Games cannot be installed with runtime error. The easiest ways to fix the error

If a runtime error appears when starting an application and the application closes, there are methods that can correct this situation. How to do this?

You will need

  • - computer.


1. Determine the reason why this oversight could occur. It is possible that you installed a new version of a program over an already installed one, and this caused an error to occur in the system registry. Open the “Control Panel”, the “Add or Remove Programs” section, view the list of programs and remove the old version of the software. This will eliminate the origin of the error.

2. Check your computer for viruses with the support of an antivirus program, because the 2nd common cause of runtime errors is the action of trojans, other viruses and advertising agents, they penetrate the computer and delete or change system files operating system, which leads to crashes and runtime errors.

3. Use a registry cleaning program, it will allow you to fix it deleted files and fixing damaged ones. These programs are intentionally made to eliminate runtime errors, in particular runtime error 13 and runtime error 91, as well as many others. These programs perform integrity checks file system. Download and install on your computer CCleaner program, to do this, follow the link, and after downloading the file, run it. Open the program, go to the “Registry” section, run a full registry scan, and find the cause of the runtime error. Depending on how many files you have on your computer, scanning can take anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour. The program will not only fix runtime errors, but can also greatly increase the efficiency of your computer.

4. Run further script in AVZ program: begin SearchRootkit(t rue, true); SetAVZGuardStat us(true); DeleteFile(……………………….); BC_ImportDelete dList; BC_Activate; ExecuteSysClean ; RebootWindows(t rue); end. Enter the path to the problematic file in brackets, reboot the system, go to the “File” – “Typical Scripts” menu in the AVZ program and run the 3rd script.

The message that an “application error” has occurred can occur when running a wide variety of applications, ranging from computer games and ending with office software products. The reasons for such an error may also be different, but somewhat all general recommendations However, it is still possible to suggest how to fix the application error.

  • If the mistake occurs all the time after the installation of the application, that is, it has never been launched without an error, then the reason may be incorrect installation application, or its incompatibility with your system. Try completely uninstalling the application and installing it again. If the error still occurs, try running the application in compatibility mode. To do this, click on the application launch shortcut right click mouse and open Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab. Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode" checkbox and select Windows version, with which the software product is guaranteed to be compatible. If you don’t know what the version should be, simply try each one step by step, clicking “Ok” or “Apply” each time and trying to launch an application that supports this shortcut until the mistake is eliminated.
  • If the application previously launched and worked without errors, try simply restarting the computer. Let's say in the end long work different programs and elements operating system memory sharing is broken, and after a reboot your application will work.
  • The reason for the error may be Russian characters in the path to executable file. Completely uninstall the application if reinstallation preferring a path that does not contain Russian characters.
  • Conduct a full system scan for viruses. It is acceptable that the reason for the error is the activity of harmful software, added to your computer.
  • The cause of the error may be physical overheating of the memory modules, which leads to their incorrect operation. In this case, in order to correct the application error, turn off the computer, open the case and carefully vacuum everything electronic components. In addition, you can carefully remove the memory modules and reinsert them into the appropriate connectors - this will help remove the formed layer of oxides on the contacts of the modules and restore the electrical conductivity of the connections.
  • NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a system prepared for creating Windows installers for various software, developed by Nullsoft (especially the famous software product which is the mythical Winamp player). NSIS installers use open source code, support elastic scripts, plugins and different methods packaging, making them a winning alternative to the closed InstallShield.

    The nsis error message may appear when installing any software that is installed with the support of an nsis-based installer. The method for correcting nsis error depends on the reasons for which this mistake arose.

  • Most often, the cause of the error is a violation of the integrity of the distribution. This can happen due to an error or failure when downloading a file from the Internet, or as a result of modification of the file after it was downloaded. In any of these cases, fixing nsis error is quite easy: delete the distribution file, and then download it again from the appropriate site. If the Internet connection is unstable and the file is quite large, then to download the file completely, use a download administrator such as Free Download Master or ReGet.
  • Try to find an alternative source for downloading the file. Many programs can be downloaded from various sites containing collections of programs, as well as from the official website of software developers. It is possible that you will be able to download an intact file from one of these sources.
  • The reason for the incomplete download of the distribution may be the lack of sufficient volume free space on disk. Try repeating the download to another disk, where there is more free space, or later, freeing the disk from indecent files in advance. Often, cleaning the recycle bin frees up quite a lot of free disk space.
  • If the file is located on a CD, it is possible that the surface of the disk is damaged. Carefully wipe the disk with a soft cloth and try to start the installation again. If unsuccessful, try to find the required distribution on other disks or on the Internet.
  • Damage to the distribution can be caused by harmful software. In this case, carry out full check system for the presence of viruses, then repeat the download of the distribution file.
  • To find and eliminate the causes of problems, expressed in the occurrence of error messages, you will need Windows startup Vista or Windows 7 using the smallest set of drivers and mechanically loaded programs, called a “clean start”.


