The family filter does not turn off. How to install a family filter for Yandex and protect your child from adult content

Users often enter a query: how to disable the family filter in Yandex. This option may already be running in a loaded web browser, or it may be accidentally activated while using Yandex products. You can notice this by the incomplete results in the search results. Today we will figure out how to deactivate this option.

This feature was originally created for parents to allow them to restrict certain content that children should not view.

But system algorithms often classify “safe” materials as unacceptable and block the result. This happens just when using the Yandex service.

The algorithm itself that allows you to disable the family filter in this service is quite simple. Necessary:

  • go to Yandex, enter a question, a word, scroll the page to the very bottom to the system links (Applications, Keyboard and others);
  • click on the “Settings” link;

  • in the window with parameters, find page filtering, where 3 types will be available (moderate type, family, no restrictions). Activated mode highlighted in yellow, just select one of the other types except family;

  • Click “Save and Return” below on the page.

To ensure that all changes are saved and you do not constantly repeat the steps described above, log in. own account on After which it is recommended not to leave it. This is also important for those who use browser VPN and other means for anonymous login. On an Android phone everything is deactivated in the same way.

Naturally, situations are possible when such a procedure is useless, the function is still active. Let's look at how to fix the situation below.

How to disable the “Family Filter” special option in Yandex if the settings did not help

  • delete the cache of the web browser you are using;
  • disable all applications and utilities that can block some functionality, including antivirus software (especially if they have a parental control option);
  • reboot your computer equipment.

If you don’t understand how this filter was launched, most likely someone connected it to you by editing a special hosts file or parameters DNS server. You should pay attention to similar options.

How to disable in DNS

You can deactivate this option using such equipment as follows:

  • Go to the center network management. An easier way to do this is to right-click on the network connections shortcut in the notification area and select the right option in the pop-up list.
  • In the new window, click the corresponding connection in the section for viewing existing networks.

  • Press the “Properties” key.
  • Look for “Internet Protocol Version 4...” in the list and click on it. Click on the activated “Properties” button.
  • Find the subsection that concerns the servers in question in another window. If you see addresses like those shown, then you will actually have to disable the interfering family filter. To change (for example, to the basic one) write as the main server and as the additional one.

  • Click “OK” and close the windows.

If nothing has changed, restart your PC.

Installing a moderate filter (safe mode) – preferred, alternative server.

You can also check if there is such a search in hosts. You can find it this way:

Computer/drive C: (or other system drive)/Windows/System32/drivers/etc

This is where it is located this file. Open it standard notepad. If there is a line, this is the reason for unsuccessful attempts to deactivate the mode.

If everything is confirmed, erase the line and save.

More difficult situations will help solve Yandex support service. Just describe your problem in a letter and send it.

The video shows how to make the function active, so to deactivate it, simply use the reverse steps.

How to disable the family filter in Yandex on a PC? Using the recommendations above, this is easy to do. Good luck!

Yandex is the number one search engine in Russia and it has practically no competitors in this field. You can, of course, think of Google, but in our country its audience is much smaller. In order to make it as convenient as possible for Internet users to use search, it periodically makes changes and adds new functions to the search engine. In February 2013, on the international day safe internet The company has prepared a so-called family filter.

What is it for? As you know, on this moment You can find absolutely any “strawberry” on the Internet. If you don’t want your child or younger brother to look at all this, you need to enable a family filter, which simply removes all “adult” sites from the search results, thereby preventing your child from looking at obscene sites. The filter really works and works very well.

If you downloaded a browser where this filter is already enabled or someone simply turned it on for you, disabling it will be as easy as shelling pears. To do this, go to Yandex and enter the required request. On the right side of the screen you will see a small menu. Click on the "Settings" section.

We see many different settings. They don’t interest us now, so let’s scroll down. The penultimate one we see is the “Search Area” subsection. We set it to “Moderate filter” or “No restrictions”. Last step- click on the “Save and return to search” button, which is located at the very bottom of the screen.

If you suddenly disable the filter, but some sites are still not shown in the search, you need to reset your browser cache and log out, and then log in to your Yandex account again.

The filter is turned on in the same order. In addition, if you suddenly want to completely limit your child from “adult” materials, you can do home page with a built-in family filter.

The Yandex search engine allows you to find almost any information; this also includes sites that are prohibited for viewing by a certain circle of people, that is, minors.

In order to protect children from this, the developers have provided for the creation of a results filtering mode to hide resources that are undesirable for viewing.

