Sennheiser CX-Series Headphone Review. Sennheiser Sennheiser CX 300 II Black Series Overview Sennheiser CX 300 II BLACK

Today we will look at the Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision headphones. We will tell about their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as on how to distinguish the fake. In addition, we compare them with the following model - CX-400.

Basic parameters

Let's start with an external inspection. The first thing that rushes into the eye is the absence of a wheel controller. On the one hand, it is a huge disadvantage, because every time it is to get the player to change the volume, very uncomfortable, but it should be consistent with the reviews about the model CX-400. It turns out that users of a newer version are very unhappy that their model has a sound regulator, because it turned out extremely sensitive and reacts to the slightest touch. There are often cases when it switches under clothing. In addition, there are problems when the CX-400 starts to climb the sound, and it is fixed only by changing the position of the regulator. Thus, Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision, rather, wins compared to the next generation, because he simply cannot have such problems.

To connect to the CX-300 gadget uses L-shaped contact, but it is an amateur. Someone is more convenient that the plug is straight and sticking to the side, and someone is much better so that it goes parallel to the phone body.

In the same dubious advantages of disadvantages include the asymmetrical wire. For those who do not understand: the length of the wire of each headset is different, so the connecting node is located somewhere near the cheek, and not under the clothing.


Included with Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision There is a set of an amcuer in the number of three pairs, unlike CX-400, which have the whole 6. On the one hand, it allows at least slightly, but to reduce the price, on the other, you will be a little more difficult to choose The most convenient for you personally.

Also, according to the reviews, the native ambushi will keep not very good, so it is to lose them - a fabric business. It is recommended to immediately buy an additional set so that there are no surprises later.

In general, headphones provide good sound insulation, no complaints about their quality. According to one comment, CX-300 on 2/3 volumes allow you to hear ads in the subway, but overlap third-party noise. In addition, at this level, they do not cut hearing and do not cause headaches.


And now let's figure out with the Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision technical indicators. Despite the fact that we are dealing with conventional headphones, "bananas", many "monitors" may envy their characteristics.

CX-300 II Precision (intra-channel) Black (and any other color) have a narrower frequency range than their follower - CX-400, and is limited to a value of 19-21 thousand Hz. According to user comments, this parameter does not greatly affect the sound quality, especially if a normal player is used. At the same time, these headphones receive a huge number of negative feedback from rockers. The sound is "like a pipe" and is suitable for listening except club music.

Impedance 16 Ohm is the same for both models under consideration, which allows you to talk about equal sound. The sensitivity differs only on 1 dB and is not able to strongly affect the difference in sound. Moreover, according to buyers' reviews, Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision White has excellent sound and do not cause special complaints from bass lovers.


The accession of headphones occurs through a 1.2 meter cable. This allows you to store the sound source at any convenient location, be it backpack, pants pants or jacket lining.

Connection is performed through a 3.5 mm mini jack connector. So you can use Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision Silver as an audio output from the overwhelming majority of modern multimedia techniques.

It is also worth noting the quality of manufacturing data components. If the owners of the CX-400 model left complaints about brittle wires and a burst rubber plug, then in this case no negative feedback was received.


In the standard set, headphones are supplied in the following configuration:

  • three pairs of amcusur;
  • storage and transportation case;
  • headphones of a certain color.

As you have already guessed from the article, the color range of CX-300 is not very diverse. In most cases, you can choose from black, white or silver models. But there are more extravagant options. However, here you can already think about whether the headphones offered by the headphones are.


We have already voiced part of the reviews along the review, but perhaps something was missed. So let's collect the opinions of buyers in one place and decide how much this product corresponds to the stated characteristics and quality.

Most CX-300 users note the following positive aspects of this device:

  • build quality;
  • equipment;
  • the sound that, despite too heavy bass, remains at the height.

It is quite expected, given the average price of this device of 1800 rubles. However, in any burdock honey there is a spoon of concert. We are talking about shortcomings that are able to repel the desire to buy Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision Black Even at the most gambling.