    1. Click the "Start" button to open the main system menu and enter the value msconfig.exe in the search string field for launch system setup programs.

    2. Click Enter key to confirm the execution of the command and enter the computer manager password (if necessary) to confirm your authority.

    3. Check the “Selective startup” box on the “General” tab of the “System Configuration” window that opens and uncheck the “Load startup items” box.

    4. Go to the Services tab and check the Do not display Microsoft services».

    5. Click the Disable All button and confirm your selection by clicking OK.


    7. Repeat the above steps to return to the Service tab and check the "Do not display Microsoft services" checkbox.

    8. Select the check boxes for half of the services in the Services list and click OK to confirm your selection.

    9. Select “Reboot” and wait until the operation is completed.

    10. Repeat all of the above steps if error messages occur until you locate the service that is causing them. If there are no services calling the task, run the following actions.

    11. Perform a clean startup and go to the Startup tab.

    12. Check the boxes for half of the items in the Startup Item list and click OK to confirm your selection.

    13. Select “Reboot” and wait until the operation is completed.

    14. Repeat this algorithm of actions to detect the startup element that causes tasks.

    15. Contact the manufacturer of the program or service that is causing the error messages to determine whether the problem can be resolved.

    16. Run the system correction program and uncheck the problematic element field after its conclusion.

    17. Click the "Start" button to enter the main system menu and enter msconfig.exe in the search bar to set the computer to normal startup.

    18. Press Enter to execute the command and go to the General tab of the dialog box that opens.

    19. Select the Normal Startup option and click OK to execute the command.

    20. Verify that the rework has been completed launch computer in a new warning dialog box.

    Video on the topic

    Failure to check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox may result in permanent deletion of all system fix points!

    Helpful advice
    Following instructions to perform a clean boot may make some of the system's functional capabilities temporarily unattainable.

    Checking and correcting startup errors can be done in the operating room Windows system 7 with help GUI and with support command line. Option 1 is more convenient for novice computer users, although using the CHKDSK command provides enormous possibilities.

    You will need

    • – Windows 7.


    1. Click the "Start" button to open the main system menu and go to the "Computer" item to perform an operation to check the selected disk for errors.

    2. Call context menu right-click on the icon of the disk to be scanned and go to “Properties”.

    3. Go to the “Service” tab in the window that opens and click the “Run check” button.

    4. Click the Run button in the Test dialog box. local disk drive_name" to perform the check without additional steps.

    5. Check the “Mechanically fix system errors” checkbox to scan the selected drive and correct errors in files and folders.

    6. Select “Scan and repair bad sectors” to search for and correct data in bad sectors.

    7. Return to the main Start menu and go to Run to launch the command line tool.

    8. Enter the value chkdsk in the "Open" field to run a disk check without any further actions and click OK to confirm the command.

    9. Use the "drive_letter:" value to specify the drive selected for scanning (chkdsk C:).

    10. Enter /F to correct errors on the selected drive and click OK to confirm the changes (chkdsk C:/F).

    11. Use /R to search bad sectors and corrections of the data stored in them. When using this command, the value /F is mandatory (chkdsk C:/F/R). Press the Enter key to confirm the command.

    12. Specify /X to proactively disable the selected volume. When using this command, the value /F is mandatory (chkdsk C:/F/X). Click Ok to confirm the changes made.

    Video on the topic

    To avoid damaging the disk and the data stored on it, do not stop or interrupt a scan that is in progress.

    Helpful advice
    When you select the “Mechanically fix system errors” item, the disk check will be performed during further booting of the computer.

    Video on the topic


    Determine the reason why it might have occurred this error. You may have installed a new version of the program on top of an already installed one, and this caused an error to appear in the system registry. Open the “Control Panel”, the “Add or Remove Programs” section, view the list of programs and uninstall the old version of the software. This will eliminate the error from appearing.

    Use a registry cleaning program; it will allow you to restore deleted files and fix damaged ones. These programs are specially made to eliminate runtime errors, in particular runtime error 13 and runtime error 91, as well as many others. These programs check the integrity of the file system. Download and install the CCleaner program on your computer, to do this, follow the link, and after downloading the file, run it. Open the program, go to the “Registry” section, run a full registry scan, find the cause of the runtime error. Depending on how many files you have on your computer, scanning can take from a couple of minutes to half an hour. The program will not only correct runtime errors, but can also significantly increase.

    Run the following script in the AVZ program: begin SearchRootkit(t rue, true); SetAVZGuardStat us(true); DeleteFile(........................); BC_ImportDelete dList; BC_Activate; ExecuteSysClean ; RebootWindows(t rue); end. Enter the path to the problematic file in brackets, reboot the system, go to the “File” – “Standard Scripts” menu in the AVZ program and run the third script.

