Strict communication send a copy. Email correspondence

When the question arises of sending a telegram via Russian Post, many remember the queues as in Soviet times. But with the development of the computer industry and its introduction into the postal sector, it became possible to send a telegram by Russian Post online, without queues and unnecessary nerves. Now there is no need to adapt to the post office operating hours and waste time. There is shipping and payment in a convenient way for you. A telegram is a text message transmitted via telephone.

To send a telegram, you now need any device such as a smartphone or tablet with Internet access. Or a personal computer connected to the Internet. You can send from anywhere and at any time convenient for you.

To send, you need to go to the post office website, register and find the section with the form for sending a telegram, fill out all the fields. We indicate all the data on the recipient and sender, then enter the text of the letter, then proceed to selecting the payment method. So, sending a telegram via Russian Post over the Internet is as easy as shelling pears.

After finishing writing the text, the program automatically reads the number of words and, based on this, generates the cost of the telegram. You can pay for the service by transferring funds from your phone, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. If the need arises, you can receive copies of the telegram, as well as notifications.

Many, having learned that there is such a method of sending, remember their failures and the wasted time and nerves.

The question arises, if everything is so easy and simple, how much does it cost to send a telegram via Russian Post?

Tariffs for sending a telegram vary widely, it all depends on the type of telegram being sent:

  • The price of sending a regular, non-urgent telegram via Russian Post per word is 2.8 rubles, and for an urgent one - 4.10 rubles. for one word;
  • Tariffs for the provision of telegrams are: in the case of regular and non-urgent 13 rubles. per word, urgent - 22 rubles;
  • For telegrams of other types, such as outside the category, extraordinary, they are paid for regular non-urgent in the amount of 85 rubles. per word;
  • Tariffs for telegrams, delivery of which is carried out to places of residence where there is no telegraph or telephone connection, as well as with the mark “registered”, are 40 rubles. for one word;
  • The cost of notification of delivery of telegrams by telegraph, for ordinary non-urgent ones, is 189 rubles. per word, urgent 231 rub. per word;
  • When registering, as well as re-registering the telegram delivery address, the subscriber pays 1,500 rubles. in a year.;
  • The price of telegrams with assurance is 281 rubles;
  • As for copies of telegrams that are issued upon application, their price is 84 rubles. for 100 words;
  • Telegrams written in Russian and Latin script are paid in the amount of 20 rubles. per word.

However, courts are wary of electronic documents and do not always accept them as proper evidence. This article contains five ways to ensure that the court accepts email correspondence as evidence in a case.

In what form is electronic correspondence submitted to the arbitration court?
There are no special requirements established by law. However, due to the fact that all evidence must be attached to the case (Articles 64, 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), we can conclude that electronic correspondence must be submitted on paper (determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2010 No. VAS-4481/10 ).

Preliminary measures to give e-mail the force of evidence

Electronic correspondence is a type of written evidence (clause 3 of article 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the Arbitration Procedural Code states that electronic messages can be classified as written evidence in the manner determined by law, agreement or the Supreme Arbitration Court (clause 3 of Article 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as amended by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 No. 228-FZ ). Therefore, the parties can individualize their electronic communications in advance so that they later become admissible evidence in the case. There are two ways to do this.

Method one: giving the correspondence legal force in the contract. Considering that counterparties have the right to determine the procedure for presenting written evidence independently (clause 3 of Article 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), they can give evidentiary force to electronic correspondence in advance.

To do this, they need to write down the appropriate condition in the contract (conclude an additional agreement) indicating the email addresses that will be used by the parties and those persons who will carry out such correspondence on behalf of the company.

In addition, as judicial practice shows, it would not be superfluous to indicate exactly what legal actions the parties agreed to carry out through electronic correspondence. In one of the disputes, a party to the case referred to the fact that in the questionnaire accompanying the agreement, the parties agreed on the use of e-mail indicating the address of the counterparty where documents should be sent. However, the arbitration court emphasized its position that “the email address was designated by the parties for work correspondence, and not for transferring the results of work” (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated January 12, 2009 No. KG-A40/12090-08).

Without indication in the contract of contact persons, email addresses and issues that the parties can agree on in this manner, the court most likely will not recognize electronic correspondence as admissible evidence in the case (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated February 27, 2010 No. KG-A41/531 -10). Judicial practice with the opposite position of the courts is extremely insignificant (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated June 28, 2010 No. F09-4726/10-S3).

Method two: using an electronic digital signature. An electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) is equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document (Clause 1, Article 1 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature”). Of course, its use is one of the most reliable ways to identify electronic messages.

If a company submits to the court an email that is signed with the digital signature of the other party, then it will not be necessary to establish the fact of sending and the authenticity of the email. But here it is important not to miss one detail: in the event of a dispute, the court may require the submission of a document that confirms the fact of agreement with the counterparty on the use of digital signature (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dated 03.03.09 No. F-04-1207/2009(1502-A46 -eleven)).

