Not original iPhone 5 wire how to charge. iPhone doesn't see charging

– the operation is not cheap: Apple gadgets are designed in such a way that the average user simply cannot change the battery with his own hands, so he will have to spend money not only on the battery itself, but also on the work of a specialist. However, rush to contact service center it’s not worth it: perhaps it’s not a matter of battery wear at all, although the technicians, of course, won’t report this and will definitely “attribute” the most “expensive” problem.

Common reasons why an iPhone refuses to charge are:

Lightning (30 Pin) clogged. People who like to carry their smartphones to the beaches most often encounter this problem - the charging connector gets clogged with sand and the plug cannot fit into the hole as it should. Not only sand can damage the connector - dust, lint, and pieces of fabric accumulate in trouser pockets. Solving the problem of a clogged charging connector is simple: you need to clean the hole with a toothpick.

The main thing: do not use sharp metal objects, such as a needle, for cleaning - this can damage the contacts.

There is a problem with the USB port or outlet. Apple recommends recharging gadgets from electrical outlets, and not from USB ports - the ports have a completely different purpose, namely information exchange. However, if you don’t have enough sockets in your room and you have to periodically recharge your gadget from your computer, you’ve probably noticed that some of the PC ports simply don’t charge your iPhone. The problem is the current strength: The USB port has an output of only 0.5A, whereas iPhone charging– 1A. Therefore, the gadget always takes longer to “refuel” from the port. If your smartphone refuses to charge, try changing the USB port (there are usually 3-4 on PCs and laptops) or socket.

Cable fault. Cable from iPhone kit quite fragile - if you constantly bend it, the outer braid will break very soon. It’s easy to unintentionally damage “bare” conductors. If it breaks, buy a new one CERTIFIED cable. Please note that if you buy a Chinese accessory of dubious quality for 150-200 rubles, you risk throwing money away - Apple developers have taught Lightning to “recognize” certified cables, so fans of counterfeits can easily see this message on their iPhone 5:

Users of iPhone 4 modification with a 30 Pin connector will not encounter this message.

Component failure. With such a problem, there is a direct route to the SC. One of three malfunctions is possible: connector module failure(removal price – 500-800 rubles), power controller failure(1400 rubles), battery failure due to wear and tear(the most “expensive” malfunction - you need to stock up 2500-3000 rubles). Approximate prices are given: of course, the cost of work and components will vary depending on the region of the Russian Federation. Advice: Make sure the quality of the work done is still in the service center - recharge your smartphone by at least 2%.

What to do if your iPhone stops charging: step-by-step plan

If the gadget is not “powered” by original charger, proceed like this:

Step 1. Reboot your smartphone. This solution is so banal that users, paradoxically, often neglect it. A simple reboot can solve a lot of problems with the gadget.

Step 2. Check the cord, charger, USB port, outlet. Checking, for example, the unit is quite simple: disconnect the cable from it and try to “power” the gadget from USB. If there is a result, the problem is probably in the block, because the cable is working.

Step 3. Clean the charging connector. How and with what to do this has already been discussed earlier.

Step 4. Use Recovery Mode – enter iPhone into recovery mode. Mode Recovery Mode Its effectiveness is similar to a simple reboot, however, it copes better with technical problems (including being able to help with charging problems).

note: after disaster recovery The iPhone settings are reset to factory settings, so take care of the safety of important data in advance.

The gadget is put into mode Recovery Mode like this: the user first turns off the iPhone, then presses the " Home” and finally connects the smartphone to the PC with a cable. The following picture on the screen indicates that you are in recovery mode:

Exit from Recovery Mode can be done by long pressing on " Power».

Step 5. Take the gadget to the service center if none of the above measures helped. iPhone needs quality diagnostics and "surgical intervention". Despite the high cost, waiting to replace the battery or charging connector will not take more than half an hour of your time.


No matter how reliable and durable the manufacturer presents its product, the user needs to be prepared that one day he will still have to contact the service center. In case of Apple technology Malfunctions of the charging connector and battery are among the most common. To avoid costly repairs and not become a victim of an unscrupulous (or unqualified) technician, it is recommended to take advantage of the extended warranty offer from the manufacturer AppleCare. With such a guarantee, you will have peace of mind for your smartphone for 2-3 years.

The original iPhone cable has two significant drawbacks: it is very unreliable and very expensive. And, of course, no one wants to pay 1,590 rubles (yes, that’s how much a charging cable made at Apple factories costs) for a cable that a priori will not last long, and therefore many decide to buy a non-original charger.

And having saved a fair amount (prices for non-original cables start from 100 rubles!), the happy user returns home, but bad luck - when he connects his iPhone to a new cable, he realizes that the gadget is not charging and does not sync with iTunes, and a depressing message appears on his screen inscription - " This cable or the accessory is not certified...” What to do in such a situation? Let's find out!

What can I say - for an ignorant user, this state of affairs is, to put it mildly, discouraging. There is a silent question in his eyes - “Well, how did my smartphone even know that I bought a charger for it not in App Store?!».

And, really, where from? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that the reason is a cunning mechanism built into iOS that recognizes the original wire by certain “beacons”, others that a special chip signaling authenticity is built into the charger itself. However, one way or another, the fact remains that Apple duly made sure that non-original cables do not work with the iPhone.

Not all non-original cables are equally non-original

However, here’s a paradox: on the Internet there are a lot of users who claim: “I bought a non-native wire and everything works!” In fact, no paradox, just according to the “law” Apple i-devices You can charge not only from cables made directly by the Apple giant - that is, original ones, but also from those made by partner manufacturers - the result is a non-original "part", but it has certification. These charging wires have a special marking - MFI (Made for iPhone).

