Olga Kopylova - Heart. Advice and recommendations from leading doctors

Current page: 1 (book has 10 pages total) [available reading passage: 3 pages]


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© Kopylova O.S., text, 2014

© Kopylova E.D., illustrations, 2015

© Metafora LLC, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2016

Foreword from the editor

Dear readers!

Series of books “Advise, Doctor!” compiled based on materials from the popular Radio Russia program “Advise, Doctor!” It is hosted by Olga Kopylova, beloved by millions. This is one of the most rated and authoritative programs on medicine in our country: since 2006, it has been broadcast live on the state channel Radio Russia in Saturday prime time - from 13.10 to 14.00 Moscow time.

Over the years of its existence, the program has gained the love and trust of listeners, and has gained well-deserved authority among Russian and foreign representatives of medicine. She is appreciated by both patients and doctors.

This is one of the few medical programs that deeply and extensively covers the problems and achievements of our medicine. The program, as a priority, raises issues of national importance and talks about the fight against such serious socially significant diseases as diseases of the cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, and diabetes. Issues of reproductive health, maternal and child health, and children's health are actively discussed live. The presenter and participants of the program talk about the introduction of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment, medical rehabilitation, equipping health care institutions with modern technology, and providing medications. Each new episode of the program is awaited and listened to with interest by patients and doctors from all regions of Russia and abroad.

The author and presenter of the program, Olga Kopylova, managed to unite the most authoritative doctors and scientists, heads of specialized medical centers in Russia around the program and attract to cooperation. They adequately represent domestic medicine on the air of the country’s main state radio station.

Masters of domestic medicine repeatedly spoke in the program and shared their recommendations with listeners, including:

Adamyan Leila Vladimirovna– Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief obstetrician-gynecologist of Russia, deputy director of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V. I. Kulakov;

Akchurin Renat Suleymanovich - Master of Russian Cardiac Surgery, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex;

Baibarina Elena Nikolaevna– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Neonatologist of Russia, Director of the Department of Medical Care for Children and Obstetrics Service;

Bogorodskaya Elena Mikhailovna– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis, chief phthisiatrist of the Department of Health;

Boytsov Sergey Anatolievich– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Russia’s chief specialist in preventive medicine, Director of the State Scientific Center for Preventive Medicine;

Bockeria Leo Antonovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakuleva, President of the National Health League;

Veselkin Nikolay Petrovich– scientist-physiologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg;

Ginter Evgeniy Konstantinovich– Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the State Medical Genetic Research Center;

Gauthier Sergey Vladimirovich- Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after. acad. IN AND. Shumakova, chief transplantologist of Russia;

Dzemeshkevich Sergei Leonidovich– world-famous cardiac surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. Petrovsky;

Kaprin Andrey Dmitrievich– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Moscow Research Oncological Institute named after P.A. Herzen;

Karamov Eduard Vladimirovich– world-famous virologist scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Head of the Laboratory of Immunochemistry at the Research Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky and the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of HIV at the Institute of Immunology, one of the developers of the domestic HIV vaccine;

Kozlovskaya Inessa Benediktovna– founder of the school of space medicine in Russia, creator of the School of Gravitational Physiology of Movements, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Gravitational-Sensory-Motor Physiology and Prevention of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Konovalov Alexander Nikolaevich– world-famous neurosurgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician Burdenko, president of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia;

Krasnopolsky Vladislav Ivanovich– Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Director of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology;

Kubyshkin Valery Alekseevich- Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky;

Medvedev Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of the Human Brain in St. Petersburg;

Medvedeva Irina Vasilievna– Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Tyumen Medical Academy;

Nasonov Evgeniy Lvovich– an outstanding Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, director of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Nerobeev Alexander Ivanovich– world-renowned specialist in the field of reconstructive surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Chief Specialist of the Medical Center of the President of Russia;

Piskunov Gennady Zakharovich - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head. Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, chief otorhinolaryngologist of the MC Administrative Center of the President of the Russian Federation;

Pokrovsky Anatoly Vladimirovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons, President of the European Society of Vascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery at the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky;

Roshal Leonid Mikhailovich– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, President of the National Medical Chamber, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights, Chairman of the International Committee for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars, expert of the World Health Organization;

Sukhikh Gennady Tikhonovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the country's largest Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. Kulakova;

Ternovoy Sergey Konstantinovich– Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the tomography department of the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after. Myasnikov Russian Cardiocenter, Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the MMA named after. Sechenov;

Khubutia Anzor Shalvovich– Professor, Chief Transplantologist of Moscow, President of the Interregional Society of Transplantologists, Director of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine;

Chazova Irina Evgenevna– Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, President of the Russian Medical Society for Arterial Hypertension;

Chuchalin Alexander Grigorievich– Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief therapist of Russia, director of the Research Institute of Pulmonology;

Shabalin Vladimir Nikolaevich– Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center;

Yankovsky Nikolay Kazimirovich - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, director of the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, member of the World Council of Organizations for Human Genome Research.

