Preparation of program listings. Program listing Non-executable source code

Before securities or cryptocurrency coins are made available to traders on trading platforms, they must go through a complex selection process and be listed. Let’s understand in simple terms what listing on an exchange is – both on the stock and cryptocurrency exchanges, what main stages need to be completed in order to be on the list, the main benefits that the company receives, and what is the essence of delisting.

What is a listing

The concept of listing is found in different areas of our lives:

  • Stock and cryptocurrency exchanges– they will be the topic of this article. Here we are talking about adding securities or cryptocoins to the lists of trading platforms.
  • In trade– this means adding products from a particular manufacturer to the store’s assortment.
  • In programming– this is the source code (text) of the program, which is translated into executable code using a compiler.
  • In real estate– here listing agreements are signed between the owner of the property and the sales agent who sells it for a commission.

We will not consider the last two industries. We are interested in listing on , as well as cryptocurrency.

Listing and delisting of securities

Listing appeared in our lexicon from the word list, which is translated from English as “list”. Listing securities on the stock exchange is the procedure for adding shares and bonds of companies to the list of instruments that are quoted on the platform. After that, they become available for purchase and sale on it.

After passing the listing procedure, securities are included in the trading list of the exchange

Market participants often refer to the list itself as a listing. Moreover, each site has its own list.

The initiator of the listing is most often the issuing company, however, in rare cases, the exchange itself can express a desire to include certain securities in its list, if they are already in great demand among traders through informal channels.

For companies, listing on the stock exchange has a large number of advantages, and therefore it is not surprising that companies make a lot of effort to go through this procedure.

It is important not to confuse an exchange listing with an IPO. In the first case, the company seeks to be included in the quotation list of a certain trading platform. And an IPO implies that the company becomes public and its securities become available to investors not only through, but also through other channels, for example, through its branches.

Listing stages

The listing procedure involves several stages that the issuing company must go through before its securities become available to investors.

  1. It all starts with submitting an application. This can be done either by the issuer himself or by a person representing the interests of the company.
  2. Next comes the examination stage. Exchange representatives analyze both securities and all available data about the company. The profitability of the enterprise and the liquidity of its assets are examined. The company is required to provide all financial statements collected over the past several years.
  3. A special commission reviews the results of the examinations and decides to add securities to its listing or reject the application.
  4. If the decision is positive, both parties – the company and the exchange – enter into an agreement.

The procedure, on average, takes about 1-2 months. To remain on the list, the issuer will usually need to submit the necessary data to the exchange once a quarter.

The listing rules that trading platforms impose on companies vary. Some may allow listing only for enterprises whose capitalization is at least $50 million and whose presence on the market is at least 3 years. Others may either raise or lower the bar on these and other requirements.

If not all conditions are met, but the securities are interesting to the exchange, they are included in the preliminary list of securities - it is also called prelisting. Investors can also trade these shares, but outside the walls of the exchange and the trading platform is not responsible for them.

Listing levels

Mostly, exchanges have several levels of listing. At first premium the most liquid securities with a high level of reliability are included.

To companies second level The demands are no longer as high. And the lowest for enterprises applying for the third, so-called unquoted list. Investors who purchase securities of companies of this level should independently carefully analyze their reliability.

For example, the Main and Alternative sites are not valid. The first is divided into two levels: “Standard” and “Premium”. The alternative market is intended for small and medium-sized developing enterprises, which are admitted here under a simplified procedure.

From time to time, platforms may increase or, conversely, decrease the listing levels of bonds and shares, or even delist them altogether.

Types of listing

There are primary and secondary listings.

Primary listing implies that the shares are available to investors on the stock exchange within the country where the company is registered.

At secondary listing securities are introduced to international markets and included in the lists of foreign platforms. This can only be done if the primary listing stage has been completed.

There is also double listing, in which the company consistently strives to get onto the quotation lists of several trading platforms in its home country.

And cross listing– in this case, the company sends applications to be added to the lists of several exchange platforms in different countries. Moreover, if one of them approves the addition of securities, in the others the company gets the opportunity to complete the listing procedure according to a simplified scheme. This reduces not only material costs, but also the time required to consider the application.

