Select fast RAM. Correct installation of memory after selection and purchase

In order to home computer It worked really quickly and coped with its tasks perfectly, you should be as careful as possible when choosing its components. RAM plays a very important role in any computer, so the question is how to choose RAM? This is a very pressing issue for many people. Let's try to answer it in as much detail and as clearly as possible.

What is RAM?

Before choosing the right RAM for your computer, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what it actually is. RAM is a computer component on which the performance of the entire system largely depends.. This component is used to store temporary information that is necessary for proper operation certain programs or all of them.

To put it more simply and in clear language, then we can say it as follows. RAM is an intermediate link between the processor and the hard drive. As is known HDD keeps everything inside necessary information, the processor acts as the brain of the computer, that is, it is constantly processing certain data. But RAM acts as a kind of connecting link in this system, which works with temporary data that should get into the processor after all processing.

Probably, many may have a question, why use this connecting link at all? Why not immediately transfer the data to the processor? The fact is that thanks to this design, you can significantly increase the speed of your computer, since RAM usually works much faster than a hard drive.

What are the types of RAM (random access recording device).

Once upon a time, when they were not yet as fast as they are now, all RAM was divided into two types: SIMM and DIMM. Much has changed since then, and when it comes to types of RAM, you can forget about them, since they have not been produced anywhere for a long time and have not been used anywhere for a long time.

On this moment, exist different kinds random access memory. In 2001, RAM was invented DDR type, at one time it was a very good component for any computer, however, nowadays it is almost never found anywhere, so the information related to it is also not relevant. But it can be noted that the main difference between this memory and DDR2 and DDR3, which are now much more common, is the number of contacts on the board itself; in DDR there are very few of them, to be more precise, 184 pieces.

A much more progressive invention was DDR2, which was made in 2003 and which significantly influenced the speed of many computers. This type RAM already contained 240 contacts. Increasing the number of contacts had a very positive effect on the speed of data transfer to the processor, which also affected the overall performance of the entire system.

The most recent invention that has gone on mass sale in this direction is DDR3, which has the same 240 contacts; DDR2, however, has a number of advantages. One of the innovations that was used in this type of RAM is electrical incompatibility of contacts. This move made it possible to significantly increase the maximum frequency, which was 2400 MHz (for DDR2 1066 MHz), and also increase throughput and make the component more economical in terms of energy consumption.

As most tests show, DDR3 is about 15-20% faster than DDR2.

Amount of RAM.

The amount of RAM is one of the main parameters of this device. It should be noted that development in this direction is proceeding very quickly and rapidly. If in the last century the volume of a particular RAM was most often measured in either kilobytes or megabytes, now it is measured in gigabytes.

The number itself, indicating the amount of RAM, indicates how much temporary data can fit in the device. When choosing this option, do not forget that the operating room itself Windows system, consumes at least 1GB of RAM, therefore, for normal operation there should be more computers. Let's look at the most common options for our time:

  1. 2 GB – this amount of RAM may be suitable for budget computers. If you do not use anything other than the Internet and programs for viewing photos and movies, this amount of memory should be enough for you. This amount of memory may also be enough for older games that were released before about 2005.
  2. 4 GB - this amount of RAM is already enough for many modern games; if you are more demanding of computer power than in the previous case, then this is the choice for you.
  3. 8 GB is already very serious, with this amount of RAM, almost all modern games can be run on maximum settings quality.
  4. 16 GB is the dream of any gamer, with this amount of RAM, even the most demanding cutting-edge games will “fly” at the highest video quality settings and everything else.
  5. 32 GB - that much memory may not even be needed, at the current level of development computer technology, if you are not engaged, for example, in complex mathematical computational experiments that require enormous computing capabilities.

One very important thing to remember significant moment. If you have a 32-bit operating system, it will not be able to accept more than 3 GB of RAM. If you have more than 3 GB of RAM, then you must install a 64-bit operating system.

RAM frequency.

Very often, many people pay attention first of all to the amount of RAM. This is of course quite reasonable, since the volume is the most important parameter In such a device, however, the frequency of the RAM is no less important, because it determines the speed at which data will be exchanged with the processor. Therefore, it should be approached no less carefully.

For proper operation of the entire system, the RAM frequency should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard. If this rule is not followed, this can lead to various kinds of failures in the system, which is very undesirable.

Many modern processors operate at a frequency of 1600 MHz, so it is better to buy RAM with the same frequency, or a slight deviation from it, but preferably not higher.

