denwer does not work on windows 8.1. How to install Denver local server on Windows? Working with virtual hosts

If you want to learn how to create websites or study and test a ready-made CMS, you can’t do without local server. In this article I want to introduce you to the gentleman's set for Windows from Dmitry Koterov which is called Denver(English) Denwer) . It includes everything a webmaster needs: Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl and much more.

  • Denver installation
  • Let's sum it up

Denver installation

Step 1: Download Denver. Download latest version gentleman's set on the official website At the time of writing, the gentleman's kit Denver 3 was available for download. It includes: Apache 2.2.22 + SSL, PHP + XDebug, MySQL 5.5, phpMyAdmin 3.5, etc.

Note: You will be asked to select PHP version 5.3 or 5.2, which will be included in the assembly. PHP 5.2 is of course older, but it includes Zend Optimizer and more modules. So I personally recommend choosing PHP 5.2.

A letter from denwer project with a unique link to the assembly you ordered. Click and download. The assembly I ordered weighed 8.9 MB. It is also noteworthy that the avast antivirus! Issued a warning about the file's reputation. This is understandable, because archive has current date creation. In general, if anything, select the “Finish download” option from the action list and click the “ OK».

Step 2: launch the installer and install Denver. Run the downloaded exe file. If a security warning appears, click the " Launch", and in response to the User Account Control prompt, select the option " Allow" The installer will ask for confirmation for installation - click the " Yes».

Unpacking the archive will not take much time. A DOS installer window will open and a welcome message will appear in the browser, most likely Internet Explorer. Close everything open browsers, and better yet, other programs besides the installer itself. Go to the DOS installer window and, to continue the installation, press the Enter button.

You will be prompted to enter the drive and folder where Denver will be installed. By default this is C:\WebServers, if you are happy with it just press Enter. My hard drive is located on the E: drive, so I had to specify the drive and folder.

The installer will ask for confirmation to install to the specified location. If everything is correct, press y and Enter.

The installer will now create virtual disk, which is necessary for the functioning of all system components. Essentially, it's just a synonym for one of the folders on your computer that solves a number of problems. Press Enter. Next, you are asked to decide on a name. virtual disk. The default is drive Z: which is quite convenient, so press Enter.

Then you will need to choose one of two options for launching Denver. The first option implies automatic creation virtual disk when Windows startup. It is noteworthy that regardless of whether Denver is running or stopped, the virtual disk, in this case, does not turn off. The second option is preferable, because The virtual disk will be created and disabled when Denver starts and stops, respectively. Therefore, press 2 and Enter.

After installation is complete, in the browser window (most likely Internet Explorer) A message indicating the successful installation of Denver will open.

Installation completed. You can start working with Denver. By the way, it is possible that the Compatibility Assistant Windows programs will display a message indicating that the program may not have been installed correctly. Select the "This program installed correctly" option.

Let's sum it up

Today, the Denver assembly is the simplest and most convenient in terms of creating a local server in the operating room Windows system. Despite the outdated approach to working through the console, it copes with its tasks quite well. For beginners and even advanced webmasters, Denver is simply irreplaceable, because... solves a number of problems at once. That's all I have. Thank you for your attention. Good luck!

at 8:00 Edit message

Denver - local server. Download Denver, install WAMP server for localhost (PHP 5.3.13, MySQL 5.1, PostgreSQL 8.4 etc.)

Gentleman's Web Developer Kit (“D.n.w.r”, read “Denver”) - a project by Dmitry Koterov, local server (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, etc.) and shell, used by Web developers to develop websites on a “home” (local) Windows machine without the need to access the Internet. main feature Denver - convenience when working remotely on several independent projects at once and the possibility of placement on Flash drive.

You can download this program here (, if you don’t want to download from the developer’s website, you can download it from the cloud ( Click the big orange link and fill out the field Email and we teach the link. After you have downloaded it, launch it installation file.

We get this window, to confirm your intentions, if you haven’t changed your mind, click “YES”.

Close the browser

Press "Enter". After this, Denver will ask you to specify the path to install the package. The default is " C:\WebServers" I would not recommend changing it - so press “Enter”.

