TV tuner 134a does not turn on. Satellite tuner does not work

Almost all modern receivers satellite television equipped with a scoreboard displaying the progress of their work. If the device does not turn on for some reason, the error code that has occurred is displayed on this small display. You can compare it with a special table in the equipment instructions and understand how to proceed. The situation is more complicated with earlier models of consoles, for example, with the gs 8306. They do not have a display. Instead, there are several LED indicators. Therefore, in a situation where the Tricolor gs 8306 receiver does not turn on, it is quite difficult to find out the causes of the problem. Let's try to figure out how to act in this case.

Screening out the most banal options

When the set-top box refuses to turn on, we inevitably immediately begin to think about the worst - the device is completely out of order. But before you panic, it's worth checking the most commonplace and simple options failure:

  • disruption of physical connection;
  • power supply failure.

These little things should be diagnosed in any case, but first of all - if the gs 8306 does not turn on and the power indicator on it does not light up.

Checking the remote control

So, first of all, you should check the functionality of the set-top box control panel. Perhaps there is some damage to it, or the batteries are simply dead. If there is more than one receiver in the house, you should try to start a non-working set-top box using a different remote control. In any case, you need to make sure that this device is working properly.

Important! If the remote control breaks down, the subscriber can replace it with a new one by contacting the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased. There you can usually diagnose and repair the device.

Checking wires

The next common reason that the GS 8306 receiver does not work is a breakdown in its physical connection to the power source. The connector to which the wire from the outlet fits may have become loose, or the plug may have been damaged. Or maybe the wire itself has broken or broken in some place - this often happens in apartments where there are pets. The socket could also simply fail, for example, due to a voltage drop. All this needs to be checked:

  • make sure the cable is intact;
  • reconnect the power wires so that they fit tightly to the connector;
  • try plugging the receiver into a known working outlet.

All detected faults must be corrected.

Checking the power supply

The receiver of the model we are considering does not have a built-in power supply - it is brought out separately and connected to the power plug. You must ensure that this device is working and not damaged. You can diagnose the power supply or go the other way - connect it to the set-top box knowingly good block power supply and check its functionality.

Important! It is necessary to check the physical connection and power supply if the receiver often turns off or when you turn it on from the button on the panel, not two, but only one light comes on.

More complex options

After the most common causes of the problem have been checked, you can move on to more complex options. Let’s make a reservation right away - this should only be done if the user has the skills to repair such equipment and the appropriate tools. At a minimum you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • soldering iron

If the subscriber is not familiar with the principles of the device digital equipment, you should immediately contact the service or a trusted technician.

Crashes after update

Most often, users complain that after the update the gs 8306 receiver does not turn on. The LEDs light up, but not steadily, but blink randomly. This behavior of the device indicates that there is a failure in its firmware.

The most common reasons for this situation are factors such as:

  • turning off the power while downloading an update;
  • voltage drop when loading new software;
  • Incorrect implementation of the firmware procedure not from the satellite, but from other sources.

In some cases, the user may not notice a violation of the update process. For example, if during loading the light blinked or the contact in the USB connector, where the flash drive with the new software was inserted. This cannot be detected by the naked eye, but sensitive equipment reacts instantly. As a result, serious repair work has to be carried out.

Important! You should begin repairs if, after completing the update, the gs 8306 does not turn on, the power indicator is on, and the remaining LEDs on the panel do not light up at all or blink chaotically.

Repair instructions

Repairing a faulty receiver will consist of three stages:

  • power check;
  • establishing the performance of the processor;

Let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

Important! It should be understood that do-it-yourself repair the receiver deprives the subscriber of the warranty from the Tricolor service center.

Power check

We already talked at the beginning of the article about checking the power supply supplied with the set-top box. But its serviceability does not guarantee that the device receives the necessary energy. The power supply, as a supplier of electricity, can work normally. But in the receiver itself, breakdowns of the elements to which this electricity is supplied are possible. As a result of such breakdowns, the Tricolor TV gs 8306 receiver does not turn on.

