Beeline emergency numbers. How to call an ambulance from a Beeline number

We, perhaps, have already managed to sort out all the possible numbers of support operators for the Beeline cellular operator. Moreover, we are talking not only about Beeline in Russia, but also about Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The only thing we haven't paid attention to is Beeline emergency numbers.

What are these numbers?

Emergency numbers refer to telephones of various services that subscribers may need in the event of an emergency. This:

  1. Emergency gas service.
  2. Fire protection.
  3. Police.
  4. Ambulance.

It is quite obvious that calls to such numbers are provided by the operator completely free of charge. That is, if you have an emergency and there are no funds in your account, you can still contact emergency services without any problems. Please note that even a negative account balance does not block the ability to dial into these services.

Fire department emergency number from Beeline phones

In order to call the fire department, you need to remember a simple number that every person is already required to remember: 101.

How to call an ambulance and the police from Beeline mobile

As for calling other emergency services, it is carried out by the following phone numbers:

  • 102 – to call the police;
  • 103 – to call emergency personnel.

Call gas emergency service

The combination “104” is used as a short number for calling the gas service, which is available, like all other numbers, completely free of charge.

Calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations

If you need to call for emergency help, you must call 112 for this purpose. This must also be remembered along with all the numbers mentioned above.

Lists of emergency telephone numbers – a reminder on the Beeline website

Note that the official website of the Beeline company offers more detailed information about available emergency telephone numbers, including a list of numbers and addresses of medical aid stations in the regions, as well as other contact details of the relevant services.

To obtain detailed information, you need to go to the appropriate section on the site. You can access it as follows:

  1. Open the official website of the Beeline operator (
  2. Pay attention to the choice of region (the city or region is underlined by a dashed line in the upper left corner of the web page). If the region is selected incorrectly, change it to the current one.
  3. Hover your mouse over the “Help” section in the main menu of the web resource.
  4. Select "Useful commands" from the drop-down list.
  5. On the page that opens, find the hyperlink called “Emergency Helpline” and click on it.

You will find yourself in the desired section of the site, you can scroll the page a little lower, where you will find downloadable files with information about the contacts and addresses of the necessary emergency and emergency services.

Free telephone numbers of the operator Beeline

Finally, we would like to pay attention to the remaining Beeline phone numbers that lead to customer information support specialists. After all, not only by calling 0611 you can solve problems and get answers to questions. You can also call:

  • 0674 – number to access the “My Beeline” voice menu;
  • 0604 – voice directory dedicated to all the company’s services, working in interactive mode;
  • 0605 – number for dialing an interactive directory dedicated to entertainment and information services from Beeline;
  • 0606 – information about new opportunities, tariffs and services from the operator.

That's all the information we wanted to look at today.

Life in the modern world is full of surprises. Unfortunately, we are not able to foresee the moment when we may need help. The state provides its citizens with protection and support from special services, whose work is aimed specifically at localizing the threat to people’s life and health. But for the fastest and most effective response to a threat that has arisen, it is necessary to signal the incident in time. There is a telephone system for this.

Since childhood, we all remember the short and easy-to-remember emergency numbers of government services, which can be quickly dialed from a regular home phone. But what to do if trouble takes you by surprise where there are no landline phones nearby? Mobile communications come to the rescue in such a situation. But how to call an ambulance from Beeline, MTS or other mobile operator numbers, in particular - which number to call?

Mobile phone - the first assistant in trouble

Modern mobile operators, in the list of services they provide, among other things, obligatorily provide their subscribers with the opportunity to call all necessary authorities, including emergency medical care. Beeline operator is no exception.

How to call an ambulance from a Beeline cell phone? The answer is simple. The number for calling this service for this operator is short and easy to remember - 103. The Beeline emergency number package also contains an alternative number for calling an ambulance, included in the extended list, this is a combination of numbers 030. It can be useful in a situation where the victim did not know or, under the influence of shock, forgot how to call an ambulance from Beeline using number 103.

Important! All calls from subscribers of this mobile operator to 103 and 030 are free. In addition, the connection is possible even in cases where the phone does not have a SIM card or the account balance is zero. A blocked phone is also no exception, which is not an obstacle to calling an ambulance through Beeline.

But what to do if help is needed immediately, right this minute?

Not everyone knows that by calling 103, the victim or the one who found him can also count on qualified advice from medical professionals. A specialist from a medical institution will provide the full range of necessary methodological advice so that those who contact him can provide first, pre-medical aid to the victim and alleviate his condition until the arrival of the medical crew. In the process of obtaining the necessary information, the subscriber can request the address of the nearest medical facility, having previously stated his exact location.

Attention! There are situations when the line may be overcrowded and it is not possible to call an ambulance from Beeline at a particular time. The subscriber will hear an audio recording of the answering machine. In such situations, you should not hang up, but wait for the operator at the control panel to respond.