What are the advantages of the issuer

It is not without reason that companies make efforts to get listed on exchanges, since this promises them a number of benefits. Firstly, their investment attractiveness increases, and as a result it is easier to attract funds for further development. The advantages also include:

  • growth in the capitalization of the enterprise with an increase in demand for issued securities;
  • increasing visibility and trust in business circles;
  • increasing the liquidity of shares and bonds;
  • the ability to add to the lists of foreign exchanges;
  • in some cases you can claim tax benefits.

However, we should not forget that from now on, increased attention will be paid to the company’s activities, and any actions will immediately affect the value of the shares. In addition, the listing procedure is not free. All examinations carried out cost money.

What does this give to investors?

The main thing is confidence. Investors, when investing in a company's shares, know that its reliability has been verified by professionals. Presence in the exchange listing saves them from independently checking the reliability of the enterprise.

What is delisting

Even if securities are listed on the stock exchange, there is no guarantee that they will remain there forever. Under certain conditions, the site may remove them from it. This happens if, for example, the issuer ceases to comply with the conditions of the exchange, fails to fulfill its obligations, declares itself bankrupt, etc.

A stock price that does not increase over time, indicating low demand, can also lead to delisting. It happens that the initiator of delisting is the company itself, for example, during a merger of enterprises.

Cryptocurrency listing

Listing is often discussed in the cryptocurrency environment. Here, digital coins or tokens tend to appear on the trading list of exchange platforms.

Cryptocurrency projects strive to get listed on popular exchanges

Requirements for listing on crypto exchanges vary. It is much more difficult to get to large well-known sites than to small ones. That’s why most projects start with small trading platforms.

Price issue

One of the main issues is cost. . Little-known exchanges can list cryptocurrencies for free. Getting on the lists of well-known platforms can cost thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars - they charge money for analyzing the coin before listing. Although there are exceptions.

Binance, for example, announced this fall that listing fees would be used to fund charitable causes. At the same time, there are no fixed prices - the developers themselves determine how much they want to pay for the listing. Poloniex management claims that it does not charge any money for listing.

At the beginning of the year, Business Insider journalists published an article according to which the minimum threshold for entering the listing of crypto exchanges for ICO projects is $50 thousand, and in some cases can reach $1 million.

There were also cases when exchange management was caught taking bribes for including coins in the listing. An example is the Coinnest exchange - its operating and technical directors were paid about 890 thousand dollars for adding the S-coin cryptocurrency to the trading list.

How it works

In order for a token to be listed, most often on the selected site you need to submit an application and fill out a form. However, popular exchange coins can be listed on their own, without waiting for the project team to offer to do so. For example, every exchange must have Bitcoin (BTC), and, as a rule, Ethereum (ETH).

What questions are most often found in the questionnaire:

  • name and description of the coin;
  • launch date of the main network, as well as the platform itself;
  • Github link;
  • link to the project White Paper;
  • links to social networks;
  • whether mining is present in the network and whether there was pre-mining;
  • maximum coin issue, etc.

Exchanges often also hold competitions among their users - they vote for the proposed cryptocurrencies, and the winning coin is added to the quotation list.

At the end of summer 2018, Huobi Global launched a platform for automatic listing of cryptocurrencies. With its help, the exchange intends to speed up the process of adding tokens to the trading list and make it transparent.

Important nuances

The first thing exchanges look at is the value of the coin, its usefulness to the community. In second place is the security of the project, since if the crypto network is hacked, the exchange will also suffer. They are definitely interested in the professionalism, as well as the reputation of the team.

For example, at Bittrex there is a preliminary stage of consideration of the application and an in-depth one. If the company’s specialists consider at the preliminary stage that the coin is worthy of being listed on the exchange, a thorough study of its technical characteristics, innovative capabilities, and compliance with the requirements of the platform begins.

Exchanges try not to add coins that can be recognized as securities. For example, Poloniex immediately invites developers to familiarize themselves with the Howey test to determine whether a token meets these criteria or not.

An exception among large platforms is the Coinbase exchange, which has received appropriate regulatory approval and can officially operate with tokens that have the properties of securities.

Interestingly, if an asset is contrary to the laws of a particular country, it may not be available to users from certain jurisdictions.

