Chinese iPhone 5s does not turn on. IPhone won’t load beyond apple (won’t load) - what to do

Even Apple gadgets are susceptible to software glitches. If your iPhone 5 s or iPad suddenly does not turn on, what should you do in such a situation? The action plan depends on the cause of the problem, which we will now examine in detail.

When the iPhone turns off and does not turn on, most likely the device is simply dead. This can happen even with a recently fully charged battery - if the device spent a lot of time in the cold or one of the running applications froze, the batteries discharge very quickly. In this case, connect your smartphone to the charger and leave it for 15 minutes or longer, the battery will gain some charge and the iPhone will automatically turn on.

When the phone starts charging, you can press any button and an image of a battery with a red stripe will appear on the screen. This means that the battery is being powered normally, even if the device is not yet turned on while charging. If, after connecting the wire, you only see a black screen for a long time, check that the cable and iPhone connector are working properly. Try using another original cable, clean the connector from small debris and dust.

If the device shows that it is charging, but does not turn on, try restarting it. Immediately hold down the “Home” button and turn off the power; on iPhone 7/7+ - instead of “Home”, use the volume down key. Hold both buttons for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the display. Press the keys and wait for iOS to load.

Doesn't respond to buttons

If your smartphone is frozen so that the display shows running application, but the gadget does not respond to buttons, even to physical keys, give it a hard reboot. Press and hold “Home” (on iPhone 7/7+ – volume down key) and the power button – the screen should go dark. This means that the iPhone turns off, then it automatically boots up, and the screen saver appears when the phone turns on.

Application frozen

What to do if only one application freezes or stops working? You need to unload it from memory, because in iOS, when you click on “Home”, programs do not turn off, but only minimize. Quickly tap Home twice, scroll through the list of apps that are stuck, and swipe up to close them. The same method helps when the device slows down - periodically close everything unnecessary programs, to free iPhone memory and slow down battery drain.

Freezes on loading

When the iPhone 5 does not turn on completely - the device starts loading, but does not complete it, remaining with a red or blue screen, repeat the following steps:

  1. Connect your phone to your PC with a cable and launch iTunes.
  2. If the gadget does not turn on, force restart it - hold down the power off and "Home" buttons (on iPhone 7 - mute and volume down), wait for the apple to appear on the screen.
  3. Hold the buttons until the iTunes icon appears on the display.
  4. The program will ask you to update or restore your smartphone; click on “Update”. Will begin reinstalling iOS, but the user data will not be destroyed.

In the fourth step, you will need an Internet connection to boot the system. If you have a slow channel and the download lasts longer than 15 minutes, you will have to reboot the device again, which will have time to exit recovery mode.

After update

If your iPhone does not turn on after the update, you yourself uploaded the latest firmware to the phone, but it turned off and does not respond to any actions, you will have to update it again. For the iPhone to boot, press “Home”, connect the gadget with a cable to the computer and wait for the iTunes icon on the display - then release the button. Open iTunes on your PC, click on the only button - restore device. Finally, reboot your smartphone.

After the fall

If the iPhone is dropped and does not turn on, although there is no visible major damage, most likely one of the cables came loose when it fell. Try rebooting the device, if that doesn’t work, it’s best to solve this problem in service center, especially if the phone is still under warranty. But mechanical damage are not covered under warranty, so you will have to pay for repairs.

At complete shutdown you can spin your smartphone yourself, remove back cover and inspect the contact - but only if you are confident enough that you will not damage the microcircuits even more by your actions.

After drowning

If water gets on your phone - it doesn’t matter whether it fell into a puddle or it was a few drops of condensation - how to turn on your iPhone? The main rule in such a situation is to never try to turn on the device. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur, and even the service center will not be able to help you.

  • Use paper towels to thoroughly wipe the iPhone, thoroughly blot all connectors.
  • Take a bag of dry rice, put your smartphone inside and close it tightly. It is advisable to remove the battery before doing this and place it in the figure as well.
  • After a day, take out the device, wipe off dust and leave it to charge. After 15 minutes, try turning on the phone again.