There is also RAM with a frequency ranging from 2133 MHz and even higher; such components are quite expensive, much more expensive than regular RAM. In order for them to work properly, you need to buy special motherboards, which are also very expensive. big money, so they are not very popular yet. In addition, one motherboard If you can’t get by, you should also buy a processor that has an unlocked multiplier, and as you know, it also costs a lot.

In addition to all this, using RAM cards with a frequency of 2133 MHz and higher can lead to very high heating of the entire computer. Therefore, while it doesn’t make much sense to buy such equipment, perhaps after a while it will become popular, but for now it can only give +20-30% to productivity, which is not commensurate with the amount of money spent on it. Only the craziest gamers can decide to do something like this.

RAM timing

Typically, RAM timings are not particularly mentioned; this parameter is not as well known as memory size and frequency. However, it has very great importance and therefore, when choosing a RAM, you should definitely take a closer look at it.

What are RAM timings? Timing is the time delay of a signal, which is measured in clock cycles and can have a value from 2 to 13. This parameter primarily affects the bandwidth of the processor-memory channel; it also slightly affects the performance of the system, but this influence is not very significant and strong.

The lower the timing of the RAM, the faster it will work. Therefore, if you are building a computer for gaming, you should pay attention to this important parameter.

RAM voltage

Voltage, like other characteristics of RAM, also have an impact on the operation of the entire computer. The voltage parameter primarily tells you how much energy the component must receive in order to operate normally. This parameter also affects the heat emission of the device. In most cases, for DDR3 this parameter is 1.5 V. However, in Lately There are a considerable number of memory models that may have a higher parameter than 1.5 V. Of course, increased requirements for energy consumption also affect heat dissipation, so RAM chipsets with a voltage parameter of more than 1.5 V usually have additional heatsink fins . This approach reduces heat generation.

The BIOS has the ability to control the supply voltage, however, it is best not to perform such operations, as this can negatively affect the RAM, to the point that it may fail.

The main RAM manufacturers at the moment

Of course, it is impossible to choose a good RAM without paying attention to its manufacturers. At the moment, there are a considerable number of various manufacturers RAM, many of which quite often release newer and newer models of these computer components.

If you are looking for high-quality RAM modules that will work well and for a long time, then you can pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Corsair;
  • Transcend;
  • Kingston;
  • Samsung.

These companies have proven themselves very well in this market and have been producing a truly high-quality product for many years. What is also very important about these manufacturers is that they always indicate frequency parameters that fully correspond to reality, which many other companies do not always do, trying to embellish the reality and thereby attract large buyers. That is, if you purchased an operational samsung memory, and it indicates a capacity of 8 GB, it will be real 8 GB and nothing else, the same applies to RAM memory kingston and RAM from other manufacturers in the list above.

Therefore, if you are planning to buy RAM in the near future, it is best to choose one of these 5 manufacturers. For example, Kingston hyperx RAM can be very good choice if you want to use your computer for gaming. In addition, a very important point in this case may be the correct reading of the RAM markings, as this allows you to find out everything the most important characteristics RAM.

Suppose there is such a RAM chipset KHX 2000C9AD3T1K2/4GX, what can it tell us? Let's take a closer look:

  1. KHX is the model and manufacturer of this RAM.
  2. 2000 – operating frequency.
  3. 9 – timing parameter.
  4. D3 – type of module used.
  5. 4G – memory capacity.

As you can see, everything is not so complicated, so when buying a chipset it is very important to pay attention to the markings in order to make right choice.

There is one more important point, some people prefer to install more than one RAM chipset on their computer, thereby achieving greater system performance. This is a very common practice among many gamers. In the case when you plan to install two such chipsets, you need to take into account that they must be from the same manufacturer and from the same batch, and also have identical clock frequency, workload and timing parameters. Only when both components meet all these parameters will the RAM compatibility be perfect.

Do not think that other RAM manufacturers that are not represented in the list above are bad manufacturers. This is far from true, for example, hynix RAM can be a very good solution in many cases, just like amd RAM which very often has a very good parameters And favorable price. However, it often happens that Kingston RAM is a more reasonable and rational choice in many cases, both in terms of its operating efficiency and its cost.

Is there a difference between PC RAM and laptop RAM?

Everything that applies to RAM on a PC also applies to RAM for a laptop. The only difference that exists between PC RAM and laptop RAM is the size, usually laptop RAM is shorter than PC RAM.

How to choose the right RAM?