The most important problem of these headphones was the left speaker. According to user reviews, it is he who comes out the first of the order, which is why further use becomes impossible. However, the source of this problem was found. One of the buyers disassembled a broken earphone. It turned out that the manufacturer does not make knots on the wires so that they did not disappear and the capsules are not pulled out. Accordingly, due to regular physical impact, they fail.

However, this defect is often occurring on other models of this manufacturer, which makes it possible to think about the respectableness of the manufacturer. But here it is already a matter of everyone, buy or not Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision Black, the reviews about which allow them to put a rating of 4.5 points.


The main question that is interested in buyers of Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision: "How to distinguish a fake?" Let's start with the very first aspect. How not to buy a fake, because in stores it is often not even allowed to listen to the sound of the device? How not to get into the paws of fraudsters? Let's look at some external signs.

  • Packaging. The plastic container in which headphones are located should have a "wings" sides - special holders that do not allow them to fall from the shelf, if you install the packaging vertically.
  • The original container is 1 centimeter thinner than fake. Of course, in place you will be compared with nothing, but even on the eye you can see an excessive massiveness of packaging.
  • On the reverse side you can see two inscriptions - Enhanced Bass and Noise Isolation. Their absence may indicate that you have a Chinese production in your hands.
  • The inner liner also contains a guarantee for the device - 2 years. There are no such fake copies.
  • Another important feature is the presence of QR code and identifier packaging. The manufacturer keeps accounting for each individual product, therefore, considering the code, you can find out if you keep the original in your hand. If there is no such possibility, then try to compare the ID on different packages. Stores selling fakes often print the same sequence.
  • On the package itself there should be no Russian language. But it is obliged to be a sticker with an indication of the importer - SENNHAYZER AUDIO LLC.

Fake or ...

Of course, after the acquisition of headphones in the store you will not be worried about their authenticity. After all, the money is spent, but you only have to use the goods for the purpose. But some minds still went further and disassembled headphones on the components to identify all possible inconsistencies:

  • If you cut the cable, then the original Sennheiser CX-300 II Precision will have four wires, and the fakes are three. At the same time, the real is used to increase the strength of the kevlar bodies of yellow. The "left" headphones use white plastic.
  • If you carefully examine the "plugs" yourself, you can detect traces of polishing the rings in fakes. They will look more shiny, while the original has more matte color.
  • You can pay attention to the quality of the grille in the headphones. Real Sennheiser are direct, but a little bent on the edges, and Chinese consumer goods are an absolutely smooth lattice.
  • Consider capsul. The first thing that rushes into the eye is glue of different colors. In the original it should be black. Yes, and the fake itself is more chlippy. Also, real headphones in the center of the core should have a small ledge.


What can I say? CX-300 is high quality strong headphones that are fully relevant to their price category. The flaws that occur in people are often related to the fact that fakes are bought in pursuit of cheapness. So be careful. The original CX-300 has long been removed from sale, and can be acquired exceptionally CX-300 II. We hope our tips will help you, and you will not fall on the tricks of scammers.

This article will talk about fairly well-known headphones, which are produced in two versions: Sennheiser CX 300 and CX 300-II Precision. They were called for a long time among the best in their price category among the vacuum devices already available. Technique is able to give the user a high-quality sound. Great and low frequencies are perfect. High deserves separate praise. The average cost of headphones is $ 35. According to consumer reviews, it is quite adequate and fully complies with quality.

The article will describe the advantages, disadvantages, separately technical characteristics of models (they are identical, differ from each other only by the frequency range), their design and how to distinguish the fake from the original.

general description

As already mentioned, there are two versions that are available in the market. The first model is Sennheiser CX 300. It works with a frequency range from 18 Hz to 21 thousand Hz. The second (with index II) received small changes in design. For example, a cable and plug have become more durable, and the connector has gained gold-plated color. This model is characterized by accurate and high-quality sound, and the frequency range has slightly reduced - from 19 Hz to 21 thousand Hz.