Denver will ask you to confirm the route. To confirm the path, press “Y” and “Enter” again. And we see:

Press “Enter” again. And now D enwer prompts us to select the letter of the future virtual disk:

I advise you to leave it unchanged and press “Enter” again. Denver will create a virtual disk and once again ask you to press “Enter” - click. And we see the following:

Denver now suggests creating desktop shortcuts to start the server:

Press "y" (Y) and "Enter" again. That's it, the server is installed! To launch it, open your Desktop and launch the “Start Denwer” shortcut.

To test, go to C:\WebServers\home and create a folder there with the site address you need, it will be registered when you start it in hosts, you can put a file in it and access the site at the address you specified plus / the name of your file and extension, if everything is ok then it will open.

That's how easy it is to install Denver-Denwer in windows 8.1.

So you've decided to install Denver. It has something like a core, or “heart” - the so-called “base package”, which takes up about 5.5 MB. Everything else comes in the form of extension packs, which will be discussed in other articles (see Contents). Basic package contains the majority necessary programs and utilities:

  • Installer (installation on a flash drive is also supported).
  • Apache, SSL, SSI, mod_rewrite, mod_php.
  • PHP5 with GD, MySQL, sqLite support.
  • MySQL5 with transaction support.
  • Control system virtual hosts, based on templates. To create a new host, you just need to add a directory to the /home directory, edit configuration files not required. By default, the directory naming schemes of many popular hosters are already supported; new ones can be easily added.
  • Startup and shutdown control system for all Denver components.
  • phpMyAdmin is a MySQL management system via a Web interface.
  • Sendmail and SMTP server emulator (debugging “stub” on localhost:25, folding incoming letters to /tmp in .eml format); Supports work in conjunction with PHP, Perl, Parser, etc.

Select PHP version

PHP 5.2 is older, but includes Zend Optimizer and more modules.

Preparing to work with the network

To put everything straight, let's make sure that your computer is really configured to work with the network. Usually this is what happens by default, but still...

Many people associate the word “network” with the Internet, local network or at least a modem. And completely in vain. The phrase “let’s set up a network” can make sense even if the computer does not have any of the listed devices! Here we only mean installing drivers and network protocols that will allow Apache to start and run on the local machine.

So, the simplest test: open Start - Run and enter the command there:

After pressing Enter you should see something like this:

The process continues for several seconds. If you see this, then everything is in order, and you can proceed with installing the distribution. If, for example, the window only “blinks” (opens and immediately closes), or some unpleasant messages are displayed, it means network protocols you don’t have it installed, so read on.

You probably already realized that your task now is to ensure that the address “pings”. In case of problems:

  • Windows 98/ME users need to go to Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - Install Windows and add there Remote network access. This will automatically install all the necessary protocols.
  • Users of Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, etc. - check that ping command A manually installed antivirus or firewall does not interfere. Try disabling these programs: if it helps, then you need to understand their settings.

Installing the distribution

Run the downloaded Denver installer. You will see something like the following in front of you:

You will be asked in which directory you would like to install the complex (the default is C:\WebServers, you just need to press Enter to agree with this choice). The specified directory will contain everything system components, and no further files are created outside of it (except for shortcuts on the Desktop).

We strongly recommend that you install the complex in a first-level directory - that is, C:\WebServers, and not, for example, C:\My\WebServers. The fact is that installers of extension packages look for the basic package at the first level across all disks. And, if they don’t find it, they force you to enter the directory name manually. Probably you don’t need extra delays when installing extensions?..

Next, you will be prompted to enter the name of the virtual disk that will be associated with the directory you just specified. We recommend that you accept the default value (Z:). It is important that the disk with this name is still shouldn't contained in the system - most often this is what happens with the Z: drive.

After this, the distribution files will begin to be copied, and at the end you will be asked how exactly you are going to start and stop the complex. You have two alternatives:

  1. Create a virtual disk when the machine boots (of course, the installer will make sure that this happens automatically), and do not disconnect it (the disk) when the servers are stopped. In my opinion, this is the most convenient mode, and I myself only use it.
  2. Create a virtual disk only by explicit command to start the complex (by clicking on the launch shortcut on the Desktop). And, accordingly, disconnect the disk from the system when the servers are stopped.