How to test? There are several controllers installed on the device board, each of which is equipped with a choke. The operating voltage of the corresponding controller is indicated on the top of the inductor. When checking the controller with a tester, this voltage must match the readings of the test device. If the tester produces different values ​​on one of the controllers, it must be removed and a new one soldered in.

CPU check

Let's assume that everything is fine with the food. Why then does the Tricolor TV gs 8306 set-top box not turn on? The reason may lie in processor malfunctions. You can check this version as follows:

  • find a memory dump on the board;
  • use a tester to find out which leg of the microcircuit the data output is on;
  • install the oscilloscope probe on this leg;
  • check the readings.

The instrument must determine whether the processor is reading data from memory. If this does not happen, there are two options - replacing the processor or purchasing a new set-top box.

Reflashing the device

If the power supply and processor in the set-top box are working normally, then the problem is a software failure. In this case, the most reasonable option is to unsolder the memory chip from the receiver and flash it again. You can upload known working firmware to the card from your computer using a special adapter. Once the update is complete, the chip is soldered into place.

Important! You can also try flashing it from a known working console, if possible.

If all the steps described above do not help, there is only one way out - replacing the receiver through an official dealer.

Problems with television broadcasting arise as a result of incorrect operation of the equipment. Mostly it fails satellite tuner. To determine why the Tricolor TV receiver does not turn on, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis. When the reason for the device’s incorrect operation is determined, you can begin to solve the problem.

Malfunctions of the Tricolor TV receiver appear as a result mechanical damage and software glitches. Often the equipment does not turn on due to the following reasons:

  • Malfunctions in the operation of power system elements;
  • The TV is switched to another connector;
  • Preventative work carried out by the satellite TV operator;
  • Incorrect operation of the antenna;
  • The signal is not converted in the converter;
  • Interrupted coaxial cable or the F-connector is faulty;
  • Software glitches;
  • Technical malfunctions of the receiver;
  • The remote control is broken remote control satellite tuner.

What to do if the receiver does not turn on? There is absolutely no need to order service. Each user is able to diagnose equipment at home and fix the problem. Even without special knowledge and professional tools, you can evaluate the performance of individual links or the entire signal supply chain from the satellite dish to the receiver.

Special signs before diagnosis

Repairing the receiver yourself requires that the user adhere to professional recommendations. Elementary concept of operating principle electrical diagram and the power supply system is more than enough. Service centers often delay the restoration of equipment. Therefore, it makes sense to try to fix the breakdown yourself.

If you decide to disassemble the receiver, then you need to familiarize yourself with all symbols, which you will find on the hardware modules.

Triangle with exclamation point

This marker can be considered synonymous with the word security. If you disconnect or replace components with this designation, then there is a high risk that the receiver will stop working or will not be able to perform certain functions in the future.

Triangle with lightning

This marker represents a threat. Lightning symbolizes danger. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out various manipulations associated with the hardware components of this group as carefully as possible. The danger relates specifically to the health of the user, and not to the performance of the equipment. Therefore, you must first turn off the power to the receiver.

English letter i

An information marker that warns that any manipulation may provoke subsequent incorrect operation receiver. Therefore, first check the integrity of the cable, as well as the correct connection. Only after this can you begin to disassemble the equipment, having previously identified the incorrectly functioning module.

Troubleshooting power issues

If the Tricolor receiver does not turn on, then you need to start checking with the power system:

  • Diagnosis of power supply performance;
  • Checking that the power adapter is correctly connected to the network;
  • Be sure to make sure that the cable of the set-top box does not move away from the connector;
  • Check the position of the switch; it is possible that the receiver is simply turned off.

Older models of satellite tuners are equipped with an external power supply. The source of the problem may be a failure of this particular module. To enjoy Tricolor TV again, you just need to purchase a new power adapter and connect it to the set-top box.

New equipment models have a built-in power supply system. All modules are located inside the console body. This significantly increases the level of complexity of repairs. It is possible that power is not supplied due to insufficient capacity. Quite often, defects occur in diode sections.

The power supply also does not last forever. After prolonged use of the device, this module may fail due to natural wear and tear. During the repair process, the user will have to replace the capacitor if it is swollen. Immediately after disassembling the case, it is necessary to identify the power supply. Disconnect this component from all microcircuits and boards. When all cables and connecting elements are disconnected, you can begin to replace faulty parts.

