Unidentified mts number. How to hide a number on MTS for free, for one time, or activate a paid anti-AON service upon request - all methods

Nowadays, not a single person can do without many phone calls. We constantly communicate with relatives and friends, friends and neighbors, but sometimes it arises need to call a complete stranger. And here the question arises of the security of personal data and just peace of mind. Many organizations fix numbers And enter them into databases for sending advertisements in the future, and for what purpose will it be used? information received It is not always possible to predict another person. You can put up with advertising or get it removed from the database, but security issues are now quite acute, and sometimes you just don’t want to receive additional questions . That is why many began to be interested in how to make a hidden number on MTS and secure their data.

Telecom companies are well aware that people often want to keep their number secret. Operators have long offered special services for such clients, for example, you can hide your number on MTS. Using services allows you to get rid of the need to purchase separate or even “left” SIM cards and use communication in the usual way.

Options for how to hide a number on MTS

The security of personal data has come to the forefront with the development of technology. Most people protect not only their full name and document data, but also address and phone number . Staying in the shadows makes a person feel calmer. Therefore, many clients cellular networks and the question arises: “How to hide the number on MTS without changing the SIM card?” In fact, there are only two options:

  1. Using Settings phone. In most devices you can find a function transfer ban own number. There will be no charge for this, but there are absolutely no guarantees. Very often the number will be still be displayed at the called party.
  2. Connection additional services . When the question of how to hide a number on MTS is quite acute, you should pay attention to the services for this from the operator itself.

MTS subscribers to hide their number can use AntiAON and AntiAON services upon request. The simple AntiAON service will hide the number for all outgoing calls. When you need the number to be identified when calling a specific person, then before the subscriber’s number you will need to dial #31# .

AntiAON on request give a chance hide the number only when calling certain subscribers. After connecting it, all you need to do is dial #31# in front of the called person's phone and he won't see the number. Each number hidden will cost additional 2 rubles , which will be added to the cost of the call, and the service must first be activated.

Important! The company does not guarantee that the hidden MTS number will not be detected when calling subscribers who are connected to other operators. In practice, in most cases the service works correctly for any calls.

Activation of the MTS AntiAON service

Most quick way activate any of the AntiAON series services - contact the Internet assistant or application for service management from MTS. But you can also do this using USSD commands:

  • To enable the simple AntiAON service, you need to send a request *111*46# . The activation cost will be 17 rubles, but you will have to pay for the service per day another 3.95 RUR .
  • AntiAON is connected upon request using the command *111*84# . The cost of its connection will be 32 rubles, and every day the subscriber will pay 1.05 RUR. At the same time, the cost of each call with number identification prohibited will increase by 2 rubles .

Disabling the AntiAON service on MTS

The fastest way to deactivate the AntiAON service upon request is in Personal account . There you can also disable simple AntiAON. The latter can also be turned off with a USSD request *111*47# . After this, the number will always be determined, no matter how phone dialed called subscriber.

Is it possible to find out a hidden number on MTS

Often numbers are hidden by people who have very bad intentions towards the subscriber it might be useful to know , who is calling? In this case, there are two options to find out the hidden number:

  1. contact the police with a corresponding statement;
  2. use the service SuperAON from MTS.

SuperAON is expensive. For one activation you have to pay 200 rubles, and in the future also pay according 6.5 rubles per day. This allows us to guarantee more or less reliable operation of AntiAON and makes it possible in case drastic reasons identify the caller's number.

Everyone at least once in their life received a call on their phone from unknown subscriber, because instead of a number, the display displayed something like the words “Number hidden.” And some people themselves were puzzled by the question of how to make their calls anonymous. After all, it happens that you need to make a lot of calls and avoid a wave of callbacks, at the most various reasons. Or you’re just an introverted introvert, and you stubbornly don’t want to declassify your number...

This can be done using the Caller ID service. It is available to those MTS users for whom services are provided on a prepaid basis and is paid. The connection cost is 17 rubles if, according to the terms of your tariff, you do not make monthly payments, or 34 rubles, if the terms of the agreement are different.

How to activate the MTS hidden number service

You can activate the service by sending empty message to number 3011, or by dialing the combination * on your device 131# +"call". You can also do this by contacting the operator directly on 0890 if you have time to wait your turn, as the lines are often overloaded even at night. You will need to tell the operator the code word or passport details of the person to whom the phone is registered.

You also need to take into account that the service only applies to calls, that is, your number will be displayed in SMS messages. In addition, the service will not work if the subscriber you are calling has the service activated "Super Caller ID" or if you do not have enough money in your account to withdraw the daily service fee. As soon as you top up your account, the required amount will be withdrawn and the service will become active again.

If you want to active service"Caller ID" your number is displayed in a particular case, you need to dial the combination *31# before the number.

How to disable a hidden MTS number

If you wish disable this service , then deactivation can also be done quickly using one of the following methods:

1. Send an empty message to number 3012.

2. Dial the combination on your phone*132# +"call".

Please note that after canceling the service reactivation will be paid.