If you rely on everything described above, you can make the right choice of RAM. In addition, you should, of course, take into account your own needs; first of all, you must determine for yourself for what purpose you need a computer. If, for example, you are not going to use it to play the latest games at maximum quality settings, in this case you can even try to save on the amount of RAM.

However, it very often happens that a person initially did not want to use a computer for games, but then he was faced with such a need, and the RAM had already been purchased. In order to avoid such problems and not have to pay twice, it is still better to initially take a sufficient amount of RAM, moreover, recently the prices for it have decreased significantly. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the clock frequency of the RAM, which should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard, as well as some other parameters, such as timing. This is simply necessary if you want to achieve really fast and high-quality operation of this component, and also want the installation of RAM to be successful.

Of course, the manufacturer is also of great importance. Good and famous brand, such as hyperx RAM, this is always very good decision, since usually such a brand is associated with real quality, and you will be completely confident in the reliability of the RAM you purchased.

How to choose RAM for your PC? was last modified: April 29th, 2016 by MaximB

If you want to collect powerful computer, then you should consider purchasing many components. In this article we will talk about RAM for gaming computer. It is very important for storing the executing code and data that the processor processes. Without going into details, without good RAM you will not be able to play modern games. The following are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when purchasing.


Different purposes will require different volumes. Processing standard applications requires about 4 GB, RAM for a gaming computer is at least 8 GB. If you are involved in modeling, video editing, or work with graphics, 16 GB will come in handy.
To find out the volume your motherboard supports, check the manual. Standard units have four slots with the ability to install up to 32-64 GB. But do not forget that for RAM more than 3 GB, a 64-bit operating system is required.

There are currently two types: DIMM and So-DIMM. The first option has large dimensions, the second is more compact, but with a lower frequency. When choosing a motherboard, think about the importance of module size.


DDR4 RAM for a gaming computer is the most best option. Today, modifications of DDR3 are still being made, but for games it is better to fork out the cash and buy DDR4, because the new generation has an improved operating frequency and is a third more energy efficient than DDR3. And this has a significant impact on maximum speed when transmitting data. Gaming components are usually resource-intensive in terms of electricity, so opt for DDR4, because this RAM for a gaming computer will be the most optimal choice.
Each type of memory has a different connector, so pay attention to this.


New DDR4 products operate at frequencies from 2133 to 3200 MHz. Mobile systems So-DIMM types are overclocked only to 2133 MHz. The higher the frequency, the better the throughput.
Integrated graphics are a special case. Replacing low-frequency RAM with a higher-frequency one increases frames per second in games.

Number of modules

Modern processors are created with a two-channel memory controller, but four and eight-channel modules are also available. To activate the multi-channel mode and unlock the full potential of the system, you must adhere to a certain sequence when filling the slots. This can be determined by color coding, but you can’t see it everywhere. Please read the manual that came with your motherboard before doing this.
It is recommended to use memory modules from the same manufacturer and with the same characteristics of each of them, but nothing bad will happen if you install RAM sticks from different companies on your computer.


The timing is indicated as a set of numbers on the label, for example “15-17-17-35”. This means how many cycles the system needs to prepare to transmit data. This parameter is not as important as the clock frequency, so you should pay attention to it secondarily. But in short, the lower the latency, the better.

Manufacturers' choice

At the moment, the largest memory companies on the market are: Samsung, Micron, Toshiba, Hunyx. If the balance between quality and cost is important to you, trust companies with extensive production experience.

For me it's Kingston. For as long as I can remember, all the memory sticks for a gaming computer have been from this particular company.

Cooling system

It is advisable to equip the memory of a gaming computer passive system cooling. The design of radiators can be different: aluminum plates and even massive structures with a liquid-type cooling system with tubes of various diameters.
DDR4 has additional heatsinks even when running on minimum frequencies. But in this case, cooling is practically not needed, but for those who like to experiment with overclocking memory, reducing the temperature is worth thinking about.
Remember about free space, because if you install radiators, then a large cooler for central processor it simply won't fit.

About overclocking

All modern modules have a technological reserve, since they can accelerate several times above the specified frequency. DDR3 and DDR4 will have slight delays when overclocked.
There is another way of “pampering” - reducing the timings until the system loses stability.
Speeding up your RAM is less of a big deal and more of an extra gift. Experimenting with possibilities is pranks for those who like to try something new.

Register type of memory

This type is intended to correct some errors that occur in the system and are used to resolve server issues, but not for gaming computers.
Buffering data during operation contributes to latency, plus installation is required additional equipment, which affects the price. And standard motherboards are produced without suitable connectors for the register type.

