Official Minix Russia - Frequently asked questions. Using GPS in Wemos D1

Of course, you can buy a GPS receiver in China for a few dollars. Or you don’t have to buy it - you still have it on your phone, in the navigator in your car... But if you want to be a real hacker-engineer and understand GPS technology at a low level, then welcome to this article. Let's figure it out in such a way that it doesn't seem like enough!

The history of the development of the Global Positioning System (GPS) dates back to the 50s of the last century, and the first satellite was launched in 1974. Initially, the system was used only by the military, but after the tragedy with the Korean Airlines plane, which was shot down over the territory of the USSR, civilian services also received the ability to work with GPS. In 1993, it was finally decided to provide GPS for use by civilian services free of charge, and after turning off the intentional rounding of the position, the accuracy increased from one hundred meters to twenty. Today, accuracy continues to increase and the cost of receivers continues to decrease. Therefore, anyone who was born with a soldering iron instead of...okay, okay, it was a joke can make a GPS logger, or navigator. One does not exclude the other :).


So what should our device do?

  1. Receive information about the current position from the GPS receiver.
  2. Take it apart.
  3. Show the current position of the receiver on the screen, as well as visible satellites.

To do this, you will have to find out what is hidden behind the terms GPS, NMEA-0183 and the Bresenham algorithm.


Of course, there is no need to understand in detail the nuances of GPS operation, since the GPS receiver will do all the work of calculating coordinates, speed, course and other parameters for us. But you need to know the base.

First of all, you need to understand that a GPS receiver never transmits anything to satellites (if you don’t believe me, then just note that receivers can be the size of a flash drive, while satellite phone antennas are sometimes larger than the phone itself). The task of satellite navigation is for the receiver to determine its coordinates if the exact coordinates of the transmitters are known. If we know the distance to the satellites, then using elementary geometric constructions we can calculate our coordinates with some accuracy.

To find the distance between the receiver and the transmitter, you must first synchronize their clocks, and then calculate the required distance, knowing the speed of propagation of the radio wave, as well as the delay between the time of transmission and the time of reception.

As I wrote above, the receiver needs to know the exact positions of the transmitters. Such information is provided by the transmitter and is called an “almanac”. Naturally, this information becomes outdated, therefore, depending on the “freshness” of the almanac, three types of delay can be distinguished between turning on the receiver and determining its first exact coordinates: “cold start”, “warm start” and “hot start”.

There are methods that can reduce the start time: AGPS (receiving the almanac in alternative ways - via the Internet or Russian Post), DGPS (eliminating signal distortion by the atmosphere) and others. But I will not consider them, since this is not necessary to complete the task.

Now let’s look at the form in which the calculated coordinates appear at the output of the device. There is a special standard for this.


NMEA stands for National Marine Electronics Association, and NMEA-0183 (according to Wikipedia) is a text protocol for the communication of marine (usually navigation) equipment (or equipment used on trains) with each other. Here are the lines coming from my receiver.

(...) $GPRMC,174214.00,A,5541.23512,N,03749.12634,E,3.845,178.09,150914,A*6F $GPVTG,178.09,T,M,3.845,N,7.121,K,A*35 $ GPGGA,174214.00,5541.23512,N,03749.12634,E,1,04,4.98,178.2,M,13.1,M,*56 $GPGSA,A,3,20,14,04,17,,8.85,4.98,7.31* 02 $GPGSV,4,1,16,01,67,242,02,15,03,15,04,53,284,35*74 $GPGSV,4,2,16,05,23,07,19,08,21, 10,24*7F $GPGSV,4,3,16,11,14,12,12,14,35,058,37,17,24,311,34*72 $GPGSV,4,4,16,20,40,275,29, 22,08,097,37,25,199,27,39,25,195,32*73 $GPGLL,5541.23512,N,03749.12634,E,174214.00,A,A*6D (...)

