the site, the required fields are filled in Money.

Credit and debit cards of any bank are accepted for payment. Having filled out the specified fields, enter the card details: name, card number, card expiration date, and cvc code. The payment takes place thanks to Ak-Bars Bank.

All that remains is to confirm the payment via SMS. You will receive a message with a confirmation code. Having confirmed the payment, you can wait for the funds to arrive. There is no transfer fee.

Brief instructions on how to top up your mobile connection Fly through Sberbank online

Pay the bill mobile operator You can fly through Sberbank online. For this:

  1. We go to the Sberbank Internet bank by entering the login and password from the check;
  2. Go to the item “Payments and transfers”;
  3. In the search bar, write down the name of the operator or select “Mobile” and select the item we need from the list;
  4. We enter the phone number to which we want to deposit funds, select the card from which the funds will be debited, and the required amount;
  5. We confirm the payment and wait for the funds to arrive.

Top up balance via SMS

You can also deposit money through a mobile to mobile transfer:

  • To transfer from MTS, Beeline, Tele2 you need to send a message to number 3116 with the text: “tattel phone amount”;
  • To transfer from Letai to Letai you need to enter the command on your mobile: *116*115# press the call button, then indicate the phone number to which you want to transfer money, then indicate the amount

Promised payment Fly

The operator calls the promised payment “Declared”; there are three ways to activate it.

1.Terms and definitions

Subscriber is a user of communication services with whom the Operator has entered into an agreement for the provision of communication services.

Operator - PJSC Tattelecom.

Bank is a Russian credit organization that issued Bank cards in the territory of Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and on the basis of agreements with clients.

Acquiring Bank - PJSC "AK BARS" BANK, which carries out the initial processing of Payers' orders, data using Internet payment in the manner prescribed by these Rules, and carries out settlements with the Operator for payment for communication services.

Bank card - a payment or credit card, the issuer of which is a credit institution, which is an instrument of non-cash payments, intended for Payers (Bank clients) to carry out transactions with funds held by the Bank in Bank accounts, or with funds provided by the Bank on credit to its clients in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as a bank account agreement, or within the established limit, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement between the Bank and the Payer, provided that such a payment or credit card can be used by the Payer to pay for Communication Services.

Billing system - certified automated system Operator to record operations for the provision of communication services to the Subscriber and their payment.

Internet - world system voluntarily united computer networks, built on the use of the IP protocol and routing of data packets.

Personal account - an electronic account in the Billing system, used to record the volume of Communication Services provided and to be provided, the receipt and expenditure of funds deposited through Subscription agreement towards payment for communication services.

Payer - the owner of a Bank card (including the Subscriber), who initiates the transmission via the Internet of an instruction to the Bank (through the Acquiring Bank) to transfer funds to pay for communication services according to his or her specified personal account via Internet payment.

Internet payment - a payment made by the Payer to his or her specified personal account in payment for Communication Services via the Internet.

2. General description of the procedure for paying for communication services via Internet payment

2.1. The Operator provides the Payer with the opportunity, through the portal, to give instructions to the Bank (through the Acquiring Bank) to pay for the Operator’s communication services using the Payer’s bank card.

2.2. On the portal, the Payer must enter the number personal account or number mobile phone or subscriber number fixed network telephone communication, whose account needs to be replenished, the replenishment amount, your email address and click the “Continue” button, after which the Payer will be redirected to a secure WEB section located on the Acquiring Bank’s server

2.3. To make a payment, the Payer will need to provide his own plastic card details. The transfer of this information is carried out in compliance with all necessary measures security. Acquiring Bank protects data payment card, confirmed compliance with the PCI DSS 2.0 security standard. Card data is entered on a secure payment page, information is transferred to the Bank’s software and hardware complex using technology SSL encryption. The Bank does not transfer card data to the Operator and other third parties.

2.4. In the event of a protest against a payment via a Bank Card, regardless of the reason for the protest, the Payer undertakes to reimburse the Operator for all possible costs and losses associated with processing the protest, incl. the full amount of damage incurred (the amount of payment previously credited to the personal account using a Bank card), fines of international payment systems that process payments using Bank cards, costs for processing documentation, legal costs, etc.