That’s the whole article, we hope that it will help you choose the right memory for your gaming computer.

Video: How to choose memory for a gaming computer

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What is random access memory (RAM)? Before moving on to answering this question, it is important to note that this element of any computer and laptop significantly affects its power and performance. Therefore, you need to know how to choose RAM for your computer.

Modern society uses PCs in almost all areas of life, be it work, education or entertainment. That is why its high-quality modernization (improvement) is a very important point. Modern programs require more power and speed from the computer, which means that equipment with outdated components simply cannot fully fulfill its main purpose. RAM plays a big role in functionality, which is why many experts recommend upgrading it first.

What is RAM needed for?

Another name for OP is RAM. This abbreviation stands for “random access memory” (in English - RAM). It is intended for temporary storage of information.

For normal functioning software you just need to choose enough RAM. OP is, first of all, temporary (random access) memory. The user does not participate in its use. Files are saved by the system for some time in order to ensure the normal operation of a particular program.

What is the structure of the OP?

To bring more clear example, we can say that the OP is similar to a honeycomb. Each cell is equipped with a certain amount of capacity (1-5 bits) and a personal address. She is actually a capacitor, ready at any second to perform her “ job responsibilities”, namely, to record the electrical discharge. The data stored (temporarily) in this way is understandable to the computer.

OP types and form factors

Before deciding which RAM to choose for a computer or laptop, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and form factors. So, there are 3 types of OP:

  1. DIMM. Most commonly used in PCs.
  2. SO-DIMM. Most often this type of RAM can be found in laptops and monoblocks. Differs from the previous type more compact size.
  3. FB-DIMM. Equipped with increased buffering support and high quality performance. Should be selected as RAM for servers.

It is important to consider that the OP must be compatible with the motherboard. How to choose RAM for a computer: should you prefer ddr3 or ddr4? At the moment, there are 4 types of OP, classified by compatibility with the motherboard:

  1. DDR is outdated and almost out of production.
  2. DDR2 - like the previous version, is outdated.
  3. DDR3 is currently the most popular among consumers.
  4. DDR4 is new in the world computer equipment. For the latest models processor should choose this type.

What RAM do you have installed?

How can you find out this information if the computer was “delivered, brought in, installed” and you have never encountered its configuration before? One way is to install a program called AIDA64. It will provide information about the type of OP and the number of modules in it. By opening the program and clicking on the Motherboard tab, then SPD, you will find out all the necessary information. You can download the AIDA64 program here.

You can see information about the type and capacity of RAM right on the board. To do this, you will need to remove the RAM stick from the connector and examine the data on the sticker. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will be able to select a compatible and suitable OP for your PC or laptop in accordance with the one originally installed.

How to find out the appropriate RAM frequency for a PC?

When answering the question of how to choose the right RAM for a laptop or computer, you need to take into account the frequency of the motherboard and processor. Here are some important points:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase a frequency less than 1600 MHz, of course, unless you have a very old PC. They are designed for computers with low endurance and performance, and are obsolete.
  2. The most current option is 1600 MHz. This module frequency is relevant for many modern computers and laptops.
  3. 2133 – 2400 MHz. This is the most expensive module of all listed. It is worth noting that this level is relevant only for programmers and professionals in the field of video processing. For simple user the difference between 1600 MHz and 2400 MHz will not be noticeable.

Volume of OP: which one to choose?

To choose RAM based on this indicator, you must be guided by the purpose of the PC.

  1. 2 GB. This is the minimum amount of RAM. If you decide to choose a module with this amount of memory in order to save money, then keep in mind that a computer with 2 GB of RAM simply will not function normally. Of course, if you do not use your computer only to browse websites.
  2. 4 GB. It is better to choose this option for using the computer to watch movies, listen to audio recordings, and light games.
  3. 8 GB is the recommended option. Such RAM will cope perfectly with all programs and modern games.
  4. 16 GB is worth choosing for people who use a computer to make money. Freelancers involved in the development and creation of websites and their designs, programmers, video editors, YouTubers organizing streams - the cost of purchasing 16 GB of memory will be completely justified.
  5. 32 GB is more of a concern for the future, since at the moment there is no software that needs such an amount of RAM.

