A number that cannot be forgotten. How does a beautiful phone number affect business processes and how much does an attractive set of numbers cost?

“Do you have any nice phone numbers?” - a frequently asked question in operator offices cellular communications. Despite the high cost of gold numbers, everyone wants to buy a gold number. Why is this happening?

  1. Beautiful numbers are easy to remember. This is convenient both for communicating with loved ones and in business. Family members will be able to call in emergencies without using an address book. For work partners, a beautiful, memorable phone number is no less important: by typing it from memory, they will save time searching for it.
  2. Maintaining the owner's image. Silver (mirror) and gold numbers containing 3 or 4 identical numbers in a row are especially popular. They are affordable, easy to remember and attract attention. And in the eyes potential client or a business partner, elite rooms are associated with the high status and success of the owner.

Our company has long and successfully worked with all leading Russian operators mobile communications. We are ready to transfer memorable gold and platinum numbers from Beeline, Megafon, MTS to our clients. On our website you can see a list of all the numbers available and find out how much a gold number costs.

You can choose a beautiful mobile phone number unlimited tariff in Moscow. Our specialists will always be happy to help you!

If you don’t part with your mobile phone, even when hooligans take it away from you, and you think that you always have time to add a new one to it phone number, read these recommendations at least in order to learn how to remember PIN codes, passwords to a bank deposit box, or distances to the planets of our solar system.


“My phone number is very easy to remember: 32-08. Thirty-two teeth and eight fingers." According to Anton Garmash, a psychologist at the Center for Cognitive Technologies, there is an abyss of common sense in this joke by Daniil Kharms. Try to break a long series of numbers into several short groups, highlighting those that are easily associated with widely promoted brands and concepts in which numbers appear. Let's take, for example, number 7473402. Let's divide it into groups: 747, 34 and 02. Let's find associations: 747th Boeing, T-34 tank and 02 - police number. Of course, we specially came up with such a number that can easily be divided into groups, but if you practice this technique, you will see that almost any complex number easily turns into a series of simple associations.

If there are no associations, look for patterns. Select groups from rows of consecutive numbers: 7445609 – 74 456 (three numbers in a row) 09; look for symmetrically or mirror-arranged numbers: 8277251 – 8 27 72 51); combine the method of associations with patterns, etc. The relationships can be anything - the main thing is that remembering them is easier than just memorizing the number.


Make it easier on yourself: don’t remember the part of your mobile number that points to mobile operator, just remember its name. As a last resort, you don’t even have to remember the last digit. If you know the previous ones, you can restore it by sequentially substituting the numbers, in a maximum of ten attempts.

Numbers landlines Most are tied to city districts. If you know, say, that numbers starting with 566 refer to some district of Utoplovo, and 655 to some Sverbilovo, immediately discard them and you will get a four-digit number instead of a seven-digit one. Just don't get carried away. If you drop a couple more numbers, you'll have almost nothing left.


If numbers and abstractions are really difficult, use other capabilities of the body - for example, motor memory. “From an evolutionary point of view, this is the most ancient mechanism for recording information. To use motor memory, you almost don’t have to make any effort,” says Anton.

All push-button phones have standard arrangement number keys (not counting our Soni Eriksson model, a Vietnamese knockoff of the Chinese Soni Ericsson). Try to mentally dial the number and remember its “pattern” by pointing your finger at imaginary buttons. IN in this case The brain is required to remember only the first digit of the phone; the rest of the combination is learned by the muscles of the finger.


One of the best ways Memorizing phone numbers is successfully used by advertisers in audio and video. Use their black methods. “Sing the number to some melody, preferably a haunting one, and the result will amaze you,” Anton promises.

If you use all of the above methods of remembering a phone number, then even if you live to be 112 years old, you will remember it perfectly. But unfortunately, this will be the only thing you remember.

I still saw those times when there was no mobile phones, and I had to learn landline numbers by heart. Or write to notebook. And grief awaited those who accidentally lost their notes, and with them a huge number of important connections. (I remember my father once washed his notebook)

Suddenly, you urgently need to remember the car number, or you don’t have a pen or phone to write down your mobile number. Or maybe you just want to surprise a girl or win an argument.

And mnemonics will help us with this!

Mnemonics(the art of memorization), mnemonics- a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate memorization necessary information and increasing memory capacity through the formation of associations (connections). (Wikipedia)

Speaking in simple language, mnemonics will allow you to remember difficult-to-remember information. For example, a sequence of one hundred numbers, a list of several telephone numbers, new foreign words, etc.

Mnemonics is based on the fact that the brain automatically translates all words and numbers into images. So, for example, reading the word "cup" - we will present an image (picture), not a word. If, when reading a word, the image does not arise, then we do not understand the meaning of this word. Try, for example, to understand what it is Lucullov Flute Shuflyadka.

