The gs u510 receiver does not turn on. Triangle with lightning inside

First, let's try to divide the receiver models into groups, united common features and having similar characteristics.

GS, DRE, DRS, these are all essentially the same manufacturer.

1. 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 - only accept MPEG 2, approximately 50 channels in total are available.

2. 8300, 8300 M, 8300 N

Starting with 8302, an external power supply is typical, with the exception of 9303 and 9305

3. 8302, 8304 - do not support HD.

4. 8305, 8306 - these models do not have a display.

7. GS U210, GS U510

8. GS B210, GS B211, GS B212 - these models do not have a display.

General symptoms of malfunctions characteristic of all models of Tricolor receivers.

If the Tricolor receiver shows no signs of operability at all, nothing lights up, you first need to figure out the power supply to the receiver.

Receivers GS 8302, GS 8304, GS 8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS B210, GS B211, GS B 212, GSU510, GSU210 have an external power supply. You should start by checking its functionality.

1. Message on the TV screen: no signal.

First, you should make sure that the message displayed on the TV is from the Tricolor receiver, and that the receiver itself is connected to the network and is showing signs of life. When the button is pressed Menu on the receiver remote control, the TV screen should display Main menu receiver Tricolor TV. This will guarantee that you did not accidentally switch the TV to some other video input and the Tricolor receiver is working and the message about the absence of a signal is a message from the receiver about the absence of a signal from the satellite.

Several times a year, by operators satellite television Scheduled technical work on transmission equipment is being carried out, with broadcasting being removed. Typically, these works are carried out before 10 a.m., sometimes until 2 p.m. Always, some time before the start of technical work, Information channel Tricolor TV, NTV+ also constantly repeats warnings about upcoming work.

The satellite signal may disappear for one of several reasons:

1.1 The Tricolor antenna has moved slightly to the side.

A 1 cm shift is enough and the signal will disappear. It is not recommended to twist the antenna yourself; most often, after trying to set up the Tricolor satellite dish on your own, you will have to call a professional installer, even if the problem was due to a short-term outage at the technology partner of Tricolor TV. If something falls on the plate from above and it shows signs of visible damage, it will have to be replaced. A slight change in the geometry of the receiving surface of the Tricolor or NTV+ antenna makes it further use impossible.

Setting up the Tricolor antenna, located in an easily accessible place costs approximately 1500 rubles, replacement of the converter + 500 rubles. Complete antenna replacement 2500 - 3000 rub.

1.2 Damage to the transmitting cable on the way from the antenna to the receiver.

If you can find the location of the damage, then having a special F female-F female adapter (barrel) and two F connectors, it is easy to connect the damaged cable. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire cable.

1.3 The antenna cable came out a little from the F connector screwed onto the receiver input.

It is enough to forcefully push the cable inwards.

1.4 The Tricolor converter stopped working.

Standard guarantee period for converters - 1 year. Average term service 3-5 years. There are cases of 10-year work. It is easy to change the converter; it can be more difficult to find one on sale. When purchasing, please note: CIRCULAR must be written on the converter.

1.5 An obstacle has arisen between the satellite dish mirror and the satellite.

This could be a built apartment building, a grown tree, or snow stuck to the antenna, or laundry hung out by neighbors; in any of these cases, the signal does not pass through. You can simply shake off the snow, but with a tree it is more difficult; in the case of a house, you will have to look for a place to reinstall the antenna. A temporary obstacle may appear due to weather conditions; the signal does not pass through the thundercloud; it is enough to wait until it moves away from the imaginary line directed from the antenna to the satellite. Satellite signal does not pass through very heavy snow or rain, you also need to be patient. The same weather conditions, precluding the possibility of using satellite television, may occur at the broadcast location TV signal to the satellite.

1.6 The Tricolor receiver is out of order.

This also happens. During the warranty period, receiver Tricolor should be taken to specialized service center Tricolor TV, necessarily with a warranty card. If warranty period for the Tricolor receiver ended, it is not always advisable to repair the receiver. For relatively modern Tricolor receivers, the manufacturer establishes a warranty period of 1 year. There is no point in repairing old NTV receivers; you can easily buy them at online flea markets for 1000 - 1500 rubles. a working used receiver, the repair of which can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. New receiver for NTV+OpentechOHS 1740V price: 6500(with contract RUR 1,200 included), free delivery.

A new receiver for the Tricolor TV exchange promotion costs 4,000 rubles.

1.7 Software failure in the Tricolor receiver or accidental change of settings.

Algorithm of actions: menu button - OK button, settings - OK, factory settings - OK, confirm reset. Then re-tune the channels using Tricolor receiver user manual.

2. Coded signal or no access.

The problem is standard for Tricolor TV subscribers. On receivers for viewing NTV+, if there is a malfunction of the card reader or access module, the following message may be displayed: smart card not inserted, If NTV+ receiver Instead of a picture it displays the inscription - geographical restriction, you need to find out if there is money in the contract account at the subscriber service. Tricolor TV users need to know what is included in Tricolor Basic package, who must work without any payment. Now there are only two channels - First ORT and NTV, they should always work, so if nothing works for you at all, you don’t need to run to pay 1200 rub. for the Single Package.

