Windows operating systems. Windows NT, what is this program and is it needed? The main components of the Windows NT family of operating systems

Windows NT is not a further development of previously existing products. Its architecture was created from scratch, taking into account the requirements for a modern operating system. The features of the new system developed based on these requirements are listed below.

    In an effort to ensure compatibility of the new operating system, the Windows NT developers retained the familiar Windows interface and implemented support for existing file systems (such as FAT) and various applications (written for MS - Dos, OS/2 1.x, Windows 3.x and POSIX).The developers also included in Windows NT tools for working with various network tools.

    The portability of the system has been achieved, which can now run on both CISC and RISC processors. CISC includes Intel compatible processors 80386 and higher; RISC is represented by systems with MIPS R4000, Digital Alpha AXP and Pentium P54 series processors and higher .

    Scalability means that Windows NT is not tied to a single-processor computer architecture, but is able to take full advantage of the capabilities provided by symmetric multiprocessor systems. Currently, Windows NT can operate on computers with the number of processors from 1 to 32. In addition, if the tasks facing users become more complex and the requirements for the computer environment expand, Windows NT allows you to easily

    add more powerful and productive servers and workstations to the corporate network. Additional benefits come from using a single development environment for both servers and workstations.

    Windows NT has a uniform security system that meets US government specifications and meets the B2 security standard. In an enterprise environment, critical applications are provided with a completely isolated environment.

    Distributed processing means that Windows NT has networking capabilities built into the system. Windows NT also allows communication with different types of host computers by supporting a variety of transport protocols and using high-level client-server facilities, including named pipes, remote procedure calls (RPC) and Windows sockets.

    Reliability and robustness are provided by architectural features that protect application programs from damage to each other and the operating system. Windows NT uses fault-tolerant structured exception handling at all architectural levels, which includes a recoverable NTFS file system and provides protection through built-in security and advanced memory management techniques.

    Localization capabilities provide tools for working in many countries of the world in national languages, which is achieved by using the ISO Unicod standard (developed by the international organization for standardization).

    Windows NT Concepts

The Windows NT operating system is available in two flavors: Windows NT Server and Windows NT Workstation. Windows NT Server 4.0 is a network operating system with Internet applications, file and print services, remote access service, built-in router, file indexing and network management. The second variant of Windows NT, Windows NT Workstation 4.0, is similar in many ways to NT Server, but it is optimized as a workstation operating system. In terms of architecture and capabilities, Windows NT Server is a superset of Windows NT Workstation and includes all the features of the latter. Further, in cases where it is not indicated which OS is meant, the comments apply to both.

    The Origins of Windows NT

Work on creating Windows NT began at the end of 1988. Microsoft has appointed David Cutler to lead a new software project: the development of a New Technology (NT) operating system. David Cutler was the main consultant for DEC, he worked for this company for 17 years, developing OS and compilers: VAX/VMS, OS for MicroVAX I, OS RSX-11M, VAX PL/1, VAX C compilers.

At first, Windows NT was developed as a lightweight version of OS/2 (OS/2 Lite), which, by trimming some functions, could run on less powerful machines. However, over time, after seeing how well Windows 3.0 was accepted by consumers, Microsoft refocused and began developing an improved version of Windows 3.1. Microsoft's new strategy was to create a single family of Windows-based operating systems that would cover many types of computers, from the smallest laptops to the largest multiprocessor workstations.

Windows NT, as the next generation of Windows systems was called, belongs to the highest level in the hierarchy of the Windows family. This operating system, which initially supported the familiar Windows graphical user interface (GUI), was Microsoft's first fully 32-bit operating system. The Win32 API, a programming interface for developing new applications, made improved OS properties available to applications, such as multi-threaded processes, synchronization, security, I/O, and object management.

The conceptual advantages of Windows NT over the MS-DOS/Windows 3.1 pair were obvious. Its 32-bit basis, coupled with true multitasking and multi-threading, significantly increased the potential of the system.

The first operating systems of the NT family - Windows NT 3.1 and Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 - appeared in July 1993. The code name for the next version of Windows NT 3.5, Daytona, which coincides with the name of a Florida speedway, may have indicated that its main advantage was speed. Indeed, the performance of version 3.5 increased by 1.5 times compared to version 3.1, and after its appearance, many corporate users who rejected version 3.1 for one reason or another reconsidered their attitude to the NT line: in 1995, Windows NT's share of its market sector increased by 2 times and amounted to 15%.