If the iPhone 5s does not turn on after all the steps and does not charge, take it to a service center. Do not try to dry microcircuits with a hairdryer or in the hot sun - you risk overheating and melting the contacts.

“Eternal apple” mode

iOS crashes - as a result incorrect update, firmware or jailbreak - sometimes they put the device into “eternal apple” mode. At the same time, you see a dark black screen on which the apple periodically lights up and goes out. If it doesn't turn on normal recovery via iTunes and attempts are unsuccessful, try hard reset settings.

Withdraw iPhone 5s or other Apple device firmware in mode will help out of this state Recovery mode or DFU. In the first mode it will happen full reset gadget settings, it will return to factory settings. In the second, a deeper update is launched, with restoration system components iOS. Both modes can be launched if you have forgotten the device password.

DFU mode solves the most difficult problems. To get into it, hold down the device's power off key after 3 seconds. Additionally, press “Home” or volume down – for iPhone 7 – for 10 seconds, release the power, and hold the second button until the boot sound. Connect to iTunes, start recovery.

Complex problems

There are a number additional problems problems that cannot be dealt with on your own - they can only be resolved at a service center:

  • The screen went blank and does not turn on after charging and rebooting.
  • The phone turned on, it works - you can hear alert melodies, there is vibration, but the display goes out and remains black.
  • The screen does not respond to touches.
  • Physical buttons are broken.
  • The device is stuck with the light on Apple logo and is not detected in iTunes.

Experts will determine why the gadget does not turn on and how to fix it.


Now you know what to do if your iPhone won't turn on. Complex problems It’s better to entrust it to the service center specialists, but small ones can often be cured by recharging, rebooting or flashing the firmware. Therefore, if the iPhone 6 suddenly stops turning on, this is not a death sentence; you can perform most of the recovery steps yourself.

Like any other smartphone, unpleasant situations can also happen with the iPhone. They are associated with both the software and the mechanical part of the device.

In this article we will look at different types problems that the user may encounter and suggest ways to solve them.


In this case, the following “symptoms” appear:

Why do they appear? This is primarily due to:

  1. attempts to independently conduct Jailbreak (opening the system);
  2. clogging the smartphone with a large number of applications that require access to the network, which leads to overload of the operating system;
  3. loss of the password, leading to the device being locked.

Solving these problems is quite simple - entrust the Jailbreak to professionals or restore the device after it, remove unnecessary applications or disable their network access, and recover the password.


They may appear in the following cases:

In most cases, the malfunction is directly related to a damaged screen or case, which allows you to simply replace these parts. If your phone is exposed to moisture or dirty (connectors, buttons, touchscreen, speakers), simple drying or cleaning can help.

With damage to the motherboard and processor, the situation is much more complicated - their problems can be eliminated only by completely replacing these parts. Below we will talk about other cases related to mechanical damage to the iPhone.

Power controller

One of the common problems is related to the power controller - a small part, the breakdown of which leads to rapid loss charge. Before the user can blink, the phone is completely dead. The first step is to try replacing the battery, but this is only one of the possible options such a situation.

First, let's make sure that the problem is really a faulty power controller.

The following signs must be present:

Attention! Repairing this part is a rather painstaking process that requires special skills. If you have any of the above symptoms, we recommend contacting a service center.

Water ingress

Getting your device into water is one of the main fears of smartphone owners. What to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on?

In such a situation, it is necessary to act without delay:

Voltage drops

Are you being bothered? fast discharges smartphone? This may also be due to improper power supply, especially if a non-original charger is used. This can cause irreparable damage to the battery and lead to voltage surges that can cause the smartphone to burn out.

To avoid unnecessary costs for repairing the system board and battery, we recommend replacing the charger with an original one.

Battery is old

The iPhone battery, of course, does not last forever. Over time, the device begins to discharge faster and even turn off completely. There is only one thing that can help here - replacing the battery.

To extend battery life, pay attention to the following tips:

  • always charge your smartphone to 100%, avoid frequent short-term charging;
  • use original Charger;
  • don't reboot your phone unnecessary applications– their operation also affects the aging of the battery.


iPhone won't turn on

iPhone won't turn on - one of the most frightening situations for users. What are its reasons? This will be discussed further.