For what genres is better to acquire the data of the headphones? In the event that the consumer prefers to listen to the classic compositions (where the violin is dominated, piano, etc.), the devices will accurately enjoy the sound. They will also be useful to reproduce rock music and any other "living" genre. But with electronic compositions, both options do not "be friends", so it's not worth using headphones to use their listening.


Headphones are an intra-channel device. They are considered a fairly interesting budget model that quickly reveals the existing abilities. The device fully justifies its cost. Consumers in the main advantages note one thing - the quality of reproduction. After it, a long service life, comfort and convenience, a good design came to this list. Technical characteristics Consider below.


Previously, the Sennheiser CX 300-II Black frequency range was already indicated. Recall that it is concluded from 19 to 21 thousand Hz. The impedance was 16 ohms, and the manufacturer's sensitivity put 133 dB. The cable is not symmetrical. Its length amounted to a little more than 1 meter. Of the features it is necessary to note the presence of the case, three types of ambush the size of the ambush, as well as gilded connectors.

CX 300 Model Design

Headphones are sold in several color decorations, which will look below. The overall design is quite pleasant and has minimalist features.

Headphones Sennheiser CX 300 Black look great with any type of clothing. Black color looks elegant and beautiful.

Model White, as already understandable, decorated in white tone. He does not presume the eyes, he perfectly harmonizes with a competently chosen clothing option. Such a device is profitably highlighted among others.

Headphones Sennheiser CX 300 PINK Find in stores is quite difficult. If there is a desire to purchase them, then you will have to "sweat" to find this accessory.

Another rare design option - Red. These red headphones are really hard to find, but they are worth it.

Quality of sound

Headphones can be attributed to ordinary liners, but they do not infer the monitor devices that are included in the average range of value. This is due to their good characteristics. German manufacturer offers consumers an extensive frequency range. It is best to use Sennheiser CX 300 Precision headphones with a powerful sound source, and not with a telephone or tablet. Since it is a computer or other strong technique will be completely able to reveal the potential of the device. When listening to some compositions in rock or metal styles, no matter how good the sound is, there is sometimes excessive flexibility. Plus, special tracks can be heard unsaturated.

Due to resistance in 16 Ohm, the German company was able to get smooth sound on each of the speakers. This is clearly pleasing to many buyers. And sensitivity ensures the successful sound of bass. They are high quality and bright.

Cable and plug

According to the reviews of professionals and ordinary consumers, it can be concluded that the headphones are comfortable and practical. It provides not only good and successful landing, but also a long wire. It stretched 1.2 meters. Due to it, you can store a phone or other sound source both in your pocket, bag and backpack.

In order to connect to the gadget or computer, a special plug is used. It is represented by a standard mini-jack designed for 3.5 mm. Since it is considered universal, then it comes to almost all modern gadgets.

What else can be noted unique? The cable has a special insulating material that provides strength. This is true - this fact confirms customer feedback. Wire breakdown for these headphones - an unrealistic problem.

How to distinguish fake?

Often, Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision headphones and their first modifications are forged Chinese companies. What is it fraught with? Bad quality assembly, sound, as well as a non-fixed operational period.

That is why it is important to be able to distinguish a fake from the original. What highlights it? Fake will have a brighter box or case. The original plug is thick. The fake received very thin sizes. The protective grille, which is located under the incubations, the authentic model of the Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision is more dense. Different and transport boxes. The original has special notches on the housing so that it can be installed in a vertical position. Fake such nuances is not equipped. It also distinguishes a non-original box by the fact that there is no information about the warranty.

Positive models

Both models have the same important plus - the highest quality sound, which can be achieved at all on devices of this price category. At the expense of good bass and curbrazia, the goods received excellent sound transmission. It will be on the hand of the consumers who love to listen to the "live" genres of music.

