Channel 1 does not show tricolor. Change in price for the basic package

Even termination subscriber services and the lack of subscriptions to paid TV channel packages should not leave TV viewers without basic set public channels. Therefore, if they suddenly disappear and become inaccessible, you should look for the cause of the problems and restore the broadcast. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately call the support service and complain that Tricolor TV does not show free channels. Often, existing troubles can be dealt with on your own. This will help to significantly save time, and sometimes even money, which could have been spent on paying for the services of a telemaster.

In order to choose the right course of action and return the broadcast as soon as possible, you should find out why they disappeared public channels. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • receiver malfunction;
  • Smart card is not connected correctly;
  • confirmation of the subscriber’s personal data is required;
  • technical work on the server;
  • need for updating software receiver;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • Difficulty receiving signal from the antenna.

Almost every one of the listed problems can be fixed on your own, without the help of specialists. The main thing is to approach this process with all seriousness and avoid rash, frivolous actions.

Free channels do not show on Tricolor TV - what to do

When faced with the lack of basic TV channels for the first time, you should immediately, without thinking about what to do, reboot the set-top box. Often this simple action turns out to be enough to bring the show back. If there are no positive changes, you should reset the receiver settings to factory levels. To do this you should:

  1. turn on the TV and receiver;
  2. open the receiver menu;
  3. go to the “settings” (“installations”) section;
  4. click on “factory settings”;
  5. confirm actions;
  6. wait for reboot;
  7. enter the connection region and enable channel search.

It is important to remember that the basic package is usually at the end of the list, so do not despair if the first channels are empty. Simply start checking from the end to quickly detect working broadcasts.

Difficulties with the Smart Card

The next thing to pay attention to is the operation of the Smart Card. Often all the difficulties are associated with its incorrect position in the card reader, and then the question of how to correct the situation instantly disappears.

When the card is installed correctly, but the broadcast does not appear, it is worth finding out whether the subscriber data is confirmed. To do this you can call contact center provider (88005000123) or visit your personal account on the official website.

After making sure that everything is in order with your personal data, you should:

  • go to the receiver menu;
  • switch to the “conditional access” section;
  • select “DRE module”;
  • Find your ID number on the page that opens.

If it is present, then the card is working properly and it is necessary to look for other causes of the troubles that have arisen.

Software update

Sometimes the correct answer to the question why free channels are not shown on Tricolor is the lack of a software update. To install an up-to-date, working program, you should find the corresponding item in the menu and start the update process.

Please note that it cannot be interrupted or stopped.

Any emergency shutdown of the receiver or careless action by the user will lead to equipment malfunction. And, since the breakdown is caused by the subscriber’s actions, count on warranty service and repairs will be pointless.

And the fee for software restoration at service centers is 500 rubles. Therefore, you should consider the installation new program with the utmost seriousness and caution, so as not to pay for unplanned repairs later.

Other reasons

We must not forget about other reasons for the lack of a basic package. It wouldn't hurt to check satellite dish, especially if the TV channels disappeared in windy weather. Sometimes the lack of channels is due to incorrect rotation of the dish, ice on its surface, or the presence of obstacles that interfere with receiving a signal from the satellite.

It is worth taking a closer look at the integrity of the cable, since each break will cause a loss of signal. You need to check the converter, which may be flooded with water or simply out of order.

A failure of the receiver cannot be ruled out. If the problem is with the attachment, then you should take it to service center, the address of which can be found on the official Tricolor website.

Another not-so-obvious cause of problems may be the old age of the receiver and its failure to meet modern technical requirements.

What channels should be shown for free on Tricolor TV

The last nuance that users should understand is the list of channels available for free in 2019. Subscribers are provided with access to the following public TV channels:

  1. Home;
  2. Star;
  3. Carousel;
  4. Match!;
  5. Muz TV;
  6. First;
  7. Friday!;
  8. Fifth;
  9. Ren TV;
  10. Russia 1;
  11. Russia 24;
  12. Russia K;
  13. Saved;

Additionally, 3 radio stations, 4 provider information channels and 1 TV store will be available. All of the above must be broadcast free of charge and uninterrupted. Therefore, in case of problems, you should use any available form feedback with satellite company specialists.

