NTV plus problems with broadcasting today. Question: What are SMS services? How to use the service? NTV-plus antenna repair, NTV-plus receiver repair, how to set up NTV-plus

The popularity of satellite television is facilitated by a number of undeniable advantages, starting from low subscription fee, ending with a variety of different channels and the ability to watch multidirectional television content. Unfortunately, subscribers of the Tricolor TV and NTV Plus channels periodically encounter partial image deterioration and the disappearance of some groups of channels. Instead of clear video content, the subscriber has to see messages about a weak signal or its absence. Most vulnerable to weak signal NTV plus channels. Tricolor TV is not immune from image deterioration. For channels to start disappearing, the signal only needs to weaken by 15-20%. On NTV Plus, as a rule, they initially disappear free channels, but the channels for which the subscriber pays are not immune from deterioration in transmission quality. This is explained by the fact that channels are broadcast by different transponders and with different signal strengths, and as a result, channels transmitted from a weak transponder are lost first.

5 main reasons for image deterioration:

1. Atmospheric influences. Strong wind, rain and even light snowfall can temporarily degrade picture and sound. Discomfort when watching satellite television usually disappears as soon as the weather returns to normal. This problem can be solved by installing a dish with a larger diameter, or if you already have a large dish, then you need to more accurately point it at the satellite using a special device for setting up satellite dishes.

2. Malfunction of the plate converter. There are several main causes of malfunctions - the converter has expired or was damaged due to exposure to a thunderstorm. A short circuit and overvoltage can also cause a malfunction. A malfunction of the converter can also lead to the loss of not all channels at once, but only certain groups.

3. Obstacles in the form of vegetation. Most often, the signal is blocked by trees. When installing the plate, it is important not to forget that trees do not stop growing throughout the year. When installing a dish in winter, you need to remember that dense foliage can also become an insurmountable obstacle to the signal. The plate should be positioned with this in mind.

4. Problems with the cable. If the cable was purchased poor quality(more often poor quality distinguishes Chinese cable), then over time it self-destructs. The reason for its destruction is the difference in air temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and moisture (precipitation). Usually the part of the cable that is located on the street is destroyed, the first meters coming from your satellite dish - the cable becomes rigid, cracks easily and circular cracks appear in its outer insulation. Possibly unintentional mechanical damage cable that was not noticed in a timely manner. The reason may be a violation of the integrity of the coaxial cable connection.

5. Mechanical impact on a plate. Even if you accidentally hit the plate a little, you may experience signal deterioration and even complete loss. As soon as the mirror is slightly damaged, or the direction of the dish is slightly shifted, the subscriber experiences discomfort when watching satellite TV. Or for example when satellite antenna is attached to a window on the 25th floor, where it is constantly exposed to strong winds and, as a result, the antenna mirror loses its shape over time and in the future it may need to be replaced or reconfigured - in such places it is better to install perforated satellite antennas, they provide lower wind load.

One of the leading satellite television operators in Russia, and even Ukraine, is NTV Plus. It’s no surprise that it’s so popular, because we’re talking about services highest quality. Not every operator satellite communications can offer such, but thanks to several satellites Eutelsat 36B, Express AMU1 and Express-AT1, the NTV Plus signal is distributed even in the most remote corners of the country. Several million people chose to choose it, despite the rather high prices compared to other budget operators.

But even such seemingly strong companies have signal failures, and the user sees on the TV monitor that there is no signal in NTV Plus. Of course, there is very little pleasant in this situation, but there are no tragic moments either. Perhaps we are dealing with an ordinary accident, and if we turn off the TV and receiver, and then connect them again, everything will disappear. But if a miracle does not happen, and the screen continues to flash an annoying inscription, it’s time to take more decisive steps.

