Does not support a property or method. Cannot sign data

Error: "Unable to load module capicom.dll" Error: "The capicom object is not installed"

Errors from when logging in using an Electronic Digital Signature)

Solving these problems in 5 minutes. (There are two methods available to you, manual and automatic.) If the error persists in the automatic solution after installing the first component, use method No. 2. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Automatic registrationlibraries capicom_ component for working with digital signature capicom_2.1.0.2_sdk

If after installing the auto-installer you still get an error on platforms using the capicom.dll librariesyou need to remove previously installed libraries, go into the registry using the regedit command and delete all keys with the index capicom.dll. After this, reboot the workstation and proceed to the procedure for manually installing the library according to the scheme described below. Current library as of January 10, 2012 v2.1.0.2

To install capicom.dll on Windows (XP), follow these steps:

Manually registering the installation of the capicom_ library download the archive and unpack it to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ (capicom.dll). After placing the library in the desired directory, run on the command line C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32 capicom.dll

For installation CAPICOM.dll on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1follow these steps:

1. Download the file

2. Extract to the directory "C:\windows\syswow64"

3. Register the dll library, to do this, in the command line (Start - Run) enter: c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32.exe capicom.dll

4. To create a repository, download the CreateOP file

5. Unzip the file and copy the files from the folder

6. Go to C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\... and paste the copied files with file replacement

7. Run the CreateOP.bat file (if you do not see the “.bat” extension, then you need to run the file that appears as “MS-DOS Batch File”)

8. After running the file, a window should appear, click OK in it

9. In the next window, click OK again

Be sure that all domain names that you work with through capicom must be added to trusted nodes in the browser properties!!! If this is not done, the error: “Failed to load module capicom.dll” and the error: “The capicom object is not installed” may appear regardless of the presence of Capicom in the system.!!!

On this page you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

You can also contact customer support for advice:

  • or you can use the video instructions for setting up the VTB24 Business Online system.

If the error persists after installing the ActiveX component, you need to check the following browser settings.

We've documented answers to the most frequently asked questions to give you a quick and easy way to find answers directly. Access to the "Information" section is allowed for each user. No registration required. In some tray apps you will also find the exact version.

Running a service as a restricted user

The files can be found in directories.

Error message: Access denied

This identification option can only be selected if the system is running as an "application" and not as a "service". Otherwise, your best bet is to set up a user with admin rights and a password and run the application under that user.

To install the component correctly, you must use a local administrator account and use a 32-bit Internet Explorer browser version 11.0 and higher. In the Internet Explorer browser, select “Tools”, the “Internet Options” tab, in the settings that appear, select the “Security” tab and reduce the security level for the “Internet” zone to “Medium” or “Low” level. After that, select the “Privacy” tab and uncheck “Block pop-ups”.

Callbacks for communication do not pass from the server to the client. This may have various reasons. The problem is often related to the user context under which the server is running. Therefore, it is best to set up a user with administrator rights and a password and run the application under that user.

Insert your own web pages to visualize the values

The configuration of all other interfaces can be found in the registry under the following registry keys.

Error message in trace: "Failed to execute in loop"

You can open them through the "Show Web Pages" menu item on the taskbar. On the website, you must be logged in as an administrator.

If after these steps the error persists and the component is not installed, you need to open the local drive C:\WINDOWS\system32, search for the files “mespro.dll”, “mespro.sig”, “mesproax.dll”, “mesproax” and delete their. After deleting the files, you must refresh the page in the 32-bit Internet Explorer version 11.0 and higher and repeat the installation of the ActiveX component.

The update frequency must be no less than the average of the corresponding group on that page. Once the client writes a value to the corresponding data point, the cache is filled with data and the quality is updated to the level. Otherwise, non-existent elements will be available. A quick check of the currently selected connection in the configurator is available using the “Test” button.

Error Message: Timeout

Only this should always be present. Other parts are optional. This functionality is mainly used in gateways. This part of the syntax is optional. The default value is "255". This requires a registry entry.

The registry message must be confirmed as "Yes".

If these steps do not produce results, you need to reset your Internet Explorer browser settings. In the 32-bit Internet Explorer version 11.0 and higher, select “Tools”, the “Internet Options” tab, in the settings that appear, select the “Advanced” tab and click the “Reset” button.

If standard actions do not lead to a positive result, you must contact your system administrator, since the error may be local in nature.

Change the station address using the configurator

After this, the system must be restarted. Change the value to decimal and enter the desired port address. The slave can now be reached at the new address.

Why are unlicensed servers shorter than 72 hours?

There can only be one reason for this.