The program pays special attention to maintaining feedback from listeners. Meetings are regularly organized with program guests. Any listener can come to these meetings and personally ask their questions to the best representatives of domestic medicine. Many patients with complex and rare diseases from remote regions of Russia who turn to the “Advise, Doctor!” program for help, the host and guests of the program help determine free treatment in the best clinics in the country. On the basis of the country's leading public clinics, the program regularly organizes free events and events for listeners - diagnostic days, meetings with famous specialists, health schools.

Now you too can become a participant in all these events, get acquainted with the latest achievements of world and domestic medicine, and master unique applied methods of healing - gymnastics, diets, therapeutic training courses. The authors of these self-healing techniques are famous doctors. You will find all this on the pages of a series of books based on materials from the “Advise, Doctor!” program. The series was compiled by the presenter of the program, Olga Kopylova.

This is an ongoing series - stay tuned for more!

Chapter 1. Joint diseases

As soon as a person got back on his feet, he doomed himself and his offspring to diseases of the spine and joints. In an upright position, we have lost the biomechanical benefits of evenly distributing the body's weight across the vertebrae and joints. According to scientists, the transition to upright walking is far from complete. Lower back pain, displaced intervertebral discs, worn-out knee and hip joints - this is the price that a person has to pay for the dubious advantages of the method of movement chosen by our ancestors.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, member of the Presidium of the Russian Arthroscopy Society and the Society of Sports Medicine Vadim Erikovich Dubrov spoke about the features of this process.

As a representative of the famous Dubrov dynasty - a fifth-generation doctor and a fourth-generation professor of medicine - Vadim Erikovich is rightfully considered in the scientific world to be a recognized authority in the field of treatment of diseases of the joints, and especially the knee joints.

Are joints and ligaments the weak link?

There is an opinion that the weakest link in the human musculoskeletal system is the joints and ligaments. For some reason, it is believed that if a problem arises with bones or muscles, they will recover, they will hurt, they will hurt, and they will recover. Even the most complex bone fractures heal, but if problems arise with ligaments or joints, surgical intervention by an orthopedic doctor is often required.

This common opinion cannot be called unfounded. Indeed, if there are problems with the joints, with their cartilaginous surface, capsule or synovial membrane, the situation is more than serious.

When it comes to ligaments, doctors are more active and forward-looking - here they can successfully correct many problems that arise in patients.

Arthrosis or arthritis?

Many people, often older and not very educated in medical terms, often confuse arthrosis and arthritis. Theoretically, these are completely two different conditions: arthritis is an inflammatory disease, and arthrosis is a disease, as they now say, degenerative, that is, it is associated with metabolic disorders in the cartilage of the joints.

With arthrosis, the structure of the joint changes. First, minor changes appear in the cartilage, then in the capsule, then the bone structures change, and as a result, what we call “destruction” occurs, and sometimes the destruction of the joint.

Any disease sometimes goes through stages of exacerbation, and arthrosis is no exception. Then inflammation may occur - arthritis. There is no contradiction here. It’s just that two diseases develop against each other.

Arthritis itself is an inflammation that can occur and, with proper treatment, go away forever. Mild forms of arthrosis are sometimes accompanied by minor exacerbations, but these exacerbations do not last long. A person lives to be 98 years old and dies from completely different diseases.

But, of course, a situation is also possible when arthritis “gives rise” to arthrosis and even more serious conditions. For example, purulent arthritis can lead to destruction of the joint, and then there is no need to even talk about arthrosis - the consequences will be much more serious.

Who has joint pain and why?

In elderly patients, joint diseases are often caused by age-related changes. But the same problems are now increasingly observed among young people. Apparently, various changes occur in the bones, cartilage, and joints - which ones exactly?

First of all, you need to divide all patients with joint problems into several subgroups. The largest proportion of patients– women over 34–50 years old. At this age, hormonal disorders occur, imbalances of mineral salts are observed, and problems with stress and weight arise. Arthrosis is a consequence of all of these changes in the body.