First, let's identify the similar parts of each line. It's easy to see that they all start the same and end more or less the same. $GP - the information comes from the GPS receiver (you understand that there are a lot of other sensors on the ship: if we had an emergency beacon, the line would start with $EP, and if an echo sounder, then with $SD, and so on) . Each line must end with the XOR checksum of all bytes in the line starting from $ and ending with * - these are exactly the two characters at the end of the line. And don't forget about the symbols And after the checksum. Let's look at each of the lines in more detail.


  • GPRMC - GPS Recommended Minimum Navigation Information sentence C - recommended minimum navigation information, type C string.
  • A - information reliability flag. If V, then the information cannot be trusted.
  • aaaa.aaaaa - latitude value. The first two digits are degrees, the second two are the integer value of the number of arc minutes, after the dot is the fractional part of the number of arc minutes (variable length).
  • bbbb.bbbbb - longitude value. The first two digits are degrees, the second two are the integer value of the number of arc minutes, after the dot is the fractional part of the number of arc minutes (variable length).
  • c.c - horizontal speed in knots (multiply by 1.852 to obtain speed in kilometers per hour), the integer and fractional parts have variable length.
  • d.d - direction of speed (track angle, heading) in degrees, the integer and fractional parts have variable length.
  • DDMMYY - current date.
  • z1 is the missing value for the direction of magnetic declination.
  • z2 is also the direction of magnetic declination that is missing from us.
  • e - mode indicator.
  • ff - checksum.


  • $GPVTG - GPS Track Made Good and Ground Speed ​​- a string with information about course and speed.
  • a.a - course in degrees.
  • T - True, information reliability flag.
  • b.b is the direction of magnetic declination (we don’t have it).
  • M - Magnetic, yes, really magnetic.
  • c.c - horizontal speed in knots (multiply by 1.852 to obtain speed in kilometers per hour).
  • N - kNots, nodes.
  • d.d is the horizontal speed in kilometers per hour (and there is no need to multiply anything).
  • K - kilometers per hour.
  • ee - checksum.


  • $GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data - a string with information about the current location.
  • - UTC time when the position was recorded.
  • a.a - latitude value.
  • N - northern latitude. If S, then southern.
  • b.b - longitude value.
  • E - east longitude. If W, then western.
  • c - GPS signal quality flag.
  • d is the number of satellites used.
  • e.e - factor of reduction of precision (DOP, Dilution of precision).
  • f.f is the altitude of the receiver above sea level.
  • M - height is given in meters.
  • g.g is the difference between the geoid (the true shape of our planet) and the WGS84 ellipsoid (a three-dimensional coordinate system for positioning).
  • M - the difference is given in meters.
  • h.h - number of the station transmitting DGPS corrections.
  • i - checksum.


  • $GPGSA - GPS DOP and Active satellites - a string with information about the satellites used to determine the location and the factors reducing accuracy.
  • A - automatic mode for selecting work in 2D or 3D, M - manual mode, when, for example, 2D is strictly selected.
  • x - receiver operating mode: 0 - coordinates not defined, 1 - 2D mode, 2 - 3D mode.
  • y1..y12 - numbers of satellites used to determine the location of the receiver.
  • z1..z2 - PDOP, HDOP, VDOP (factors for reducing accuracy in position, in the horizontal plane and in the vertical plane, respectively).
  • i - checksum.


  • GPGSV - GPS Satellites in View - the line contains information about the number, azimuth, altitude and signal-to-noise ratio of the satellite. There can be a maximum of four satellites in a row.
  • a is the total number of GPGSV lines.
  • b - current line number.
  • c1..c4 - satellite number.
  • d1..d4 - height above the horizon in degrees (0..90).
  • e1..e4 - satellite azimuth in degrees (0..359) .
  • f1..f4 - signal-to-noise ratio in dB (0..99) .

$GPGLL,5541.23512,N,03749.12634,E,174214.00,A,A*6D - there is no point in dwelling on this line in detail, since it contains coordinates and time, and we already have this in the GPRMC and GPGGA lines.

