About the profession of a web designer: what does he do and what should he be able to do? Profession Web designer. Who is a Web designer

From the author: Good day, dear reader! Do you think it is possible to develop artistic and aesthetic taste for someone who has never held a brush in his life, has not visited art galleries and does not understand the meaning of “Malevich’s Square”? What to do if you really want to become a designer, but don’t want to spend hours drawing a vase or cube in art school?

Over the past few years, the profession of a web designer has become very popular and prestigious, which supposedly can be learned even with zero drawing skills - many believe that it is enough to just master a couple graphics programs and learn the basics of website building. Is this true, is it possible to master web design on your own and where to study to become a web designer? Let’s look at this in our article.

What is a web designer?

Before delving into the questions of where you can learn web design, let’s consider the raison d’être of this profession as such.

Web-design (English) is a type of design and a branch of web development. A web designer is a specialist who is responsible for how a particular website is perceived and displayed on the Internet. By using computer technology he creates and processes graphic elements, comes up with logos, banners, develops the structure and navigation of the site.

Thus, the scope of competence of a typical web designer can be divided into programmatic, visual and stylistic components. This is an organization electronic information and its pleasant design, development of interfaces for websites and applications, creation of memorable graphics that serve the main objectives of the site and requests target audience.

To create effective websites, a web designer works closely with brand managers, web programmers, layout designers, marketing and SEO website promotion specialists.

A good web designer is a specialist who knows how to work with graphic editors and has good artistic taste. An excellent designer is at the same time a talented artist, an intuitive psychologist and a strong Technical Specialist.

Studying web design at university

The necessary skills can be obtained at universities within the framework of the “graphic design” profile, the general subjects of which include drawing, art history, artistic composition, drawing, etc.

Special disciplines are represented by web design, content management, modern technologies, 3D modeling, computer animation and etc.

As part of the design specialty, some colleges train graphic designers and layout designers, however, there you can only get basic knowledge in web design.

Is the game worth the candle?

If you are wondering where to study the profession of a web designer, and you have an extra 5-6 years left that you are willing to spend studying both important and secondary information, such as the basics of working with the Internet or art history, then you can safely become a student of the specialty " Graphic design».

Also get ready for the fact that in your first year you will have to study the features of newspaper, magazine, poster, book and other types of design. By the way, before enrolling in an educational institution, do not forget to make sure that its course generally includes lectures on web design.

I don’t know about you, but this seems like a colossal waste of time to me. In conditions of intensive self-education, perhaps with step-by-step passage of various comprehensive video lessons in web design and sea of ​​practice, the path from complete zero Getting to a qualified specialist will take much less time, effort and, which is also important, financial resources.

In addition, modern academic education is hopelessly behind the realities of such a rapidly developing field as web design. In the teaching methods used and in the specialized literature, there is not even an exact definition of the level of competence of such a profession as a web designer.

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the algorithm for rapid growth from scratch in website building

Attending web design courses

Due to the fact that in our country there is no full-fledged education in this area, Lately Like mushrooms after the rain, various courses have appeared that teach the intricacies of web design quickly and affordably, just pay money.

Most courses will offer you, to begin with, basic computer training (Internet, Word, Windows, Excel). Then - mastering the graphic Adobe editor Photoshop, which will allow you to work with raster graphics, create and process images, create a website layout. Web design is complete without Photoshop.

Another thing that you should definitely be taught in the courses is the language hypertext markup HTML. Web pages in HTML format, combining pictures, text and other elements, are the basis of any website.

However, according to a survey of company employers, they do not have confidence in various kinds of certificates and diplomas issued by web design courses. For them, the best confirmation of a web designer’s competence level is a high-quality portfolio.

Therefore, when wondering where to study to become a web designer, do not think that after completing the courses you will be in great demand by many reputable web studios - this will not happen. The courses are just the first step on the difficult and thorny path called “web design”.

Where can you get a high-quality portfolio if you have no experience and companies need already trained specialists?

Self-education has not been canceled

A person can learn anything. And the fundamental factors for success will not be education or age, but motivation, patience and determination. Some talented designers don’t even know how to hold a pencil in their hands, but they create amazing images in graphics programs.

Don’t forget, we live in the era of the Internet, which can become a school, a university, and a place of practice for us.

