Inexpensive acoustics for home. Choosing a receiver and acoustics (budget hi-fi)

Almost everyone talked about the sound industry in the eighties of the last century. However, today this topic is discussed quite rarely. Publications about it can only be found in some specialized publications. But many of us are not even aware of the possibilities that modern audio technologies can provide.

Entertainment systems

For every person, home is a place where, after a hard day at work, he can relax by spending time reading books or watching TV. For many of us, it is no less pleasant to listen to our favorite music or enjoy watching a movie.

In order to get a complete feeling of comfort, you will need a good sound system. Of course, any technology has built-in speakers. However, they usually have low quality. This is why many people strive to purchase additional devices to output sound. What are the best

Requirement Criteria

How to choose a speaker system for home use? First of all, you need to decide why it is needed. Of course, good for a sensitive music lover and for an ordinary housewife is far from being an equivalent concept. After all, their needs are fundamentally different from each other.

In addition, you will need to make a realistic assessment of the capabilities of the premises. Even if it’s good, but with high power, it’s unlikely to be suitable for a small room of nine square meters.

That is why choosing speakers for your home is not an easy task. And when solving this issue, you will need to proceed not only from the parameters of the equipment that reproduces sound, but also from its key features. Don’t forget about your own preferences, as well as your personal financial capabilities.

Acoustic strips

Sound reproduction systems are divided into five groups. The first of them includes single-way acoustics, the second - two-way, etc. How to choose based on this parameter? For people who do not have any special needs or are simply deprived of an ear for music, it is quite enough to purchase a single-way system. All sounds from such speakers are emitted from only one speaker.

The best system is considered to be two-way. In it, one of the speakers reproduces the sounds of medium and low frequencies, and the second - high. This is a good speaker system for watching movies or listening to music, as it delivers deep bass separately. This uses a subwoofer. This is a speaker that reproduces the low frequency range audio frequencies. It has a fairly powerful speaker built into it.

Good for people with more refined musical taste - three-band. In it, high, mid and low frequencies are reproduced in separate speakers. This system allows you to hear smoother sound and more intelligible speech.


How to select speakers based on this parameter? Some buyers believe that the most powerful speakers allow you to get maximum volume. However, it is not. The power of the acoustics does not at all indicate the strength of the sound it produces.

This parameter indicates the mechanical reliability of the system. The higher it is, the more durable the speakers will be. When choosing acoustics, one nuance should be taken into account. It will be of better quality when the power of the speakers is higher than the same amplifier parameter.

Active and passive

The loudspeaker systems available on the market are divided into two types. The first one is active. IN similar system the amplifier is in the speaker. IN passive type it is located separately.

With an amplifier, you simply plug it into an outlet. At the same time, they immediately begin to produce sounds. Passive systems will not work this way. In order to hear sound from such speakers, you will need to connect an amplifier. Simply put, active speakers work like regular computer speakers. The passive system is similar in its operating principle to headphones that are not plugged into an outlet.

Speaker systems with amplifier active type have a big advantage. It lies in the ease of use. In this regard, the entire system is quite mobile. It is easy to put it in another place or unmount it. Another plus active acoustics is that each of its bands, that is, the speaker, has a separate amplifier, at the output of which there are crossover filters. They are also active. This filter is easy to adjust. And this allows you to get high-quality sound.

An important criterion when choosing is a wider frequency range active system, as well as the presence of a volume control on the speakers, which is very convenient during operation.

The second type of system also has some advantages. First of all, they lie in their relatively low cost. Wherein passive systems, as a rule, are more powerful than active ones, and they can always be combined with an amplifier available in the house. In addition, such speakers do not need to be supplied with a linear signal and voltage.


A good speaker system capable of reproducing the loudest sounds has high sensitivity. This indicator is measured in decibels. Their number determines the sound pressure that the speakers are capable of exerting on the surrounding space. The higher the sensitivity value, the louder the sound. Speakers that have given value equals 85 decibels.


This parameter is also important for those who are interested in a good speaker system. A person is able to hear only those sounds that are in certain range. It ranges from 20 to 20,000 Hertz. In this case, the frequencies are distributed as follows:

Low, ranging from 10 to 200 Hertz;
- medium - from 200 to 5000 Hertz;
- high - from 5000 to 20000 Hz.