You should disconnect the receiver from the electricity, and after 5 minutes turn it on again (reboot). Helps in 99% of cases, all computers tend to freeze sometimes. A digital satellite receiver- a receiver is nothing more than a computer created to perform certain tasks.

If rebooting does not help, you should first make sure that the receiver sees the ID of the smart card or built-in DRE conditional access module. In older receivers for viewing Tricolor TV models: DRE, DRS, GS - 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300, 8300M you should press the "Status" button on the remote control of the Tricolor receiver or find the status: Menu button, Status - OK. On the page called up by pressing these buttons, there is information about the software and the receiver itself, including the DRE ID should be displayed, opposite there should be a multi-digit number. If there is no number, you can try to reboot. If after several reboots the number does not appear, this is a sure sign of a breakdown of the built-in conditional access module.

The feasibility of the repair is questionable. Replacing a module at a service center costs RUB 4,000, with a 3-month warranty. There is no guarantee that a motherboard worth 4 thousand rubles will not fail in a couple of months. or power supply - 1500 rub.

A new receiver for the Tricolor Exchange promotion costs 4,000.

2.1 ID is displayed, but the receiver does not decode the channels.

Perhaps it's a matter of outdated version software. For self-replacement You need to find the current software version on the GS manufacturer's website. Then, using a computer and a “Nulmodem cable”, using DRE Burner program pour in new version software in satellite receiver. Then follows through Personal Area subscriber repeat activation command to your receiver number. Then leave the receiver on until everything works.

Tricolor receiver software update, with a visit to the customer it costs 1500 rubles.

2.2 There is no access or a coded channel for Tricolor TV receivers GS 8300, GS 8300N, GS 8304, GS8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9303, GS 9305, GS U510.

All these receivers will not decode channels without a smart card. First you need to make sure that the receiver sees the smart card, the DRE ID number and the smart card number are the same thing. New receivers have a No. ID button on the control panel. By pressing the No. ID button or using the menu button, going to the status section, you need to see whether the smart card is detected by the receiver.

If the ID number is displayed and there are valid subscriptions, but the channels are still encrypted, the problem may be with an outdated software version.

You can check the availability of valid subscriptions in the main menu - OK, conditional access- OK, subscriptions - OK and see if there are any valid subscriptions. Class 000 is the “Basic” package; if this class is displayed, then ORT and NTV should work. If these channels are working, and the rest are encrypted and only class 000 is in subscriptions, then payment has ended paid package and you need to make a payment Single package costing 1200 RUR. Before paying, turn on the Tricolor receiver and keep it on until everything starts to open.

The receivers of many Tricolor subscribers may stop turning on. How to check the receiver, and what measures to take if a malfunction is detected.

Failure to turn on the receiving equipment may be due to:

  • Supply of food;
  • Switching the TV to another connector;
  • Technical work at the provider;
  • Problems with the antenna;
  • Signal conversion in the converter has stopped;
  • Damage to the cable or F-connector;
  • Failure in work software;
  • Technical malfunctions in the operation of the receiver;
  • The remote control does not work.

To detect the problem, the user himself can carry out simple steps, which involve diagnosing equipment. Moreover, it is possible to evaluate the performance of individual links or the entire signal supply chain from the antenna to the receiver.

Familiarization information before self-diagnosis - special symbols

A Tricolor subscriber, if he has certain knowledge and skills in electrical diagrams or power circuits, he can diagnose a broken receiver with his own hands. This will avoid long-term restoration of the receiver’s functionality in service centers. When deciding to open the equipment, the user should know special designations, used on internal elements.

Triangle with an exclamation point inside

The meaning of the designation is safety. If this warning is marked on some parts, handling these parts may damage accessories or the receiver itself.

Triangle with lightning inside

The meaning of the sign is a threat. Lightning indicates danger during opening or situations where elements are being handled. Danger involves harm to health or life.

Circle with English letter i

The designation provides information about problems and malfunctions that may arise during work.

Nutrition problems and their solutions

The first priority is always to check the power supply:

  • Is the plug plugged into the socket?
  • Is the power supply OK?
  • Correct connection of the power supply to the network;
  • Is the wire disconnected from the console, because sometimes children can accidentally remove it;
  • The power switch on the rear panel should be in the On position.

Models of older receivers typically have an external power supply. The power problem may be a malfunction of this element. Tricolor user can buy new block and enjoy watching television.

On new models, the power supply system is located inside the case, which complicates the repair task. Power may not be supplied due to lost capacity or defective areas on the diode bridges. Also, a unit that is used for a long time may fail over time. During repairs, you will need to replace the capacitor, which is swollen. Having disassembled the receiver case, you can immediately distinguish the power supply. By disconnecting it from all the boards, a skilled craftsman will be able to replace the failed elements.

Video: how to replace the power supply on the GS8300 receiver

To simply replace a capacitor you will need:

  • Soldering iron;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Soldering flux;
  • New capacitor.

