What to write about on a mom's blog. Blog for a young mother: what to write about? Purees, diapers and copper pipes

Many Instagram moms share photos every day about how wonderful everything is with them: children, home, sports, delicious food, fluffy cats, cool photo shoots. Not life, but continuous pictures for a glossy magazine.

But in reality, mother’s everyday life looks different: it is full of sleepless nights, which cause circles under the eyes, food is mostly hastily, which causes weight problems, and tea is drunk lukewarm (or even cold). This is exactly the kind of truthful life demonstrated by a popular blogger and mother of three children. Kylie Austin.

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

She is not ashamed to demonstrate that she is tired from sleepless nights, from the fact that she is sick and there is no way to fully receive treatment. And he speaks about it publicly.

My throat is burning, my eyes are hurting, I'm tired. THIS is real motherhood. I am writing about this not for myself, but because society has created a kind of monster in motherhood. This monster says: we must be perfect, look beautiful.

I think one of the challenges of motherhood is that you can have wonderful days with your children and moments when you question your sanity and your own abilities.

Why am I crying? Due to lack of sleep due to teething and my strict schedule, lack of time, anxiety, depression, lack of money. All the things moms have to deal with.

Please don't feel sorry for me! I just feel like it's my civic responsibility to post and tell you that you're not alone, you're normal, and that everything will be okay.

The most honest Instagram mom publishes real photos about maternal everyday life:

...these are not very clean feeding tables

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...and these are the surprises from a child

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...and the stomach is not flat and smooth

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...but the baby loves to play with its folds

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...about the fact that a child often asks to be held at the wrong time

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...about fatigue

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...chronic insomnia

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...situations that bring you to tears

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

…about how hard it is to walk with several kids

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...and how you go out into the street, literally covered with children

Instagram @mrskyleeaustin

...how difficult it is to feed two people at once

So, I divided the topics for articles into categories:

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Proper pregnancy planning
  • Hurray, I'm pregnant! What's next?
  • What should a pregnant woman watch? The best list of films about pregnancy and childbirth
  • 5 myths about pregnancy
  • How to hide your belly in a photo
  • Maternity hospital bag
  • One true pregnancy story
  • What age is it better to give birth to your first child, and is there an ideal age for childbirth?
  • My birth story

Life on maternity leave

  • The last month of freedom, or what you need to do before giving birth
  • What to do on maternity leave before giving birth? 7 ideas for expectant mothers
  • How to manage everything with a small child
  • Bored of staying at home with your child? Make a schedule!
  • How and why to meet mothers on the playground
  • Our first trip to the country with a baby
  • What have I managed to do in six months of living with a child?
  • How not to go crazy while on maternity leave? Let's say no to depression and Groundhog Day!

Happy motherhood

  • Why family outings are so important
  • Why are children needed?
  • How the first minutes of a baby’s life affect the relationship between mother and child
  • Co-sleeping: for or against? Why I switched from opponents to supporters of co-sleeping
  • What is a sling, or how to become a mobile mother
  • How to bring romance back into a relationship after having a baby?
  • What does a baby's cry mean? Learning to understand the baby

Child development

  • Why does my child sleep poorly during the day?
  • How to put a child to sleep without motion sickness? The Lazy Mom Method
  • General massage for a 3 month old baby. Our results
  • How much does it cost, how long does it last and how many days does a massage course for infants last, and other questions
  • Sleep crisis at 4 months - what to do and how to help your baby
  • Baby's day schedule at 5 months
  • How much should a baby weigh? Table of weight norms for children under one year old
  • Age-related crises of child development. Calendar of growth spurts up to a year
  • Crisis 26 weeks. What will a 6 month growth spurt bring?
  • Why children need to read books from birth

Child and finances

  • How much money do you need to have a child? List of necessary purchases for a newborn
  • Luzhkov payment: how much and how to get it
  • How much money do you need for your child's first year?
  • What benefits are paid for pregnancy and childbirth? Maximum amount and calculation of payments
  • Child care benefits for a working mother. Calculation example

Literature for parents

  • Secret support. Review
  • The art of breastfeeding. Review
  • What does your baby want? Review
  • Child in family and church. Review
  • The purpose of being a mother. Review


  • Breastfeeding - why is it so important to breastfeed your baby?
  • Is a diet necessary when breastfeeding?
  • Proper nutrition while breastfeeding. Menu for the week

I hope you will be interested in the proposed topics. I think that in the process they will be complemented, because motherhood opens up so many new things every day. If you have any other wishes, I will be glad to see them in the comments and add them to the list. See you on my blog!

Blog for mom - for what purpose?

First, let's ask ourselves: who is our mother?

