Nii soy. All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans of the Russian Agricultural Academy

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 16.05.2011

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 338

Operator name: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Soybean Research Institute"

Operator location address: 675027, Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, Ignatievskoye sh., no. 19

Start date of personal data processing: 22.11.1999

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Amur region

Purpose of processing personal data: Implementing labor relations with employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, maintaining personnel work and accounting, concluding contractual relations with individuals for the provision of services and (or) performance of work.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A regulation on the processing of personal data at the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans has been developed and approved. Order No. 143-O dated May 10, 2017 appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing of personal data. internal control over the compliance of personal data processing is carried out Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, requirements for the protection of personal data. Employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the law Russian Federation about personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the organization’s policy regarding the processing of personal data. A model of security threats in information system. Accounting of machine storage media of personal data is ensured. The restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it is ensured. Rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system have been developed, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, health status, Passport data, work book data, military ID data, information about pension insurance, TIN, telephone number.

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Employees who are in contractual relations with the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, employee family members, candidates, individuals receiving services from the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybeans, as well as individuals who are in civil law and other contractual relations with the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybeans, legal representatives of individuals and legal entities.

List of actions with personal data: Collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use.

Processing of personal data: with transmission by internal network legal entity, without Internet transmissions, mixed

Legal basis for processing personal data: Articles 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Articles 85-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, regulations on working with personal data in the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybeans.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia


All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)

    Historical reference:
  • In January 1909, the Amur experimental field was created on the basis of the experimental site of the former Ozerki horse and postal station.
  • By order of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture dated April 4, 1924, the Amur experimental field was transformed into the Amur regional agricultural experimental station.
  • In 1937 (according to other sources in 1938), the station was renamed the Amur State Breeding Station.
  • In 1956, the station was renamed the Amur State Agricultural Experimental Station.
  • In 1968, the All-Russian Soybean Research Institute was created on the basis of the station.
  • Since 2001 - a state scientific institution.
  • In 2014, in connection with the reorganization of the system of Russian state academies of sciences (RAN, RAMS, RAAS), the institute became part of the structure of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO), the status of the institute is a federal state budgetary scientific institution.
  • In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2018 No. 215 “On the structure of federal executive bodies and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2018 No. 1293-r, the institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
    Information links:
  • For 1909-1925 cm.:
    1. Amur experimental field
  • For 1925-1938 and for 1956-1968. cm.:
    1. Amur Agricultural Experimental Station
  • For 1938-1956 cm.:
    1. Amur breeding station
    Go to previous title:
    Organization name options:
  • VNIIsoi
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans
  • GNU VNIIsoi
  • State Scientific Research Institute of Soybeans
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Soybean Research Institute" (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Russian Federation. Federal agency scientific organizations. All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Russian Federation. Ministry of Science and Higher Education. All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • State scientific institution All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Plant Science. All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Siberian branch. All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Soybean Institute (Blagoveshchensk)
  • All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Blagoveshchensk)

Today, the All-Russian Soybean Research Institute is the leading state scientific institution of the Russian Federation in breeding, genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, seed production, soybean protection, soybean cultivation and processing technologies. The Institute conducts fundamental research to study the genetic resources of soybeans, the processes of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the natural-historical habitat of the symbiosis and the photosynthetic activity of soybean and grain crops; development of biotechnological methods for creating a transgenic soybean plant and obtaining interspecific somatic hybrids. The institute has organized monitoring of biological processes in the sowing zone in the structure of soybean-grain crop rotations. The institute's breeders have created more than 40 highly productive cold-resistant soybean varieties that are poorly responsive to day length. Currently, the systemic, technological and agrotechnical developments of the institute are used in the co-growing regions of the country, and the soybean varieties created at the All-Russian Research Institute occupy 60% of all its sown areas in the country. The result of research on the processing of soybean raw materials was 30 patents received for methods for producing food products from soybeans.
The implementation of the institute's developments takes place only after state examination. Soybean varieties and strains of root nodule bacteria are tested by government inspections; technological developments are recommended for implementation after production testing.
The institute includes a pilot production facility, where production testing of new varieties and technologies for cultivating soybeans, grain and fodder crops, and potatoes is carried out. ONO OPH VNII soybean is also the only reproducer in the region of elite soybean seeds, grain crops, perennial grasses and potatoes for seed farms in the Amur region.
On the basis of the experimental field of the institute and the ONO OPKh VNII soybeans, scientific and production meetings are annually organized, dozens of excursions of specialists and farmers are accepted, and methodological literature for commodity producers is promoted.
The State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, together with the National Research University of the Russian Academy of Sciences and universities, conducts fundamental and applied research under the following programs: crop production, plant protection, agriculture, storage and processing of agricultural products, etc.; The institute coordinates research on soybeans at research universities in the Far East and Siberia. International cooperation is carried out with research institutes of the People's Republic of China, South Korea and Japan on the problems of selection and cultivation of soybeans, grains, fodder crops and potatoes; testing of plant protection products - with companies from Germany, Switzerland and other countries.
Currently, the scientific potential of the All-Russia Soybean Research Institute is represented by 160 scientists and specialists, of which 1 academician and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 6 doctors and 30 candidates of science, 1 honored scientist, 2 honored workers Agriculture and 1 Honored Agronomist of the Russian Federation.