"Exchange Effect"

After adding popular crypto exchanges to the listings, the cost of coins, as a rule, increases sharply - by an average of 25-30%. This pattern has even been called the “exchange effect.” This happens due to the fact that more users learn about the coin, it becomes recognizable, and increases demand for it. However, most often this rise is short-lived and soon the value begins to decline.

There are also situations when the price of tokens, on the contrary, falls after being included in the trading lists of exchanges. This happens most often when the project is listed immediately after, and investors who invested during the token sale strive to quickly earn extra money on the coin by actively dumping it on the exchange.

Crypto coins are delisted for a number of reasons:

  • low interest from traders;
  • changes in legislation;
  • hacking the blockchain of a crypto network;
  • refusal of developers to further support the coin;
  • user complaints.

Tokens, as a rule, are not deleted immediately - the exchange gives traders several weeks to close positions and withdraw funds to their own wallets.

Listing in trade

The concept of listing is also present in the trading field. When a supplier wants his products to be sold, for example, on the shelves of a large retail chain, he first needs to agree with the company's management to add his product to the listing.

If a product is not in demand among customers, it may also undergo a delisting procedure, in which case it disappears from store shelves.

Which can be read by a person. In a generalized sense - any input data for the translator. The source code is translated to executable code entirely before running the program using a compiler or can be executed immediately using an interpreter.


The source code is either used to produce object code or executed by an interpreter. Changes are made only to the original one, followed by re-conversion to the object one.

Another important purpose of source code is as a description of a program. Based on the text of the program, you can reconstruct the logic of its behavior. Comments are used to make source code easier to understand. There are also tools that allow you to automatically obtain source code documentation - the so-called. documentation generators.

In addition, the source code has many other uses. It can be used as a teaching tool; Beginning programmers may find it useful to examine existing source code to learn programming techniques and methodology. It is also used as a communication tool between experienced programmers due to its concise and unambiguous nature. Code sharing among developers is often cited as a contributing factor to improving the programmer experience.

Programmers often move source code (either as modules, as is, or with adaptations) from one project to another. This is called code reuse.

Source code is a critical component for the process of porting software to other platforms. Without the source code of any piece of software, porting is either too difficult or completely impossible.


The source code of some part of the software (module, component) may consist of one or more files. Program code is not necessarily written in only one programming language. For example, often programs written in C language contain insertions of assembly language code for optimization reasons. It is also possible that some components or parts of a program are written in different languages, and then assembled into a single executable module using a technique known as library linking ( library linking).

Complex software requires dozens or even hundreds of source code files to be built. In such cases, to simplify the build, project files are usually used that contain a description of the dependencies between the source code files and describe the build process. These files may also contain options for the compiler and design environment. For different design environments, different project files can be used, and in some environments these files can be in a text format, suitable for direct editing by a programmer using universal text editors; in other environments, special formats are supported, and the creation and modification of files is carried out using special tools programs. Project files are usually included in the term "source code". Often, source code also refers to resource files containing various data, for example, graphic images needed to build a program.

To make it easier to work with source code and to allow a team of programmers to collaborate on code, version control systems are used.


Unlike humans, there is no “well-written” or “badly written” code for a computer. But how the code is written can greatly influence the software maintenance process. The quality of the source code can be judged by the following parameters:

  • code readability (including the presence of comments to the code);
  • ease of support, testing, debugging and error correction, modification and porting;
  • economical use of resources: memory, processor, disk space;
  • absence of comments output by the compiler;
  • absence of “garbage” - unused variables, unreachable code blocks, unnecessary outdated comments, etc.;
  • adequate error handling;
  • possibility of interface internationalization.

Non-executable source code

Copyleft licenses for free software require distribution of the source code. These licenses are also often used for works that are not software - for example, documentation, images, data files for computer games.

In such cases, the source code is considered to be the form of the work that is preferred for editing. In licenses other than software, it may also be referred to as the "transparent format" version. This could be, for example:

  • for a file compressed with loss of data - the lossless version;
  • for rendering a vector image or a three-dimensional model - respectively, the vector version and the model;
  • for a text image - the same text in text format;
  • for music - a file in the internal format of the music editor;
  • and finally, the file itself, if it satisfies the specified conditions, or if a more convenient version simply did not exist.

see also

Listings of programs developed by the student must be located in separate applications with mandatory links to them.