Today the mother is a young woman who is having children. One, two or more - it's not that important. The important thing is that there is a baby with whom the mother “stays at home.” Nowadays, what “staying at home” means is also not entirely obvious - one mother really only cares about her children, husband, home and herself, while the other, while on maternity leave, makes a lot of effort to help her husband with financial support for the family . Depending on her capabilities, she finds different ways to earn money (including making money using the Internet).

The third mother can afford not to worry about her daily bread, but uses the time of “staying at home” to improve her skills, acquire a new specialty, get acquainted with some new books, music, etc. As they say, options are possible.

The general thing is that young mothers, although they should not wake up every day at the alarm clock and run headlong to the office, hospital, school - you get the idea - to work, are very limited in the time that can be “torn off” from their children, and, What’s even more sensitive is that they are strongly attached to home and the children’s routine.

Sometimes even young mothers, after a few months of staying at home with a child (or children), begin to feel something similar to depression - a feeling of being cut off from their usual life, friends, and usual entertainment. In the old days, only a caring husband and understanding relatives could help a young mother. It was necessary to “go out” so that the melancholy at home would not get sucked in; for this, someone had to sit with the child.

Everything changed dramatically when the Internet came to many homes. At first, it made it possible to expand the scope and boundaries of “cognition” and provide communication. This is when it became possible to read on the Internet about everything that might be of interest, and correspond (first by e-mail, then instant communications appeared). Without replacing personal contact, these tools made it possible to constantly communicate with family and friends located hundreds and thousands of kilometers away.

Gradually, the Internet is replacing printed periodicals for many (cooking magazines, magazines on health, raising children, etc. - there is more choice, faster search), all kinds of reference books and encyclopedias, dictionaries. With the advent of all kinds of multimedia on the Internet (audio, video,...), it began to step on the heels of radio and television.

Blogs brought with them another new quality. What is a blog, how to make one - there is quite a lot of material. Very good read about the blog on Wikipedia.

A person who is already accustomed to being primarily a reader on the Internet now has the opportunity to also become a writer. Moreover, blogging is not just posting your texts online. This is communication with those who read these texts, evaluate the thoughts expressed and respond in the form of discussions and comments.

Well, let’s now try to talk about where we started: Why does mom need a blog? And for now, let’s put aside the case when a blog becomes a way to replenish the family budget. This is a wonderful and inspiring opportunity, but that's not where we start. Moreover, despite the fact that we are convinced on the Internet that it is “easy” to make money with a blog, in reality it is not so simple. But even if we care about earning money, in addition to the “monetary” component, there is always some other component...

Let's start with the fact that a young mother who has “fell out” of her usual way of life and acutely feels the lack of extra-family communication can create a blog fill this deficit with communication of a different type and quality . First, a blog creates new opportunities (versus regular mail, for example) when contacting people you already know - you post something once and everyone hears and/or sees it. For a young mother, this is first and foremost an opportunity to tell the world about your baby – but you really want your joy to be shared by many, first of all, acquaintances and friends. Moms communicate on “their mom’s” forums, but by presenting material on a blog, mom introduces her “miracle” to those people who will not go to such a forum. After all, a new person on earth is the most amazing thing that happens to a woman in life.

In addition, a blog for mom provides unique opportunities compared to other means of communication - expand your social circle, meet new people . And what kind of people they will be depends to a large extent on what exactly we write in our blogs and how we write it.

Her own child is the main thing, but not the only thing a mother will write about on her blog. Women of this age and condition (nursing mothers) have a keen sense of literature, painting and music , are on a wave that may be close, on the one hand, to the same mothers, and on the other, to people who write, compose music, and people who are passionate about art.

Wikipedia formulates it as “entertainment,” but rather it is also communication. After all, women tend to discuss even television series at work (in the smoking room, over coffee). And what can we say about performances and concerts! Now “chatter” over coffee is replaced by blog discussion , moreover, on your blog, where the basis of the discussion is what is interesting to the owner of the blog, and it is her opinion that the participants discuss.

The blogosphere also provides the ability to create virtual communities . And here virtuality contributes to the fact that such people unite (in our case, young mothers), for whom in “real life” it would be very difficult to find each other, and for whom full contact is almost impossible.

When starting a blog, every person, including a young mother, understands perfectly well that although an online diary is very similar to a paper diary that is hidden under a pillow, it is still initially intended for the public, for reading by a variety of people. And in this sense, it is a means of “self-education”: if you can already write well, the experience of expressing your thoughts on a blog will teach you to write even better. And if, when starting a blog, you realize that “I don’t write very well..”, then the experience of preparing texts that you know can be read by different people will lead to improvement both “in literature and in the Russian language” — how we were assessed at school. It’s always like this - when you tell someone, explain it, you’ll understand it better yourself.