    Features of the Windows NT 4.0 version

In August 1996, the next version of Windows NT 4.0 was released. This next version of Windows NT was initially expected to be numbered 3.52, but it was given the number 4.0, which had previously been mentioned in the computer press in connection with another expected version of Windows NT, codenamed Cairo. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this latest version (Windows NT 4.0) has so many new important properties that require more significant changes to the encoding. The innovations introduced in Windows NT Server 4.0 are mainly related to improvements in the user interface, expanded Internet support, the emergence of new and modernization of existing administration tools, and improved system performance.

Windows NT 4.0 introduced many significant changes, the most significant of which are:

    implementation of the interface in the style of Windows 95;

    orientation towards the Internet and intranet;

    architectural changes that dramatically increased graphics performance;

    modification of tools for interacting with NetWare - Gateway and the NCP client now support NDS;

    support for multi-protocol routing;

    the appearance in Windows NT 4.0 of an emulator of Intel processors for RISC platforms.

There are other improvements in version 4.0. For example, Windows NT Server 4.0 has significantly improved scalability compared to Windows NT Server 3.51, allowing you to achieve significantly higher performance on computers with 4 processors, and also provides linear performance growth on machines with eight or more processors.

The performance of Windows NT Server 4.0 when working as a file server has also increased significantly and, according to some estimates, exceeded the performance of Windows NT Server 3.51 by more than 2 times.

New Windows NT administrative tools can run remotely on Windows 95 clients. In addition, Windows NT Server provides a remote boot service for Windows 95 clients. (This is useful for diskless workstations.)

Windows NT 4.0 features a new Windows 95-style graphical user interface. While some users may not necessarily like the change, Microsoft is restoring the "one-size-fits-all" approach that was originally considered one of Windows NT's strengths. In a network with client stations running Windows 95 or Windows NT (or in a mixed network that includes such stations), Windows NT Server administrators can perform their functions using the same interface as workstation users.

Apart from external changes, the modernization of the graphical interface did not greatly affect the methods of network management. The basic Windows NT Server administrator tools remain the same. The User Manager for Domains, Server Manager, Disk Administrator, Event Viewer, Performance Monitor, DHCP Manager, WINS Manager, Network Client Administrator, License Manager and Migration Tool for NetWare programs have not undergone significant changes. Remote Access Administrator is also unchanged, but has now been moved from a separate folder to the Administrative Tools menu. The new System Policy Editor, compatible with both Windows NT and Windows 95, replaces the User Profile Editor familiar from Windows NT Server 3.x. Version 4.0 includes four additions: the Administrative Wizards, the already mentioned System Policy Editor, as well as an enhanced Windows NT Diagnostics tool and the Network Monitor program (a network monitoring program previously supplied only as part of the Microsoft Systems Management Server product).

Administrative Wizards allow you to easily, step-by-step, perform actions such as creating user accounts, managing user groups, controlling access to files and directories, installing a new printer, installing and uninstalling programs, connecting a modem, preparing installation diskette packages for new clients and monitoring compliance with license agreements for installed programs. All this will be useful for those administrators who find that, despite the presence of a graphical interface, Windows NT management tools are still complex.

Windows NT 4.0 has several useful system monitoring components derived from Microsoft's Systems Management Server. The main application is the Performance Monitor tool, which graphically monitors selected system events. In particular, Performance Monitor can be used to obtain graphs of CPU utilization, total network card I/O, and the number of bytes transferred over HTTP.

Another application, Monitor Tool, is also capable of capturing and monitoring network traffic coming and going from an NT computer. The monitoring scenario (for example, a description of which protocol frames need to be monitored, which traffic characteristics to measure, from which workstations or users) can be saved and reused if necessary.

The set of wizard programs is still far from functionally complete. For example, there is no program that would move a user's budget from one domain to another, that is, it would carry out the procedures associated with the need to delete one account and create another.

Other innovations in Windows NT Server 4.0 are primarily related to the Internet and intranet. An important place among them is occupied by the following software components included in the delivery kit:

    Internet Information Server (IIS) version 2.0 is a Microsoft product that provides Web, ftp and gopher server services; the capabilities of Internet Information Server are comparable and, in a number of tests, superior to the similar popular product Server Netscape. Microsoft Internet Information Server 2.0 is the fastest Web server for Windows NT Server - it is 40 percent faster than its predecessor, version 1.0;

    Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), which provides secure communication between components over the Internet;

    DNS/WINS Server, which allows you to easily find the necessary Web sites on the Internet or intranet networks;

    PPTP (point-to-point tunneling protocol) technology, which expands the functionality of the Windows NT Server (RAS) remote access server and provides the ability to create private networks on the Internet;

    the FrontPage program, which allows you to create Web pages based on a variety of templates, check the correctness of links and perform general management of the created Web sites;

    Microsoft Search Server index server, which allows you to easily find information on distributed intranet servers within any documents, including those created in Microsoft Office.