How to choose RAM depending on the OS

This is a very important point. Even if you are ready to choose the best RAM, you need to consider the features and capabilities of the system installed on your computer. For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 32-bit versions of the Windows system support a maximum RAM size of 3 GB. Even if you decide to choose RAM containing 4 GB, the system will only use three.
64-bit is optimal for all types of RAM. Windows system. But it is worth remembering that an outdated computer simply will not find suitable drivers for systems of this category. Therefore, before choosing RAM, make sure that you have a 64-bit system installed and that all applications are functioning correctly. It would also be a good idea to visit the website of the motherboard manufacturer and get acquainted with information about its capabilities and the maximum memory size it supports.

What is channeling?

Many users have never heard the term “channel” in all their time working with a PC. But experienced computer scientists, on the contrary, strive to make the work of their OP two-channel, three-channel, four-channel. What does this mean? Let's take dual-channel mode as an example. The principle of its operation is based on the use of 2 OP slots at once, combined into one memory bank.

When installing the 2nd channel, experts strongly recommend observing the following rules:

  • modules must contain the same frequency;
  • the volume of OP should also be equal;
  • 2 strips - one manufacturer.

The benefits of omnichannel

The main and main advantage is increased performance of the entire system. However, the main question remains about the need for such changes and the real visibility of improvements. It is worth noting that, as in the case of a 16 GB RAM volume, only representatives of specific professions (programmers, software designers) will notice changes towards improvement. computer graphics and so on.). For regular user, using full list habitual actions (including spending time playing “heavy” games), the performance of the 2nd slot will be almost imperceptible.

So, we have given a detailed answer to the question of how to choose RAM for a PC. So before you choose a particular OS, carefully study the capabilities of your computer and your own requirements for your PC.

Have a great day!

Memory DDR3 is gradually losing its position as the most widespread and is no longer recommended for assembling new systems. It’s another matter if the task is to modernize a slightly outdated computer, and within a limited budget. It’s clear that such conditions exclude maximally overclocked memory kits from the list of options, and they are not considered in our review.

It is noteworthy that within the platform Intel The race for megahertz doesn't make much sense either. The exception here is quite specific tasks that are not of interest to most users. On the other hand, the difference in price for memory kits of the same size but with different clock frequencies is vanishingly small (in the range from 2133 to 3000 MHz, of course). So why not choose a faster set of RAM for the future?

The situation is completely different with the newest platform AMD. Due to the nature of their internal architecture, the performance of Ryzen processors is directly dependent on operating frequency Infinity Fabric memory bus, and therefore its controller. In turn, the frequency of the latter is “tied” to the characteristics installed modules and can be increased by overclocking.

An extremely unpleasant nuance in choosing memory modules for Ryzen is that not every kit will work in such a system even at its nominal clock frequency. Here the problem lies in the architecture of the modules themselves. Briefly, the recommendations can be boiled down to two tips: focus on peer-to-peer memory sticks and the latest BIOS revision for the motherboard. The newer the AGESA protocol is, the better. Keep in mind, dual-rank memory with Ryzen will always run at lower frequencies, and early versions The specified protocol is “friendly” only for modules built on Samsung chips. And not just any, but exclusively the B-Die generation.

Happy upgrade!

(English) we walked around basic concepts and characteristics of RAM. In this article we want to touch on topics that often cause controversy, and we will try to understand the following myths and statements:

  1. All DDR3 memory is the same
  2. Just need to add more RAM
  3. There are only a few DIMM manufacturers
  4. DDR-3200 support means any RAM can be used
  5. When installing different RAM modules, the RAM operates at the speed (timings) of the slowest DIMM
  6. It is cheaper to buy two sets of DIMMs than one large and expensive set
  7. RAM works faster when all slots are occupied
  8. RAM faster than 1600 MT/s does not provide performance gains
  9. 8 GB capacity will last for the next ten years
  10. You will never be able to use 16 GB of memory
  11. I don't use all available memory, That's why additional memory will not give acceleration
  12. 64-bit OS allows you to use any amount of RAM
  13. 1.65V RAM Can Damage Intel Processors
  14. Dual channel mode doubles the data transfer speed, meaning the RAM runs twice as fast

Myths about RAM | All DDR3 memory is the same

This topic alone deserves a separate article, but we will try to discuss it briefly and outline several points.

