Learning to program with codeblocks. Code Blocks IDE - setup and use

In this tutorial you will find easy-to-follow instructions with screenshots for installing the compiler (MINGW compiler), a tool that will allow you to convert the code you write into a program and Code::Blocks, a free development environment for C and C++. This tutorial explains how to install Code::Blocks on Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7. Note: If you are on Linux, follow the link to learn how to use GCC, if you are using OS X, click here to set it up using Apple XCode.

Step 1: Download Code::Blocks

  • Visit this site
  • Follow the link Download the binary release (direct link)
  • Go to Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 section
  • Find a file that has mingw in its name. (The name at the time of writing was codeblocks-10.05 mingw-setup.exe; versions of 10.05 may vary).
  • Save the file to your desktop. This is approximately 74 megabytes.

Step 2: Install Code::Blocks

  • Double click on the installer.
  • Click next several times. Other installation tutorials assume that you install to C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks (the default installation location), but you can install to any other location if you wish
  • Perform a full installation
  • Run Code::Blocks

Step 3: Run in Code::Blocks

The Compilers auto-detection window will open in front of you:

When the Compiler Automatic Detection window appears in front of you, simply click OK. Code::Blocks may ask if you want to associate it with the default C/C++ file viewer - I encourage you to do so.

Click on the File menu and under New, select Project... The following window will appear:

Click on Console Application and then Go. Click next until you reach:

You will be asked to choose between C or C++. If you are not sure, use C++. Otherwise, choose the language you are learning. (You can find tutorials on C and C++.)

After clicking Next , Code::Blocks will ask where you want to save the console application:

After clicking Next again, you will be prompted to configure the compiler:

You don't need to do anything, just click Finish and use the default values.

Now on the left you can open the main.cpp file:

(You may need to expand the contents of the Sources folder if you don't see main.cpp).

Now you have your own main.cpp file, which you can change as desired. At this point, it just says: Hello World! , so we can run it as it is. Press F9 to first compile and then run it.

You now have a working program! You can simply edit main.cpp and then press F9 to compile and run it again.

Now that you've finished installing the compiler, it's time to learn programming: C++ (or, if you're learning C, C programming).


If something doesn't work, the message most often appears:

CB01 — Debug" uses an invalid compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! Skipping…

First, make sure you download the correct version of Code::Blocks, the one that contains MinGW. If this does not solve the problem, then most likely there is a problem with the compiler's automatic detection. You can check the current "auto-detection" state like this. Go to Settings|Compiler and Debugger... . Then on the left, select Global Compiler Settings (it has a gear icon), and on the right, select the Toolchain executables tab. This tab has Auto-Detect that you can use. This may solve the problem - if not, you can do it manually. The screenshot shows how it all looks on my system. Change the path marked Compiler's installation directory if you installed elsewhere, and make sure everything else is filled in as shown.

Once you've done this, try pressing F9 again to see if you can run the program.

Good afternoon dear friends. With this article I begin a series of lessons dedicated to one of the most popular programming languages ​​- C++. The lessons are aimed primarily at users who are not familiar with programming, so professionals, do not be strict, although I support criticism, especially against myself. In my lessons I will use the Code::Blocks development environment, which is free to download and use. Let's start of course with the classic Hello, world =)

I hope that you have already downloaded and installed Code::Blocks, if so, let's get started. Launching the development environment

First of all, create a new empty project File->New->Project and select Empty project

click Go, then Next

and in the window that appears, in the Project title field, type the title of the project, in Project filename the name of the project and again Next.

In the next window, remove the Objects dir from the Create "Debug" configuration and Create "Release" configuration sections, as shown in the screenshot above and click the Finish button. A project called "Hello world" should appear on the right.

The next step is to add the file File->New->FIle... to the project and select c/c++ source in the window that appears.

Go, Next again, select C++, Next and see the following window


here we need to specify the file name (I named main) and its path, preferably the folder with the project. Check the Debug and Release boxes and click Finish.

And we received an empty C++ file in which we will write the program code itself.

Now we begin to write the program code itself. To display information on the screen, we need the iostream I/O library.


using namespace std ;

Then we will write the main function that will be executed when the program starts

int main()

it must be called “main” and we indicate its type int (we will talk about this in the next lessons). Between the curly braces and will be the program code. We will write a simple program that will display the greeting “Hello, world!” in the console.

cout<<"Hello, world!" ;

After each command you must put a ";", this tells the compiler that the command is finished and the next one can be processed. cout - Prints variable values ​​or strings to the command line.

Full program listing.


using namespace std;

int main ()

cout<< "Hello, world!" ;

return 0 ;

We launch the project and see the result.

Below I attach a video lesson to this article.

If you have any questions, please write comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. ,">This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it., I will refine the lessons or simply help in studying the materials.

  • < Назад

The integrated development environment (IDE) Code::Blocks (hereinafter referred to as CB) is a full-fledged product for developing applications in the C/C++ language. CB is a cross-platform framework developed using the wxWidgets tool library. There are versions of the environment for both Windows and other operating systems (OS) - Linux and Mac OS. This IDE is completely free, open source and built entirely using open source technologies. One of CB's greatest strengths is its support for creating wxWidgets applications—that is, software that uses the OS API to render a graphical user interface (GUI). In other words, CB allows you to create cross-platform software for every taste.