The history of the formation of the All-Russian Soybean Research Institute originates from the origins of the formation of agricultural science in the Amur region.
In 1908, on the “state plot” of the former Ozerki horse and postal station (currently the village of Sadovoe, Tambov region), on the recommendation of the Amur Complex Geographical Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the first experimental field crop rotations were established and systematic agroclimatic and soil research began.
The main task of the expedition, led by soil scientist, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Prokhorov, was to study soils, climate, biological resources of the Far Eastern region and develop proposals for organizing research work on agricultural problems.
Since January 1909, the experimental site, by Decree of the Department of Agriculture of Russia, was officially transformed into the Amur experimental field with branches in Pikan, Gosha and Urkan in the Upper Zeya Lowland. Agronomer I.M. was appointed its head. Levkov. Scientists were engaged in creating a scientific and experimental base and developing an experimental site: establishing crop rotations and cultivating the soil.
Since 1910, agroclimatologist P.I. Koloskov (later a prominent scientist in the field of meteorology and hydrography) became the head of the Amur experimental field. Under his leadership, work was carried out on the agroclimatic zoning of the Upper and Middle Amur region, which has remained virtually unchanged to this day.
Active experimental work, begun in 1913, on the study and selection of new varieties of grain and fodder crops, methods of soil cultivation, the effectiveness of manure (the term is taken from the archive) and mineral fertilizers, was suspended by the imperialist war of 1914. With its beginning, loans were issued for research purposes were reduced, and the activities of the Amur experimental field were reduced to saving outbuildings and equipment.
During the years of revolution and intervention (1917-1922), researchers did not stop work, the volume of which sharply decreased. Research was carried out in experiments with perennial grasses, and expeditionary surveys stopped. The main thing that we managed to do during these years was to preserve the breeding material of the main agricultural crops and the material and technical base for carrying out research work.
By resolution of the Dalrevkom of January 2, 1925, the Amur experimental field was transformed into the Amur Regional Agricultural Experiment Station (AOS). Its director was N.M. Fofanov. The AOS consisted of eight agricultural scientists, 10 technical support staff and 12 permanent agricultural workers. 7 departments were created, the heads of which were appointed: S.A. Benevolsky – department of field cultivation; L.Yu. Ludewig – selection department; V.A. Zolotnitsky – seed farm (since 1929, head of the department of crop selection); L.F. Rusakov – bread rust department; Z.D. Klykova – department of agrometeorology; IN AND. Kudinov – physical and chemical department; V.G. Petrov – correspondent network.
Special attention paid attention to the introduction of agricultural crops, the development of optimal crop rotation schemes, the study of basic soil cultivation, timing and methods of sowing; selection, seed production, feed production. All employees equally, regardless of specialization, conducted research on agroclimatology, soil science and biological resources of the region.
In the 30s at the Amur Experimental Station he worked as a scientific consultant on processing materials from geobotanical expeditions V.L. Komarov (since 1936, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences). During these same years, AOS visited N.I. Vavilov is an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the founder of the modern doctrine of the biological foundations of selection and the doctrine of the centers of origin of cultivated plants.
Purposeful work on soybean breeding in 1928 was headed by the scientist agronomist V.A. Zolotnitsky. For the successes achieved, the Amur Experimental Station received well-deserved authority in the system of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR.
In the period from 1930 until the end of the Great Patriotic War, the AOS theme was aimed at scientific support large farms socialized in the process of collectivization. It was from this time that work began on creating varieties; development of scientifically based systems of agriculture, feed production, and livestock breeding; effective organization of production, comprehensive mechanization, economics.
In 1938, the Amur Experimental Station was reorganized into the Amur State Breeding Station (Breeding Station) with a region covering the Amur, Lower Amur, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Jewish Autonomous Regions and Khabarovsk Territory. Its main task was the production of elite, breeding new and restoration of the best local varieties of agricultural crops.
In 1956, the selection station was reorganized into the Amur State Agricultural Experimental Station, the tasks of which were significantly expanded. A team of scientists began to conduct research in all sectors of agricultural production in the region.
During these years, particularly significant developments were carried out in all areas of soybean development. This circumstance, as well as the fact that the Far East and the Amur region were the main producers of soybeans in the USSR, were the prerequisites for the creation in 1968 on the basis of the Amur State Agricultural Experimental Station of the All-Russian Soybean Research Institute (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated April 12, 1968 No. 236 and Order of the Minister of Agriculture dated May 5, 1968 No. 270).