The process of learning web design is similar to learning any other discipline and consists of the following parts:

mastering theory;

formation of skills;

converting skills into skills.

You can't do this without practice. Start simple, do it various tasks, analyze original sites and first try to copy the work of other designers until you get the hang of it and develop your artistic and aesthetic taste. You still won’t be able to do it the same way as others, but you will practice and at the same time make yourself a portfolio.

I hope this article was useful to you, gentlemen aspiring web designers. Where to study - in college, university, through offline or online courses, it's up to you. It all depends on your desire, motivation and self-confidence.

Subscribe to our blog, use it to learn the theoretical and practical fundamentals of web design, get inspired and improve. I wish you creative success!

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Who is a web designer, what does he do, where can one learn such a profession, and what do you need to know and be able to do to become a specialist in this field? Let's figure it out.

Attractive appearance, convenient and intuitive clear interface- these are precisely the factors that determine high conversion Internet resource. In other words, competent website design helps potential client decide to carry out required action(buy a product, donate funds, follow a link, subscribe, etc.).

That is why website owners spare no expense in creating a unique/original design for their Internet resource, ordering the development of layouts (and sometimes the implementation of the project) from professional web designers.

Who is a web designer, what does he do, where can one learn such a profession, and what do you need to know and be able to do to become a specialist in this field? Let's figure it out.

Who is a web designer?

According to the definition used in modern dictionaries, a designer is an artist-designer, and a specialist who works in virtual space. That is, this profession presupposes the presence of knowledge and skills in several areas at once, and therefore you need to understand its essence step by step, revealing layer by layer.

An artist is a person who has creative abilities, aesthetic taste, and the ability to convey imaginary images of objects and phenomena so clearly and vividly that his ideas make an impression on people, and society is able to grasp and accept their meaning.

A designer is an inventor with a creative imagination. But, unlike the artist, the designer’s ideas are more practical than aesthetic. The inventor's mindset is aimed at discovering or creating things that have practical significance for society.

An artist-designer can realize his abilities in architecture, mechanical engineering and any other area of ​​human activity where a combination of functionality and aesthetics is required.

Web design - transferring real objects into virtual space. Computer capabilities allow you to create drawings, pictures, graphics in 3-D format, in real time, which cannot be done using conventional geometric or artistic tools.

In the course of my work Web Designer:

  • develops the appearance of the site and its usability,
  • creates layouts necessary for layout (which, by the way, he can also do),
  • "draws" banners and icons,
  • illustrates content and processes pictures published on the Internet,
  • produces flash animation and develops corporate identity.

In addition, the web designer performs other “little things” to make the site as convenient and attractive as possible for visitors.

What personal qualities should a web designer have?

Any profession requires a person to have certain personal qualities. When characterizing the profession of a web designer, first of all it is necessary to note mandatory presence such qualities as the desire for self-improvement and the desire to constantly learn.

To create quality information product for people, a web designer must be able to foresee how the results of his work will be evaluated. This requires a design specialist to have knowledge of psychology, an understanding of social needs and communication skills. A high level of skill can only be achieved through:

  • great perseverance,
  • patience,
  • determination,
  • persistent desire to work for results.

Being engaged in the creation and development of websites, a web designer, along with programmers and IT specialists, must master the basics of programming, but at the same time have artistic taste and creative thinking. In addition, to promote a website, web designers have to work closely with marketing specialists, which means that they also need knowledge in the field of marketing.

Creating virtual projects requires a web designer to know a lot special programs, which are mainly created in English and the language of numbers. This requires a specialist computer design professional knowledge in English, mathematics, developed logical thinking.

Advantages of being a web designer

Basics advantage of being a web designer- high demand for specialists. Moreover, both experienced designers and young professionals can find work quite easily. The absence of problems with employment is largely due to the fact that:

  • firstly, the level of skill of a specialist can be assessed at the stage of creating a layout, which allows employers not to “get hung up” on the web designer’s work experience;
  • secondly, today the demand for the services of web designers exceeds supply, and therefore even those who are just beginning to master this profession can realize themselves;
  • thirdly, many web designers work on freelance exchanges, where it is almost impossible to verify the accuracy of the data, so employers pay attention not so much to a specialist’s age, experience and diplomas/certificates, but to reviews and his portfolio (which depend solely on personal and professional qualities of the designer).

