The laptop turns off on its own, how to fix it. Why does my laptop turn off by itself?

It is a very unpleasant situation when a laptop turns off spontaneously during operation, especially if this happens periodically.
What causes sudden laptop shutdowns and how to fix the situation? I will give several typical reasons and ways to solve the problem.

Let's consider the reasons given above.

Laptop is clogged with dust

All laptops are equipped with a cooling system, which consists of a fan and a radiator. The fan blows on the metal plates of the radiator, causing the heat to be removed by air flow to the outside. But over time, dust accumulates between the plates, interfering with heat dissipation. In advanced cases, dust can reach a layer of 5-10 mm, which causes the processor and other components to overheat, and at the peak of the laptop’s overheating, it turns itself off.

The laptop needs to be regularly cleaned of dust, since overheating leads not only to the sudden shutdown of the device, but also to the breakdown of expensive parts. Preventive cleaning of dust can be done at a service center, where it can not only be cleaned, but also diagnosed for breakdowns. However, the dust removal procedure is simple and can be done by an experienced user.

Ventilation holes are closed

At the bottom of the laptop there are ventilation holes through which air flows inside. If these holes are blocked, the cooling system will not cope with its task, which will lead to overheating and further shutdown of the device. Therefore, by placing a switched-on laptop (laptop) on our laps, sofa, chair, fleecy blanket and other soft surfaces, we ourselves provoke overheating and subsequent shutdown of the device.

When the laptop is running, it should be placed on a hard, level surface, such as a table or stool. It's even better to use a special laptop stand. The stand has a slight slope to make it easier to work with, and the ventilation holes are always open. Many models have built-in fans that perfectly complement the cooling system, making the laptop less susceptible to overheating.

Battery problems

In some cases, the laptop turns off spontaneously only when running on battery power, but when connected to a 220V network it works fine. This may indicate that it is faulty or has simply used up its resource, which is what caused the sudden shutdowns. The average lifespan of a battery is 2–3 years, and that of a laptop is 6–7 years. Therefore, this situation is not uncommon.

The following typical “symptoms” will indicate that the battery needs to be replaced:

  • the charge level is determined incorrectly,
  • the indicator does not always indicate that the battery is connected or
  • The laptop turns off immediately after disconnecting from the network.

Only qualified specialists can accurately diagnose a battery malfunction. Please note that some batteries can be repaired, but in most cases it will be wiser to purchase a new battery.

True, the new battery may not “take root” in the laptop, this sometimes happens. I have an old laptop that is over 10 years old. And it works without a battery at all (which is removed as unnecessary), only from 220V. But the key word here is “works,” and the nuances with the lack of a battery are just nuances.

The system is infected with viruses

From time to time, viruses remind users of their existence. Some malware can cause critical failures in the operating system or load the laptop so much that it automatically shuts down. If, in addition to sudden shutdowns or reboots, you have noticed other oddities in the operation of the laptop, then it is worth checking the system for viruses.

To “treat” an already infected computer, it is better to use Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool and Dr.Web CureIt!. Download one of them and scan your system. Such programs are good for “treating” an already infected computer, but they do not provide real-time protection.

To further protect your system from viruses, you need to install an antivirus. For example, antivirus programs Kaspersky, Avast and ESET Nod 32 have proven themselves well.

There is an antivirus from Microsoft for Windows 7, more about it

For Windows 8.1 there is an antivirus program called Defender, the settings of which can be found here.

Autoload is full

Also check startup and remove as many programs as possible from it.

For more information about startup for Windows 7, see.

Some kind of hardware failure

A sudden shutdown of a laptop may be due to some obvious or hidden hardware failure. For example, the problem may be a malfunction of the motherboard, RAM modules, hard drive, or worn-out cooler of the cooling system. All this can lead to spontaneous shutdown of the laptop.

A hardware failure can also include a malfunction of the connector on the laptop. Let me give you an example. The laptop battery has completely exhausted its resource, that is, it no longer performs its function. In this situation, the laptop user has to work from a 220 V network. If, however, is not working properly, then the laptop may turn off spontaneously in the absence of a complete power supply. It is usually impossible for the user to independently determine such a problem with the connector.

Most hardware failures are difficult to identify and fix without appropriate qualifications and specialized equipment. Therefore, if you have ruled out other possible reasons for the laptop to turn off spontaneously, then it’s time to contact a familiar system administrator or to fully diagnose the device.

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Comments: 63 to “Why does the laptop turn off by itself? Possible causes and solution to the problem”

    Hello Nadezhda. My problem is very similar to Daniel’s problem (Oct 16, 2019), only the electricity did not turn off. I was installing windows10, something went wrong, the laptop turned off. I tried again, it started for 1-2 seconds and turned off, and if I managed to start, the installation was not successful. I decided that it was the bootable flash drive. I tried it from another flash drive, still the same. Everything worked without the battery, but as it turned out, it was not the battery. Now the computer is problematic to turn on (it also turns off during startup or after) regardless of the battery or the network and with or without a battery, and during operation it can turn off as described by Daniil (Oct 16, 2019). The air from the cooler is cold, the computer slows down a lot (especially after startup), although the processor is loaded at 7%. Before reinstallation, there were no problems with shutdown; the battery could work for 1.5 hours (if not heavily loaded).
    Do you have any idea what the problem might be?

    • Hello, Artyom. Try returning your laptop to the previous operating system that was in place before installing Windows 10. Not every laptop will work flawlessly with a non-native system. Laptops are usually created for a specific operating system, and only work reliably with it. A laptop is a completely finished product: hardware + software. And when changing the software, there is no guarantee that the hardware will accept it normally.
      In some laptops that have technical support from their manufacturers and their own update and information system, their owners received completely unambiguous messages from the manufacturers that the laptop was tested under Windows 10, and with 100% probability it will NOT be able to work with Windows 10 Further, the manufacturers described why, for example, on some models the video card is not “friendly” with Win 10. But there may be other incompatibilities.
      It is possible that you have the same option. Installing Windows 10 turned the laptop into an unstable device where something could fail at any moment. Perhaps there is not enough RAM, and the laptop is constantly working with the page file, loading the hard drive to 100%. Maybe something else is putting a lot of load on the laptop, causing it to freeze and turn off.
      From my own experience: I don’t even try to install Win 10 on laptops with Win 7 and Win 8. Because even updating Win 8 to Win 8.1 over time led to the fact that the laptop began to constantly reboot endlessly. What can we say about upgrading to Win 10?