In any case, you need to check the time in the log to see if the server is actually 72 hours less or less. It can no longer work and no longer provides any data. This has been fixed in new versions. Now -1 is output for a perfect connection.

In the user's Personal Account, when requesting a certificate, an error occurs: “When creating a CIPF 3.1 key carrier”

1. A non-existent path is specified in the directory field of the CIPF key media.
This error means that the path in the line “Directory of the CIPF key media” is specified to a non-existent directory or media. It is necessary to check the path in the “Directory of the CIPF key media” field; the path must be specified to an empty directory.

A correctly entered license “disappears”

Although you can enter the same code again and unlock his product again, after resuming logging out and running the program, the activation disappeared again. The recorded activation code is saved. Another advantage over the 32-bit architecture is that more than four gigabytes of memory can be directly addressed, allowing memory-intensive applications such as video processing systems and databases to be used, as long as they are programmed for a 64-bit system. Other applications, especially office applications, have no subjective speed advantage.

2. The path to the directory is specified, which is write-protected.
The directory field of the CIPF key carrier indicates the path to the directory, which is write-protected. It is necessary to check which attributes are in the properties of the directory to which the path to create the key files was specified. To do this, right-click on this directory (folder) and select the “Properties” section. On the “General” tab at the bottom there is a “Attributes” section; the “Read Only” attribute should not have a mark: no check mark, no green square. If the “Read Only” attribute has any mark, it should be unchecked, that is, the square next to this attribute should be left empty. After this, agree with all system messages from the computer and click the “OK” button. After changing these parameters in the User’s Personal Account, you must refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) and specify the path in the “CIPF key media directory” line again.
Please note that if you cannot remove the “Attribute”, this means that you do not have administrator access and it is recommended to request a certificate for removable media (flash drive).

How to configure redundant connections to the server?

If no path is specified in the configuration directory, otherwise in the specified location. Local data points: name and path are always associated with the main configuration file. Subscription files: name and path are always in the main configuration file linked filter file: name and path are always associated with the main configuration file.

  • Location: Varies by operating system.
  • Task files: name and path are always associated with the main configuration file.
  • The filter file is named after the server connection name.
For backup, use the “Save” or “Restore” function in the configurator.

In the user's Personal Account, when saving a certificate to a key medium, an “Error during initialization of CIPF” occurs.

The directory field of the CIPF key carrier indicates the path to the directory that does not contain the “keys” folder and 5 files: kek.opq, mk.db3, masks.db3, rand.opq, request.pem.
It is necessary to check the path in the “CIPF key media directory” field, the path must be specified to the root directory with the key files, that is, to the shared folder in which the keys folder and 5 files are stored - kek.opq, mk.db3, masks.db3, rand.opq, request.pem. If the shared folder does not exist and the key files are stored on removable media, then in the line “CIPF key media directory” you must specify the path to the removable media.

The following general licensing options are available. All supported features are active with the following licenses. The following number of connections to the server must be available. However, the configurator only shows the license points used by the actual configuration.

Installing and registering additional components

How to fix the Cannot sign data error

To fix such a failure on Windows 7/8/10, you should check or complete all the points described below one by one. We have collected all the most common solutions that are presented on official government procurement forums, and other communities.

First, let's check the site's functionality on another browser. If you make transactions through a specialized application, then check the settings, where you set a different browser for accessing the Network.

Correctly reinstall Lanit

Many people advise that the first step is to reinstall the corresponding Lanit - It is better to download it from the resource where the failure occurs (contact support), or from another popular source. Select the bit depth (x32, x64) that matches your system and browser (!), which is very important for working in Internet Explorer. Bit depth plays an important role. Further:

Also worth checking


Most often, the error “The object does not support the Sign property or method” is a consequence of inappropriate bitness when installing software (lanit, browser, certificates), so pay close attention to this point. In any case, if you cannot cope with the error, you should contact the resource support, but as practice shows, you can wait a very long time for answers there.

This information will be useful to clients of banks that are part of the VTB Group. Occasionally, you encounter a problem of the following nature: when logging into Internet banking, the following message appears on the computer screen: “Error: the object does not support the properties or method Browseforfolder vtb”, what should you do in this case? Let's try to understand this in more detail.

The essence and causes of the problem with Browseforfolder

Most often, legal entities face this situation. Let's consider the main factors causing such a situation.