Of course, GPS receiver manufacturers are not prohibited from adding their own strings. When starting up my receiver you can see the following:

$GPTXT,01,01,02,u-blox ag -*50 $GPTXT,01,01,02,HW UBX-G60xx 00040007 FF7FFFFFp*53 $GPTXT,01,01,02,ROM CORE 7.03 (45969) Mar 17 2011 16:18:34*59 $GPTXT,01,01,02,ANTSUPERV=AC SD PDoS SR*20 $GPTXT,01,01,02,ANTSTATUS=DONTKNOW*33 $GPTXT,01 ,01,02,ANTSTATUS=INIT*25 $GPTXT,01,01,02,ANTSTATUS=OK*3B

Bresenham's algorithm

This algorithm is one of the oldest computer graphics algorithms - it was developed by Jack Bresenham (IBM) back in 1962. With its help, the graphic primitive is rasterized; in other words, this algorithm determines the coordinates of the pixels that need to be lit on the screen so that the resulting drawing of the primitive coincides with the original.

Let's imagine that we are drawing a line going from point (0; 0) to (100, 32), as you remember, our screen has a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels. It is easy to calculate that the angle between this line and the X axis is less than 45 degrees. The algorithm works by sequentially enumerating all coordinates along the X axis in the range from 0 to 100 and calculating the corresponding Y coordinate. It is logical that in most cases the value of the Y coordinate will be fractional, which means that it is necessary to somehow select an integer coordinate value. This is done by selecting the nearest pixel. For other angles of inclination of a straight line, as well as for circles, ellipses and other things, the algorithm has a similar form (you can read more about it on Wikipedia).

Bresenham's algorithm uses only integer addition and subtraction operations: usually using fractional arithmetic slows down the controller. Usually, but not in our case, since inside the STM32F303VC controller there is an ARM Cortex-M4 core with an FPU. FPU (Floating Point Unit) is a device that accelerates work with fractional numbers (mathematical coprocessor), so nothing limits us and we can use the DDA line algorithm. An interesting demonstration of speeding up the work of MK when drawing fractals can be viewed on YouTube.


What do we use in the project?

  • Development board STM32F3-Discovery;
  • UART GPS NEO-6M module from WaveShare based on the u-blox NEO-6M receiver;
  • LCD matrix MT-12864A.

I talked about the LCD screen in the September issue (No. 188), I’ll just say briefly that it is made on the basis of KS0108 controllers, and the connection diagram to the STM32F3-Discovery has not changed: the connector for connecting the screen contains 20 pins, the description is presented in the list using the following mask:<номер> - <название из даташита> - <описание из даташита> - <куда подключается>.

  • 1 - Ucc - power - to 5V on Discovery.
  • 2 - GND - ground - to GND on Discovery.
  • 3 - Uo - LCD panel power input for contrast control - to the trimming resistor.
  • 4..11 - DB0..DB7 - data bus - to PD0..PD7 on Discovery.
  • 12, 13 - E1, E2 - controller selection - to PD8,PD9 on Discovery.
  • 14 - RES - reset - to PD10 on Discovery.
  • 15 - R/W - selection: read/write - to PD11 on Discovery.
  • 16 - A0 - selection: command/data - to PD12 on Discovery.
  • 17 - E - data gating - to PD13 on Discovery.
  • 18 - Uee - output of the DC-DC converter - to the trimming resistor.


This receiver is manufactured by the Swiss company u-blox, founded in 1997. The Neo-6 line of modules is represented by varieties G, Q, M, P, V and T, each of which has its own characteristic capabilities: for example, the Neo-6P has the ability to very accurately (with error)<1 м) определения положения за счет метода Precise Point Positioning (PPP).

