Do I need to register a subdomain? How to quickly create a subdomain on hosting - step-by-step instructions

Very often, a webmaster needs to create a subdomain. The reasons may be different: to move part of the information, united by topic, into one place, or to create a new website and not pay for hosting or Domain name, make a forum, store or any other reason. The main thing is that you need a subdomain.

When I first turned to this topic, it turned out that there seemed to be a lot of information, especially if you search using “tricky” queries. The result is that nothing is clear to a beginner. I'll try to close this gap.

What is a subdomain? Let's turn to Wikipedia: a subdomain (or, what is the same, a subdomain) is a domain that is part of a domain more high level. How to understand this? The highest level domain is domains like ru, com, org, etc. And all our sites are their subdomains. It turns out that by creating a regular website, we are actually creating a subdomain. Surprised?

But you can also create subdomains as part of your website. Its address will then look like this: We will get:

Ru – first level domain,

YourDomain is a second level domain,

Subdomain is a third-level domain.

There may be up to 127 levels in total, but this is for information only.

Search engines consider each subdomain as a separate domain. By at least,Google stated this directly. Apparently, Yandex regards them the same way.

If a subdomain is the same domain, then their creation is the same. There are only a few specifics in how hosting works. This is what we will consider now.

We will consider the process of creating a subdomain using the example of sweb hosting (those who have other hosters must do everything the same way, but taking into account the specific features of your Account Control Panel). Log in to your hosting account:

We need the "Manage Subdomains" tab. We click on it and find ourselves on a page where we need to select a domain. This is if you have several domains in one account. If you have only one domain yet, then this page will not appear. Select a domain and find yourself on the subdomain management page:

Click “Create subdomain”. The “Create a subdomain” window will appear:

We need to come up with a name for our subdomain. I have this test. Look at Fig. 3 - right under the window with the subdomain name green the subdomain address is written. You can appreciate the beauty of the subdomain name. In my case, the subdomain will be called like this:

In the next column you can select the folder where the databases of your subdomain will be located or specify a new one. I prefer to create a new folder.

After filling out everything, click “Create”. It will open for you new page, at the top of which there will be a message that the subdomain was successfully created and a list of your subdomains will be presented:

What to do now? Almost all advice on the RuNet ends here, but we will continue further.

And then you need to do everything exactly the same as in the case of a regular domain: create a MySQL database, upload the CMS to the hosting, edit wp-config.php and fill the site with content. You already know all this. We'll talk a little about MySQL databases, where there are a few specifics.

Go to the creation page MySQL databases(on the main page of your account (see Fig. 1), there is a dolphin drawn there) and click “Create a database”:

A new window will appear:

You need to write the database name. I wrote test, and pay attention to important point: the subdomain database name should not be more than 16 characters INCLUDING the main domain name and underscore between them. This is indicated by the numbers to the right of the name box. If your existing database name is 15 or 16 characters long, you will not be able to attach a subdomain.

Enter your password and click “Create”. And that’s it – the database has been created.

When editing the file, you, among other things, need to create a username. It should be the same as the database name. So, the subdomain’s username is not novichkoff, but novichkoff_test. Otherwise, when you try to access a subdomain, you will receive an error - there is no connection to the database.

When creating this subdomain, a message appeared in my account that I had created the maximum number of databases for my tariff plan. Indeed, subdomains are not difficult to create, but they eat up databases. It is necessary either to switch to a higher tariff, or to remove some databases (and, consequently, websites), or to create new account on your hosting, or move to another hoster.

In other words, you must anticipate your actions in the future.

Or listen to my advice: if you plan to create subdomains or satellites (especially!), go to Gino - there you can choose for yourself how many MySQL databases you need. For example, I have 10 sites on Gino (and, accordingly, 10 databases for now). But I looked (they have a payment calculator there), if you increase the number of MySQL databases to 25, then the payment will increase by only 15 rubles per month. Just 15! And I can create 15 more subdomains. And the total number of databases on the account can be increased to 50, then I can create 40 subdomains and all this with a completely insignificant increase in payments! And at the same time I save on paying for domain names!

How much does it cost to increase the tariff on your hosting?