Available options and their features:

  • The moderate method is a method of selecting and excluding links to sites for people over 18 years of age, unless the request explicitly stated that you want to find adult content (this option works automatically).
  • Family excludes links of similar content from the results displayed on the page completely, and, importantly, removes addresses that contain obscene language and obscene comments.
  • No restrictions - this search method speaks for itself and finds absolutely all possible matches, filtering only by key phrase user.

« Family search» makes it possible for parents and other senior persons responsible for raising the younger generation to limit access to sites whose content contradicts Russian legislation, age limits and moral and ethical standards. After all, it is important for the owners of such sites to advertise themselves, but doing this through people who are not interested does not make sense, so the solution should be this: prevent access for minor users.

For example, when using this type of filtering and the presented opportunity, resources containing “adult” materials and content with scenes of violence are completely removed from search results for a site. Such films, books, video materials have a strict age limit and should not be shown to children, because this can disrupt the worldview, break psychological stability, instill wrong values ​​and attitudes. Which is fraught with consequences for the future generation, because now it’s hard to protect a child from all this. But Yandex services are aimed at helping in many situations, including this one.

The purpose of the design and use of the filter is to complete absence access to prohibited content that is subject to censorship search algorithms who have learned to accurately and clearly identify adult and violent content. Once on this list, owners try to break through in search results by purchasing large quantity domains and creating duplicate sites, but the machines work according to the principles artificial intelligence and like any neural network are being trained. Therefore, on this moment, they have reached such a level that they distribute sites by filtering levels in a matter of seconds, all bypass algorithms have been studied and are prevented at the root.

If six months ago one could start arguing about the emergence and effectiveness of such a method that controls the output of results and removes everything unnecessary and prohibited, now all services have so improved their operating principles that they have learned to recognize any information in various forms, types, extensions and filter data by different groups very quickly and easily. You can find such sites using special words, which are able to signal to the search engine what information is being sought.

Filtration systems become more stringent over time and “learn” from their mistakes. Therefore, if the information selection algorithm did not work correctly, and you saw something that you did not want to see, then write to the support service. This way you can help improve the service’s performance faster than it can do it itself. Thank you in advance!

How to enable family search mode?

To enable and set up the “Family Search” content selection method in accordance with the age limit, you should go to and select this method ensure search security in the “Setting up results” item. This can be done by going to the page address:

At the bottom of the page there will be such an item.

To select, click on the required option.

Also, at any time you will have the opportunity to change the method of selecting search results and disable the strict mode intended for children.

Setting up a child-safe filter in Yandex

You must connect this function via the network as follows:

  1. Select the “Family Search” results sorting mode in the search page settings.
  2. Then start setting up the Yandex.DNS service: write the IP address search engine with mode: add data to host file s.

To avoid updating and disabling this protection method, enable mandatory saving of cookies in the settings of the browser you are using.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up the mode on search page first computer:

  1. Go to the “Setting up results” section of the Yandex search engine.
  2. Mark the mode by clicking on the field that says: “Family Search”. It will highlight yellow.
  3. Confirm by clicking the “Save” field.

To ensure that the changes are applied and the Yandex search engine filtering works properly, you need to copy and paste the entry into special file with the name “hosts”, which is responsible for the operation of browsers and site policies: is the address of a search engine with search protection mode enabled.

If in the “Family Search” mode in Yandex you see a page containing “adult” content or obscene language, please report this to the support service.

How to disable (remove) the family filter in Yandex?

If “Family Search” is enabled as a filtering method, and you need to change or disable it completely to implement further process work, then you can do it as follows:

  • Go to the “Setting up search results” page of the Yandex search engine.
  • Select the optimal and necessary mode to continue working in the “Page Filtering” section.
  • Confirm acceptance of the changes by clicking on the “Save” button.
  • You can now return to the search page.

It happens that changes are not taken into account when you continue working and you discover that the “Family Search” method is disabled. Most likely this is due to the saved data in hosts file or temporary information and information from sites, which is stored by default in long-term memory computer or other device.

Full cleaning process:

  1. Check the host file and clear the information.
  2. Clear the cache of the browser you are using.
  3. Clear cookies.
  4. Delete your browsing history, marking all cleaning items and conditions.

There are situations when people start searching on the Internet for how to disable the family filter in Yandex.

They download a browser with the limited search function enabled, or accidentally turn it on while using it and then, over time, notice that the search results are somehow incomplete.

