Can't start Windows 10. Windows won't boot after installing updates

If Windows stops loading, you can use standard utilities to restore correct operation.

One of the main nightmares of computer lovers is to encounter a situation where they cannot turn on the device. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: “Windows updates could not be configured, changes are being discarded, do not turn off the computer.” After which nothing new happens - the software cannot be restored, and downloading stubbornly does not help. The best antivirus for Windows 10 The best antivirus for Windows 10 Viruses and all kinds of spyware are the most common causes of PC problems. Let's figure out how to defend ourselves. More details

System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7, this situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often a complete reinstallation of the operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved with standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task comes down to being aware, in principle, that such a toolkit exists, as well as simply remembering it when something “irreparable” suddenly happens.

The trick is that when you boot your computer, even before the Windows boot icons appear, you have time to get into the advanced parameters of this very boot, where you will be able to run diagnostics and, if necessary, restore the system to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when booting, you had to press the F8 function key, and then select the “Troubleshoot” option (although in rare cases, the “Last Known Known Configuration” option saved the day).

More Windows 7 download options

Once in the “System Recovery Options” menu, in most cases one of the first two options became a salvation. “Startup Repair” could save the operating system automatically, and “System Restore” required you to manually select a checkpoint to which the rollback would be made.

Windows 7 System Recovery Options

Backup of Windows 10 Backup of Windows 10 To ensure that if the operating system malfunctions, you can restore it to its original state, you must make a recovery disk in advance. Read more Microsoft would be cheating on itself if, with the update of its brainchild, it left all the useful tools as before. Restoring the Windows 10 system is carried out by pressing the “hot keys” Shift + F8, and, unlike “seven”, you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

Windows 10 Boot Options

The appearance of the rescue menu has also undergone changes. Having selected “Diagnostics”, in the “Advanced options” there are the already familiar “System Restore” and “Startup Repair” (only in a different order). There is also a “Return to previous build” option if you upgraded to “ten” from one of the previous versions of Windows.

Windows 10 Advanced Boot Options

If automatic recovery doesn't work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the previous checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting existing ones. It really makes sense to periodically clear old control points, since they take up a lot of space. But abandoning restore points completely is a risky endeavor. Secure Internet via DNS Secure Internet via DNS How to navigate the Internet without getting viruses? Secure DNS servers will help. Learn more To make sure that your restore points are automatically created or to make changes to the corresponding settings, you need to select the “Large icons” (or Small, but not Categories) icon display in the “Options” window and select the “Recovery” item. There, select “System recovery settings”, check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the “Configure” button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

Recovering your Windows 10 computer

Windows 10 restore points

If we have restore points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows system recovery tools, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

Creating a Windows 10 recovery image

In extreme cases, you will have to restore the system to its original state or to a previously created system image. It is advisable to create a “System Image” and a “System Repair Disk” in a working state of the operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same “Control Panel” (aka “Settings”), when viewing by “Categories”, selecting “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”. Here you can restore the operating system to a previously created image if the computer still boots, but has no longer worked as it should. Limiting Windows 10 tracking Limiting Windows 10 tracking With each release of the operating system, Microsoft requests more and more information from users. But you can moderate her appetites. More details

Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If standard tools do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, then laptop owners can use hot keys to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have a separate key for these purposes, for example, OneKey Recovery from Lenovo, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which hotkey is for your laptop, since it tends to differ among manufacturers.

Hotkeys for laptop manufacturers:

F3 – MSI; F4 – Samsung; F8 – Fujitsu Siemens; F8 - Toshiba; F9 - ASUS; F10 - Sony VAIO; F10 - Packard Bell; F11 - HP Pavilion; F11 - LG; F11 - Lenovo ThinkPad; Alt+F10 - Acer (before this select in BIOS - Disk-to-Disk (D2D)); Ctrl+F11 - Dell Inspiron; Hold - Rover.

Factory Utility will restore the device to its original condition, as if it had just come from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including favorite photos, which it makes sense to store in cloud services just for such cases. However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

Five Windows 10 System Recovery Methods (Step-by-Step Guides)

Windows 10, like earlier operating systems, may be susceptible, for example, to virus attacks or system errors. In this regard, specialists from Microsoft have provided their Windows 10 with special built-in functions so that you can quickly restore the operating system, allowing you to effectively return it to a working state. Among these tools, the new product contains, as well as methods that have already been tested over the years, for resuscitating the OS, for example, using a pre-created recovery point or recording an image of the entire OS on an external drive, but also some improved methods have been introduced, such as creating a USB specifically for the possibility of recovery.

This article describes in detail for Windows 10 five methods to ensure quick recovery when system failures occur. The first three methods should be used when not particularly difficult situations arise, and the last two will effectively help even in cases where it is impossible to boot the system. The option of a clean installation of the system will not be considered here, since it already refers to cardinal methods and even in its essence can no longer be called a recovery method, since the OS will be installed “from scratch” (with formatting the system partition of the hard drive) .

Method 1: Using a recovery point

It is envisaged that in automatic mode, Windows 10, like its previous versions, creates points at certain intervals for the possibility of its recovery. But at any time the user can always save such a point in manual mode. For example, before making any important adjustments to the system or before installing applications and special software.

The main advantage of method 1 is that after the procedure, all information on the user’s computer is saved and only software installed after the restore point date will be deleted.

If the user is interested in the question: “How to restore the OS using 1 method?”, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Method 2: Restore to factory state

The Ten has added a feature that allows you to return your PC to factory settings. This method provides the ability to perform a total system rollback or without affecting the personal information of the owner stored on the computer.