Speaker system purchased for home theater, can have a frequency in the range of 100-20000 Hertz. Music lovers are recommended speakers with large interval. The best for them will be speaker systems with frequencies from 20 to 35,000 Hz.

Type of shell

On this parameter you should also pay attention when choosing speaker system. The most popular are closed-type and bass-reflex speakers. The body of the first of them is the simplest. It can have a variety of designs and satisfy the tastes of various categories of buyers.

However, in a closed space, the lower resonance frequency increases significantly. This negatively affects the transmission of low frequencies. In this regard, most speaker systems use a bass-reflex type housing.
It is an open box with perfectly selected dimensions. There is a vent in the cabinet that directs sound from the back of the speakers to the front. This allows you to significantly enhance the bass volume.


On sale you can find speakers made of plastic, wood and chipboard. Each of these materials has its own advantages. Thus, plastic allows you to implement the most daring design solutions. It is quite cheap and light. However, the sounds reproduced by such speakers are much simpler. This is due to plastic rattling at high frequencies. Such speakers usually find their use when using a computer. They are not suitable for watching movies. In such cases, the most the best option There will be an acoustic system made in a wooden case.

For those who have opted for plastic, it is recommended to select speakers without sharp corners, edges and wide panels, as well as having a high-quality, reliable assembly.


For a small room, ceiling speakers are suitable. They are quite compact, have a low cost and provide good sound. Their main disadvantage is shallow bass. In addition, ceiling speakers have low sensitivity. To produce loud sound you only need 40 watts of power.

Good for the hall - rack-mounted. It is larger in size than the ceiling one, but at the same time provides sufficient depth of low frequencies.
Very convincing bass sounds thanks to floor-standing speakers. It's also a great hall speaker system that can shake the floor of the room. These speakers give out good sound and do not need a super-powerful amplifier.

However, the size of the speakers is the main reason why they need to be anchored to the floor to eliminate additional cabinet vibrations. Moreover, when for better sound Such speakers are moved away from the walls, the space they occupy increases significantly. Such acoustic systems can be quite massive and attract attention. And their cost is not so small.

Professional equipment

According to some lovers of good music, such audio systems are of the highest quality. However, in reality everything is different. Professional acoustic systems do not get their name from their advantageous differences in certain parameters. They are simply used to carry out activities related to sound reproduction.

Professional acoustic systems do not have any design frills, and expensive materials are not used in their manufacture. Their main difference from amateur speakers is the use of certain elements that can withstand constant load. After all, such systems operate in stores or fitness clubs constantly, during the entire working time. In addition, professional speakers have great power. It is this that allows them to voice a fairly vast space.


Those who want to purchase the best speaker system and have sufficient funds should consider the equipment of those manufacturers who are leaders in the sound reproduction equipment market. And first of all, I would like to say about the company Bowers & Wilkins (B&W). On the list the best manufacturers acoustic systems, it rightfully occupies one of the first places. The company specializes in producing the most advanced home theater systems. At the same time, she offers her clients only the best acoustics that perfectly reproduce any music. Such systems are not cheap. However, with their help you can hear almost perfect sound.

The ranking of the best manufacturers continues with Rotel equipment. It originated as a small family business, and today it is a reputable company that professionally deals with audio equipment. Reviews from consumers who bought its equipment for home use confirm the high quality of the devices. In addition, the company produces audio systems that are suitable for buyers with different income levels.

Yamaha offers affordable and high-quality speakers. This Japanese manufacturer knows a lot more than just speaker systems. Some branches of the company also produce classical and other musical instruments, which are highly valued by consumers all over the world.

Jamo audio equipment is also well known to many users. The speakers it produces are of high quality and are in different price categories.

Brands such as JBL, Magnat, Dali and HECO also produce products that are worthy of their sound.

Hi-Fi and Hi-End class acoustic systems different from others highest quality sound. However, in order to maximize their potential, the entire tract audio equipment must be of the appropriate class, including switching. Therefore, if you bought a Hi-Fi speaker and connected it to old equipment budget segment, then there can be no talk of any quality. It will be noticeable by ear that the system has potential, but this is still far from the level that the speakers are capable of. Before buying a Hi-Fi or Hi-End class speaker system, you need to carefully consider the entire path of the equipment that you are going to purchase and how to connect it. The leading leaders in the production of acoustic systems of this class are:,.