Yes, this function is designed to prevent children from being exposed to intimate materials, cruelty, violence and the like. But often the system defines completely ordinary materials as unacceptable and does not show them in the results.

This happens precisely when using, so there is a need to turn off this function and use a full search.


Shutdown procedure

In fact, this procedure is quite simple and can be performed as quickly as possible. You need to follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Go to Yandex, enter any request. Scroll down to system links(“Keyboard”, “Settings”, “Applications” and so on).
  2. There you need to click on the “Settings” link.
Settings link

Hint: If you can't find these links for some reason, follow this link. This will take you to the same settings page that we need in this case.​

  1. In the settings window you need to find the “Page Filtering” section. There will be three options available: “Family Search”, “Moderate Filter” and “No Limits”. The button that lights up yellow, selected. In Figure 2, this is just “Family Search”. So, you need to click on any of the two remaining filtering options, but not on family.
"Page Filtering"
  1. After this, all you have to do is click on the “Save and Return” button at the bottom of the page.
You will immediately see that the results are very different from what they were before the settings.

Important! To save them and not have to go through the above procedure every time you search, sign in to your account on After this, it is advisable not to leave it. This is especially true if you use TOR browser, or other means for anonymous surfing.​

But there are times when all this does not help and family search for some reason continues to function. We will consider what to do in such cases below.

If it doesn't help

There are a few simple tips which help in such cases. They are as follows:

  • (most often there is a corresponding item, if you cannot find it, there is probably information about this in the “Help” section);
  • disable all programs that may block some functions, including antiviruses (especially if they have a function parental controls), Safety Minder, NetPolice and the like;
  • restart your computer.

If you don't know how family was enabled in the first place, someone may have done it for you using or settings. These options also need to be checked.

Disabling via DNS

To disable family sharing via DNS, do the following:

  1. Go to “Network and Sharing Center...”. The easiest way to do this is by pressing right button mouse on the icon network connections in the tray and selecting the appropriate option in the drop-down list.
  2. In the window that opens, click on your connection in the “View active networks” block.
Active connection in Network Sharing Center
  1. In the next window, click the “Properties” button.
  2. Next, find “Internet Protocol Version 4...” in the list and click on it. Becomes active button"Properties". Click on it too.
  3. We find the section concerning in the next window. If the following addresses are written there, as indicated in Figure 4 (far right window), then it is really installed family mode. To change it, for example, to the basic one, you need to register as the preferred server and as the alternative.
Setting up DNS servers
  1. After that, click the “OK” button and close all windows.
If even then it does not become normal, try restarting your computer.

Hint: To install safe mode, that is, a moderate filter, you need to register as the preferred and as an alternative server.​

You can also check if such a search is specified in the hosts file. To find it, go sequentially to the following folders: “Computer” -> “C:” (or another letter system disk) -> “Windows” -> “System32” -> “drivers” -> “etc”. This file will be located there. It needs to be opened using a regular notepad. So, if this file contains the following line:, then the reason for the inability to disable the filter in other ways lies precisely in this. If so, just erase this line and save the changes.

Special line in the hosts file

If nothing helps now, write to. Let the experts come to your aid!

Below is how to enable the family filter. Accordingly, to disconnect it is necessary to perform the reverse procedure. We talked about it above.

The entry appeared for the first time.

Greetings, dear blog readers!

Have you heard about the Yandex family filter? If not, then read on and I will tell you what the Yandex family filter is and how to enable it.

Nowadays, you can find anything on the Internet, and the search engines themselves filter sites in the search results if their content contains materials of an erotic nature and containing obscene language.
But this filtering does not guarantee full protection child from non-children's sites. If a child enters a specific query into the search, the search engine will return relevant sites. That is, by default, the Yandex search engine applies the “Moderate” family filter.

To protect your child as much as possible from adult content, you need to manually configure search results Yandex.

It's very easy to do. You need to set Yandex as the default search, and then you should configure the search results.

I'll show you how to do this in a browser. Google Chrome, but even if you use a different browser, the principle is the same.

Set Yandex as the default search in Google Chrome.

Go to the browser menu and select the “Settings” section.

In the settings you need to select search engine, which will be used by default.

Now go to the Yandex search settings page and select “Family Search” as a search.

After the settings have been made, if you enter any obscene expression in the search, Yandex will apply a family filter and say that nothing was found for your request.

As you can see, everything is simple. Now your child will not see adult content and you can rest easy.