The Neo-6M receiver has the following properties:

  • cold or warm start time - 27 s;
  • hot start time - 21 s;
  • maximum frequency of information output - 1 Hz;
  • frequency range of pulses per PPS pin - 0.25 Hz - 1 kHz;
  • maximum accuracy of position determination - 2.5 m;
  • maximum accuracy of speed determination - 0.1 m/s;
  • maximum accuracy of course determination is 0.5 degrees.

Neo-6M can use SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) - satellite differential correction systems, which increases the accuracy of position determination to 2 m, as well as AGPS (Assisted GPS) to reduce cold start time. AGPS data is obtained from the u-blox website using the AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline services (long-term almanac). The module supports NMEA, UBX and RTCM protocols. UBX is a proprietary protocol from u-blox, and RTCM is a protocol for transmitting DGPS differential correction data to the module. UART, I2C, SPI and USB interfaces are also available for communication.

To work with receivers, there is an original u-center utility, which at the time of writing was version 8.11 (Fig. 1).

It is clear that the Neo-6M has enormous potential, but there is not enough space to describe all its capabilities in detail, so we will limit ourselves to those offered out of the box: only UART at a speed of 9600, only NMEA, pulse frequency - 1 Hz.

In terms of connection, everything is extremely simple: we connect the VCC, GND, RX and TX lines on the receiver to +3.3V, GND, PA9 and PA10 on the Discovery, respectively.


It should display the current position of the receiver, speed, direction of movement, factors reducing accuracy, time, date, and also show the satellites used in the polar coordinate system. This is approximately how u-center does it in Fig. 2.

As soon as the line line from Neo-6M is received by the controller, it is split into tokens (an array of charTokens) - into substrings, which are separated by commas in the original line.

Char *token = malloc(strlen(line) + 1); char *token2 = malloc(strlen(line) + 1); int currentTokenNumber = 0; int currentCharInTokenNumber = 0; strcpy(token, line); char *delimeter = ","; while (token != NULL) ( token2 = strpbrk(token + 1, delimeter); if (token2 == NULL) ( // At the end of the line, change the separator to "*" delimeter = "*"; token2 = strpbrk(token + 1, "*"); ) /* Copy part of the string between delimiters */ currentCharInTokenNumber = 0; /* Clear the token value */ memset(charTokens, "", MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH); for (char *ch = token + 1; ch< token2; *(ch++)) { charTokens = *ch; currentCharInTokenNumber++; } currentTokenNumber++; if (delimeter == "*") { token = NULL; } else { token = token2; } }

It would seem quite logical to use the strtok function, but I don't. I will show the reason with an example. Let there be a string a,b,c. The result of breaking it into tokens using strtok will be: "a", "b", "c" . This is unacceptable for NMEA parsing because in this protocol, token values ​​depend on position in the string. The result of the above method includes empty tokens - "a", "b", "0", "0" "c" .

To conveniently store information about the position of the receiver, the accuracy of position determination, as well as the parameters of the satellites, three data structures were written.

Receiver position and speed, and date and time:

Struct _minimumNavigationInfo ( float latitude; char latModificator; // East or West float longitude; char lonModificator; // North or South float groundSpeed; float speedAngle; float height; char heightModificator; // Metres or smth else char time; // "hh :mm:ss" char date; // "DD.MM.YY" char isValid; );

Structure of coordinate determination accuracy:

Struct _fixInfo ( double PDOP; double HDOP; double VDOP; );

Structure about the satellite number, its position and signal quality:

Struct _satelliteInfo ( int satelliteId; float height; float azimuth; float SNR; //signal-to-noise ratio -- signal-to-noise ratio int isFull; );

If information about the satellite is not complete, for example, there is information about altitude and azimuth, but not about the signal-to-noise ratio, then a zero value is written in the isFull field. Such satellites will be ignored when displayed on the radar.

Populating the structure based on the token array is very simple: after parsing the GPGSA string in the charTokens array, the values ​​of the *DOP precision factors are located in elements numbered 15, 16 and 17.

FixInfo->PDOP = atof(charTokens); fixInfo->HDOP = atof(charTokens); fixInfo->VDOP = atof(charTokens);

Now you can safely display the parsed information on the screen (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Here comes the reality!