    Hello, Nadezhda!
    I read an article about “unauthorized” shutdown of a laptop. Very useful article. And now I have a question: does the tablet turn off without permission for the same reasons as the laptop???
    My tablet very often turns off on its own.
    November 13, 2019

    • Hello Nina. You are right, a laptop and a tablet have many common, identical reasons why they can turn off spontaneously.
      According to my observations, the tablet still more often turns off spontaneously because the tablet has run out of charge, that is, it is completely discharged. The battery of the tablet has its own service life. If it is old, then the tablet does not hold a charge well and may turn off unexpectedly.
      Also, if there are a lot of applications installed on the tablet, it may overheat and turn off.
      Other reasons are viruses, hardware failure, etc. can also cause the tablet to turn off.

    Hello, Nadezhda.
    I have a slightly different problem.
    I was working on my laptop, installing a program, everything was fine, when suddenly the lights in the house were turned off.
    Since the battery had exhausted its resource (I always work from the network), the laptop immediately turned off. When the light came on, I went to the laptop to turn it on. I press the power button, the laptop starts up as usual, and exactly 2 seconds later it turns off with a click. To put it mildly, I was surprised, I checked the connection in the socket, the cable to the laptop, everything was fine, I turned it on again and everything was the same. And only the third time it turned on normally.
    The next day this problem again. I decided to try turning it on from the mains without the battery by removing it. And lo and behold, it started without problems! I was glad I fixed the problem after realizing it was the battery. On the third day I started it again using the same scheme... and it turned off completely after half a second, and without a click. Even the cooler doesn't have time to start spinning. I try three more times, still the same. I sadly inserted the battery back, turned it on, and after half a second it also turned off once, after that again twice with a click, and on the third time it turned on. Further, during the work, I noticed that the screen periodically dims to the minimum backlight for 1 second and brightens back. At these moments I look at the battery indicator and manage to read that the battery is not detected. And in normal operation it says “0%, connected, but not charging” - I’ve had this for a year now, but the laptop has always worked perfectly from the network. So, I noticed that the laptop periodically loses contact with the battery and finds it not only randomly, but also when I open the browser. But it is not always lost when opened; again, everything is arbitrary. And so, after a few hours, I started losing battery power again, and the laptop just turned off on its own. And not sharply, without a click. First the screen turned off, and a second later the laptop too. That is, not as if the light was turned off and it turned off abruptly, but smoothly. Why does it stop working even from the network?
    And one more detail, it can reboot without problems. The laptop is clean, it's definitely not overheating. Laptop MSI CX 70 2013, Windows 7. I take good care of my laptop system, but I still checked for viruses, and everything is fine.
    Again, all this began to happen after a sharp shutdown due to a blackout in the house, plus at that moment I was also installing the program, that is, the laptop was not just on the desktop in standby mode, but was performing the installation and processing information.
    Please tell me what could be the problem? It would seem that he has already tried everything, but it seems to me that there is already a problem hidden within him. I'm afraid that soon I won't be able to turn it on at all...

    • Hello, Daniil. The BIOS battery can cause such problems, but when the BIOS battery fails, most often the first problem is with the preservation of the date and time while the laptop is completely turned off.
      Therefore, it is worth starting the search for the causes of an unpleasant problem not with it, but with the contacts between the charger wire and the connector in the laptop. If there is no good reliable contact, then something like this may occur: the power from the charger disappears, the laptop begins to “frantically” look for where to switch, darkens the screen, saves on everything, tries to switch to the battery, but... It is possible that there was no connection in the connector before there was reliable contact, but the remaining battery power was enough to “hold the situation” for a few fractions of a second while the contact was restored. And now, when the battery is completely de-energized, such a backup circuit no longer works.
      The problem may not only be in the contact of the connection with the charger. The problem may be with the charger itself. It itself can lose power for a split second if there are any malfunctions inside it. If it is possible to temporarily take a similar charger somewhere, then it is worth trying to work with this second device instead of your usual one. It is possible that the problem will go away immediately. Because electronics is nothing more than the science of bad contacts... Maybe even first try connecting a charger to another 220V outlet, as an option. Even in an electrical panel there is a non-contact that you don’t notice with the eye, but the electronics pick up on it. But you can’t climb into the shield yourself.
      By the way, from personal experience: faults can occur even in the ordinary wire with which the charger is connected to 220V. I had the following case: the charger failed, or rather, it either worked or stopped working. I took it to repair. There, right in front of me, they first replaced the 220V wire. And, oh happiness!, everything immediately worked flawlessly. The repairmen were even surprised themselves, because this happens extremely rarely. But it happens...
      Such problems should not have arisen due to incorrect or incomplete software installation. Modern software, of course, is powerful and can do a lot. But it is unlikely that installing or not installing software can have such a strong impact on the power supply circuit of a laptop. Now, if the operating system had not been installed yet, then one could think in this direction...

    If the laptop's cooling system is serviced, then it doesn't matter what system is installed. It should work without overheating. This is not a stress test - the OS is working.

    • There are laptops that allow you to work only with browsers and the Internet, and even then they do it “slowly.” If you try to install something more serious on such a laptop, no cooling system will save it. Previously released netbooks had similar shortcomings: replacing the “native” operating system Win XP with, say, Win 7 soon led to constant shutdowns due to overheating, even with a fully functional cooling system. There are actually many similar examples. And as you know, practice is the criterion of truth.

    • Overheat. Clean your laptop from dust. If you send it to a service for cleaning, it would be good to have backup copies of your data. Sometimes the service even deletes all data from the laptop when cleaning the laptop; this is the service technology. If there are no copies of the data, notify the service staff before returning the laptop for repair (cleaning). The service does not guarantee the safety of your data on your laptop, even if you notify the service employees.

  • Hello. On a laptop in simple use mode, after a while the screen goes black and after that it reboots itself, but if you play games, everything is fine. Please tell me what could be the problem?