It is impossible not to say that the specialty "web designer" is included in the list professions of the future. This gives us confidence that such specialists will be in demand for a long time. At the same time, a high level of skill guarantees them enough high pay labor.

If we talk about labor assessment, it largely depends on the level of professionalism of the design specialist. The average salary level by region is 30-40 thousand rubles, 50-60 thousand rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Disadvantages of the web designer profession

Talking about disadvantages of the web designer profession First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that the works of a virtual artist-designer, unfortunately, are quickly lost on the Internet. What cannot be said about the canvases and works created in real life. Therefore, this profession is unlikely to suit those who dream of leaving their mark on history with the help of fundamental works.

When choosing this profession, you need to understand that you will spend most of your time at the computer. In other words, what awaits you passive image life, heavy eye strain and irregular work schedule.

Since web technologies are constantly evolving, a design specialist needs to regularly improve his skills and master new tools. This almost completely eliminates the possibility of temporarily “leaving” the profession (for example, on maternity leave or “creative crisis”).

Where can you get a job as a web designer?

If at the dawn of the formation of the profession it was possible to master the skills of a web designer on your own in 5-8 months, today it is quite difficult to do this at home. Become a more or less good specialist as much as possible short time is possible only if you complete at least professional courses. It's even better if you get a higher education diploma.

Among the leading educational institutions higher education where you can learn a profession computer design specialist, we can name the following:

Image sources: for-joomla.net, forumdaily.com, inetsovety.ru

Web design is a type of design, its task is to create projects user interfaces for a website or web application. But you should not confuse web design with web programming, since the first is always positioned as graphic design.

A competent approach to web design allows you to high-quality design and design of any objects in the Internet environment, making them aesthetically attractive and maximally consumer-oriented. Recently, when talking about web design, they mean creating a web resource project, ensuring the usability of the resource (ease of use) for network users.

Most web resource designs are now designed to be accessible to people with disabilities and owners of portable gadgets. This means full compliance with the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.

Subtleties of the profession

Main field of activity graphic designer- stylistic, visual, software and, most importantly, logical correct design Internet information.

Like every profession, there are nuances and peculiarities here. We will look at them in more detail.

Work specifics

An experienced web designer, in the process of work, solves many problems that subsequently determine the success/failure of a new project:

  • competent recognition of the goals of the user site grid;
  • high-quality design and planning of the resource structure;
  • creation of navigation and high-quality interface;
  • ensuring clear interaction between the user-system scheme;
  • ensuring quality control of information filling the resource.

Based on the tasks, there are a considerable number of functions that a web designer must cope with “perfectly”:

  • design of web resources of any type;
  • idea submission and server layout development;
  • ensuring optimal perceptibility of web documents, taking into account their loading time, size graphic files, color palette, its quality and much more;
  • competent layout of web pages, selection of format, identification of quality elements in design;
  • writing the program component of the pages;
  • creation of page checking tools;
  • Constant updating and modernization of web documents.

Separately, the uniqueness of the design should be specified, because the level of payment for the work will depend on it. Of course, original design- a more profitable path, but it means developing and developing a resource absolutely from scratch. In this case, responsibility for the ideological and conceptual features of the design falls entirely on the shoulders of the web designer.

Advice. Customers often confuse the concepts of “web designer” and “webmaster” and may entrust you with the publication of a website. Please note that this is not your responsibility.

Most often, the customer or art designer sets the direction of future work, makes a number of style requirements, color scheme future layout. The web designer can already offer ready-made templates(not even necessarily your own). There is a separate branch of Internet resource designers who specialize in creating template web layouts for sale to web designers with less experience or webmasters.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

The profession of a web designer has a number of undoubted advantages and disadvantages.

  • a profession that is consistently in demand on the labor market (with appropriate qualifications and experience);
  • unlimited geography of work locations;
  • remote work if desired;
  • high probability of professional growth;
  • implementation of all kinds of ideas without financial costs;
  • high pay.

  • Having entered this sphere, it is quite difficult to later change it to another;
  • labor intensity of the process;
  • almost constant discrepancy between the artistic views of the customer and the designer. In view of this, being convinced that you are right or completely reworking the layout “to suit the customer” is a completely normal phenomenon.