The lion's share of home speaker systems high class are passive due to the fact that at home there is no need to use active speakers. The advantage of active acoustics is that it is somewhat easier to switch, and there is basically no problem with selecting the optimal amplifier, since the amplifiers are already built-in, as in the example of the model. However, the disadvantage active speakers The problem is that the higher their power, the more amplifiers are subject to vibrations, which, over long-term use, can damage radio elements. Therefore, for a household Hi-Fi system it is better to buy passive speakers, since at home they are the most optimal and durable. The passive analogue of the above system is the model.

Before purchasing, you should be guided by the technical specifications. This mainly concerns the rated power of the speakers, impedance, frequency range and sound pressure. It is better to prefer power with some reserve, with the expectation that the system should not operate at the limit of its capabilities. The resistance is selected in conjunction with the parameters of the amplifier. When paying attention to the frequency range, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the human ear perceives sound approximately in the region from 20 Hz of the lower threshold to 20 kHz of the upper threshold. Accordingly, the closer the indicators are (or even wider), the better.

Connecting passive acoustics mainly requires the use of high quality speaker cables. There are several connection types:

  • traditional;
  • bi-wiring;
  • biamping;
  • triamping.

Traditional connection speaker connection assumes a generally accepted connection, which is used to switch the lion's share of speaker systems using a double cable.

Bi-wiring connection carried out in cases where the speaker system has two independent pairs of terminals. One pair supplies a signal to the low-frequency section, the second to the mid/high-frequency section. In this case, there are already two speaker cables per speaker.

Biamping connection It works on the same principle as bi-wiring, however, the amplifier in this case has two independent outputs, that is, to the LF and MF/HF sections separately. Or, two independent amplifiers are used.

Triamping connection is the rarest and is used exclusively in Hi-End systems. In this case, three power amplifiers are used for the LF, MF and HF sections and are connected by three speaker cables.

Buy a speaker system

Before you buy Hi-Fi acoustic system, we recommend that you contact our managers, who in turn will give professional advice and select best option acoustics tailored to your preferences. Also, you can always place an order through the shopping cart by filling out simple form on our website. When purchasing any product from our company, you receive the best price offer and official guarantee from the manufacturer.

The company is a leading specialist in high-quality audio and video equipment. All company products are official, certified and with a quality guarantee.

Given your budget, it is better to consider the option of a regular stereo Hi-Fi, and even in this case it will most likely have to be increased. By at least You will not experience severe disappointment from a bunch of useless boxes cluttering up the room, which you will not even want to turn on after a short time.

Mordaunt Short, Carnival 2 front, Carnival 5 center, Carnival 1 rear.

In principle, an option that has a right to exist and sounds quite decent in small living rooms. I can only draw a conclusion based on the nature of its sound. individual components in stereo (I haven’t heard it in a set, but based on many years of experience I can make a fairly confident guess). BUT:

Connect it to cheap Yamahas, Denons, etc. means simply throwing money away;

They require the purchase of acoustic stands (required!) and placement of at least the fronts in a sufficient free field (at least 20 cm from the rear wall (FI for the speakers in the front) and about 30 cm from the sides, and preferably 40-50 cm). For the rear junior Carnival, this parameter is leveled to a minimum and, in principle, they can be mounted on the wall;

It is necessary to connect ALL speakers of this set, with the exception of the subwoofer, with high-quality speaker cables with the so-called. "silver-plated" conductors, such as the QED Silver series. OFC copper will give some lack of air at the HF and they will sound aggressive, with a tendency to lisp (these speakers are very sensitive to the quality of the cables);

The minimum receiver for this kit is the Cambridge CXR120;

The set needs subwoofer support for cinema, but the proposed sub (Carnival 7) is better to bypass the tenth road, look towards the initial REL, you can easily buy it on the secondary.

