Select does not expand in fancybox. Fancybox for Wordpress – Beautiful images and functional content in one click

Greetings. As old Heraclides used to say - “Everything flows, everything changes, nothing stands still”. Nowadays, this is absolutely true for WordPress. Just yesterday, mega-popular plugins abandoned by their authors lose their former relevance, and they are invariably replaced by new ones.

Today a short story about another lightbox an effector called Easy FancyBox, which replaces the already not updated one. The essence of the work of this image viewer, as you might guess, is not much different from the last one. However, there are much fewer settings here, which in general is probably only for the better for the average user. But visually, Easy FancyBox works, in my opinion, even more pleasant.

Installation and settings

The installation is standard, and the plugin itself can be downloaded from the repository free plugins WordPress. Well, or install directly from the admin panel as I described in this. After installation and activation, the plugin will work without any additional settings, which is called “out of the box”. All fans of “tinkering and tweaking” should go to their Settings - Media files section. This is where Easy FancyBox creates its additional settings. All of them are divided into several main sections:

Media— list of all supported file formats and types. By default, only images are included, but you can include PDF, YouTube, Vimeo, iFrames and others.

Overlay— page background settings when displaying images. You can remove it altogether or set your own color and transparency. Disable closing of the image when clicking on the background.

Window- everything that concerns the parameters of the window with the picture itself. Color, dimensions, transparency, frame, etc.

Images— specify all the image format extensions you need. In the subsection Behavior customize the output animation. Configure the display of the mouse cursor when hovering over an image. Determine whether you need to display a title and support standard WordPress galleries? If you use any third-party galleries, then better support disable to avoid duplicate image output.

If, in addition to pictures in the first section, you specify, for example, some other types of files, accordingly, additional settings for them will appear in the settings. For example, for a YouTube video, you can specify the window dimensions.

And finally, if the possibilities here seem to be few, the author suggests buying a premium extension for the plugin for 10 euros, which will add even more features.


Easy FancyBox works quickly and by default has a nice effect of the picture floating to the center of the screen. The ALT header is displayed at the bottom of the darkened bar. If it exists of course. By changing the settings a little, you can bring the appearance of the window in accordance with your vision of beauty or at least with the design of your site.

Overall, it’s quite a simple plugin and very suitable for mass use.

In this article we will look at one of the ways to install the “FancyBox” script on your WordPress. This option is distinguished by its ease, since in a couple of minutes the images on your site will open in modal windows.

Fancybox 1.3.4 call via Yandex CDN

FancyBox is a popular script that allows you to open graphic objects in modal window on top of the content. This makes the site easier to navigate and allows the user to zoom in for viewing.
To connect, we will use Yandex files located on the CDN server. This will, at a minimum, optimize the loading of WordPress pages and eliminate copying of files to the hosting.

To connect external script open the “header.php” file of your active theme, where we paste the following code before the closing “ ” tag:


Here we have limited the script output to “single.php” pages only. Connected files CSS styles and the fancybox script itself. And at the end they showed the way to final files images “/wp-content/uploads/”, so that when clicked with the mouse, only images uploaded to the site will open.

We save the “header” file and go to check the operation of the “FancyBox” script. Let us remind you that only images for which “Media file” is specified in the link field will open in the modal window. That is, the thumbnail in the body of the publication must link to its original.

Fancybox 3.0.47 call via

Another option external connection, but a more recent version of fancybox 3.0.47. From distinctive features redesigned logic, animation and function full screen viewing. Similar to the previous one, the call occurs through a third-party CDN server.

To call, add the following code before the closing "" tag:


In the first line we include the CSS style file, then the fancybox script itself. At the end, don’t forget to surround the pictures in the entries, as in the first version.

We save the changes in the template by clicking the “Update” button, and go to check the script’s operation. If you have active caching installed, then completely clear the cache first.

Note! In some cases, the new script may not be processed properly. To fix it, you can experiment with the version installed library Jquery (to test the launch of fancybox 3.0.47 we used jquery 3.2.1).

Where can I download original FancyBox files?

If you would like to place the script files on your website and load them from your hosting server, then below we provide links from the developer’s website.

WordPress out of the box installation has excellent tools for working with photos, placing photos and other media files in site materials. With the development of WordPress, the display of photos and galleries on the site is also improving. There are almost all options for displaying photos: creating galleries with automatic change thumbnail sizes, display photos on new page and on a new tab, resizing photos, etc. There is everything, but there is no display of photos in modal windows - windows that appear in separate window on top of the article.