It is worth noting that in this profession the main quality is not so much perseverance and hard work, but creative thinking, artistic taste and the ability to connect with people. mutual language in any situation.

How to become a web designer

Web designer with high level qualifications, must first of all have extensive and deep knowledge in the field of design computer programming, and be able to easily work with basic graphics programs.

Before you start looking for a place to study, you should improve your knowledge in the field of graphics programs. At the same time, it will help you evaluate your own capabilities and understand how easy or how thorny your path in this field will be.

Try to start with mastering standard programs: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw, etc. Be sure to back up the acquired theoretical knowledge with practice. On the Internet you can find a variety of sources to work with. If you want, try creating a template from scratch.

Advice. If you speak English at a sufficient level, web design lessons at English-language resources. You can find a considerable number of professional communities on the Internet.

Reading books on web design will greatly benefit your self-study. Must read: a book on html (a language that will help you create any document on the Internet).

If we talk about specialized education, then web designer is a fairly young profession that has just begun to occupy its niche, so it cannot be found in universities as a separate discipline. But quite a few universities have included it in their program (for example, State University tourism and service, University government controlled Moscow and many others), so obtaining documentary evidence of obtaining a profession will not be difficult.

In addition to universities, there is a large number of training centers, design schools, which will also provide high-quality knowledge. In addition, employers do not always give preference to “credentials”; a document confirming completion of special courses will be sufficient. If you don’t have that either, then take care of a high-quality and interesting portfolio and that will be enough.

So we found out briefly and to the point what the profession of a web designer is and how to get it. I would like to hope that the material dispelled your doubts and inspired you to do something new and creative. We wish you professional success!

How to become a web designer: video

Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible are interested in it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of a web designer appeared only with the emergence of the world computer network World Wide Web (WWW), in which it is possible to create websites for advertising purposes (late 1980s - early 1990s). A Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible are interested in it. The profession of a Web designer includes two aspects: the ability to use special computer programs and design activities.

The specific task of a web designer is to be able to develop a stylistic design for a project taking into account the specifics of the Internet. That is, in addition to the design of the project being simply stylish, it must meet the standard requirements set by the network: graphic elements (logos, banners, drawings, etc.) must be optimized; when choosing a color and font, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the user will see the graphic embodiment of the project on the monitor, and not on paper. A web designer is responsible for how a website looks and feels. He comes up with logos, banners and other graphic elements, thinks through site navigation, and determines where the text should be placed. A designer needs to not only create an interesting website, but also take into account its loading time. Creation of interactive websites - aerobatics web design.

To create such a site, a web designer must not only speak HTML and have an artistic flair, but also simply must know “classical” programming and understand databases.

In addition to websites, web designers develop banners, Internet postcards, and electronic presentations.

Features of the profession

Web page design is information design, not graphic.

In the process of work, a web designer solves the following tasks, on which the success of the created project directly depends in the future:

  • determining the goals and objectives of site visitors;
  • design and planning of the site structure;
  • interface development;
  • navigation development;
  • care about user interaction with the system;
  • content preparation and quality control.

Main functions of a web designer:

  • website design;
  • creating an idea and developing a server layout;
  • creating a server layout execution style;
  • ensuring the best perception of web documents on the monitor screen, taking into account the loading time of documents, bandwidth data transmission channel, size of document graphic files, color palette quality;
  • determining the rules for the layout of web pages, choosing the format, background, quantity and quality of design elements;
  • creating style samples for web documents;
  • work with Internet node, Internet;
  • writing software and page code;
  • management of hypertext documents;
  • carrying out information policy companies on the World Wide Web (WWW);
  • installation and work with tools for preparing and checking web pages;
  • creation of interactive web applications;
  • updating, modernizing a web document;
  • creation and work with applications for static processing.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market,
  • work is not limited to one country,
  • possibility of remote work,
  • ample opportunities for professional growth,
  • you can implement almost any idea without spending money,
  • decent wages.


  • a discrepancy (sometimes) between the artistic vision of the customer and the performer, which is why you have to either convince of the need for a specific design solution or agree with amendments.

Place of work

  • design studios;
  • companies involved in website development;
  • any organizations that use a personal website in their work and want to develop and modernize it;
  • Freelancing or custom work to develop an individual style for a company website.