  1. Let's remember the RAM line Kingston Fury, which are not equipped with an XMP profile and instead use plug and play technology. The modules are reasonably priced, look nice, come with colorful heatsinks, and are aimed at users of older systems who would like to upgrade their RAM. But since this memory is PnP based, it will only work with certain chipsets: Intel's H67, P67, Z68, Z77, Z87 and H61, along with AMD's A75, A87, A88, A89, A78 and E35. You can also add Z87 and Z97 here. The list of chipsets is taken from the company's website.
  2. The chips themselves are also different:
  • Most RAM manufactured today uses high-density 4 Gbit memory chips, while older DDR3 uses lower-density 2 Gbit chips. Old memory controllers can only handle low-density chips. One of our editors recently discovered that none of the P55 motherboards were willing to work with its 8GB modules. And if you install memory with different characteristics, the module may not be detected or may lose stability.
  • Memory chips are produced by many companies that adhere to their own specifications. Each line of chips is tested or binned, and according to the quality of the chip is labeled and allocated into different series.
  • Most enthusiast motherboards are designed to support unbuffered memory without the use of error correction code (ECC). ECC is typically used in servers and professional workstations where data integrity is critical, and buffered (registered) DIMMs are used exclusively in servers that require ultra-high memory capacity. Combination of technologies in platforms high-end class allows some enthusiasts to use ECC on their motherboards.
  • There is also RAM with too high speed transfer data for your processor, but when installed on the system it may work at a lower speed on basic settings.
  • We generally recommend checking with RAM manufacturers, who spend a lot of time testing memory on different motherboards. Motherboard manufacturers also provide Qualified Vendor Lists (QVLs) of RAM whose products they have tested on a specific board. But usually these lists indicate a small number of manufacturers whose memory was in the laboratory. Therefore, it is better to check the list of the memory manufacturer. you can find many useful tips and recommendations on RAM modules for specific platforms and motherboards, as well as information about their speed and compatibility with various processors.

    Myths about RAM | Just need to add more RAM

    JEDEC is an association of manufacturers electronic devices and developers who set industry standards for widespread adoption among their members. Since some RAM manufacturers have exceeded the JEDEC maximum of DDR3-1600 CAS 11 (and later CAS 9) and are offering tighter timings and higher data rates, mixing different RAM modules has not been as easy as originally thought.

    Simply put, mixing RAM modules from different sets does not provide a guarantee stable operation, even if you have two identical sets of the same model line. We would like to add that DIMMs that do not work well together can often, but not always, be made to work by adjusting the voltage and/or timings. For the article "DDR3 memory: how to improve system performance?" two companies, instead of single sets of 32 GB RAM with a speed of 2400 MT/s, sent us a pair of identical sets of modules in a 2 x 8 GB configuration. Initially they did not work together, but with the help of minor adjustments we achieved a positive result.

    What is the problem? After all, the modules have the same frequencies, timings and voltage.

    DRAM basically consists of memory chips soldered onto a circuit board. During the production process of a certain model of RAM, the manufacturer may use up a certain batch printed circuit boards, and then switch to new PCBs from a different production batch, which as a result may affect a number of characteristics.

    The same thing can happen with solder. The manufacturer may start using a different type that has slightly modified conductive properties.

    Also, the crystals themselves may be different. During the production process, chips undergo binning, that is, sorting according to their quality.

    Let's look at this concept from a theoretical perspective. One production batch may have, say, 1000 memory chips that are separated or binned. 200 chips can be classified as chips by the manufacturer entry level, 350 slightly better, 300 chips even better and 150 first-class chips. Then they sell these chips to different manufacturers memory modules.

    If you buy DDR3-1866 memory modules from several companies, you will most likely receive different PCBs, solder with different conductive properties, and quite possibly different levels of chips from different manufacturers.

    The memory chips themselves are produced by several different companies, which only exacerbates the compatibility problem. You probably already understand why mixing different RAM modules often causes problems.

    We also noticed that most of the new RAM lines use 4 Gbit chips, while the older lines use 2 Gbit.

    Myths about RAM | There are only a few DIMM manufacturers

    This is both a myth and a fallacy. There are several memory chip companies and many RAM module manufacturers. There are RAM modules made by one or more companies for other companies. For example, RAM AMD Radeon manufactured by Patriot and VisionTek.

    Myths about RAM | DDR-3200 support means any RAM can be used

    To use expensive 3200 MT/s memory, you need a processor that can handle such high data transfer rates. Otherwise, the memory will only work in 1333, 1600 or 1866 modes.