    • Hello. Check your laptop's power settings because when a game loads, it automatically changes the power plan to one that is suitable for the game. In other cases, the settings that are specified in the laptop's power supply apply. They turn off the screen, maybe turn off the hard drive, maybe something else. As a result, the laptop goes into reboot, although this should not happen if the equipment is in good working order.
      A little about power settings:
      Windows 10

      Automatic laptop power management Windows 7:

      Power supply Windows XP

    Good afternoon
    There is a problem with the Toshiba Satellite L550 laptop.
    The laptop has never been cleaned or opened in 8 years. As a result, the thermal paste was replaced, but the thermal pads were not replaced (they were already dry, but they were not touched), the cooler and radiator were cleaned. We assembled the laptop, everything is connected correctly - it’s 100%! Afterwards we reinstalled Windows (everything was correct and without errors). As a result, the laptop turns on, the system starts loading, the cooler starts spinning faster than usual, and after a minute the laptop simply turns off.
    What could be the problem? Is it possible that due to unreplaced thermal pads (let me remind you, the thermal pads are in poor condition) the laptop is overheating and simply turns off because of this? Or could the problem lie elsewhere?

    • Hello. The problem of the laptop overheating and shutting down occurred due to reinstallation of Windows. On older laptops, it is not advisable to reinstall the operating system. It is advisable to leave the system that was there when you originally purchased it - leave the “native” operating system to avoid problems that arise when the “old” hardware is loaded with “new” programs of the new operating system.
      Most likely, the laptop does not have enough power to work with a new, newly installed Windows system. And even despite the maintenance and repair of the cooling system, the laptop overheats when loading and automatically turns off.
      If possible, return the laptop to factory settings (some laptops have this option).
      Or install the previous operating system that was in place before the maintenance and repair of the cooling system.
      I had a similar problem. Instead of Win XP, we installed Win 7 on the netbook. It booted and even worked a little. But at the slightest additional load when launching applications, programs, or opening windows, it overheated and automatically turned off.
      Also, when installing its version of Win 8.1 instead of Win 8 on a tablet PC (laptop and tablet “in one bottle”), one fine day after the next Win 8.1 update, the computer stopped working altogether. It came to life only after returning to factory settings, after returning to native Win 8.
      And these are far from isolated cases in the practice of working with laptops, netbooks, and tablet PCs. It is preferable to use such hardware only with a “native” operating system. This contains both the advantages (stability) and disadvantages (difficulties in upgrading) of laptops, netbooks and their varieties.

    A month ago I turned off the laptop and the indicator lights of the connected charger stopped blinking, for several days it did not turn on, I put it in the box and put it away, a month later I tried to turn it on and it turned on, but after a few days these indicators stopped flashing and the laptop did not turn on again, what to do?

    • Hello. Most likely the battery in your laptop has failed. It has exhausted its entire resource and needs to be replaced. However, replacing the battery is quite expensive. Therefore, first you need to try to work without a battery at all.
      You need to remove the battery from the laptop (with the laptop turned off and the charger disconnected). Then you should connect the charger to the laptop, plug it into a 220V outlet, and then turn on the laptop.
      If in this mode from 220V with the battery removed the laptop works stably, without spontaneous shutdowns, then the version (assumption) about the battery malfunction is correct.
      Then you just have to decide what to do next: continue to work without a battery and not spend money on replacing it (then you will not be able to work on a laptop where there is no connection to 220V), or still purchase a new battery.
      If, with the battery removed, the laptop continues to turn off spontaneously, then the problem is not in the battery, but in the laptop being overloaded. This means that the laptop solves complex tasks that are not typical for it; resource-intensive applications are installed on it, for example, computer games or others. In this case, the battery will need to be returned to its place, and then figure out which applications should not be run on the laptop so that it does not overheat from overvoltage and does not turn off spontaneously during operation.

    Hello, Nadezhda. I have a question on a related topic. Recently updated Wind.7 to Wind.10 (1709). It works well, but there is one minus that was not there on 7. If there is no movement on the desktop or even if the STDU Viewer application is running, but the pages do not turn for 1-2 minutes, the computer. goes into sleep. In the power supply parameters, both basic and additional, everything is set to “never”. Moreover, on an empty desktop this happens every other time, but with a reader - always. But if they are open and working, for example an online radio or player or browser, then there is no sleep. What could it be?

    • Hello, Vyacheslav.
      I can assume that most likely when your “reader” is running, a different power plan is launched than the one you configure. And when you launch the radio, player or browser at the same time as the “reader”, the power plan you configured returns, and everything becomes normal, everything returns to your power settings.
      When the “reader” is running, look at what power plan you are using and configure it accordingly.
      If, when the “reader” is running, the power plan does not change, and the computer still goes to sleep, then run other programs together with the reader (as you described) so that the “reader” does not use all the capabilities of the system and does not customize them “for itself.” "

    Hello. I read your article, everything is written absolutely correctly. But I have a slightly different problem. The Lenovo G 505s laptop had two operating systems: Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 8.1 for one language (SL). Then I decided to install Windows 10 Pro (licensed), downloaded from the Microsoft website, instead of Windows 8.1 SL. Installed without problems, quickly and beautifully. But! When I logged into the newly “born” system and began to equip it, the laptop turned off literally after 10 minutes. I came in several times with exactly the same result. There is no way there can be viruses in the system.
    Then I switched to another system, and from it I checked the hard drive with the installed OS - no errors were found. The most interesting thing is the fact that in one system everything is fine, but in another the laptop turns off. What could it be? I would be very grateful for the hint. Sincerely. Alexander.

    • Hello. The new Win 10 Pro OS is probably heavier (requires more resources) than the old Win 8.1 SL OS and the remaining Win 8.1 Pro OS. Therefore, the laptop only has enough power for about 10 minutes, after which it turns off due to overheating.
      You can check this by launching the Task Manager in Win 10. See how the processor, memory, disk, video card behaves when working with Win 10. If everything is in order with the resources and there is no overload, then you probably just need to clean up dust the laptop, inspect its cooling system.
      You can also install the regular version of Win 10 instead of the Pro version. They say and write about it that it is quite lightweight for PCs and laptops.
      Much depends on the programs being loaded and on startup. Startup can also be checked in the Task Manager on the corresponding tab, and corrected (remove unnecessary downloadable programs from startup), if necessary.
      The newly installed system also loves to be updated. For example, I would leave a laptop with the new Win 10 OS loaded alone, at least for a day, to allow the new updates to download. It is better not to work on a laptop while simultaneously searching for and downloading updates. Updates immediately take up 25-50% of the processor's resources, which can also lead to overheating and shutdown of the laptop.