You can also use this service in individual cases without connecting it to permanent basis. In order to commit to someone the only anonymous call, just dial *34# before the subscriber’s number. A one-time service fee in the amount of 0.06 USD will be charged from your account.

When connected, each new client MTS automatically connects to the Caller ID service. At the same time, he is not even asked whether he wants this - the option is provided by default. Thanks to the service, a new client gets the opportunity to see the number of the person calling. This free option and you don’t need to connect it separately. However, there are a number of subscribers who want their number not to be displayed when calling - that is, they want to hide the number on MTS. Especially for such clients, the MTS operator has provided the ability to connect the AntiAON option. AntiAON option - the ability to hide your phone number when calling.

Does a hidden MTS number always work?

So, what is this service? A hidden number allows an MTS client to either allow or deny the identification of his own telephone number when making calls to any MTS telephone numbers home network. If the service is activated in a specific region, then the client can be guaranteed that his number will not be detected on the phones of MTS subscribers. After connecting a hidden number, the subscriber you are calling will display the message Number not defined.

It must be taken into account that the anti-determinant guarantees complete anonymity only if the subscriber calls an MTS phone in his region. When calling to another region and to a client of another network, in some cases the number is not hidden.

Let's explain the nuances of the provided option in more detail. That is, if the caller ID is activated, the called person will not see the caller's phone number. But for some, such a need to hide their number does not arise often. Then it is better to activate a one-time number identification ban. For this purpose, the AntiAON on request option has been developed. That is, the subscriber can use only one service in the current period of time: either a broader AntiAON, or an AntiAON on request.

Service cost Hide number

The cost of the service varies depending on the region.

In the Moscow region connecting to tariffs without a monthly subscription fee will cost 17 rubles, connecting to tariffs with subscription fee- 34 rubles. In addition, for using the service every day the client will be charged 3 rubles 95 kopecks
Bashkortostan connection will cost 15 rubles for any tariff, and the daily fee for using the service is 3 rubles 95 kopecks
Ekaterinburg The service is activated only for tariffs Super MTS, Guest, Red Energy, Maxi and costs 34 rubles for connection and 3 rubles 95 kopecks for daily use
Novosibirsk In addition to the daily fee of 3 rubles 95 kopecks, there is a fee for connecting to any tariff, which will cost 17 rubles
Vladivostok cost 15 rubles 95 kopecks for connection and 3 rubles 95 kopecks for daily use
Voronezh connection will cost 15 rubles, and the fee for use is 3 rubles 95 kopecks daily

How to hide MTS number

You can connect a hidden number in several ways:

  1. In your own way, managing services.
  2. Via convenient mobile app MTS service.
  3. By dialing *111*46# and the call button directly from your phone.

If you have activated the service, but you need your subscriber to recognize your phone number in the current call, you can allow your number to be identified once with Anti-AON activated. This can be done by dialing the number in the format: *31# +7xxxxxxxxxx, where +7xxxxxxxxxx is the 10-digit number being called.

How to disable the Hidden number service

You can disable a hidden number using the same services:

  1. In your own way, managing services.
  2. Via convenient modern application MTS service.
  3. By dialing the combination *111*47# and the call button from your gadget.

How to hide MTS number for one time

For everyone tariff plans, with the exception of the Cool tariff, you can connect an anti-identifier upon request, which allows you not to display your phone number on the next call.

You can connect a hidden number upon request:

  1. By dialing the combination *111*84# and the call button on your phone.

How to use

Using the service is very simple. If it is activated, your subscriber will see your number during any call. In order to prevent it from being seen once during an ongoing call, you need to dial a combination of numbers #31# +7called number. When this service is activated, each number dialed after this combination of numbers will be charged separately. You can cancel the use of AntiAon by sequentially dialing *31# +7xxxxxxxxxx (the number you are calling).

Cost of a one-time hidden number

It will not be possible to hide an MTS number for free, because when connecting, each MTS client is enabled by default with the Caller ID option, but the cost of hiding a number is not so high that you cannot use it. Hiding an MTS number for one time for residents of the Moscow region will cost 32 rubles. Every day for using the option a fee of 1 ruble 5 kopecks will be charged. For a one-time number identification ban for one call, an additional fee of 2 rubles per call will be charged.

How to disable a hidden number

How to disable a hidden MTS number? The option can be disabled using the same methods as above:

  1. After dialing the combination *111*84# and the call button from your phone.

How to see all hidden numbers on MTS

However, MTS has provided the opportunity to protect the interests of those people who, due to some of their activities, do not like to guess who is calling them. The service that allows you to see all hidden MTS numbers is called SuperAON. You can see numbers with this option enabled even with any other operators, no matter how they are protected. The numbers of those subscribers who have an anti-identifier or a similar option connected will be visible. The incoming number will be displayed absolutely normally in international format. The service does not work on the Cool tariff.

