Face time does not work on iPhone 5s. FaceTime doesn't work

iMessage - Internet service instant messages, which was introduced by Apple into the iPhone and iPad back in iOS 5, and today is actively used by users around the world as an affordable alternative to SMS. FaceTime is an Internet audio and video calling service that allows you to communicate absolutely free of charge with relatives, loved ones, friends or colleagues located in any part of the planet, using both video from both cameras of the device, and being content only with voice.

So how do you set up and use iMessage and FaceTime on iPhone and iPad on iOS 7?

How to set up iMessage?

2. Go to the “Messages” section:

3. Move the iMessage activation switch to the active position:

Additionally, if necessary, configure the ability to send other users notifications that you have read their messages by moving the “Read Report” switch to the active position. Perhaps “Send as SMS” is used if the subscriber is unable to send a message via iMessage.

4. Go to the “Send/Receive” menu and configure the list of identifiers:

iMessage is initially associated with phone numbers and addresses Email, designed to work with Apple ID and created by Apple to work with mail via iCloud automatically.

How to use iMessage?

1. Go to the Messages application of the iOS operating system:

2. Create a new dialogue or resume the previous one:

3. Type a message in the appropriate field:

If Apple's servers determine that the user who needs to send a message has iMessage configured, the text will be sent via this protocol, otherwise traditional SMS will be used.

4. Confirm sending by pressing the “Send” button:

All messages sent via iMessage will use a blue highlight color, while those sent via SMS will use a green highlight color.

How to set up FaceTime?

1. Go to the “Settings” application of the iOS 7 operating system:

2. Go to the FaceTime section:

3. Move the FaceTime enable switch to the active position:

4. Set up a list of identifiers:

FaceTime is initially associated with phone numbers and email addresses designed to work with Apple IDs, created by Apple to automatically work with iCloud email.

How to use FaceTime?

1. Go to the “Phone” application of the iOS 7 operating system:

2. Determine the desired subscriber and go to the menu for working with a contact, select the FaceTime option by clicking on the button with the image of a handset or camera next to the corresponding menu item (handset - audio call, camera - video call):

Thus, using iMessage and FaceTime features iPhone users and iPad can not only significantly save on calls, but also significantly improve the convenience of communication and the quality of communication.

FaceTime great way stay in touch for free. Therefore, if problems arise with the service, many users immediately begin to look for an answer to the question of why Face Time does not work on iPhone.

Turn on Face Time

To use FaceTime, you must turn it on and activate it. For this:

To use FaceTime to make a call, open the Phone app and look for the icons in your contact's details.

You can call from standard application FaceTime: All you need to do is enter your name and number manually or select from your contacts list.

FaceTime doesn't work

If after enable FaceTime If you cannot make a call through it, then first of all make sure that stable connection to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Among the others program reasons occurrence of service failures:

  • Disable FaceTime in Settings.
  • Error in network settings.
  • Problems with Internet access.
  • Usage old version iOS.

Make sure FaceTime is turned on and activated in iOS settings. If the system has not been updated for a long time, you should install the available updates. If you experience problems on the latest supported version of iOS, reset your network settings:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the "Basic" section.
  3. Click on "Reset".
  4. Select Reset Network Settings.

If the cause of the failure was connection errors, then resetting will help eliminate them. However, in addition to software reasons, there may also be hardware problems that can only be fixed at a service center:

  • Malfunctions of the built-in modem.
  • Damage to contacts.
  • Failure of communication modules.

Technical problems can also arise on the side of the device responsible for Internet access - the router that distributes Wi-Fi. Perhaps there is a restriction on Internet access in its settings, which prevents you from connecting to the FaceTime server.

Can't make or receive a call

Problems with using FaceTime may occur for the following reasons:

  • The service and audio call are not available in your country or are not supported by your carrier.
  • The service does not support call forwarding.
  • You are trying to switch from FaceTime to an audio or regular call.

Sometimes for normal operation with Face Time you have to change your SIM card and even your operator. Check with your provider to see if they support the service.

Waiting for activation

If none of the reasons listed above describe your situation, try the following:

Follow these steps sequentially to successfully complete the process of activating the service on your device.

There is no FaceTime on iPhone

We figured out why Face Time doesn’t work on iPhone, but what should users do if they can’t find such an application on their smartphone at all? The service may be unavailable for three reasons:

  • The application has been removed.
  • There are restrictions on its operation in the settings.
  • The iPhone was purchased in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or the UAE, where the service does not work.

If the third option is definitely not your case, then check the list of restrictions. Go to the settings and in the “General” section, click on the “Restrictions” item. Make sure there is no restriction on the program.

If the application has been deleted, you can restore it by downloading it again from App Store. Once installed, the iOS main menu will provide all the necessary options to enable and activate FaceTime, so all you have to do is set it up.