    Hope, this is what is written on the Asus website:
    Operating System:
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Windows 7 Professional
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Windows 7 Home Basic
    Windows 7 Starter
    AMD A68M
    DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM, 1 x SO-DIMM socket for expansion up to 4 GB SDRAM,
    more details at

    • Since you don’t have Win 7 installed on your laptop above the Starter version (otherwise the laptop turns off due to overheating), then you can install an operating system on this laptop that doesn’t load much. Try, for example, Win 10 Home.
      There are no miracles. It is impossible to install a loading system on a weak laptop. Otherwise, everyone would do this, buy budget laptops, and install professional operating systems on them. But even on “advanced” notebooks, when working with a professional seven, for example, the cooling system periodically works under increased load and with a lot of noise.
      I personally tried the seven on a netbook (cheap, then it cost about 10-12 thousand), which once had Win XP as its native system. The netbook worked for almost a month, worked well, and then began to turn off unexpectedly. Apparently, the cooling system became clogged and clogged with dust, and periodic overheating of the processor began. In general, I had to “recycle” this netbook; it became impossible to work on it, and repairing it was more expensive than buying a new one.

    • Have you decided to install Windows 7 Ultimate on this laptop? At the same time, the laptop is not designed for the heaviest of all versions of Windows 7 Ultimate, but has its own capacity only for the lightest version of Windows 7 Starter.

      I have been repairing laptops and computers for 11 years. Nadezhda, what you say about weak and strong systems is wrong!!! All systems of the Windows family are designed for any computer with any parameters. For reference, all x32-x64 Windows 7 systems (from Start to Max) will work stably on processors with 1 core and 1.6 GHz, while consuming 350-700 MB of RAM. XP sp1-sp3 up to 300 MB of RAM and from 0.6 GHz from 1 core, about Win10, this is currently the most energy-consuming system, its gluttony from 1.2 GB of RAM and from 1.8 GHz dual-core processors. It turns off or does not start - overheating, the system does not install - BIOS (SATA modes), if neither the first nor the second helps - hardware problem, hard drive, power supply, mother. There's nothing left to break.

      I have been dealing with computers for more than 30 years, so appealing to 11 years of observations is incorrect. In particular, one of my friends had seven installed in his netbook instead of XP. Everything really worked, although the cooling system worked harder than usual. Until one day, being far beyond the borders of our homeland and unable to contact technical support, this same netbook overheated so much that it would no longer turn on. All he had to do was connect to the Internet and launch Skype.
      I also saw with my own eyes a case of saving such an overheating laptop - disassembling and placing individual parts on the windowsill of an open window in the cold in winter - the only way was to copy important data until the laptop finally and irrevocably turned off from constant overheating.
      There are many similar examples.
      System administrators usually install a system, demonstrate its trouble-free operation to their clients in their presence, and then, even if the grass does not grow, the client is left alone with his problems.
      No, you cannot install the system so that the laptop constantly overheats. This is an abnormal mode of operation, even if the laptop still remains operational.
      You can compare this operating mode to driving a car with the gas pedal constantly pressed to the floor. Nothing good awaits such a car in the near future.

    • Windows 7 is a heavier system that loads the laptop. The laptop cannot handle such a “heavy” system; it probably overheats and turns off spontaneously.
      A laptop works optimally only with its native operating system, which is supplied with it by its manufacturer, in other words, with exactly the system that was there when it was purchased.

  • Hello!
    Some strange things are going on with my laptop... Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 work on it for days without problems, and Windows 7 spontaneously turns it off after a while (installation goes without problems).
    Budget laptop – Asus x55U/. By the way, all kinds of Linux also worked without problems with spontaneous shutdown

    I took your advice, downloaded the Kaspersky utility, 1 object was detected, thank you. We'll see if the laptop continues to turn off.
    Best regards, Galina

    • Repair is needed, preferably at the service center of the “native” laptop manufacturer. I assume that this is a BIOS problem, since replacing the charger or working without a battery at all does not help. It is in the BIOS that the algorithms for operating both from the battery and from the charger are programmed. It is almost impossible to fix the BIOS on your own. It’s also better not to contact “craftsmen”; you can flash the BIOS in such a way that nothing will work at all.
      Also, if this problem did not exist before, you can try to roll back the system to the state when everything worked normally both from the battery and from the charger. Unfortunately, complaints have become more frequent that after some Windows updates, laptops begin to turn off or reboot spontaneously. A couple of months ago, I myself had to return the laptop to its original factory settings by contacting a service center, because 5-10 seconds after turning it on it began to automatically turn off, and nothing helped... By the way, this (returning to factory settings) can also There may be a way out of this situation, however, in this case you will lose ALL (!!!) your programs and data not saved on external media. Therefore, this option (return to factory settings) is, rather, the very last resort if you need to fix the problem at the “expensive” cost of deleting ALL data.
      You can also check your laptop for viruses, in case something like that has started up there. But this is unlikely to help.
      In general, the malfunction is extraordinary, rare, and unfortunately unknown.

      Thank you. So I'll take it to the service center. I wanted to give it to a friend, he also had a laptop for some time, he swore that he would sort it out. But I will still do as you advise. Thanks again. But they installed new Windows, there are no viruses, that’s for sure. I have Kaspersky.

      Hello. I gave the laptop to the service center. There they carried out diagnostics and said that the memory card chip had burned out. They suggest replacing the entire motherboard. But as far as I know, the memory card can be changed without replacing the motherboard? Are these tapes with chips, or am I mistaken? Tell me what to do….laptop (TOSHIBA). Below I wrote what problems the laptop has. Thanks in advance

      Hello. If the microcircuit is on the crib, then it can be changed. And if it is soldered, then it cannot be replaced, since it is a multilayer printed circuit board. Technicians should know this, and they can show you this microcircuit and explain whether it can be replaced without replacing the motherboard or not.
      It is possible that it can be replaced, but you have to order a memory card chip and wait a long time. But all this must be discussed at the service center.

  • Help me please. The laptop (TOSHIBA) on battery (autonomous) works great. When you turn on the charging adapter it turns off, it can start turning off after 20 seconds and an hour after connecting the charging adapter. It then turns itself off on its own, just like after a reboot it restarts the system. You turn off the adapter, it works fine on the battery. The adapter is working, we checked it, and the other two adapters also turn off. The battery can only be charged when the laptop is turned off, and when it is turned on, it constantly reboots and shuts down. When the battery is bent and is simply working from the adapter, the shutdown and spontaneous reboot continues.