Easy FancyBox modal window plugin for WordPress site media files

WordPress is not without plugins that improve the display of photos and other media files in site articles. Unfortunately, not all plugins are updated on time and adapt to system updates. As a result, modal windows stop working and the plugin has to be reinstalled.

In the article "" I wrote about pop-up window plugins. I installed and reinstalled most of them until I tried the Easy FancyBox plugin. We'll talk about it further.

Download and install the plugin

We install the plugin from the site’s administrative panel, on the tab Plugin→Add new. If such installation is not possible, download the plugin from official page plugin:, unpack and upload to the /plugins directory.

After activating the plugin, it does not appear in the console as a separate line. You can enter its settings from the tab Plugins→Easy FancyBox→Settings or Media files.

Organic integration of Easy FancyBox settings into general settings WordPress media files, captivates and increases confidence in the plugin.

Easy FancyBox plugin settings

Having opened the settings page, we see that all the necessary, minimal settings are set. There are quite a few settings, but when using them, you need to remember that some of them will increase page loading on the client side.

After activating the plugin, all photos (jpeg, png, gif) inserted into articles will be shown in modal windows on top of the article if:

  • When inserting a photo, a link is provided to the media file, and not to the attachment page;
  • The photo size has been reduced compared to the original.

Can be configured:

  • Choice of three effects for opening/closing a modal window;
  • Ability to select a window in overlay mode;
  • Displaying a miniature gallery on the website pages;
  • View the gallery by scrolling the mouse wheel.

Easy FancyBox plugin settings

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the settings of the Easy FancyBox plugin there is the inclusion of modal windows for videos from YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, PDF documents, SWF, SVG. You can make an iFrame for another resource. However, these options are only pro versions for $10 for one domain.

Hello friends. Each site has media files for best serve information to visitors. already discussed on the blog pages. Using WordPress plugins, you can enlarge the image without going to separate page. It is possible to link images into a single gallery or display them one at a time. Let's take a look at one of these plugins, one of the best of its kind. It takes a little time, but it’s worth spending it to complete the task.

Fancybox for wordpress plugin enlarging pictures and managing the gallery

When posting images on the website, they rather paid attention to the fact that “oversized” pictures established template compresses, which entails a loss of quality. Small font and the details cannot always be made out. In the display settings, you can specify the display of the image in a separate tab, or on the same page of the site. This can lead to duplicates and is not entirely convenient for the user. Fancybox for wordpress opens the image on this page on top of the rest of the content.

You need to install and activate Fancybox for WordPress in a standard way. If you forgot how, read the article. In order for Fancybox to be applied to a picture, it must be done during downloading or to an already downloaded file in Display settings file at point Link indicate ⇒ Media file.

After activation, a section will appear - Fancybox for WordPress.

After going to the section, a window will open with tabs for editing various parameters.

The plugin is not Russified, but English, but almost everything is clear as it is. Now I will provide a translation of all the settings.

  • Info. Developer information tab. The authors specify that the installed basic setup plugin is quite attractive. The notes note that for the changes to take effect, you must clear the cache.
  • Appearance. Setting up appearance pop-ups.
    • Border—display a frame around the pop-up window, yes/no. If Yes, specify the color in HTML format.
    • Close button - close button. Select the position of the cross.
    • Padding - adjust the padding thickness and color from the modal window to the illustration.
    • Overlay Options - transparency of the background. Coefficient from 0 to 1. When marking 1, content on background will not be displayed at all.
    • Title - the name of the media file. When the checkbox is enabled, the name will be shown in the selected position. Inside ⇒ inside, Outside ⇒ outside, Over ⇒ on top.
    • Navigation Arrows - navigation arrows. Withdraw or not.

Be sure to save your changes.

The next two sections are for advanced users.