After the connection is established, the victim or the person who called the ambulance from Beeline must provide some information.

  1. Reason for call.
  2. The nature of the injury or symptoms that characterize the condition of the victim.
  3. Exact place of residence (address of house and apartment). In cases where the incident happened right in the middle of the street, you should indicate exact landmarks, based on which the medical crew will be able to arrive at the scene in the shortest possible time.
  4. The maximum amount of information about the victim, which will give a clear picture of what is happening, and will allow medical personnel who arrive at the scene of the call to prepare the necessary equipment and medications in advance.
  5. Personal information of the person who made the call.

In addition to calling an ambulance, it is often necessary to call law enforcement agencies: ?

The rescue service will always come to the rescue

How to call an ambulance from a Beeline mobile in other ways? You can contact the 24-hour “rescue service”. In the event that the situation develops unpredictably, and the subscriber for some reason does not know who to contact, he can always count on number 112. This is a “rescue service” - similar to that in the USA for the legendary 911. This service combines work with all government services (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance, emergency gas service). By contacting service 112, you should outline the essence of the situation in which the subscriber finds yourself, and the center operator will give the necessary list of instructions to provide assistance, while connecting the mobile network user with the authority necessary in his particular case. And an ambulance will immediately go to the scene of the incident. From Beeline you can call an ambulance by calling the “rescue service” on 112 absolutely free of charge, this also applies to all mobile operators.

The mobile phone is the most common means of communication, and has long replaced the landline telephone, player, computer and game console. And in an emergency, a cell phone can save a life. However, if you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, you should not rely on the number 03, memorized from childhood. Mobile communication with emergency services is carried out only through three-digit numbers.

Unified emergency phone numbers

About 2 years ago, a system of unified emergency numbers appeared in Russia, which can be called from any telecom operator. Now, in a difficult situation, you don’t need to try to guess and remember which operator owns which digital combination - to call an ambulance immediately, just call the toll-free number 103. All uniform emergency numbers:

  • 101 – call the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • 102 – call the police
  • 104 – emergency gas service call

These combinations are easy to remember and will save precious minutes in the event of an emergency.

Calling an ambulance from a cell phone through the 112 service

If an unforeseen situation occurs and you need to call an ambulance from your mobile phone as quickly as possible, a person may get confused and forget about number 103. In this case, a single emergency phone number 112 (Russian equivalent of 911) will come in handy. By dialing it, the subscriber can explain the essence of the problem to the operator, who will connect him to the appropriate department.

You can call a single number for free from a mobile phone of any telecom operator, and the balance may be zero or in the minus - the call will still take place. Even a locked phone or a device without a SIM card is not a hindrance when you need to call an ambulance from your mobile phone. You can also call this number if you need emergency assistance from firefighters, police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Despite the undeniable advantages of the 112 service, you must always remember that the connection is not direct, but through an intermediary, which means that you can quickly reach an ambulance from a cell phone, but not as much as you would like. When switching to the desired unit, precious seconds are lost, which can cost someone their life.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone

One of the fastest ways to call an ambulance from a mobile phone is to call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. They are gradually being replaced by single phones, but they are still valid. In order not to get confused and to always have these numbers at hand, you should save them in your phone.

Call an ambulance using the following numbers, depending on your mobile operator:

Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 – dial 030;
Beeline - call 003;
Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Calls to numbers of other emergency services are made according to the same principle, only the number 3 changes to one of the following: 2 - police, 1 - fire department, 4 - gas service.

Cellular communications are developing rapidly, more and more people are abandoning landline wired phones, switching to mobile communication devices. Mobile phone is the most common means of communication. In an emergency, it can save lives. But, if you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, do not count on the two-digit number 03, memorized from childhood. Currently, mobile communications with emergency services are carried out using three-digit numbers.

This publication will tell you how to call an ambulance from a cell phone, how to dial the correct number from various cellular operators: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, U-tel, Beeline, Motiv and Skylink.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone through the unified rescue service: number “112”

Now calling an ambulance from a mobile phone using 03 is impossible, because GSM standards do not support double-digit numbers. In Russia there is a single rescue service, which you can call by dialing “112”. It is supported by both cellular operators and landline phones. The combination of numbers 112 makes it possible to quickly reach an operator, who, in turn, will redirect the call to the rescue area closest to the victim.

What if the phone does not have a SIM card or is it locked by a SIM card? What to do then? Don't know how to dial an ambulance number? Everything is very simple, dial 112- they will answer you! This is a very big plus of the unified rescue service. This number is valid not only on the territory of the Russian Federation: regardless of the place of registration and residence of the subscriber, it is also valid in all countries that are members of the European Union.

Emergency calls from mobile operators

I provide complete emergency dial numbers of leading cellular operators, taken from official sources.

Ambulance phone number: how to call an ambulance from a cell/mobile phone

Calling emergency services from the mobile operator MTS

  • 101 - Emergency rescue service.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas service.

