Description of maps in world of tanks. What maps exist in World of Tanks? The map divides the playing areas into squares and various additional parameters

Fans of the game World of Tanks often talk about the advantages of a particular technique, comparing its advantages and disadvantages. However, such gurus often forget about an integral part of the game, without which the gameplay and other features of the game mechanics are simply impossible.

These are locations where hot tank battles take place. Many veterans remember with nostalgia the cards removed by the developers from the game, while newcomers are not even aware of their existence.

Therefore, we invite you to take a short excursion into the world of nostalgia and again remember some game cards. There are only 12 such locations, let's visit their vastness again.

The location appeared in the game client April 18, 2013, with exit patch 8.5. Initially, travel through the central part of the map was closed: there is a monumental hill. Therefore, the battles took place on the outskirts, where players of both teams rushed, trying to occupy strategically important positions.

In subsequent updates, through corridors appeared in the structure of the central hill, so the useless embankment turned into a key point of the location. In addition to the hill, a river flows in the center of the map and there is a small village, but here only light tanks dominated: those thrust into the center were instantly dismantled, shot from the side hills.

The location was characterized by multi-level terrain, which made life much more difficult for artillery operators.

The map was archived in September 2015, with the release of update 9.10. The location was frankly unbalanced, so many people welcomed its removal.

This is one of the oldest gaming locations, nicknamed “Nightmare” by tankers. The name came from unbalanced respawns and frankly sluggish gameplay. Card entered in October 2010 when the patch came out 0. 5. 5. 1 (just think about this figure!).

So, the location represents an average village located in a swampy area. The release of the map was remembered by many: the collision of a tank with a dog kennel was accompanied by the hysterical barking of an angry animal, the bases were located on one side, the respawns on the other. Therefore, some tankers proudly stood up to capture their own base, indignant that the timer was not ticking.
Update 6.4 from May 2011 brought some revival to the map. The central island has acquired houses, and the amount of green space has decreased. Patch 7.4 excludes the map from random battles, leaving it available only for training.

A year later, in the fall of 2013 (update 8.8), Komarin returned to the random slightly modified. Subsequent edits were made in patches 9.2 and 9.4. The final point was reached on May 26, 2015, when, along with the release of patch 9.8, the developers decided to permanently remove the map from the client. The changes introduced could not affect the gameplay, although many World of Tanks fans liked Komarin.

Historical map dedicated to the Allied landings in Normandy.
In fact, the map turned out to be very colorful, but completely unplayable. The imbalance was that the team occupying the top respawn received a clear advantage.

Location appeared April 22, 2015 when it came out update 9.7. The location did not last 12 months and was removed from the game client. Interestingly, WG conducted a survey among players in an attempt to identify the worst gaming zone. Overlord won by a large margin.

This map depicts an industrial area dotted with strings of railway tracks.
The Port location has appeared in the game summer 2012. At this time the global update 7.5, when players were first introduced to Tier 10 medium tanks. The map was a jumble of buildings, pipes, hangars and railway lines.

The latter were presented in incredible quantities, so one could get lost among the standing carriages. It is curious that the map contained emblems of WORLD of WARPLANES, which was preparing for release.

This area appeared in the game spring 2012: update 7.2. This is a miniature location, 600*600 in size. As a result, high-level equipment exposed the enemy immediately after the “Fight” command, and an orgy without tactics or strategy began.
The map is designed in the form of two opposite slopes, where team respawns are located, with an open space in the center. The location cannot boast of shelters, so it was transferred to a “sandbox” so that equipment up to level 3 inclusive could frolic.

This happened three months after the map was released. On September 1, 2015, update 9.10 was released and the map left the game client forever. It should be noted that many remember with sadness and affection the dynamic battles on the “Province” map.

Not a very successful clone of the Ruinberg map. Why on fire? The developers added a little disturbing smoke and introduced a rain effect that appeared only at maximum graphics resolutions.
This misunderstanding ended up in the game along with the “Winter Himmelsdorf” location and lasted until updates 9.5. By the way, snow-covered Khimki still pleases the eyes of players, and the smoking “Ruins” have gone into the archives. Many people do not understand such movements of developers who add modified types of maps, clogging the game client.