Now you know that there is nothing complicated about GPS either (if you don’t go into the wilds), and if you want to understand the essence of satellite navigation, then welcome to the course from Stanford GPS: An Introduction to Satellite Navigation, with an interactive Worldwide Laboratory using Smartphones or from the University of Minnesota From GPS and Google Maps to Spatial Computing on Coursera.

And as homework, I will set you three tasks: 1. Add the ability to record a track. 2. Replace the monochrome screen with a color one. 3. Together with WizFi220 (from number 188), equip the device with the ability to receive A-GPS. If you have any questions, write to me by email, which can be found at the beginning of the article. Good luck!


You can find all the code at Just copy and replace the files into the Template folder from the Standard Peripheral Library.

Don't forget to ground yourself! Remember that a discharge of static electricity can kill the GPS module, the antenna, the screen, and the controller!

Belongs to a series of professional positioning modules, combines low power consumption, high accuracy, and, in addition to GPS, supports domestic GLONASS.

Since the module can only use GPS and GLONASS in OR, then the first thing we need to do is decide what we will use. Here is a summary table of some characteristics from the official datasheet:

More detailed information can be found on the manufacturer’s website

From the table it already becomes clear that GLONASS is absolutely not suitable for us. But still, I decided to check this in practice, for clarity.

In GPS mode, the module quickly finds more than 12 satellites and is positioned according to them.

With GLONASS mode I sat waiting for almost 20 minutes, but I never saw more than 5 satellites, the module was also unable to fix the position even in 2D mode.

Connecting NEO-7 to ESP8266

Communication with the module is implemented via UART (com port), so we can connect it to our board via a hardware interface (RX, TX pins) or via a software interface (D7, D8 pins).

For the initial setup, let’s connect through the software port, since the hardware one is involved in connecting to the computer, and write a simple “bridge” com port that will redirect data from the GPS to the computer port.

The code will be extremely simple - two cycles in which data is expected from com ports and, when it arrives, is sent further. Create a new sketch in Arduino IDE with the following content and run it.

#include SoftwareSerial gps(D7, D8, false, 256); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); gps.begin(9600); ) void loop() ( while (gps.available() > 0) ( Serial.write(; ) while ( Serial.available() > 0) ( gps.write(; ) )

if you have USB - TTL converter, then you can simply connect the module to the computer through it and immediately begin setting up.

Now if you open "Port Monitor" you will see a data stream in NMEA format.

Setting up U-Blox NEO-7m

What really pleased me with the U-Blox module was the ability to configure absolutely all the parameters of the chip, both through the proprietary U-Center utility and through the well-documented NMEA and UBX protocols.

Download U-Center from the official website and install it.

By default, the module sends data to the com port in NMEA and UBX format at a speed of 9600 baud with a frequency of 1 time per second. We don’t need the entire data flow to work and updating once a second is also not suitable, so we will reconfigure the module for ourselves. In addition, they support com port speeds up to 115200 baud, so we'll increase that too.

Open U-Center, select port speed 9600 and your com port.

The button will turn green, and satellites will begin to appear on the right side of the window.

It is unknown who configured what in this module before us, so first of all, let’s reset the settings to default. Open the configuration window "View - Configuration View" , select the item "CFG (Configuration)" , put the switch in position "Revert to default configuration" and press the button "Send" .

Now let's go to point "GNSS (GNSS Config)" , turn off everything except GPS and SBAS, click "Send" .

In point "NAV5 (Navigation 5)" , install "Dynamic Model" to position "3-Pedestrian" , don't forget to press the button "Send" .

Let's increase the data update frequency, for this in paragraph "RATE (Rates)" enter in the field "Measurement Period" number 100, and apply the settings by pressing the button "Send" . Now the data will arrive at a frequency of 10 hertz.

In point "SBAS (SBAS Settings)" , install the switch "PRN Codes" to position "Auto-Scan" and press "Send" .