Two Internet-based features of the new system are of particular interest to administrators. First is the DNS name service. It allows the use of DNS names, but only supports static addressing. To overcome this limitation, Microsoft offers integration of DNS and WINS services, calling this combination "true dynamic DNS." Now, when a WINS client needs to determine the IP address that corresponds to a symbolic NetBIOS name, it looks first at the WINS database and then at DNS itself. Thus, the system can use both dynamically recognized WINS names and static DNS names on equal terms.

In addition, Windows NT 4.0 included a Web-based administration utility that provides access to Windows NT administration tools from any Web browser. For security reasons, remote administration should use Web browsers that can log the user directly to the Windows NT server (ie, such as Internet Explorer) or support the SSL protocol.

One of the improvements is due to the fact that the increasing role of the Internet and client-server systems leads to an increase in the number of mobile users. In this regard, Microsoft has improved RAS (improved ISDN support) and provided tools for securely working with RAS over the Internet. RAS implements PPTP protocols (creates encrypted traffic over the Internet) and Multilink PPP (allows you to combine several channels into one). Clients can be Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Windows 95.

The Distributed Component Object Model is another key addition to Windows NT Server 4.0. The object link model (COM) allows software developers to create applications that consist of individual components. The Distributed Component Model (DCOM) in Windows NT Server 4.0 extends COM in a way that allows individual components to communicate over the Internet. DCOM is a growing Internet standard published according to the format defined in the RFC 1543 specifications.

When developing Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft decided to sacrifice stability for performance. To this end, changes were made to the architecture: the window manager and GDI libraries, as well as graphics adapter drivers, were moved from user mode to kernel mode. This change marks a departure from the microkernel concept adopted in previous versions of Windows NT 3.x.

Moving the graphics library and drivers into the kernel area improves the speed of graphics I/O. These changes especially affected the execution speed of Win32 applications, while Windows-16 applications and DOS graphical applications performed approximately the same as in version 3.5.

At the same time, the changes described make the operating system, in principle, less reliable. Indeed, since graphics adapter software is usually developed by the manufacturers of this equipment, and this software often changes (along with the hardware), it is difficult to expect from it the reliability that is required for operating system modules.

    New features of Windows NT 5.0

At the end of 1997, Windows NT 5.0, an improved version of Windows NT, is expected to appear. Not only will it be a fully 32-bit system, but it will also be a fully object-oriented system. The basis of Windows NT 5.0 is an object-oriented file system, implemented based on the OLE 2.0 standard, which allows you to store objects rather than files. The object-oriented approach allows you to cost-effectively ensure the correctness of multiple copies of data, such as documents, spreadsheets, applications and other types of information stored on different machines on the network.

Windows NT 5.0 promises a lot, and the innovations will primarily affect the following subsystems:

    Active Directory is a global directory service that promotes a 2-tier approach to DNS name resolution. Active Directory contains information not only about files, but also about other types of objects, for example:

    Computer name, IP address, Username, password, email address, Application name, computer, version, access rights.

    Distributed File System (Dfs) - distributed file system (freely available at Directories of this file system located on different servers are mounted into a common tree, starting on the root server with the root share name. Different subtrees of one share can consist of file systems not only from Microsoft, but also from Novell NCP and Sun NFS. Some branches of a distributed file system can be replicated transparently at the administrator's discretion.

    Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) - software objects (ActiveX or others) can be distributed across network servers and called by applications from any computer. Information about the location of objects is registered in Active Directory.

    Security features: Document access rights in Windows NT 5.0 will be verified using Kerberos or electronic signatures, and document transmission over the network will be encrypted.

    Hardware requirements

There are different opinions about whether Windows NT makes high hardware demands. Some people think that they are too high, while others consider these requirements to be quite acceptable. It all depends on what tools or what fleet of computer equipment is available to a potential Windows NT consumer, and what tasks he faces.

