SIM card Yota does not work on the phone. How to activate the Yota modem

When you first connect, it usually happens automatic connection. The work starts immediately after inserting the newly purchased SIM card into the desired slot. But if this did not happen. A reasonable question arises - How to activate a Yota SIM card. On a phone, tablet or modem - we will introduce in detail all known activation methods. On some devices you may have to manually enter the access point APN-internet.yota

How to activate a Yota SIM card on a phone or tablet with Android OS

To correctly and quickly manually activate your device, you need to take the following steps:

For devices running Android 4.x:

Go to the Settings category of your phone, then open the More tab. Behind it we find and enter the page Mobile network and further in Access Points (APN). Then click Change/Create Access Point. Enter the Name YOTA and the APN data internet.yota. We leave the remaining fields empty.

As a result, the path through the tabs looks like this:
Settings → More → Mobile network → Access points (APN) → Change/Create access point → Name “YOTA” → APN “internet.yota”.

For devices running Android 5.x and higher:

In order to manually activate a Yota SIM card on a phone or tablet running new versions of this mobile operating system, the setup example will look a little different:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select and open settings desired sim cards
  3. In the lower half of the screen we see the operator’s network and just below the Access Point we enter.
  4. At the very bottom of the screen, click on the plus sign - New access point
  5. Enter the parameters Yota and APN internet.yota

The full path looks like this:
Settings → Yota → Mobile network → Access points → New access point → Name “YOTA” → APN “internet.yota”.

How to activate a Yota SIM card on a phone or tablet with Apple iOS-

Settings → cellular→ Cellular data → APN “internet.yota”. We leave the remaining fields empty.

How to activate a Yota SIM card on a phone or tablet

from Windows Phone-

Settings → Access point → Add access point (+) → internet.yota. After saving, you need to select an access point and wait for the “Active” status.

How to activate a Yota SIM card on a modem, PC, laptop

If you are faced with the task of activating Yota SIM cards on your computer to work with the modem, take the following steps:

  1. Install the modem with the SIM card from the Yota provider connected to it into a free USB port.
  2. Next, the automatic driver installation process should begin. Please note that on different operating systems this happens over different periods of time. At timely updating, usually there should be no unplanned problems.
  3. The next step is to activate and register your profile. To do this, you need to open any Internet page in a web browser. You will automatically be redirected to the official website of the Yota company where they will be described step by step actions to register a Profile and fill out all the necessary Personal Account data.
  4. After all the steps you have completed you will receive activated SIM card Yota, as well as logs and password to enter your Personal Account.

The drivers have been installed and your modem should register with the operating system - a corresponding notification will appear in the lower right corner.

Often immediately after purchase starter pack This salon employee will activate the SIM card himself, but if this does not happen, the SIM card will have to be activated independently. If you have not previously activated the card yourself and do not know how to activate Yota SIM card, then this article is what you were looking for. In the review you will find all the ways to enable the new Yota SIM card on any mobile device.

All methods for turning on a Yota SIM card

In fact, there is nothing complicated about activating the Yota SIM card. However, for your convenience, we have described the algorithm of actions of each individual method in detail.

How to activate Yota SIM card on your phone

Exists universal method, through which you can start the SIM card. Immediately after purchasing a new package, insert the card into your cellular device and restart it. After this, the SIM card is activated automatically.

After the gadget has recognized the new SIM card, download special application, which can be found on the website mobile operator. Next you will need to log in to the site. To do this, you need to enter your data, nickname and password (you can come up with it yourself) in the specified fields.

After all these steps, the SIM card on your smartphone or phone becomes valid, and you can use it for any mobile needs.

However this method Not suitable for all subscribers and not for all cellular devices. Therefore, we will tell you about other activation methods that can be used without an application and that are suitable for any mobile device.

Enabling Yota SIM card on Android

To enable the card on gadgets with Android software, you need to insert the card into your cellular device and reboot the mobile device to be safe. After this, the SIM card should start working. You can check whether the package is valid or not using the network indicator. If the network appears, it means that the card is registered in the system and you can use it freely.

If for some reason the card does not work correctly or data transfer (mobile Internet) does not turn on, you need to do a few simple steps:

  1. Go to main menu cellular device and select the "Settings" category.
  2. After that, go to the section " Cellular network", then "Access points or APNs".
  3. After moving to the last category, select “Create New”. On the page that opens you must provide the following information:
  • name – Yota;
  • APN – internet.yota.

After the completed manipulations, press the “OK” key and restart the gadget.

If all actions are performed correctly, the card will be activated and its operation will be established.

Yota: how to activate on iPhone and iPad

Enabling a SIM card on iOS devices should also be no problem. Everything here is extremely simple, you just need to press a few keys and then use the current SIM card at your discretion.

So, to launch the map, follow these steps:

  • insert the card into the cellular device and wait for the signal to appear. Often the SIM card becomes active within a few minutes.