Sometimes the lack of television is due to technical work, and then you just have to wait for them to complete.

The article describes ways to solve problems associated with the lack of display of basic Tricolor channels.

The Tricolor company provides its customers with the opportunity to watch free TV channels if they have the appropriate equipment. They are called basic. The package contains 20 television channels general purpose, radio stations, information channels and a channel broadcasting in a teleshopping format.

TV channel Radio Info Teleshop
First channel Vesti FM INFO channel Shop 24
Russia 1 Lighthouse Promo TV
Match Radio Russia TV TV
Russia Culture TV instructor
Channel 5
Russia 24

Broadcasting free channels general purpose is approved at the legislative level. But sometimes the list may change.

It is worth considering that access to free channels is provided when connecting to paid packages.

Information channels are broadcast by the operator himself. They show information about Tricolor services, ongoing promotions, and troubleshooting methods.

Teleshopping allows Tricolor subscribers to make purchases without leaving home.

Reasons why basic channels are not shown

Subscribers may encounter the problem of lack of broadcasting on basic channels. The message “No signal” appears. The error is possible in different cases– bad weather, settings failure, equipment malfunction or malfunction, subscription has expired. The causes of equipment problems are divided into categories:

  • No power supply or incorrect termination automatic settings;
  • Reset recent settings;
  • Incorrect installation of the smart card;
  • Unconfirmed data;
  • The software update did not occur;
  • There is no fee for the package provided;
  • Broken cable from the dish to the receiver;
  • Preventative work.

Don't panic when a problem occurs. It can be solved in short time, if you approach the decision correctly. But sometimes the reason for the lack of signal may be due to other factors.

For example, television broadcasting may be interrupted due to the use of outdated equipment. Then you should consider replacing your existing receiver.

Ways to solve the problem

The solution to the problem of the lack of television broadcasting of free channels is to check that the cable is connected correctly. If everything is connected correctly, then other steps should be performed.

Checking the correct operation of the equipment

To check the functioning of the equipment, you must perform a reboot. Execution scheme:

After restarting, the equipment goes into normal mode work. If this does not happen, then you need to click on show the information channel (should be shown regularly). If there is no TV broadcast on the info channel, you can judge that the setup functions have failed. You should proceed to the step of resetting the settings to factory settings (installed by the developer).

Resetting the receiver to factory settings

The provider recommends using the reset operation in all difficult TV viewing situations. When you return to the original factory settings, the equipment starts working again in most cases. Scheme for resetting configuration functions:

It is worth considering that in the case of the end of the paid subscription period for the tariff, the basic list of TV channels is sent to the end of the entire list. That's why they are located after channel 100.

If the above steps do not help, it is necessary to check the cable run from the dish to the receiver. And also pay attention to the strength of the plate and its orientation. If a break or orientation violation is detected, adjust the dish and search for TV channels again.

Software Update

In order to improve display and protect against unauthorized access, the provider recommends regular update software. If not done on time this operation, then the TV channels may be stopped. Software updates should be carried out upon exit new version system support, so that further channel display is available.

Do not turn off the power while updating the software.

To update, use the “Updates” item in the receiver menu. The progress of the operation implies that the equipment is turned on to prevent partial overwriting of files. Accidental overwriting will result in equipment malfunction and loss of broadcasting.

Smart card reading error

If there is no number, the device cannot recognize the card being used. This is due to incorrect installation of the card in the card reader, a malfunction of the card reader itself, a discrepancy between the card inside and the software used, or a breakdown of the receiver.

Read more about the problem with the smart card - .

After checking that the card was inserted correctly, the ID number should appear. Otherwise, you need to check the functionality of the smart card (on other equipment) or rule out malfunctions in the receiver.