To run Windows NT Workstation 4.0, the computer must have a processor of at least i486 (in this version of the system, Microsoft has abandoned any support for i386 processors), at least 12 MB of RAM and 108 MB of disk space. And although this OS is fully functional on computers with RAM less than 16 MB, it is recommended to install it with RAM, the capacity of which is twice the permissible minimum, i.e., 24 MB, and free disk space is at least 216 MB It is possible to run Windows NT Workstation 4.0 on a system with fewer resources, but then the user is unlikely to be satisfied with its performance.

For Windows NT Server 4.0, Microsoft defines the following hardware requirements: a minimum i486 processor, 16 MB of RAM, and at least 148 MB of contiguous free disk space. This may be sufficient to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the system, but for “industrial” use these minimum requirements are clearly not enough. For a server with low or medium load (determined by the number of users served), 32 MB of RAM and a hard drive with a capacity of at least 1 GB are required.

A complete list of hardware that has been tested for compatibility with Windows NT is contained in the system and server documentation

    Areas of use of Windows NT

With high performance, stability, advanced security features, and a wide range of basic system functions, Windows NT Server can be used in various areas, and, above all, it can be used as a server in a corporate network. Here, its ability to perform the functions of a domain controller is very useful, which allows you to structure the network and thereby simplify administration and management tasks. It is also used as a file server, print server, application server, remote access server and communication server (software router).

Clients on a network with Windows NT Server can be computers with different operating systems installed on them. Standard support: Windows NT Workstation, MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, UNIX clones, Macintosh. Basic clients come standard with Windows NT Server.

Windows NT Server is a powerful platform for complex network applications, especially those built using client-server technology. Combined with BackOffice servers, it can satisfy a very wide range of enterprise user needs. Thus, a Microsoft SQL Server database server, as well as database servers from other well-known companies, such as Oracle and Sybase, Adabas and InterBase database servers, can run under Windows NT Server.

On the Windows NT Server platform, a powerful Microsoft System Management Server administration system can be installed, the functions of which include an inventory of the hardware and software configuration of network computers, automatic installation of software products on workstations, remote control of any computer, and network monitoring.

Windows NT Server can be used as a communications server with IBM mainframes and IBM AS400 systems. For this purpose, a special product, Microsoft SNA Server, has been created, which makes it possible to easily combine IBM PC-compatible workstations and powerful mainframes on one network. SNA Sever is a gateway that allows workstation access to both LAN and mainframe servers without the need for two network cards or multiple network protocol stacks. This leads to lower hardware costs and a reduction in the amount of RAM required. Providing transparent access to mainframes, SNA Server, when integrated with NT Server security, provides host access authorization. SNA Server can work with any of the protocols supported by NT Server: IPX/SPX, TCP/IP or NetBEUI.

Windows NT Server is the platform for Microsoft Exchange, a new high-performance groupware package built on top of a mail server.

Finally, the latest version of Windows NT 4.0 is a reliable platform for Internet-oriented applications: Web servers, Web browsers, information retrieval systems, and e-commerce systems on the Internet.

The Windows NT Workstation operating system is positioned primarily as a client in Windows NT Server networks, as well as in NetWare, Unix, and Vines networks. In NetWare networks, Windows NT workstations fill a well-known gap - the lack of a good application server. A computer with Windows NT installed on it can be a workstation in peer-to-peer networks, simultaneously performing the functions of both a client and a server. Windows NT Workstation can be used as a standalone computer OS when increased performance or privacy is needed, or when implementing complex graphics applications, such as computer-aided design.

At the end of 1988, Microsoft tasked David Cutler with leading a new software project: creating Microsoft's new operating system for the 1990s. He assembled a team of engineers to develop a New Technology (NT) system.

The original plan was to develop NT with OS/2-style user interfaces and application programming (API) interfaces, but OS/2 sold poorly and Windows 3.0 was a major and ongoing success in the marketplace. After seeing the market pressures and the challenges associated with developing and supporting two incompatible systems, Microsoft decided to change course and direct its engineers toward a single, cohesive operating system strategy. This strategy was to develop a family of Windows-based operating systems that would cover many types of computers, from the smallest laptops to the largest multiprocessor workstations. Thus, the next generation of Windows systems was called Windows NT.

Windows NT supports the Windows graphical user interface (GUI) and is also the first Windows-based Microsoft operating system to support the Win32 API, a 32-bit programming interface for developing new applications. The Win32 API makes available to applications advanced operating system features such as multi-threaded processes, synchronization, security, I/O, and object management.