At this point, the basic settings are almost complete, all we have to do is increase the port speed to 115200 baud and save the configuration.

Go to item "PRT (Ports)" , switch the parameter "Protocol out" to position "0 - UBX" , this will disable the output of all punctures except the proprietary UBX, thereby we will unload both the module and itself, for which we will write a simple protocol parser and will not use heavy third-party libraries. In line "Baudrate" select speed "115200" and as always press the button "Send".

That's all, your module fell off safely !))) Don’t be alarmed, everything is fine, you remember that initially we set the speed to 9600 and now we changed it to 115200. Open the sketch, correct the port initialization lines in it and upload it.


Don't forget to set the correct speed in UCentre itself.

If you connected via USB - TTL converter, then just change the port speed right away.

Let's save our configuration. Open item "CFG (Configuration)" , set the switch to position "Save current configuration" and press the button "Send" .

Congratulations, we are done with the setup!

Using GPS in Wemos D1

I've combined everything into a simple sketch that you can download here -.

If you load it into yours and open the port monitor, you will see something like this:

Number of satellites, type of fixation, current date and time, coordinates, speed, altitude and positioning accuracy.

Now we have the required minimum for measurements. The lesson turned out to be a little longer than I originally planned, so that’s all for today, and next time we will connect the display, write something like a speedometer and check it all while driving the car.

Neo - Filip Kubski (born 06/15/1987), without further comment, is the best player in the Counter-Strike gaming industry. I started playing and running in 2002 in cs 1.6. Repeatedly took first place at major WCG tournaments. Recognized as the best player in 2011.

The transition was very difficult; the gamer even thought about changing discipline, since he could not show the game that everyone expected from him. But Philip is not an ordinary person, he gathered his thoughts and, as part of Virtus Pro, took EMS Katowice in 2014. Next he won with the team: ELEAGUE S1 and DH Las Vegas 2017. During his career, he managed to visit such teams as: Pentagram G-Shock, Frag eXecutors and ESC Gaming. Prefers to play with assault and sniper rifles.

Just look at how this guy deals at tournaments.
Played 916 matches - this is only according to the official version. Lost only: 379. As of July 12, 2018, he has 57 cups, where 19 are for first place, 16 for second place and 22 for third place. Estimated earnings are ~$492,231, excluding cs 1.6. Below you you can check it out with the player settings, view the sight and download the original .

Kills/Deaths: 0.79 CD difference: -234 Rating: 0.89 Cards played: 60 Kills per round: 0.57 Deaths per round: 0.72 Headshots: 41.8% Rounds played: 41% Mouse settings
DPI: 400 eDPI: 724 Mouse frequency: 500Hz Mouse sensitivity in game: 1.81 Mouse sensitivity in Windows: 6 Mouse sensitivity in zoom: 0.85 Mouse acceleration: 0 m_rawinput: 1 Gaming video settings
Resolution: 800 x 600 Aspect ratio: 4:3 Dimension: (black bars) Refresh rate: 144 Neo Player Crosshair Settings
cl_crosshairalpha "200";cl_crosshaircolor "1";cl_crosshaircolor_b "50";cl_crosshaircolor_r "250";cl_crosshaircolor_g "250";cl_crosshairdot "0";cl_crosshair_t "0";cl_crosshairgap "0"; cl_crosshairsize "4";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshairusealpha "1";cl_crosshairthickness "0.5";cl_fixedcrosshairgap "0";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"; Config

1. What firmware comes pre-installed on my MINIX device?

All devices come with the latest possible update. You can check the firmware here: "Settings" -> "About Device" -> "Vendor Software Version". Please note that all MINIX devices are sold with 720p resolution firmware pre-installed. This is due to the fact that not all TVs support FullHD 1080p. Users who need 1080p FullHD firmware can download it from our forum -

2. How often is the firmware updated for MINIX devices?

MINIX constantly releases new firmware for all NEO series devices including G4, X5mini, X5, X7mini, X7. Our official 720p firmware is available for download in the download section of our website. Firmware with 1080p resolution is available on our MINIX forum

3. Will O.T.A (Over The Air) automatic firmware update technology be introduced for MINIX devices?

We are currently working on testing our O.T.A updates. We hope to introduce this system to our users in the first half of 2014. This system has not yet been implemented and users must make updates by connecting devices to a PC and using special software. We hope for your understanding and are trying to add this feature as quickly as possible.