  • Miscellaneous - other settings. Automatic detection sizes, works only with Ajax.
  • Extra Calls - additional FancyBox calls. There are many additional FancyBox calls you can add here with various settings. For example, if you want to use FancyBox with frames or AJAX on a specific link, you can configure those calls here without affecting the image settings.
  • Troubleshooting - troubleshooting. The developers note that changes in this section should be made only if there are problems with the operation of Fancybox for wordpress.
    The authors recommend checking compatibility with other extensions such as Lightbox, Slimbox and similar ones by deactivating one at a time and checking. You also need to clear the cache to check for parameter changes.
  • Support - support service. Provides links to FAQ pages, the Fancybox Google group, support forum, and answers to questions asked by other users.
  • Uninstall - removal. Like other extensions, Fancybox for WordPress stores its settings in a database table WordPress data. To completely remove a plugin, check the box, then save the changes, and after deactivation, all its settings will be deleted from the database.

I hope after detailed analysis Fancybox for wordpress setup plugin will not cause any difficulties. Those interested will successfully implement it and make the display of images in the pop-up window effective, and the site will be pleasing to the eye of the author and visitors.

Let's look at how Fancybox works in JQuery and learn how to configure it.

This is one interesting plugin with which, when you click on photos, they open in full screen. Limitless ability to create easy, cute and easy to use projects. Moreover, such a plugin has easy setup And fast connection. To do this, download Fancybox JQuery and connect it to as shown below.

How to display a picture

This plugin has several parameters that can be used to display certain page elements. Let's look at how you can configure the image display. To do this, write the following code:

Now the plugin itself comes into effect. To display the image, we will write the following.

IN href attribute you must specify the path to the image, and in the tag a preview is written.

How to implement a gallery and display a group of images

To solve this problem, you need to perform one simple step - add to the tag special attribute, where this or that value (necessarily unique) will be indicated for separate group images.

It is also necessary to specify the parameters of how the picture will be displayed in the tag.

So, you can count the number of pictures in a certain group, and also display the number and title of the image. However, this requires its presence in the title of the above tag .

How to display content

The plugin we are looking at in this article can also be used to display content in a modal window. Let's look at an example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis mi eu elit tempor facilisis id et neque. Nulla sit amet sem sapien. Vestibulum imperdiet porta ante ac ornare. Nulla et lorem eu nibh adipiscing ultricies nec at lacus. Cras laoreet ultricies sem, at blandit mi eleifend aliquam.

The default is display:none, meaning the content is hidden. However, when the link is clicked, the plugin displays the content div with the ID that was specified in the href. Also pay attention to.

We hope you get the idea general essence. We'll talk about other features of the plugin later.

Learn more about FancyBox options

Parameter Default Parameter Description
padding 10 Space between content and Fancybox
margin 20 Space between Fancybox and other content
opacity false Turn transparency on or off during transitions
cyclic false When set to true, the gallery will become looping, with forward-backward transitions infinite
scrolling "auto" Option to hide or show the scroll bar, CSS property overflow
width 560 The width for an "IFRAME" or "SWF" content type is also applied to the "autoDimensions" parameter if the latter is set to "false"
height 340 The height for the "IFRAME" or "SWF" content type is also applied to the "autoDimensions" parameter if the latter is set to "false"
autoScale true If true, the FancyBox is scaled in the window
centerOnScroll false If true, FancyBox will be in the middle when scrolling the page
hideOnOverlayClick true Select so that when you click on the “Overlay” layer, the FancyBox closes
hideOnContentClick false Select if you want the FancyBox to close when the content is clicked
overlayShow true Turn on/off the “Overlay” layer
overlayOpacity 0.3 Layer transparency (from 0 to 1)
overlayColor "#555" Overlay Layer Color
titleShow true Whether to show "title"
titlePosition "outside" Title position “Behind” “inside” or “above” (“outside” “inside” “over”)
titleFormat null You can use html for theming
transitionIn, transitionOut "fade" You can set the effect between transitions or turn off "elastic", "fade" or "none"
speedIn, speedOut 300 Transition effects speed in milliseconds
changeSpeed 300 Effect speed
changeFade "fast" Rate of content disappearance when changing gallery items
easingIn, easingOut "swing" Use for "elastic" animation
showCloseButton true Show close button
showNavArrows true Show arrows for navigation
enableEscapeButton true Use the “ESC” button to close FancyBox
onStart null Will be called first before content is loaded
onCancel null Will be called after loading is cancelled.
onComplete null Will be called after the content is shown
onCleanup null Will be called before closing
onClosed null Will be called after FancyBox is closed

Eat good competitor Fancybox is Lightbox plugin, it is quite beautiful, you can get acquainted with it in the article -