How to restore the OS using the reset function? To do this, you need to perform the following sequential steps:

Method 3: Using the file backup function

In Windows 10, there is a convenient “File History” function, with which the user can independently or by setting automatic execution in the settings, create backup copies of information stored on the PC. To do this, you just need to enable this setting and show what exactly needs to be reserved. The time interval after which copies of files should be created is specified in the settings. This, in the event of failures or errors in the OS, will allow you to quickly and without investing much effort, return your information and resume full-fledged work with them.

Method 4: through creating a USB disk

In cases where the OS does not start at all, the first three methods will not help. In this case, you will need to use the recovery disk, which allows you to use additional boot options.

The algorithm of actions consists of the following stages:

Method 5: Using bootable media with Windows 10

If you do not have a previously created recovery disk and if you cannot boot your PC, you will need to use bootable media with Windows 10 to restore the system. Bootable (installation) media is created on a USB flash drive or DVD.

The sequence of steps performed is as follows:

Windows 10 System Restore

  • 1 Create a photo
  • 2 Restoring
  • 3 If it doesn't load

Windows 10 is under continuous testing. This means that errors appear periodically. It’s no wonder that restoring Windows 10 in such conditions is a necessary process. Problems arise due to updates being implemented by developers. After all, this whole bunch of applications and equipment that exist on the market must be adapted to the requirements of the new operating system.

Create a photo

You can imagine that returning the computer to its previous state is a time jump. Windows 10, in spite of our desire, automatically photographs its configuration. Such fragments of memory have important files and drivers in running versions. So, it is very important for Windows 10 to take a photo of itself before installing any software. The user can do this operation independently.

To do this, click on the Start menu and select Control Panel.

After this, you need to click on System.

Go to a new window and click on System Protection.

We check such a parameter as the partition for which Windows 10 recovery is enabled. Place the cursor on this partition, select it and click Configure.

In the next window you need to check the box next to Enable system protection. It is recommended to allocate around 15% to store all our recovery points. Next you need to click OK.

Having realized that the recovery point is being created on drive C, we begin this process.

We restore

So, let's say something bad happened. For example, a virus got onto your computer or a new program greatly affected its operation. In this case, a rollback to previous snapshots is used.

Click the Restore button in the System Properties window.

See also: What's the catch in upgrading to Windows 10

Windows 10 will then prompt us to select any snapshot. For example, we can choose the one we created ourselves.

If it doesn't load

And if everything is really bad, and Windows 10 doesn’t even boot, then you can try to restore it by first inserting a boot disk. Such a disc can be created on the basis of DVD media. For this purpose, regular Windows tools will help us.

  • Click the Start button.
  • Then select Control Panel.
  • Next, click on System and its maintenance.
  • Then select Backup and Restore.

On the left side of this window there will be a command to Create a system repair disk. You just need to follow the instructions. Naturally, such operations must be done first, even before fatal problems with the computer begin. Once you have created a disk, you need to use it wisely.

  • Insert the disc into the DVD drive of the sick computer.
  • We reboot the machine using a special button on the case.
  • If boot from disk is not set, then go to the BIOS and display boot from DVD up in the Boot menu.
  • In the loaded menu, you need to select the recovery option and click Next.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of computer failures. There are both automatic saves and manual methods for archiving the entire work of the software. If you do everything correctly, then you just need to click a few buttons a couple of times and roll back to a working version of Windows 10. Windows 10 recovery will always save us.

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Windows 10 Recovery

Let's try to restore Windows 10 and deal with the many options in order of increasing complexity. Actually, they have a lot in common: in all cases, without exception, except for a full restore of Windows 10, we will need a backup copy.

To begin with, the most important files and documents, and ideally the entire system drive... To ensure the reliability of the system, you and I need to secure the most important drive - the first, system drive, as well as our user information, that is, documents. Restoring Windows 10 can be done in several ways:

  1. Resetting your computer to its original state
  2. Using File History
  3. Using restore points
  4. From the system image
  5. Using a recovery disk

How to restore Windows 10 to its original state

The first thing you need to pay attention to when you want to restore Windows 10 to its original state is the “Restore” function. To do this, open Settings >> Update & Security >> Recovery and click the "Start" button.

Here we are offered two options. Restore the computer to its original state. “Reset” the system with the removal of all installed programs, with or without saving personal files. This last resort should only be used in emergencies... and if you have a backup copy of all valuable information.

Special download options. Finally, other system recovery operations can be performed by rebooting the computer in a special “recovery” mode - we will return to this later.

The last item of this menu offers a clean installation of Windows using the new Refresh program - this is the same reset, only with the subsequent reinstallation of Windows 10 from the “distribution” automatically downloaded from the network. We will use this method only in cases where a regular “reset” is impossible.

In both cases, first take care of backing up your documents and photos - unless, of course, they are stored in the “cloud”, as I advised you, or on a separate disk. Remember: a system reset only affects the main, system drive; all other drives in your system remain safe.

Recovery disk

If the computer refuses to start, then the installation disk or recovery disk that we created earlier will come to our aid. See: How to create a Windows 10 recovery drive. To start from removable media, you need to make some settings. We need to use the boot menu to boot from the USB Flash Disk, only then will we be able to boot from the recovery disk.

Once in the recovery environment, you will be faced with multiple tasks to restore the system, even rolling back to the initial state if other methods do not help.

Windows 10 Recovery Mode

You can roll back to a previous “restore point” even if the computer does not boot at all. In such cases, after several boot failures, the computer automatically boots into a special Windows 10 recovery mode, from where you can “get to the bottom” of any saved “snapshot”.