A beautiful autumn map simulating the mountainous regions of Central America.
The location appeared in October 2013: release updates 8.9. Colorful landscapes, intriguing atmosphere and outright imbalance for lower spawn players.

The problem was fixed in subsequent updates when new attack vectors were introduced. The location was removed in update 9.7, which was released in April 2015. The developers motivated their decision by the corridor nature of the map, which could not be fixed. In vain, the location was really good.

Provincial snow-covered town of Soviet times.
The location appeared in patch 8.7, release date – summer 2013. It is curious that a real STURMTIGER was hidden in one of the hangars, visible through a crack. Unfortunately, this was the only point of interest on the map.

Limited space, chaotic pile of mountains. In subsequent patches, the developers tried to solve this problem, but to no avail. In the winter of 2014, the map left the game client.

A tribute to the players of the Asian region, but done in a hurry.
The map appeared with update 8.10 what happened December 20, 2013. Blooming cherry trees and rounded roofs of houses evoked a Japanese mood, however, the beauty did not solve the problem with the dull gameplay.

There were only three attack vectors available to the players, two of which were downright despondent. Attempts to make corrections were unsuccessful, so the map left the game with the release of update 9.10.

Historical map depicting a real quarter of military Stalingrad.
The location appeared in November 2014, patch 9.4. There were destroyed houses and dug trenches, impeding the speed of movement of equipment. The card evoked two feelings: some rejoiced, others cried.

Unfortunately, the developers listened to the latter, and the map was removed from the game in 2015. It was stated that after the fix, Stalingrad would return to the game.

A map based on Chinese motifs that will drive players into hysterics.
Location appeared spring 2012 and caused outright bewilderment in the gaming community. 10% of the playability of the total map area looked like a complete mockery of the tankers who ended up here.

Considering the constant changes in the landscape, the owners of slow strands could not leave the rep at all, but go and make themselves some tea. Only a person with a phenomenal memory could remember the passages in this pile, so moving along the Dragon Ridge was reminiscent of Susanin’s trek into the unknown.

The card was sent for recycling four times (!), but they could not resolve the situation. Finally, the developers accepted defeat, and in update 9.6 disappeared, bringing tears of joy to the vast majority of players.

The location is dedicated to the battle for the Crimean Peninsula, and therefore represents a resort coast.
Appeared in patch 7.5. In principle, it is a completely playable location with several directions for attack. For unknown reasons, the map was removed from the game in 2015, after an attempt was made to improve it.

Here are the cards flashing by, which brought the players many joyful and sad moments. Regardless of playability and gameplay, these locations are worthy of being remembered.

World of Tanks map - principles of compilation and purpose + features of battle tactics on maps + TOP 3 best summer/winter/desert maps.

World of Tanks is a client-based multiplayer online game that has captivated the minds of people, young and old. Anyone who is even slightly interested in the gaming industry is aware of this large-scale project from Wargaming, which in just a couple of years was able to gain widespread popularity and gain millions of fans throughout the countries of the former CIS.

Today we will look at the question of what a World of Tanks map is and what is its purpose in the game.

Why do you need a World of Tanks map?

A map in World of Tanks is a game location with an average size of 1 square kilometer, which has various terrain features and object content. The purpose of the cards is to conduct combat operations in the world of World of Tanks.

Scaling to 1 square. km was not chosen by chance - the battle system in the game is built on conducting battles between teams (in most cases). Ensuring sufficient maneuverability of the vehicles and at the same time not allowing them to disperse over a large area is the main task pursued by the developers.

The principle of scaling maps in WOT– the size of the location directly depends on the number of objects placed on it. The fewer there are, the larger the scale – up to 25 square kilometers.

Principles of mapping in World of Tanks:


    The developers try to take real locations as a basis when creating. However, to maintain a balance between realism and practicality, some objects are added on purpose.

    More than 50% of the maps were compiled according to the historical contours of the terrain of past military operations.

    Practicality of objects.

    All elements added to the map carry a certain tactical value - some are easy to hide from the enemy’s eyes, while others make it very convenient to conduct targeted fire at the enemy’s base.