    Some versions of Windows 98 have a bug that prevents the disk from turning off the first time - my experiments and research have shown that this is an error in subst, and not something else.

Actually, that's all. You can install the complex with only 2 keys on the keyboard: Enter and Y (to enter Yes).

Denver's first launch

Finally, the installation is complete. Immediately click on the shortcut created by the installer Start Denwer on the Desktop, and then, after waiting for all the console windows to disappear, open the browser and type the address in it: http://localhost/denwer/. It is not necessary to leave the Internet.

Some OSes are used to when first launched Internet Explorer call Connection Wizard. If this happened on your machine, tell the unfortunate master to “fuck off” - supposedly, you have already configured the connection yourself.

If the test page still does not load, check:

Finally, if all else fails, take a look at the list of frequently asked questions, and then, if the problem persists, submit detailed description errors in the forum.

Denver has been tested in the following OS:

  • Windows 95/98/ME;
  • Windows NT/2000/XP/2003;
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Working with virtual hosts

Attention Windows users NT, 2000 or XP (and older). Before you continue, make sure you have the DNS Client service running. This can be done by opening Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Otherwise, virtual hosts will not work.

If you are developing Web sites, you would probably like to serve several hosts at once with one server. In other words, by entering the path http://localhost in the browser, you will be taken to one site, and by typing, you will be taken to a completely different one (but also on the local machine).

Adding a new virtual host in Denver is extremely easy. Let it be You need to do the following:

  • Create a directory in the /home folder with a name that matches the name of the virtual host (in our case Yes, yes, you understood correctly: the directory name contains a dot. This directory will store third-level domain document directories for It’s not clear?.. For example, the name is associated by the server with the directory /home/ , and the name is associated with /home/ . And, of course, the www subdirectory corresponds to the addresses and simply In general, cheap and cheerful. The picture shows what the /home directory might look like. Don't forget to create a www folder in the virtual host directory, because this is where its pages and scripts will be stored!
  • Restart the server using, for example, a shortcut Restart Denwer on the desktop.

That's all there is to it. And where, you ask, is the modification of httpd.conf and the hosts file?.. She just doesn't exist. The httpd.conf file never changes at all. It’s a little more complicated with the hosts file: it is modified automatically, adapting to the current configuration of the directories in /home . In this case, a very intelligent algorithm is used to recognize which hosts were entered by Denver, and which the user added independently, manually (if he, of course, wants to do this). That is, automatic change hosts file does not mean that all comments in it will disappear and you will never be able to edit it manually again. And, of course, when stopping the complex using a shortcut Stop Denwer hosts file restored to the state it should be.

I don't say "to the previous one" because, generally speaking, that's not the case. Imagine that the complex is running and the user opened hosts in Notepad and added some host to it. For example, he assigned the domain the same IP address as After the servers are stopped, this address will not be deleted, but will be preserved in its original form, while all virtual hosts will be “disabled”. The principle applies: “clean only what you have messed yourself.”

We are at war with the Remote Access Controller

Once you start creating virtual hosts, it can get crazy on some systems. When you first open the host, it will offer you an alternative like the following:

or even like this:

Thank God this doesn't happen every time. Do you see how he wriggles just to prevent the person from working?.. So, in this case you must be firm: always choose Connect or Repeat.

In no case don't give him the answer Offline , do you hear?..

But if your Controller remote access bit the bit and answered Connect starts dialing furiously on the modem, go to Tools - Internet Options - Connection and in the section Setting up remote access check the box Do not use(or Never Dial a connection).

We are fighting with the proxy server

Many Windows versions come with a proxy server enabled by default. This can cause some problems when working with Denver (however, they can be easily resolved).

  • If the http://localhost page does not work after launching Denver, most likely you need to disable the proxy server in your browser settings. For "simple" hosts (like localhost , test , dklab , etc.) the "Do not use a proxy server for local addresses» on the tab Internet Options - Connection - Network Settings - Advanced.
  • If localhost works, but (and in general hosts whose name consists of several parts) does not, then your browser probably cannot recognize the last host as local. This, unfortunately, happens. You need to either disable the proxy server completely, or list the hosts in the list Connection - Network settings - Advanced - Exceptions.