List of required equipment:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • Soldering Station;
  • New component;
  • Soldering flux.

It is necessary to buy a new component only after you have disassembled the case. For example, if you are replacing a capacitor, then buy a part of the same capacity. Do not forget that if you do not follow such nuances, compatibility problems may appear in the future.

When damaged hardware module dismantled, solder a new component in its place. Accurately follow the layout of components, take into account absolutely all boundaries.

Repairing the power supply will restore power supply. The first sign that the problems in the power system have been resolved is that the indicators will start blinking. If the receiver does not turn on, but there is an indication, then this indicates a completely different breakdown.

Receiver technical problems

In system satellite television broadcasting The tuner acts as a link that ensures signal reception and transmission of the video stream. Why doesn't the Tricolor TV receiver turn on? This equipment may be subject to software errors and technical issues. Don't forget that the device comes with a 1-year warranty. If it has not expired, then contact the Tricolor TV customer support center.

If the receiver does not turn on and the warranty is no longer valid, then you need to conduct diagnostics yourself to determine the cause of the equipment failure. Mostly all faults are displayed in the form of certain errors. This allows you to quickly identify the problem node. An error code appears on the TV screen or receiver display.

Now let's analyze the most common mistakes. They are mainly characteristic of the following receiver models:

  • DRE 5000, 7300, 5001;
  • DRS 5003;
  • GS 7300, 8300, 8300N, 8300M.

It is possible that errors will appear on other equipment models.

The most common software failure is the display of the satellite tuner blinking. This error indicates a failure of the power supply. Mostly the component burns out as a result of voltage surges. You can prevent premature failure of a part by using surge protector or voltage stabilizer.

Quite often the following message appears on receiver displays: "Boot". This error code may indicate the following problems:

  • Software glitches that can be resolved by flashing the tuner;
  • Incorrect operation of the motherboard or complete failure of the microcircuit.

You can reflash the receiver yourself. Download the software for your receiver model. Remember that installation new firmware will void the warranty. If after flashing the problem does not go away, then you need to replace the motherboard.

Changing the motherboard yourself is extremely difficult. It is more rational to entrust this type of repair to specialists. Because replacing the motherboard will require experience in servicing satellite TV equipment.

If all the indicators light up and absolutely nothing happens, then this is a sign of a software failure. As with the inscription "Boot", this may also indicate a failure of the motherboard. To reliably determine the nature of the malfunction, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive diagnostics and disassemble the equipment.

First, the functionality of the power supply is checked, if everything is in order, then it is replaced motherboard. In some situations, failure of the motherboard is accompanied by failure of other microcircuits. This will significantly increase the cost of equipment restoration. Therefore, it is easier to buy a new receiver.

An error has appeared on the tuner display “Short circuit! Check antenna cable. This text indicates short circuit. Several areas may be damaged at once. Let's look at the diagnostic process step by step:

  1. Disconnect the antenna cable; if the inscription does not disappear, then you need to check the functionality of the converter, dish and power cord.
  2. Disconnect the wire from the converter to make sure that its contacts are not short-circuited.
  3. If after disconnecting the wire the error does not disappear, this indicates a breakdown of the tuner unit.

There is nothing complicated about this. You can carry out the diagnosis yourself.

Another error is accompanied by the appearance of an error on the tuner display "ER31". This failure is a consequence of the failure of the motherboard.

The receiver does not respond to the remote control

Sometimes the Tricolor TV set-top box does not turn on from the remote control. In this case, you can turn on the tuner from the manual toolbar. If all actions are performed correctly, then the receiver will be turned on. Why does the remote control break? First you need to change the batteries. Is the problem still there? Then you need to look for a solution after disassembling the remote control.

If desired, users can try to restore the remote control themselves. To do this, take your smartphone and turn on the camera. Point the remote control LED at it. Press the buttons and watch the indication through the camera:

  • Steady flashes indicate that the remote control is working;
  • An intermittent glow is a sign of a board failure;
  • The absence of an indication indicates that the batteries need to be changed.