  1. The reason may be trivial. First of all, you need to check access to the server from which you receive the Internet resource. If there is no connection, then try to fix the problem. Contact your provider and make a request to restore the access channel.
  2. Sometimes there is no contact between the connecting nodes, which can cause an error. However, this happens extremely rarely.
  3. In some situations, there are discrepancies between the Windows OS levels of the computer and the application software for online viewing of the bank’s web page.
  4. The most common cause of failure is a conflict between the Browseforfolder security cryptographic script and certain settings of the ActiveX controls that are the building blocks for the client-server application.
  5. There are situations when an error appears due to an outdated software shell (Framework).
  6. Another factor is that the browser settings are selected incorrectly.
  7. User scripts in the browser (JavaScript) do not function correctly.

Step-by-step method to resolve the error

Let's consider a procedure that will help eliminate the cause of this situation.

  1. Make sure your search and viewing software is not outdated. Without this it is impossible to move on. The most commonly used browser is Internet Explorer, which is already built into the Windows OS. It is constantly changing - new versions appear periodically. If you do not want to change the original browser to another more modern one, then update its version to a newer version. You can download the latest version of IE on the official Microsoft website.
  2. After updating the appropriate browser, try to log in to the bank’s online resource again. You need to launch the browser as “admin”. You need to click the “Start” button, select “All Programs” from the menu, then Internet Explorer. Next, right-click and select “Run as administrator” from the list provided.
    This is because only “admin” has full access to everything. This way you can expand the rights of your user.
  3. If you have ruled out the previous situation but the error continues to appear on your screen, proceed to the next step. Check the version of the Framework software. You can only have access to the necessary resources and use the banking services offered if you have installed at least version 3.5. To avoid all sorts of conflict situations in the future, it is better to install a newer version 4.5 and higher. Many users turn off the automatic update feature to reduce the load on their PC memory. Older computers may not have this feature at all. Your task is to download the update for the NET Framework from the official website, install it, and restart the computer.

    Please try to contact the bank again.
  4. If this doesn't help, reconfigure IE. Click the Start button, select Control Panel. Next, click “Internet Options”, then the “Security” tab. Add the desired node to the “Trusted nodes” section and save the latest changes.
  5. We did everything, but the error appears. Try changing your ActiveX settings. To do this, open the “Security” tab again. Move the slider down to lower the security level. In the same window, click the “Other...” button. A new window shows the parameters. Select those related to ActiveX and check the “Prompt” box everywhere.
  6. Another method allows you to troubleshoot problems in the browser user script. You must first download the platform itself (JavaScript). Then open the archive and install again.

We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will quickly eliminate any problems when working with the program from VTB Bank.

Finding reliable and honest online casinos requires a lot of free time, especially when it comes to beginners. It is necessary to evaluate the transparency of the gaming club, online reputation, reviews of other users, payment speed and many other operational factors. To save players from such a fate, we have compiled casino rating , which have been thoroughly tested and confirmed their own honesty and good returns from slot machines.

Our rating of the best casinos

You no longer need to waste your personal time checking the reliability of the establishment. Experienced analysts specializing in gambling and spending dozens of hours in casinos every month conducted their own objective assessment of the work of gaming clubs. They analyzed hundreds of establishments in order to ultimately offer users the best platforms available on the Internet.

The initial list of clubs was quite large, but during the analysis process, dubious and unreliable establishments were eliminated. For example, the presence of a fake license, lack of certificates for slots, substitution of a server in a slot machine and much more serve as a warning to experts. Even one factor that allows you to doubt the integrity of the casino is a reason for exclusion from the rating.

In addition to a superficial analysis of gaming platforms, information about establishments on the Internet is checked. Online reputation, reviews of current and former players, the presence of conflict situations, casino scandals and ways to solve problems from the creators are taken into account in the analysis. Particular attention is paid to young clubs with up to 1-2 years of experience.

How is the casino rating compiled and who gets there?

For creating rating of licensed casinosWe attract experienced gamblers and analysts with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Thanks to their knowledge, they can easily weed out fraudulent clubs and then conduct a thorough analysis of the remaining establishments. The result is a small list of reliable casinos where you can safely play without fear for the fairness of the results and payment of winnings.

  • availability of a license from the gambling regulator and the chosen jurisdiction for registration;
  • platform security, which guarantees the confidentiality of data and payment information;
  • choosing licensed software from reliable providers whose work cannot be interfered with;
  • availability of a Russian-language version for greater convenience for users from Russia and CIS countries;
  • support service, including its work schedule, speed of responses, quality of problem solving;
  • withdrawal of money without additional delays or verifications, as well as options for receiving money and the speed of processing transactions;
  • bonus programs for new and regular users, the presence of tournaments, lotteries, periodic promotions;
  • payment systems that affect the convenience of customers to replenish their accounts and withdraw winnings.