No NTV signal - reasons

If the TV does not show programs, then something is wrong with the equipment: external or internal. The signal itself disappears very rarely, yet three satellites that work on top level. We will try to highlight the most important causes of the malfunction:

    When prophylaxis is carried out on the canals. In this case, television will not work only today. You need to wait for the broadcast to be restored. After some time, the TV will work again in standard mode. To check whether your assumptions about prevention are correct, you can go to the company’s official website;

    If things got worse outside weather. For example, equipment may not behave properly at low or high temperatures In addition, the signal disappears from heavy rain or snow sticking to the plate. To remove the interference, you need to carefully remove the accumulated snow, and if the television still doesn’t show, then the problem is something else;

    When the satellite reception parameters were changed. The user must be warned about such changes, but it happens that you missed them and are faced with the fact itself. Such problems can be corrected by simply rearranging the antenna, focusing on the new parameters;

    Perhaps the cable or antenna was deformed, then it is not surprising that it does not work. It is necessary to either repair the breakdown or replace the damaged device;

    The converter is broken, so the signal does not go to the tuner;

    The connecting elements are broken, or the breakdown is located somewhere in the cable;

    The receiver settings are messed up, which can be cleared if you reconfigure the device. It is advisable that this be done by a specialist who understands the peculiarities of NTV Plus broadcasting;

    The weak signal can be explained by the presence of obstacles between the dish and the satellite. This could be a tree or other building that was built after the craftsmen set up the satellite equipment;

    If the TV is broken, the signal will also not be able to pass through.

As you can see, there are really many reasons, but not all of them can be influenced by an ordinary user.

What to do if some NTV Plus channels do not show

For NTV Plus, it is not uncommon for a situation where one part of the channels shows, but the other does not, or only some channels work selectively. This problem will be easier to deal with, and if you know the reason, you won’t even need to call a specialist.

    Broadcasting of some TV channels stops when the funds in the account run out and the package has already expired. Typically, a broadcast package is issued for a month, and when this period comes to an end, a signal paid channels will be blocked. But this will not affect free TV channels in any way, which is what you need to focus on when finding out the reason. You can remove the obstacle using a regular bank account by paying for the next month of your subscription and installing a service that will remind you when your subscription needs to be renewed;

    If the operator switches channels to another format. From time to time, a company must carry out such procedures in order to remain in the first position. In 2017, perhaps, such changes will be made. Subscribers are warned about them so that they have time to install devices on the new generation, thereby preserving their favorite TV channels. Moreover, new installations are offered at a discount so as not to scare off customers who have to spend money;

    If the settings are lost, you can update the channel list using new search. He will find both old TV channels and new ones if the company has made any additions to the standard package. In addition, the satellite operating in your region may have changed, and then the channels will also disappear. Add a new satellite using the settings specified on the company's official website, and everything should work;

    Check if the access card has been damaged, because it is vital for the channels to broadcast. If it is broken, then the equipment will not work.

The satellite company began its existence back in 1997, when no one even imagined what satellite television. The majority of TV viewers received the signal from the collective terrestrial antenna, and the quality of this signal left much to be desired, as did the number of channels. Television in Russia was underdeveloped at that time, and the Internet also created a real sensation in the minds of the masses. Naturally, the price for the NTV-Plus set at that time differed significantly from the price for NTV-Plus at present. Not everyone could afford the NTV-Plus set, but only a select part of the population, for whom spending money on their own whims was considered quite natural. Now everyone can afford an NTV-Plus set; they install it in their dacha, in their apartment (outside the window or on the balcony), in the administrative center, in a cafe, or in a bar, in general, in any suitable place for installing satellite television.

Our company not only carries out installation, installation, but also we do repairs, repair of satellite dishes, replacement of cables and splitters. If yours does not show, before you urgently take it to our service center, figure out what’s happening to him and what could be the matter. Perhaps the problem is not even in, but in the dish, cable, or converter. If “NO SIGNAL” appears on your screen, check your satellite dish. Perhaps it does not show precisely because the satellite dish has been shifted by some external influence. Strong hail, hurricane winds, or any bad weather can cause the satellite dish to shift by several millimeters, which leads to signal loss, especially if your satellite dish was installed by incompetent specialists.

NTV-plus antenna repair, NTV-plus receiver repair, how to set up NTV-plus

If the satellite dish is in order, it has not been struck by lightning, and no damage is visible on it, then the problem is a cable break, or short circuit. In any case, only a specialist with diagnostic equipment will give you reliable information, who usually goes to the site of satellite dish diagnostics in such cases.