Let's imagine that you changed the batteries, but the LED still does not flash. The device cannot be restored. Therefore, you will have to purchase a new remote control. Repairs are often carried out when intermittent lights are visible through the camera. You need to disassemble the remote control to wipe the surface of the board with a damp cloth. Use soapy water. Then wipe the chip with a dry cloth.

When you are done, be sure to leave the remote control unassembled on certain time so that all components are dry. Assemble the device. If the problem cannot be solved, then buy a new device.

Problems after software update

Incorrect installation of updates software- also a common reason why the Tricolor TV receiver does not work. If, after installing the new version, any malfunctions in the operation of the equipment occur, then restore them in accordance with the simple instructions:

  1. Go to the receiver menu to open the settings menu.
  2. Select a team "Reset".
  3. Wait for the process to complete, and then reboot the receiver.
  4. After turning on the equipment will ask for a code, enter the combination "0000".
  5. When you log in, you need to set some parameters: time zone, region, language.

To find TV channels, launch the mode automatic search. Then sort and save the found channels.

If the Tricolor TV receiver turns on, then you can simply try to disconnect the equipment from the network for about 30-45 minutes. Then download to normal mode. This method is also suitable for users who reflash the tuner themselves.

"No signal" message

When the inscription appears "No signal", the subscriber first needs to check that the set-top box is connected correctly. It is possible that the cable is coming off the receiver. Mostly with such an error there are no problems with the display. When you press the buttons located on the front panel, there is a reaction. Be sure to try opening the menu. If all functions work, and Tricolor writes "No signal", then it is necessary to diagnose the performance of the receiver.

Go to the official website of the operator satellite broadcasting It is possible that preventative work is currently being carried out. Sometimes the error appears due to bad weather. The schedule of planned technical work can be found on the Tricolor TV information channel.

Did the suggested methods not help solve the problem? Then you need to check not only the tuner, but also other elements of the connection system. The satellite dish may have moved. Why does the antenna go astray:

  • Strong wind, rain, snow;
  • Incorrectly secured;
  • Long-term operation;
  • A heavy object fell on the antenna;
  • Icing the plate.

Even a slight shift of just 1 centimeter will be enough to cause problems with the signal. The user must secure the antenna as securely as possible. After fixing the problem, be sure to adjust the plate position accordingly. The signal level can be monitored on the TV screen. To do this, you need to open the receiver menu, and then go to the section "Settings".

To change the direction of the antenna, you need to slowly turn it in the desired direction. Do not shift more than 1 centimeter at a time. When the dish is rotated, wait approximately 5 seconds for the signal to be restored. The setup process does not end with the initial adjustment. In order for the signal quality scale to reach at least 70%, it is necessary to carry out a spot correction. When everything is done, fix the fastenings as tightly as possible.

If a large object, such as a tree branch, falls on the TV antenna, this will also cause a change in the position of the dish. Users are not always able to independently restore the correct direction of the antenna. If this doesn’t work for you either, seek help from a specialist.

Another reason for signal problems is cable damage. Check the coaxial cord for mechanical damage. You can restore the wire using improvised means. Let's look at the repair step by step:

  1. Cut the damaged section of the coaxial cable.
  2. The wire connection areas must be thoroughly cleaned.
  3. An F-connector must be used on connected sections.
  4. When all connection elements are secured, screw electrical tape onto them.

If a repeated rupture occurs in this area, then this method of restoration will no longer help solve the problem. You need to buy a new wire and connect the equipment with it. If you cannot visually determine the break, you can try to find hidden damage using a special tester.

F-connector problems are another very common problem. A cable coming out of it may cause signal loss. Try to screw the wire back in. A damaged connector must be replaced.

The converter is a key link in the signal transmission chain. Therefore, disturbances in the operation of this component will also cause the error in question to appear. This part is constantly on the street. The condition of the converter is negatively affected by weather and precipitation. This device comes with a 1 year warranty. On average, a converter lasts from three to six years.