What to do if the plaintiff did not save the correspondence, and the counterparty deleted it on his computer?
A party may ask the court, in order to secure evidence, to request archived copies of electronic messages from the company that provides technical support for the mail server.

Proving in court using electronic correspondence

Documents received via e-mail are appropriate evidence and are subject to a comprehensive full assessment based on the totality of evidence, which is not contradicted by the information contained in the electronic correspondence of the parties (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated February 17, 2010 No. KG-A40/14784-09 ). The company will simply need to prove the authenticity and reliability of these letters. Here are some ways.

Method three: determining email details. As stated in Article 75 of the Arbitration Procedural Code, written evidence includes documents that allow us to establish the authenticity of the document, that is, that it was signed by the proper person, correctly reflects the date and place of preparation, the addressee and other necessary information. In one of the cases, the court determined the data that was needed to confirm the accuracy of the information. These included: email addresses of the recipient and sender, information about the time and date the email was sent, and the mail server from which the email was sent. Due to the lack of this data, the arbitration court did not accept printouts of electronic correspondence presented by the company as evidence (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated July 7, 2008 No. F08-3751/2008).

Method four: conducting an examination. The authenticity of electronic evidence can be established by a forensic examination. To do this, you will need to find an organization that conducts computer technical examination. You can turn to experts without waiting for a trial, or petition the court to conduct an examination (clause 1 of Article 82 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). Then the court will appoint an expert who will draw up an opinion and determine whether the correspondence really came from the parties to the case, establish its real content, time of departure and other data. The courts accept the expert report as evidence (resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated January 20, 2010 No. KG-A40/14271-09).

Method five: drawing up a notarial protocol. One of the reliable ways to legalize electronic evidence is to draw up a notarial protocol. Companies have been using this method more and more recently. According to the law, notaries have the right to inspect written and material evidence (Articles 102, 103 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries dated 02/11/93 No. 4462-I, hereinafter referred to as the Fundamentals). The company can provide the notary with access to the computer and mail server on which the correspondence is located. The notary will check the authenticity of the correspondence, determine whether it really came from the parties to the case, and draw up a protocol that will give the electronic correspondence the form necessary for judicial evidence. The emails themselves must be printed and filed with the protocol. Such a protocol will be proof that, on a certain date, the email data actually contained email messages received from certain addresses. It is important to remember here that a notary will be able to draw up such a protocol only before the start of proceedings in court (Article 102 of the Fundamentals).

Tamara Vorotyntseva – development director of the training company “BUSINESS PARTNER” (Moscow). Practicing business coach, author of the book “Building a Personnel Training System” and publications in business publications in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Creator of the Internet newsletter: “E-mail correspondence in business” on the server! The book is a practical guide for business people who actively correspond with clients and partners. It presents tools that will help make electronic communication effective, optimal in time and results, and most compliant with the norms and rules accepted in the modern business community. The author gives practical advice, illustrates his observations with real-life cases, and provides reasoned conclusions. The text of the book is rich in recognizable examples of real business correspondence. The author shares his observations, techniques, and “tricks” that can significantly affect the effectiveness and efficiency of a business email. If you are a business person and it is important for you to write promptly, concisely, competently, in accordance with the rules of good business manners, this book will become your reliable assistant.


When working with the fields “To” (“To”), “Cc” (“CC”), “Bcc” (“Bcc”), remember that this is an important part of the email that affects the further actions of the participants in the correspondence.

“To whom” (“That”). This field contains the address of the recipient to whom the letter and the information contained in it are directly addressed. The author of the letter is waiting for a response from the main recipient. If two recipients are placed in this field, then the author of the letter is waiting for a response from each or some of them (keep this in mind if your name is on the list of recipients). At the same time (if you are the sender), keep in mind that it is not very advisable to include more than one addressee in the “To” (“To”) field. A letter sent to several recipients may not receive a single response, since each will think that the other will answer.

If the letter is addressed to you, but contains copies of other recipients, be sure to use the “Reply ALL” button when replying! This will allow you to maintain the circle of recipients that the initiator of the correspondence designated.

“Copy” (“Cs”). IN In this field, place the addresses of recipients who, in your opinion, should be aware of correspondence on this issue. These recipients receive information only “for your information.” The CC recipient usually does not have to respond to the letter, but can do so if necessary.


If your name is in the “Cc” (“CC”) field, then when entering into correspondence, remember that there are situations when it is extremely important to be polite. Use the phrases: “Let me join the discussion,” or “Let me join your dialogue,” or “Let me express my opinion.”

"Blind carbon copy" ("Bcc"). This field is prohibited for use in some companies, as it is a tool that contradicts ethical standards of communication. The purpose of this field is to invite the recipient to become a “secret witness.”

If your business practice is to use this field in your work, consider the following. The BCC recipient remains invisible to the primary recipient and the BCC recipients. Sometimes it is useful for the sender and the “secret recipient” to have a preliminary agreement (or subsequent awareness) about the reason and purpose of this method of information.


The “hidden” recipient should absolutely not enter into correspondence from this field.