Headphones Sennheiser CX 300-II amazed and excellent assembly, as well as the reliability of materials. In general, due to this, the device is capable of living for about 3 years, which is an excellent indicator. The German company fully confirms its quality. The wire is not worked out. Funny statistics: Even those who had incidents that led to the breakdown, go to the store in the same model.

Headphones are quite convenient due to the use of an asymmetric cable. Few consumers know that there is no additional burden due to this, and the ears are not tired.

Noise isolation at the maximum level. No sounds from the surrounding world are not heard. And what is the most pleasant - people who are near, will not be able to understand what music the user is listening to.

There is an opportunity to change the ambush. This plus for some is quite controversial. After all, all expensive headphones have such an opportunity. But you need to clarify - budget is not always pleased with this.

Landing headphones is good. They are not pressed on the ears and after long use do not begin to bring discomfort. The device is comfortable, weighs quite a bit.

Registration pleases even more. At first glance it may seem that they are much more expensive than it really is. And such a feeling appears precisely from the appearance.

Consumers do not forget to celebrate and complete. It includes a leather case, which has a holder, deprived of any buttons and locks. Also supplied and shops.

Negative consumer feedback

Consumers note that the models do not have clips for attaching clothes. However, it saves the Sennheiser CX 300 headphones received an asymmetric type cable.

When listening to the tracks of the rock genre, sometimes heard distortions of high and medium frequencies. Noise can appear in the batches of shock tools. But not all consumers complain about it. Some simply do not pay attention, others are saved by the optimally configured equalizer.

The control panel Manufacturer did not provide, also the model cannot be used as a headset (no microphone). There is even a banal button on / off a song.


Headphones Sennheiser CX 300, as well as their followers, have a strong design, so they are reliable. According to consumer reviews, it can be concluded that the operational period is quite long. If preference has fallen still on the second version of the headphones, then you need to notice - this model has additional strengthening. The average term of "life" amounted to about 3 years. If you handle the device as carefully and neatly, then this figure can easily multiply by two. To enjoy the full potential of the Sennheiser CX 300 headphones and open their capabilities as much as possible, it is necessary to warm up.

    Good ears, their price is played on perfectly. Basins are enough (for droplets in general, the find), high clear and I did not notice to be closed. For such money IMHO, it is better not to find ears.

18 5

    1) sound quality at height, bass!, Middle high, all inherent. The sound picture is well detailed.
    2) quality of execution
    3) Mr. Jack, not very convenient, but protects the cable from the break, very efficiently (checked for years), asymmetric cable - conveniently lies with the neck, the quality of execution.
    4) the optimal value for money.

    The bonus is a cool case (who needs it, I was not in demand).

    The reverse side of the reliability is not a convenient Mr. :-)) is made in a plastic case and a shoulder with a wire, hesitates not naturally far away from the surface of the input socket. It would be possible to get it closer to the case, make a compact, because He constantly clings to something. Only therefore did not put 5 ****

I listen to music mainly in Lossless formats, Cowon D2 + player in search of high-quality sound tried many different headphones, and could not find suitable: then the sound is bent, then quickly the cable breaks, then Jack does not like. In 2009 (there was not still attended) I bought myself this model for much big money, with almost daily exploitation served more than 3 years! The other day they still died (((at first one channel began to disappear, then the second gave the second tightly. After a long study of the shopping market, I decided not to look for good and bought the same model. After the first listening, I realized that I did the right choice. Old headphones, over the years, have no longer sounded (it is possible that they are not guilty of native ear adapters, but I do not remember anymore). Noise insulation is good, but of course, not as in closed headphones. The hum of the metro is heard in any pliers .. .. In conclusion, I will say that the headphones are very decent, I fully justify the price, I advise you to buy the owner of high-quality players, lovers of good sound.

Complain Review Help? 17 1

    The wire of the right earphone is longer - what you need to start the wire from the back of the neck, when you take out the ear - do not fall)))
    Mr.-shaped plug - additional protection against "nozzles".
    Comfortable leather wallet - easy and quickly you can hide your ears in your pocket.
    Sound quality, yes zena do not do bad;)
    For me, the cord is long (1,2m), you have to shove it into your pocket.