It will be extremely difficult for the average user to diagnose problems associated with the operation of the converter. Therefore, you need to use the elimination method. If all components are checked and the problem remains, replace the converter. Replacement is carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Disconnect the converter from the mount.
  2. Don't move satellite dish, carefully replace the part.
  3. Adjust the signal stability range using special scales.

If you were unable to solve the problem yourself, contact the service center specialists for help.

Finally, we move on to the last reason for the lack of signal - satellite interference. What exactly can interfere with the signal? There are several options:

  • A new high-rise building has appeared;
  • Tree branches;
  • Icing, snow accumulation.

The method for resolving the problem directly depends on the cause of the problem. The subscriber should reinstall the antenna to restore the signal. After all the manipulations, you need to re-adjust the signal.

Don't forget to check the functionality of the LNB "heads". For diagnostic purposes, it is necessary to disable the disk.

Warranty service

If the Tricolor TV receiver turns off, this does not mean that you need to restore the equipment yourself. For example, it is impossible to fix a broken motherboard without special skills. Don't forget that you can use the repair service under warranty. Mainly on satellite equipment issued warranty service for 12 months. Find the warranty card, if the validity period has not expired, then contact customer service. Managers will tell you how to proceed in the future.

What to do if the warranty has expired? Try to restore the hardware yourself using the instructions above. You can also contact service center so that the service is carried out by specialists. However, please note that post-warranty repairs are carried out in accordance with the price list of the workshop you contacted.

Remember that operation satellite receiver over a long period of time leads to the depletion of the service life of hardware components. Therefore, in some situations it is much easier to purchase a new tuner.

In front of everyone positive aspects satellite television, Tricolor TV subscribers are often faced with the fact that all channels or some of them are not shown. When faced with malfunctions in satellite broadcasting, not everyone will be able to independently find the cause of the problem and fix it.

This problem can be solved by identifying the cause.

On all channels except information

  • First you need to clarify the activity of your subscription. This can be done in the following ways: in the TV receiver menu, on the official website (section “Payment”) or in your personal account.
  • If the subscription is active and the problem is not resolved, then you will need to update your activation keys. Request resend keys can be made in your personal account. After this, the receiver must be rebooted and left on one of the channels that is not accessible. The TV itself can be turned off. It takes no more than 8 hours for the signal to arrive.
  • Another reason can be identified by the absence of an ID code on the TV screen. The ID may not be displayed because the smart card or conditional access card is not installed correctly in the receiver. To check this option, in the case of a smart card, you need to take it out, reinstall it and restart the power supply. A power reset is sufficient for the access card.
  • If the ID does not appear on the screen, it means that the receiver has stopped reading the card. The solution may be to contact customer service.

Only on some

  • In this case, you will need to run an auto search. New channels must be saved.
  • As a result of the update, the problematic TV channels completely disappeared from the list, which means they stopped broadcasting, i.e. There have been changes in the composition of paid packages. It will be necessary to clarify the new composition.
  • There may be this option: TV channels without access remained on the new list, but the problem was not solved. You need to unplug the receiver and turn it on again.
  • If the channels still do not work, you need to reset the settings to factory settings: in the equipment menu, select the “Factory settings” item and click “Ok”. After this, you need to reboot the receiver and configure it again according to the instructions.
  • If after resetting the settings, access to TV channels does not appear, you should call a technical support specialist to diagnose the equipment.

Inscription on the screen “No signal”

Such an inscription may indicate a loss of the broadcast signal. The reasons for this are different. To determine them, you need to clarify the signal quality: press the F1 button on the remote control.

  1. If power is less than 70%, consider eliminating the following options.
    • Bad weather may degrade broadcast quality. As soon as the weather improves, the signal will be strong.
    • Stable broadcasting may be hampered by interference in the area (trees, tall buildings). Relocating the antenna will solve the problem.
    • Reason low level can be incorrect settings antenna or cable damage. You can fix these problems yourself or call a specialist.
    • The reason for the missing image may be technical problems on the part of the service provider.
  2. If the broadcast quality is more than 70%, then a series of consistent actions(with a transition to the next step if the previous one fails).
    • Search for channels again.
    • Reboot the receiver's power.
    • Reset settings to factory defaults.