If for some reason the link indicator does not appear, do the following:

  • go to “Settings”, then select the “Cellular network” category, then “Mobile data”;
  • V last section you will see empty lines in which you need to enter the following information: APN address – internet.yota;
  • after that, reboot the gadget.

As a rule, enabling the Yota SIM card on devices Windows Phone passes automatically and does not require any additional actions from the subscriber's side.

However, in some cases you need to launch the SIM card manually. If this is your situation, then do the following:

  • insert the SIM card into the cellular device and use the settings menu to go to the “Access Point” category;
  • Once in the section, enter in the line: APN – internet.yota;
  • after that, save the coordinates and restart the gadget.

After all the steps taken, you will see a network indicator in the upper left corner of your mobile device. Now you can fully use Iota mobile communications and access the World Wide Web.

How to activate a SIM card on a USB modem

When activating the Yota card on the modem, you do not need to enter data manually, everything happens automatically here. However, the subscriber still needs to know a certain sequence of actions required to activate the card.

Often, each USB device contains a slot with a SIM card, which already contains all the drivers necessary for installation. After connecting the modem to personal computer or laptop, the system will automatically determine required settings and install the required software.

After installing the drivers, a corresponding icon will appear on the desktop of your computer; when you click on it, the system will redirect you to the mobile operator’s website.

Here you will need to go through a simple registration, after which you will have personal profile. That's all, the SIM card is activated. Now you can use your high-speed connection as you wish.

If you encounter any difficulties while connecting to the Yota provider, please contact technical support at 88005500007. The number is available around the clock and is provided to all network subscribers free of charge.

You can also find out answers to your questions on the official page of the mobile operator. To do this, log in to the system and go to the “Feedback” section.

And, of course, for any question you can contact the nearest cellular provider store. Experienced employees are always ready to help their clients. However, when going to the telesystem office, do not forget to take with you a document proving your identity.

After purchasing a mobile SIM card operator Yota Almost every subscriber has the same question: how to set up a Yota SIM card on your phone?

Setting up a Yota SIM card

In the vast majority of cases, setting up a SIM yota cards happens automatically. This means that in order to start using the operator’s services, you need to install a SIM card in the slot and reboot the device. After turning on, you will see the name of your selected operator on the screen mobile communications. So, after recognizing the SIM card, you need to launch the proprietary yota app, which is precisely responsible for activation. Here you can choose suitable tariff in the following way:

  • in the window that appears after launching the application, you need to select the “Select connection conditions” option, after which tariff variations will appear;
  • From the options that appear, you need to choose the most attractive one for you.

Now you know how to set up a Yota SIM card. After setting up, the question immediately arises of how to set up yota Internet on your phone. Let's look at this issue below.

Setting up yota internet on your phone

Mobile settings internet yota mostly done automatically. There are times when this does not happen. In such situations, you can enter the settings yourself. To do this, you just need to correctly indicate the access point, since the remaining fields do not require filling out. Modern smartphones have different software, so this setup process for different devices will be different. Let's consider yota ways Internet settings on your phone for the most popular operating systems today, such as:

  • Android;
  • Windows Phone;

Settings for Android

To register an access point for a given operating system, you must perform the following steps one by one:

  • go to the settings of your gadget;
  • select “More”, then “Mobile network”;
  • Now you need to create in the “access points” section new entry, specifying the name Yota, and in the APN line enter: internet.yota.

Yota settings for Windows Phone

To independently register settings for the yota Internet in in this case necessary:

  • From the gadget settings, go to “Access points”;
  • click on the “+” icon, thereby creating a new entry;
  • now you need to set a name for the point and write it in the line with the address: internet.yota;
  • click “save”.

After saving the new entry, you must select it again and wait for the “Active” status to appear. Now we can assume that yota setup on the phone is completely completed. Other fields also do not require filling out.

Settings for iOS

To configure a mobile phone on this OS, you need to follow the algorithm:

  • in settings mobile phone you need to select “Cellular”;
  • then go to “Cellular data”;
  • In the line with the address write: internet.yota.

Thus, you can independently create access points in your mobile device and start using the Yota Internet.

Instructions for activating a Yota SIM card and setting up access points on smartphones with different operating systems.


  • It's been almost 10 years since Yota company came out for the first time Russian market. In this short period of time, it managed to take a leading position among the country's mobile operators. The reason for this was not only the quality of services provided by the company, mobile communications and the Internet, but also all kinds of ease of connection and use
  • Usually, after purchasing a Yota SIM card, to connect you just need to insert it into your smartphone or tablet and activation will take place automatically. However, all mobile operators occasionally experience unexpected disruptions due to which automatic registration SIM card on the network may not happen. Also, on some models of smartphones and tablets, automatic registration is blocked and requires manual activation
  • If for some reason your card has not been automatically registered on the network, you will need to go to the settings of your device and manually enter access points

How to activate Yota SIM card on iOS?