I go with them for more than a year and nothing (pah-pah-pah), before that the ears of other firms served as a maximum of half a year. And I use them every day, somewhere 1.5 hours, to work and from work. By the way, so that no noise interfere (subway, etc.), immediately replace the gum to the biggest and there will be happiness!

Complain Review Help? 23 6

    Qualitative sound, low and high frequencies. It is pretty loud, I personally put the volume by 90%, for 100% chopped so that Boska crackled in Shmav, and by the way chopped without losing the quality of sound. If you pierce with the equalizer in the player, there will be just a fairy tale.
    Easy and reliable design. He put in the ears and forgot about them.
    Beautiful noise insulation.
    The G-shaped plug is very convenient when wearing the player / phone in the pants pockets.
    Very thin wire. For some it may be a problem. Accidentally hurt or pull strongly and kayuk.
    Price. As usual and everywhere, overestimated. Such ears should cost no more than 1000r.
    After 7-8 months of regular operation, a pulp left headphone. It turns out such a problem for many, on the same time and the most interesting, with black headphones. I think the defective party. Take it better white or gray.

I do not see the point of buying any monster-monster bits, for the amount several times higher than this, for having bought these ears you will get a lot of pleasures from listening to your favorite music, and cheap Ponte "Look Monster Bit for 5 rubles" I think you for what).

Complain Review Help? 11 2

    I am a fan of the company Zenheizer (I use it both in the home version and for professional purposes) and when I decided to buy inserts the choice immediately fell on this company. The sound is very clean and soft, so to speak "Corporate". Good deep bass (I listen to Apple's products - ipad, iPhone). I prefer the music from the dipoch electronics to Novorlean jazz. By the way, concern to jazz - even the oldest records sounded simply magically, they were created for this style of music)) in the cold the wires behave perfectly, do not freeze and do not burst. As noted below - well hold moisture and a small amount of water.
    Many people write that the Mr. Plug is a disadvantage, I do not think so it breaks less.
    The only little disadvantage that if you confuse, then then fucking if you raise%)

I bought me to the smartphone Meizu Pro 6 ... It seems like nothing, but something is wrong with tops and nizami. The tops are dirty, very squeezed by panorama, some loose, with distortions. Perhaps this is because the ears of the hips. The bottoms are powerful, but very long, with a long release, bellish, as in the pipe.

And now about the equipment. I am the owner of Flux-Lab HA-04 from E-MU 1616M. Houses for the work of FOSTEX T50RP, SENNHEISER HD600 and AKG K271 MKII ... Neither of them are not suitable for Meizu Pro 6. SENNIA Inappropriate for Smart due to resistance, AKG is too flat in terms of bottom, phosethelas are not suitable at the plug ...

So I decided to connect the CX300 in my path ... and about the miracle! There was a bottom control and a rather good ... Purely for Chi-Fi of the desire to listen to anything else from my other disadvantages ... The ears perfectly hold the bottom, prescribe it well, a good reverb stock (with strong volume they do not hoars, but already fall off My ears) ... The top is still dirty, but there was at least some panorama.

As a result, the ears are not bad, they spiked ... I thought to throw out ... For a smart, they had an order with Nizami, if you forgive some flaws. The tops are bad, flat, dirty, roar ... After the HD600, this is some popcorn pancake ... no permission, readability of the tops, their transparency.

With comfort, the ears themselves climb into your ears))) Wires are only too cheap and thin like threads.

In general, the ears on the troechka, but I am pleased with the purchase. I cost me 1100 p.

Do you like truly high-quality things? You will enjoy the headphones Sennheiser CX 300-II. People buy them again and again, even if they lose or break the device. The cause of the superiority of the device is in excellent music reproduction, which rarely which headphones can exceed.