Maybe you don’t currently plan to create many subdomains in the future and think that the capabilities of your current hosting will be enough for you. May be. But who can guarantee that in a month - a year - 3 years you will not have such a desire? Maybe you want to create, for example, a store or a forum?

I thought so too at the very beginning.

P.S. By the way, if you have the opportunity on your tariff plan create a subdomain, I recommend doing this. Then you don’t need a local Denver-3 server: you can handle everything you need on a subdomain. And when you need space to make a new site, simply delete it (and its database MySQL data). At the same time, you will save money, time and effort.

P.S. Some readers, as it turned out, still do not understand why subdomains are needed. Let me give you an example. Let’s say you need to make a website for a chain of dry cleaners/laundries in Moscow. If there is nothing special to say about each of them - all are typical, for example, then you can limit yourself to one or several pages. And if you want to write about each in detail - achievements, team, etc. - then you can make a subdomain for each of them. Then you will get this: laundry in Vladykino is one subdomain, dry cleaning in Vykhino is another, etc. A visitor visits the site, clicks on the link of the laundry service that interests him and ends up on a subdomain. Moreover, the transition to a subdomain will be as fast as a transition to another page and the visitor will not notice anything, unless, of course, he studies the URLs.

Subdomain is a third-level domain for which the same functionality is available as for the main domain. For example: support.faq-site (where support is any subdomain name, and faq site— main domain name).

Preliminary preparation

To create a subdomain, you need to determine which DNS servers are specified for the main domain. The method for creating a subdomain depends on this.

If DNS servers are specified for the primary domain:

If you have registered other DNS servers (not the site), contact your DNS provider to add subdomains.

How to find out which DNS servers are registered for a domain:

If your domain is set to DNS servers, follow these steps:

  1. 1 Log in to your Personal Account.
  2. 2

    On the My Domains page, click on the domain for which you want to create a subdomain:

  3. 3

    In the “Domain Management” block, click Zone management:

  4. 4

    Create the necessary entry for the zone depending on the task:

    To bind a subdomain to an IP address

    Add an A record in the following format:

    SubdomainIP Address

    Where support- the name of your subdomain, and — IP address of your service.v

    Example of adding an A record:

    To make the domain available at the address from www, add one more A-record and before the subdomain name add www.

    For example:

    SubdomainIP Address

    To bind a subdomain to a mail server

    Add MX record of the following form:

    SubdomainPriorityMail Server

    Where support(in the subdomain field) - the name of your subdomain, address mail server.

    You can obtain the mail server address from your service provider. For popular services:

    Service nameMail Server and

    Example of adding an MX record for Yandex.Mail:

    After adding required entry you need to wait for the DNS server zone to be updated (within 15 minutes). If you previously changed the DNS servers on the, wait until the DNS servers are updated. It may take up to 24 hours for DNS servers to update.

    with the help autosubdomains according to the instructions: . The number of created auto subdomains is not limited.

  5. as an independent domain.

    These methods are not compatible. If auto subdomains were previously added for the main domain, an error will occur when creating independent subdomains. To avoid this error, delete the created auto-subdomains.

    To create your own subdomain, follow the instructions:

Whatever one may say, almost everyone needs skills in hosting files. Especially if you are directly involved in your website. Topic about how to create a subdomain on TimeWeb hosting is not new, but many have not yet learned how to create it.

I say this not by hearsay, because... I do freelance work. And when communicating with a large number of clients who do not at all strive to understand the technical aspects of business, in which, of course, they are right in their own way, you come with them (by the way) to the conclusion that there are no, but basic technical skills in servicing your resource are still necessary.

At least in order to understand what is meant in many situations we're talking about, as well as to manage your resources.

In this article:

Just in this short post I will tell you how to create a subdomain on . And after reading and also applying everything that I write below, you can easily create a subdomain on your hosting, and even more than once.

I have been familiar with TimeWeb hosting for more than one year. When I posted my first files on this hosting, it was a pretty cool site, and was even trending.

However, time passed, many good and not so good reviews appeared, but as for me, I have not experienced and do not experience any problems with this hosting for a long time.