In July 1993, the first operating systems of the NT family appeared - Windows NT 3.1 and Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1.


  • Windows NT 3.1 (July 27, 1993)
  • Windows NT 3.5 (September 21, 1994)
  • Windows NT 3.51 (May 30, 1995)
  • Windows NT 4.0 (August 24, 1996)
  • Windows 2000 (February 17, 2000)
  • Windows XP (October 25, 2001)
  • Windows XP 64-bit Edition (March 28, 2003)
  • Windows Server 2003 (April 25, 2003)
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition 2003 (December 18, 2003)
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (October 12, 2004)
  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (April 25, 2005)
  • Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (July 8, 2006)
  • Windows Vista (November 30, 2006)
  • Windows Home Server (November 7, 2007)
  • Windows Server 2008 (February 27, 2008)

Windows NT Structure

Structurally, Windows NT can be represented in two parts: a part of the operating system that runs in user mode, and a part of the operating system that runs in kernel mode.

The part of Windows NT that runs in kernel mode is called the executive part. It includes a number of components that manage virtual memory, objects (resources), input/output and the file system (including network drivers), process communication, and partly the security system. These components interact with each other using intermodular communication. Each component calls the others using a set of carefully specified internal procedures.

The second part of Windows NT, operating in user mode, consists of servers - the so-called protected subsystems. Since subsystems cannot automatically share memory, they communicate with each other by sending messages. Messages can be transmitted both between a client and a server, and between two servers. All messages pass through the Windows NT executive. The Windows NT kernel schedules threads in protected subsystems in the same way as threads in regular application processes.

Support for protected subsystems is provided by the executive part. Its components are:

  • Object manager. Creates, deletes, and manages runtime objects—abstract data types used to represent system resources.
  • Security monitor. Sets protection rules on the local computer. Protects operating system resources, protects and registers executable objects.
  • Process manager. Creates and terminates, suspends and resumes processes and threads, and also stores information about them.

Virtual memory manager.

  • I/O subsystem. Includes the following components:
    • an I/O manager that provides device-independent I/O facilities;
    • file systems - NT drivers that perform file-oriented I/O requests and translate them into calls to ordinary devices;
    • network redirector and network server - file system drivers that transmit remote I/O requests to network machines and receive requests from them;
    • executive device drivers - low-level drivers that directly control the device;
    • a cache manager that implements disk caching.

The execution part, in turn, relies on lower-level services provided by the NT kernel. Kernel functions include:

  • process planning,
  • handling interrupts and exceptions,
  • processor synchronization for multiprocessor systems,
  • system recovery after failures.

The kernel runs in privileged mode and is never removed from memory. The kernel can only be accessed through an interrupt.

Windows NT protected subsystems run in user mode and are created by Windows NT when the operating system boots. Immediately after their creation, they begin an endless cycle of execution, responding to messages coming to them from application processes and other subsystems. Among the protected subsystems, a subclass can be distinguished called environmental subsystems. Environment subsystems implement operating system application interfaces (APIs). Other types of subsystems, called integral subsystems, perform tasks required by the operating system. For example, most of the Windows NT security system is implemented as an integral subsystem; network servers are also implemented as integral subsystems.

The most important subsystem of the environment is Win32, the subsystem that provides application access to the 32-bit Windows API. Additionally, this system provides a graphical interface and manages user input/output.

Each protected subsystem operates in user mode, calling the execution system service to perform privileged actions in kernel mode. Network servers can run in either user mode or kernel mode, depending on how they are designed.

Subsystems communicate with each other by passing messages. When, for example, a user application calls some API procedure, the environment subsystem providing this procedure receives the message and executes it either by accessing the kernel or by sending a message to another subsystem. After the procedure completes, the environment subsystem sends a message to the application containing the return value. Sending messages and other activities of protected subsystems is invisible to the user.

The main tool that holds all Windows NT subsystems together is the Local Procedure Call (LPC) mechanism. LPC is an optimized version of a more general tool, remote procedure call (RPC), which is used to communicate between clients and servers located on different machines on a network.

Hello everyone, I’ll say right away that Windows NT is not really a program, it’s the Windows family from Microsoft. The name Windows NT hides the concept of operating systems from Microsoft, not just any specific one, but all systems. Windows is a very popular operating system today, and there is nothing more popular than it. My opinion is that the popularity is primarily due to the fact that there is no worthy alternative and there never will be - it’s stupid to compete with the giant Microsoft now.