Due to a broken charging connector

This case is associated with the inability to charge the device. This is a very common breakdown that occurs when the charging connector is critically dirty. Also, the connector may simply break if you try to charge your phone carelessly.

You can try to solve this problem yourself by cleaning the connector, but this is not always possible at home. In case of heavy contamination the best solution will contact specialists.

After the firmware

This problem occurs directly during the firmware, when the phone suddenly turns off.

There can be two explanations for this:

In any of these cases, there is no need to panic - it will help new firmware devices.

After falling from a height

The reason why problems occur if the user drops the phone is quite clear. Most often, it lies in the disconnection of one of the cables leading to the battery, screen or power button.

With a strong impact, even more serious problems could arise - failure of soldering on system board or failure of one of the microcircuits. If you have the necessary skills, you can try to fix the problem yourself by unscrewing your smartphone and connecting the problematic cable. If not, you will have to contact the service center.

After replacing the display

Another common problem. It is mainly caused by incorrect assembly or problems with the cable leading to the screen. You can fix the problem yourself by disassembling the case and checking the problematic cable, or with the help of a specialist.

After factory reset

If your iPhone does not turn on after resetting the settings, the following procedure may help:

When charging

Device shutdowns when charging are most often associated with battery problems or non-original charging. This may also be due to a breakdown of the power controller, which we already discussed above.

After jailbreak

Device freezing after jailbreak is another common problem.

You can solve it as follows:

After reboot

What should I do if the phone does not start after a reboot and only vibrates? Will help in in this case forced reboot. To do this, just hold down the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Attention! Force reboot does not delete any data from the device. You can do it even if the screen goes dark and the buttons do not respond to pressing.


Apple lights up on iPhone and won't turn on

This problem occurs after pressing the “Power” button. It is often called a “white apple” because the device gets stuck on the company logo when booting up. A forced reboot (holding down the power and Home buttons) most often does not work in this case. What to do?

The solution is quite simple:

  1. turn off the smartphone using forced restart(press and hold “Home” and “Power”), wait for it to turn on;
  2. if the problem repeats and the device is stuck on the logo again, update software phone.

Important! We also cannot rule out the possibility that the problem was caused by an application. In this case, removing it will help.

We have reviewed the most common problems, causing the iPhone to stop turning on. We hope that our step by step instructions helped to get rid of problems and restore the functionality of the device.

Everybody knows high quality Apple products, and the iPhone 4 is no exception. And yet, like any technology created by human hands, from time to time the iPhone can fail. This is especially worrying when you need to make an urgent call. In such cases when the iPhone 4 does not turn on when pressed Power buttons, no need to panic right away. Most problems can be fixed. Often such procedures can be carried out independently.

Causes of malfunctions

  • Software (the program crashed or the files were damaged by viruses).
  • Mechanical (there were mechanical damage or ordinary wear and tear).

In case of mechanical problems The problem is solved by replacing parts. There are often cases when you can do this yourself, at home. For example, when you need to replace the battery or glass.

If the malfunction is of a software nature, then even here you can do without the help of specialists. Let's consider the simplest cases.

The first reason that might come to mind is complete discharge battery There is not enough energy even to simply show the charge indicator on the display. Then you should connect your smartphone to your computer or network. At the end of 15 minutes (it may take more if connected to a PC), press the Power button without disconnecting from the network. After this, it will become obvious what the cause of the malfunction is: if the problem is only in the charge, then the device’s display will display an image of an empty battery with a lightning icon inside. It becomes clear that there is not enough energy to make calls and run programs. We wait several hours until the charge is fully recharged.

Software glitch

There are times when even after a full charge the iPhone 4 does not turn on. This may be due to software glitch. To resolve the situation, you can use a “hard reboot”. What is this procedure? To launch it, simultaneously press the Power and Home buttons and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the screen. The operating system will reboot again, after which it becomes possible to continue using the device.

Other reasons

So, we have considered two cases when you can do it on your own. Moreover, in the second case, all procedures will take only a few seconds. In the first case, it may take several hours to charge.

What to do if iPhone 4 does not turn on even after these procedures?