CB can work with a large number of compilers. If there are several of them installed in the system, you can easily switch between them, depending on your needs. Plus, at the installation stage, the IDE itself will scan the system for available compilers and offer to use one as the main one. It is possible to change these settings later, both globally and individually for projects. For global environment settings, there is a whole “Settings” section in the CB main menu. To make any specific settings specific to a particular project, you need to open the project properties window. To do this, you need to call the project’s context menu by right-clicking on it and selecting “Properties”. The projects themselves (currently open in the IDE) are displayed as a tree in the “Management” dock panel, in its “Projects” tab. Now, in the properties window that opens, you can configure a wide variety of parameters, from editing build targets to connecting third-party libraries. The “Project's build options” button on the “Project Settings” tab of the same properties window allows you to very flexibly configure the build configuration for a specific project: compiler keys, select the compiler itself, connect libraries for the linker, etc. All this can be done for individual modes: "Release" "Debug".

The CB GUI is built around floating and stretchable dock panels that can be docked to any side of the main IDE window by simply dragging them with the mouse. Thanks to this, you can very flexibly configure different interface layouts for different screen sizes, optimizing the ergonomics of the GUI. If there are several monitors, it is convenient to separate some panels from the main window and place them on adjacent monitors.

Highlighting, code completion and editing tools in CB make the process of working with code easy and comfortable. A huge arsenal of settings allows you to very finely customize the environment “for yourself.” It is very useful to have support for working with environment variables. Thanks to this feature, CB can be very closely integrated into the system and its capabilities can be expanded, for example, this way you can connect the wxWidgets library.

By the way, to develop GUI applications based on wxWidgets, CB has a built-in RAD tool for GUI design - wxSmith. This is a fairly powerful utility, although not entirely easy to learn.

Code::Blocks is a free cross-platform development environment. Code::Blocks is written in C++ and uses the wxWidgets library. Having an open architecture, it can be scaled through plug-ins. Supports programming languages ​​C, C++, D (with limitations).
Code::Blocks is developed for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The environment can be compiled from source code for almost any Unix-like system. [ http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code::Blocks ]

In order to enable the Russian language you need to do the following:

1. The archive must be unpacked into the program subfolder (where it is installed), for example C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks
2. After starting the program, select Settings -> Environment -> View, check the “Internationalization” box and select “Russian” from the list.

3. Restart the CodeBlocks program and get Russification.

The Russian language has been successfully connected to Code::Blocks version 13.12.

The archive already contains the locale\ru_RU folder structure (to be placed in \CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks)

Translation status:
Messages: 2173
Translated: 2173 (100.0%)
Untranslated: 0 (0.0%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 2173 (100.0%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Only translated on this side: 0 (0.0%)

Code::Blocks is a free cross-platform development environment in C/C++. This is currently the best free C development environment.

Code::Blocks is developed for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

In the Windows environment, it is most convenient to download this environment as part of an assembly, which already contains all the necessary libraries to get started. The assembly does not require installation and works on the principle: “Unpack and go.”

Code::Blocks supports the following compilers:

  • GNU GCC (incl. G77) (Linux)
  • MinGW GCC (incl. G77) (Win32)
  • MSP430 GCC (Win32)
  • TriCore and PowerPC GCC (Win32, Linux)
  • Apple GCC (Xcode) (Mac OS X)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 (Win32)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (Win32)
  • Borland's C++ Compiler 5.5 (Win32)
  • DigitalMars C/C++ (Win32)
  • OpenWatcom (Win32)
  • Intel C++ compiler (Win32)
  • Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)
  • Digital Mars D
  • GDC D Compiler
  • LLVM D Compiler

Ready-made templates

CodeBlocks has ready-made project templates that allow you to quickly create a minimal application.

Code editor

The code editor has all the features for a comfortable programmer's work:

  • Syntax highlighting (can be customized)
  • Tabbed interface
  • Code completion
  • Class Browser
  • Smart indentation
  • One-click exchange between .h and .c/.cpp files
  • Custom keyboard shortcuts
  • External custom “Tools”
  • Managing a to-do list with different users

The number of editor settings is simply huge:

In addition to general settings, you can also configure:

  • Code folding
  • Fields and cursor
  • Syntax highlighting (separately by file type)
  • Default code for created files (you can insert an auto-signature)
  • Abbreviations (when you enter an abbreviation, it is automatically expanded into code)
  • Code Formatting
  • A way to save and return to lines of code
  • Code completion
  • Setting up code statistics
  • Generating Code Documentation
  • and much more


The editor's capabilities can be expanded using plugins. For example:

  • HEX editor
  • Diagrams by Nassi Schneiderman
  • Export source code to other formats
  • Keystroke Macros
  • Hotkeys for menus
  • Incremental Search
  • Environment Variables
  • and many others


CodeBlocks uses GDB as its default debugger, the most popular debugger for the C language, which was developed by Richard Stallman.

The debugger allows you to set breakpoints and then step through your code while monitoring variables and arrays. You can also track the stacks of called functions.


The number of features and settings of the CodeBlocks environment allows you to turn this environment into an excellent tool for a C programmer.

2024 gtavrl.ru.