Therefore, in this short introduction I just want to recommend it to you as a reliable platform for your resources.

Why do you need to create a subdomain?

For example, in order for many services to skip your site for various registrations and advertising companies.

I’ll just give an example with the same YouTube, in whose account it is possible to link your website, and then when publishing the next video, use your website as external link in the video you created.

In YouTube, your site is linked through Google webmaster. And after you confirm it, you can safely advertise it in your videos.

If you create on the site separate folder and in it, for example, place some kind of one-page website, which you then want to advertise in your videos, then there will be no problems either.

Problems will arise when you want to use another view YouTube advertising- through advertising network GoogleAdwords, because this network accepts only separate domains. Those. neither folder nor separate files on your website, namely 2nd or 3rd level domains.

Yes, of course, you can create another domain, place your one-page there and then advertise it in videos. And it is right.

But what if you don't want to do this? promote exactly your website? This is where the subdomain you created on your main site will come to the rescue.

And taking into account the fact that you can create such subdomains a large number of, then the problems with one-page advertising through the GoogleAdwords advertising network disappear.

Now directly about how to create a subdomain on hosting.

How to create a subdomain

There are some features and sequences that need to be performed exactly as I will write below.

The tools I will use are - Personal Area hosting TimeWeb, as well as the program Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015, which will be needed to connect to your site’s files via FTP and make some changes to the site structure.

The first step is to go to your personal hosting account to create a subdomain. For this:

After logging into your personal account, select the “Domains and subdomains” section in the left menu.

Find your site on which you want to create a subdomain, in my case it is, and click on the “Add subdomain” icon, as in the picture below.

That's it, you have created a subdomain. I got it like this:

There is nothing more to do on this site, because... You have received all the necessary data and now the main work will take place in Adobe Dreamweaver.

Create a subdomain in Dreamweaver CC 2015

By the way, you can use absolutely any program.

Firstly, you can use the hosting itself and there continue the actions that we will do. To do this, on your hosting, go to the “File Manager” section and then to the folder of your site.

Secondly, You can use, for example, a program such as "FileZilla FTP Client"or any other similar one.

The essence does not change here. Your task is to get to the files of your site, where you will perform the necessary operations.

The difference between these different ways only that when using programs, you also need access data for FTP protocol. On TimeWeb hosting you can immediately edit your files without FTP access.

You can find out FTP access for use in programs in 2 ways.

First- find the letter that you received from the hosting when registering your account. It contains the data for accessing files via the FTP protocol.

Second- on the left side of the personal account menu, at the very bottom, find the “Return to” button old panel" Click on it and on the left side of the site there will be various service data. You need to find the line “Server” and just opposite it the server you are using will be indicated, and the IP address in brackets.

You need it, because... for FTP access on TimeWeb hosting, either the name of the hosting itself or this same IP is used.

The default hostname on TimeWeb is "" (without quotes). As you can see, I have MOLLY, because... I also use on hosting smtp server. Your name must be “Watson”.

So, to access via FTP in Adobe Dreamweaver you must have the following data:

  1. Hostname: in my case it is
  2. The login you use to log into your personal hosting account.
  3. The password you use to log into your personal hosting account.

Creating a subdomain in the program

If you, like me, use Adobe program Dreamweaver CC 2015, then in order to connect to your site you need to do the following:

1. Open the program and create a new website. To do this, go to the “Web Site” menu (in the main menu of the program) and click on the “New Site” submenu

Some explanation: Now you are connecting to your main site through the Adobe Dreamweaver program. When you connect, then continue to create a subdomain on the existing site.

2. In the window that opens, you will see a window with the “Website” item highlighted on the left. On the right side of the window, write the name of your site, for example, “My Site” and just below indicate the path to the folder in which all the files of your site will be stored.

To store site files on your computer, do the following... Create a folder in a convenient location on your computer, and in the program window, click on the folder icon (to the right of the second field). Next, in the window that opens, select the folder you created.

This can be any folder on your computer. It is advisable, of course, that you create this folder with a name that is familiar to you and that you can easily find in the future. For example, as in my case “H:\ - OpenServer - domains - youtube-roliki.loc - subdomen”

3. Let’s go to the next item “Servers”, where you will connect to your site via the FTP protocol. In this window, click on the plus sign located at the bottom (look at the picture).