But nevertheless, everything is true - you can actually have something that will be called Windows NT, because this name appears in many places. I won’t give exact examples, I don’t remember, but you can easily see this inscription in your Windows.

If you are faced with the question of whether to remove Windows NT software or not, then I will answer this way - it is better not to remove it. Because there may be problems later. Logically, if you think about it, it becomes clear that everything where Windows NT is written, you should uninstall it only when you are absolutely sure of it.

Windows NT was developed in the 1990s, after Microsoft stopped working with IBM (oh, they made cool laptops), together these companies developed OS/2, it was also an operating system that was still unclear to me, but no matter. In short, then they started cutting Windows and you know what came out of it - mega cool Windows, one monopoly, no one likes it, but everyone uses it

Yes, there is also Linux, but alas, it is for a narrow circle of users - not at all for those who need something simple and beautiful and uncomplicated. I personally like Windows, although many people didn’t like it for some reason, especially Windows 10, but I don’t see anything crooked in it..

Ancient Windows, once upon a time this was a masterpiece and the ultimate dream:

But compare, this is already seven, that is, Windows 7, many are still sitting on it and are not going to get off:

I was a fan of Windows XP for a long time, even for a very long time, I sat there for a long time - Windows 7 had already come out, and I was hanging out on XP... And so I bought new hardware, it was a 1150 socket, everything was new, but I managed to install Windows XP on it and I I still sat there for about two years. Then Windows 10 came out, and I eventually switched to it. The computer has been working for weeks and everything is fine, there are no glitches or blue screens, no errors. Everything works like clockwork. True, this was almost not the case in XP either. So somehow everyone likes Windows...

I wrote a list where exactly you can notice something like Windows NT:

  1. descriptions of some system files;
  2. Windows settings, system settings, Windows NT can be found everywhere there;
  3. in reference materials for the program or even in instructions for some equipment;
  4. It is unlikely, but it is possible that some kind of virus will affect Windows NT;
  5. in system folders, for example in C:\Windows, there is a bunch of junk, the description of which includes Windows NT;

I completely forgot to write, I can’t say for sure myself, but it seems that there is an operating system itself called Windows NT, here is its boot screen.

In this article we will look at the types of Windows NT operating systems. Windows NT is not Windows2000 or anything else. This is a series, or rather a platform, on the basis of which OS development is carried out. Almost the entire Windows family is based on this platform. In addition to NT, there is also the 9x platform, which includes Windows95, Windows98 and WindowsME.

Due to the fact that there were concerns about the incorrect operation of programs written taking into account older versions of the OS, the 10th version of the operating system was released immediately after the eighth. Otherwise, version 9 could be interpreted by the program as an operating system of the 9 series. Details about what NT is are in this article.

Windows NT(colloquially simply NT) is a line of operating systems (OS) produced by Microsoft Corporation and the name of the first versions of the OS. Windows NT was developed after the end of collaboration between Microsoft and IBM on OS/2, and developed separately from other operating systems of the Windows family (Windows 3.x and Windows 9x).

Unlike Windows 3.x and Windows 9x, Windows NT was positioned as a reliable solution for workstations (Windows NT Workstation) and servers (Windows NT Server). Windows NT gave rise to a family of operating systems, which includes: Windows NT itself, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8. Information from the article Windows NT, Wikipedia.

Windows OS name

NT version number

Windows NT 4.0 4.0.1381
Windows XP 5.1.2600
Windows 7 6.1.7600

The number that comes after the letters NT- this is the serial number of the development of an NT-based OS. Now Windows7 (Windows NT6.1) is being released, the seventh development based on NT. Vista - NT6.0, XP - NT5.1, Windows2000 - NT5.0. Win2K is simply a physical interpretation of the number (2K=2000). Windows NT- this is a whole family of OS. You often encounter this when downloading installation and configuration guides or device drivers.

Since Windows95, the operating system interface has not fundamentally changed much. Of course, it has become better, more sophisticated and more convenient, and many new functions have appeared. But a person who worked on Windows 2000 will quite easily get used to subsequent versions of the Windows OS (if we talk about the system interface as a whole). Technically, systems differ from each other, and methods for solving user problems on different systems also differ.

In general, if we describe this OS family, we can say that the history of the Windows OS is divided into 2 parts - before the release of Windows Vista and after. Microsoft developers did not introduce anything fundamentally new (except for visual effects) into the interface of this version of their OS, but the core of the system was completely rewritten.