At first glance in these headphones, everything is most simple: shared cable, two thin wiring to the heads, tapering sounds. But in fact, everything is thought out as functionally as possible.

For storage of headphones, a cover with a self-closing "latch", as well as the device itself, the case is produced in two colors: black and white. The company has a company logo. Users note that even after a few years of using the cover of the cover, they are easily and tightly slammed, the headphones do not fall out and do not lose in the bag.

7 Best Headphones Sennheiser

The owners of the device noted that the headphones themselves are very small, just miniature. The heads with the rounded rear are easily included in the cavity of the ears of the sink. Therefore, they can be put very tight, having achieved perfect noise insulation.

By default, medium-sized ambules are on the heads. Silicone is soft, it's not worth a stake, it sits well in the ear. Included with the device there are two more couples of replaceable amop.

Asymmetric paired cables are not much thinner than the main wire. The elegant branching solution of the cable, the cord is not paired in the block, which prevents the appearance of breaks and races. The left wiring is much shorter than the right, the length of the cord to the second headset is 1.2 meters. This allows you to cross the cable behind the neck, not worrying that its length is not enough for a comfortable listening.

The cable ends "G"-shaped plug. Although users mark the considerable strength of such a compound, they still appear complaints that the cable breaks at the connection site. True, only a few years of use.

The wires themselves, despite the softness and flexibility, are quite durable, they do not dub in the cold, retain the ability to bend without difficulty. It is a pity that this flexibility causes wiring to be confused, delivering certain inconvenience to the owners.

Features of operation

So that the headphones will be served as much as possible, experienced music lovers advise to perform the following steps:

  • Pump headphones. Listen to music on a professional player or a device with an amplifier capable of issuing a good portion of bass. And the music includes "Bisovit".
  • Wear headphones in a case, not to throw without protection in your pocket. This will help avoid confusion and clogging the sound.
  • Clean periodically mesh speakers from ear sulfur and sera.
  • Select the incubuser correctly in size. Take into account the natural asymmetry of the human body and put an incuborial ear in the right ear than in the left (if it really needs).

Those users who comply with these rules argue that Sennheiser CX 300-II is perfect in use. Almost 100% noise insulation, no discomfort from the bumps in the ears, the heads do not fall out when the head turns and sharp movements are rotated.

The device works the same effectively with iOS, Android smartphones, as well as with devices on the Windows platform, computers, laptops and conventional button phones.

Sound quality

Headphones are characterized by even frequency response, balanced frequency playback, soft sound. The scene is not wide, but it is and is felt natural. Vocals are present, even Meloman or Audiophile will check out the dynamics and purity of musical works.

10 best studio headphones

Most users leave positive feedback on the sound and features of the headphones:

  • "The lower frequencies are not too highly distinguished, so the sound is natural, natural. The sound is just wonderful. Due to the sound insulation, nothing prevents listening to audiobooks in the subway or on a noisy street. "
  • "The bright presence of volume. Basis are very deeply listening. There is a feeling that the group is played right in the room. Headphones are very suitable for listening to rock music, both Russian and foreign performers, or at least melodies close to this. "
  • "Clear sound, transparent. The scene is perfectly displayed, the vocals are clean. When playing on digital piano, it is convenient to select a melody on notes, halftone and transitions are well heard. Basa is a little press, but not critical. "
  • "Atmosphericness. I love to watch films in them, all explosions, shooting, unexpected sounds are reflected so natural that the effect of presence appears. And the melodies in tense moments - very realistic sounds, straight goosebumps. The music is also comfortable to listen, the ears are not tired even after long-term use. "

With tops sometimes have to play a little in the equalizer. They are a little rescued, so when listening to electronic or classical music, the upper frequencies are better to reduce a little.


Sennheiser CX 300-II stereo handlers are deservedly considered one of the best in their price category. It is characterized by excellent noise insulation (as well as for all normal coverage with standard ambush), which will delight music lovers, listening to music along the way to work.