    In the future, the developers plan to maximize the destructibility of objects in World of Tanks, which will give both its pros and cons in combat tactics.


    Elaboration of the smallest details and changing the time of day by reducing/increasing the brightness of the lighting in the game have become an integral part of the game since its very birth.

    Subsequently, the ability to select maps in World of Tanks based on the seasons was added, which gives tankers even more opportunities to develop new and interesting tactics during battle.

Maps in World of Tanks do not have a fixed number of units. The project is constantly being improved and new ones are added almost monthly. The least popular ones are cleared and replaced by fresh ones, which are tested by WOT players and also filtered after a certain time.

Best World of Tanks maps: 9 popular options

The rating was compiled based on an analysis of information from thematic forums, but the subjective view of our editors also contributed, so do not judge strictly. We will provide you not only with a brief description of the maps, but also tell you about the tactics that will suit each location best.

No. 1. World of Tanks - desert maps.

Large spaces and maneuverability for the purpose of dodging enemy targeted attacks - you cannot relax for a minute in the desert, since there are practically no elements here that help hide your presence. The maps are characterized by minimalism, but the subtle elaboration of individual details is surprising, which allows you to completely immerse yourself in the desert world of World of Tanks

a) World of Tanks map – airfield.

The map was added in patch 0.7.4. The location consists of a large open area with an airfield at the top and a hill below. Card size – 1 square. km. Despite the desolation of the territory, on the map you can easily find objects behind which setting up an ambush or conducting targeted fire will be a piece of cake.

Features of tactics on the map:

  • Artillery can completely sweep the entire perimeter of a location.
  • Equality of teams - both the first and second parties have equal initial conditions. The success of the players’ attacking actions depends only on battle tactics.
  • Place heavy equipment on a hill for a good shot.
  • World of Tanks medium tanks should not be allowed on the beach.
  • WOT artillery should be placed in the first line of attack. Thanks to the peculiarities of the terrain, hitting the enemy will be as easy as shelling pears.
  • With World of Tanks light tanks you can shine on enemy vehicles everywhere except the beach.

Carry out attacking actions in priority through the center, or defeat enemies near the water. Lighting up enemy artillery is a key step in battle, giving the side an advantage of more than 30%.

b) World of Tanks map – sandy river.

One of the most beautiful World of Tanks maps. In addition to high-quality visual presentation, it has good tactical potential - players can work out more than one successful strategy, and this is already a good indicator for any location in the game. Coverage area - 1 sq. km, and the battle level is from 4 to 11 inclusive.

Features of tactics on the map:

  • The main battles take place between heavy and medium tanks in World of Tanks in the plateau and city zones.
  • The plateau is a key tactical zone on the map.
  • It is most comfortable to play on the map with light vehicles and ST. Thanks to the large number of dunes, it is very easy to hide your presence, especially for maneuverable vehicles.
  • Medium tanks are located on the flanks at the foot of the mountain and in the southwestern desert.
  • Place the self-propelled guns near the base.
  • It is also better to keep artillery at the base in low positions, which are easy to change if a critical situation arises.

There are a lot of options for deploying combat operations here, fortunately, the map’s relief allows the tanker’s imagination to run wild. By adhering to the key principles of combat tactics described above on this map, it will be very easy to win.

c) World of Tanks map – El Halluf.

Another desert map with symmetrical hills and a dry river bed in the center. The standard location area is 1 square kilometer.

AT and ST vehicles can show themselves best here, although many players claim that heavy tanks can also make good separation. The key unit of armored vehicles is artillery, since gunfire is available almost along the entire perimeter, and problem areas can be easily covered with only 2-3 middle units.


  • the placement of light equipment is a priority in the lower part of the valley to lure out larger enemies and expose other opponents;
  • you need to launch breakthrough attacks to the base through the water;
  • heavy tanks should be placed on the top of the hill or on the flanks;
  • Conceal self-propelled guns in intermountain openings near the base, and part of the forces can also be sent to help medium and heavy tanks;
  • Don’t let the artillery go far from the base - hide the equipment behind the hill.