Important qualities

  • developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • high level of development of distribution, volume, concentration and switching of attention;
  • high level of development of imaginative thinking;
  • high level of memory development;
  • logical thinking;
  • analytical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • thoroughness, systematicity in work;
  • attentiveness;
  • patience;
  • accuracy;
  • perseverance;

A qualified web designer must have relevant knowledge both in the field of design computer programs, and in the field of graphics.

Need to know: Adobe Photoshop, HTML/CSS

It is advisable to know: Corel Draw, Illustrator, Macromedia Flash.

Web designer training

Annual practical course "Web design from 0 to PRO" for those who want to master web design from the very beginning with an individual mentor, make an excellent portfolio and get their first orders (or an internship in the studio). At the end of the course, students create their own project based on a brief from a real customer. After a successful presentation of the work, course graduates have the opportunity to receive an invitation to an internship. Web design training from scratch to professional.


Salary as of 03/14/2019

Russia 20000—120000 ₽

Moscow 35000—120000 ₽

Salary depends on the prestige of the studio and the experience of the designer. It also all depends on the number of design orders. The range of prices for website design is very wide - everything is determined by the quality of work and services. Creating a design for a website is a creative process. It may take varying amounts of time. There are certain fixed-price “service packages,” but they do not accurately define price and design quality. The same work can be done for both $50 and $1,500.

Career steps and prospects

A successful aspiring designer in the future can apply for the following positions: web programmer, banner maker, project manager.

Outstanding web designers:

Artemy Lebedev. Born February 13, 1975. The son of the writer Tatyana Tolstoy and philologist Andrei Lebedev. After school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who never graduated, having dropped out of the 2nd year. In the summer of 1992, he and his partner founded the A-square studio, where he worked until the end of the year. In January 1993, he founded an independent studio “Artographics”, in which he was engaged in graphic, printing, calligraphic and other types of paper design. He took part in the creation of books and magazines. From 1993 to 1995, he worked part-time as art director of the MakTsentr company. In 1995 he founded the WebDesign studio (in 1998 renamed Artemy Lebedev Studio), which is one of the first and largest web design studios in the RuNet. Since 2001, Artemy Lebedev Studio also began to engage in industrial design.

Activity. Artemy Lebedev founded the studio, which has produced more than 1000 works, including corporate styles, books, magazines, signs, logos, graphic and physical interfaces, websites, industrial design and industrial graphics objects, shop windows. Lebedev is not only a designer; he spends most of his time setting and inventing problems, developing information architecture, and researching ergonomics and ease of use of websites. The design discoveries of his studio are widely used on the RuNet.

Books on web design

If you want to become a web designer, read a book on html (HTML is hypertext markup language. All documents on the Internet are created using it).

However, html is not web design yet. It's just a language for creating a web page. But for the page to look beautiful and correct, you need taste and a sense of style. Dmitry Kirsanov’s book “Web Design” will help you with this - one of the best books on web design.

History of the profession

The word “design” appeared relatively recently in the Russian language. It came from the Italian language and in translation has many meanings. “Disegno” is a design, a plan, an intention, a goal, a drawing, a sketch, an outline, a drawing, a pattern, a model, a pattern, an underlying diagram, a composition. Due to the rapid development modern technologies, the concept of design has acquired a new, broader meaning and now denotes not only a single subject, but is an entire direction applicable to all areas modern activities person. The designer must have knowledge in many subject areas and skillfully apply them in practice, projecting them into creative process creating an image. We can confidently say that design is the modern art of artistic design, the development of models for the rational construction of an object environment.

Web design is based on the same basic principles as other types of design:

  • the principle of functionalism: “what is functional is beautiful”;
  • the principle of constructivism, which lies not in the purpose of composing a composition, but in the purpose of creating its structure.

In addition, a site that is thought out in a technical sense must be imbued with a spiritual idea, and only then can it claim to compete with other works of a similar direction.

Web design has various goals:

  • formation in the user of a positive perception of the image of the object of the advertising product;
  • simplicity and clarity of the site structure;
  • intuitive user interface;
  • convenience of the navigation system.

From the author: Greetings to old and new readers of my blog. In today's article I will share with you factual data and my thoughts on what web design is. There are many erroneous opinions regarding the deciphering of the definition itself, the complexity of this profession and many other issues that, one way or another, relate to the chosen topic.