This is just a small list of current requirements that are assessed by experts. Each criterion receives its own coefficient of importance, which is taken into account when summing up the final result.

What is a licensed casino?

Casino rating , indicating the honesty and transparency of the gaming platforms, may consist exclusively of establishments with valid operating licenses. Legal clubs are required to be vetted by regulators and comply with all their rules in order to receive permission.

Just mentioning the presence of a license on the site is not enough. Experts understand that scammers can use logos to deceive naive users, so they independently analyze the information. To do this, go to the official website of the regulator and confirm the information using the document number or name of the legal entity. If there is no license information, then it is a fake.

Analysts also use technical analysis to check licensed software. Using developer tools, they gain access to information about the data server. If the casino uses the official portal of the software provider, then the software is honest and legal. This means that you cannot interfere with its work and tamper with the final results.

How is casino fairness determined?

It is quite difficult to independently assess the integrity of a gaming club, which is due to the amount of available resources and knowledge. Before including establishments inrating of honest casinos, analysts conduct a thorough check of many factors:

  • regions from which players are accepted, since prohibited jurisdictions speak volumes;
  • withdrawal limits limiting one-time transactions, as well as the daily, weekly and monthly amount of transactions;
  • availability of information about KYC and AML, which indicates compliance with the requirements of legislation on the honesty and legality of the origin of money;
  • a reputation confirming the honesty and reliability of the club’s work and the absence of high-profile scandals or problems;
  • duration of work, allowing you to fully evaluate the history of the online resource, including all the advantages and disadvantages;
  • the presence of a regulator and compliance with its rules, which increases the chances of fair operations.

License and regulator are quite important criteria, but this does not provide a 100% guarantee of honesty. Only clubs that allowed players to get big wins and jackpots, gave gifts for lotteries and tournaments, can count on such a title.

Types of slot machines

The number of slots, machines and other types of gambling entertainment says a lot about the establishment. Some clubs cooperate only with a few software providers, but receive popular and new game offers from them, while others are expanding their network of partnership agreements and inviting a huge number of brands to cooperate. The more machines are presented on the gaming platform, the easier it is for the client to choose the slot he likes.

But rating of licensed casinostakes into account not only the variety of games, but also their quality. Reliable gaming establishments use exclusively licensed software that has been tested for fairness and safety. Such machines allow you to count on returns of up to 98%, and you cannot interfere with their work and tweak the algorithm for generating results.

To be honest, all sites are aimed at making a profit. Even if one of the players wins the jackpot, the establishment remains in the black in the long run. But only honest clubs allow users to get a big jackpot and withdraw it to a real account. This is what distinguishes licensed online casinos from fraudulent projects.

Bonus policy

Create a casino rating impossible without taking into account the bonus policy. All gaming clubs use promotions and gifts to attract new and retain existing customers. But some establishments act quite cunningly, creating hidden conditions for wagering or accruals, setting unrealistic wagering conditions ranging from x60-100, which are almost impossible to fulfill.

The standard set of incentives consists of the following categories:

  1. No deposit bonus for welcoming new customers - awarded for confirming your email address and phone number. As a reward, they use free money or free spins on slot machines with a mandatory wagering requirement.
  2. Registration gift - free spins or multipliers of the account replenishment amount by 1-5 deposits from the moment of creating a personal profile. The exact bonus size and maximum limits are set individually by each club.
  3. Loyalty program - various systems of user statuses that affect the size of weekly cashback, the availability of personal terms of service, individual gifts, favorable exchange rates for domestic currency and much more.
  4. Promotional codes are periodic promotions from gaming clubs that give out gift certificates for free spins, no deposits or account multipliers for everyone.

Russian speaking casinos

Composing rating of the best casinos 2020, the presence of the Russian language on the platform is taken into account. The Russian-language interface allows users from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and CIS countries to easily understand registration, login, account replenishment and other features of the platform. This also confirms that the establishment is focused on Russian-speaking users, offering them unique bonuses and support.

The work of the support service is taken into account. Most gambling clubs provide assistance to clients exclusively in English, which makes communication difficult. You need to use a translator or contact knowledgeable people to make a request and understand the support response. Therefore, the rating includes only those online clubs that advise clients in support chats and by phone in Russian.

The Russian-language interface in the casino will allow you to understand the user rules of the platform without additional effort, study bonus offers and the features of their accruals, wagering, and take part in tournaments and lotteries without any doubts about the correctness of the actions.

Casino with fast withdrawals

Particular attention is paid to the speed of payouts in online casinos. Some clubs offer withdrawals to bank cards and e-wallets within a few hours, and for VIP clients they process requests instantly. Others use manual processing of applications on business days according to a special schedule, so payments may be delayed up to 1-3 business days from the date of application. To save users from long waits, we createdcasino rating with fast withdrawal.