The program code must be accompanied by comments. It is recommended to use the self-documenting code features.

In the main part of the work, to illustrate the theoretical material presented, listings of program fragments should be provided, which should be placed immediately after the text in which they are first mentioned. All listings must be referenced in the text of the work.

When designing listings, use Courier New font, size – 12 pt, line spacing – single. It is recommended to separate semantic blocks with blank lines, as well as visually indicate nested structures using indents.

It is recommended to highlight keywords and comments using different font styles. In the same way, the names of libraries, subroutines, constants, variables, data structures, classes, their fields and methods should be indicated in the main text of the work.

Listings must be sequentially numbered within each section. The listing number should consist of the section number and the serial number of the listing, separated by a dot, for example: “Listing 3.2” is the second listing of the third section. If a work contains only one listing, it is designated “Listing 1.” When referring to a listing, write the word “listing” and indicate its number.

The listing title is printed in the same font as the main text and is placed above the listing on the left, without a paragraph indentation through a dash after the listing number.

An example of the design is shown in Listing 3.1.

Listing 3.1 – Program “Hello, World!”


// Print a string to standard output

cout<< "Hello World!";

Preparation for defense and defense of coursework, theses and reports on students’ pre-diploma practice

Only coursework, reports on pre-diploma practice and diploma theses, prepared in strict accordance with the requirements set out above, are allowed for defense. The student - the author of the diploma (course) work - is responsible for the content and formatting of the course (thesis) work, the report on pre-diploma practice, the decisions made therein, the correctness of all data and the conclusions drawn.

Coursework, report on pre-graduation practice

The course work (report on pre-diploma practice) is defended at a meeting of the working commission created by the department, to which the student appears with the course work (report on pre-diploma practice). Up to 10 minutes are allotted for a report on coursework (a report on pre-graduate practice). The report may be accompanied by illustrative material (posters, computer presentation and/or demonstration of computer software).

Based on the results of completing and defending the course work, a grade is given and entered into the test and examination record and in the “course design” section of the student’s grade book.

When grading coursework, the following are taken into account:

– degree of solution of the task;

– degree of independence and initiative of the student;

– the student’s ability to use literary sources;

– the degree of compliance of the explanatory note with the requirements for its design;

– the possibility of using the results obtained in practice.

Graduate work

The completed thesis is presented to the supervisor, who provides feedback on it. The review of the thesis supervisor should include:

- relevance of the topic,

– degree of solution of the task,

– degree of independence and initiative of the student,

– the student’s ability to use special literature,

– the student’s ability for engineering and research work,

– the ability to use the results obtained in practice,

– the possibility of assigning appropriate qualifications to the graduate.

The thesis and the supervisor's review are presented to the head of the department, who decides on the possibility of admitting the student to defend the thesis. To resolve this issue, the department creates a working commission (commissions) that hears the student’s report on the thesis, determines the compliance of the thesis with the assignment and determines the student’s readiness to defend.

The student’s admission to the defense is recorded by the signature of the head of the department on the title page of the thesis.

If the head of the department, based on the conclusions of the working commission, does not consider it possible to allow the student to defend himself, this issue is considered at a meeting of the department with the participation of the director of the thesis. In case of a negative conclusion from the department, the minutes of the meeting are submitted through the dean of the faculty for approval to the rector, after which the student is informed that he is not allowed to defend his thesis.

The thesis accepted by the department for defense is sent to the head of the department for review.

Reviewers of theses are approved by the dean of the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the department from among the teaching staff of other departments, specialists from production and scientific institutions, and teaching staff of other universities.

The review should note:

– relevance of the topic of the thesis;

– the degree of compliance of the thesis with the assignment;

– the consistency of constructing the descriptive part of the thesis;

– the presence of a critical literature review on the topic of the thesis, its completeness and consistency of analysis;

– completeness of description of the calculation methodology or research performed, presentation of one’s own calculated, theoretical and experimental results, assessment of the reliability of the obtained expressions and data;

– the presence of reasoned conclusions based on the results of the thesis;

– practical significance of the thesis, the possibility of using the results obtained;

– disadvantages and weaknesses of the thesis;

– comments on the design of the descriptive part of the thesis and the style of presentation of the material;

– evaluation of the thesis (in accordance with the accepted grading system).