The following window will open in which:

  • Enter the server name. For example, “Remote site”.
  • Connect using FTP.
  • In the line " FTP address» write the host name.
  • Fill in the fields “User name.” and "Password".
  • And finally, in the “URL address” line, enter the address of your site.

After filling out the above fields, click on the “Test” button to check that the data you entered is correct and for Adobe Dreamweaver to check the connection.

If you have entered the data correctly, you will see the following window:

Click on the “OK” button and then on the “Save” button. On the right, in the servers window you will see a new entry.

Now you need to go to your website to copy all your files from the hosting to your newly created folder on your computer.

6. To do this, go to the right window of the program, where your folder will be indicated, and click on the “Remote server” item, which is indicated in the drop-down menu in the figure.

Since you did not specify the exact root directory of your site in the hosting connection settings (and this, in principle, is not necessary), you will see a folder tree with all the files on your hosting. For example, like mine.

All files on your site are located in the “public_html” folder and it is in this folder that you will create a subdomain on TimeWeb.

Let's start creating a subdomain

To begin, copy your website to a folder you created on your computer. This is done very simply.

Select all the folders and files that are in your “public_html” folder and in the window remote server Click on the down arrow.

All files from the remote server will be copied to your computer exactly in the folder that you created.

When you switch again to the local server, i.e. to your local folder, You can already observe the files you copied. For example, like mine.

1. Create a folder for your subdomain

Now in the folder at local server(on your computer) create a folder named after your subdomain, which you created in your TimeWeb hosting account.

In my case this is the "less-blog" folder.

To create this folder, click on the “public_html” folder right click mouse and create a folder.

2. Connecting a subdomain to hosting

Create this file just like in the example, without extensions - i.e. put a dot in front and then htaccess.

Double-click the left mouse button to open this file in Adobe Dreamweaver and in code mode, paste the following code.

RewriteEngine On
#RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^(www.)?subdomain_name\.site_name\.(com|ru)$
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_URI) !/subdomain_name/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /subdomain_name/$1 [L]

Edit the code as follows:

  • Instead of “subdomain_name” write the name of your subdomain.
  • Instead of “site_name”, write the name of your site without the domain zone (i.e. without .ru, .com).

The domain zone is written in brackets, and if you domain zone differs from “com” or “ru”, then accordingly insert your value into brackets instead of, for example, com.

My example looks like this:

After this, save the “.htaccess” file and go to the folder of your subdomain in order to check your subdomain for functionality.

To do this, in a subdomain folder (in my case it’s “less-blog”), create a file “index.html” and write something in it... For example, “Hello, world!”

After this, save all files and transfer your subdomain folder to the remote server.

This is done by analogy with how you copied remote files on computer. Only in in this case now click on the adjacent button that shows “up”.

Those. select the subdomain folder and copy it to the remote server.

3. Check the created subdomain in the browser

The last thing you need to do is check the subdomain you created in your browser.

To do this, open your browser and enter a construct like:


If you did all the previous steps correctly, then in your browser you should already see the inscription “Example, peace!”

That's it, you have created your subdomain and placed your files on it.

Now, if you want to create, for example, a one-page website and place it on a subdomain of your site, then you already know how to do it.

In fact, if you did exactly as I demonstrated above, then you learned not just to create a subdomain, but an entire website in general - through a convenient and useful program Adobe Dreamweaver.

If you want to get acquainted with this program in more detail, then it is best to go to my YouTube channel.

Moreover, starting from version CC 2015, bootstrap is also connected.

Wishing you great success and effective management of your projects!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates

Best regards, Andrey Averkov

It will be extremely useful for novice webmasters to know what a subdomain is. In this article we will look in detail at what they are needed for, how to create them and whether they are worth using.

1. What is a site subdomain

Subdomain(English "subdomain") is a site with a domain of the third or higher level (the level of a domain is determined by the number of dots in its name)

For example, a site with the address is a completely independent site, although it is a subdomain of the main “”. However, in the eyes of search engines, it is a completely different site.