Second group– these are patients with a congenital predisposition to joint diseases, people with underdevelopment or developmental characteristics of the joints.

Third group– those people who have acquired some systemic diseases during their life, for example, connective tissue diseases. As a rule, they are treated by doctors of a different profile, but sooner or later, unfortunately, they fall into the hands of surgeons.

These are the main groups of patients, but there are also patients with the consequences of injuries and other troubles that happened to them.

Life after a meniscus injury

One of the most common injuries leading to changes in joints and ligaments is a meniscal injury. Over time, it often leads to more serious diseases and, in particular, gonarthrosis.

People who are actively involved in sports often encounter this. It is especially important for them to know what is the prevention of further complications and what to do if this happens.

Once upon a time, before arthroscopy, menisci were removed through open surgery. Scientists and medical practitioners believed that the fate of the meniscus was decided the moment a person entered the operating room. It was simply removed, which is quite radical. Now doctors have the opportunity to track the long-term results of these interventions. Unfortunately, the fate of those patients who ended up on the operating table 20–30 years ago is unenviable.

The meniscus is the lunate cartilage, which is located between the bony surfaces of the femur and tibia. It complements the bones, ensuring joint congruence or what we call reciprocity of the shape of the thigh and lower leg. The meniscus takes on part of the load, it limits movement in the joint, this is a very important element in controlling the axial load in the knee.

A person needs a meniscus. If at least a significant part of the meniscus is removed, then the mutual correspondence of the articular surfaces does not occur. That mechanical, shock protection is no longer there, instability of the knee joint appears, and further troubles arise. It should be noted that this is especially typical for external damage to the meniscus. Removal of the external meniscus inevitably leads to rapidly developing arthrosis.

That is why doctors are now devoting enormous efforts to developing alternative techniques.

The first thing you need to know is exactly what a meniscal injury is. For this, there are modern research methods - magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy, which allows you to examine the joint completely from the inside. It is important for doctors to correctly assess whether meniscus repair is promising. If yes, then doctors can now stitch the menisci. Moreover, this can be done endoscopically, and this is no longer such a traumatic operation as before.

Currently, doctors have already forgotten about large-scale operations with a large incision in the knee. Of course, in some cases they have to be carried out, but, fortunately, this is already rare. If arthroscopy reveals that the tear has occurred in an area favorable for healing, the meniscus can be sutured. If not, you have to remove part of the meniscus, but only the damaged one! In general, doctors try to preserve the meniscus.

Diagnostic arthroscopy – what is it?

Patients undergoing arthroscopy are concerned about what therapeutic manipulations it allows, how long the procedure lasts, and whether anesthesia is used during it?

There are many options for pain relief. In some cases, when general anesthesia cannot be performed for some reason, the manipulation is performed under local anesthesia. This largely depends on the preferences of the patient himself.

The duration of the procedure depends on what exactly the doctors are doing. If this is a purely diagnostic procedure, the operation may last only 15 minutes. Sometimes, if it is a large operation with cartilage grafts, for example, it can take 2–2.5 hours to complete.

Modern technologies make it possible not to limit the operation time. First, two small (5 mm) incisions are made on the sides of the patellar ligament, and a miniature video camera is inserted into the knee, allowing you to examine the joint from the inside.

Through the second small incision, a miniature instrument, almost microsurgical, is inserted. With the help of such a manipulator, you can do anything: remove the meniscus, transplant ligaments, remove loose chondromic bodies that “dangle” in the joint (doctors sometimes call them “mice”).

Based on what he saw, a decision is immediately made on what to do next. Sometimes a person who comes for a diagnosis leaves already healthy. The patient is shown the “findings” directly on the monitor and asked: “Do you agree that this and that will be corrected, or will you continue to live as you are?” In most cases, the patient agrees to surgical treatment.

Of course, we should not forget that this is still surgery, and any intervention may be slightly complicated. Infection may occur, and anesthesia carries a certain risk. However, today such complications are minimized, and in general everything is not so scary. Arthroscopy is a fairly gentle intervention, and there is no need to be afraid of it!

Diagnostic test “Do you have joint diseases?”

What symptoms may indicate joint problems? What preconditions lead to the development of joint diseases?

We present to your attention a diagnostic test. Below are a few questions. Place a “yes” or “no” next to each statement, a “plus” next to a question to which you answered positively, and a “minus” where you answered “no.” After all the questions you will find comments for the test.