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    Related article

    A message stating that an “application error” has occurred can appear when running a wide variety of applications, ranging from computer games to office software products. The reasons for the appearance of such an error may also be different, however, several general recommendations on how to fix the application error can still be offered.

    1. If the error appears every time after installing the application, that is, it has never been launched without an error, then the reason may be incorrect installation of the application, or its incompatibility with your system. Try completely uninstalling the application and reinstalling it. If the error still appears, try running the application in mode. To do this, right-click on the application launcher shortcut and open “Properties”. Go to the Compatibility tab. Select the "Run in compatibility mode" checkbox and select Windows with which the software product is guaranteed to be compatible. If you don’t know which one should be, just try each one in sequence, each time clicking “Ok” or “Apply” and trying to launch the application using this shortcut until the error is resolved.

    2. If the application previously launched and worked without errors, just try. Possibly as a result of long-term work various programs and elements of the operating system, memory allocation is disrupted, and after a reboot your application will work.

    3. The error may be caused by characters in the path to the executable file. Completely uninstall the application, choosing a path that does not contain Russian characters when installing it again.

    4. Conduct a full system scan for viruses. The error may be caused by the activity of malicious software installed on your computer.

    5. The cause of the error may be physical overheating of the memory modules, which leads to their incorrect operation. In this case, to fix the applications, turn off the computer, open the case and carefully vacuum all electronic components. In addition, you can carefully remove the memory modules and reinsert them into the appropriate connectors - this will help remove the formed layer of oxides on the module contacts and the electrical conductivity of the connections.

    NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a system designed for creating Windows installers for various software, developed by Nullsoft (the most famous software product of which is the legendary Winamp player). NSIS installers use open source, support flexible scripts, plugins and various ways packaging, making them a cost-effective alternative to the closed InstallShield.

    An nsis error message may appear when installing any software that is installed using an nsis-based installer. The way to fix nsis error depends on the reason why this error appeared.

    1. Most often, the cause of the error is a violation of the integrity of the distribution. This can happen due to an error or failure when downloading from the Internet, or as a result of modification of the file after it has been downloaded. In any of these cases, fixing nsis error is quite simple: delete the distribution file, and then download it again from the appropriate site. If the Internet connection is unstable and the file is quite large, then use a download manager such as Free to download the file completely Download Master or ReGet.

    2. Try to find an alternative source to download the file. Many can be downloaded from various sites containing collections of programs, as well as from the official website of software developers. You may be able to download an intact file from one of these sources.

    3. The reason for the incomplete download of the distribution package may be the lack of sufficient free space on the . Try downloading again to another disk where there is more free space, or after first freeing the . Often it allows you to free up quite a lot of free disk space.

    4. If the file is located on a CD, the surface of the disc may be damaged. Wipe the disk thoroughly with a soft cloth and try to start the installation again. If unsuccessful, try to find the required distribution on others or in .

    5. Damage to the distribution can be caused by malicious software. In this case, perform a full system scan for viruses, and then download the distribution file again.


    • nsis error what to do

    To find and eliminate the causes of problems resulting in error messages, you will need to run Windows Vista or Windows 7 using a minimal set of drivers and automatically loaded programs, called a “clean start”.


    Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the system and enter the value msconfig.exe in the search string field for launch system setup programs.

    Press Enter to confirm the command and enter the computer administrator password (if necessary) to confirm your authority.

    Check the “Selective startup” box on the “General” tab of the “System Configuration” window that opens and uncheck the “Load startup items” box.

    Go to the "Services" tab and check the "Do not display Microsoft services" checkbox.

    Click the "Disable All" button and confirm your choice by clicking OK.

    Repeat the above steps to return to the Service tab and check the "Do not display Microsoft services" checkbox.

    Select the check boxes for half of the services in the Services list and click OK to confirm your selection.

    Repeat all of the above steps if error messages appear until you identify the service that is causing them. If the services causing the problem are not present, follow these steps:

    Perform a clean startup and go to the Startup tab.

    Check the boxes for half of the items in the Startup Item list and click OK to confirm your selection.

    Repeat this algorithm to identify the startup item that is causing problems.

    Contact the manufacturer of the program or service that is causing the error messages to determine if the problem can be resolved.

    Run System Restore and uncheck the problematic item box after it completes.

    Press the Enter key to execute the command and go to the "General" tab of the dialog box that opens.

    Select the Normal Startup option and click OK to execute the command.

    Confirm execution launch computer in a new warning dialog box.

    Video on the topic


    Failure to check the "Do not display Microsoft services" checkbox may result in permanent deletion of all system restore points!

    Helpful advice

    Following the instructions to perform a clean boot may make some functionality systems.