How to start recovery mode? Restart your computer and use special commands: Settings >> Update and Recovery >> Recovery >> Special boot options. If you see this picture after restarting your computer, you can first try clicking on the first item and continue loading as usual. If this does not work, we have a direct path to the Troubleshooting section.

In this menu we will find many useful commands that will help us in case of failure. For example, loading in Safe Mode, with a minimum of commands and add-ons. In Safe Mode you will have to make do with only standard drivers and programs... but that's what we need! This mode can be used if the system freezes at the very last stage of boot, after the logo appears and disappears from the screen. Most often, this happens due to problems with drivers or some programs in the Startup Menu - they will not start in safe mode, so you can, with some experience, catch and remove them. But the most important section with recovery tools will open to you when you press the F10 key.

This gives us access to boot management - an incredibly powerful tool that will come to your aid in case of all sorts of errors. Here the system will offer you to “reset” to a clean system - either with your personal files and settings preserved, or completely. Of course, this method is too radical for simple failures - it will correct errors, that’s certain, but it will casually destroy all programs installed on the computer. Well, let’s leave this recipe for the most extreme case and click on the link Additionally: there’s another one in store for us "first aid kit".

This is much more interesting: first, we can try to fix boot problems (if there are any) - the Startup Repair tool will help us with this. It does not affect our personal data or installed programs, checking the integrity of system files and a number of drivers. Alas, this repairman will not help us with the most severe failures, but it’s worth at least trying.

The Windows 10 System Restore tool will allow you to roll back to a saved “restore point” (we’ll talk about them below). Let me remind you that such “points” with a snapshot of the registry and other important system files are created automatically when installing new programs... But you can do this manually - say, some potentially dangerous software.

Finally, the Boot Options menu will allow you to reboot in "safe mode" without running most device drivers and programs from the startup list. This can help you with problems with video card drivers or antivirus: potentially, they are the ones that most often “freeze” the system at startup.

As you can see, the Boot Menu is powerful enough to fix most problems with Windows 10 - although I sincerely hope you never have to see it on your screen.

And at the same time, I’ll remind you of my favorite method of resurrecting a system from the dead in case of the most severe failures, up to a complete failure of the hard drive - restoring from an image, a backup saved on another hard drive (best of all, an external one). I’ll say right away that Windows itself can create such “images,” and it’s not for nothing that the Image Recovery command is included in the boot menu. But this is exactly the case when you should, without hesitation, choose a separate program for this work, be it the free Rescue Kit on Paragon or the talented in all respects, but hopelessly paid Acronis True Image.

Restoring Windows 10 from a system image

If we have a copy of the system image, then when the time comes to restore Windows 10 from the image, it will not be difficult and we can restore the computer in a few minutes and at the same time we will not have to install all the programs. In order to restore the system partition from an image, you need to start the computer in the recovery environment: Settings >> Update and Recovery >> Recovery >> Special boot options.

After entering the account password, you will need to select the image from which the system distribution will be restored.

After simple manipulations, the system will warn: All data on the restored disks will be replaced with data from the system image. Click "Yes" and wait for the process to complete. After restarting the computer, you will see that the system looks the same as you did when you created the image. See the article: How to create a Windows 10 image.

Restore point

Creating "restore points", that is, backup copies of configuration files and important system files. They take up little space, but will allow you to revive the system in the vast majority of cases. Windows periodically (usually when installing new programs) creates snapshots of the system state. And if you have several such “points” at your disposal, you can return the system “back to the past.” And not until the birth of life on your computer, but just a day or two ago, until the “glitch” appeared.

To do this, we need to head to the old System Restore menu in Control Panel (System and Security section) - you already know that the easiest way to get to it is by typing the word “Recovery” in the search bar.

Click on the line “Run system restore” - a “calendar” will open in front of us, which will list all the restore points. And at the same time - the programs before the installation of which they were created. And if you know for sure that your system was “ruined” by a video card driver, just find its name in the list and roll back to the date before its installation.

One subtlety: by default, the “restore point” system in Windows 10 is disabled. And if you are going to use it, then the first time you start a computer with a “fresh” system, you need to turn it on and configure it. This is done in the System Recovery Settings menu: note that it is enabled separately for each disk on your computer (if you have several of them on your computer, I recommend limiting it to the system one only). In addition, you can configure the amount of disk space allocated for storing “points” - the more space you allocate, the more “points” the system can save.

Using the same menu, you can create a Restore Point manually (although the configuration is automatically “backed up” by the system after installing important updates or programs, so you have to resort to this operation less and less often). See article: Restore Point in Windows 10

The Windows 10 recovery procedure is reversible: in case of failure, you can easily return the system to its previous state

Using File History

It is better to store documents and photos in the “cloud” from the very beginning, that is, not in folders on the Desktop, as we are used to, but in storage devices such as Dropbox or OneDrive (if this is more convenient for you, create a “shortcut” for these folders on the Desktop) . See How to use cloud storage.

If you don’t trust the Network, store them in special Documents folders, and enable OneDrive Backup in the system settings, and if you have a separate drive (for example, an external USB hard drive), use Backup using File History.

Unfortunately, this method only protects your information, but not system files; it will not help restore Windows 10 after a failure.

New operating system. It has an updated interface. Not everyone can get used to it. However, support for Windows 7 is now ending. And users have to switch to “eight” and “ten”. It is not difficult to guess that a new operating system often encounters glitches and malfunctions. What to do if suddenly a person does not start Windows 10? How to solve a problem like this? We will have to look into these issues further. In fact, if you follow some instructions, the phenomenon can be eliminated once and for all.