3.1. The Operator reserves the right to establish restrictions on the possibility of using Internet payment for Payers to pay for the Operator's communication services using Bank cards, including, but not limited to: by the country of issuer of the Bank card, the class of the Bank card, the amount of credit at a time and for the period, And so on. The Operator reserves the right not to inform the Subscriber about the reasons for introducing restrictions.

3.2. Any Payers who are holders of Bank Cards VISA cards, VISA ELECTRON, MASTERCARD, CIRRUS/MAESTRO, issued by Russian Banks, have the right to make payment for Communication Services via Internet payment.

3.3. Transfer of funds via Internet payment is subject to the following restrictions:

3.3.1. An Internet payment cannot be made if the Subscriber has an enabled ban on cash payments.

3.3.2. To make a payment, the Subscriber must not be subject to one of the types of termination of the provision of Communication Services, except for the types of termination associated with the Subscriber’s non-payment of Communication Services.

3.3.3. You can transfer funds only for an integer value (for example, 157 rubles).

3.3.4. The minimum interval between orders for transferring funds from one bank card is 30 (thirty) minutes.

3.3.5. Limits on the amount of payment:
- Sum one-time transfer- no more than 15,000 rubles.

3.5. The operator reserves the right to change the conditions of restrictions for users (both towards tightening and towards easing).

3.6. Online payment can only be made using a card issued by Banks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.7. The Payer is solely responsible for the correctness of the number of his Bank card, the expiration date of his Bank card, and the amount of funds to be transferred. Since the Operator, in fact, does not transfer funds and does not provide any banking services, all responsibility for the correctness of the transfer is borne exclusively by the Bank (including the Acquiring Bank) and the Payer and all claims for the return of funds transferred within Internet payments are permitted directly between the Bank (including the Acquiring Bank) and the Payer.

3.8. Upon termination of the contract for the provision of communication services concluded with the Subscriber, funds credited to the Subscriber's personal account from Bank cards are credited only back to the accounts of the corresponding Bank cards. The operator reserves the right to issue them in cash. If at the time of termination of the agreement for the provision of Communication Services the corresponding Bank Card is closed (cancelled) or its validity period has expired, if it is technically not possible to make a refund to the Bank Card account, then the refund is made in cash upon presentation of the card or an application certified by the Bank to close (cancel) the card along with the identification card at the Operator’s office.


4.1. When transferring funds for Communication Services via Internet payment, no fee is charged for making such a payment.

5.Other conditions

5.1. The transfer of the Payer's order to the Bank and the content of the order transmitted by the Payer are carried out using encrypted communication channels (Internet, etc.). The Operator guarantees the confidentiality of information and data about the Payer.

5.2. The possibility of using Internet payment using Bank cards may be suspended by the Operator for of this Subscriber without explanation for an unlimited period.

5.3. The Operator is not liable to the Payer for delays and interruptions in work technical platforms and transport networks or communication networks, the occurrence of which is not the fault of the Operator.

5.4. The Payer is responsible for any actions of third parties committed on behalf of the Payer through the use of the Payer's Bank card when making an Internet payment.

Hello, dear readers. Ruslan Miftakhov is in touch with you.

Since I myself have been a client of the Tattelecom provider since 2009, I will show with my example how I pay for its services online and without commission every month.

Letai Tattelecom is the largest Internet provider in Tatarstan. Need I say that he is dearly loved by the residents of the republic, thanks to which he confidently remains among the leaders of the telecommunications services market not only in Tatarstan, but throughout Russia as a whole?

But before using the Internet, you need to top up your personal account, which sometimes causes problems, especially for new Tattelecom clients. Today you will learn how to pay Tattelecom by bank card online.

To cover internet bills and home phone from Letay you will need:

  1. Account number, which can be found in the agreement concluded with the provider. You can also find your personal account in the receipt that arrives once a month for payment of services.
  2. Plastic card (any one that works in the MasterCard, Maestro, VISA International or MIR systems will do). I use Sberbank for payment
  3. Cell phone (you will need to confirm the transaction).

Payment is made via Tattelecom portal using payment systems without commission, registration is also not required. On the provider’s website, click the “Payment for services by card” button. IN open section select replenishment without commission and click on the payment button.

On the page that appears, you will need to enter the account number and the amount to be paid, indicating a valid e-mail (the company will send a check to it). Confirm your agreement with the terms of service and proceed further.