A huge contribution to the formation of the institute belongs to the dedicated scientists of the 30-60s of the 20th century. Among them are B.A. Fedorov, V.A. Zolotnitsky, N.M. Fofanov, V.N. Aleksakhin, K.K. Malysh, T.P. Ryazantseva, S.A. Benevolsky, L.F. Rusakov, V.G. Petrov, P.T. Slugin, L.Yu. Ludewig, P.F. Tsygankov, N.N. Maslovsky, Ya.M. Odnokon, M.I. Zhelyabovskaya, G.A. Kirovsky, K.Ya. Zimina, M.I. Zolotnitskaya, V.G. Kalugin, A.A. Popov, N.A. Zykov, A.G. Myasnikov, I.P. Statsenko, P.G. Krasnyuk, A.A. Titlyanov, I.V. Vologdin, P.E. Belousov, R.D. Chepelev, I.P. Krutov, V.I. Moiseenko, F.F. Grunt, V.D. Blagorazumov and others.
From now on it begins new stage agricultural science in the Amur region. The scientific team of the All-Russian Research Institute of Soybean carried out the most significant system developments in agriculture, livestock breeding, crop production technologies, mechanization and chemicalization of production. The Institute grew, was built, trained personnel, created modern base to conduct research and production testing of their achievements.
Over the years of activity of the All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, significant contributions to scientific research of soybeans and other crops have been made by: V.T. Kurkaev, A.A. Lebezev, K.I. Lisina, G.S. Sarapulova, L.K. Malysh, A.M. Apreleva, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.M. Penchukov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.F. Kuzin - the first director of the institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.A. Tilba, F.B. Kolomiytsev, A.M. Gunina, N.I Serebrennikova, N.M. Stepkin, V.N. Makarov, L.P. Shalunova, E.F. Lopatkina, V.V. Rusakov, G.K. Shelevoy, V.I. Rafalsky, G.N. Belyaeva, A.P. Dymova, E.N. Melnikova, I.G. Kovshik, N.S. Slobodyanik, T.M. Slobodyanik, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.T. Sinegovskaya, S.A. Begun, M.S. Kuzmin, A.Ya. Ala, E.T. Naumchenko, P.F. Cherepanov, V.K. Sergeev, A.N. Gaiduchenko, N.V. Mashchenko, L.K. Dubovitskaya, N.D. Fomenko, S.V. Rafalsky and dozens of other research specialists.
Over 100 years, scientists of the Amur region, in difficult historical conditions, with a chronic lack of personnel, and remoteness from scientific centers, have created a storehouse of scientific knowledge and developments in the crop industry, the use of which makes it possible to cultivate not only soybeans, but also other crops with properties beneficial for human and animal nutrition .
Today, the All-Russian Soybean Research Institute is the leading state scientific institution of the Russian Federation in breeding, genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, seed production, soybean protection, soybean cultivation and processing technologies. The Institute conducts fundamental research to study the genetic resources of soybeans, the processes of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the natural-historical habitat of the symbiosis and the photosynthetic activity of soybean and grain crops; development of biotechnological methods for creating a transgenic soybean plant and obtaining interspecific somatic hybrids. The institute has organized monitoring of biological processes in the sowing zone in the structure of soybean-grain crop rotations. The institute's breeders have created more than 40 highly productive cold-resistant soybean varieties that are poorly responsive to day length. Currently, the systemic, technological and agrotechnical developments of the institute are used in the co-growing regions of the country, and the soybean varieties created at the All-Russian Research Institute occupy 60% of all its sown areas in the country. The result of research on the processing of soybean raw materials was 30 patents received for methods for producing food products from soybeans.
The implementation of the institute's developments takes place only after state examination. Soybean varieties and strains of root nodule bacteria are tested by government inspections; technological developments are recommended for implementation after production testing.
The institute includes a pilot production facility, where production testing of new varieties and technologies for cultivating soybeans, grain and fodder crops, and potatoes is carried out. ONO OPH VNII soybean is also the only reproducer in the region of elite soybean seeds, grain crops, perennial grasses and potatoes for seed farms in the Amur region.
On the basis of the experimental field of the institute and the ONO OPKh VNII soybeans, scientific and production meetings are annually organized, dozens of excursions of specialists and farmers are accepted, and methodological literature for commodity producers is promoted.
The State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans, together with the National Research University of the Russian Academy of Sciences and universities, conducts fundamental and applied research under the following programs: crop production, plant protection, agriculture, storage and processing of agricultural products, etc.; The institute coordinates research on soybeans at research universities in the Far East and Siberia. International cooperation is carried out with research institutes of the People's Republic of China, South Korea and Japan on the problems of selection and cultivation of soybeans, grains, fodder crops and potatoes; testing of plant protection products - with companies from Germany, Switzerland and other countries.
Currently, the scientific potential of the All-Russia Soybean Research Institute is represented by 160 scientists and specialists, including 1 academician and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 6 doctors and 30 candidates of science, 1 honored scientist, 2 honored agricultural workers and 1 honored agronomist of the Russian Federation.