It consists exclusively of those institutions that promptly consider all applications and do not create obstacles to receiving money. Not only the speed of transfers is taken into account, but also the absence of problems when requesting large payments or money transfers after winning the jackpot or big jackpot. Only honest establishments can guarantee the fairness of payments and the absence of problems with payments.

An analysis of available payment systems for deposits and requests for money is also carried out. Standard sites support a minimal number of methods, but progressive clubs constantly analyze trends to integrate new technical solutions.

Main payment systems in online casinos:

  • bank cards MIR, MasterCard, Visa;
  • electronic wallets QIWI, Yandex, Webmoney, Neteller, Skrill and others;
  • mobile payments Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, TELE2;
  • Russian Internet banking;
  • popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin.

User technical support service

An important factor that was taken into account in order to createrating of honest casinos- availability of customer support and the quality of its work. Reliable establishments take care of their own customer base, so they organize special telephone lines, as well as online chats to promptly answer user questions and solve their problems.

To analyze support, analysts used phone lines, live chats and email contacts. At different times of the day, site employees received various questions or requests to sort out technical problems. After this, the quality of their work was assessed, which included the following factors:

  • speed of response;
  • whether the consultant solves the problem and how long it takes;
  • literacy of answers and availability of Russian-speaking support staff.

If the casino does not have Russian-speaking operators, we recommend using the online translator from Google to translate questions and answers from consultants.


Before registering in an online club, you need to analyze the reliability and transparency of its work, as well as check its reputation and reviews online. Instead we suggest usingrating of honest casinos, compiled by experienced gamblers. Using their own experience, they rejected dozens of suspicious gaming clubs, leaving the best establishments of 2020 on the list.

When trying to log into the VTB24 client bank system on the corresponding website, the user may encounter the error “The object does not support the Browseforfolder property or method.” Typically, this problem arises in a situation when the Browseforfolder script, used by the VTB24 system to select the desired directory by the user, does not work correctly, or conflicts with other software components. In this article, I will tell you what the “Object does not support the Browseforfolder property or method” problem is, what its causes are, and how to fix the Browseforfolder error on your PC.

The essence and causes of the problem with Browseforfolder

As I already mentioned above, a common cause of dysfunction is the incorrect operation of the Browseforfolder script (script file), created to allow the user to select the folder he needs.

Specific reasons for the “Browseforfolder” error may be as follows:

How to fix the error "The object does not support the Browseforfolder property or method"

To solve the problem with Browseforfolder in VTB24, I recommend doing the following:

  1. Download and install the latest version of Internet Explorer on your computer(version 11.0 and higher). At the same time, make sure that the browser you install matches the version of your operating system (). To find out the bitness of your OS, press the Win+Pause keys, and in the window that opens, check the “System type” parameter;
  2. Run your browser as administrator. Right-click on the browser icon on your desktop and select “Run as administrator”;

  3. Install the latest version on your computer NetFramework;
  4. Install the VTB24 cryptographic protection module. If, when an error occurs, the system prompts you to install “VTB24 Cryptographic Protection Tool” from “Step Up, Inc” in your browser, click on “Install” (it is recommended to click on the arrow to the right of “Install” and select “For all users”) and confirm the installation .

  5. Reload the page and try to log in again. If necessary, confirm the operation of the recently installed module by clicking on the “Allow” button in the corresponding notification;
  6. Change your browser security settings. Launch the browser, click on the settings icon (gear on the right), select “Browser Options”. In the window that opens, go to the “Security” tab and set the security slider to the lowest value. Then go to the “Privacy” tab and uncheck the “Enable pop-up blocker” option;

  7. Check your browser's ActiveX settings. Select Internet Options again, go to the Security tab, and select Other. In the window that opens, find the option “Allow approved domains to use ActiveX” (usually located at the very bottom), and set its value to “Allow”;
  8. Remove incorrectly working library files. Go to the main Windows OS folder, look in the System32 or Downloaded Program Files directories for the following files:
  • mesproax.dll
  • mespro.dll
  • mespro.sig
  • MessagePRO Class

If found, delete them, restart your computer, and try logging into the VTB24 client-bank system again;


If an error occurs in VTB24 - “an object does not support a property or method”, you should use the set of tips I listed above. Pay special attention to running your browser as an administrator, as well as deleting the files I mentioned in the corresponding Windows OS directories. Following these tips will correct the error in question, thereby ensuring stable operation of the VTB24 client-bank system on your PC.