As a result, you will get a good seamless covering of a room of 20-24 sq.m. in a movie with a fairly good implementation of surround effects, but in a small comfort zone (for about a couple of people on the couch), the playback level of a regular stereo is the same as that of a good budget Hi-Fi system (it’s better to turn off the sub, or immediately set its cutoff frequency to no higher than 70 Hz and carefully phase with the fronts). If we consider from the point of view of budgetary costs, then the option of a recreation center for the living room, taking into account racks, cables, receiver and speakers, will cost approximately from 200 tr., cheaper options are a waste of money and a sea of ​​​​disappointment, which can “delight” only inexperienced teenagers and extremely unpretentious consumers who buy a DC on the “shob bulo” principle, for half the amount you can buy a good stereo setup with a much more predictable and high-quality result.

If you are potentially not ready to make such expenses, then it is better to focus on a soundbar or so-called. DK "out of the box", i.e. fully ready-made kits from one manufacturer. At least you will experience less disappointment and save money.

A common mistake when comparing speaker systems is to place too much emphasis on the stated frequency range. In the technical specifications of many budget speakers the range of reproduced frequencies is indicated from 20 Hz to 20 kHz or even more, although more expensive acoustics may have a more modest range indicated.

The mere ability of a speaker to reproduce certain frequencies does not mean anything. It is important how evenly in volume and with what distortions the sounds will be reproduced on different frequencies, compared to the signal they received at the input. Therefore, if you really want to understand what frequencies and how exactly a particular speaker system can reproduce, look for its amplitude-frequency response (AFC) - a graph that shows how correctly (quieter or louder compared to the input signal) ) certain frequencies are reproduced.

There are many different acoustic systems produced in the world, and each of them has its own “sound signature”. And it’s not just a matter of frequency response, there are others important parameters. Unfortunately, write in simple words or it is impossible to summarize the description of the sound of a particular speaker into a clear and small table. But you can give a few useful tips.

When choosing speaker systems, you must first of all be guided by the parameters of the room in which the speaker systems will be installed, and the recommended amplifier power in combination with the specified impedance. Be sure to check minimum level acoustic impedance acceptable for your amplifier.

If you want to clarify how loud a particular speaker system can produce, pay attention to the “sensitivity” parameter. It shows what sound pressure (in dB) the system produces from a distance of 1 m with an input power of 1 W. Doubling the power will result in a 3 dB increase in sound pressure. For example, if the acoustics have a sensitivity of 88 dB/W/m, then when applying a power of 4 W we will get a sound pressure of 94 dB at a distance of 1 m. Some manufacturers list sensitivity based on a 2.83V applied voltage rather than 1W power. In this case, for comparison, 3 dB should be subtracted from the indicated number.

Finally, it is recommended to listen to the selected speakers yourself. Fortunately, listening rooms in specialized stores are not uncommon. If this is not possible, try to find the most detailed review, telling how exactly this acoustic system sounds. Even better if this is a comparison of several models of the same class.

When listening, it is advisable to use equipment that is as close in parameters as possible to what you have at home - the same class and preferably the same manufacturer, and it is also important that the listening takes place in a similar room. All speakers sound different when used with different equipment. To the audition, bring with you the music that you usually listen to and know well. This is the only way you can find exactly “your” speakers.

Home acoustics have long become a common part of everyday life, and the variety of offers is the most different manufacturers often discourages buyers. A high price does not always guarantee good quality and realistic sound. The best speakers are selected for a specific room, taking into account its characteristics. All systems, depending on the installation location, can be divided into shelf, floor, wall and built-in. The rating according to the portal presents the best acoustics, divided into price groups. Each of them highlights the best models in their class.

To choose the best speaker system for your home, you need to consider the following:

  1. Features of the room. This is the area, shape, arrangement of furniture and interior items, purpose. For rooms less than 18 sq. m use bookshelf acoustics. For more spacious rooms, it is better to use floor-standing acoustics. If you are purchasing a sound system for a bathroom or bathhouse, then the best solution there will be moisture-proof or heat-resistant built-in acoustics.
  2. Amplitude-frequency response. Buyers are often misled by the frequency range, which in cheap models can be even wider than in the best system. Much more important is how accurately the frequencies are reproduced. The acoustics manual should have a graph showing these characteristics.
  3. Sensitivity. The indicator displays the possible sound volume depending on the supplied power.
  4. Real sound. What is written in the documentation does not always correspond to reality. In addition, sound preferences are individual, and you may simply not like the way your favorite music sounds in the most branded hi-fi acoustics. Be sure to check the sound before purchasing.
  5. Number of channels. The choice depends on the purpose of the speaker system. For music, 2-channel stereo systems are more suitable, and for realistic immersion in the plot of the film, it is better to purchase 5.1 and higher systems.
  6. Design and materials. Because the hi-fi acoustics is, among other things, part of the interior, then appearance, especially for expensive models, matters. But remember that the materials are the best in sound acoustic speakers will not necessarily be natural. It is important to avoid reflection of sound from the surface of the material.