There are entire schools and areas dedicated to techniques for memorizing information using mnemonics. I just want to show you one of the many methods that once really impressed me. It is simple and effective.

So. First you need to come up with an image for each number. It is highly desirable that this image be shaped like writing a number. It will be best if the number itself is, as it were, inscribed in the object you are representing.

For example, imagine a swan. In shape, it is very similar to the number 2. Or remember what a braid looks like. Very similar to the number 7. Thus, you need to come up with ten objects that are shaped like numbers.

For clarity, I found a couple of pictures on the Internet. But you can (and it will be even better) to come up with images yourself.

Now that the numbers are associated with pictures, you can easily remember long numbers. Moreover, play them in any order. From end to beginning or from the middle to any direction.

How it's done. Having heard or seen a number, you need to come up with a story that will involve those images that correspond to the desired numbers. And the most important thing is that the more absurd the story, the faster and easier you will remember it. It is also advisable that you use your senses and sound.

For example, you need to remember your passport number. We look at the numbers and come up with a story. 4107 386290 (I’ll take the images from the bottom picture as an example).

I'm balancing on one leg overturned chair in my ass burning candle , and in the audience sitting and staring at my show- Sun, while hooting and waving flag . Suddenly something falls on me heart . I look up and see what it is matryoshka , which falls apart and falls out of it lock . Then it flies out swan With by air ball in the teeth, on which is drawn Sun .

That's all. Repeat this story to yourself several times and you will remember your passport number. Now you can easily read this number backwards or from the middle, simply by remembering the chain of events from your story. Try it now. Take any phone number from your mobile memory and remember it using mnemonics.

And now a little life hack. If you want to remember something important for many years, then you will have to come up with a secret room. In this secret room, create a chest or safe with a file cabinet. Now, place the story that you absolutely must remember in your chest in the section you need. (for example, "important documents"). Then the subconscious will do everything for you.

Now in right time, just open the chest, select a section and the story you need will pop up in your memory.

I hope it was interesting and useful.

May the force of the Jedi be with you!

Did you know that the type of your phone number significantly affects the number of calls you receive? Especially if you use it in advertising? Moreover, a number that is well suited for one type of advertising will not be suitable for another. In this recipe we will tell you which numbers are best to use and in which cases.

The telephone number can be “ordinary” (for example, 684-29-73) or “beautiful” (555-55-22). The beautiful number contains repeating numbers and their combinations (12-12, 55-55), logical sequences (123-45-67) and rhyming blocks. There are other little tricks, which we will discuss below.

Beautiful rooms have two important advantages. The first is related to image: such a number indicates that your company is reputable and reliable, it inspires trust in the client. This is your showcase that creates good first impression. The second advantage is easy memorability, which is important if you use the number in advertising. Depending on where the room is located, different requirements apply to it.

  • If the number is printed on a business card or in a booklet, then the client does not need to remember it - after all, the number is in front of his eyes. The image component here, as a rule, is also not very important: for example, business cards are given after personal communication. And whether a client calls you is influenced by many factors besides the number.
  • When the number is used in contextual advertising or in snippets that are returned by Internet search engines upon request (“pizza delivery”, “ plastic windows", etc.), then the client has a choice of where to call. And here beautiful numbers benefit precisely due to the image component. According to statistics, such numbers receive calls more often than regular ones. Memorability, again, is not too important.
  • But if the number is used in advertising, the contact time of which is short, then it should be easy to remember. In outdoor advertising (billboards, posters, banners, etc.), the number should be clearly perceived when read. If the number is used in audio advertising, for example on radio, it should be easy to remember by ear.

At all, beautiful room well remembered due to its simplicity. To enhance the effect, especially when perceived by ear, you can use rhyming numbers, for example: 232-52-22. Just say the number and you will immediately understand how well it rhymes.

Visual perception will depend on how you divide the number into blocks. So, from the most ordinary number 985-98-51 you can easily make a beautiful one - 985-985-1. By the way, a number that is completely unattractive in appearance can rhyme well. Example: 320-17-19.

Don't forget about telephone code– it can also be used to “decorate” the room. Let's say the Moscow number is 495-49-51 special attention not attractive. But if we write it down along with the code, correctly dividing it into blocks, we get: 495-495-495-1.

However, it is not at all necessary to come up with any special tricks in order to make a beautiful one out of an ordinary number. We have selected beautiful rooms and divided them into categories - “silver”, “gold”, “platinum” and “exclusive”. The higher the room category, the more “beautiful” it is. Although, a lot depends on how you use it.

You can choose a beautiful room to suit your taste in our online store.

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