If access to TV channels could not be restored

If all of the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, then you need to contact the Tricolor TV Support Service. This can be done different ways:

  • +7-800-500-0123
  • Contact via Viber and WhatsApp at +7-911-101-0123
  • Call through the website (in the Support section)
  • Skype: support_tricolor_tv
  • Online chat on the website
  • Application for technical support (you must fill out the application form in the appropriate section)

First, let's try to divide the receiver models into groups, united common features and having similar characteristics.

GS, DRE, DRS, these are all essentially the same manufacturer.

1. 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 - only accept MPEG 2, approximately 50 channels in total are available.

2. 8300, 8300 M, 8300 N

Starting with 8302, an external power supply is typical, with the exception of 9303 and 9305

3. 8302, 8304 - do not support HD.

4. 8305, 8306 - these models do not have a display.

7. GS U210, GS U510

General symptoms of malfunctions characteristic of all models of Tricolor receivers.

If the Tricolor receiver shows no signs of operability at all, nothing lights up, you first need to figure out the power supply to the receiver.

Receivers GS 8302, GS 8304, GS 8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS B210, GS B211, GS B 212, GSU510, GSU210 have an external power supply. You should start by checking its functionality.

1. Message on the TV screen: no signal.

First, you should make sure that the message displayed on the TV is from the Tricolor receiver, and that the receiver itself is connected to the network and is showing signs of life. When you press the Menu button on the receiver's remote control, the Main Menu of the Tricolor TV receiver should be displayed on the TV screen. This will guarantee that you did not accidentally switch the TV to some other video input and the Tricolor receiver is working and the message about the absence of a signal is a message from the receiver about the absence of a signal from the satellite.

Several times a year, satellite television operators carry out scheduled technical work on transmission equipment, including the removal of broadcasts. Typically, these works are carried out before 10 a.m., sometimes until 2 p.m. Always, some time before the start of technical work, Information channel Tricolor TV, as well as NTV+, constantly repeats warnings about upcoming work.

The satellite signal may disappear for one of several reasons:
1.1 The Tricolor antenna has moved slightly to the side.

A 1 cm shift is enough and the signal will disappear. It is not recommended to twist the antenna yourself; most often, after trying to set up the Tricolor satellite dish on your own, you will have to call a professional installer, even if the problem was due to a short-term outage at the technology partner of Tricolor TV. If something falls on the plate from above and it shows signs of visible damage, it will have to be replaced. A slight change in the geometry of the receiving surface of the Tricolor or NTV+ antenna makes it further use impossible.

Setting up the Tricolor antenna, located in an easily accessible place, costs approximately 1500 rubles, replacing the converter + 500 rubles. Complete antenna replacement 2500 - 3000 rub.
Price example:
1.2 Damage to the transmitting cable on the way from the antenna to the receiver.

If you can find the location of the damage, then having a special F female-F female adapter (barrel) and two F connectors, it is easy to connect the damaged cable. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire cable.
1.3 Antenna cable got out a little from the F connector screwed onto the receiver input.

It is enough to forcefully push the cable inwards.
1.4 The Tricolor converter stopped working.
Standard guarantee period for converters - 1 year. Average service life is 3-5 years. There are cases of 10-year work. It is easy to change the converter; it can be more difficult to find one on sale. When purchasing, please note: CIRCULAR must be written on the converter.
1.5 Between the mirror satellite dish and an obstacle arose along the way.

This could be a built apartment building, a grown tree, or snow stuck to the antenna, or laundry hung out by neighbors; in any of these cases, the signal does not pass through. You can simply shake off the snow, but with a tree it is more difficult; in the case of a house, you will have to look for a place to reinstall the antenna. A temporary obstacle may appear due to weather conditions; the signal does not pass through a thundercloud, just wait until it moves away from the imaginary line directed from the antenna to the satellite. The satellite signal does not pass through very heavy snow or rain, you also need to be patient. The same weather conditions, precluding the possibility of using satellite television, may occur at the broadcast location TV signal to the satellite.
1.6 The Tricolor receiver is out of order.