When asked by new acquaintances about how I earn my living, I have to answer twice. At first, from my lips it sounds proudly: “Web designer,” to which the other side flies in: “Um, web design - what is it?”

Then I have to explain what my responsibilities are, but in the end it all comes down to a simplified version, they say, I create websites, gentlemen. After another similar answer, I wanted to dive deeper into this topic and explain to people in detail what’s what.

Today I propose to figure out together what web design is, understand its key stages and basic principles. As a bonus for beginners, I will add information on how to start a career as a web designer, as well as how long it will take to study before you can earn your first money.

What kind of creature are you, web designer?

To formulate a clear answer regarding what is called web design, I took into account the opinions of many authors teaching aids, my authoritative colleagues and personal experience in this domain. Do you want to hear the uncensored version (with technical swearing) or in simple Russian? I think the second option is more suitable.

Web design is the process of website production, which consists of technical development, creation of a convenient web page structure, graphic design and transmission of information to the network.

The basic principles of this direction include the balance of the main elements in the picture, their organic nature, rhythm, focus, overall contrast and proportionality.

Web design stages

We seem to have sorted out the wording, now let's move on to studying each stage separately.

1. Technical specifications.

The first step is to understand the purpose of creating a website, to understand what functionality, structure and appearance it should have. IN terms of reference Each of the above points is thought through in detail, after which the project is agreed upon with the customer. After confirmation, the stage can be considered completed.

2. Structuring information on the page (usability).

This stage includes the creation of a common modular grid and the formation of a future content delivery structure. Here main task the goal of a web developer is to create the most convenient form providing necessary information users.

3. Graphic design.

Next in graphic editor The website design is being developed. This is probably the most favorite stage of every representative of this profession. Here you can create and try to realize your most non-standard (if, of course, the customer is aware of your amateur activities) ideas.

What is website design? This is the embodiment of your vision of the future project on a model. It includes thinking about the fullness of space, the thickness of lines, the arrangement of elements, colors, fonts, textures, etc.

4. Layout.

At this stage, separation occurs graphic image pages on individual elements. The design is transformed into code using the application HTML technologies and CSS. This process is performed to ensure that web browsers can display your site accurately.

5. Webmastering.

The final stage is transferring the site to hosting and further search engine optimization so that other people can see your creation on the Internet.

What is the difference between a designer and a web designer?

A web designer is a specialist generalist, which independently carries out each stage of website development and carries out its further launch. However, it must be taken into account that he can delegate some tasks to other professionals. This is done in order to save personal time. However, he himself controls the entire process of creating a future project.

A designer is a person who specializes only in development graphic elements. He is solely responsible for the visual part, so his responsibilities include only creating a beautiful and convenient layout, all kinds of icons, avatars and other images. I hope you understand the difference between a designer and a web designer and will not be confused in the future.

Is it possible to quickly learn web design and make money from it?

Often, having found out and compared a web designer’s earnings with the amount of time spent on receiving it, the interlocutor comes up with an unobtrusive (and sometimes very, very intrusive) question about whether it is possible to learn this, or whether the gift was sent by Zeus from heaven? I always answer positively, since in my practice there have been many cases when people came to this profession at the age of 30–40 and, after some time, became quite successful specialists.

In this matter, age does not play a fundamental role. Of course, it is better if you are 20, you are energetic, and the jellied meat has not yet frozen in your head, but here patience, the desire for knowledge and constant development are much more important.

Do you think web design is some kind of quantum physics? Although even this can be understood over time. Of course, nothing will come right away, but the learning process is no different from other areas. To begin with, pay sufficient attention to the theoretical basis, and then move on to practice.

To study the principles of this direction, I recommend following the articles on my blog, where you will find a lot of valuable information and useful tips, which will be useful for the implementation of new projects. After 2–3 months of effort and practice, fueled by theoretical information, it will be possible to complete more or less decent work.

I hope today’s article was useful and helped you understand whether you want to become a web design master or whether it’s better to abandon this disastrous business and go carry bricks at a construction site. I share valuable information for free, and in return you subscribe to my blog and share the link with your friends.

More will be posted here in the future. useful content, which will help you gradually develop in the field of web design. Until next time.

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