The reviewer has the right to request from the student author of the thesis additional materials concerning the substance of the work done. The student must be familiar with the review before defending the work in the State Examination Committee. The signatures of managers and reviewers who are not VSU employees must be certified by the human resources department of the organization where they work.

The procedure for defending a thesis is determined by the Regulations on State Examination Commissions.

Up to 15 minutes are allotted for the thesis report, during which it is necessary to briefly, clearly and concisely state the topic and purpose of the work, the rationale for its relevance and importance, the research methodology, the results obtained and conclusions. However, it is not recommended to read the text of the speech before the commission.

The report, as a rule, is accompanied by illustrative material (tables, formulas, graphs, diagrams, etc.), for which posters, slides and other presentation tools are used, as well as a computer demonstration of the developed software.

After the report, it is necessary to answer questions from members of the examination committee on the merits of the work performed.

The defense ends with the student providing a final word, in which he expresses his attitude to the recommendations and comments.

After defense, the thesis is stored at the university where it was completed for five years.

Appendix A
An example of a title page for a term paper

Appendix B
An example of the design of the title page of a report on industrial practice

Appendix B
An example of a title page for a thesis

Appendix D
Form of assignment for diploma (course) work

EE "Vitebsk State University named after. P.M. Masherov"

for a thesis

Student ____ course

Last name I.O.

1. Topic of work

2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed work

3. Initial data for work

4. List of questions to be developed in the thesis or a summary of the thesis:

5. List of graphic or program material (with a precise indication of required drawings) or program modules

6. Work consultants indicating the sections related to them

7. Date of assignment “___” ____________ 20___.

Supervisor ______________ / ____________ /

signature Last name I.O.

The task was accepted for execution by “___” ___________ 20___.


student's signature

Appendix D
An example of a thesis abstract


Thesis, 56 pages, 4 illustrations, 2 tables, bibliogr. 16.


The object of research is computing and information processes and systems. The purpose of the work is to develop the theoretical foundations of modeling, analysis and effective organization of computing and information processes and systems.

Research methods - methods of probability theory, mathematical statistics, queuing and reliability, logical-combinatorial methods, simulation modeling.

The results are models and methods for analyzing stable random processes, the stability of statistical estimates of regression and statistical decision rules in the presence of parametric heterogeneity, methods for decomposing submodular graph systems in relation to the ordering of computational processes, methods for calculating and inferring features for describing subject areas.

The scope of application is the processes of automated analysis and synthesis of complex systems.

Appendix E
An example of a list of symbols and abbreviations

Designations and abbreviations

LSI – large integrated circuit

IC – integrated circuit

VLSI – Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit

PLM – programmable logic matrix

GSP – random sequence generator

PSG – pseudo-random sequence generator

SLN – means of fault localization

Appendix G
Examples of descriptions of used sources

Table G.1 – Examples of descriptions of independent publications

Source characteristics Design example
One, two or three authors Orlov, S.A. – Software development technologies: Textbook for universities / S.A. Orlov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. – 464 p.
Biyachuev, T.A. Security of corporate networks / T.A. Biyachuev; edited by L.G. Osovetsky. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University of ITMO, 2004. – 161 p.
Deitel, H.M. How to program in C++ / H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel. – M.: Binom, 2001. – 1152 p..
Mitchell M. Programming for Linux. Professional approach. / M. Mitchell, J. Oldham, A. Samuel. – M.: Williams Publishing House, 2003. – 288 p.
Bakhvalov, N.S. Numerical methods: textbook. manual for physics and mathematics. specialties of universities / N.S. Bakhvalov, N.P. Zhidkov, G.M. Kobelkov; under general ed. N.I. Tikhonov. – 2nd ed. M.: Fizmatlit, 2002. – 630 p.
Four or more authors Object-oriented design techniques. Design patterns / Gamma E. [et al.]. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 366 p.
Applied mechanics: textbook. manual / A. T. Skoybeda [etc.]; under general ed. A.T. Skybeds. – Mn.: Higher School, 1997. – 522 p.
Multi-volume edition Arkhangelsky, A.Ya. C++ Builder 6: reference manual: in 2 books. / AND I. Arkhangelsk. – M.: Binom-Press, 2002. – 2 books.
Knuth, D. The art of computer programming: in 3 volumes / D. Knuth. – M.: Mir, 1976–1978. – 3 t.
A separate volume in a multi-volume edition Arkhangelsky, A.Ya. C++ Builder 6: reference manual: in 2 books. Book 1. Language C++ / A.Ya. Arkhangelsk. – M.: Binom-Press, 2002. – 544 p.