The element to be replaced is purchased after opening the case. You should purchase a capacitor of the same capacity that matches the previously installed element.

When opening a part, the location of the element must be observed. When soldering a new capacitor, observe all boundaries.

Repairing the power supply will allow the current to flow again. If power is supplied, the indication is activated. Maintaining the “non-switchable” state in the presence of an indication is associated with other breakdowns.

More details in the video:

Message No signal on TV

When a message appears, the subscriber first checks the likelihood that it is coming from the receiver and not from the TV. The indicators on the receiver light up, and when you press the buttons, a response occurs. When you call up the Receiver Menu, the device displays the corresponding window. This means that the equipment is correctly connected to the TV, and the error is related to the operation of the receiver.

If the weather is good outside and the provider does not carry out technical work (information about technical work presented on the company’s website or displayed in advance on the Info Channel), then the message may arise due to the following reasons.

Antenna offset

The antenna goes astray under the following conditions:

  • Bad weather;
  • Poor fixation;
  • Long-term operation;
  • Fall of a heavy object.

A displacement of 1 cm causes the signal to disappear. The user needs to analyze the rigidity of the fastening. If the fastening is found to be weak, adjustment will allow you to achieve the desired signal range. The signal is monitored on the television display during the period when the “Settings” section is turned on in the receiver Menu.

The location of the antenna changes by slowly rotating in different planes. You should not make turning steps of more than 1 cm. After turning, wait 5-6 seconds until the signal is set.

After the initial adjustment, it is necessary to perform a fine tuning operation so that the corresponding signal parameter scales are filled at the level of 70-80%. The final step involves securing the pole bolts to the antenna.

When a large object falls on the antenna, it leads to changes in geometry, which requires a change of equipment.

Often, independent changes in position do not bring positive results. A dish installation and setup technician will be able to quickly set up the signal. The cost of services depends on the region and location of equipment installation.

Cable damage

The subscriber should check the cable from the dish to the receiver. If a broken area is identified, the wire should be restored using available tools and an F-connector (if there is only one damaged area). Repair stages:

  • Cut the wire in the area to be restored;
  • Clean connecting areas;
  • Use F-connector on stripped ends;
  • After fixing the connection, screw on the electrical tape.

The operation is not performed if the rupture occurs again. A new wire must be used. Some technicians, without visually identifying a break, identify hidden defects in the cable using a tester.

Problems with F-connector

A cable coming out of the connector may cause a lack of signal. It is required to screw it back under force. A damaged connector can be replaced.

Problems with the converter

The converter is one of the connecting links in the signal transmission chain. Being constantly outside, he takes on the weather influences and Negative influence external environment. When purchasing equipment you are given warranty service within 1 year. In practice, the part is used for 3-6 years.

An ordinary user will not be able to detect a breakdown. If other options for signal deficiency are excluded, the part should be replaced.

A new converter can be purchased at the sales office. Replacement instructions:

  • Disconnect the element from the fastening;
  • Without moving the antenna, secure the new converter;
  • Check the range of signal stability on the corresponding scales displayed using the receiver menu on the TV;
  • If the settings are lost, re-adjust the plate.

When you call a support specialist, you will have to pay for the services of identifying the problem and installing a new part if replacement is necessary.

Interference on the way to the satellite

Interference is various objects that appear on the signal transmission line from the satellite to the antenna:

  • Tree branches;
  • Construction of a high-rise building;
  • Snow accumulation.

The method for removing an obstacle depends on the object that has arisen. The subscriber can simply reinstall the antenna to clear the signal path. After the transfer, you will need to configure the signal again.

Checking the serviceability of LNB “heads”

The functionality of the “heads” is determined after the disk drive (several converters) is turned off. After which each one is connected to the receiver.

The receiver does not turn on from the remote control

If there is no response to the remote control buttons, you should perform the action using the button panel on the receiver itself. If the actions are performed, then the receiver is functioning. After changing the batteries in the remote control, check the control using the remote control again. Operation did not resume - you need to use a different remote control.

Craftsmen can try to check the functionality of the remote control in another way. A camera is used for this mobile phone. Point the remote control LED at the camera that is turned on.

While looking into the camera and pressing buttons at the same time, monitor the LED indication:

If after changing the batteries the LED does not start blinking, then you should buy a new remote control.

Repairing a device with rare glows is carried out by disassembling the case and cleaning the surface of the board with a damp cloth, soapy water and a dry rag. After all cleaning operations, dry the parts and assemble the remote control. If the flash does not become constant when viewed through the camera, a new device is required.

Technical malfunctions of the receiver

The receiver is the link responsible for receiving the signal and transmitting the video stream. Technical components of the device may break down or software problems may occur. The receiver itself has a warranty period (1 year), during which specialists must repair the device.

If a breakdown occurs after the end of the warranty period, you can self-diagnosis or give it to service center. Problems that often occur are displayed as errors on the TV screen or the device itself. Please note that the following errors are specific to some models:

  • DRE 5000, 7300, 5001;
  • DRS 5003;
  • GS 7300, 8300, 8300N, 8300M.