There are 2 key points on the map - the beach area and the hill. For wall-to-wall battles, the ST is deployed accompanied by heavier relatives, such as the E-75 and IS-3. It is pointless to let light tanks fly to the enemy base - the equipment will be shot down halfway to the target.

The map is ideal for fans of protracted battles and subtle calculations of game situations.

No. 2. World of Tanks – summer maps.

A distinctive feature of the maps is the abundance of greenery and places where both small and heavy equipment can hide. When playing in such locations, the tanker does not know where a “slap in the face” might come from, and with well-constructed tactics, he will not know this until the death of his tank.

Now we will look at the 3 most relevant summer maps in the world of World of Tanks, which are a pleasure to play on.

a) World of Tanks map - Westfield.

The location has a riot of colors and is filled with many different elements - mountain ranges, trees, viaducts and so on.

Mountainous hills are ideal for ambushes, but given the large open areas between the ridges, World of Tanks players will have to deploy armored vehicles as quickly as possible, so as not to stumble upon enemy fireflies who know about the weak points of the area.

Features of location tactics:

  • Light tanks will be the tank driver's main weapon here– 2-3 armored vehicles can easily detect the enemy team’s artillery, and the sooner you take on this task, the higher the chance of success.
  • Medium tanks should be placed on hills and forest edges, there they will be able to most accurately fire at open positions, and if something happens, they will quickly hide in the thick of the forest.
  • Heavy trucks are the hardest thing to play here.– you either go to the city for an assault, or over the mountain to support the allied forces, but with such movements there is an inevitable risk of falling under the gun of a tank destroyer due to the large number of open areas on the map.
  • Immediately hide anti-tank self-propelled guns in the bushes or in the thick of the forest near the base, otherwise they will become easy prey for enemy artillery.
  • Conventional self-propelled guns feel most favorable here. Place the equipment on a plateau or in a valley (note that in the valley, correction for the firing angle will be necessary). But when taking a position, do not forget about light tanks, whose main goal will be to expose your gun in the first minutes of the game.

You need to break through on the map along a line - vertical 0. Due to the gentle slope, heavy trucks and medium tanks will feel best in this battle tactic. The work of defense at a location is key - protecting the flanks, illuminating anti-tank missiles while heavy equipment is moving, and destroying enemy artillery as quickly as possible.

Before sending light tanks, make sure that the center of the map is clear, otherwise enemy volleys of medium and heavy guns will demolish you in a matter of minutes.

b) World of Tanks map - Live Oaks.

The design of the map is made in the best American traditions - plantations, commercial farms, a lot of banner advertising on the roads and other thematic objects. The color of the location is given by the oak trees, which give the map its name. The central part is a swampy lake, and on the flanks there is a railway and a small town, with both intact and half-broken buildings.

Its location features:

  • World of Tanks light vehicles can successfully break through to the enemy base, using the outskirts of the lake and other features of the lowland. If you have high turning and overall mobility, even flare won't be a big problem for you.
  • Medium tanks from the world of World of Tanks are sent from the first seconds of the confrontation to railway bridges- it is here at the beginning of the battle that the likelihood of a skirmish with the enemy is most likely. A player who takes a position under the bridges will receive a large temporary advantage in this area of ​​the map.
  • Send heavy equipment directly to the city, where there are many objects for shelter.

    Vehicles with powerful turrets can be sent in support of the ST to the railway, but they should be kept at a distance - in places where it will be easiest to cover a vulnerable armored vehicle turret.

    Tank destroyers are located in the hills, railway bridge or city.

    In the second option, do not throw the equipment forward - hide your presence behind the trains and conduct targeted fire from there.

  • Self-propelled guns can become a very effective weapon, but to do this, take care of adequate protection of these pieces of equipment. A particular advantage will be felt in urban areas and the station area of ​​the map.

This location of the World of Tanks world will combine several key points, which will require the player to rationally distribute forces and prioritize the order of capturing territory. Buildings and vegetation will hide tank destroyers, and the lake with its swampy outskirts is perfect for maneuvering light vehicles.

c) World of Tanks map – Redshire.