This also happens. During the warranty period, the Tricolor receiver should be taken to a specialized Tricolor TV service center, always with a warranty card. If the warranty period for the Tricolor receiver has expired, it is not always advisable to repair the receiver. For relatively modern Tricolor receivers, the manufacturer establishes a warranty period of 1 year. There is no point in repairing old NTV receivers; you can easily buy them at online flea markets for 1000 - 1500 rubles. a working used receiver, the repair of which can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. New receiver for NTV+ Opentech OHS 1740V price: 6500 (with contract 1200 rubles included), free delivery.

New receiver for watching Tricolor TV GS B 212 Full HD price: 6500 RUR, also with free shipping and connection.
1.7 Software glitch in the Tricolor receiver or random change settings.

Algorithm of actions: menu button - OK button, settings - OK, factory settings - OK, confirm reset. Then reconfigure the channels using the Tricolor receiver user manual.
2. Coded signal or no access.

The problem is standard for Tricolor TV subscribers. On receivers for viewing NTV+, if the card reader or access module malfunctions, a message may be displayed: the smart card is not inserted; if the NTV+ receiver, instead of a picture, displays the message - geographical restriction, you need to find out if there is money in the contract account in subscriber service. Tricolor TV users need to know that Tricolor has a Basic package, which should work without any fees. Now there are only two channels - First ORT and NTV, they should always work, so if nothing works for you at all, you don’t need to run to pay 1200 rubles. for the Single Package.

You should disconnect the receiver from the electricity, and after 5 minutes turn it on again (reboot). Helps in 99% of cases, all computers tend to freeze sometimes. A digital satellite receiver- a receiver is nothing more than a computer created to perform certain tasks.

If rebooting does not help, you should first make sure that the receiver sees the ID of the smart card or built-in DRE conditional access module. In older receivers, to view Tricolor TV models: DRE, DRS, GS - 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300, 8300M, you should press the "Status" button on the remote control of the Tricolor receiver or find the status: Menu button, Status - OK. On the page called up by pressing these buttons, there is information about the software and the receiver itself, including the DRE ID should be displayed, opposite there should be a multi-digit number. If there is no number, you can try to reboot. If after several reboots the number does not appear, this is a sure sign of a breakdown of the built-in conditional access module.

The feasibility of the repair is questionable. Replacing a module at a service center costs RUB 4,000, with a 3-month warranty. There is no guarantee that a motherboard worth 4 thousand rubles will not fail in a couple of months. or power supply - 1500 rub. A new receiver of the GS B212 brand with free delivery and connection costs 6,500 rubles.
2.1 ID is displayed, but the receiver does not decode the channels.

Perhaps it's a matter of outdated version software. For self-replacement Software needs to be found current version Software on the manufacturer's website GS. Then, using a computer and a “Nulmodem cable”, using the DRE Burner program, fill in new version Software for satellite receiver. Then follows through Personal Area subscriber repeat the activation command to your receiver number. Then leave the receiver on until everything works.

Updating the software of the Tricolor receiver, with a visit to the customer, costs 1,500 rubles.
2.2 There is no access or a coded channel for Tricolor TV receivers GS 8300, GS 8300N, GS 8304, GS8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9303, GS 9305, GS U510.

All these receivers will not decode channels without a smart card. First you need to make sure that the receiver sees the smart card, DRE number ID and smart card number are one and the same. New receivers have a No. ID button on the control panel. By pressing the No. ID button or using the menu button, going to the status section, you need to see whether the smart card is detected by the receiver.

If the ID number is displayed and there are valid subscriptions, but the channels are still encrypted, the problem may be with an outdated software version.

You can check the availability of valid subscriptions in the main menu - OK, conditional access- OK, subscriptions - OK and see if there are any valid subscriptions. Class 000 is the “Basic” package; if this class is displayed, then ORT and NTV should work. If these channels are working, and the rest are encrypted and only class 000 is in subscriptions, then payment has ended paid package and you need to pay for the Unified package worth 1200 rubles. Before paying, turn on the Tricolor receiver and keep it on until everything starts to open.

The smart card is not detected: remove the card from the card reader, then insert it back, while disconnecting the receiver from the network.