The sources of all troubles

Windows 10 not working? There can be many reasons for such a phenomenon. And it is often difficult to identify them.

In practice, problems with starting the operating system arise due to:

  • driver damage;
  • equipment conflicts;
  • hardware incompatibility;
  • PC virus infection;
  • availability of a large amount of information on the computer;
  • CPU overload;
  • system failures;
  • critical errors;
  • equipment damage.

In fact, discovering the true cause of a failure can be problematic. Windows 10 won't start? What to do? It all depends on the specific situation. Below we will look at the most common scenarios.


Many users complain that Windows 10 does not start after the update. They try to eliminate such situations, but no one is immune from them. Microsoft does sometimes release updates that cause problems with operating systems running.

How to fix the situation? If Windows 10 does not start after the update, the user will have to either roll back the OS or completely reinstall it. The first option is the most preferable. We will stop there.

Rolling back Windows 10 updates is done like this:

  1. To restart a computer.
  2. While turning on the machine, press F8.
  3. Click on the "Diagnostics" menu item.
  4. Go to the Recovery add-on.

You can just sit and wait for the operating system to perform a rollback. As soon as all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the computer will reboot. Next, the OS will have to work at full capacity.

System Restore

But sometimes such actions do not help. The user still gets a black screen when loading Windows 10. What should I do?

The user can select a restore point for the entire operating system. This technique is effective for update-related failures. It is not suitable for critical errors.

So, to restore Windows 10, you will need:

  1. Turn on the computer and when the system boots, press F8.
  2. Go to "Diagnostics" - "Advanced Settings".
  3. Select a restore point.
  4. Wait a few minutes.

All of the above steps will roll back the operating system to the selected date. Usually the process takes only a few minutes, but sometimes you have to wait longer.

Fast decision

Why won't Windows 10 start? Sometimes the reason for this is the most common system failures. They lead to what the user sees

How to fix the situation? The first thing the user must do is reboot the operating system. For example, turning off and on the computer. If the reason lies in a system failure, Windows will start successfully.


Windows 10 won't start? Many users are facing this problem. In some cases, when loading the operating system, a black screen appears, but sounds “behind the scenes” are heard.

This phenomenon indicates problems with the video card. You'll have to remove it and replace it. After this, the operating system will work again. You can take your computer to a service center and report your suspicions. The wizard will check the functionality of the video card and help fix problems.


Is there a black screen when loading Windows 10? This can happen due to broken BIOS settings. The only correct solution is to roll back the parameters.

This can be done either using the BIOS menu, or by pressing a special switch on the motherboard. The simplest solution is to disconnect the battery in the computer. Just take it out for a few seconds and put it back in.


Windows 10 won't start? Black screen appears again and again? Starting in safe mode will help. This option works well if the cause of the failure lies in the drivers.


  1. Restart the OS.
  2. Press F8 and enter the diagnostic menu.
  3. Select "Advanced options" - "Boot options" - "Restart".
  4. Click on F4.

That's all. After these manipulations, Windows 10 safe mode will automatically start. With its help, you can remove drivers and also roll back the OS.


What to do if a user suspects that his computer is infected? You will have to check the OS for viruses. But if the system does not boot, this will not be so easy.

To bring the idea to life, the user must:

  1. Enter Windows 10 safe mode with network drivers.
  2. Launch antivirus.
  3. Scan the system.
  4. Remove all potentially dangerous objects. Clean infected files (if possible).
  5. Restart the OS.

If everything is done correctly, the computer will work. The disadvantage of this technique is that viruses often completely destroy the operating system. And after removing them you have to reinstall Windows.

Registry to help

Is there a black screen when loading Windows 10? Every user may encounter system registry errors. They result in the OS not loading. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but it can be dealt with.

It is advisable to use additional software. We are talking about the CCleaner program. With its help, the PC registry is automatically cleaned and restored.


  1. Start Windows 10 in safe mode (with drivers).
  2. Launch CCleaner.
  3. Click on "Analysis", then on "Cleaning".
  4. Open the "Registry" tab.
  5. Click on "Check".
  6. Wait for the operation to complete.

As practice shows, after restoring the registry, the user will again be able to enjoy the operating system from Microsoft. Experienced users can use the command line to bring their ideas to life.

Incompatibility and conflicts

Windows 10 is a completely new operating system. She is faced with incompatibility of old equipment. And therefore, when loading the OS, a black screen appears. In some cases, you can see text with an error on it. The appropriate inscription will help determine what exactly conflicts with what.

It is not difficult to guess that to fix the problem it is enough to replace incompatible devices. It is advisable to install Windows 10 on new computers. And choose hardware that is compatible with the mentioned software. Then such a scenario will not bother the user.

Too slow

Windows 10 won't start? Is your operating system running and loading too slowly? In this case, you will have to scan your computer for viruses. There is none of them? Then you need to clean the registry. Is your PC still slow? If the user is confident in the power of the computer, he will have to start debugging the OS.

Usually it comes down to the following manipulations:

  • open "Task Manager" and in the "Startup" section disable most programs;
  • remove all unnecessary software;
  • get rid of outdated and unnecessary files (by emptying the trash);
  • defragment the hard drive (you can get by by cleaning and restoring the registry).

As a rule, all this helps speed up the computer. And then the operating system will load and respond to user requests very quickly.


We found out why Windows 10 does not start in one case or another. We managed to sort out the bulk of the glitches and problems. Now solving the problem will not be a hassle.