    Checking and correcting startup errors can be done in the Windows 7 operating system using the graphical interface and using the command line. The first option is more convenient for novice computer users, although using the CHKDSK command provides greater opportunities.

    All program code, which is written must be translated and compiled into computer language in order to understand the request. If there are errors in this process, the compiler complains and throws a compiler error. These errors are displayed in the form of numbers and brief explanations on English language. Engineers offer a way to debug their programs in a prescribed manner.

      Bad Programming- Runtime errors may be due to bad tricks programming. If an engineer loads his software with a memory leak, then he can get multiple runtime errors throughout the user's session. If there is no way to fix this problem as it lies in the software.

      Other software— If there is a program running on your computer that is poorly written, it may affect the operation of other programs. IN Windows environment many things are common and if the applications are in your memory there is a possibility for runtime errors to occur. In this case, you may close all other applications and then see the program still has a runtime error.

      Old or damaged equipment— To a large extent, the software depends on the performance of the computer’s peripheral devices. if you have old computer If your drives are older than two years, if you've recently experienced a thunderstorm, all of these things can lead to service degradation and then, in turn, cause your software to fail.

      Malicious virus or Ad-Ware“These programs run in the background undetected and can cause a mountain of damage. They are not the leading cause of a runtime error, but can still lead to one. It is important that you check your system with some types antivirus programs daily.

    Troubleshoot runtime errors using CCleaner

    1. Launch Cleaner

    3. After searching, a list of problems will appear; the highlighted problems are likely to interfere with proper operation runtime. Click “Fix”

    4. Correct the ones marked, then reboot the PC.

    Troubleshooting runtime library errors with installing Microsoft .NET Framework updates

    1. Follow the link and download the dotNet.

    2. Launch the bootloader.

    3. Install the program.

    4. Restart your computer.

    If you get this message, try this method "Fix runtime errors using CCleaner" previously described, or find a more recent version of the Framework.

    If you are looking for how to fix runtime error, you have come to the right place.

    There can be a huge number of reasons for this to happen.

    Most often the reason is that it comes out a new version one or the other and it is installed directly on top of the old one.

    Although this is far from the only situation that can cause it to appear.


    After you click on the only button in the error window, it simply closes and the program also stops working.

    It happens that it still continues to work, but it is impossible to save anything in it. In any case, there is several ways to fix it.

    Method number 1. CCleaner

    The simplest solution is to use a registry cleaning program. How it works?

    It's simple - the registry cleaner, in fact, is designed to fix all sorts of problems, like the one we are considering, organize files and add what it lacks for normal operation.

    Some files may have been damaged or the version may be out of date.

    Happen in in this case and other situations when the installed C++ is simply not suitable for your operating system.

    Below is a table with options that are suitable for different versions OS.

    So, depending on what OS you have, you should download and install C++2008 on your computer (

    Among the many system errors, arising on computer devices, the “Runtime Error!” error may also appear, leading many users to bewilderment. In fact, this error does not appear spontaneously, but is the result of some user actions.

    Most often the reason for its appearance is incorrect update applications installed on the computer. Let's say that if you want to install the latest version of a program, you simply download it from the network and then install it on your device. At this moment, a failure occurs in the registry settings, because old version not yet deleted.

    This inconsistency leads to this error. Fortunately, not all applications require you to uninstall older versions when installing updated versions.

    In most cases, the user successfully runs two or even more versions of the program on the PC. However, there is a whole list of programs that can cause such a problem.

    Another reason for the Runtime Error to appear on the monitor screen is interference with system registry from viruses spy modules and even some completely harmless applications.

    Once installed on a computer, they often replace system files with their analogues, which solve their own, purely personal problems, without caring about the functioning of the entire OS. The result is an error.

    How to get rid of the “Runtime Error!”

    A radical method is to reinstall the system, but this method is not recommended, because you may lose some data, settings, and it will take a fair amount of time. It is much easier to fix the error in some other, less labor-intensive way. Options for resolving the error will be listed below.

    You will need to choose one of them that suits you. Other methods may simply not work. So, it’s worth doing them sequentially until the error disappears.

    Execute antivirus scanning all disks. You will probably find several malicious modules there.

    Clean the system of debris using one of the cleaning programs. For example, System Cleaner, Advanced System Care, CCleaner.

    Install latest versions products such as Visual C++ (Visual C++2010), Net.Framework and DirectX. Damaged files It is these applications that often lead to the error.

    Use program compatibility mode. To enable it, check the corresponding box in the “Compatibility” tab located in the properties of the shortcut for this program. Try running the program using its compatibility with different operating systems.

    Roll back the system to a time when the error did not exist. To do this, System Restore must be enabled. However, you will not be able to use applications installed after this date, but the error often disappears along with these applications.

    If the error "Runtime Error!" remains then the only way out There will be a system reinstallation. Be sure to format the partition on which the system will be installed.