For other receivers, the same errors may occur.

When turned on, the receiver screen flashes

A flashing display indicates a faulty power supply. This may be due to a power surge. Application surge protector or a stabilizer will protect against damage.

When turned on, Boot appears on the screen

The letter combination “BOOT” indicates two problems:

  • Software failure, which requires flashing the device;
  • Motherboard does not work properly or is broken.

You can reflash the device yourself by finding software for this receiver model. In such a situation, the user loses everything warranty obligations equipment supplier. If the re-flashed receiver does not start sending a signal, then they resort to replacing the motherboard.

The motherboard is replaced at a repair center. There are brave souls who do it with their own hands. Then you will need to disassemble the receiver and remove old element. Such actions will void the warranty.

All the symbols on the receiver screen light up and it does not turn on

The lighting of all indicators and symbols allows us to conclude that there was a software failure. In some cases, the motherboard breaks down. After disassembling the receiver, specialists will be able to determine the true cause of the failure. At normal functioning The power supply will be replaced by the motherboard. When other boards are also damaged, it is better to buy new equipment, since the cost of repairs can be high.

The message “Short circuit!” appears on the receiver screen. Check antenna cable!

The message is translated as “short circuit”. The process can occur in several areas. Diagnostic stages:

  • If the inscription disappears after disconnecting the antenna wire, then a broken converter, dish or short circuit in the wire may be a cause for concern;
  • Inspect the wire for signs of a short circuit by unhooking it from the converter;
  • When the wire was pulled out, the message did not disappear - the tuner unit had failed.

The subscriber can diagnose the breakdown himself.

The receiver displays "ER31"

The inscription implies a failure of the motherboard. It is better to replace the part at a service center.

The receiver does not turn on after a software update

Updated software may not install correctly. As a result receiver won't turn on. The subscriber must follow the reset steps:

  • In the receiver Menu, find and open the “Settings” section;
  • Select the “Reset” command;
  • After confirmation, wait for the end of the process and reboot the receiver;
  • When turning on, you may need to enter an access code - then enter the combination “0000”;
  • After logging in, the necessary parameters are set (language, time, location);
  • To install TV channels, you need to perform a search operation and save the changes.

Sometimes the problem is simply solved by turning off the receiver for 30-45 minutes and then booting into normal mode. This method can also be used by users who flashed the device on their own.

What to do if none of the methods helped

After diagnosing the equipment and eliminating all possible breakdowns, you can contact the service center. First you need to remember about the warranty, if it is still valid. Typically the period is 12 months. Having found the warranty card, contact the nearest service center. Employees after quick diagnostics will be able to repair the broken part free of charge.

When the warranty has already expired, you will have to take the product for service under normal conditions. Specialists can open the case and identify the cause. After which they will offer to carry out repair work, voicing the cost of spare parts and repair procedures. It is worth considering that a long service life of the receiver leads to the exhaustion of the intended resource. Therefore, for greater savings, it is better to buy a new receiver than to repair an old receiver.

Questions from subscribers

What should I do if the receiver does not turn on after a power outage?

You should check the functionality of the power supply.

How can you tell if the receiver is burned out?

The device does not respond when the buttons are turned on and the indication does not turn on.

Why does the receiver turn on and off on its own?

The cause may be outdated software, inadvertent failure of the power adapter, or contact problems.

The most common malfunctions that occur when watching satellite television Tricolor TV or NTV+ and how to deal with them yourself, as well as approximate prices for repairs and Maintenance satellite equipment in Shchelkovsky, Pushkinsky, Noginsky and Mytishchi districts of the Moscow region.

1. No signal.

First of all, you need to make sure that the video signal from the receiver is output to the TV, and that the receiver itself is turned on. When you press the "menu" button on the receiver's remote control, the "Main Menu" of the satellite receiver should appear on the TV screen. This will guarantee that you did not accidentally switch the TV to some other video input and the receiver is working, and the message about no signal is a message from the receiver.

Approximately once a quarter, satellite television providers carry out scheduled preventive maintenance of transmission equipment, with the removal of broadcasting. Most often, these works are carried out before 10 a.m., occasionally until 2 p.m. Always, a few days before the preventive maintenance, on the Infoconal of Tricolor TV, as well as NTV+, a warning about upcoming work is constantly repeated, but who is watching it...

The signal may disappear for one of several reasons:

1.1 The satellite dish has curled slightly to the side.

A displacement of 1 cm is enough and there is no signal. It is strongly not recommended to twist the antenna; in 99% of cases, after trying to tune a satellite dish to a satellite on your own, you will have to call a professional installer, even if the problem was a short-term interruption in the provider’s broadcasting. If something falls on the plate from above and it has visible damage, then it must be replaced. Changing Geometry satellite dish Tricolor or NTV+ excludes its further use.

Setting up a satellite dish located in an easily accessible place costs approximately 1,500 rubles, replacing the converter + 500 rubles. Complete antenna replacement 2500 - 3000 rub.

1.2 The cable from the antenna to the receiver is damaged.

If you can find the location of the damage, then having a special F female-F female adapter (barrel) and two F connectors, it is easy to connect the damaged cable.