Continuation of table G.1

Arkhangelsky, A.Ya. C++ Builder 6: reference manual: in 2 books. Book 2. Classes and components / A.Ya. Arkhangelsk. – M.: Binom-Press, 2002. – 528 p.
Collection of articles, works Innovative technologies in the educational process of the educational institution "VSU named after. P.M. Masherov": collection. Art. / Vit. state University named after P.M. Masherova; redol. A.V. Rusetsky (chief editor) [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2006. – 111 p.
Modern information computer technologies: collection. scientific Art.: at 2 o'clock / Grodno. state University named after Ya. Kupala; editorial board: A.M. Kadan (responsible editor) [and others]. – Grodno, 2008. – 2 hours.
Conference materials Informatization of teaching mathematics and computer science: pedagogical aspects: materials of the international. scientific conf., dedicated 85th anniversary of Belarus. state University, Minsk, October 25–28. 2006 / Belarusian. state University; editorial board: I.A. Novik (responsible editor) [and others]. – Mn., 2006. – 499 p.
II Masherov readings: materials of regional scientific and practical. conf. students, undergraduates and graduate students, Vitebsk, April 24–25. 2007: in 2 volumes / Vit. state univ. – Vitebsk, 2007. – 2 vols.
Standard GOST 19.701–90. Unified system of program documentation. Schemes of algorithms, programs, data and systems. Conventions and execution rules. – Instead of GOST 19.002–80, GOST 19.003–80; input 01/01/1992. – M.: Standards Publishing House, 1991. – 26 p.
GOST R 50922–2006. Data protection. Basic terms and definitions. – Instead of GOST R 50922–96; input 02/01/2008. – M.: Standartinform, 2008. – 7 p.
Electronic resources Microsoft Visual Studio [Electronic resource]: Express Edition / Microsoft Corporation, ComputerPress. - Electron. dan., electron. text data and prog. – 1 email wholesale disk.
MSDN Library [Electronic resource]: Help system. – Microsoft Corporation, 2004. – 3 emails. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).
World of PC [Electronic resource]. – M.: Open systems. – Appendix to PC World (magazine). – 2006. – No. 2. – 1 email wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Continuation of table G.1

Table G.2 – Examples of descriptions of the components of publications

Source characteristics Design example
Part of the book Liberty, D. Analysis and design of object-oriented programs / D. Liberty // Master C++ on your own in 21 days / D. Liberty. – M.: Williams, 2000. – P.561–595.
Sverdlov, S.Z. Languages ​​and evolution of programming technologies / S.Z. Sverdlov // Programming languages ​​and translation methods: textbook. allowance / S.Z. Sverdlov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. – P. 17–205.
Book chapter Wirth, N. Dynamic information structures / N. Wirth // Algorithms + data structures = programs / N. Wirth. – M.: Mir, 1985. – Ch. 4. – P.189–318.
Henderson, K. Building applications for working with databases / K. Henderson // Borland C++ Builder / K. Reisdorf, K. Henderson. – M.: Binom, 1998. – Ch. 18. – pp. 583–595.
Part of the collection Rusetsky, A.V. The main task is the introduction of new educational technologies / A.V. Rusetsky // Innovative technologies in the educational process of the educational institution "VSU named after. P.M. Masherov": collection. Art. / Vit. state University named after P.M. Masherova; redol. A.V. Rusetsky (chief editor) [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2006. – P. 3–4.
Buza, M.K. Parallel processing of one class of arithmetic expressions / M.K. Buza, Liu Jiahui // Modern information computer technologies: collection. scientific Art.: at 2 o'clock / Grodno. state University named after Ya. Kupala; editorial board: A.M. Kadan (responsible editor) [and others]. – Grodno, 2008. – Part 1. – P. 7–9.