    • Actually not a good sign. My laptop broke like that at one time. It started turning off automatically 5 seconds after turning it on. And that's it, nothing helped. This started after installing the next batch of updates from Microsoft. OS Windows 8.1. I had to reinstall the operating system.
      Considering that your laptop still turns on on the second try (this is good!), try rolling back the system to a time when there was no such problem. If the problem arose due to updates, then a system rollback should help.

  • I removed the battery from the TOSHIB. Connected the adapter. The network indicator lights up. Windows booted without problems. After 20 minutes of operation it turned off again. I disconnected the adapter and checked the output voltage when plugged in. It turned out to be equal to zero both after an hour and after two. Thus, the adapter completely died down.
    In this regard, the question arose: “The reason for the failure of the adapter lies in the adapter itself or is there some kind of overload on the part of the laptop?”
    How can I find out? Apparently, experimentally. Buy a new adapter and see what happens.

    • Before changing (buying a new) adapter, check the electrical wire through which 220V is supplied to the adapter. I had the same problem: the adapter either worked or died. The reason turned out to be trivial: the wire from the 220V plug to the adapter connector was faulty (!) Replacing the wire solved everything, and the problem disappeared.
      Judging by the symptoms you described, the problem is still in the adapter or 220V cord, and not in the laptop. Otherwise, with the battery connected, you would encounter other problems, such as battery overheating.
      If the adapter problem is resolved, then the battery can be reinserted into the laptop and try to work as before, not only from 220V, but also when using an autonomous power supply.

    The TOSHIBA laptop began to shut down 15 minutes after loading Windows. When turned on again, it turns off after 5-10 seconds. Based on the external LED indicators, the process looks like this: After checking the output voltage of the adapter (19V) with a tester, we connect it to the laptop socket. The power and charging light comes on. After some time (1-2 hours), the charging indicator changes its color, that is, the charge is 100%. When turned on, normal loading occurs. After about 15 minutes it turns off, and the network and battery status indicators do not light up. When you press the power button, the network indicator lights up. When you try to turn on without an adapter, the laptop also turns off after 5-10 seconds.
    In this regard, the radiators were cleaned and thermal pads and thermal paste were replaced on the processor and graphics processor. The laptop turned on as usual and a monitor program was installed, where it was possible to monitor the temperature of the processor and video card. The processor heated up to 45-50 degrees, the video was slightly higher than 53-60 degrees. Moreover, as the temperature approached the maximum, the cooler activity increased. The battery status was indicated by the program as 100% charge. After 15 minutes the laptop turned off. But 10-15 seconds before the shutdown, the screen brightness suddenly decreased by 20 percent. Can you tell me which direction to move in relation to localizing the fault?
    Thank you.

    • Try removing the battery completely and try using the charger only. The “symptoms” you described are very similar to problems with a faulty (worn out, expired) battery. If this helps, then you need to either replace the battery (an expensive option), or continue to work only from a 220V network, if possible, but the battery that has expired no longer needs to be installed in the laptop.

      I wanted to clarify the following: if you remove the battery from the laptop, will it turn on if you leave only the adapter? I've never done this before.

      Yes, the laptop will turn on if you remove the battery. In particular, I have had such a laptop since 2004; it has been working for a long time without a battery, only from the charger.

    HP dv6000 turns off after 3-5 minutes of operation. but definitely not overheating. First the screen goes blank, then it works for a while and turns off. after switching on, all work is saved as it was in standby mode, not turned off

    • In addition to the problems of spontaneous shutdown of the laptop listed in the article:
      1. Laptop is clogged with dust
      2. Ventilation holes are closed
      3. Battery problems
      4. The system is infected with viruses
      5. Autoload is full
      6. Some kind of hardware failure
      You can add one more that has recently appeared - this is the installation of some Windows updates.

      You install them, and you reap the benefits: the computer boots, and then turns off after a while. For example, Win 8.1 “died” for me once. You load it, it loads, and after 5 seconds it turns off, or rather, it even unloads, as if you pressed “Start” - “Shutdown”. I had to reinstall the system, or rather, return the laptop to factory settings.

    The Acer Aspire laptop turns off after a while after being turned on.
    After turning it off, when you turn it on, it says that you need to do a system restore and diagnostics.
    After all the actions it turns on, but then turns off again.
    With what it can be connected?

    • First of all, we can assume that it’s time to clean the laptop from dust. Due to overheating, it suddenly turns off, and subsequent messages about recovery and diagnostics are a consequence of an abnormal shutdown.
      There could also be a problem with the hard drive, the situation is a bit like the hard drive electronics overheating. This is also overheating; first you need to clean the laptop and, if possible, replace the thermal paste. May I help.
      It is very advisable to make a backup (archive) copy, if this is still possible, since archiving takes a long time, and during this time the laptop may turn off spontaneously. A backup copy is especially useful when it comes to overheating of the hard drive electronics.

    The trouble is, I have a completely new Asus, so none of the above reasons are relevant. Over the course of a couple of weeks, a blatant shutdown has already occurred twice - not even a shutdown of the screen, since it was glowing, but rather a failure of the video card, while the entire system also hung - no hibernation or sleep buttons work, you just stupidly have to turn it off by long pressing the power button , and that's it. It's annoying, though.

    • When the video card fails, the laptop tries to automatically restore the driver, the screen flickers for a while, but then everything returns to normal. In your case, this is most likely some kind of freezing, and not an automatic shutdown, as described in the article, and not a driver failure. Everything hangs on some program (game, etc.), which greatly loads the laptop. It is better not to use such programs.
      If there are no suspicions of programs hanging up the laptop, then while it is new, it is better to contact a service center under warranty. There they will make a diagnosis, find the cause and eliminate it. You never know, it could be, for example, a manufacturing defect.
      I had to apply for warranty regarding the Acer matrix, several days before the warranty expired. Replaced it without problems and still works fine.

    Hello, I have an antivirus on my Lenovo G510 laptop, I periodically check the web with a doctor, there are no viruses, but today during work the laptop turned off and did not turn on for more than 5 hours, only then it turned on. What could cause this to happen? I recently changed the charger for it because the original one was broken.

    • Hello. Probably, the new charger is not of the power needed, and this power is simply not enough to keep the laptop running.