Most often, subdomains are used to create a forum and blog on your website. For example:

Please note that both the forum and the blog could easily be placed in a separate directory on the site, but webmasters move it to a higher domain level. Also, the use of subdomains is often justified for large websites of companies that make websites on different languages. It turns out something like:

What is the reason for this trend? Generally speaking, the use of subdomains is very justified from many points of view. At a minimum, we separate the main site from its "subsite" in terms of Maintenance and SEO. This is also convenient for experienced Internet users, because... clearly understand where you are.

2. Benefits of using subdomains

2.1. From an SEO optimization point of view:

To promote a website, a subdomain helps to divide the website into thematic sections, and also is a certain security for the main project.

For example, let's take the same forum. It could be placed in a category directly on the website - In this case, our site will lose its strict theme. If our site is about cars, then the presence of a forum will be a separate area (it has its own engine, its own design). Plus, we risk that copy-paste, links to “bad” resources, low-quality content, and spam will appear on the forum. As a result, the entire site may fall under the filter just because of the forum. And if the forum is located on a subdomain, nothing threatens the main site - it is a separate site.

2.2. From a technical point of view:

And here are some advantages. The subdomain can be placed on another hosting account altogether, thereby reducing the load on the main site. For large portals, where constant problems with loads this is a real salvation.

Plus primary domain security. When there are several sites on a site (after all, a forum is considered a separate engine, a separate design, etc.), then the chances of being hacked by hackers increase. And if the forum is hacked, then the main site is not in danger and it continues to work.

Therefore, for large portals, a subdomain is a very important component.

In addition, a subdomain is often used when testing new versions of a website. When changes are made to the engine, functionality, etc. Often a subdomain like is created and testing is carried out on it. They give a link to some users so that they try out the new site.

3. How to create a subdomain

You can create a subdomain on the hosting where the site is located. Since the creation procedure is different on each hosting, I can only briefly say approximately what and how to click. Look for a tab with approximately the following names: “manage subdomains”, or “add a site”, or in the settings of the domain itself, look for everything that contains the words subdomain.

As a last resort, the easiest way is to contact the service technical support hosting.

4. Features and nuances of subdomains

4.1. Maximum subdomain nesting

In addition to the usual subdomains, you can also create higher levels of sites. For example, The maximum possible nesting level of a subdomain is 127. The maximum possible length of the name of each subdomain is 63 characters. At the same time, we must not forget maximum limit generic domain name of 255 characters. There are a lot of possibilities.

4.2. TCI and PageRank of the subdomain

The site's TCI and PR indicators for a subdomain are calculated separately and are in no way related to the main site. Also, the site’s trust is not transferred to its subdomains in any way.

Update (from 2018): TCI and PageRank are no longer calculated. The new Yandex ICS indicator is calculated for the main domain; all subdomains duplicate its value.

4.3. Is it always possible to create a subdomain?

A subdomain can only be created if the second-level domain belongs to you. If the site is hosted on a third-party hosting and has a third-level domain (for example,, then there is a very small chance that you will be allowed to create a subdomain. This is due to the fact that the main domain is not yours, the engine is not yours.

4.4. Is there a dependency between the main site and the subdomain?

There may be an addiction, but at least no one has ever declared it. If a subdomain falls under the search engine filter, then the main site should not suffer from this. The only thing that will be bad for the main site is that links leading to a subdomain will most likely be considered not very good in this case. After all, the site links to a filtered site. But there are no exact studies and statements on this matter.

4.5. Is it difficult to promote a subdomain?

As practice shows, subdomains are more difficult to promote than main domains. But on the other hand, this is basically normal. Still, the main domain has a great influence. Because of this, subdomains are not usually relied upon to rank first in search engines.

However, there is a small nuance. After all, the subdomain also has home page. And as everyone knows, the home page has more weight than any other page. As a result, we can say that we have a fairly powerful main page for the subdomain, which we can really promote and be the first. This is especially true for thematic forums created on the site.