Due to the new kernel, compatibility with older programs (the development of which stopped before the release of Vista) and drivers for older devices was lost. This largely explains the notoriety and unpopularity of this version of Windows. In Windows7, the developers took into account the errors; software and hardware manufacturers already had the opportunity to release software and hardware taking into account the new OS requirements, but most old programs and old hardware are no longer supported by this operating system.

Windows version compatibility

To get out of the situation (many industrial programs do not work in Windows7), in the versions of Windows7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate it is possible to run programs from under XP-Mode. XP-Mode is a virtual machine and an image of a licensed WindowsXP. True, the graphical emulation capabilities are at the level of S3 Trio64 without 3D support, that is, the bare minimum.

(NT 6.0)

2006 Not supported
Almost not used (NT 6.1) 2009 Not supported
Actively used (NT 6.2) 2012 Not supported
Almost not used (NT 6.3) 2013 Supported
Almost not used (NT 10) 2015 Supported
Actively used

Server Windows

Logo Version Year Status
1993 Not supported
Generally not used
2003 Not supported
Still in use
2009 Supported
Actively used
2018 Getting started

All versions of Windows by line + chronology

Ruler Years Listing versions
16 bit 1985 - 1995 Windows 1 / 2 / 3
32 bits
1995 - 2001 Windows 95/98/ME
(32 and 64 bits)
since 1993 Windows NT 3.1 / NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 / NT 4.0 Workstation / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
NT Servers
(32 and 64 bits)
since 1993 Windows NT 3.1 / NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 / NT 4.0 Server / 2000 Server / 2003 / 2003 R2 / 2008 / 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016 / 2019

History of success

This success story reflects the frequency of use of the system; the number of glitches encountered by users; reviews.

Windows 1 Failure
Windows 2 Neutral
Windows 3 Success
Windows 95 Failure
Windows 98 Success
Windows Millennium Failure
Windows 2000 Neutral
Windows XP Big success
Windows Vista Failure
Windows 7 Success
Windows 8 Failure
Windows 8.1 Failure
Windows 10 Success

* despite the failure of some versions of the operating system, they carried new functions that were transferred to already successful versions. For example, beautiful icons and windows appeared in the millennium, which were transferred to Windows 2000. Therefore, failure should not be assessed as unsuccessful work.

Windows 1

Years of support: 1985 - 2001. Branch: 16 bit.

Editions: -

What's new

Before Windows 1 there was MS-DOS, so the most important innovation was the graphical interface and the ability to control using the mouse.

System requirements

Windows 3

Years of support: 1990 - 2008. Branch: 16 bit.

Editions: -

What's new

  • The first (from Microsoft) user-friendly interface.
  • Appearance of the program manager.
  • The emergence of multimedia capabilities.
  • Network support (from 3.1).

System requirements

Windows NT 3.1

Editions: -

What's new

  • The first system based on the NT kernel.
  • NTFS file system support.

System requirements

CPU Intel 80386
Hard disk capacity 8 MB

Windows NT 3.5 Workstation

Editions: -

What's new

  • Built-in support for Winsock and TCP/IP.
  • The appearance of a DHCP and WINS server and client.
  • VFAT support.

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk capacity 70 MB

Windows NT 3.51 Workstation

Editions: -

System requirements

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation

Editions: -

System requirements

Windows 98

Years of support: 1998 - 2006. Branch: 9x (32 bits).

System requirements

Windows Millennium

Years of support: 2000 - 2006. Branch: 9x (32 bits).

System requirements

Windows 2000

Years of support: 2000 - 2010. Branch: NT.

System requirements

Windows XP

Editions: XP, XP Professional

System requirements

Windows Vista

Years of support: 2006 - 2017. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Starter, Basic Home, Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate

System requirements

Windows 7

Years of support: 2009 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate

System requirements

Minimum Featured
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk capacity 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 8

Years of support: 2012 - 2016. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

System requirements

Minimum Featured
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk capacity 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 8.1

Years of support: 2013 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: 8, 8 Professional (Pro), 8 Corporate (Enterprise)

System requirements

Minimum Featured
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk capacity 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 10 (latest for personal computers)

Years of support: 2015 - 2025. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.