    Hello, I hope I have all your lessons, thank you very much. We bought a new Acer Windows 7 laptop from and downloaded only Odnoklassniki and Yandex browser Skype and did not install the antivirus and then the computer the next day after switching off, after 5 hours the screen does not turn off, I think it’s some kind of virus, how to remove the virus THANK YOU

    • Hello, Khursandbek. First you need to install an antivirus on your computer. For Win 7 you can install free antivirus from Microsoft: Microsoft Security Essentials. It is downloaded from the Internet. And only then can you install other programs.
      If the computer does not turn off (the screen does not go dark), then you can force it to turn off. To do this, press and hold the computer power button for about 5-10 seconds.
      In general, if you have problems booting or shutting down your PC, first do your best to remove Skype from your computer. For example, using “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. Then install an antivirus, do a full scan of your computer using an antivirus. And only then install Skype again.

    Hello, Nadezhda. I have an ASUS laptop model X61Sseries. The essence of the problem is that the power button and the Express Gate button have swapped places. I turn it on using the Exp.Gat button. How can I return everything to its place? Secondary question - Why did this happen? I didn’t find this model on the Internet even when I purchased the laptop (8 years ago).

    • Hello. Let me tell you fortunes, I’m afraid there’s no other way.
      Have you reinstalled the operating system?
      Or perhaps upgraded to Windows 10?
      Also, for example, they installed some kind of program, etc...
      Or, probably, the disk was formatted and the system was reinstalled. Now the hidden section for which this magic button was responsible is missing. And the buttons began to work differently. After all, this magic button also turns on the computer, but it only offers to boot from another hidden partition. If there is no partition, then the download starts from the beginning, and the normal operating system is loaded.
      Why did the power button stop working?
      There is no definite answer, unless you remember what exactly preceded this event.

      Hello, Nadezhda. Today, miraculously, everything was restored. However, I pressed the start button twice.
      ,I did not touch the operating system in any way.

    Hello, the question is a little off topic, I only use a laptop from the mains, and I noticed that when I unplug it from the outlet, it immediately turns off, the battery shows as 88-89% charged, but without the mains it doesn’t turn on, what could be the reason for this? be??

    • Hello, most likely the laptop battery has already failed. Sooner or later this happens to all batteries. The indicator shows the battery charge, but due to a malfunction, its internal resistance has become large and it does not provide electricity to the laptop. It is better to remove such a battery from the laptop altogether. The fact is that after some time, due to the battery, the laptop may not turn on at all if it remains in it. The battery must be removed with the laptop completely turned off and the charger disconnected.

A laptop is a very complex device. Structurally, it is much more complex than a desktop computer. At the same time, a laptop is a mobile device; users constantly carry it with them, which means it is subject to shocks and shocks. Therefore, laptop failure is far from uncommon. One of the most common problems is sudden shutdowns. The laptop simply turns off by itself and the user cannot influence it in any way. In this material we will look at the main reasons that can lead to the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Reason No. 1. Overheating.

Modern laptops have very powerful hardware that emits a lot of heat. Add to this the thin plastic body (which doesn't dissipate heat very well) and you'll realize that cooling a laptop is a very difficult task. Therefore, overheating of individual components is far from a rare occurrence for a laptop. If the temperature exceeds certain limit values, the laptop will turn off.

So if your laptop turns off on its own, then the first thing to check is the temperature of its components. Particular attention should be paid to and, since these components are most susceptible to overheating. To do this, you can use a free program.

In most cases, the cause of overheating is a breakdown of the cooling system or a large amount of dust in the laptop. It is impossible to fix such a malfunction on your own. Therefore, at the first suspicion of overheating, you should immediately contact a service center.

Reason No. 2. Battery.

If your laptop only turns off when running on battery power, the battery may be faulty. In this case, the battery needs to be replaced with a new one or repaired. If you are sure that the problem is with the battery, then you can replace it yourself.

Reason No. 3. Power supply.

Another common problem that can cause your laptop to turn off on its own is a broken power supply. If the problem is in the power supply, then the laptop will work fine on battery power and turn off after connecting the power supply. Also, failures in the power supply are characterized by shutdowns when the load on the laptop increases. For example, a laptop may work fine with office programs, but as soon as you start a game or a demanding program, the laptop turns off. Like the battery, the power supply can be replaced without visiting a service center.

Reason No. 4. Software problems.

Problems at the software level can also lead to laptop shutdowns or reboots. The reason may be a virus infection, damaged system files, or a conflict between programs or drivers. Typically, software shutdowns of a laptop occur along with the appearance (or so-called BSoD).

If you see a blue screen of death and then your laptop turns off or reboots, then you most likely have software problems. Check your computer for viruses, remove recently installed programs and drivers. If all else fails, try reinstalling Windows.

Reason No. 5. Problems with the hard drive.

A hard drive is a rather fragile device; it does not withstand shocks and shocks. Therefore, hard drives in laptops break down much more often than in desktop computers. If, along with shutdowns, the laptop experiences freezes when working with files, then there may be a problem with the hard drive.

Hard drives cannot be repaired, but they are easy to replace. In most laptops, the hard drive is accessible through a special hatch at the bottom of the case. In one of our articles we already talked about.

Reason No. 6. Other malfunctions.

There are other reasons that can cause the laptop to turn off on its own. For example, a laptop motherboard may develop microcracks. Such a defect can only manifest itself from time to time, so it is very difficult to diagnose. If you cannot determine why your laptop turns off by itself, then you should contact a service center.

Not every person in the process of choosing a laptop computer is able to accurately determine how reliable the model that interests him is. Someone relies on the “maybe” inherent in many. And some are openly deceived by the “expert opinion” of the sales consultant. In the end, each of us has our own opinion on what exactly a mobile device should be. Nevertheless, due to our ignorance, and, as often happens, filled and driven by the momentary desire “I want it - that’s it!”, we tend to commit rash actions. You may not agree, dear readers, but for the most part we ourselves are the culprits of the unpleasant situation when the laptop turns off by itself.

However, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining! Therefore, let's cheer up and try to solve the problem that has been voiced, which, for your information, may be far-fetched. To know for sure, you just need to devote a few minutes of your precious time to reading the material below. Who knows, maybe the expert in you will awaken, and the experience gained will become a starting point into the fascinating world of electronics.

Instead of an introduction: a little about trade secrets

Rejoice, owners of budget modifications! Since the generally accepted statement that a cheap laptop is an extremely unreliable technology, in fact, oh, how far from the truth! And the current situation in the computing device market is great proof of this. Competition is a great helper for the practical user. Well, the mentioned trick “the laptop turns off by itself” is also inherent in branded electronics. By the way, the last option is the most difficult in terms of repair maintenance.