Data not confirmed

Confirmation of data is required if the user has not done so previously. To confirm them, the subscriber can use the services of a personal account on the Tricolor website or make a call to technical support, where the operator can confirm the ID number and contact information.

Basic channels do not work, information channels work

If information channel shows that the problem of the lack of television showing of basic channels arises due to non-confirmation of the subscriber’s data or the invisibility of the smart card. Data confirmation was described above. Visibility of the map is determined by correct installation it into a working card reader. Information on solving the problem that appears due to the inability to read the card was indicated above.

Change in price for the basic package

The company may change the prices for the packages provided, which will affect the lack of broadcasting of TV channels. Prices for new tariffs are provided for both newly connected subscribers and those who have been using the company’s services for a long time. The information channel warns about changes in tariff policy, so the subscriber must deposit the required amount into the account on time.

Tricolor trick (basic channels do not work due to the fault of the provider)

The Tricolor company offers subscribers to pay for the package provided in installments. If this payment method is chosen, the combined amounts are paid before specific date. If there is insufficient funds in the subscriber's account, the company does not guarantee the television broadcast of basic channels.

Also, if the contract is unilaterally terminated, the user may lose access to viewing basic TV channels. After all, the contract states that the provider is not responsible for the correctness of broadcasting free channels.

If all methods have been tried and the problem is not solved, then you should contact support. The operator will explain what to do in such a situation.

One of the leading satellite television operators in Russia, and even Ukraine, is NTV Plus. It’s no surprise that it’s so popular, because we’re talking about services highest quality. Not every operator satellite communications can offer such, but thanks to several satellites Eutelsat 36B, Express AMU1 and Express-AT1, the NTV Plus signal is distributed even in the most remote corners of the country. Several million people chose to choose it, despite the rather high prices compared to other budget operators.

But even such seemingly strong companies have signal failures, and the user sees on the TV monitor that there is no signal in NTV Plus. Of course, there is very little pleasant in this situation, but there are no tragic moments either. Perhaps we are dealing with an ordinary accident, and if we turn off the TV and receiver, and then connect them again, everything will disappear. But if a miracle does not happen, and the screen continues to flash an annoying inscription, it’s time to take more decisive steps.

No NTV signal - reasons

If the TV does not show programs, then something is wrong with the equipment: external or internal. The signal itself disappears very rarely, yet three satellites that work on top level. We will try to highlight the most important causes of the malfunction:

    When prophylaxis is carried out on the canals. In this case, television will not work only today. You need to wait for the broadcast to be restored. After some time, the TV will work again in standard mode. To check whether your assumptions about prevention are correct, you can go to the company’s official website;

    If the weather conditions outside have worsened. For example, equipment may not behave properly at low or high temperatures In addition, the signal disappears from heavy rain or snow sticking to the plate. To remove the interference, you need to carefully remove the accumulated snow, and if the television still doesn’t show, then the problem is something else;

    When the satellite reception parameters were changed. The user must be warned about such changes, but it happens that you missed them and are faced with the fact itself. Such problems can be corrected by simply rearranging the antenna, focusing on the new parameters;

    Perhaps the cable or antenna was deformed, then it is not surprising that it does not work. It is necessary to either repair the breakdown or replace the damaged device;

    The converter is broken, so the signal does not go to the tuner;

    The connecting elements are broken, or the breakdown is located somewhere in the cable;

    The receiver settings are messed up, which can be cleared if you reconfigure the device. It is advisable that this be done by a specialist who understands the peculiarities of NTV Plus broadcasting;

    The weak signal can be explained by the presence of obstacles between the dish and the satellite. This could be a tree or other building that was built after the craftsmen set up the satellite equipment;

    If the TV is broken, the signal will also not be able to pass through.

As you can see, there are really many reasons, but not all of them can be influenced by an ordinary user.

What to do if some NTV Plus channels do not show

For NTV Plus, it is not uncommon for a situation where one part of the channels shows, but the other does not, or only some channels work selectively. This problem will be easier to deal with, and if you know the reason, you won’t even need to call a specialist.