1.3 The cable just came out a little from the F connector screwed onto the receiver.

In this case, it is enough to forcefully push the cable inward.

1.4 The converter has failed.

The standard warranty period for converters is 1 year. On average they work for 3-5 years. There are cases of 10-year work, but this is for converters made earlier, and earlier, as you know, the water was sweeter... It is not difficult to replace a converter, but it can be more difficult to find one. If you buy and change it yourself, please note: CIRCULAR should be written on the converter.

1.5 There is an obstacle between the receiving satellite dish and the satellite.

It could be a 16-story building that has been built, a tree that has grown, or snow stuck to the antenna; in any of these cases, the signal does not pass through. It’s easy enough to shake off the snow, a little more difficult with a tree, with the house everything is gone. There may be a temporary obstacle weather conditions: the signal does not pass through the thundercloud, you need to wait until it moves away from the imaginary line from the antenna to the satellite and everything will work fine. Also, the signal does not pass through very heavy snow or rain; if you can’t see anything on the street and it’s dark due to a tropical downpour or blizzard, then you just need to wait. All the same things (weather conditions) can happen at the place where the signal is transmitted to the satellite.

1.6 The receiver itself, or rather the motherboard in it, has failed.

Not often, but it happens. If the warranty period is valid, the receiver must be taken to the service center, not forgetting the warranty card. If the warranty has expired, depending on the model, you need to look at how feasible it is to repair the receiver. For Tricolor receivers, Lately, the manufacturer GS establishes a warranty period of 3 years. There is no point in repairing old NTV receivers; you can easily buy them at online flea markets for 1000 - 1500 rubles. a working used receiver, the repair of which can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. A new NTV+ receiver costs 6-7 thousand rubles. depending on the model. A new receiver for watching Tricolor TV usually costs between 7-8 thousand rubles, depending on the model and subscriptions included in the price. Replacing the motherboard on Tricolor receivers of brands 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 can be done at your home for about 2 - 3 thousand rubles.

1.7 Some kind of failure in the receiver or someone accidentally changed the settings.

You need to go to the menu, settings, find the factory settings and reset to factory settings. Then try to configure the channels again.

2. Coded signal or no access.

The problem is more common among Tricolor TV subscribers. With NTV+, if the card reader or access module malfunctions, the following message is usually displayed: the smart card is not inserted; if the receiver displays an inscription instead of a picture - geographical restrictions, you need to find out if there is money in your account with the NTV+ subscriber service. Tricolor TV users need to know that Tricolor has a “Basic” package, which should work without any fees. About a dozen federal channels should always work, so if nothing works for you at all, you don’t need to run to pay for paid packages, pay for a broken receiver, it’s like throwing money in the trash.

You can try disconnecting the receiver from the network and turning it on (reboot) after 5 seconds. Helps in 99% of cases, all computer technology tends to freeze sometimes. Rebooting is very simple and effective method struggle.

2.2 If the reboot does not help: first of all, you should make sure that the receiver sees the number of the smart card or built-in conditional access module. In the old Tricolor DRE receivers, DRS, GS - 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 and the relatively new GS 8300M, you need to press the "Status" button on the receiver's remote control or find the status in the "Menu". There is a lot in status various information about the software and the receiver itself, including the DRE ID should be displayed, opposite there should be a 12-digit number. If there is no number, you can try to disconnect the receiver from the network and after 5 seconds turn it on (reboot). If after several reboots the number does not appear, this is a sure sign of a breakdown of the built-in conditional access module. If the DRE ID number is not determined, but is known to you, there is an option to use the “Equipment Exchange” promotion. If the number is not known or there is no promotion, there is only one option left - to purchase a new receiver. There is no point in repairing... Replacing a module at a service center costs 4,000 rubles, a 3-month warranty. But there is no guarantee that a motherboard worth 2-4 thousand rubles will not fail in a couple of months. or power supply - 1500 rub. The new receiver of the GS U510 HD brand with a paid annual subscription “Maximum HD” costs approximately 8,000 rubles, and will immediately show approximately 160 channels, of which 25 are in HD quality.

2.3 DRE number The ID is displayed, but the receiver does not decode the channels. Most likely the issue is an outdated version of the software. To replace the software yourself, you need to find the current version of the software using a computer and a “Nulmodem cable” using special program upload the new version to the satellite receiver. After this, you need to either write to the central technical support service or independently, through the subscriber’s personal account, repeat the “activation command” to your receiver. After which you need to leave the receiver turned on on some encrypted channel until everything works... In fact, few subscribers can cope with replacing the software on their own. A visit with diagnostics and software replacement at your home usually costs 1,500 rubles.

2.4 There is no access or a coded channel for relatively new receivers for viewing Tricolor TV GS 8300, GS 8300N, GS 8304, GS8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9303, GS 9305, GS U510. All of these receivers use a smart card in their design. Just as in the case of older receivers, you should make sure that the receiver sees the smart card (DRE ID number and smart card number are the same thing, it’s also the equipment number). For new receivers on the remote control remote control There is a No. ID button, which performs the same function as the “Status” button on older remote controls. By pressing the ID No. button or going to the menu, in the status section, you need to see whether the smart card No. is determined by the receiver.