One of the foreign locations in World of Tanks. It represents a typical UK countryside.

In the central part of the map there is a shallow river, which is easily passable for any vehicle. Its main purpose is a reference point for the forces of the union. The hills smoothly flow into the field terrain, which increases the coverage of the zone when occupying successful firing points.

Features of tactics:

  • Large size of location due to terrain features, allows World of Tanks light tanks to dominate almost the entire perimeter. The folding of the terrain makes it possible to illuminate enemy equipment and hide unnoticed from his eyes.
  • For medium tanks there are 2 options for advancing - along the river bed or through the flanks.

    In both the first and second directions, neither side has obvious advantages - everything will depend on the combat abilities of the players. CTs with accurate guns can play the role of snipers.

  • World of Tanks heavy equipment is used on this map only as defense– place tanks on the flanks, since this is where most of the military clashes between the opposing sides take place.
  • Tank destroyers are placed on high ground and conduct targeted fire at enemy vehicles.

    The map is replete with many high-quality shelters that will make the tanker’s job easier in preserving his unit of military equipment.

  • Self-propelled guns are placed at the discretion of the player himself, since the majority of the location is open, you can fire artillery salvos from almost anywhere.

Mixed map with priority to defensive actions. The northern base team uses abundant vegetation and a large number of boulders to hide their presence, while the southern side makes more sense using two hills for protection.

From a tactical point of view, the south of the map is a more losing position than the north.

No. 3. Winter maps of World of Tanks.

Lots of snow and a hardcore atmosphere of combat during the harsh winters of World War II - World of Tanks players will love these maps for their richness and colorful winter landscapes.

These cards were introduced only recently, but in popularity they are in no way inferior to their analogues. We decided to select the top three and include them in our list of top locations in WOT.

a) Map of World of Tanks – Winterberg.

The map is an analogue of Ruinberg, but in a winter version. The west of the town is used for protracted battles, and the unique shape of the alleys allows heavy WOT tanks to gradually break down the enemy’s defenses, pushing through them through firepower and targeted penetration of weak points.

The eastern part of the area has more open terrain. Skirmishes here are not as protracted, and the best vehicles to use are STs with high maneuverability.

Tactics on the map:

  • Light tanks are best used at the very beginning of the battle: Occupying the causeway path in the center of the map is their key objective. Possessing high visibility capabilities, skilled tankers can shine light on enemy equipment and instantly disappear from their sight, thanks to the peculiarities of the terrain.
  • CT World of Tanks on this map cannot boast of a key role.

    The lot of the middle peasants is head-on collisions with opponents in their own category. You can also surprise the enemy with non-standard tactics - a wedge attack across an area or a flank capture of an avenue.

  • Heavy equipment is involved in urban skirmishes, where the key points are the square and the main street.
  • Tank destroyers are used as the main line of defense for the base and greenery.

    The second option is a priority, since the probability of penetration there is much higher.

    If your line of TTs cannot cope with the task, you can throw a couple of PTs to help them, but take into account their “fragility” against heavyweights - it is almost impossible for them to withstand a 1 on 1 exchange of volleys.

    Self-propelled guns must decide for themselves what is more important to them - safety or damage in the battle log.

    Occupying the best points for shelling should be done with extreme caution; the risk of being hit by a TT or ST is very high. Those who want to take the enemy by surprise attack with direct fire or wander into the city.

A large number of defense objects push players in World of Tanks to act defensively. They are partly right, but the tactic of catching the enemy by surprise also has a right to exist. The surprise factor can play a key role in the outcome of the entire battle, allowing you to win in just a few throws.

b) World of Tanks map - Arctic.

Snow and rocks are the main feature of this World of Tanks map. Many workarounds allow you to perform the most unexpected maneuvers, and given the features of the terrain, the effect of surprise is a key feature of the Polar Region map.

Features of tactics on the map:

    It is most difficult for World of Tanks light tanks to remain unharmed until the end of the battle.

    Narrow mountain roads leave no chance of survival in one-on-one skirmishes with a larger enemy.