With the FaceTime app you can do free videos or audio calls to everyone iPhone owners, iPad or Mac. You can talk to each other for free if you have Wi-Fi or mobile internet. If FaceTime isn't working, you need to find out why. Is it because of my fault? Apple, or for some other reason. Corrective methods will help you eliminate FaceTime problems on iPhone (6, 7, 8, X) for successful video calls.

Because FaceTime is a two-way program, some of the troubleshooting needs to be done on both sides of the connection: both yours and the recipient device. Otherwise, FaceTime will report connection failures.

A user tweeted that he encountered an issue where the settings disappear and are not restored to default as soon as he closes the camera app. When you go to the “Save Settings”, “Camera Settings” menu, video modes, filters and lighting effects are saved, but live photos taken during video calls are not saved.

What to do if FaceTime on iPhone stops working?

Quick tips. Try turning FaceTime off and on again using the following:

iOS: Settings > FaceTime OR FaceTime for Mac: FaceTime > Preferences.

Make sure FaceTime is turned on and restart it:

  1. Settings > FaceTime.
  2. Turn the FaceTime switch to the OFF position.
  3. Toggle the "FaceTime" switch back to the "ON" position and wait until it finishes reactivating.
  4. When finished, try starting the FaceTime call again.

Make sure the camera for FaceTime is not limited:

  1. Settings > General > Restrictions.
  2. To check that the date and time are set correctly, tap Settings > General > Date & Time.
  3. Make sure you are using the correct method to call the person.

iPhone users: Use your phone number.

For Mac users iPad, iPod touch or FaceTime: Use your email address.

Make sure this is your Apple ID (here: ): to register FaceTime on iPad 2, iPod touch.

FaceTime for Mac must be an email address.

You can create new Apple ID or make changes by visiting and using the “Manage your account" Stopped working on iPhone and iPad?

If your status is Verifying, click Settings > FaceTime to make sure your email address is verified. Then try turning FaceTime off and on (Settings > FaceTime or FaceTime for Mac: FaceTime > Preferences).

Users may be blocked

With FaceTame you can block users from calling. If you don't want to receive calls from anyone on FaceTime, you can block them by going to Settings -> FaceTime -> Blocked.

Here is a list of subscribers whose calls are blocked. If the person you want to call on FaceTime is on your Blocked list, simply remove them from that list.

FaceTime isn't working: Check your Wi-Fi and mobile connection

If FaceTime isn't working, the first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. Before you try to figure out if the Apple FaceTime server is down, you need to make sure that the Internet is turned on.

There are times when the Internet works fine, but there is a problem with setting up the device that does not allow you to connect:

Tap Settings > Wi-Fi on your iOS device and System Settings»>Network on Mac OS X and check if the settings match your local routers.

Most cell phone networks allow FaceTime to work over cellular connections. If you want to use the connection to make calls, check: Settings > Mobile data on iPad and iPhone.

Sometimes there are some problems with network connection. Try turning on airplane mode ON in the settings, and after a few seconds turn it on OFF. This will update your network, be it Wi-Fi or cellular.

FaceTime doesn't work on latest iOS

The first step is to make sure that the software is on all iOS devices and Mac OS X updated.

When providing FaceTime service, Apple may change the requirements for software. Check what's yours iOS version is the last one by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

Why FaceTime doesn't work on iOS, what should I do?

If the Apple FaceTime server is not available, you have no way to test it. Here we will show you how to check if an application has FaceTime problems with the server.

Apple has its own. On the site Apple System Status you need to enter your FaceTime status in accordance with other Apple services: iMessage, App Store and Apple Music. It often happens that the power of some of them decreases at the same time.

If any services are held Maintenance, you can use the FaceTime app from the System Status web page. To do this, before starting an important video call with a client or grandparent, you need to check the operating status of the company's servers. Apple also uses the web page to report recently resolved issues with its services.

If this site turns on first for you, if you have problems with FaceTime (or any of Apple's services), you can at least find out whether it is an issue with your device or with your Internet connection.

If it turns out that the problem is with your gadget, check out our recommendations below.

Before you begin troubleshooting, you need to be absolutely sure that FaceTime not working is due to local problem, which doesn't appear on Apple's website. State website Apple systems It may not be reporting the problem to all customers, or it may be that the website is doing maintenance every 5/10/30 minutes and the update has not yet gone through on your iPhone.

Fortunately, there are some third-party websites that, based on the experiences of numerous consumers, provide the most latest information about the status. We suggest using the services of a website that will report the status Apple services, as well as other services such as Steam. Look at the graph

Unfortunately, many people are faced with the fact that FaceTime doesn't work. In fact this situation should not cause fear, since the situation is primarily explained by the update of the operating room iOS systems up to the seventh version. Errors may be due to high workload Apple servers. However, if the problem persists, you can try to resolve it.

In most cases, the error looks like this: under the application enable toggle switch there is a message “Waiting for activation”, which does not go away on its own for a long time.