First question. Are you experiencing pain in your knee joints?

Second question. Sometimes you may experience sharp pain in your knee when moving or a painless restriction of movement in your knee (as if it is jammed)?

Third question. When you try to bend your knee all the way, do you experience a crunching sensation, possible sharp pain in the knee joint, but you cannot bend it fully?

Fourth question. Has going down the stairs become more problematic for you than going up?

Fifth question. Do you have a feeling of numbness or discomfort in your knees when forced to sit for a long time (for example, when driving in a car)?

Six question. Have your knees started to swell, have your joints become painful to the touch?

Seventh question. Does the pain intensify in the evening and can continue at night?

Eighth question. Do you have difficulty fully extending your leg at the knee?

Ninth question. After sleep, do you notice morning stiffness in your joints?

Tenth question. Have you noticed that you've been wearing your shoes differently lately?

Eleventh question. Have you changed the shape of your legs (have their X-shaped or O-shaped deformation become noticeable)?

Twelfth question. Are you overweight?

I express my gratitude to the wonderful Russian doctors who shared with me valuable advice on the treatment of hypertension and heart disease, to my mentors and journalistic colleagues for their professional help, to my husband for spiritual support, as well as to all the listeners of Radio Russia who inspired me to write this book .

© Kopylova O.S., text, 2015

© Bezlepkina E.N., illustrations, 2014

© Kireeva T.P., illustrations, 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Introduction to the series “Advise, Doctor!”

Dear friends! Many of those who picked up this book are listeners of Radio Russia. The program “Advise, Doctor!” has been broadcast on the waves of this radio station for seven years now. Over the years, the program has gained enormous popularity. She is listened to not only in Russia. The luminaries of Russian medicine, outstanding doctors of our time, advise radio listeners from all over the world live. Letters from listeners come from Germany, France, Israel, Australia, Mexico!

We strive for our program to become a kind of bridge between doctors and patients, to teach people to be attentive and responsible about their health, to listen to their body, to hear the distress signals that the body gives us, and, ultimately, to take proper care of it.

The program “Advise, Doctor!” airs on the main state radio of the country, has a social orientation, and is devoid of commercial overtones. Guests of the program “Advise, Doctor!” are authoritative doctors, sports trainers, physical therapy methodologists, and authors of original health-improving techniques. All our guests have a medical education and almost all have a doctorate or candidate of science degree. We try to maintain a high status of the program, corresponding to the level of the main radio station of the Russian Federation.

Conversations with guests of the program “Advise, Doctor!” always take place in an atmosphere of goodwill and a high degree of spirituality. We want doctors to come to our broadcast “without white coats” and communicate with listeners on equal terms - not only as highly qualified professionals, but also simply as people who are also sick, trying to cope with bad habits and solve their psychological problems, which sometimes they experience fear and uncertainty, doubt dogmas, do not declare truisms, but, like everyone else, seek answers to the complex questions of existence.

We always sincerely try to help our listeners who ask questions live. Our interlocutors, radio listeners, have the opportunity in the future to consult free of charge in person with the guest of the program to whom they asked a question. We try to help many listeners outside of the broadcast, since people’s problems are sometimes so pressing that we can’t simply turn off the microphone and forget about everything and leave the studio. We regularly organize meetings with doctors who are guests of the program. During such meetings, radio listeners have the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with highly qualified specialists and directly ask them their questions. Information about planned meetings is always aired on the “Advise, Doctor!” program.

The book you are holding in your hands was written by the host of the program “Advise, Doctor!” Olga Kopylova based on materials from her radio program. We plan to regularly publish books in the “Advise, Doctor!” series. on the most pressing topics discussed in the program. Many listeners in their letters ask to repeat this or that program, answer a question that was not heard on air, send by mail a description of this or that applied healing technique, repeat self-diagnosis tests, send the address of the clinic or doctor who participated in the program. Now we have the opportunity to satisfy these requests. Series of books “Advise, Doctor!” allows us to do this!

It is important to emphasize that our books will not repeat the programs aired. The format of a printed publication allows you to include much more useful information than a 47-minute radio broadcast. We will now publish the best thematic programs plus everything that remains behind the scenes on the pages of a series of books with the same name - “Advise, Doctor!” Many unique health recipes from leading Russian doctors, the best methods of healing, tests for self-diagnosis, valuable recommendations from the luminaries of Russian medicine - all useful applied information is now available to everyone, look for it in books authored by a famous journalist, host of the program “Advise, Doctor! » Olga Kopylova.