If you can’t figure out what’s causing the black screen in Windows 10, you’ll have to take your computer to a service center. There the car will be repaired as soon as possible. If there is no important data in the OS, the user can use the installation disk and reinstall the system. This is one of the most effective techniques.

One of the worst things that can happen to your computer is for it to simply refuse Windows 10 won't start or won't load for a long time. If the system can't even initialize, it can be difficult to determine the source of the problem.

But don't despair. Even if it seems that things are really bad, there can be a lot of reasons, and it’s worth trying recipes for solving them before admitting that nothing will help. Windows 10 offers several methods for diagnosing the boot process, which you can easily use yourself. And, with some luck, these instructions will help you solve your download problems.

Windows 10 does not load or takes a long time to load. Solution

Step 1. Check the battery

If you have a laptop, the reason for the system's reluctance to boot normally may be. Try using a different charging cable. Make sure the cable works by connecting it to another laptop. Remove the battery and connect the device to a power source.

Removing the battery will help you understand which component is causing the problem, and whether the problem is in the hardware at all. The main thing here is to check only one element at a time. If the system won't boot due to power problems, it's important to understand whether it's a cable, a battery, or some other component that needs replacing.

Booting into the command line

If your computer won't boot normally, there isn't much you can do about it. However, it may be able to boot into the command line, giving you more tools to diagnose it, if not fix the problem. To do this you will need Windows 10 on your boot disk or .

To boot into the command line, start the system. While they are initializing, try to discern the key combination to enter. It usually appears next to the supplier's logo.

Go to the tab Boot and set the first boot device to a USB or DVD drive (depending on what your copy of Windows is on). The details of this process may vary between systems, so check the on-screen instructions for instructions. Next, insert the disk with a copy of Windows into the system, save the configuration and restart the computer.

When prompted, indicate that you want to boot from disk. Enter your language and other requested parameters and on the next screen select Repair your computer. Next select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt and you will see a window for entering commands.

Use System Restore or Startup Repair

If you're already booting Windows from an installation disk or USB flash drive, it's worth trying a couple of utilities available during the process. When you boot according to the instructions above, you will have access to settings that can revive your computer. On the Advanced Options screen, find links to System Restore and Boot Repair.

System Restore is a utility that allows you to roll back to a previous restore point when the computer was still working normally. If your boot problems weren't caused by the hardware, but by changes you made, this may solve them.

Boot repair is a tool designed specifically to solve problems when Windows refuses to start. If you can't find the source of your download problems, it's worth running this utility.

Reassigning the drive letter

If you have multiple drives installed on your system, this may cause boot problems for Windows 10 users, if the partition in which Windows is installed is accidentally assigned a different letter. However, this question requires minimal effort if you use the command line.

Boot into the command prompt as described above and enter the following command to launch the disk partition utility:

After that enter list volume to see the parameters of all partitions on your system.

Use the commands hereselectAndassign lettersto assign the correct letters to the correct sections. For example, if I want to assign a letterEsectionAudio CDIn the picture above, I first enter " select volume 0 " and then " assign letter=E ».

Be extremely careful when making any changes via the command line. Errors can cause new problems.

Bypassing the Windows 10 bootloader

If the problem occurs with a fresh installation of Windows 10, the problem may be with the new version of the bootloader utility. Sometimes it may simultaneously try to boot an OS already installed on another drive.

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple way to deal with this. Boot into the command prompt and enter the following command:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Reboot your computer and you should see the legacy bootloader replacing the version of Windows 10. You should now have no problems booting into Safe Mode or accessing your existing OS.

We use a third-party utility

The hardest part about solving boot problems is figuring out what exactly is causing the problems. When the system does not even want to start, diagnosing the “disease” is not an easy task. Can help with this Boot Repair Disk utility.

Boot Repair Disk is an open source program that automatically searches for and fixes boot problems. It is very easy to use - you just need to choose which version of Windows you have installed, 32-bit or 64-bit. The further process of finding and correcting errors is completely automatic, although some settings are available.

When you seem to have gone through all the options and nothing comes to mind, try Boot Repair Disk. It does not guarantee a cure, but it can reveal the source of the problem that could not be found.

And so, you spend a pleasant evening at the computer - play, chat, surf the Internet, and Windows promptly carries out your commands. Everything is fine! Idyll! However, you should not think that this will always be the case. Know: the insidious Windows is preparing a dirty trick for you. She is just waiting for the moment when some urgent matters overtake you in order to... show you nothing. More precisely, it won’t boot.

Windows boot failure is an ordinary occurrence, but according to the law of meanness, it usually happens when the computer is really needed. So that the situation does not take you by surprise, it is important to prepare for it in advance. Let's talk about what to do if Windows 10 won't boot, why this happens, and what every user should have to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Why won't it load?

The reasons for the “dozens” being unbootable can be software or hardware. Software problems are associated with the deletion (damage) of boot and system files and/or registry sections responsible for launching. They are usually to blame for:
  • Installing another operating system on another partition of the drive (the new OS replaces the old bootloader with its own).
  • Experiments with disk partitions - compression, merging, partitioning, formatting, etc. A typical error, which is precisely a consequence of this, is “ ” (the system boot loader is compressed).

  • Unskilled manual editing of the system registry.
  • Using various “tweak cleaners” to speed up and decorate the system, which “accidentally” change the registry keys responsible for startup, patch files, etc.
  • Windows updates installed incorrectly or the PC shuts down during the installation of updates.
  • Viruses and antiviruses. Don't be surprised, the latter can cause no less harm than the former if used thoughtlessly. It's like swallowing pills indiscriminately, hoping that the right one will be among them.
  • Faulty hardware drivers. Booting in such cases is usually interrupted by a blue screen of death, sometimes indicating the name of the driver that caused the problem.
  • "Clumsy" applications in autostart. The failure occurs in the late stages of loading - shortly before the desktop appears.