It may not show due to the converter, which was installed a long time ago and has already served its useful life. Usually, over time, the converter cracks, water gets into it, and in winter, the water inside turns into ice, disrupting its operation. In this case, only replacing the converter will help, since its cost, among other things, satellite equipment, insignificant. Also, severe frost can cause serious damage to the cable, especially if the Chinese cable is cheap and not frost-resistant. Therefore, we recommend that our clients never buy cheap cable- it will cost you more, if you compare the image on the screen with an expensive and cheap cable, you will be surprised how much better the quality of signal transmission will be using an expensive cable.

And, the most common option for why it doesn’t show is a malfunction. The reason may be in the receiver's power supply, motherboard, which is out of order. The receiver may not work correctly due to outdated firmware, which needs to be changed periodically. We eliminate any problems associated with incorrect operation

On September 19, 2018, from 02:00 to 05:00, technical maintenance of the Satellite Internet service will be carried out.
During this period, there may be interruptions in the service for up to 40 minutes.


The best French circuit "Paul Ricard" hosts the main start of motorcycle racing. The unprecedented interest of spectators is maintained throughout the entire day that the race takes place. The night beauty of the track and the rushing motorcycles is fueled by the intrigue of who will be stronger this time: Suzuki, which won more often than others, or Yamaha, which took the main prize last year.
Over most of the distance that will be shown in live, viewers of the TV channels Eurosport 2, Eurosport Gold and the Eurosport Player service will not be bored by Sergey Bednaruk, Ruslan Gataulin, Vladimir Bashmakov, Alexander Kabanovsky, Nikita Glazunov and Ilya Surazhevsky.
On Eurosport 2, Eurosport Gold and Eurosport Player: September 15 - 16:00-20:00; 22:00-01:40, September 16 - 8:00-16:30.


During the period from 23:15 on September 13, 2018 to 03:00 on September 14, 2018 (Moscow time), technical maintenance of the registration system will be carried out.

During this period, interruptions in work are possible Personal accounts subscribers and personal accounts of dealers, as well as delays in payment processing.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


To mark its quarter-century anniversary, the NTV channel launched a special off-air digital project “25 years of NTV”. It operates both on the channel’s website and on a separate platform in the smartphone application - from September 10, the application is available for download in App Store and Google Play.


On Saturday, September 8, Sergei Voronov and the group “The CrossroadZ” will perform at NTV’s Apartment House near Margulis. Musicians will perform their best compositions especially for NTV viewers.

Evgeny Margulis and Sergey Voronov will discuss what has changed in the musician’s worldview over the years. In addition, the owner of “Kvartirnik” will share his observation that the musician has not performed blues in Russian before, and will also ask what is the reason for the change in the language in which Sergei sings.
Moreover, the founder of “The CrossroadZ” will tell you how he got into the musical group “Flowers”, whose leader was Stas Namin. Also, Sergei admits that he does not know sheet music and remembers how one of the musicians of the group “Flowers” ​​taught him to play the guitar.
And also, friends will come to “The CrossroadZ” to support the musicians and perform their favorite songs with them.
Of course, Evgeniy and his guest will not ignore the significant meeting with Keith Richards. They will also remember the friend and songwriter of the musical group, Alexander Oleynik.
Sergey Voronov is a Russian guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter. Member of the groups "Gallery", "Stas Namin Group", "Blues League", "The CrossroadZ", "Untouchables". And in 1990 he created the group "The CrossroadZ", the musicians have been playing together for 25 years, recorded 5 albums and released 2 concert DVDs.
“It’s finally happened, I brought a team that plays the blues to Kvartirnik! Sergei Voronov and his “The CrossroadZ”! I’ve loved the blues since childhood, I’ve known Voron for as long, and how can I not show him to you in all his blues beauty? It turned out to be a small festival, plus our mutual friends took part in this filming, so welcome to the territory of the Moscow blues!”, shared Evgeny Margulis.
Watch "NTV Apartment House at Margulis" with Sergei Voronov and the group "The CrossroadZ" on Saturday, September 8 at 00:05.

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