If after these procedures the situation has not changed, there may be a different problem. The following reasons why iPhone 4 does not turn on are possible:

  • the battery has failed (can be solved by replacing it at a service center or doing it yourself);
  • The power cable connector is clogged with dirt (you can carefully clean it yourself);
  • The USB cable or charger is faulty (in this case, nothing can be done with the old cable - it needs to be replaced);
  • short circuit due to moisture getting inside or mechanical damage to the device (you should not try to solve the problem yourself - it is better to contact a workshop);
  • voltage surges during charging caused damage to the microcircuits (this can happen if you charge the battery in a car);
  • manufacturing defect (replacement under warranty).

iPhone 4 is on fire, Apple does not turn on

Sometimes the device does not respond to actions from the owner, even when the “apple” lights up. This problem is one of the most common why the iPhone 4 does not turn on. A possible reason may be the need to flash the device. You can do this operation yourself. For this there is iTunes service V DFU Mode, the screen must be turned off. This is possible when the smartphone has iTunes program most latest version. The device is connected to the PC, and the current version of the firmware for that day is downloaded from the Apple website. Next, the smartphone is switched to black screen mode and iTunes is turned on. A dialog box will appear on the display. Press Shift + “Restore” (if you have Windows) or Alt + “Restore” (for Mac owners). The firmware is selected and the recovery procedure starts.

There may be situations where even after such a manual flashing the device does not start. Then you should contact qualified specialists. There will be held high-quality repairs, perhaps even before your eyes.

The most problematic situation is when the motherboard. In this case, it will need to be completely replaced, since the motherboard is a complex device consisting of a processor, random access memory, various connectors and drives. The reason that can cause the board to fail can be either mechanical damage to the device or the ingress of liquid.

Wi-Fi problems

From time to time, owners receive complaints that the iPhone 4’s WiFi module does not turn on - the connection is periodically lost or the device does not want to connect at all. The cause may be either software glitches or mechanical breakdowns. In the case when the Wi-Fi connection is periodically lost, a simple reset can help. The fact is that similar problems were noticed among users who switched to iOS system 7.

And yet, there are more frequent cases when the problem lies not in the software, but in the hardware component. The best solution here would be to contact a service center.

For those who are determined to solve the problem themselves, interesting way A solution to this problem was suggested by one of the Internet users: heat the iPhone 4 with a simple household hairdryer. Heat until the display shows a warning about critical temperature. Next, the author of the method advises turning off and turning on the device - according to him, Wi-Fi should work. But whether to use such a risky method or still take the expensive device to a specialist is up to you to decide. Advice from strangers is much less reliable than advice from professionals.

One of the most annoying problems that happen to Apple smartphones is that the iPhone does not boot beyond the apple.

When you try to turn on the phone, the company logo appears on the screen, but the system does not start. The error can appear on any model: iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 7.

Reasons why iPhone loads further than Apple

  • Making changes to file system.
  • Incompatibility of tweaks installed from Cydia.
  • Problems with custom firmware.
  • Hardware damage phone.

The problem is typical for jailbroken iPhones. Usually, to fix it, it is enough to restore the device, but there are other ways.

If the iPhone does not boot, the apple is on fire, first of all try to restore the device's functionality by performing a hard reboot - Hard Reset.

Press Home and Power (on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, use the Volume Down key instead of Home). Hold them until the device turns on. If hard reboot will lead to nothing, move on to another method - system recovery.

iPhone recovery

The main disadvantage of recovery is the removal of settings and content. If you recently made a backup copy, then the losses will be minimal, but you still won’t be able to do without them - a working phone is more important. Since you are dealing with software error, to eliminate it, you need to switch the phone to DFU mode.

  1. Connect your iPhone to your PC and launch iTunes.
  2. Press Power and Home, hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Release Power for a count of 10. Continue holding Home button.

The screen will remain dark, but iTunes will notify you that your device is in recovery mode. Click "Restore iPhone" to begin fixing the error and updating the system.

After reinstall iTunes offer to return deleted information from backup copy or set up your smartphone as new. Select the appropriate option, activate the iPhone, make sure that the boot problem is fixed, and the phone no longer freezes on the apple, but starts normally operating system.