For a mother writing a blog, a significant part of which is devoted to a diary of the baby’s growth and development, there is an additional incentive to write well - she hopes that when the baby grows up, they will re-read these pages together. And he will be grateful to his mother for preserving all these touching moments of his childhood for him. And in pre-Internet times, many mothers promised themselves keep a baby development diary , but difficulties, lack of time - thousands of reasons - and the diary is abandoned. The publicity of the blog also disciplines us in this regard.

If a woman comes up with the idea that she can learn, master new things at the same time as caring for a small child (that is, engage in self-education ), then having gone part of the way as an Internet reader, at the next stage you can use the blog for mom as a platform for self-testing - write some materials for which it will be possible to receive professional responses, as an opportunity to meet people who have been involved in this new profession for a long time and professionally The main thing for you is to get into the right “party”.

Well, if a young mother suddenly discovers previously unknown talents in herself (a variety of talents - poetry and prose, music and singing, photography and video, and something else), then it’s easy use a blog for self-realization, as a platform for promoting your talents to the masses . And this is also important for a young mother, perhaps more than for anyone else.

Blogs, like the mothers in Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem, are needed, different blogs are important. And it doesn’t matter for what purpose you are blogging, the main thing is that it brings pleasure to you, and therefore to your readers!

Mom-blogger is today, one might say, a separate profession. So we decided to collect a couple of dozen interesting addresses where you can go if you have run out of energy and inspiration in your mother’s life. They have heaps of this stuff.

Yulia Lugovskaya– Orange Frog

Julia writes about creative activities with children, about games and crafts, about studying and holidays, and how to come up with ten solutions for every problem.

Victoria King– Happy Wife & Happy Mom

Mother of two children, Eva and Sasha. He writes about happiness in all its forms, about education and how to manage everything.

Svetlana Labuznova– Robin

The mother of daughter Ksyusha talks about her life, memories, travels, walks, and her extensive experience working with children.

Anna Bravoslavskaya–Undisa

Mom is a psychologist, whose blog contains many interesting discussions and reasons to think about how we raise children. She already has four children, so the conclusions, frankly speaking, are not unfounded.

Victoria– Mom Story

Vika and her son Leo live in California and share with readers, first of all, recipes and sunny mood.

Pauline– Mrs. Stolova

The feminist mom talks about motherhood from the point of view of women's rights, and also shares quick and convenient recipes and knows how to prepare 38 kilograms of food for future use in one fell swoop.

Olesya– Mom's blog

The baby's mother writes a practical blog with tips about beauty and health, crocheting and interesting books

Katerina Taberko– Bookcase

With the help of her two children and extensive experience, Katerina selects the best children's books and carefully distributes them by topic and age. If you don’t know how to navigate new products, come here.

Tanya– Tapka

Tanya and her son make scientific crafts. How to make a hologram with your own hands, a house for the Moomins, or even an entire electric generator - it's all here.

Sergeeva Masha– Poppismic

The artist mother shows her creative life and organizes holidays “in a box.” See for yourself, this is a very cool idea.

Zhenya Yasnaya– Dangling legs

Zhenya makes educational toys, books and toys for her son and daughter, and shows all this on her blog. For example, here you can see how to preserve your summer impressions in a jar.

Polina Karpova– Polina's blog

He talks about himself, one boy, and another, about his garden, house, books and all sorts of beautiful things. For example, about a house for gnomes made of real pumpkin.

Elena– At home and on the street

With her son Leva, the mother explores what to do on the street and at home, talks about the successes of her home creative laboratory and, of course, shares reviews of what she has read.

Dana– Quiet Domesticity

The mother of three writes about the eco-friendly, thoughtful life of a large family, accompanied by beautiful photographs. She also has wonderful houses for fairies.

Asya Vanyakina– Ozero Chad

A very beautiful blog from a mother who has the gift of finding something beautiful everywhere, from the Moscow region to a small Italian town, and arranges all kinds of adventure games for her son Leva and his friends.

Maria Komkova– Life of a young large family

Many girls, after the birth of a child, go on maternity leave and devote themselves entirely to raising him. But, despite the fact that now they spend most of their time with their children, their activity on social networks not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, increases. Some mothers don’t just post photos of their children online, but maintain an entire blog dedicated to family and children.

Instagram is the most convenient platform for “mommies”. It’s easier to find your audience and interact with them. In this regard, the reach of publications on Instagram is much greater than in other social networks (VK, YouTube); accordingly, there are more opportunities to earn money from advertising.

RIAB analyzed the profiles of Insta-moms and identified the Top 10 largest accounts. The list is compiled based on the number of subscribers. Separately, we emphasize that the blogs of “star mothers”, such as Ksenia Borodina or Aiza Anokhina, were not taken into account in the study, since the authors of the accounts earned their audience, first of all, from activities not related to their children.