Beeline emergency numbers

  • 101 - Fire protection.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Emergency gas service.

Emergency call numbers of mobile operator Megafon

  • 010 - Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire department.
  • 020 - Call the police.
  • 030 - Call an ambulance.
  • 040 - Call emergency gas service.

Rules for dialing emergency telephone numbers from the Tele2 operator

Tele 2 numbers may vary depending on the service region.

  • 01* or 010 or 101 - Rescue service, fire service.
  • 02* or 020 or 102 - Police Service, Anti-Terror Service.
  • 03* or 030 or 103 - Emergency medical service.
  • 04* or 040 or 104 - Emergency gas network service.

Remember that calls to these numbers are free.

In a shock situation, when you need an emergency ambulance call to the scene, if you have forgotten how to dial the correct number from your cellular operator, memorize one single number 112 – telephone number of the Unified Rescue Service. When you call the answering machine, you will be given voice instructions for further actions.

You will need to dial the extension number:

  • 1 – fire department,
  • 2 – police,
  • 3 – ambulance,
  • 4 – gas.

After which you will be redirected to the appropriate service.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone: call directly

A quick way to call an ambulance from a mobile phone is to call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. To avoid confusion, always have these numbers at hand and save them in your phone.

You can call an ambulance using the following numbers, depending on your mobile operator:

  1. Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 - dial 030;
  2. Beeline - call 003;
  3. Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Is it possible to call an ambulance from a cell phone with a zero balance?

It is unrealistic to constantly monitor your mobile phone account, and funds run out unexpectedly. How to call the rescue service if you have a zero or negative balance? Often a person’s life depends on how quickly a doctor arrives. If you find yourself in a tragic situation or next to a person who is feeling unwell, feel free to dial the numbers 1-1-2 and follow the prompts of the dispatcher or system. The call is free for all operators registered in Russia. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by strict administrative measures.

You can call the emergency service 112 even if there are no funds in your account, or your SIM card is lost or blocked. With a minimum network level, dial the combination 911, and then select option 3 in the answering system, after which you will be connected to the operator. A single emergency telephone number operates throughout the Russian Federation. When you call the doctors, explain the current situation clearly and accurately indicate your location so that the emergency team can quickly get to the bottom of the problem.

After the conversation, the doctor must inform that the call has been accepted and indicate the time of the call. If a medical professional refuses to accept an application, for example, because of the person’s age or for another reason, then feel free to call the police, since a paramedic falls under Art. 124. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to provide assistance to a patient entails appropriate punishment by the medical worker.

Video: how to dial an ambulance from a cell phone

In emergency situations, you cannot hesitate for a second, so you need to remember the ambulance and rescue service numbers by heart. Often people panic and cannot concentrate, forgetting a lot of important information that can save the life of a loved one. Write down the ambulance numbers to call in Moscow so that you are always ready to quickly respond and call emergency services. In this article you will learn all the possible options for calling an ambulance via mobile phone within Moscow.

Ambulance numbers in Moscow from different mobile operators

Some mobile operators have their own numbers for calling an ambulance within the city, but a standard number will also make an ambulance call.

  • Mobile operators MTS, Megafon and Tele2 provide an additional number 030.
  • Beeline and Sky Link have a different number - 903.

By dialing these numbers, you too can get to the ambulance. Write them both down so you can call even from someone else's phone.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in Moscow - a unified rescue service

In Moscow, as throughout Russia, there are two general numbers:

Number 112 is considered the main number; you can call any service using it. You will be redirected to the correct number. This combination must be dialed on your phone if you have no money left in your account, there is no network signal, or there is no SIM card in your phone at all. You can always call 112.

The only downside to this service is that it is overloaded. Calls to 112 are made every second, so you will have to wait a while for the operator to transfer you to an ambulance.

Ambulance number in Moscow

Several years ago, all numbers with the number “0” were initially replaced. Not all residents of the capital know about this, so they continue to use them.

  • The current emergency number from both mobile numbers and home phones is 103.

How to call an ambulance in Moscow for mute people

Special video communication numbers have been created for the mute in the capital. Dial “1111” or “1112” in the video call section of your phone. The number is open from nine in the morning to seven in the evening, and is switched off on weekends. An operator will respond to you to interpret sign language.

You can also use the Skype number “mgohelp”.

All these services will help you translate sign language into speech.

When to call an ambulance and when to call a local police officer in Moscow

Remember that ambulance work, especially in the capital, is too busy. If you do not have acute pain and you are not sure of its source, then it is quite possible to wait for your local physician to be on call.

If you have a cold and need to get a sick leave, then in severe cases they call a therapist, in mild cases they go to the clinic themselves.

If you have sharp pains, they do not allow you to breathe, move, and most importantly, they continue to intensify, then an ambulance is urgently needed.