First of all, you need to make sure that all personal data is entered correctly: email address, Apple ID, number mobile phone. Only after this is it necessary to perform subsequent tricks to iMessage activation(program version for text messages), FaceTime (version of the program for calls in audio and video format).

How to activate iMessage?

You must go to settings and then go through the following scheme: “Messages” - iMessage - “Send / Receive”. Completing this circuit requires minimal effort.

How to activate FaceTime?

You should open your device and FaceTime settings, check the calling addresses. Perhaps there were mistakes and you will understand Why doesn't Face Time work? on your device. After this, you need to disable - enable both versions of the program.

In addition, disabling - turning on should be done even if everything was entered correctly. There is no need to act chaotically, so it is best to wait 5 seconds before restart. So, what actions need to be taken in this situation?

Is the error still there? There is no need to despair. You can try rebooting your device. Most likely, the program will still start working normally.

In the worst case, it is necessary to carry out restoration operating system devices. For this reason, if you have followed the tips described above, but you still have FaceTime doesn't work, it is advisable to contact experienced specialist, capable of restoring the operating system.

It is clearly not enough for the modern user simple communication by phone or correspondence in chats. After all, it is much more interesting to see the interlocutor during a conversation. This is especially true now, when there is often simply no time left to meet with friends. And video conferences - the only way“see you” without getting out of your busy schedule.

"iPhone conferences"

In iPhones, the function of video (and audio) calls is performed by special service– facetime. This is a pre-installed “native” application that allows you to play video along with voice.
At the same time, the faces of two subscribers are displayed on the smartphone screen - according to the “picture in picture” principle. You can move a small dialog box around the entire iPhone screen.
It is also possible to switch “broadcasting” from the face camera to the main one, right during a call. To do this, press alternately virtual button with a camera located on the left.

You can activate a video conference at any time during the conversation. It’s also convenient that you can turn off the “picture” and continue communicating by voice without interrupting the current call. In addition, the sound is also turned off separately, but the picture remains active (click on the crossed out microphone on the right).

When talking on Facetime, you can, as usual, accept and reject incoming calls, put the subscriber on hold. It is also possible to block unwanted calls with offers to chat.

Facetime communication is supported by most devices with the Apple ecosystem - iPhone, iPad (including all mini models), iPodtouch - recent years release. Just activate and enjoy.


In order to set up FaceTime on your smartphone, find the icon with a green video camera in the settings. Select it and move the slider on the right to the “enable” state. But before that, to identify you as the owner of the iPhone in the system, you will need to enter your Apple ID.
Next, your phone number and the one assigned to you are activated in the service mailbox in iCloud (essentially the same Apple ID) - the application is “connected” to them.

If you want to use this service on all your devices - enter any additional mailbox. Sometimes the activation process takes a long time, this happens due to network congestion - this is the norm. If you don’t have time to wait, try repeating the procedure later.

That’s basically all, at the end of the process you can use Facetime. The green camera launch tab will appear on the iOS desktop. Now, when calling a subscriber, the system will offer, among other things, making a video (or audio) call on FaceTime - the corresponding icon will also appear in the curtain. If you don't make video calls often, we recommend turning off facetime to avoid random clicks on every call. The icon will disappear from the screen and menu. quick access. After disabling the service, it is recommended to restart your smartphone. But you can always activate it again - if necessary, by following the algorithm described above.


There are often cases when it is not possible to enable or disable Facetime, or various types of failures occur, it is not clear why. We advise you to try several effective manipulations:

  • First make sure there are no problems with cellular communication(or Wi-Fi connection), make sure facetime is enabled in your cellular data settings.
  • When the application does not launch in response to your command, try turning it off and reactivating it.
  • Also make sure that you do not have restrictions on the main and selfie cameras, with the help of which the video chat actually takes place. Without them, the service will not work.
  • In some cases, failures in Facetime are caused by incorrectly displayed time (for the time zone in which you are located). Therefore, if you move frequently, set in your smartphone settings automatic switching between the belts. Reboot the device to take effect the changes.
  • At buying an iPhone In Arab countries, keep in mind that facetime may be blocked or not available at all.
  • It would also be a good idea to check for updates for the system - perhaps it’s time to upgrade the firmware version.
  • Well, as usual, with most types of problems, rebooting the phone helps. But this method should not be abused - after all, it is a significant blow to the system.
  • If you do not find the required tab to activate in the settings, enter the corresponding request in the spotlight. The system itself will show you the location of the service folder. Search doesn't find anything? Then you will have to restore the device. Create backup copy and perform recovery. All “lost” tabs should appear.

As you can see, there is no need to download third party applications– the iPhone is capable of providing you with any type of communication using native services. Thanks to FaceTime, you get the opportunity to see your loved ones once again, no matter where you are - and this is worth a lot.

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