    Broadcasting of some TV channels stops when the funds in the account run out and the package has already expired. Typically, a broadcast package is issued for a month, and when this period comes to an end, a signal paid channels will be blocked. But this will not affect free TV channels in any way, which is what you need to focus on when finding out the reason. You can remove the obstacle using a regular bank account by paying for the next month of your subscription and installing a service that will remind you when your subscription needs to be renewed;

    If the operator switches channels to another format. From time to time, a company must carry out such procedures in order to remain in the first position. In 2017, perhaps, such changes will be made. Subscribers are warned about them so that they have time to install devices on the new generation, thereby preserving their favorite TV channels. Moreover, new installations are offered at a discount so as not to scare off customers who have to spend money;

    If the settings are lost, you can update the channel list using new search. He will find both old TV channels and new ones if the company has made any additions to the standard package. In addition, the satellite operating in your region may have changed, and then the channels will also disappear. Add a new satellite using the settings specified on the company's official website, and everything should work;

    Check if the access card has been damaged, because it is vital for the channels to broadcast. If it is broken, then the equipment will not work.

In front of everyone positive aspects satellite television, Tricolor TV subscribers are often faced with the fact that all channels or some of them are not shown. Faced with disruptions satellite broadcasting, not everyone will be able to independently find the cause of the problem and fix it.

This problem can be solved by identifying the cause.

On all channels except information

  • First you need to clarify the activity of your subscription. This can be done in the following ways: in the TV receiver menu, on the official website (section “Payment”) or personal account.
  • If the subscription is active and the problem is not resolved, then you will need to update your activation keys. Request resend keys can be made in your personal account. After this, the receiver must be rebooted and left on one of the channels that is not accessible. The TV itself can be turned off. It takes no more than 8 hours for the signal to arrive.
  • Another reason can be identified by the absence of an ID code on the TV screen. The ID may not be displayed because the smart card or card conditional access incorrectly installed in the receiver. To check this option, in the case of a smart card, you need to take it out, reinstall it and restart the power supply. A power reset is sufficient for the access card.
  • If the ID does not appear on the screen, it means that the receiver has stopped reading the card. The solution may be to contact customer service.

Only on some

  • In this case, you will need to run an auto search. New channels must be saved.
  • As a result of the update, the problematic TV channels completely disappeared from the list, which means they stopped broadcasting, i.e. as part of paid packages changes have occurred. It will be necessary to clarify the new composition.
  • There may be this option: TV channels without access remained on the new list, but the problem was not solved. You need to unplug the receiver and turn it on again.
  • If the channels still do not work, you need to reset the settings to factory settings: in the equipment menu, select the “Factory settings” item and click “Ok”. After this, you need to reboot the receiver and configure it again according to the instructions.
  • If after resetting the settings, access to TV channels does not appear, you should call a technical support specialist to diagnose the equipment.

Inscription on the screen “No signal”

Such an inscription may indicate a loss of the broadcast signal. The reasons for this are different. To determine them, you need to clarify the signal quality: press the F1 button on the remote control.

  1. If power is less than 70%, consider eliminating the following options.
    • Bad weather conditions may degrade broadcast quality. As soon as the weather improves, the signal will be strong.
    • Stable broadcasting may be hampered by interference in the area (trees, tall buildings). Relocating the antenna will solve the problem.
    • Reason low level can be incorrect settings antenna or cable damage. You can fix these problems yourself or call a specialist.
    • The reason for the missing image may be technical problems on the part of the service provider.
  2. If the broadcast quality is more than 70%, then a series of consistent actions(with a transition to the next step if the previous one fails).
    • Search for channels again.
    • Reboot the receiver's power.
    • Reset settings to factory defaults.