4. Can I update the firmware on my MINIX NEO device?

Yes, of course, you can easily do this by downloading the latest firmware for your device from the “Downloads” section of our website.

5. How can I update the firmware on my MINIX NEO X7?

6. How can I update the firmware on my MINIX NEO X5?

To update, you need to download the latest firmware and installation instructions in the "Downloads" section

7. How can I update the firmware on my MINIX NEO X7mini?

To update, you need to download the latest firmware and installation instructions in the "Downloads" section

8. How can I update the firmware on my MINIX NEO X5mini?

To update, you need to download the latest firmware and installation instructions in the "Downloads" section

9. My computer does not recognize the MINIX device when I connect it, what am I doing wrong? 10. How can I update the firmware using my Apple MacBook?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to update the firmware using Apple devices. This can only be done using a PC with Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 installed.

11. Can I update the firmware using an SD card? 12. What is the internal storage capacity of MINIX NEO X5 / NEO X7 devices?

The internal memory of these devices is 16GB, some of the space is occupied by pre-installed applications and the Android system. The remaining space is divided into two sections: Internal Storage = 3.94GB, NAND FLASH = 10.51GB.

13. What is the internal storage capacity of MINIX NEO X5mini / NEO X7mini?

The internal memory of these devices is 8GB, some of the space is occupied by pre-installed applications and the Android system. The remaining space is divided into two sections: Internal Storage = 3.94GB, NAND FLASH = 2.25GB.

14. How can I turn off my MINIX NEO X5/NEO X7?

There are two options regarding how to turn off the MINIX NEO X5 / NEO X7. Either hold down the physical power button on the side of the main unit for approx. 3 seconds. A message will appear on the screen asking if you want to power off, select yes and the device will power off. Or alternatively, you will see the power icon along the task bar at the bottom of the Android home-screen. Click this icon and you will be presented with the options to either shut down, sleep or re-boot. Choose the appropriate option.

15. Where is the power button on MINIX NEO X5mini / NEO X7mini?

As a reminder, both of these devices do not have a power button. At the same time, these devices have the auto power-on feature, which means that our multimedia hub can operate in standby mode 24/7/365. MINIX devices boast very low power consumption, so you don't have to worry about leaving the device in standby mode.

16. How can I remove the icon bar at the bottom of the screen?

You should select the auto-hide the task-bar option in the settings.

17. How can I disable the MINIX launcher?

Go to "Settings", then "Apps". Select "Gridshow". Then click on "Clear Defaults". When you next press the home button you will be presented with the options of what launcher you wish to use. Remember to select "Just Once" if you don't want to make this launcher selection permanent.

18. What is the maximum external hard drive capacity supported when connected to MINIX devices?

MINIX devices are compatible with external hard drives with capacities up to 2.5TB. Also, most connected drives will not require external power to operate, being successfully powered from the USB port of our device.

19. What is the maximum SD card capacity supported when connected to MINIX devices? 20. What applications are pre-installed on MINIX devices?

Our devices come with a set of pre-installed applications: Google Chrome, Gmail, Google Maps & Google Play Store. In addition to these applications, we also installed AirDroid, AirPin PRO, Wi-Fi Display, Cloud TV, XBMC MINIX Edition, ES File Explorer.