You can enable the option:

  1. Through convenient application My MTS.
  2. By dialing the combination *111*007# and the call button.

Cost of SuperAON

These are all comprehensive ways that allow a subscriber to hide a number on MTS when calling. If any technical operation is not performed on the phone for an unknown reason, you should contact MTS technical service at short number 0890. You only need to dial this number from a phone with an MTS SIM card, in this case the call will be free.

The Caller ID (Caller ID) service is activated free of charge by default for each subscriber and is activated the first time the phone is turned on. This option allows you to see the caller's details and saves this information even if the phone is switched off.

But if for some reason you want to hide your number on MTS when calling, you should use the AntiAON service. When you activate this option, your interlocutor will no longer be able to see your data and your number will not be identified to him even if it is written in the phone book.

MTS option “AntiAON on request”

You can hide your number once when calling another subscriber using the “Anti-AON on request” option (sometimes called one-time MTS Anti-AON). You can activate the option both online in your Personal Account and using the USSD command.

The cost of connecting to the service is 32 rubles, subscription fee per day is 1.05 rubles, and a one-time ban will cost 2 rubles for a successful call (i.e., payment is charged only if the connection has been established). In this case, the cost of the call itself is set by your tariff.

To activate the “Anti-AON on request” option, dial *111*84# or use your Personal Account on the MTS website.

In order to hide a number on MTS and make an anonymous call, dial the number of the called subscriber once with the prefix #31#+7. For example, if you want to call the number 89191234567, then you need to dial it like this: #31#+79191234567.

MTS "AntiAON" service

Unlike the previous one, the AntiAON service from MTS allows you to hide your number every time you call, constantly.

The cost of connecting the option is 35 rubles, and the daily subscription fee, regardless of whether you call or not, is 3.95 rubles.

You can activate the AntiAON service on MTS in two ways:

  • Online in your MTS Personal Account
  • Through Mobile menu using the command *111*46#

After connecting the anti-identifier, for all subscribers to whom you call, the message “Number not identified” will be displayed instead of your number.

If you have the anti-identifier feature enabled, but still want the subscriber to see your data, dial the code *31#+7, followed by the 10-digit number of the required phone number. For example, to call the number 89191234567, you need to call like this: *31#+79191234567.

You can disable the service completely and make it possible to determine your MTS number again by calling *111*47#.

It should be noted that even an anti-caller ID guarantees complete anonymity of the caller only if he dials the phone of an MTS subscriber. When calling a subscriber on another network, unfortunately, it is not always possible to hide the number using this option. Moreover, if your interlocutor has the “Super Anti-AON” service activated, then he will be able to find out the hidden number of any subscriber, including those using an anti-identifier.

It is possible to hide your number on MTS for free only if your phone has the appropriate settings. Select “Options” → “Call” from the menu, and then check the “Hide number” checkbox. However full guarantee that when calling, the called subscriber will display “ unknown number", in this case you don't have. The fact is that not all operators support such settings.

There are two types of questions on the Internet related to the need to hide your mobile number: how to hide it and how to see the hidden one incoming number. After all, the standard one, which works on all MTS tariffs by default, cannot do this. It can be assumed that there may be enough reasons for this: from work issues to simply the human desire to ensure anonymity. MTS took into account the wishes of private and corporate clients and offered their subscribers the “Caller ID” service.


Any subscriber can use this service mobile communications MTS. After activation, on the display of others mobile phones When you call, not the numbers of your number will be displayed, but a non-binding inscription: “The number is hidden.” You don't need to change any settings, just activate the service.


There are two options for connecting " ":

  • USSD code *111*46#“Call” button. After dialing these numbers, you will receive an SMS message within 24 hours confirming the activation of this service.
  • “Internet Assistant” on the MTS website. In order to use this method, you need to register on the portal, go to your page and select the AntiAON service from the operator’s numerous offers, and then activate it.

"Caller ID on request."

If you need to hide your number once, this is also possible. This service is called Caller ID on request and when activated, the caller's number is not displayed on any subsequent outgoing call.

  • You can also connect it through the “Internet Assistant” or via USSD code *111*84#“Call” button. In addition, you can allow your number to be displayed once without disabling the service. To do this you should dial *31#number mobile subscriber in the international standard and press the “Call” button.

Disabling the service.

Just dial the combination *111*47#“Call” button and no later than 24 hours later you will receive an SMS message with information about the cancellation of this service.


Perhaps the main disadvantage is that the service is only valid for MTS clients. For other subscribers mobile networks and city numbers, it may not work correctly and display the caller’s number. The second inconvenience is that the service is paid: money is withdrawn once, at the time of activation, and then, monthly, as a subscription fee. Cost varies depending on tariff package. Well, the third drawback is the human factor. If there are people who do not want their number to be seen by other subscribers, then there are also people who simply do not pick up the phone when receiving calls from hidden numbers. We recommend disabling the service

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