Budget options

The rating of the best home speaker systems according to the portal begins with budget models worth up to 10 thousand rubles. For this money you can choose quite good-sounding acoustics for both home theater and for listening to music of any style.

1. SVEN HT-210

This bookshelf speakers from a Finnish manufacturer with the ability to install on a wall. The best 5.1 speaker system in the budget category is perfect for a home theater; it includes 5 satellites and a subwoofer.

The package includes an optical cable and mounting hardware for wall mounting.

Basic specifications systems:

  • there are 2 front, 2 rear speakers, a center channel and a subwoofer;
  • power of speakers and center channel 15 W, subwoofer 50 W;
  • one-piece closed body;
  • active acoustics;
  • reproduced frequencies 40-20 thousand Hz;
  • There is a slot for a memory card, bluetooth, radio.
  • functionality: ability to save settings in memory, read files from USB media and memory cards;
  • Availability large number connectors that allow you to connect to different equipment;
  • good AHF performance, especially at mid frequencies;
  • there is a remote control;
  • compactness with good quality sound, ease of installation.

Cons: none found.

Price: 7540 rubles.

Prices for SVEN HT-210:

2.BBK MA-970S

Inexpensive active bookshelf speakers 5.1 with very voluminous speaker cabinets.

Has a built-in decoder for converting stereophonic sound into multi-channel.


  • loudspeakers are made of MDF;
  • consists of two front and rear speakers, a center channel and a subwoofer;
  • power of speakers and center channel 40 W each, subwoofer 80 W;
  • two-way front and center speakers;
  • frequency range from 20 to 20 thousand Hz.
  • short wires for connecting speakers.

Price: 9580 rub.

Prices for BBK MA-970S:

The acoustics set for multi-channel systems consists of two rear and one center speakers.


  • bookshelf acoustics with the ability to mount on a wall;
  • range 80-30,000 Hz;
  • passive type;
  • body material MDF;
  • sensitivity of rear speakers 90 dB, rear 91 dB.

  • compactness;
  • two-way speakers with magnetic protection;
  • convenient wall mounting;
  • good sound for its price.

Cons: none found.

Price: 7780 rub.

Prices :

Average price category

More serious models are presented here, the price of which ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. This category contains speaker systems that can satisfy the more demanding needs of amateurs. high-quality sound. But at the same time, their price is quite affordable.

Passive speaker system with front floorstanding speakers from a well-known manufacturer of audio equipment and electronics.


  • consists of two front, two rear speakers and a center;
  • front sensitivity 83 dB, rear 81.5 dB, and center 88 dB;
  • frequencies from 40 to 30 thousand Hz;
  • cases are made of MDF;
  • 3-way front speakers and 2-way center.
  • high-quality sound from front speakers with good low frequencies;
  • mounting brackets included;
  • compact size;
  • high quality of assembly and materials;
  • stylish design.
  • low quality wires included in the kit;
  • there is no subwoofer, which leads to insufficient bass reproduction;
  • weak rear speakers and center.

Price: 20990 rub.

Prices :

Bookshelf acoustics 5.1 s active subwoofer Ideal for a home theater in a not very large room.

The system has a stylish design and a white glossy varnish finish.


  • includes two bookshelf rear and front speakers and an active subwoofer;
  • frequency 45-20 thousand Hz;
  • 2-way speakers;
  • 200 W subwoofer;
  • sensitivity 86 dB.

  • high sound quality in a compact size;
  • wall mounts included;
  • The kit includes gold-plated connectors;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • magnetic shielding.

Cons: none found.

Price: 35,990 rub.

Prices :

High-quality acoustics for the home with an active subwoofer.

It is possible to adjust the level and phase of the bass boost, which allows you to increase the bass by 3 dB.