4.6. The theme of the subdomain should be different

Don't create a site on a subdomain with the same theme in hopes of attracting more traffic. Search engines have an affiliate filter. And in this case it is obvious that the owner of the site is one person. So don't be angry search engines and try to swim against the current.

1 vote

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Did you know that in some cases it is not only possible, but also necessary to create several sites for one project? This is very relevant if you sell books on your website or work with a customer and create landing pages for him.

You don't have to spend money on one, it's much more efficient to use the one you've already bought. This saves your costs. In addition, using one site you can work with audiences from different regions and fight with regional developers on equal terms! It's great if you have your own web studio.

Today we will talk about how to create a subdomain on hosting. It's not that difficult.

Five cases when a subdomain is necessary

First, let's find out what subdomains and subdomains are and determine why they are needed. My blog is intended for beginners, and if you Google a similar question, you may not be aware of some interesting nuances.

If you accept the possibility that at some points you may not be informed, then continue reading, but if the main thing for you is to quickly understand the main issue and you understand everything perfectly well without my stupid advice, then you can skip this chapter and go to the main thing, namely - creation.

Let's start with the basics. A subdomain or subdomain is a part of a higher level domain. The number of domain levels is determined by the number of words in the url, separated by dots. In theory, you can create up to 127 domain levels, but in practice this feature is not used.

Who needs it and when? additional features for one domain? It would seem that the shorter the name, the easier it is for the reader to remember it. So why make it complicated?

Many informational resources third-level domains are often created. For example, or . Why are they doing that? A website with a name of any level, created on the basis of one domain, is perceived by the system as a separate portal. Therefore, its use is relevant in as many as five cases. There may be more, but these are the main ones.

  • If you want to create a forum, then you can and should allocate an additional subdomain for it.

It will look like this: If you create a forum using a slash, for example,, then search engines will perceive it as part of one site. It will be too complex for a large-scale project and this is not very good, since the structure and design are still different. It would be better then for the search engine to immediately understand that these are two different portals.

  • Separate subdomains are allocated if the portal is so large that several departments work on it.

In this case, administration is greatly simplified. Technical support does not have to go to the general website and understand a lot of settings. God forbid, someone wants to mess around in system settings or publications! To prevent this from happening even by an absurd accident, as a rule, they create a separate structure and attach a subdomain with the word support.

In Yandex, you can set a regional affiliation for a webmaster and in this case you will compete only with those sites that are present in this particular region. This is especially true if for a regional entrepreneur who is bleeding from the nose and wants to work for Moscow.

Often customers themselves do not know what they are asking for, and it is almost impossible to convince them. How to act if you really know that the client’s desire will lead nowhere. Should I swear with foam at the mouth or do as the client wants?

The only sure option, if you got a ram and really want money, is to do what he wants with the condition that you additionally create another subdomain. This is where the main conversion will come from. In the end, everyone will be happy and there will be no need to argue.

  • Well, last but not least, the opportunity that a subdomain gives us is testing.

You just create and experiment. If you use hosting TimeWeb with the most simple tariff, then you can create a maximum of 4 sites. Unfortunately, this hosting provider perceives a site with a subdomain as a self-sufficient resource, and therefore it will not be possible to exceed the limit in this way.

Oh well, it's not that important! But you can use an already existing domain, install WordPress on it and play around there as much as you like: install all sorts of plugins, have fun with styles, settings, system files and don’t worry about breaking anything. Very relevant for beginners.

Create a subdomain

To create a new website based on an existing domain, go to your personal account at Timeweb and first of all, we look at how many projects are used here. In my case, I have room for 2 more sites.

Go to the domains and subdomains section.

We need to add a new one.

Enter a new name that will appear before the main name.

Now decide whether you will connect the domain to an already existing directory, in which case the same site will be available at different addresses. This option is suitable if you have a multilingual website or want to customize it for different regions.

I will tell you how to correct the code in future publications. It's not very difficult, but it will take time. I wouldn't want to load the bulk of it.

If you create a new directory, then you are essentially creating a new website and you can add a landing page, a forum page, support, and so on. Enter a name for the new project.

OK it's all over Now. Now you know based on the old and search engines will like you.

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Good luck in your endeavors and see you again.