    Back in the days of Intel LGA 775 processors, CPU and RAM overclocking was done primarily through the FSB ( system bus). Let's say you have a Q6600 processor and your motherboard supports 1066 MHz FSB. In this case, the processor will operate at a native frequency of 2.4 GHz, and the memory at a speed of 1066 MT/s. If you want to overclock the processor by increasing the FSB frequency to 1333, then it will run at 3 GHz, and the memory will run at 1333 MT/s. In other words, the memory speed was limited by the FSB frequency limit. The memory controller was located in the chipset, usually in the northbridge of the motherboard, and also operated at FSB frequency.

    Today the memory controller has moved to the CPU. So the main determining factor in memory operation at advertised frequencies is the CPU. Processors based on the Haswell architecture are designed for DDR3-1600 memory, and mid-range and top level, not belonging to the K series, as a rule, can work quite stably with memory up to 1866 - 2133 MT/s. K-series processors are overclockable and their controllers support higher data rate modules aimed at enthusiasts.

    AMD's current line of FX processors support "up to 1866 MT/s per DIMM channel." However, you may encounter problems running memory in 1866 mode on entry-level and sometimes mid-range processors. This is partly due to the fact that the FX processors' memory controller is optimized for DDR3-1333 (according to the BIOS and Kernel Programming Guide). Like any other processor, FX chips can be overclocked to run at speeds even higher than DDR3-1866, but this will have a negative impact on stability.

    Myths about RAM | When installing different RAM modules, the RAM operates at the speed (timings) of the slowest DIMM

    Let's say you have a DDR3-1600 CAS 9 module and you add another module, but it's 1866 CAS 9. This may cause the RAM to run at the motherboard's default settings, which is 1333 CAS 9 or 10 (many maternal AMD boards uses 1066 by default). Or both modules will operate in 1600 CAS 9 (10 or even 11) mode if DOCP, EOCP, XMP or AMP technologies were enabled before installing the DDR3-1866 module.

    But you can also set the parameters manually. Typically, in such scenarios, we would try the 1866 mode at 10-10-10-27, increasing the voltage a little, about +0.005 V. Depending on the results, you can adjust the memory controller voltage.

    Myths about RAM | It is cheaper to buy two sets of DIMMs than one large and expensive set

    Even if you buy two identical sets, there is no guarantee that they will work together. The RAM modules sold in one kit have been tested for compatibility. Manufacturers do not guarantee the performance of mixed sets, even if they use the same memory module models.

    Buyers often do this with high-speed modules and rely on XMP for setup. When XMP is enabled, the motherboard can read the profile of two sticks of RAM and set minor timings accordingly, but the tRFC timings for two modules may be 226, while a combination of four modules will require a value of 314. This problem is difficult to detect because users rarely go to the secondary timing settings.

    Myths about RAM | RAM works faster when all slots are occupied

    Two sticks of RAM put less load on the memory controller than four. Less power is required, the memory controller needs less voltage to run smoothly, and the RAM usually runs a little faster, although it's not noticeable. The same goes for three- and four-channel motherboards. Users are often misled into thinking that four DIMMs (often sold as quad-channel sets) always operate in quad-channel mode, even though dual-channel motherboards cannot operate this way at all.

    Myths about RAM | RAM faster than 1600 MT/s does not provide performance gains

    The accuracy of this statement depends on several factors. For processors with built-in graphics core or APU this is completely incorrect, since the video core uses system memory, and the faster it is, the better!

    Most RAM tests measure read, write, and copy speeds. Many gaming tests when changing RAM 1600 to 2133 they show an increase in frame rate from 3 to 5 FPS. This is because in most games, RAM is primarily used as a conduit for transferring information to the GPU, as well as a buffer for frequently accessed data. The fact remains that RAM can improve FPS slightly. Since the price difference between 1600 and 2133 RAM isn't always that big, sometimes buying faster RAM can be worth it.

    Besides WinRAR archiver takes data from RAM and compresses it into RAM before writing it to disk. When changing DDR3-1600 memory to 2400, the speed increase in tests using WinRAR can reach 25 percent. There are many other memory-intensive applications: video editing, image manipulation, CAD, and so on. Even slight advantage in speed will help save time if you work in such applications.

    If you use your PC in an office single-tasking mode, for example, taking notes, then browsing the web, then watching a video, then you definitely do not need faster RAM. If you prefer to multitask, for example, you have a bunch of browser tabs open at the same time, while you work with large tables or watch videos in a window, or work with images and perform virus scans in background, then more fast memory may bring certain benefits.

    You can check this yourself by running a few similar applications with 1600 MT/s memory and then with faster RAM. When you have downloaded several applications, run a benchmark such as SiSoftware Sandra and do the backup at the same time large file With using WinRAR. While these tasks are being completed, walk through open windows Windows, then check Sandra's results and backup execution time.