If the ID number is detected and subscriptions are present, but the channels are encrypted, there is a possibility that your receiver has not been working for a long time and needs to be left on for up to eight hours.
3. All signs on the Tricolor receiver display blink.

A common problem for older Tricolor receivers with a built-in power supply is that the power supply has failed. It happens due to a power surge. Using a surge protector or voltage stabilizer can help avoid this problem.
4. On the Tricolor receiver display all the signs (eights) are lit.

Two options: software damage, sometimes failure of the motherboard.
5. The Tricolor receiver does not respond to the remote control.
First you need to try using the control buttons on the receiver itself, check that the Tricolor receiver is operational. Then try replacing the batteries in the remote control. If it doesn't help, try another remote control.
6. By all indications, the Tricolor receiver is working, and on the TV screen blue screen or an inscription - the signal is weak or absent.

The main sign of a working receiver of all models (except 8305, 8306, B210, B211, B212 - they do not have a display) - the display shows serial number operating channel and to the left of the numbers an icon is displayed indicating the presence of a signal from the Tricolor satellite antenna.

On the remote control you need to press the Menu button. If a dotted rectangle appears on the receiver display, but there is still nothing on the TV screen, you need to pick up the TV remote control and switch the TV to the external input to which you have the Tricolor receiver connected.

Receivers GS 8305, GS 8306, GS8307, GS 8308 each have two video outputs - HDMI and SD, and they work alternately! By accidentally pressing the Input signal button on the remote control of the Tricolor receiver, the receiver will switch and begin to output a signal to another output. Accordingly, a message will be displayed on the TV screen - there is no signal.

I think many users of Tricolor TV satellite television are familiar with the situation when you turn on the set-top box, but there is no signal from it on the TV. What to do, where to run, who to call?
Don't panic! Now you and I will figure it out on our own, identify the cause and perhaps even fix it.
First, check to see if the TV and receiver are turned on. Then look at the TV screen to see what is happening there.
There are two options for the development of events. First, let's define what is meant by the concept of “No signal”.

Case 1. The screen says “No signal”

This is the most common situation. In 75% of cases, it is caused by the fact that the video signal source on the TV was selected incorrectly. Most often, children do this when they play with the remote control. To correct the situation, you must first look at the back of the TV case to see which of its connectors is connected to the Tricolor TV receiver. All ports are signed and even have their own numbering.

Next, you need to pick up the remote control and find the button that switches video signal sources. Usually this button is called Source or Input.

In response to this action, the TV should display this or a similar menu, which will list all available inputs:

We choose the one that includes the Tricolor TV set-top box. Usually after this the problem is successfully resolved.

Note: On older TV models, where, in addition to composite input(tulips) and SCART there are no other connectors; the video input is switched using the “TV/AV” button. Switch the TV to the AV input and check if the image from the set-top box appears. Some TV models have several AV inputs (for example, front and rear), then the “AV” button will have to be pressed several times to switch between them.

Also, be sure to check that The satellite receiver is definitely on and working. Sometimes it can happen that the power indicator on it is on, but the device itself does not start. Then the “No Signal” message on the TV will also light up. Try restarting it by turning off the power and turning it on again.
If this does not help and the message and when you try to turn on Tricolor TV, it still says “No signal”, then try replacing the cable between the receiver and the TV. It usually lies on the floor and is exposed to the destructive influence of children and pets - they either squeeze it or chew it.

Case 2. TV channels are not shown

If the receiver interface itself is accessible and a list of channels is displayed, but there is no image and Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, then there is most likely a problem with the equipment.

Moreover, the reason may be corrupted settings of the satellite receiver, a damaged transponder, incorrect installed antenna. Start by checking the antenna itself to see if it has been twisted by the wind or something else. The source of the problem when there is no signal can be a torn or kinked coaxial cable from the antenna to the receiver. Inspect it carefully for damage.
If the message “No Signal” is displayed only on some channels, while others work without problems, then this may be caused by either technical work from the operator, or by changing the frequency of the TV channel. Try going to the operator’s website and reading the news to see if there are any maintenance work or changes in the operation of individual channels.