  • To automatically register a card, you first need to insert it into the appropriate slot in your smartphone. For correct operation This should be done when the device is turned off, otherwise failures may occur during data processing
  • After the card is inserted, turn on the device and wait for it to boot. After loading, the name of the network operator should be displayed on the screen, in our case Yota
  • If the operator's name is displayed, then the activation of the SIM card was successful and access to the Internet is open
  • If you activate the card on your tablet, then for automatic registration you will need to open the browser on your device, in address bar Enter the address of any website and go to it. You will not see the content of the site. Instead, you will be automatically redirected to the official Yota website, where you will need to register your profile. The registration process is extremely simple and even a child can easily handle it. Just follow the instructions on the screen
  • If automatic registration on the network is unsuccessful, go to the settings of your device, select the “Cellular Communications” section, then “Cellular Data”. In the window that appears, in the “APN” field you need to specify the “internet.yota” access point. All other fields do not need to be filled in
  • After you have set the access point, reboot your device. This is necessary for the changes to take effect. If after the reboot the operator’s name appears on your screen, then the registration of the card on the network was successful and you did everything correctly. Open your browser and surf the Internet

How to activate Yota SIM card on Android?

  • Automatic registration on smartphones and Android tablets carried out in exactly the same way as on iOS. You need to insert the card into the slot intended for it, turn on your device and wait a few seconds. If the operator’s name is displayed on the screen, then registration was successful and access to Internet services is open
  • If automatic registration fails, go directly to the device settings. Go to the settings of your device, find the “Mobile network” section and then select “Access points” in the section. By default, you may already have several access points created, which should not be edited. Click "Create" new point access" and give it a custom name. In the “APN” field enter “internet.yota” and leave all other fields blank
  • After creating an access point, reboot your device, wait for it to fully load and if the operator’s name is displayed, then the registration was successful and you can use the Internet for your pleasure. On tablets, after rebooting, you must register your profile in the browser

How to activate Yota SIM card on Windows Phone?

  • Automatic registration of a SIM card on Windows Phone is also no different from registration on other operating systems. Insert your card into the device, wait until the operator's name is displayed on the screen, go online and enjoy
  • If automatic registration does not take place, go to the settings of your device, select the “Access Points” section in the menu, create a new control point, call it any name and also enter the address “internet.yota” in the “APN” field. The remaining fields do not need to be filled in
  • Restart your device, wait until it boots up and the operator name appears on the screen. On your tablet, don't forget to register your profile in your browser

  • If the instructions above do not help, make sure correct spelling access points "internet.yota". If the address is set correctly, but there is still no access to the Internet, check your balance and send a description of your problem to support Yota users By SMS to the number 0999 (only for Yota clients). You can also get advice online using chat on the operator’s official website

Video: How to get a Yota SIM card and start using it?

Articles and Lifehacks

Fortunately, not only smartphone users can now appreciate all the advantages of an operator’s unlimited online connection. Our article will tell you how to activate yota on a tablet and what it will take. Today, SIM cards for tablets can be purchased in more than two dozen Russian cities, and their number will only increase subsequently.

How to activate a Yota SIM card on a tablet and what you need for this

Clients Russian operator use its mobile Internet without any traffic restrictions. Probably, this factor was one of the main reasons that over seventeen thousand people and tablet owners voted for the corresponding innovation on the company’s website.

Obviously, the large screen diagonal of a device such as a tablet seems to be a particularly attractive argument in favor of using a gadget for web surfing. More and more people who regularly use the Internet prefer to store important data on cloud servers, which is especially practical when on the road. Let us add that the speed of the 4G LTE connection offered by the operator is quite enough for watching movies. In combination with the large screen diagonal, we can conclude that online viewing HD video will look especially attractive.

Now about how to activate yota on your tablet. This activation occurs the first time you connect to the network. mobile operator automatically. In other words, you just need to insert the SIM card into a specially designated slot and wait until the connection occurs. After some time, the operator’s logo should appear on the screen.

Let us add that after connecting to the network, provided there is a positive account balance, the subscriber must also gain access to the mobile Internet. If you can’t connect to it, you should check that the access point is correct. If it is not specified, enter internet.yota in the APN column manually (look for such a column in the “Cellular Data” section in the device settings).

How else can you activate the Yota SIM card on your tablet?

One of the most useful tips on at this stage There will be registration in your Personal Account on the operator’s website. We go to the official website of the company. After creating your own Personal account register the new device in the appropriate section.

On what maximum speed mobile Internet will it be possible to count? This depends on a number of factors. Among them: specific model tablet, 4G network coverage level, weather, high-rise buildings and so on. On average, the speed can range from 5 to 20 megabits per second.