Hardware reasons for Windows 10 not starting:

  • Changing the order in which bootable media is polled in the BIOS (the computer searches for the Windows boot loader not on the system disk, but, for example, on flash drives).
  • Connecting the drive to a port on the motherboard that is different from the one on which it worked before - if the failure occurred after removing and reinstalling the hard drive into the computer. It appears as an INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error on the blue screen of death.

  • Faulty or poor connection of the system drive. Often appears with the message “ ” (bootloader unavailable) on a black screen. Sometimes - stops, restarts, BSoDs at any stage of loading.

  • RAM malfunction. As with disk problems, it manifests itself with reboots and blue screens at any stage of startup.
  • Failure of video subsystem elements. Windows may boot, but you won't see it because the screen will remain black. Sometimes you can tell that the system has booted only by a characteristic sound.
  • Other hardware problems, such as motherboard, peripherals, etc.

It's better to prepare for the worst in advance

Since 80-90% of cases of Windows 10 not starting are due to software failures, today’s article is devoted to methods of dealing with them.

So, to restore normal Windows startup, the computer needs to be booted into the recovery environment. If you have previously used Windows 7, then you know that this very environment is installed on the disk along with the main system. And to enter it, you need to open the menu of additional boot methods (by pressing F8 after turning on the computer) and go to the “ Troubleshooting».

The “top ten” also has a recovery environment, but since its loading time has significantly decreased compared to Windows 7, the interval when you can call the boot menu has also become much shorter. There is only one chance left at this time to press the desired key (more precisely, the combination of F8 and Shift): if the system is installed on an MBR hard drive and the fast startup option is disabled in the power settings of the PC or laptop. If the system is on an SSD or GPT hard drive, you will need bootable media.

For emergency recovery of Windows 10, it is optimal to keep its official distribution on a DVD or flash drive, and of the same bit size as installed on the PC. As an alternative, you can use the downloadable utility package MS DaRT 10 (Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset for Windows 10 ).

MS DaRT distributions (formerly called “ERD Commander”) are officially distributed only through a paid subscription, but they are easy to find on the Internet. For example, on torrent trackers. Windows 10 images are available for download from the Microsoft website.

As an example, I will use the home edition of Ten, recorded on a bootable USB flash drive, since it has everything you need.

Booting into the Windows 10 recovery environment

If the download fails, the “ten”, as a rule, tries to self-repair. When she succeeds, the user does not receive any notifications; it just takes longer to start the computer than usual. If unsuccessful, a message may appear on the screen, as in the screenshot below, but more often it will just be a “Malevich square” with or without a cursor, or a blue screen of death with a sad emoticon.

The failure option shown in the screenshot can be considered relatively favorable. By clicking, " Extra options"You will be taken to the recovery environment installed on your hard drive, and you will not have to boot into it from external media. But we will consider a more severe case, when the system does not show any signs of life.

Connect the media to your computer, reboot, and make it the first boot device.

The window that you will see first after booting from a flash drive (DVD) will prompt you to select the system language. If Russian is selected, click " Further».

You will then be prompted to proceed to install or restore Windows. Click " System Restore».

On the screen " Action selection» click « Troubleshooting" Here you are.

Tens launch recovery options

In the recovery options section (screen " Extra options") there are 5 subsections:
  • System Restore. When you select this option, a standard Windows utility is launched. rstrui.exe, the purpose of which is to roll back the system to one of the saved checkpoints.
  • Restoring the system image. Launches the Windows Deployment Wizard from a backup created by the OS's own tools.
  • Boot recovery. Corrects errors in boot files and partitions.
  • Command line. Allows you to run various system utilities.
  • Return to the previous build. Rolls back to a previously installed version of the OS if it was upgraded to Windows 10.

Rollback to a checkpoint

Returning to a newly created checkpoint is the best first aid remedy for all types of system failures, including when you do not know their cause.

Clicking on the first item most likely launches the recovery utility you are already familiar with. All you have to do is select the date and time you want to rollback to and follow the on-screen instructions.

To use this option, you must have at least one saved checkpoint and a properly working system restore function. If the latter was disabled before the failure, skip this step and try other methods.

Startup Recovery

This option effectively helps in case of damage or deletion of boot files, for example, when installing an additional OS on another disk partition after Windows 10. And also in case of accidental formatting or other manipulations with the “System Reserved” partition.

Command line

The command line itself does not restore anything, but it makes it possible to launch other tools. So, with its help we can open Windows Explorer to see the installation location (partition letters in the recovery environment and during normal system booting usually do not match), run the system file error fixer, registry editor and bootloader recovery utilities.

If rollback to a checkpoint and auto-recovery at startup (the first and second options) did not give the desired result, a console utility often helps to raise the “tens” load BCDBoot. It recreates the hidden “System Reserved” partition and copies boot files from the Windows directory to it.

For BCDBoot to work correctly, you must specify the location of the Windows folder on your hard drive. To find out, you can use the utility Diskpart, but I think it’s more convenient to do this through Explorer.

So, to get into Explorer, open the command line and run Notepad in it ( notepad).

While in notepad, go to the menu “ File", select " Open" and go to the folder " This computer" Next, let's go through the disk partitions and determine which of them contains the system directory. In my example this is drive D.

Next we return to the command line and execute the instruction:

BCDboot D:\Windows

Please note that your path to the system folder may be different.

In 80% of cases, this is enough for the “ten” to start normally. But in about 20% of cases the command does not work correctly - it does not restore all boot files. To help the utility a little, before executing the instructions on the command line, you need to format the reserved boot partition (in my example, drive C) in FAT32. This can also be done using diskpart, but I find it more convenient through Explorer.

The following two console commands recreate the boot records of the entire drive (MBR) and the system partition (VBR). They are used to solve problems with running Windows on MBR disks.

Execute commands one after another in this order:



If you accidentally run them on a GPT disk, nothing bad will happen.

In some cases, startup problems arise due to damage not to boot files, but to the main system files, for example, after a virus attack. As you may know, there is a special utility in Windows to fix them Sfc.exe. So, thanks to the command line, you can also run it in the recovery environment.

The command to find and fix errors in protected system files in the recovery environment looks like this:

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=D:\ /offwindir=D:\

Parameter offbootdir determines the location of the main boot partition (in my example, as you remember, this is drive D), and offwindir– path to the system folder.

Using the command line, you can also fix registry errors on an unbootable system. But, unlike previous instructions, this requires certain experience and qualifications, because the user needs to know exactly what to correct and what erroneous entries should look like normally.

I will not dwell on registry errors that lead to Windows 10 boot failure, since this is the topic of a separate large article. I will only describe the method for launching the editor RegEdit.exe in the recovery environment and open the registry files in it so that you have the opportunity to fix the errors that you are aware of.

So, to launch the editor, write the word on the command line regedit and press Enter.

You will see that in the utility window that opens there is already some kind of registry, but not the one you need. Before us is our own registry of the recovery environment, and we are interested in the main system.

To load Windows 10 registry files into RegEdit, select the section in the left half of the editor window HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS, open the menu “ File" and click on the item " Load bush».

In the Explorer window that opens after this, go to the folder D:\Windows\System32\Config(your drive letter may be different) and select the desired file.

Files without an extension in the \System32\Config folder are the components (hives) of the Windows 10 registry. The main ones are circled.

Give the hive any meaningful name (it will be temporary until you unload it) and click OK.

Next, we will open the section into which we loaded the bush, and here it is - in front of us, available for editing. In my example this is the registry file software, which I temporarily renamed to soft_win_10.

After making the edits, go back to the editor menu “ File" and click " Unload bush».

Return to previous build

This recovery method is available for a short time (10-30 days depending on the license terms) after upgrading Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10. It is only possible if you save the files of the previous OS, which are placed in the Windows.old folder.

When reverting to a previously installed build, the user's personal files will remain intact, but everything done since the update will be undone.

Restoring a system image

Restoring an image from a backup helps to restore the system to functionality in case of any problems, but the problem is that almost no one creates these images.

If you are an exception to the rule and the happy owner of a relatively recent backup copy, select the item marked in the screenshot from the list of parameters,

Tell the recovery program where to store the image and follow its instructions.

All data from the inoperative OS will be replaced with working copies from the archive. If it contains user files, this will also affect them.

Happy recovery!

If you are faced with the fact that Windows 10 will not boot, do not rush to reinstall the system. In most cases, the problem can be solved on your own. Let's consider all possible cases of problems with turning on Windows 10 and ways to solve this problem.

Why Windows 10 won't load or takes a long time to load

Before you start troubleshooting the problem, remember what you did before it appeared (played a game, installed a new program, ran an antivirus scan, reinstalled drivers, cleaned the hard drive, and so on). This will help you quickly identify exactly how to proceed to fix the system.

Reasons why Windows 10 takes a long time to load when turned on:
  • Incorrect computer shutdown. Often, instead of turning off via the Start menu, users prefer to unplug the computer from the outlet. Also, incorrect shutdown can occur when the computer's battery is low. Because of this, system files may be damaged;
  • In another partition of the drive another operating system was installed. If you have not created your own hard drive for the additional OS, problems will arise when you turn on the computer, because one boot loader is replaced by another and the computer “does not understand” which OS to turn on;
  • Previously have you performed any operations on the hard drive memory?– formatted or archived data. The operating system loader may have been archived. In this case, instead of the start screen, a window with the text “ BOOTMGR is compressed";
  • Editing the system registry;
  • Using programs to speed up the system. As a rule, they cause serious harm to the computer, including the need to reinstall the OS;
  • Driver failure equipment;
  • Computer infection by virus software;
  • Too much a large number of programs in startup. In this case, the desktop loads, but then an error window appears and the system freezes.

If you are faced with a situation where Windows 10 does not load and the download is spinning, most likely, updates are simply being installed on the system. This state may even last for several hours, and the progress bar icon may not appear.

Ways to restore Windows 10 boot

All software failures that prevent Windows 10 from turning on can be resolved using a comprehensive approach. We recommend the following methods. If one of them cannot be repeated, move on to another, and so on until you solve the problem.

Removing blue screen on reboot

You can often find a case where Windows 10 takes a very long time to load, and as a result. The screen displays a message about the need to reboot, but every time I turn it back on, the problem repeats.

To fix the error, follow these steps:

  • Check the boot order in BIOS. The system may first launch the boot utility for the second OS installed on the computer;
  • Disconnect as many peripheral gadgets as possible from the device - keyboard, mouse, speakers, gamepad, and so on. Restart your PC;
  • Turn off the laptop and remove its battery. If you are using a desktop computer, we recommend cleaning the cooler. Often the cause of the blue screen of death at startup is severe overheating of the processor.

If your computer won't boot into Windows 10 and you don't remember what you did before the problem started, try a force reboot. In 90% of cases, this method helps solve a one-time system bug.

Press the "Power" button to start the OS. In the first few seconds after turning on (before the Windows splash screen appears), press the key ESC . The “Boot Options” window will appear on the screen. In it, open the “Advanced options” - “Boot options” field and click on “Restart” at the bottom.

As a result of the action, the system will launch automatic analysis and troubleshooting in the background. The computer will be turned on.

Notice! This method will only work if the failure occurred as a result of a one-time fatal error in the operation of the game or program. If the cause of the problem is a failure of updates or virus software, a forced reboot will not help.

Disconnecting the network card patch cord

If you encounter a black screen and Windows 10 does not load, the cause of this bug may be an unsuccessful attempt to connect to the Internet. The system may be trying to install automatic updates, or one of the installed programs requires a network connection.

You can solve the problem by disconnecting the patch cord (Internet cable). If you are using a wireless connection, unplug your router Wi-Fi and restart your computer.

Starting in Safe Mode

Safe mode is a special OS boot option that can be used to turn on Windows even after a serious failure. The system turns on with a minimum set of programs and devices running.

Windows 10 won't boot after updating, you need to enable Safe Mode. Follow the instructions:

  • Using another computer, download the image from the Microsoft website Windows 10 which matches your build (eg Home Edition, Professional, Enterprise and so on);
  • Create a Windows boot disk using disk or USB -storage and programs Live CD, Alcohol or Daemon Tools;

Attention! If you already have a Windows installation disk 10 skip the first two steps.

  • Change the boot queue in the BIOS, putting your bootable media first. The order in which the remaining modules are loaded is not important;
  • Save the changes, turn off the computer and connect the USB flash drive (disk). Click on the "Power" button;
  • As a result of booting the PC, the Windows 10 installation window will appear. In it, click on the “System Restore” field, as shown in the figure below;
  • In the window that opens, select “Command Line”;

  • In the line, enter the command bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network - this will allow you to boot the OS next time already in safe mode. At the same time, the connection to the network will be maintained.

All that remains is to restart the computer. It will automatically enable safe mode. The desktop will appear with a black splash screen.

Now you need to perform actions that will solve the problem of the system taking a long time to turn on. First of all, go to the device manager and update the configuration of all connected equipment:

NET services and others).

Go to the All Settings window and run utilities to automatically diagnose and fix problems.

After completing the above steps, turn off your PC. Remove the boot drive, change the boot queue in the BIOS (the installed OS comes first). Restart your computer. The system should start without braking.

Please note that safe mode does not always solve the startup problem. After trying to start in standard mode, the problem may recur. In this case, we recommend scanning the system with an antivirus installed on the boot disk.

Checking your computer for viruses

Despite successful attempts in the fight against viruses, Microsoft developers are still far from success Mac OS . Windows malware is still one of the most widespread in the world.

When viruses are detected, a package with updates is sent to your computer within 1-2 days that can fix the problem. If you have disabled the automatic update function or your computer was infected before the release of services that destroy the virus, you must remove the malicious program yourself.

Even if Windows 10 won't boot, you can still create a bootable disk with a portable version of the antivirus. Do this using a flash drive, another computer, program Live CD and a portable antivirus installer.

We recommend using Dr. Web, Norton Avast or Kapersky. Their portable builds work great with malicious files that affect the Windows system loader.

Follow the instructions:
  • After creating the boot disk, go to the BIOS menu on your computer and change the boot queue so that the first place is not the operating system, but USB ;
  • Now connect the USB flash drive to the device and restart the computer;
  • As a result of activation, an antivirus window will appear on the screen;

  • Open the built-in scanner and run a detailed scan of all system files. It is not recommended to use a quick scan, as it almost never accesses the bootloader data and does not detect problems. The procedure can last up to an hour. It all depends on the number of files on the system and the performance of your computer.

After detecting infected files, delete them (if you do not need them) or click on the “Disinfect” button if these files are part of the system directory or standard programs.

We also recommend checking the free space on your hard drive using an antivirus. Windows 10 often won't boot after low memory is detected. Remove apps you don't use. IN Dr. Web You can open the memory cleaning mode using the “Tools” tab.

Restoring from a system backup

If you previously created a backup copy of the operating system, you can make a backup of Windows 10 to resolve the startup problem. All your settings, installed programs and files that were created after saving the backup copy will be deleted. At the same time, you will receive a fully working system.

You need to run a boot disk Windows 10 and open the “Recovery” tab. In the window that appears, select “System Image Restore”.

It is important that the backup creation date coincides with the date of normal operation of the system. Otherwise, the error will repeat. Click on the "Next" button to begin the recovery process. The computer may reboot several times, and on average after 15-20 minutes the desktop will turn on.

Reset Windows 10

The last and most effective option for solving the error is to completely reset the system, that is, roll it back to its original state. The disadvantage of this method is that no data will be saved. You will receive an absolutely “clean” copy of the operating system.

Follow the instructions:

  • Launch the boot disk;
  • Click on “Install”;
  • In the window that opens, click on “Delete all”;

  • Now press the “Reset” button and wait for the action to complete. The computer will restart automatically.

If, after restoring or resetting, you again encounter slow loading of your computer, the cause of the breakdown is a hardware malfunction. We recommend that you contact a service center for assistance.

Now you know how to solve the loading problem Windows 10. Please note that the methods discussed above only concern software causes of the malfunction. If your laptop is dropped and the OS stops turning on, or you suspect there is another hardware problem, contact a service center for professional advice.

Write what types of problems you encountered with turning on Windows 10 and how you managed to solve the error.