On the next page, the system will ask you to double-check the entered data.

If everything is correct, go to the next page, where you need to enter information about the card from which the charge will be made.

All fields on this page must be filled in - number, security code With reverse side(), owner's name, and expiration date.

Don’t worry about the safety of your data; transmission takes place via specialized encrypted channels for sending private information. financial information, confirmed by MasterCard WW and VISA Int systems.

Depending on the bank's requirements, additional transaction confirmation may be required - 3D Secure authentication.

Money, as a rule, is credited to your Letai account instantly, in addition, you will receive a receipt for email, indicated earlier.

Auto payment

Once it happened to me that, due to forgetfulness, I did not pay on time and my Internet was turned off. If you don't want to spend every month this procedure, then you can set up automatic payment in personal account Fly.

How to set this up? To do this, you must first register with Tattelecom personal account, if you are not registered yet of course.

Then log in and create an auto payment as shown in the picture below.

  1. Enter your email address,
  2. Personal account.
  3. The date of the month when the auto payment will be made.
  4. The amount in rubles of payment according to the schedule.

Check the box next to I agree to the terms and conditions and click add. All that remains is to enter the details of the bank card from which the funds will be debited.

Now, in my case, on the 10th of each month, 791 rubles will be automatically debited for the complex tariff plan All inclusive 3in1+ which includes internet, home phone and television.

Internet banking

There is another way to pay for the Internet from Tattelecom using plastic. This is a transfer of funds using Internet banking applications, but in in this case some banks retain a certain amount as a commission. The following online banks allow you to pay for the Internet without commission:

  • Sberbank Online;
  • PJSC "AK BARS" Bank;
  • Service "VsePlatezhi".

Alternative methods

Other ways to top up your balance with the Letai operator - SMS top-up and special cards replenishment.

In the first case, you will need to send an SMS with the text “tattel account number/phone amount” to 3116 for Beeline, MTC and Tele2, or to 848 if you use SMARTS. The cost of the SMS sent and the presence of a commission is dictated by the operator and tariff plan.

In the second case, you need to purchase a card from the provider in the amount of 50 to 1000 units. Instructions for use are located on back side, as well as a unique secret code.

Best regards, Ruslan Miftakhov

One of the largest operators in the country that provides cellular services, mobile communications, Internet and television, almost 1,900,000 users throughout the Russian Federation. How to pay using a bank card for Tattelecom services online without commission?

At the office website

  1. We go to the official website of the supplier -
  2. A little lower in right column You can see the “Payment for services by card” button - click on it.
  3. Next, select the type of funds transfer “By personal account number”.
  4. The number is indicated in the payment receipt, which is sent to the subscriber by mail every month.
  5. Enter the payment amount and email, a receipt for payment will be sent to it.
  6. Click on the checkbox “I agree to the Terms of Service” and “Continue”.
  7. Next, enter the full plastic details: card number, expiration date, CVC2 or CVV2 code and owner’s name. Everything is written on the banking product itself.
  8. Next, you should receive an SMS on your phone with special code checks. To confirm payment to the company account, you need to enter it in the field, and the money will be credited to your balance.

NOTE! Only plastic products of payment systems are accepted for transactions: MasterCard, Visa, Maestro and MIR. Non-name cards and products without 3D-Secure technology will not be accepted.

Sberbank Online

How to top up your account balance without commissions in Sberbank? There are several ways to do this. You can go and pay for the service at an ATM or bank branch cash desk. You should take the transfer details with you: account number, phone number, etc. The fastest way to do this is via the Internet:

  1. Log in to your personal online banking account on the website –
  2. Next in search bar Enter the name of the company or the word “Fly”.
  3. From the list, select the service we need and click on it.
  4. Select the card from which money will be transferred, if there are several of them.
  5. Enter the transfer details.
  6. Click “Continue”.
  7. Check all the data and confirm the transfer with the code from the SMS.

Payment occurs without commission. It is also possible to transfer funds from credit cards and pay for the services that way.


When transferring funds using electronic wallets or services: QIWI, Yandex. Money, WebMoney and others - small interest will be charged. Before paying on third-party sites, be careful and read the transaction rules, as well as the amount of the commission, before sending.