    Light vehicles are often used as sacrifices for the benefit of the entire team, giving them to the enemy to gain time in order to distribute artillery across the map.

    Medium tanks from the WOT world are used on the map as snipers - aimed shooting is best done from balconies.

    Medium tanks with high maneuverability can be used in conjunction with TTs to break through key points of the enemy’s defense and reach their rear.

    World of Tanks heavy tanks engage in head-on collisions at the foot of the mountain or on its slopes.

    Alternatively, you can use TTs for roundabout breakthrough tactics, but take into account the sniper positions of medium tanks, which can pretty much batter even vehicles with thick armor.

    Tank destroyers on this map occupy a fire support position only.

    By targeting from balconies or the 2nd line, you can get the most out of them.

    For WOT self-propelled guns on this map, a lot depends on the enemy and his control over the artillery.

    The initial position of self-propelled artillery installations is the team’s base for shooting from enemy pile-ups.

    Using targeted shooting from balconies or occupying points on road sections is possible, but the risk of being hit by ST and TT is much higher.

A minimum of opportunities for maneuverability forces you to fight from cover to cover; for light tanks, this tactic gives a chance for survival and allows you to at least partially compensate for your helplessness in exposure. Skirmishes on narrow roads and targeted shooting from the second line are key options for combat operations.

All of the above makes it clear that the map in World of Tanks “Polar Region” is acceptable for purely defensive tactics and hidden attacks.

Review of great places on maps for the tank game World of Tanks.

How to tank an IS-7 on a sandy river?
Gorgeous World of Tanks positions.

c) World of Tanks map - Sacred Valley.

WOT map with a nod to Asia - here you can see a typical Korean style settlement. The central part of the map is a mountain with a monastery, which is purely decorative in nature, since it is not possible to drive onto it. Many small mountain peaks with snow-capped tops provide good cover for both heavy and light tanks in the game.

Features on the map:

    The lungs on this card can operate using both active and passive light tactics.

    Location – balcony and near the temple grounds for good visibility of hidden threats in the vegetation, or behind small elevated objects.

    For medium tanks, the key gameplay on the map is capturing the temple and holding it.

    Having lost this firing point, it is best to retreat and take a defensive position at the base. You can use the mountain as a starting point for your attacks - this tactic will allow you to increase the damage figures on your opponent even in a defensive position.

    Heavy tanks are fighting for the central sectors and “pants”.

    The main danger for the TT is detours from the rear through the mountain embankment. Fighting with heavy equipment in the temple is the least effective - it will be very difficult to avoid exposure, which means you will become a key target for tank destroyers.

    Tank destroyers play a support role.

    When the temple is captured, a huge area of ​​fire for enemy vehicles becomes available, which can play a key role in defeating an opponent.

    Installations with high armor parameters can be used for attacks from the second line and become an indispensable support for TTs.

    Self-propelled guns will be most useful in ambushes on the approaches to bases, especially for the northern one.

    Many ravines reduce the effectiveness of artillery, but if you take an advantageous position, you can take out a considerable number of opponents.

The map has 3 key points - the temple, the mountain and the lowland. The greatest advantage is provided by control of the temple, followed by a hill with a lowland. There is practically no place to hide on the mountain, which means that the main hope will be on TTs and medium tanks. Access to the location is provided by 3 entrances, one of which comes from the center of the map.

There are practically no battles in the lowlands due to the high probability of exposure from light tanks. The terrain is used for quick breakthroughs to the base and illumination of enemy artillery. We have already mentioned the temple - gain control over this sector and you will be guaranteed an advantage in battle.

WOT often introduces thematic maps in conjunction with tournaments for them - follow the updates on the main page of the game, being one of the first to register in key “championships”.

A large number of game locations and their constant updating is one of the features of World of Tanks. Cards are added at least once every 1-2 months, and even more often during special events.

The growth of players contributes to the rapid development of the project as a whole.

Battles in World of Tanks take place on many maps. Today there are more than 40 of them, including those removed from the game. All locations are fictitious, but they are based on real landscapes and areas.