If the DRE ID No. is displayed and the channels are scrambled, the problem may be with an outdated software version.

But first you need to make sure you have subscriptions; to do this, you need to go to the main menu, find conditional access, subscriptions and see if there are any valid subscriptions. Class 000 is the “Basic” package; if this subscription class is displayed, then a dozen federal channels located approximately at the end of the general list of channels should work. If these channels work, and the rest are encrypted and only class 000 is in the subscriptions, then the payment for the paid package has ended and you need to pay for the “Optimum” package for receivers 8300 and 8304 worth 600 rubles. or the "Maximum HD" package for receivers 8305, 8306, 8307, 8308, 9303, 9305, U510 worth 900 rubles. After payment, leave the receiver turned on until everything works.

If the smart card is not detected: first you need to remove the card and insert it back, while disconnecting the receiver from the network. In all receivers, with the exception of GS 8305 and GS 8306, the smart card is inserted with the chip facing up; in 8305 and 8306, the smart card is inserted from the side and with the chip facing down. If after these manipulations and reboots the smart card is not detected, it makes sense to try placing something the size of a card but a little thinner under the card; sometimes the contacts in the card reader do not fit tightly and pressing the card more tightly can help in this case.

If the DRE ID number is determined and there are subscriptions, but the channels are encrypted, it is possible that your receiver has not been working for a long time and it will be enough for it to be turned on and everything will work. This is subject to current version BY. If the software is outdated, it needs to be updated. It’s not difficult to do this yourself, of course, if you have a computer and certain skills. A visit with diagnostics and software replacement at your home usually costs 1,500 rubles.

3. All signs on the receiver display blink.

A characteristic sign for old receivers with a built-in power supply is the failure of this same power supply. Most often it happens from a power surge. Using a surge protector or voltage stabilizer most often helps avoid this problem. Repairs are possible in almost any teleworkshop. Replacing the power supply with on-site diagnostics of the entire satellite television system at your home costs 1,500 rubles.

4. All signs (eights) are continuously lit on the scoreboard.

Most often it is a sign of software damage, and occasionally a failure of the motherboard. Typically, software damage occurs when the power is turned off during automatic update Software from satellite (OTA). It turns out that the old software has already been erased, but the new one has not yet been uploaded. You need to fill it manually. The price of firmware at home is 1500 rubles.

5. The receiver does not respond to the remote control.

First, you should use the control buttons on the receiver itself to make sure that the receiver is operational. Then you need to try replacing the batteries in the remote control and rebooting. If it doesn't help, try another remote control. In the receiver itself, the element receiving the signal from the remote control very rarely fails, but if the remote control is even slightly dropped on the floor, then the probability of its failure is quite high. The cost of the remote control is on average 300 rubles.

6. By all indications, the receiver is working, and on the TV screen blue screen or an inscription - the signal is weak or absent.

The main sign of a working receiver of all models (except for 8305 and 8306, they do not have a display) is that the display shows the channel number and to the left of the numbers an icon indicating the presence of a signal from the antenna (if the display shows the time and the icon on the right, this means that the receiver is turned off and is in standby mode, it must be turned on from the remote control or by pressing the + button that switches channels).

On the receiver's remote control, press the Menu button. The main menu of the satellite receiver should appear on the TV screen. If a dotted rectangle appears on the receiver display, but there is still nothing on the TV screen, you need to pick up the TV remote control and switch the TV to the video input to which you have the satellite receiver connected.

Receivers GS 8305, GS 8306, GS8307, GS 8308 each have two video outputs - HDMI and SD, and they work alternately! If you accidentally press the “Input Signal” button on the receiver’s remote control, the receiver will switch and output a signal to another output. When HDMI is working, for GS 8305 and 8306 on the indicator located on the front panel on the left, the light is lit at the bottom of the indicator, for receivers GS 8307 and 8308 in the left part of the indicator, respectively, when the SD output is working, for 8305 and 8306 the light is lit at the top, and for 8307 and 8308 on the right. Having decided which output works for you, you need to look where and with what cord the receiver is connected to the TV. And if, for example, on your 8306 receiver, the light on the indicator lights up at the bottom, and an old-style TV that does not have HDMI input and the receiver is connected to the TV with a 3 RCA - 3 RCA (tulips) cord, then you need to press the “Input Signal” button on the receiver’s remote control, the indicator on the receiver should blink, this means that the receiver has received a signal, then the indicator should light up completely , this is an intermediate loading state, at this time the receiver does not produce a video signal and does not respond to commands. After some time, the receiver should switch to the correct output, and if the input to which the receiver is connected is turned on on the TV, then everything will work.

Also in work time you can get advice from service staff Technical support Tricolor TV by calling: 8 800 500 01 23 (free call) or 8 812 332 34 98 (calls are charged according to long-distance tariffs).