Problem solving

Before rushing to ask a question in the forum, check: the answer may already be in the list of frequently asked questions about Denver. There is an 85% chance that this will turn out to be the case: after all, you are not the first to use the project.

If the FAQ does not answer your question, ask it in the forum.

But first, in order not to get into trouble and not waste time on fruitless bickering with moderators, read and understand the material in the article How to ask questions correctly. You can be sure: the knowledge gleaned from there will be useful to you more than once in life.

After Windows installations 8 at first there were no problems with the operation of the virtual server based on the Denver package. But my happiness did not last long. The next morning Denwer refused to start on my brand new Windows 8, citing some error in the WinSock2 API. I was not able to recognize the error itself for certain due to the fact that everything was written in the console in clichés.

As a result, the server crashed and the urgent work got stuck. I don't want to waste extra time.

Possible reasons for Denwer failure on Windows 8

I once had a similar problem with the WinSock2 API when working on a machine under Windows control 7. Then I tried to find a solution, but in the end I had to act radically - reinstall operating system with all the leaking ones.

As you understand, I didn’t want to reinstall Windows this time (well, it’s not good for everyone to tear down a stable working system and spend the whole day installing software and setting up all the necessary goodies).

Therefore, this time I Googled for 2 days to find a solution to the mysterious problem with the WinSock2 API. There were a lot of solutions, but none of them helped me. The only conclusion I made was that Apache refused to start. Reconfiguring the ports did not help.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: solution 1 (dead number)

Reinstalling Denwer itself did not help (by the way, last time, because of this error with the WinSock2 API, I lost the databases from all my work). I decided that once again (2 similar cases already hint at a bad trend), losing a virtual server does not make me smile at all.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: Solution 2 (not our method)

So I installed the latest Virtualbox version and drove into it the ancient and hated Windows XP (it takes up little space and does not require large resources from the virtual machine). I configured everything on the virtual machine as usual.

Previously, I had to work with a combination of my favorite Virtualbox-based virtual machine and a Denver-based virtual server. Convenience and speed of work are not up to par, of course. After sitting for an hour, I realized that I didn’t want to constantly push myself into limits.

Conclusion: the solution to install a virtual server on virtual machine It’s viable, but you don’t get a thrill from such work. Although in cases where you have to work on a physical machine with infringed user rights and not the usual comfort of a Windows machine administrator, this option remains, perhaps, the only possible one.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: solution 3 (long and tedious)

You could try to restore the previous usability by manual installation followed by self-configuration PHP, MSQL and Apache. It’s long, tedious, and you don’t know what will happen in the end (it’s not a fact that you’ll be able to install and configure everything normally the first time).

Running Denwer on Windows 8: solution 4 (fast and convenient)

After all the torment, I decided to try installing another virtual server. Agree, well, the light didn’t converge like a wedge on one Denwer package?! After googling for about fifteen minutes, I decided on Xampp.

I downloaded the distribution, launched the executable and waited. Xampp took quite a long time to install, but the installation process itself turned out to be much simpler than Denver (I chose graphical interface location of the root directory and that's it!).

Xampp works without virtual disk. Instead of three Denver icons, one Xampp control panel icon settled on the desktop. MSQL and Apache are launched using separate buttons in a nice window.

However, Apache again refused to work. I solved the problem by reassigning the port from 80 to 888. To do this, you need to open the httpd.conf file (you can open the file by clicking on the “Config” button opposite MySQl in the Xampp control panel).

And change all the lines associated with port 80 to these:

#Listen [::]:888
Listen 888

All. Now start Apache and type address bar browser


Everything here is intuitive, and it will not be difficult for an ordinary person to create a database in phpMyAdmin. You need to upload the source code to the directory with the site source code into the folder

and the Xampp root directory. In my case, the full address of the first site looked like this:


this is the location root directory, in which I installed Xampp, and

This is the directory where I uploaded the site sources.

I can now admire my creation and continue working by typing the address in the browser


That's all. I hope you find the article useful, and in the event of an emergency with the WinSock2 API on Denwer, you will save a couple of days of personal time