Removing tweaks

If you don't want to study backup data and system recovery, try cleaning your phone from the latest installed tweaks or check its file system.

If the iPhone does not boot, the apple is on fire, the reason for this may be the incompatibility of tweaks installed from Cydia. To test your hypothesis, try running your smartphone without tweaks. For that:

  1. Turn off your iPhone.
  2. Hold down the volume up key.
  3. Turn on your device while continuing to hold the Volume Up key.

If the iPhone boots normally in this mode, then you should get rid of the tweaks that were installed immediately before problems with loading the system appeared. Remove the component that is interfering with operation, and the system will begin to function smoothly again.

The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is Jobs worth, who asked new standard around the world, in terms of mobile devices. Not a single manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons for a whole decade. But all thoughts about greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on; it is unclear what to do in such a situation and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain themselves.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can fail once during its entire service life:

  • iPhone is smartphone, assembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are connected to each other thanks to rather fragile cables that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • The “human factor” cannot be ruled out; not every user can boast of handling fashionable gadgets with care.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop showing “signs of life,” and problems will arise with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable; you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Understanding and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable solution; it is better to try to correct the situation yourself.

Do-it-yourself equipment repair

Official dealers always advise taking products to service centers and do not try to fix the problem yourself:

  1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. For the repair of any, even the most insignificant malfunction, you can issue a good bill.
  2. This is convenient in terms of diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has dug into it or performed any manipulations before you.
  3. This is sometimes simply unacceptable to the user. The user needs the device in working order within a couple of hours, and the service center advises to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can take a significant toll on your budget. Even small, but regular breakdowns are outside warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

AND we're talking about not just about iPhones or even about phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in minimum quantity breakdowns and malfunctions of the products sold. But even more, corporations want the user to turn to them for help with all the difficulties that arise, and not solve them on their own.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on: what to do?

If your iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - “Home” and “Power”. Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute, don’t despair; the phone may still begin to show signs of life.
  • Put your device on charge, you may not have noticed how the battery fully sat down
  • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if just recently the battery was almost full. If you only knew how they suffer lithium batteries in the cold.
  • Click the sound switch a couple of times. From a theoretical point of view, this should not affect the performance of the smartphone at all. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to restart an already hopelessly “extinguished” device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from your iPhone. While connecting, you should press “Home” on your phone. This is an option quick recovery smartphone, just click the “Restore” button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the phone’s functionality will not take more than a minute. And what’s even more interesting is that they will not harm the device itself in any way. Just think, no one opens the case, no one gets into the “insides” of the iPhone. If you can’t start the phone yourself, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if your iPhone is dropped and won’t turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate issue:

  1. Malfunctions resulting from a fall or other physical impact always harder to fix.
  2. Any problem is associated with the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you won’t be able to do it without turning to specialists for help.
  4. The problem may be due to damage not to the part itself, but to the cable that connects it to all other components.

If you have already “opened” your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Inspect the contents carefully.
  • Try to look for cracks, signs of impact or compression.
  • Inspect all cables and correct them if necessary.
  • Check it out.

Sometimes this is enough to get the phone working again. If you don’t understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and don’t know which side to hold the soldering iron on, it’s better to take your iPhone to a company service center immediately after a fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than to try to do something for the first time.

Should I tell specialists about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can remain silent about it or confidently prove that the phone never fell anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, otherwise, maybe you’ll get lucky. Issues of conscience are a separate issue. Has the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you need to:

  1. Don't panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check that the charging port is in good condition; it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges properly when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunction of the iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - “Home” and “Power”, hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two treasured buttons again.
  6. Connect the phone to the computer, having first launched it on the desktop iTunes device. Automatic recovery may start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options bring you closer to solving the riddle? Well, it's time to entrust this problem to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with Apple products increases, but many newcomers have absolutely no idea what to do and where to run if their iPhone 5s doesn’t turn on.

Video: what to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on

In this video, phone repairman Oleg Romanov will tell you how you can revive an iPhone 5s that won’t turn on: