Not relevance meaning. Relevant work experience - what is it?

Good afternoon friends! Today is another post about the most important concepts of search engine promotion for bloggers and beginning SEOs. What is site page relevance? is the topic of this article, from which you will learn the definition of relevance, its main components and how it is evaluated by search engines. Let me note that this is a fairly important issue on which the entire process of website ranking is based when preparing documents for search results. Successful SEO promotion of your website in search engines depends on the correct understanding of this term. Therefore, I suggest you take a look at our dictionary and get the necessary information on the central ranking element.

Determining Relevance

What does relevance mean? This is a process in which the similarity of the obtained result with the desired one is checked. This term is used in modern search engines and refers to the correspondence of the information received to the search query asked by the user. According to the definition, when a Yandex or Google visitor types his question, the search engine tries to evaluate various documents from its index and select the most suitable ones for the answer. Thus, the system calculates a match measure—the degree of match between the document and the search query. Accordingly, if they coincide, then the value of the measure is the largest (maximum), and if not, it is equal to zero.

The effectiveness of any search engine is judged by the degree of relevance of documents in search results. If a user receives an answer to his request that is absolutely inappropriate for him, then there is a high probability that he will no longer use such a resource. Therefore, the selection of the most relevant documents for search results is the main task of the search engine. This affects both the popularity of the search engine and its profits.

How relevant a document is on the Internet is determined by a special search algorithm. Yandex has one, Google has another, but the general scheme of its work is the same. Also, other search engines have their own definition of relevance, but it has common roots.

Search algorithm

These are special mathematical expressions and formulas by which search engines select various sites in their search results. Each of these web resources contains one most relevant document, which contains the answer to the user's search query. The principle of operation of the algorithm is very simple: first, all website pages containing the searched query are selected, and then systematic screening occurs - sites without clear information for the user or unauthorized due to the use of prohibited optimization methods (black SEO - cloaking, doorways, etc.) are selected. ). Selected pages are analyzed based on document content and a decision is made on how relevant they are to the search query. And depending on the degree of compliance, each document is assigned its own number in the search results. The smaller it is, the faster the search engine user will see it.

What is site page relevance?

Typically, each web resource has several pages that contain the answer to a search engine user's query. The search algorithm’s task is to select the most relevant document (website page or blog post). This issue is resolved as follows. The relevance of each page is influenced by a large number of factors. Therefore, to assess the compliance of a web resource document with a search engine user’s request, a total indicator is calculated. Accordingly, the page with the maximum total indicator will be the most suitable and it is this page that the search engine will show to the user. For example, in the following picture you can see a selection from the Yandex search engine of the most relevant pages of my blog for the query “what is site visibility”. The very first document has the maximum total score.

What determines the relevance of a page? Each page of any website is an entire independent element of the Internet. It contains its own content. Basically it is unique, with its own text, pictures, etc. This element interacts with other pages - it provides various links to other pages of your site or to other web resources. And, if possible, it also receives various external links. Therefore, we can say that the relevance of a page for a specific search query is influenced by both internal and external parameters. Plus, the authority of this page is also important. Let's take a closer look at each component.


Internal or otherwise, textual relevance is the degree to which the internal criteria of a web resource page meet the requirements of search engines. If, in a search query, the words on the page match its form and are the most commonly used, then this document will be considered the most relevant. In other words, we can say this - the closer to the ideal (each system has its own number) the ratio of the number of occurrences of a query to the total number of all words in the text, the higher the document will appear in the search results. Let us list the main parameters by which it is assessed.

  • Search query frequency in text . This refers to the volume and number of repetitions of a key query on a website page. The closer to the ideal option (I repeat, each search engine has its own figure), the better in terms of assessing the relevance of the document.
  • Placement of words in headings . If the search query is in the title of the page, then the likelihood of a better rating for this document increases compared to other pages of the web resource. That is, the title tag should contain a key query in its sentence, which will significantly increase the relevance of the page.
  • Proximity to the top of the page . When a search robot crawls a new page, it follows the code from the very beginning. Therefore, the sooner he encounters a search query on it, the better it is for assessing relevance. Therefore, keywords must be written as early as possible in a website article or blog post.
  • Presence of keywords in special places in the document . First of all, this refers to the presence of search queries in the title of the article (usually in the h1 tag) and in the subheadings (in the h2 tag - not as important as in h1, but the presence is welcome). Plus the design of search queries in the text in special tags (strong, etc.). And of course, the presence of keywords in the Description (page description) and Keywords meta tags.
  • Availability of keyword synonyms . A very important element. The presence of synonyms in the page content tells search engines that this document really relates to the topic of the search query, which means it will be most useful to the user. In this way, search engines clean the search results - they do not take into account pages that contain keywords as an addition to other topics and documents that are platforms for most automated promotion systems (RooKee, SeoPult, etc.)

External (reference)

This component is based on the principle of link popularity of a website page. Here the number of links with their texts (anchors) is taken into account. The more links, the better the link relevance. And if the link text contains the user’s key query, the more significant the page becomes. Therefore, it is recommended to always use a search query in the text of links. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an internal link or an external one—the anchor words matter. The anchor text of the link, which contains the external page of another web resource, is also evaluated. If it is not thematic for the search query, the significance of the link text will be less.

Site authority

  • the number and quality of external links leading to the site. An important indicator that shows the degree of significance of the site and its pages among other web resources. The higher the quality of the external links (keywords in the anchor and thematic surrounding text) and the more authoritative the donor site (the web resource that provides the external link), the more weight can go to the target page.
  • site content and content compliance with search queries. The more pages on which a site is promoted that meet the needs of search engine users, the higher the authority of the site. Therefore, for any web resource that is promoted in search engines, two points are most important - the correct composition of the semantic core and the presence of unique optimized content. Even if you have a huge number of external links, it is impossible to promote your site’s landing pages into the top 10 for a long time without good text and a competent set of keywords. Over time, the search engine pessimizes these documents from its results, reducing their relevance by an order of magnitude due to the lack of normal content, taking into account internal optimization.

If a blogger is promoting his web resource in search engines, then the following tips and tricks for improving the relevance of landing pages may be useful to him:

  • Be sure to correctly select the semantic core of your blog before promoting landing pages. If you promote landing pages for low-quality search terms, your blog will receive far fewer targeted visitors and more bounces, which will reduce the quality of those pages over time. Check all the parameters of keywords (frequency, word quality, its competitiveness) - this is the key to receiving quality traffic from search engines.
  • Check new pages in the search results for your key query. For example, you are promoting one page for a specific search query. But after indexing for this keyword, a completely different page appears in the search engine results. This means you need to check all the parameters by which the relevance of the landing page is considered. The following problem may be here - the document is poorly optimized and/or it receives fewer significant external and internal links - the weight of the page is very small compared to the one that appears in the search results.
  • Increase the authority of your blog. Over time, your site's ranking will increase and the relevance of the landing pages on which your blog is promoted will increase. This will all happen automatically as the popularity of your web resource grows. The VIC and TCI of your site rise, the positions of your site’s pages in Yandex increase (similarly in other search engines).

This concludes my next educational program. Finally, a request to my readers - in the comments of this post, among other things, I would like to know your opinion on the following issues:

  1. How often do you check your landing pages for relevance?
  2. What do you think is missing in my website promotion lessons?
  3. What topic would you like to receive material on in one of the following lessons?

Thanks friends! See you!

While studying the abstruse SEO Talmud, you often come across the concept of “relevance” of a text, page or site as a whole. Relevance what is it in simple words? This is exactly what this publication will be about, we will analyze the term relevance in detail, consider examples of relevant search engine results and how to achieve it.

Relevance what is it

Relevance is the ratio of the search query to the resulting search result. In simple words, the relevance of information is how much the content (text, pictures, videos) satisfies the user searching for it.

To understand what search relevance is, let’s look at some examples and try to figure it out in simple words.

An example of relevant results. A certain user enters a query in a search engine: “How to bake apple pies.” As a result, we will get the top 10 sites with recipes.

Let's take the first 5 positions and analyze them from bottom to top (let's start with the 5th):

  1. In fifth place we will see a recipe for a pie, which will describe the necessary ingredients, what to mix and how to cook, a general picture of the finished pie. Everything would be fine in Rhodes, but why did this site “receive” only 60% relevance (a figure out of the blue for clarity). Let's go further and understand the reason.
  2. In the 4th position, the recipe is the same as in the previous example, only a few pictures have been added during the cooking process. The article has turned out to be more informative and will receive its 70% relevance.
  3. We rise higher. Everything is the same as in the previous example, plus a video of the process of preparing the ill-fated pie has been added. The percentage of users satisfied with the information received will increase sharply. The site received its 80% relevance of information for a reason.
  4. The second item contains a recipe with pictures, videos, detailed text descriptions and links to similar recipes, for example with the addition of pears or a cheaper option. The user studied the material, was satisfied and moved on to the next page. This is a great signal for a search engine. This site gets 90%.
  5. And finally, our winner, first place in the search results for the relevance of information. A complete set of content (text, pictures, videos, links to similar materials), a satisfied user. But what separates this user from the previous one? What separates it is the correctly used keywords that match the search query. For example, in the title of the page, in the h1-h6 tags, the text contains words and phrases found in the request. This is called internal relevance. I'll talk about this a little below.
  6. I think after this example it became clear to you what the relevance of site pages is and how to determine it. We determined the level of relevance visually, but it can also be calculated in real numbers, immediately after we analyze internal and external relevance.

    Internal text relevance criteria

    We've looked at what search relevance is, now let's outline the main points that can help you achieve the highest degree of visitor satisfaction:

  • The first and main point is that the text should tell or show what the user is asking about in the search engine. It is most important.
  • The presence of keywords in the text is an important point. If your content is perfect but there is not a single exact occurrence of the promoted query, the chance of getting to the top is close to zero.
  • Use of synonyms and word forms of keywords.
  • Key density. This concept is living out its life; with good content and proper optimization, one occurrence of the key is enough. However, try not to cram the same words side by side, this will be regarded as spam and will not only reduce the relevance of the test, but may even throw such a page out of the search.
  • Location of keywords. This is an interesting question, and there is also a lot of controversy surrounding it. Everyone can agree on one thing. The main key should be in the exact form in the first paragraph of the text, once in the middle and at the very end. This will be quite enough.
  • Use key phrases in h1-h6 tags, description and title. This will give significant weight to your page for this query.
  • These are the basic internal principles by which the relevance of information on site pages is determined.

    External Relevance Criteria

    External relevance includes links leading to the site. The more often your page is linked to, the better. If the page from which the link is placed is similar or the same topic, and even the anchor (link text) contains a keyword. This will significantly increase the relevance of the page to which the link is placed.

    How to increase relevance

    How to increase the relevance of an already indexed page? You can go back to the previous two headings and analyze whether you have everything, but let’s repeat it again and break down what a relevant page should look like, whether it’s new or requires editing an old one.

    So, the relevant page should contain the following:

  1. Keywords in title.
  2. Key in H1
  3. Keywords in the first paragraph. (The closer to the beginning the better).
  4. The content must fully respond to the search query. Contain comprehensive information so that the visitor no longer wants to look at other sites.
  5. Use pictures, videos, lists, small paragraphs, links to similar materials.
  6. Description, often used in a snippet (search text), should be short, informative and attractive. Using keywords.
  7. The page must have incoming links from other sites.
  8. You can go through all the points and check if everything is in place; if necessary, you can supplement the article, add some elements. I have already talked about this in great detail.

    There are many online services to check the relevance of a page. I will list a few of them.

    You can check relevance on the website. You need to enter the required request and indicate the url of the page being checked.

    Megaindex also provides this opportunity.

    The majento website also provides a detailed analysis of the relevance of pages.

    Which service to use is up to you, you should try them all and determine which one suits you best.

    Finally. The purpose of this publication was to answer your query - “relevance, what is it in simple words.” I hope I was able to convey to you the essence of the concept of relevance, this is the visitor’s satisfaction with the information provided, completeness and equivalence to the search query.

    Funny video for relaxation. It’s not always just about studying.

The development of innovative technologies has led to the fact that every person is looking for the information he needs on the Internet. A special search algorithm performs the task.

It contains special tools that ensure the provision of information for a specific search query, depending on its relevance. In this article you will learn about what it is, as well as what benefits you can get in practice.

Relevance what is it

Relevance is one of the main terms in the field of search engine promotion, which determines the degree to which a query matches the results obtained. But that's what the experts say. And in plain English, what is relevance? Let's look at a few examples.

Example one. You want to cook chicken, but don't know how to do it. Naturally, go to the search engine and enter the phrase “how to cook chicken.”

In just a second you will see the results. They will be relevant only if, when you click on the links, the final page contains a recipe for cooking chicken.

Example two. Your car has broken down and you don’t know what the reason might be. We enter the phrase “car (model) will not start” and we get tens of thousands of results.

The material will be irrelevant if the search results lead you to a page where, instead of the causes of engine problems, you are told about the history of the specified vehicle.

Search relevance - what is it in simple words?

If you have not heard of such a concept as relevance, you will understand this in simple words the first time. Essentially, this is a logical match of your search query to the article received in the search results.

That is, if, when searching for a specific recipe, you found it in Google or Yandex, the article is relevant. In all other cases, when the user comes across texts with “watery” content, the articles are considered irrelevant.

We can talk a lot about meaning, because this is almost the most important criterion for success. In our case, it is necessary to understand that its popularity in the search engine depends on the relevance of the material.

A user who comes to you from the same Google or Yandex must definitely find answers to the questions that he posed to himself even before entering the keyword in the search bar. If he doesn't get answers to his questions, the article can be considered to be of little use and therefore irrelevant.

New methods for getting relevant articles

At a time when the SEO field was just in its infancy, many novice SEOs preferred to insert a large number of keywords in order to rise as high as possible in the top ten rankings.

At the moment, such a technique can be classified as “black search promotion”, for which the portal will either be completely removed from the index or its rating in the search results will be greatly reduced.

And not only users - search engines as well. Google, for example, has already learned to determine the degree of relevance based on the behavior of the visitor himself. It is very good if a person visits the site and does not close the page for at least 40 seconds.

According to statements by representatives of the American search engine, if the maximum is two or three seconds, then there is no information on the topic here. Accordingly, what kind of relevance can we talk about?

In a more general sense, one of the closest to the concept of quality "relevance" - "adequacy", that is, not only an assessment of the degree of compliance, but also the degree practical applicability result, as well as the degree social applicability option for solving the problem.

Types of relevance

The compliance of the document with the information request, determined informally.

Formal relevance

A match determined by comparing the image of a search query with the search image of a document using a specific algorithm.

One of the methods for assessing relevance is the TF-IDF method. Its meaning boils down to the fact that the greater the local frequency of the term (query) in the document (TF) and the greater the “rarity” (that is, the less often it occurs in other documents) of the term in the collection (IDF), the higher the weight of this document in relation to to the term - that is, the document will be displayed earlier in the search results for this term. The author of the method is Gerard Salton (later modified by Karen Sparck Jones).



see also

  • Ranging


  • Kapustin V. A. Basics of searching for information on the Internet. Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: Open Society Institute. St. Petersburg branch, 1998. - 13 p. (see p. 5 - about persistence)
  • Pertinence // Brief dictionary of terms and notations

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Relevance” is in other dictionaries:

    In a broad sense, a measure of compliance of the obtained result with the desired result. Relevance in search engines is a measure of the correspondence of search results to the task posed in the request. There are substantive and formal relevance. By… … Financial Dictionary

    relevance- relevant Correspondence of the received information to the information request. [GOST 7.73 96] relevance the degree of compliance of the document with the request The word relevance means the correspondence between the desired and actually received information. According to… … Technical Translator's Guide

    Relevance Dictionary of Russian synonyms. relevance noun, number of synonyms: 3 adequacy (18) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from relevant depending on tsp, kl.) English. revalency German Relevanz. Semantic correspondence between the information request and the received message. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    In a broad sense, a measure of compliance of the obtained result with the desired result. in search engines, a measure of the correspondence of search results to the task posed in the request. There are substantive and formal relevance. Dictionary of business terms... Dictionary of business terms

    Relevance- 34. Relevance D. Relevanz E. Relevance F. Pertinence Correspondence of the content of the document to the information request Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    relevance- Rus: relevance Eng: relevance Fra: adequation Correspondence of the received information to the information request. GOST 7.73 ... Dictionary of Information, Librarianship and Publishing

    I distracted noun according to adj. relevant I II f. distracted noun according to adj. relevant II Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    - (English: relevant, relevant) semantic correspondence between the information request and the received message. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    relevance- relevance, and... Russian spelling dictionary


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Relevance(derived from the English relevant - relevant) - in a general sense, this is the compliance of the document with the user’s expectations. Thus, search relevance is the degree to which a user is satisfied with the search results shown in response to his query. Ideally, the search results page should fully satisfy the user’s information needs in terms of its completeness and accuracy.

Relevance is calculated using search engine algorithms. Each search engine works according to its own algorithm. The ranking is based on Matrixnet technology.

Types of search relevance

  • Formal– it is on this type that search engine rankings are based. The image of the search query is algorithmically compared with the image of the document in the search engine index. This means that relevance is calculated without direct human intervention - using a specific formula based on data collected by the search robot.
  • Content– relevance is determined informally. This type is also used by search engines, but to assess the quality of the search. Special employees evaluate search results based on their assumption that a given document matches the request. These specialists are called assessors.
  • Pertinence– complete satisfaction of the user’s information needs. This is exactly what all search engines strive for.

The search results show the most relevant website pages from the search engine's point of view. Before starting promotion, it is always necessary to determine the most suitable page for promotion. Here you can be guided by factors such as age, link juice, level and existing relevance of the page.

To determine the most relevant page from existing ones, just use the query language or advanced search.

Advanced search page for Yandex

Advanced search page for Google

Components of page relevance

In the vast majority of cases, SEO optimizers work on a website in the following areas:

  • The technical component of the relevance of site pages is common errors that make it difficult for search engine robots to correctly index them:
    • site accessibility;
    • page loading speed;
    • issuing resource encoding;
    • setting up server response codes (redirects, error pages);
    • site mirrors;
    • robots.txt file and robots meta tag;
    • sitemap.xml file;
    • frames;
    • elements hidden from the user;
    • URL structure;
    • duplicate pages;
    • broken links;
    • date the pages were last modified;
    • spam;
    • other interference with indexing.
  • The text component of the relevance of site pages is the correspondence of the content to the user’s request:
    • meta tags;
    • text headings;
    • occurrences of key phrases in the text;
    • img tag attributes.
  • The reference component of relevance is factors associated with:
    • external linking;
    • link anchors;
    • donor characteristics;
    • dynamics of link mass growth.
  • Behavioral component of relevance – factors associated with user behavior:
    • number of visitors;
    • visitor sources;
    • stay time;
    • bounce rate;
    • viewing depth;
    • conversion;
    • ease of navigation;
  • Other factors:
    • regionality;
    • affiliates.