21. What is the AirDroid application and how does it work?

AirDroid allows you to control your MINIX device using any web browser! You will be able to transfer files between MINIX and your PC, without any wires. For more detailed information, you can go to the website of the developer of this application:

22. What is the AirPin PRO application and how does it work?

AirPin PRO is a very useful application for all users of Apple devices with the iOS operating system. The application provides the ability to transfer audio, video, screen content from your iPhone, iPad or iTunes to your TV. There is no need to install anything additional, if you have a WIFI connection, just activate the AirPlay function on your iOS device. More information about the AirPin PRO application can be found on the developer’s website

23. What is Wi-Fi Display app and how does it work?

Wi-Fi Display is an application that allows you to display the content of your Android smartphone or tablet on your TV screen. Unfortunately, Wi-Fi Display is not compatible with Samsung and Sony devices. Please see Wi-Fi Display Manual link:

24. Which version of Skype do you recommend using and where can I download it? 25. What webcams do you recommend using with MINIX? 26. Which version of Youtube do you recommend using and where can I download it? 27. Can I transfer the contents of my computer screen to my MINIX device?

Yes, this is possible using special applications available on the Play Market. We recommend "Splashtop Remote Desktop". Splashtop Remote Desktop allows the user to remotely connect to their computer from another computer or mobile device to access information and run applications. For more information, visit the application developer's website:

We recommend that users use MINIX control devices such as NEO A1+ or NEO A2. There are a large number of similar devices on the market, but we do not guarantee full compatibility of all function buttons with our MINIX media set-top boxes.

29. Which version of XBMC player do you recommend using and where can I download it?

Our devices support video playback in 720p and 1080p quality. There are many different versions of the XBMC media player available online, but we recommend the special XBMC MINIX Edition that we are developing in partnership with XBMC. You can download the application in the "Downloads" section of our website.

MINIX devices are compatible with both PlayStation and Xbox controllers, simply sync the controllers and start playing ... Additionally, MINIX devices are also compatible with Android games controllers such as the MOGA PRO Series. We recommend either for enhancing your gaming experience.

31. Are there any smartphone or tablet apps that allow me to control my MINIX?

Unfortunately, there is no application for managing MINIX from iOS. For Android, there is the MINIX Android Remote App, designed specifically for the MINIX NEO series. The application can be downloaded and installed on your smartphone/tablet and allows you to control your MINIX device remotely. In details

32. What is the difference between dual and quad core MINIX devices?

All our devices deliver the same features; all can achieve Full HD playback, browse the web, real-time audio and video streaming, XBMC and IPTV capability, have access to Google Play Store, and include Wi-Fi Display capability and AirPlay support. The main difference between dual-core and quad-core lies in gaming performance. all our media hubs can handle traditional popular Android games such as Angry Birds etc... our latest quad-core devices – the NEO X7 and NEO X7mini – are built to handle the next generation of more graphic intensive Android games.

33. What is the difference between the NEO and NEO MINI models?

NEO X5mini v NEO X5, NEO X7mini v NEO X7? what's the difference? ...Well the answer is connectivity and memory. The ‘minis’ are scaled-down versions, offering less connectivity and memory but at a more affordable price. The NEO X5mini and X7mini offer one less USB port, no OTG port, no microphone or audio jack, and they also have only half the amount of internal memory – 8GB, compared to the 16GB available on the NEO X5 and X7. Other differences that should be noted is the NEO X5mini doesn’t have Bluetooth capability in contrast to the other three, and the NEO X7 is the only device to offer Dual-Band Wi-Fi (both 2.4GHz and 5GHz).

34. What is MINIX's policy regarding changing the "root" permissions of my device?

MINIX does not provide a guarantee in case of changing the firmware, gaining access to root, or repairing the device without the consent of MINIX

35. Where can I buy MINIX devices in Russia? 36. What is the warranty policy of the MINIX distributor in the Russian Federation?

The official distributor of MINIX in the Russian Federation offers a 1 year warranty for its products. Our warranty is processed and implemented by the direct seller of our devices (dealer, distributor, store).

37. How can I contact MINIX in Russia?