    Myths about RAM | 8 GB capacity will last for the next ten years

    If you really don't like multitasking, then 8GB will be enough. But this does not apply to gamers and enthusiasts. Five years ago 2 GB was enough, then 4 GB and so on.

    Another fact: computer manufacturers often skimp on RAM. For example, when 2 GB seemed enough, they installed 1 GB. Today, 6 - 8 GB of RAM is considered the norm and 16 GB is also not uncommon, so it is unlikely that the 8 GB level will last long as a standard. Games are using more and more RAM. If you are collecting new system and if you want it to not lose its relevance in a few years, we recommend 16 GB of RAM.

    Myths about RAM | You will never be able to use 16 GB of memory

    This misconception is a continuation of the previous one, but is more relevant to users of applications that intensively use RAM, as well as to those who work with large volumes files and data. The more RAM you have, the more data it can hold for instant re-access, instead of having to go to the file on your hard drive or the network to download again.

    Many people use more than 20GB of memory in their system at once almost every day, and this is becoming the norm among Tom's Hardware forum members, who often discuss maximizing the performance of their 8GB and 16GB RAM kits.

    Remember also that manufacturers do a lot of research and contact with software developers and users. Therefore, the fact is that modern motherboards are designed to support 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB (or more) RAM, of course, there are reasons.

    Myths about RAM | I'm not using all the RAM, so additional memory won't give a boost

    In some situations, increasing the amount of RAM can speed up the execution of some processes. Many programs adjust the amount of data stored in memory based on the amount of RAM available, so more RAM saves time by storing more frequently used data in RAM (rather than on the hard drive). This can be especially useful when you are working on projects with a variety of images or videos, CAD, GIS, virtual machines etc. Another advantage of having a large amount of RAM is the ability to create a RAM disk for downloading games, applications and other data. Such a disk has its hidden disadvantages, but many users are delighted with this opportunity.

    Myths about RAM | 64-bit OS allows you to use any amount of RAM

    Many people believe that you can use an infinite amount of RAM with a 64-bit operating system, but this is not true. As an example, here are the RAM limits in Windows 7:

    RAM limits in Windows 7
    x86 (32-bit) x64 (64-bit)
    Windows 7 Ultimate 4 GB 192 GB
    Windows 7 Enterprise 4 GB 192 GB
    Windows 7 Professional 4 GB 192 GB
    Windows 7 Home Premium 4 GB 16 GB
    Windows 7 Home Basic 4 GB 8 GB
    Windows 7 Starter 2 GB does not exist

    And on Windows 8:

    RAM limits in Windows 8
    x86 (32-bit) x64 (64-bit)
    Windows 8 Enterprise 4 GB 512 GB
    Windows 8 Professional 4 GB 512 GB
    Windows 8 4 GB 128 GB

    Myths about RAM | 1.65V Memory May Damage Intel Processors

    For its processors, Intel recommends memory with a voltage of 1.50 V and a certain data transfer rate. For Haswell it is DDR3-1600. However, what is confusing is the fact that Intel also certifies RAM (even DDR3-1600) that operates at 1.60 and 1.65 volts. Keep in mind that a voltage of 1.60 - 1.65 V is considered normal for DDR3-2133 and higher RAM.

    Most lower data rate memory (such as DDR3-1333 and 1600) use 1.50V or less. We recommend that you avoid purchasing RAM at these speeds if the voltage is 1.65V, as this may mean that the manufacturer used the cheapest and lowest quality memory chips. Why do RAM with good chips even need a voltage of 1.60 -1.65 V? To further protect yourself from problems in the future, we would recommend not buying DDR3-1866 memory that exceeds 1.50V unless it has lower timings (CL7 or CL8).

    Myths about RAM | Dual channel mode doubles the data transfer speed, meaning the RAM runs twice as fast

    This is another misconception. When you install two sticks in dual-channel mode, the memory controller does not treat the RAM as two separate 64-bit devices, but as one 128-bit device. Theoretically, this should double the throughput, but in practice the speed increase is 20-50 percent per Intel processors and slightly less on AMD chips.

    This article was written with the participation of many forum members, but there are too many of them to list them all. We would also like to thank the wonderful people at companies like Corsair, G.Skill and Team Group, whose knowledge and experience in the field has been a great help to us.

    As always, comments and constructive criticism on the article are welcome.