  • consisting of two 2-way rear and front speakers, a center and a subwoofer with a power of 200 W;
  • bookshelf type speakers;
  • frequencies from 35 to 20000 Hz;
  • sensitivity 86 dB;
  • gloss black finish.

  • high-quality surround sound;
  • easy connection thanks to color-coded cables;
  • Convenient brackets for wall mounting included;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • dual driver center channel for clearer voices;
  • magnetic shielding.

Cons: none found.

Price: 14800 rub.

Prices :

These are passive acoustics with compact speakers and a subwoofer. Bose speakers are the most expensive in this price range.

Even at high volumes, low frequencies are reproduced by the subwoofer without audible distortion.


  • 4 single-way compact speakers weighing just over a kilogram;
  • finishing with black or white glossy plastic;
  • bookshelf acoustics with the ability to mount on a wall.

  • magnetic protection;
  • powerful drivers providing surround sound;
  • Possibility of mounting on a wall or special racks;
  • compactness.

Price: 39990 rub.

Prices :

Top class acoustics

The final section of the rating of the best home speaker systems according to the portal presents models costing more than 40 thousand rubles. If you are not very limited in funds and want to purchase hi-end equipment, take a closer look at the following models.

This active bookshelf soundbar can be used to create 3.1 and 5.1 systems in combination with satellites and a subwoofer from the same brand. Or you can simply use it as a standalone soundbar for your TV. The acoustics are aimed specifically at watching movies; they are not very suitable for listening to music.

Wi-Fi support and 2 Ethernet ports allow you to control the system using mobile application, combine equipment into a group, configure both the system as a whole and additional speakers.


  • shelf or wall placement;
  • digital optical input;
  • separate amplification on each speaker;
  • Internet radio support;
  • automatic sound equalization.

  • easy connection and setup;
  • can be combined with Sonos speakers and subwoofer via wireless connection;
  • Great for gaming and watching movies.
  • There are not enough low frequencies, for full sound it is better to purchase at least a subwoofer.

Price: 71,000 rubles.

Prices :

2.KEF E305

System 5.1 with original design and the unusual shape of the speakers.

Use of original technologies, such as aluminum diffuser and magnetic system high level, reducing distortion, vents in the tweeter, and new version emitter allows you to achieve the most natural sound and presence effect.


  • passive system with active subwoofer;
  • frequency range 33-45000 Hz;
  • shelf mount with the ability to install on special racks;
  • sensitivity 86 dB;
  • 250 W amplifier built into the Class-D subwoofer.

  • high-tech system with realistic sound;
  • compactness and original design.

Cons: none found.

Price: 88200 rub.

Prices for KEF E305:

Another acoustics from Bose for home theater with powerful compact speakers.

Bose's most powerful speaker system with new speakers delivers big, rich sound for large rooms.


  • passive 5.1 system with active subwoofer;
  • power of front and rear speakers 50 W;
  • powerful 200 W subwoofer with two low-frequency drivers;
  • single-way speakers;
  • shelf mount with the ability to install on special racks.

  • high power with compact dimensions;
  • ability to adjust the level of low frequencies;
  • Possibility of mounting close to the wall.
  • lack of fastenings included;
  • Inconvenient to install, lots of wires.

Price: 89990 rub.

Prices :

4. Jamo S 628 HCS

Premium 5.0 speaker system from the Danish brand.

The model provides a Bi-Wiring connection, in which high- and low-frequency emitters are connected separately. This allows you to achieve greater detail in the sound.


  • passive system;
  • case material MDF, different colors are possible;
  • floor standing 3-way front speakers;
  • bookshelf 2-way rear speakers;
  • sensitivity 87 dB;
  • front speaker power 150 W;
  • rear and center speaker power 80 W;
  • frequency range 37-20 thousand Hz.
  • high-quality sound;
  • Possibility of use in spacious rooms up to 50 sq.m.
  • lack of wall mounts included;
  • For better low-frequency sound, it is advisable to additionally purchase a subwoofer.

Price: 64990 rub.

Prices for Jamo S 628 HCS:

Choosing the best home speaker system is not easy due to the wide range of prices and the mass of offers from different brands. You don’t want to overpay unreasonably and, at the same time, you need to purchase the option that will create a realistic and rich home theater sound. Be guided by the rating according to the portal, which presents the best acoustics from each price category.