Players have at their disposal maps for every taste: summer, winter, desert, open, city and corridor. Most of them have an area of ​​one kilometer per kilometer. In the future, the developers promise to introduce larger maps, but the timing, as usual, is vague. The game locations are very rich: elevation changes, open areas, copses and villages - there are plenty of places for shelter. All this allows players to realize their tactical genius or, at worst, cause a lot of damage from a familiar position. has compiled a list of five maps that are the most balanced and interesting for players.

Fifth place: good old Karelia

"Karelia" is one of the oldest maps, available since time immemorial. It has been revised several times, but the basic principles have remained unchanged. It can be conditionally divided into 3 sectors: “pants”, center and plateau. All the main and hottest battles take place in the “pants” (the lower flank of the map). Both teams arrive there at about the same time.

There is something for all classes of technology in the “pants”. LT and ST are fighting on the upper level of the hill. The team that wins the “pants” makes a strong bid to win the match. From the top level there is a wonderful shot across the opposite flank; players there have to expose the weak sides to fire. Fast light tanks can move to the center and break through to the enemy base for the scalps of the treasured artillery. CTs help allied forces by creating pressure on the flank or bypassing from the rear. The upper level of the “pants” is completely shot through by the Art SPG. TTs and tank destroyers are trying to push through the flank and help the allied CTs and LTs.

The central part of the map is little used in the Random Battle mode. However, due to recent changes, the plateau has received a second life. Now it is possible to carry out active offensive operations there with large forces. Therefore, defending the plateau on both sides is an important part of the battle. This map is available in Assault mode. The defenders' support base is transferred to the plateau and dislodging them from there becomes a non-trivial task.

Fourth place: Armored personnel carrier and fervor on the “Steppes”

Another open card with which not everything is as bad as it seems. The bases on both sides have natural shelters made of stones and bushes - a good help for protection from artillery and big-eyed “fireflies”. Like the previous map, “The Steppes” has two active flanks and a central part of the map that can only be used at the end of the battle.

The upper flank or “rocks” is the direction chosen by TTs and assault tanks with good frontal armor. There is an exchange of pleasantries at close range. It usually drags on because of the players' natural indecisiveness. It all ends with medium tanks of one of the teams arriving from the opposite flank and finishing off the remnants of the opponent.

The lower flank is considered to be the domain of fast tanks - LT and ST. The battles there are fun and furious. since the entire flank is completely open to artillery fire. Usually fleeting skirmishes end in a major and unconditional defeat of one of the teams. After which an attack develops on the enemy base and on the opposite flank.

In the center of the map there is a road covered with hills - this is the shortest path between the two bases, but at the beginning of the battle, passing along it is tantamount to suicide. Proven by thousands of beginners on light tanks.

Third place: “Pagorki” or “Rudniki”

Another WoT oldie, formerly called "Pagorki". It is one of the players' favorite cards. The map has a special magic, since even the most ideological “under-bush crawlers” at the beginning of the battle here have the thought: “We must take the hill!” Yes, in the central part of the map there is a large mountain with mines, for which tens of thousands of battles take place every day. In most cases, the team that takes the center of the map wins.

On lines 1-2 there is a lighthouse, a bay and a place to disperse fast tanks. Recently, players from the top base, who do not want to go to the mountain, travel along 1-2 lines to the very edge of the map. It doesn’t work out for everyone and not always. The other flank, along the 7-9 line, is a favorite place for confrontation with TTs and assault tanks. The artillery there is not too much of a concern, and besides, there is a convenient town within the walls of which you can defend yourself or advance from house to house.

Second place: classic Himmelsdorf

Peer to "Rudnikov". According to many players (as we know from WG statistics, the largest percentage of players play Soviet heavy tanks, and TTs are generally the most popular class), Khimki is the best map in the game. Why is it not in first place in our small top chart?

In the labyrinth of streets and squares, inconvenient for self-propelled guns and fragile tanks, heavy tanks feel like fish in water. The legendary “banana” is a favorite place for tanks with strong foreheads. Light and medium tanks also have something to do on the flanks of the map. On lines 1-2 there is a station and a railway track. The terrain is open, suitable for quick breaks. True, they may encounter fire from self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. The alternative is a flank with a castle on the mountain. The fights that decide the outcome of the entire battle take place there. A large castle provides imaginary protection from artillery fire. Self-propelled guns are excellent at firing at the mountain from the opposite flank.