If access to TV channels could not be restored

If all of the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, then you need to contact the Tricolor TV Support Service. This can be done different ways:

  • +7-800-500-0123
  • Contact via Viber and WhatsApp at +7-911-101-0123
  • Call through the website (in the Support section)
  • Skype: support_tricolor_tv
  • Online chat on the website
  • Application for technical support (you must fill out the application form in the appropriate section)

If at one point there is no signal on your TV with NTV-Plus satellite television connected, possible reasons You can divide into three categories:

  1. External factors, which do not depend on your equipment.
  2. Internal factors when the problem needs to be looked for in you.
  3. Other factors.

Let's consider each group of reasons for NTV-Plus signal loss separately.

If you turned on the TV today and saw the words “No Signal” on it, first of all you need to try to find out what the problem is, eliminating all possible and inappropriate ones one by one. The very first thing you need to do is make sure that with your TV remote you have selected exactly the connector to which the receiver is directly connected. If everything is chosen correctly, we proceed further.

No NTV-Plus signal: external reasons

Maintenance work on the operator's side

You need to make sure that NTV-Plus does not carry out scheduled maintenance work on equipment transmitting satellite signals.

How to find out: look in the “News” section on the official website of the satellite television operator for information about prevention.

How to fix: wait until the work is completed.

Weather conditions that caused the message “No NTV-Plus signal”

During heavy snowfall or thunderstorms, it may happen that the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your satellite dish.

How to find out: find out the weather outside the window and make sure that there is no snowfall, thunderstorm/shower or clouds on the side in which your plate is turned.

How to fix: wait for the bad weather to end.

Internal reasons for the lack of NTV-Plus signal

If you have excluded all external reasons, most likely the problem is in your equipment that receives the satellite signal. Now we need to check it.

The plate has gone astray

The NTV-Plus satellite dish may change its position over time or become deformed.

How to find out: find out if the plate is fastened tightly enough.

How to fix: if your antenna is “walking,” try moving it in different directions while simultaneously observing the signal. If it appears, tighten the fastening nuts. But it is best to entrust the antenna setup to a professional by calling a specialist from an authorized company.

Snow/ice on the plate or other foreign objects

The presence of snow and ice on a satellite dish can also interfere with signal reception.

How to find out: visual inspection plates for the presence of ice and snow, as well as mechanical damage will be enough to identify.

How to fix: Carefully clean the plate, removing any excess from it.

The converter on the plate is broken

Satellite converter(signal converter) is located directly on the dish itself and can therefore be subjected to external influences. Often a malfunction of the converter is the reason for the lack of an NTV-Plus signal.

How to find out: replace your converter with another one that is known to be working.

How to fix: if replacing helped, leave the new converter on the satellite dish.

Damage to the cable or cable connections

How to find out: Inspect the cable for breaks or damage, and also check how well the F-connectors are screwed in.

How to fix: if the cable is damaged, replace it and tighten the F-connectors.

Receiver malfunction

The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

How to find out: if you have such an opportunity, connect your receiver to another antenna that you are sure is working. If there is a signal, the problem is not with the receiver.

How to fix it: if the NTV-Plus receiver is broken, it needs to be repaired or replaced with a new one.

The message “No Signal” is shown by the TV itself

It happens that the message “No signal” has nothing to do with the operation of the NTV-Plus satellite dish, but is displayed directly by the TV system.

How to find out: press the OK button on the NTV-Plus remote control. If the list of channels does not appear on your TV screen, this means that its settings have gone wrong.

How to fix: using the TV remote control, select in its menu exactly the input to which the receiver is connected.

Other factors

Changing the ability to receive a satellite signal

There is another reason for the lack of signal from NTV-Plus. If you haven't used it for a long time receiving equipment, during this time, obstacles in the form of trees or a built house could appear on the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish.

How to find out: Look at the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. Along the imaginary straight line from the dish to the sun there should be nothing that could interfere with the satellite signal, including tree branches.

How to fix: if there is an obstacle, unfortunately, you will have to move it to another place or remove this obstacle, if possible.

If, after all the steps you have performed, NTV-Plus still does not have a signal, you will have to contact specialists satellite television. Only they can establish the exact reason for the lack of signal, because... They have special testing equipment and everything needed to fix all problems.