Continuation of table G.2

Article from collections of abstracts and conference materials Smolyak, V.A. Computer models of cellular automata / V.A. Smolyak // II Masherov readings: materials of regional scientific and practical. conf. students, undergraduates and graduate students, Vitebsk, April 24–25. 2007: in 2 volumes / Vit. state univ. – Vitebsk, 2007. – T. 1. – pp. 116–117.
Magazine article Muravyov, I. CMS Drupal and its features / Ilya Muravyov // Network solutions. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 26–30.
Yarmolik, S.V. Steganographic methods of information protection / S.V. Yarmolik, Yu.N. Leaf fall // Informatization of education. – 2005. – No. 1. – P. 64–74.
Newspaper article Stankevich, V. Two JSP models / V. Stankevich // Computer news. – 2008. – October 30. – P. 23.
Article from an encyclopedia, dictionary Pershikov, V.I. Program / V.I. Pershikov, V.M. Savinkov // Explanatory dictionary of computer science. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991. – P. 296–303.
Computer // Explanatory dictionary of computing systems / Ed. V. Illingworth [and others]. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. – P. 92.
Remote Access Resources Overview of SQL Server Express // Microsoft TechNet [Electronic resource] / Microsoft Corporation. – 2008. – Access mode: 90).aspx. – Access date: 01/15/2009.
Jones, J. Abstract Syntax Tree Implementation Idioms / Joel Jones // The 10th Conference on Pattern Languages ​​of Programs 2003. – 2003. – Mode of access: – Date of access: 01/15/2009.

Appendix I
An example of a description of the content of an electronic medium

The following directories and files are located on the electronic media:

– The file “Full name-course-Topic.doc” is a text document with a course work, dissertation or report on pre-diploma practice.

– The “Software” directory contains the software needed to run the project.

– The Hello World Project directory contains the source code for the Hello World project.

– The “Final Build 01/31/2009” directory contains the final version of the executable files of the Hello World project.

– The “User Manual” directory contains the user manual and reference information.

– The “Presentation” directory contains the presentation for the defense.

– The “Readme.txt” file contains a description of the contents of the electronic media.

Var n1, n2: Longint;

Function Quantity(x: Longint): Byte;

Var k: Byte;

While x<>0 Do



Quantity:= k;


Writeln("Enter two numbers");

k1:= Quantity(n1);

(number of digits of the first number)

k2:= Quantity(n2);

(number of digits of the second number)

Writeln("Same number of digits")

If k1 > k2 Then

Writeln("The first number has more digits")

Writeln("The second number has more digits");

Lecture No. 17. Unconventional use of user routines. Recursion

A number of problem solving algorithms require calling a subroutine from the statement section of the same subroutine.

Recursion is a way of organizing a computational process in which a procedure or function refers to itself during the execution of its constituent operators. Using recursion special attention should be paid to exit the subroutine at the right time. Recursion is useful when a task needs to be divided into subtasks. When using a recursive procedure and function, you need to place the line at the beginning

if keypressed then halt; - to interrupt the hang if it happens. Keypressed is a function that returns a result true, if a key was pressed on the keyboard, and false- otherwise.

Example 1. Consider a program for calculating the elements of the Fibonacci series using recursive procedures.

procedure fibon(n,fn1,fn:integer);(recursive procedure)

if n > 0 then



var n,a,b: integer;

write("enter the number of elements of the Fibonacci series: ");

write("...the following two given numbers: ");


Example 2. A program that displays the digits of a positive integer in reverse order.

program rekurs2;

procedure reverse(n:integer);(recursive procedure)

If keypressed then halt;

Write(n mod 10);

if (n div 10)<>0 then

Reverse(n div 10);

writeln("vvedi number<= : ", maxint);


Lecture No. 18. Input – output of data. Files

A file is a set of data stored in the external memory of a computer under a given name.

Any file has three characteristic features:

1. The file has a name, which allows the program to work with several files simultaneously.

2. The file contains components of the same type. The file component type can be any type.

3. The length of the newly created file is not specified in any way when it is declared and is limited only by the capacity of external memory devices.

In order for the program to find the required file, you need to know the path or route to the file.

A path is a list of subdirectory names, separated from each other by a backslash, followed by the actual file name.