We wish all readers of this book good health!

The creative team of the program “Advise, Doctor!” on Radio Russia

Introduction to the book

Once, a European doctor I knew complained to me about Russian tourists, whose health he had to monitor on a cruise ship. Almost every day one of our travelers experienced a hypertensive crisis! And pensioners from Europe, who also sailed on this ship, rested peacefully without hypertensive crises or other force majeure health problems. The ship's doctor could not understand why Russians constantly have headaches and high blood pressure, while European tourists do not complain about such complaints?

The lack of headaches among European citizens can easily be explained by their law-abiding nature. After 40 years, citizens of European countries and other developed countries of the world annually undergo a full medical examination,, at their own discretion, do not stop taking prescribed medications and do not prescribe new ones for themselves, follow the diet recommended by the doctor and regularly engage in physical exercise. That is, they do everything to prevent the development of diseases and their exacerbation. The same cannot be said about our compatriots.

Many countries have national institutes of health. No one is being treated there. These institutes are engaged in disease prevention. A person will not be able to receive a social card until he undergoes a medical examination. Insurance companies in Europe do not pay for those risks that are easily determined using the same medical examination, while domestic insurance companies take a pig in a poke, not knowing what the insured person is sick with.

After the ship’s doctor’s story about hypertensive crises among Russian tourists, I felt deeply offended for my compatriots. Well, insurance medicine does not yet work as effectively in our country as in European countries! It is a fact. This means that everyone must take care of themselves. How exactly? I wrote about this in a book that I dedicated to cardiovascular health.

Good cardiovascular health is the key to health and longevity. Human vessels are a whole system of rivers, rivulets and streams that fill every cell of the body with life. If the free flow of these rivers is disrupted in some place, the entire body suffers. If a person develops heart and vascular diseases, the blood supply to other organs and systems of the body is disrupted, and they begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is no coincidence that cardiac surgeons recommend operating on congenital heart defects as early as possible - if this is not done in time, the child will develop abnormally not only the heart, but also other organs.

With age, blood vessels wear out. Based on their condition, one can determine a person’s biological age and make a prognosis for longevity. Aging of the body and many serious diseases begin with age-related changes in blood vessels! By keeping the cardiovascular system in good shape, a person can significantly extend his life.

Photos used on the cover: polarica, Catshila, francepig / Istockphoto / Thinkstock / Getty Images

© Kopylova O.S., text, 2014

© Metafora LLC, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2016

* * *

Foreword from the editor

Dear readers!

Series of books “Advise, Doctor!” compiled based on materials from the popular Radio Russia program “Advise, Doctor!” It is hosted by Olga Kopylova, beloved by millions. This is one of the most rated and authoritative programs on medicine in our country: since 2006, it has been broadcast live on the state channel Radio Russia in Saturday prime time - from 13.10 to 14.00 Moscow time.

Over the years of its existence, the program has gained the love and trust of listeners, and has gained well-deserved authority among Russian and foreign representatives of medicine. She is appreciated by both patients and doctors.

This is one of the few medical programs that deeply and extensively covers the problems and achievements of our medicine. The program, as a priority, raises issues of national importance and talks about the fight against such serious, socially significant diseases as diseases of the cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, and diabetes. Issues of reproductive health, maternal and child health, and children's health are actively discussed live. The presenter and participants of the program talk about the introduction of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment, medical rehabilitation, equipping health care institutions with modern technology, and providing medications. Each new episode of the program is awaited and listened to with interest by patients and doctors from all regions of Russia and abroad.

The author and presenter of the program, Olga Kopylova, managed to attract the most authoritative doctors and scientists, heads of specialized medical centers in Russia, to cooperate and unite around the program. They adequately represent domestic medicine on the air of the country’s main state radio station.

Masters of Russian medicine repeatedly spoke in the program and shared their recommendations with listeners.

The program pays special attention to maintaining feedback from listeners. Meetings are regularly organized with program guests. Any listener can come to these meetings and personally ask their questions to the best representatives of domestic medicine. Many patients with complex and rare diseases from remote regions of Russia who turn to the “Advise, Doctor!” program for help, the host and guests of the program help determine free treatment in the best clinics in the country. On the basis of the country's leading public clinics, the program regularly organizes free events and events for listeners - diagnostic days, meetings with famous specialists, health schools.