First place: the mysterious “Lost City”

The irony is that the best WoT map is only available in the game mode "Team Deathmatch" or in training rooms. So most players who only play in the Random Battles mode will never see it.

Symmetrical map with mixed terrain. The center of the map is occupied by a city that is completely mirrored, so now there can be no excuses for losing due to a bad side! There is operational space along the edges of the map, allowing you to enter from the flank and rear. Each class of technology can realize itself on this map.

When creating the map, eSports players were involved for testing. Changes were made to it taking into account their comments. A restrained color palette and soft daylighting promote comfortable gaming and accurate shooting. The Lost City is now included in the pool of available maps for professional competitions.

Unfortunately, the developers considered the symmetrical map not good enough for random battles. We hope that someday Wargaming will stop introducing maps in the spirit of Dragonspine or Pearl River, and will take the positive experience with the Lost City into service. Then many more interesting and balanced cards will appear in the game. WG please!

Nowadays, the game World of Tanks is played by a lot of Internet users, and therefore it is constantly developing and being updated with something new every day. Therefore, in order to see everything and everyone, the player must enlarge the map, so most players have a question about how to enlarge the map in World of Tanks, which is the eyes of this game.

Since it is absolutely impossible to play World of Tanks without a map, because it is a very important part of the game, helping to monitor how the battle is happening on the playing field, that is, it gives the player various information, and the player only has a review of 500 meters .

The map divides the playing areas into squares and various additional parameters

And most importantly, the following is reproduced on the map itself:

Types of landscape where the battle takes place (urban, desert, etc.)
where to go and where not to go,
positions of both allies and opponents,
the location where all enemy forces are concentrated.
location of certain types of equipment at a given moment.

Thus, with the help of this map, you can easily determine all the positions necessary for the player, and at any moment come to the aid of your allies.

Sometimes a given map is too small for the player, especially if he is playing on a large monitor, in which case it should be enlarged as much as possible

The game has several map sizes: from a few centimeters diagonally to half the screen. By default, the game has a fixed minimum map size, but players prefer to enlarge the map during the game. In order to do this, you just need to click on the “+” button, and to decrease “-”.

You can enlarge the map as the battle progresses, while the size remains the same; in addition, by simultaneously pressing the Capslock/Ctrl buttons, you can open the map in the center of the monitor screen, and with the M button you can always turn the map on or off in the interface.

The map can also be enlarged using a special file that can be downloaded from the Internet.

For example, one of the best is the Mini Map like Jove, which helps stretch the map to almost half the screen. There is no need to worry about quality as this card has HD resolution. Of course, you can download other minimaps, the main thing is that they have excellent resolution. You can also change the transparency of the mini-map, in this case you need to go to the settings, select the tab called - Game and use the slider to determine the desired value.

The main place of battles in World of Tanks are maps, each of which is remembered by players for a long time. All battle locations are fictitious - they differ in the type of landscape, buildings, design style, music and thematic inserts.

What kind of maps are there in World of Tanks?

While playing, tankers can visit all corners of the globe - from beautiful Paris to burning Kharkov, from the chilling Arctic to the Sandy River with high dunes.

The average size of the maps in the game is one kilometer per kilometer, but there are also locations where the size is smaller: in such locations the battle is often more dynamic, faster and more energetic.

Terrain on maps in WoT

To bring the battlefield to life, mapmakers used a variety of techniques:

  • Alternation of open areas with massive buildings.
  • Hiding not only from tank destroyers, but also from artillery fire.
  • The presence of hills, hillocks and depressions.

Playing off the terrain is especially important in WOT, so each of the heights is monitored by the developers and balanced if necessary.

There are a total of 29 cards in the game and they are divided into three types:

  1. Summer.
  2. Winter.
  3. Sandy.

In update 0.8.0, the developers changed the physical model of the game, reworking all the cards, using their own CORE engine. Now battles in the World of Tanks have become even more exciting. Try it too!