So, about the secrets of manufacturers... One way or another, making reliable laptops is a matter of the future. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for some, this is indeed the case! Budget modifications are often equipped with the same parts as expensive ones, but in a stripped-down version. A cooling system of any design “cannot live without dust.” Well, the “packed power”, constrained by the ultra-thin body, is still prone to overheating. On top of that, the technology of planned aging as a commercial tool is applied to literally everything that surrounds us. However, something can still be done.

The laptop turns itself off: what to do first

Of course, it is necessary to conduct a visual examination of the “patient”. Dust is the worst enemy of any electronics. Especially when it comes to compactly organized devices.

  • Inspect the laptop's ventilation holes. It is possible that dust layers are preventing free access of air.
  • Put your ear to the computer and listen to see if the cooling fan is running. You don't need to have an ear for music to understand the difference between the steady rustling of cooler blades and an eardrum-straining sound with a metallic “hint.”
  • Reset the BIOS settings to default settings.
  • If the laptop turns off by itself, it is possible that the hardware is conflicting as a result of incorrectly made software changes. Roll back the operating system using a stable restore point.
  • By the way, especially cunning viruses have the ability to influence the hardware components of the system. As you understand, this problem cannot be solved without special software. Download an antivirus utility and scan your OS for infection.

So now you know what to do first. However, let's touch on another aspect of the problem and understand the question “why the laptop overheats and turns off.”

When can you fry eggs on a laptop?

You cannot “strain” a laptop in a hot room for 6 hours in a row, playing a super-realistic arcade game: firstly, it is harmful to your eyesight, and secondly, you can get burned on the hot body of the device. This example characterizes the main source of the problem being covered, and therefore we will give it a significant number - one. Do you want to laugh? The largest number of users who contact the burn center are gamers. Of course, this is a joke, but most often the “sad” cause of the problem “the laptop turns off while playing” is precisely the critical moment of overheating. Therefore, when taking part in virtual battles or traveling in other worlds, do not forget to sometimes tactilely experience reality. Perhaps the case around the video card has warmed up, which means it’s time to cool down your gaming ardor, otherwise the graphics processor will fail.

"Creative crisis" of the operating system

The operating principle of a computer resembles a human model. Therefore, the unproductive state so familiar to many people, when translated into machine language, is still the same dead end and digital inaction. If a person is overwhelmed or constrained by feelings, then the computer in such situations acts rationally - it reboots. Therefore, if your laptop turns off while playing, you should apply the recommendations below:

  • In the "Power Options" section, pay attention to the mode being used. In “Additional plans” you should activate the “High performance” checkbox.

  • Second, go to the “System” - “Advanced Settings” section. In the last block of the “Boot and Recovery” service window, using the corresponding button, uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox.

Most likely the problem will go away. However, do not forget that unstable OS behavior can be caused by a hardware failure. With your permission, let's move on!

Energy “misunderstandings”: the laptop turns off immediately

Let's consider the option when a mobile computer completely refuses to start. As a rule, in such situations, the user still observes some, albeit short-term, “signs of life” on the laptop: the display lights up, the hard drive starts up, and you can hear the cooler blades begin to accelerate. However, something is preventing the electronics from entering operating mode. Well, this state of affairs requires detailed analysis.


  • First of all, you need to check whether the power supply is connected correctly.
  • Is the power connector of the computing device damaged?
  • It is also worth paying attention to the integrity of the power supply cable itself.

Most portable modifications are equipped with a special indicator that lights up when connected to an external power source. If no light activity is observed, you should measure the output voltage from the power supply. In principle, a known working power supply will help dot all the i’s.

Accumulator battery

  • If the laptop turns off when you turn it on, remove the autonomous power supply and try starting the device from the network.
  • It is quite possible that the battery should be replaced, since the controller installed on it, due to its malfunction, can block the process of energy consumption.
  • If the laptop has not been used for a long time, then most likely the energy reserve in the battery has completely depleted. Put the device on charge and literally after a few minutes try to turn on the laptop again.

Typical laptop hardware problems

Let's say that when starting up, the laptop turns itself off. You already know what to do in such a situation when it comes to incorrect power supply. With hardware it’s a little more complicated, but you can still figure it out on your own.

  • So, if when you turn it on you clearly hear clicking sounds, then try removing the hard drive and starting the computer without it. If the BIOS has started initialization, the “culprit” has been found. It may be necessary to replace the drive if the cause of the HDD failure is not software. In any case, it is worth replacing the hard drive and turning on the laptop again. Such simple manipulations are often effective.
  • The above “symptom” of a malfunction may be a consequence of an incorrect upgrade. Installing incompatible RAM will definitely cause conflict in the system. Remove the RAM module. If there are two of them, remove them one by one between each test run.

Unfortunately, the methods described above are not applicable to analyze the performance of the central processor. If the laptop is able to “stay on the move” for some time, then you can try the following diagnostic method. Place your hand closer to the middle of the case - can you feel how the laptop is heating up?

And it turns off, and reboots, and freezes? All this can only mean one thing - it is necessary to dismantle the protective cover in order to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling elements, and most importantly, the condition of the thermal paste. By the way, in some cases, to get to the CPU, you will need to completely disassemble the laptop. It is worth noting that the last “procedure” requires skills and certain experience.

Design features of the laptop

Why does my laptop screen turn off spontaneously? As we have already mentioned, there can be several reasons, and the most common of them is that the display cable has failed. If you are the owner of a relatively old modification, then the connecting element may have broken. If you have a new laptop, it means the inverter has burned out. In any case, a visit to the workshop cannot be avoided. However, there is another explanation - the video adapter burned out. If your computer configuration allows it, you should switch from discrete graphics mode to integrated. You can easily find the corresponding section in the BIOS where you can switch video equipment.

Before we finish: a few words about software incompatibility

Typically, the laptop turns off during operation due to a system conflict, which usually occurs as a result of using inappropriate software. In other words, the user installs software that is incompatible with the computer's hardware resources. As you understand, the problem can be solved in an elementary way - by uninstallation, that is, deletion. Sometimes you need to reinstall the OS. Often this kind of “whim of turning off” a laptop can be eliminated by reinstalling critical drivers. Again, the current version of the BIOS program can correct the problematic state of the laptop. However, everything needs to be done gradually and thoughtfully.