In terms of content, one can note some uniformity of such profiles, however, each of the Insta-moms tries to stand out: some focus on content related to psychology, some do handicrafts, some know how to organize space or come up with entertaining activities for children.

An integral part of all Insta-mom blogs are collections of useful tips: from tips on beauty and self-care to family and psychological topics, for example, “how to protect your family from cheating and how to cope with baby teeth growing.”

Now “mommy” blogs are breaking popularity records, as a result of which advertising posts are becoming more and more common on large blogs. The audience of these channels is mainly young mothers. For this group, Instagram is the main platform for content consumption. Advertising mainly corresponds to the interests of this audience group: these are cosmetics, children's toys and other products for children. There is also promotion of relevant electronics and technology (household items and iPhones) and banking services.

First place went to Ekaterina Shreiner, mother of girls Alisa and Alena and popular Insta-blogger. Ekaterina’s page is dedicated to children’s educational games, life hacks for mothers and tips on raising children. The girl advertises mainly cosmetics, toys, children's products, and also holds joint competitions with other mom bloggers (for example, an iPhone raffle, 30,000 rubles, clothes).

In second place by the number of subscribers is Larisa Surkova, mother of five children and a PhD candidate in psychology, as well as the author of 16 books. Her Instagram page is a mom’s diary, in which she talks about raising children, talks about their psychology, and family relationships. Larisa also conducts tests for adults and children. Thanks to well-structured communication with subscribers, the blogger constantly receives feedback from the audience - almost every post is accompanied by thousands of comments. The profile also contains advertisements: cosmetics, care products, courses for children, cleaning companies, orthopedic salons, clothing stores and much more.

Elmira Ilyasova closes the top three, mother of four daughters, expecting her fifth child. The topic of her Insta blog is creating a family and motherhood. On her page, she talks about her daily life, as well as about her daughters, their upbringing and growing up. Elmira advertises children's and women's clothing, hotels, cosmetics and even Alfa Bank cards.

Fourth place goes to Elena Sazhina, actress, model, blogger and mother of twins Milana and Alina. On her page she talks about family and children, and gives advice to young mothers. He makes a video for his profile. Advertises children's products, clothing and accessories. Conducts competitions from sponsors and large-scale drawings of money, smartphones, and tickets to events. The blogger creates interactive posts, communicates with the audience, thanks to which subscribers often comment on publications. In this way, the girl increases the activity and reach of her audience.

Diana Peshkova is in fifth place in the ranking.. The girl runs an entertainment and educational blog on Instagram, the main character of which is her son Artem. The blogger’s page has a lot of content in DIY (do it yourself) format: postcards, games, crafts and much more. Diana's page is a treasure trove of ideas for parents who want to keep their child occupied. In addition, the blogger also holds competitions and sweepstakes from partners and publishes advertisements. Light table, bags, hair clippers, toys - the list of advertised products is very wide.

Sixth place goes to Karina Paletskikh, mother of three daughters. The girl shares photos and videos from the life of her own family. These can be either photos from numerous trips or funny videos with children. Karina's family leads an active lifestyle. The Paletskys and their children were even invited to Channel One, to the show “Let Them Talk.” The blogger advertises what she herself buys or uses in everyday life. These are mainly children's things (overalls, dresses, strollers, high chairs), but there are also advertisements for services for travelers, massage parlors, banks and taxis.

Seventh in the ranking was Ksenia Sekiro, freelance mom, business consultant and blogger. The girl organizes webinars and trainings. On Ksenia’s page there are a lot of photographs of her family: her husband and little son Robert. Most of the blog is devoted to the issues of finding remote work, trainings, there are also stories about my son, fairy tales and family stories. Advertising on Ksenia’s page is mainly collaborations with other bloggers, as well as joint competitions with prizes.

Eighth place in the ranking is taken by Lisa Miller, fitness mom and FPA trainer. The girl's blog is dedicated to her daughter Maryana and how she is growing up. Lisa talks about her lifestyle, shares memories of her youth, and family stories. Insta-mom also gives advice on how to take care of yourself, what to do when your baby is teething, and where to travel. The girl advertises face and hair cosmetics, massage parlors, and holds competitions.

Ninth place is occupied by Kristina Shchegoleva, blogger, owner of a nail salon in the center of Moscow, mother of daughter Millie, expecting her second child. The girl runs a typical lifestyle blog, where she talks about family, travel, motherhood and pregnancy. Advertising on her profile includes cosmetics (creams, scrubs, massage brushes) and money giveaways.

Irina Gavrilova closes the Top 10, public figure, farmer, mother of a special girl Masha and three other children. In her blog, she writes about what children and motherhood teach her, and also shares educational materials and tips on healthy eating. Tells funny stories about his kids. Advertises mainly what is relevant to the audience - coffee, a cleaning company, pajamas, innovative medical equipment, toys.

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