  • Home. For most home computers. There is no way to configure a remote desktop so that you can connect to the system remotely; There is no possibility of using group policies and joining a domain.
  • Professional (Pro). Contains all the functions of the home version + the ability to join a domain, use group policies, and the ability to connect to a computer using a remote desktop.
  • Corporate (Enterprise). Some features of the home version have been reduced. There are all the additional features of the Pro version + DirectAccess, AppLocker.
  • S. Is a stripped down version; comes pre-installed on some devices. Does not support standard application installation - installation can only be done from the Windows Store.

What's new

Windows 10 is undergoing major changes with the release of new builds. Therefore, we will consider innovations based on this.

  • Improved performance.
  • New built-in Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Automatically shrinks an adjacent window when the active window is pressed to one side of the desktop.
  • All Apps in Start supports a display of 2,048 items (previously only 512).
  • Forced installation of updates.
  • Using the virtual voice assistant Cortana.
  • The updated start menu is a hybrid of previous versions and Windows 8 (the old expansion option has returned, and tiles have appeared on the right side).
  • Ability to create multiple desktops.
  • Refusal of the Windows 8 tiled system.
  • Handwriting capability (Windows Ink).
  • Identification using a webcam.
  • Synchronization of notifications from a mobile device.
  • Change the system settings menu.
  • Built-in support for virtual reality headsets.
  • Game Mode
  • By default, the Powershell command line is offered.
  • Access to the classic Control Panel is hidden from the context menu. Now it can be called with the command control.
  • Improved performance of the built-in antivirus.
  • Identification using a webcam for Active Directory.
  • Ability to create a screenshot with a selection of an area using the keyboard shortcut Win + Shaft + S.
  • Braille support.
  • Extended battery life.
  • The ability to run Cortana on one device and stop working on another.
  • Disable SMBv1 protocol. You can enable it manually.
  • The People panel appears.
  • Information about the GPU in the task manager.
  • Microsoft Edge Full Screen Mode
  • Extended battery life (Power Throttling function).
  • The emoji panel appears.
  • Selective OneDrive sync.
  • Fixing a slowdown issue in games.
  • Ability to recover your password using security questions.
  • Dark theme for Explorer.
  • Ability to access messages from your phone (“Your Phone” function).
  • Isolated desktop for safe running of applications.

* this list contains some innovations. Full list on Wikipedia page.

System requirements

Minimum Featured
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk capacity 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server

Years of support: 1993 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

System requirements

CPU Intel 80386
Hard disk capacity 8 MB

Windows NT 3.5 Server

Years of support: 1994 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

What's new

  • Built-in support for Winsock and TCP/IP.
  • The emergence of DHCP and WINS servers.
  • Share files and printers.
  • VFAT support.

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk capacity 70 MB

Windows NT 3.51 Server

Years of support: 1995 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk capacity 70 MB

Windows NT 4.0 Server

Years of support: 1996 - 2004. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Server, Enterprise Edition, Terminal Server

System requirements

Windows 2000 Server

Years of support: 2000 - 2010. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server

System requirements

Windows Server 2003

Years of support: 2003 - 2015. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter

System requirements

Web, Standard, Enterprise:

Datacenter Edition:

Windows Server 2003 R2

Years of support: 2005 - 2015. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter

System requirements

Standard, Enterprise:

Datacenter Edition:

Windows Server 2008

Years of support: 2008 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, HPC, Storage, Itanium

System requirements

Minimum Featured
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
CPU 1 GHz 1.4 GHz 2 GHz
RAM 512 MB 2 GB
Hard disk capacity 10 GB 40 GB

Windows Server 2008 R2

Years of support: 2009 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 64 bits.

Editions: Foundation, Small Business, Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, HPC, Itanium

System requirements

Windows Server 2012

Years of support: 2012 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 64 bits.

System requirements

Windows Server 2012 R2

Years of support: 2013 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 64 bits.

Editions: Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Datacenter

System requirements

Windows Server 2016

Years of support: 2016 - 2026. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 64 bits.

Editions: Essentials, Standard, Datacenter

What's new

  • Licensing for physical processor cores (minimum 16).
  • New installation mode - Nano.
  • The emergence of container virtualization.
  • OpenGL and OpenCL for RDP.
  • Encryption of virtual machines and internal network traffic.
  • Block replication of file storages.

System requirements

Windows Server 2019 (latest for servers)

Years of support: 2018 - ?. Branch: NT. Bit depth: 64 bits.

Editions: Standard, Datacenter

What's new

  • Improved security - built-in Defender ATP and Defender Exploit Guard technologies.
  • Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) - containers for supporting Linux applications.
  • To build a cluster with an even number of nodes, a USB drive can act as a witness disk.