Telephone subscriber service NTV+ 8 495 755 67 89

The Tricolor TV company provides high-quality receivers. Subscribers, if they want, of course, can use other, non-Tricolor tuners.

But in this case, there is no guarantee that in the event of system failures, errors and problems, satellite television operators will be able to help you in any way.

Because Tricolor itself offers exactly those products that are designed for its TV channels.

It should be remembered that the receiver is a complex device, the basis of which is complex mechanisms (of course, it is so for ordinary users, spectators, not masters). Therefore, the smallest, minor problems can cause serious consequences.

Among other problems, Tricolor TV subscribers often receive complaints that the device not only stops working properly, but simply does not turn on. What to do in such cases? Should I immediately take it to a professional technician? You can perform some settings yourself, without the intervention of service centers.

Point one: mandatory check of all connections

First, check whether the receiver is connected to the power source at all. Perhaps one of the children or adults accidentally pulled the wire, and the plug simply jumped out of the socket. In such cases, the receiving device does not show any signs of “life” at all, nothing blinks, flickers or lights up.

If you checked and everything turned out to be as it should be, but nothing happens to the device, check whether it is connected to the TV and how, perhaps the wire is not connected well enough. It wouldn't hurt to check.

Don't forget to look at back your receiver. It's possible that the switch that's on that side is simply in the "off" position.

Point two: checking the firmware and other components

If the Tricolor TV receiver stops turning on, or after a while it still turns on but flashes, or the values ​​of some numbers and other characters appear on the turned on receiver, then most likely the problem is that the device cannot load the initial bootloader (it just won't load).

Why doesn't the Tricolor TV receiver turn on?

The problem may also be caused by the software itself.

Such malfunctions can also be observed in cases where the receiver’s firmware was not carried out as needed - perhaps it was carried out by an inexperienced technician or even the subscriber himself.

The reasons why the tuner stops turning on, as you can see, are very diverse. It may be that the problem is in the firmware (this will be much more complicated) or in a normal failure that can occur in the operation of any system (for example, when the voltage “jumps”).

Depending on the cause of the problem, the solution may be simple or complex.

What should I do to get the receiver working again?

In some cases (when the Tricolor receiver only gives a short-term and minor failure), the problem can be resolved quite quickly and easily: completely turn off the device, that is, remove the power source.

Leave it in this position for about half an hour (or longer). Restart the device later. Very often, after this everything starts to turn on and work properly.

There are also more “severe” cases when the whole problem is caused by the firmware.

In this case, the Tricolor TV subscriber will have to reflash the tuner. For this you can use the usual computer device and a null modem cable.

It is even less likely that the problem was caused by the power supply - but it is still possible that it has failed. Most often, the resolution of the breakdown proceeds as follows: you just need to replace the electrolytic capacitor (some craftsmen also call it “electrolyte”). Of course, it is better to trust such work to professional craftsmen who know exactly how to carry out repairs correctly.

It will be even more convenient for the subscriber if in the model of his Tricolor TV receiver the power supply is located in the external part. Thus, it will be unnecessary to even “penetrate” the internal system.

Self-repair - what the subscriber needs to know

If you are sure that you do not want to seek help from the proper services and are confident that you can handle the repair yourself, then you will need to learn about a few icons. You will need them if you start disassembling the inside of the application device.

Icon #1: Orange triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle

This icon is called "Security". If you see it next to any parts or assemblies, it means that their performance is very important for the proper operation of the receiver. Therefore, you need to act with them as carefully as possible.

Icon No. 2: a yellow triangle with a lightning bolt in the middle

This icon is called "Danger". That is, it seems to warn you of possible danger. If you do not act according to the established rules and instructions, then it is quite possible that you will cause serious damage not only to your body, but to your life in general.

Icon No. 3: an orange circle with the English letter “i” in the middle

This icon is called “Information”. That is, it informs the subscriber that some problems may arise.

Do not forget: start internal repairs only after you have decided that everything is in order in the external part, with wires and cables.

What to do if the breakdown cannot be detected?

If, despite all your efforts and attempts to fix the receiver, you cannot do it, then it is better, of course, to turn to professional repairmen. In general, before carrying out any repair work, be sure to check whether the warranty period is valid.

If it turns out that the warranty period has not passed, be sure to contact the Tricolor company. Because they will be able to accurately identify the cause of the malfunction and quickly eliminate it, of course, free of charge.

So, if the warranty is still valid, run to the service center, because this way you will save precious time, priceless nerves and cash(if attempts to correct the situation are unsuccessful, more serious problems can occur, which will entail significantly greater expenditure of money).

If the receiving device belongs to a new generation of products, that is, it is considered current model, then upon purchase it usually comes with a twelve-month warranty. Remember also that in order to maintain this very guarantee, you need to follow certain rules (for example, do not open the inside of the receiver, etc.), you can learn more about them from Tricolor TV operators. In case of violation of such conditions, the guarantee is completely void.

Check to see if the warranty has expired. If not, contact the appropriate service. If yes, after checking all external components and connection quality, turn off the device for several minutes or hours. Turn it on later - if it doesn't work, check the internal system. In case of difficulties, immediately seek help from professional experts.