For the edification of all those who want to significantly increase the service life of their laptop

If you previously thought that the laptop turned off on its own, then you probably now realized that your opinion was wrong. After all, there are reasons for everything, and knowing the nature of their occurrence, you can always foresee the moment of their appearance. As you can see, everything is simple! Nevertheless, there is always room for paradox. In our case, the difficulties lie in the elementary - the lack of experience. Yes, it is our ignorance that can turn a brand new laptop into a pile of metal. By the way, it is common for a person to give up when he is tired or does not understand what exactly needs to be done. Relax, think, or consult with knowledgeable people. Finally, read the laptop's service manual. In general, do not leave an emerging problem unresolved. Take action!

A sudden shutdown of a laptop is often associated with exceeding the temperature level set in the system, and is a kind of insurance against failure of the main system components. However, there are many reasons why a laptop turns off on its own without overheating. This can be caused by both software and technical malfunctions in the operation of the device.

The laptop turns off on its own without overheating - p Programming glitches

There are four main reasons why a laptop turns off by itself, but the temperature is normal:

  1. Incorrect operation of the operating system. This is often caused by an incorrect OS update or software changes that conflict with it. Solution to the problem:
  • uninstalling programs, after installation of which the device began to suddenly turn off;
  • restoring the system using the functionality built into the OS through the control panel and selecting a stable restore point - the so-called system rollback to an earlier state;
  • reinstalling the OS.
  1. Problems with the BIOS. You can fix the problems:
  • by resetting the BIOS settings and setting the default settings;
  • or by downloading from the official website and installing the latest version of the software.
  1. Viral activity. To solve the problem, you need to scan your laptop for viruses, preferably using several different antivirus programs, and remove the malware.
  1. Incorrectly installed (updated) system device drivers, which provokes disruptions in the operation of individual laptop components and conflicts between them. There are a lot of problems associated with drivers, but in the context of a sudden shutdown of a laptop, they manifest themselves in the fact that they affect the functioning of a specific system component, causing it to fail and, accordingly, shutting down the entire system. To solve the problem, you need to use special software (it will be faster and easier), with which you can scan the state of the drivers and eliminate the violations identified by the program - remove incorrectly working ones, download, install or update the necessary drivers.

Technical (hardware) problems

If the above steps related to troubleshooting software problems did not help, and the laptop turns off by itself, what to do next - the diagnostics will tell you:

  1. The device may turn off for a trivial reason - the battery has failed or does not hold a charge. You can check this by connecting the laptop to the mains. If it works and does not turn off, then the problem is with the battery and it needs to be replaced.
  2. A sudden computer shutdown may also be associated with more serious problems - damage to internal components. For example, such a “symptom” is typical when microcracks appear on the motherboard. In such cases, the best solution would be to visit a service center, where they will accurately identify the cause of the malfunction and replace the damaged devices.

It is not recommended to disassemble a laptop and change system devices at home. This may cause damage to functional components or the installation of incompatible devices.

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The laptop started to turn off on its own while working or playing. Find out more about what causes your device to turn off spontaneously.

The laptop may turn off on its own for several reasons. This is due to scheduled system shutdown settings, overheating, virus infection, OS malfunction, or mechanical damage.

Setting Sleep Mode

For example, Windows 10 puts your laptop into sleep mode if it is not used for a long time, especially if it is running on battery power. The settings are located in the “Power Options” section. It happens that the manufacturer, in order to increase the battery life of the baratea, sets the switch to sleep mode even after 10 minutes. This period can be increased or, better yet, sleep mode can be turned off completely.

Open the Settings tab, go to System - Power and Sleep. In the “Sleep” item, set it to “Never”.

Mechanical damage

The laptop may turn off by itself or just the screen when tilting the display. The reason is a break in the video signal transmission bus and only the service will help here.

When the laptop turns off without any notification - just a black screen, or a blue screen appears with an error message, then we may be dealing with overheating or a glitch in the device drivers.

The most common reasons:

  • contamination or malfunction of the cooling system;
  • mechanically damaged power button (can turn off due to poor contact at any time);
  • battery is faulty;
  • malfunctions of the RAM or hard drive (sometimes you can hear tapping sounds);
  • The motherboard is faulty.

What to do if your laptop turns off spontaneously?

Try to determine some reasons yourself.

If the laptop shows no signs of overheating, first save documents, personal photos, videos and other data. Back up the images or simply transfer them individually to an external drive or over the network to another computer. Then run an antivirus or format your hard drive and reinstall Windows again.

If the laptop's RAM was expanded, another memory stick was added, or replaced with new ones, the cause may be incompatible RAM modules or poor contact. To check, reinstall the old original strips.

When the laptop turns itself off after prolonged use or heavy load, when playing games or editing videos, we may be dealing with overheating, especially on hot days.

How to tell if your laptop is overheating

  1. The first sign is an increased temperature of the case in places where heated components are installed.
  2. The second sign is when the fans start to work louder and louder, the increased noise continues for a long time, until the laptop turns off by itself.
  3. The third sign is when you can’t hear the cooling fan working at all

In the last two cases, check the processor temperature using a program, for example, Core Temp.

If the temperature exceeds 80°C, then there is a malfunction in heat removal from the housing.

Possible reasons:

  • the cooling system is heavily contaminated;
  • fan is faulty;
  • poorly fitting heatsink on the processor.

Over time, the cooling system becomes contaminated with dust, which greatly reduces its efficiency.

Carry your laptop with you often; an accidental drop or impact can cause the cooler to fail, causing the processor or video card chipset to overheat.

What to do if your laptop overheats?

Cleaning the cooling system

If your laptop overheats and turns off on its own during high loads, clean the cooling system before taking it to a service center.

Cleaning is carried out with compressed air through the ventilation holes or with the cover removed.

To improve heat dissipation, especially if the processor or video card is working under heavy load, especially during games, install additional cooling. To do this, place a cooling pad under the device.

Reducing CPU frequency

If you have a good supply of power, try reducing the processor frequency and thereby heating. If you are sure that the laptop turns off due to the processor temperature being too high, try reducing the frequency by 10-20% in the additional power supply settings in the “Maximum processor state” item.

Do I need to change thermal paste?

Sometimes users claim that when a laptop often turns off when it overheats, they need to change the thermal paste, but this is not true. The cooling system in laptops is designed differently than in desktop computers and rarely requires replacement.

The need for replacement can only be determined by the service department. It is not recommended to carry out such an operation at home.