Now you too can become a participant in all these events, get acquainted with the latest achievements of world and domestic medicine, and master unique applied methods of healing - gymnastics, diets, therapeutic training courses. The authors of these self-healing techniques are famous doctors. You will find all this on the pages of a series of books based on materials from the “Advise, Doctor!” program. The series was compiled by the presenter of the program, Olga Kopylova.

This is an ongoing series - stay tuned for more!

Introduction to the book

What is the character of the human heart?

Today we are talking about heart- a tireless worker who, throughout human life, pumps tons of blood through the vessels, ensuring the vital functions of all organs and systems. But at some point it may happen that the heart turns out to be a kind of shoemaker without boots. Supplying blood to every cell of the human body, the body itself begins to suffer from a lack of its own blood supply.

In Eastern medicine, various organs of the human body are animated and the qualities of various animals are attributed to them. For example, the liver is compared to a stubborn donkey, which sometimes it’s not a sin to spur it on. But the heart, on the contrary, in the minds of yogis is a noble creature; it is compared to a thoroughbred horse that faithfully serves its owner, but does not tolerate any violence against itself.

What does the heart love and what is it afraid of?

The heart is a very loyal organ to its owner. This is a rapid response agency. And it is not for nothing that in all religions and mystical traditions the existence of the soul and the ability to live independently and express feelings are associated with the heart. They say: “the heart worries”, “the heart reacts”, and this is true. The heart reacts to both external and internal influences. When we don’t feel good, that’s what we feel, it “breaks.” And when we rejoice, it “jumps out of our chest.”

Any violence is unacceptable for the heart; there must be some limits. The achievements of outstanding athletes, of course, are not a guide for everyone. Overload is undesirable for the heart. The level of physical activity should be consistent with the state of health. Otherwise, there will be nothing left of the devotion of the heart.

If you get away from mystical things, the heart is primarily a pump. The heart is connected to the vessels through which blood flows; the heart has valves that ensure its functioning. If we violate the diet, violate the level of physical activity, abuse alcoholic beverages, the heart gets tired, atherosclerotic plaques appear in the vessels, which impair blood circulation in the heart muscle. The valves begin to suffer - they do not perform their function. Eventually the pump stops working. And if the pump does not work, then all organs, including the liver and kidneys, suffer from a lack of oxygen. That is, ultimately the heart is at the center of many health problems, although from the point of view of the functions it performs, the heart is perhaps more primitive than the liver, which is practically a biochemical factory. The heart is just a pump. But without this pump the factory will not work.

Chapter 1. How to “save” life and health

Once the great Pirogov said that a surgeon, like a sapper, makes one mistake. Cardiac surgeons dealing with the most critically ill patients experience enormous physical and mental stress, and their work is comparable to the actions of the military in combat conditions. In this chapter we will talk about the present day of domestic cardiac surgery, about the latest technologies for diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system and how to protect your heart from disease.

How to learn to “save” your life

“You need to learn to save your life” - these words belong to the outstanding cardiac surgeon of our time, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of State Prizes, head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex Renat Suleymanovich Akchurin. Renat Suleymanovich is a frequent guest of the “Advise, Doctor!” program. on Radio Russia. Here are the main thoughts that he voiced on one of these broadcasts.

Saving vital resources- this is a whole complex of concepts, which primarily include preventive measures - physical education, sports. You need to start doing this from childhood. The desire to limit excesses, the desire to ensure that the body receives exactly what it needs, and at the same time works effectively. You should try not to waste time. All this is produced by life. And, of course, a person should always be very attentive to the recommendations of doctors. This can be called optimizing your own life. An attempt to optimize the time that we have.

Today, the average life expectancy of Russians is 71.6 years. At the same time, women crossed the border of 77 years, their life expectancy was 77.2, for men - 65.6. In 1985, the USSR surpassed such developed countries as France and the Federal Republic of Germany in life expectancy. Back then, our average life expectancy was about 75 years.

Why has life expectancy decreased?

The leapfrog with organizational issues in healthcare and financing undoubtedly contributed to the fact that the level of medical care gradually deteriorated and, accordingly, patient treatment outcomes deteriorated. The change in the direction of the country’s activities, the collapse of the Union, the colossal migration of millions of people from one region of the country to another - all this has gradually led to a decrease in the life expectancy of Russians.

Today, healthcare funding is increasing, new medical centers are being built, and peripheral hospitals have become better supplied. Accordingly, the quality of medical care improves. The sooner we erase the difference between the periphery and the capital in terms of medical supplies, the sooner we will achieve an average life expectancy of 75 years.

2024 gtavrl.ru.