Tricolor TV receivers are among the most popular on the domestic market. If you care for them properly, no repair work will be required!

Many users are faced with the problem of satellite receivers breaking down. They fail unexpectedly and cause a lot of discomfort to their owners. Some want to avoid tedious trips to service centers, waiting for the device to be fixed and prefer to buy new receiver. But don’t rush, because most problems can be fixed on your own. In this article we will talk about the causes of breakdowns, the most common problems and give a few practical advice. And you decide whether you can fix the device yourself or whether you still need to resort to the help of qualified specialists.

If you decide to disassemble the receiver and fix the problem yourself, pay attention to the following symbols:
Triangle with exclamation point inside means Safety. This symbol warns that activities and situations involving parts marked with this symbol may result in damage to accessories and the equipment itself.

A triangle with lightning inside means Threat. The sign warns of danger. If you do not take precautions, you can harm your own health or life.

Circle with English letter i inside means Information. It informs all users about problems that may arise.

Before looking for faults in the receiver itself, check the serviceability of the cable and heads

Often antenna wire connecting the “head” to the attachment turns out to be broken or damaged. This breakdown cannot be noticed visually; for this you need a special device - a digital multimeter. If you do not have such a device, you can use a regular low-voltage incandescent light bulb from a mobile phone or flashlight. Connect the core being tested into a gap electrical circuit with battery and light bulb. If you see that the light comes on, everything is fine; if not, the wire is damaged.

2. Checking the serviceability of LNB “heads”

To check the serviceability of the “head”, you should disconnect the disks (if you have several converters) and connect each of them in turn to the set-top box.

Consider the following typical faults receivers:

1. The receiver does not turn on when connected to the network:

- Need to check back panel Perhaps the switch there is in the “off” position.
— You may have to repair the power supply of the Tricolor TV receiver.

2. The set-top box turns on, but the screen blinks:

— the power supply does not work.

3. The receiver turns on and “boot” appears on the screen:

— There was a software failure on receiving equipment, you will have to return the receiver for flashing.
— The motherboard has failed.

4. The receiver turns on and all the symbols light up on the screen:

— It is necessary to reflash the receiver because there was a software failure.
— The motherboard of your receiver is faulty.

5. The set-top box is functioning, and the inscription “Short circuit!” appears on the screen. Check antennacable!”, translated as “ Short circuit! Check the antenna cable." In this case, you can do a little diagnostics yourself.:
Antenna cable disconnect from the receiver, and if the inscription on the screen disappears, then the problem is satellite converter or antenna cable.
— Check the antenna cable for short circuit.
— If you disconnect the antenna cable from the receiver, and the inscription on the screen does not disappear, then repair of the tuner unit will be required.

6. The receiver is operating, but the picture on the screen crumbles, the sound cuts out, and the following messages periodically appear: “no signal”, “no sound”, “no image”, “DRE coded channel”. Your satellite receiver receives weak signal:

— The antenna cable that leads from the antenna to the receiver is damaged.
— The tuner unit has failed.

— The satellite converter is faulty.
— They worked external factors: The antenna is obscured by an obstacle or adverse weather conditions.

7. The satellite set-top box works, but the channels cannot be decoded, because the text “DRE encoded channel” appears on the screen, and in the “Status” menu it says “no module”:

— The cryptomodule has failed.

8. The receiver turns on, and its display displays the message “ER31″:

— The motherboard is faulty.

Attention: If you have a warranty, before taking the receiver to a service center and demanding that it be repaired using the warranty card, please note that the warranty is not valid if:

  • visible mechanical damage, seals, screws and other marks are broken;
  • the equipment was installed incorrectly or by unauthorized personnel;
  • the set-top box was programmed incorrectly;
  • incorrect switching was carried out, the device was connected incorrectly;
  • the terms of use of the receiver were violated;
  • cables or cords were not connected correctly.

Regarding the warranty for satellite dishes, then it does not apply under force majeure circumstances (hurricane, vandalism, etc.) or if they were installed incorrectly or by unqualified personnel.

What causes device malfunctions

The most common reason why a device stops functioning is a broken power supply. Its malfunction may be caused by loss of capacity, defects diode bridges, long period constant use and other factors.

An equally common cause is a malfunction of the satellite dish. This is evidenced by a jumping image, a barely perceptible signal from the satellite, and difficulties with the signal for most of the channels. The reason for this may be excessive snowfall, which clogs the antenna connection and makes it difficult to receive the signal.

But if the signal itself is simply excellent, and the image is of poor quality, then this indicates a failure of the motherboard. With such a malfunction, resetting settings and flashing the firmware is unlikely to be effective. In this case, it is better to take the receiver to a specialist who will replace components and repair the equipment.

Now, dear users, after carefully studying all the information, you can try to find the cause of the receiver malfunction yourself.

But if you are not confident in your abilities, contact a professional. And if you have additional questions related to your receiver, you can ask and write here. Someone will answer you and help you, don’t hesitate, because our resource provides all the information you need.