For example:


Each directory name corresponds to an entry in a subdirectory with that name. The ".." sign corresponds to an entry into a superdirectory. The maximum allowed path length is 79 characters.

In a TP program, the file name is specified as a text constant enclosed in apostrophes, which can be the value of a string variable:


Devices. The use of files in TR was caused by the need to exchange data with the computer environment, its hardware: display, keyboard, printer, input-output channels. All of them are considered in TP as files that can be worked with in the same way as with regular files. Files on external devices are often called physical or external files . Devices are accessed using special names that are prohibited from being used for regular files - the so-called names of computer logical devices.

­ CON – console . Using the console, the output information is sent to the display screen, and the input information is received from the keyboard;

­ PRN this is the name printer . If several printers are connected to the computer, then they are accessed using logical names: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3.

­ COM1, COM2, COM3 – these are devices for connecting to serial ports . Used to communicate with other computers and to connect a mouse.

­ NUL - zero or empty device. Often used by programmers to debug a program. Allows you to avoid creating a separate file. When using it to output information, the information is not output anywhere, but it is reported that the output was successful.

Access to files. At any time, the program is only accessible one file element referenced by the current file position pointer. It defines the location in the file from or to which data is read or written. When opening or creating a file the pointer is placed at the beginning of it. The pointer behaves like a cursor, which, moving while editing text, always shows the current position. When reading data from a file, the pointer will eventually reach the end of the file. According to the method of accessing elements, they distinguish sequential or direct access files.

When compiling a program, you can set the "l" (listing) parameter:

Then, in addition to the file with the object code sum. obj, a file with the listing sum will be created. lst:

  • 1 ;sum. asm – program that calculates S=A+B
  • 2 0000 data segment
  • 3 0000 0001 a dw 01h
  • 4 0002 0002 b dw 02h
  • 5 0004 ???? s dw ?
  • 6 0006 data ends
  • 7 0000 code segment
  • 8 assume ds:data
  • 9 0000 BA 0000s begin: mov dx, data
  • 10 0003 8E DA mov ds, dx
  • 11 0005 A1 0000r mov ax, a
  • 12 0008 03 06 0002r add ax, b
  • 13 000C A3 0004r mov s, ax
  • 14 000F B8 4C00 mov ax, 4C00h
  • 15 0012 CD 21 int 21h
  • 16 0014 codeends
  • 17 endbegin

The listing is a table containing four columns:

    Line number.

    Address inside the segment, i.e. from its beginning (offset).

    Memory contents at given addresses. In the data segment these are the values ​​of variables, in the code segment these are machine codes of instructions.

    Assembly code.

Comments in the listing are also preserved, they are simply omitted here to save space.

From the listing it is clear that only lines 9-15 correspond to processor commands. The remaining lines correspond to the so-called. assembler directives.

In any case, information of various levels appears. There is information directly about the task, and there is information about the information - meta-information. These are, for example, various explanations, instructions, etc. The source code in assembly language contains two types of information:

    commands - information for the processor;

    directives - information for the assembler itself, how to compile a program: how to translate commands into machine language and how to place data.

There is an analogy here with distinguishing types of commands. Data transfer commands, control transfer commands and arithmetic-logical commands carry information about the task, and machine control commands carry information about the conditions for its execution, i.e. also represent meta-information.

The program in question contains the following directives:

    segment - directive for declaring the beginning of a segment;

    dw (define word) - directive for defining data (allocating and initializing a memory area) of 16 bits in size;

    ends (end segment) - directive for declaring the end of a segment;

    assume - directive for assigning a segment to a segment register;

    end is a directive indicating the end of the program; its argument must be the label of the first command of the program - the entry point into the program.

There are also the following data definition directives:

    db (define byte) - directive for defining an 8-bit memory area;

    dd (define double word) - directive for defining a 32-bit memory area.

There are directives whose names are preceded by a dot. Of this kind of directives, we only need directives indicating the used set of instructions for a particular processor model, for example:

    386 - non-system commands of the i80386 processor are used;

    386p - all commands of the i80386 processor are used, including system ones.

Lines 3-5 contain directives for defining variables A, B and S. Collectively, lines 3-5 and 9-15 contain information for the processor - a program that includes instructions and data. They are directly mapped to the computer's memory.