The quality of products marked with this honorary sign is controlled personally by Apple. And, by the way, from each manufacturer working under the MFI program, Apple receives, so to speak, a “tax.” This fact leads to the fact that MFI chargers are more expensive than those that do not have such markings, but still not as expensive as the original ones. average price to non-original certified cable- 500 rubles.

Where can I buy an MFI cable for iPhone? In general, in any good store electronics. Ask a consultant and they will help you.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge using a non-original cable?

However, back to our problem, the cable has already been purchased and refuses to charge our iPhone or synchronize it with the PC. What to do? Good news! Users have come up with several “cheats” to all seeing eye Apple. We'll tell you about them all.

By the way, as you know, the original Lightning is distinguished by its ability to work with a smartphone, no matter which side you insert it into ( this opportunity implemented according to the circuit, a special switch is installed in the cable chip), however, non-native Lightning may not have such an option (the Chinese simply forget to take into account the above-mentioned switch in the circuit), and therefore in order for the wire to start charging, it may simply need to be inserted on the other side.

"Close, close"

In some situations, in order for a non-original cable to start charging, it is enough to do the following:

1 Connect iPhone to charger or PC - depends on the task - charging or synchronization. 2 When a notification window appears about the impossibility of working with the cable, click on the “button” in it - “Close”. 3 Now you need to unlock the device - the notification will appear again - tap “Close” again and disconnect the wire from the iPhone (do not block it!), and immediately connect it again.

Surprisingly, quite often this strange instruction helps. Are you one of those lucky ones? Then let's try the next method.

Turn off and on

This Tricky Method to Work iPhone with non-original cable carried out as follows:

  • Turn off the device.
  • We connect it to a power outlet (if we want to synchronize with iTunes, we connect it to the PC).
  • We turn on the smartphone and... it's charging!

By the way, if you now pull out the wire and insert it back, charging/communication with the PC will stop; to resume it, the iPhone will have to be turned off again.

Airplane mode

Some users, however, claim that there is no need to turn the smartphone on and off in vain; you can fool it simply by activating the airplane mode. Moreover, sometimes it’s enough to just turn it on, connect the smartphone to the charger, and when, as they say, the process starts, you can turn it off, but more often, you need to keep the airplane mode active the entire time it’s charging.

What are the dangers of using an iPhone with non-original cables?

Unfortunately, the fact that non-original cables do not charge the iPhone or do not sync to iTunes is not the main danger they pose. Hundred-ruble Chinese wires are not made according to standards, and therefore the proper balance of voltages and currents may not be maintained, as a result of which, in the best case, the iPhone will take longer to charge and/or discharge faster, in the worst case, the power controller will fail, which will entail very expensive repairs. For the fifth iPhone, such a repair will cost, for example, $100, and this is not a situation where you can fix the device yourself.

However, we will not advise buying the original wire for 1590 rubles. You don’t have to pay a lot of money for the original, but buying a Chinese cable for 100 rubles for such an expensive gadget like an iPhone, risking its “health”, is simply ridiculous, you’ll agree. What do we recommend? Sticking to the golden mean and purchasing a certified cable is an acceptable price and a guarantee of quality.

Why won't my iPhone charge using the original cable?

And finally, let's look at another very interest Ask. Sometimes discouraged users ask, “Why did my iPhone refuse to charge from the original cable, displaying the message “This cable is not certified?” The answer is actually simple. Sometimes this happens if the cable is damaged or its contacts are clogged.

Lightning cables, which were first introduced with the iPhone 5, are especially prone to this problem. The charging cable for the 4S and earlier models still had a more reliable design. So if the iPhone 5 does not charge from the original cable (or, in general, any other model), try cleaning it with a cotton swab and alcohol. If it doesn't help, you'll have to buy a new one. Luckily, you already know how to choose the right one.

Let's summarize

So, if the iPhone does not charge from the purchased non-original charging- this problem can be fixed. However, you need to understand that using a non-native cable can have dire consequences. On the other hand, buying an original wire is not very economical. Our solution - a certified cable with MFI marking - is not expensive and is guaranteed to be of high quality! By the way, do you understand that MFI cables are also counterfeited? So, of course, you should only buy them from reliable sellers!

China rules! But not in this case and here's why.

In the comments on our site, readers are still asking questions related to the use of USB cables for iPhone and iPad. Some people complain that a message appears on or on the smartphone screen stating that “this cable or accessory is not supported or certified.” In this case, the device does not charge and does not synchronize, restore or updating the gadget also fails. Why do Apple smartphones and tablets not like some USB cables and what can be done about it?

These messages first appeared in iOS 7 on the iPhone 5 - “This accessory may not be supported.” On iOS 8 or later later versions The content of the message has been slightly changed - “This cable or accessory is not certified and therefore is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone.” There are several reasons:

1. You are using a non-original and non-certified USB cable.

The Lightning connector only looks simple from the outside; under its shell there is a microcircuit with 4 microchips. We don’t fully know how they work and what a particular one is intended for, but it is reliably known that this controller:

  1. Switches the contacts to which the iPhone is connected - the Lightning connector is double-sided and is inserted into the connector on either side.
  2. Responsible for the secure transfer of information between the device and the computer when synchronizing with iTunes, restoring and updating iOS.
  3. Limits voltage and current when charging the device.

Yes, original lightning cable too expensive, for example, in the Russian App Store they ask for 1,590 rubles. And this is for 1 meter of wire and two connectors, one of which is the simplest (USB).

Manufacturers of accessories spoke out in defense of user interests and offered analogues. However, “cable is different” and in pursuit of the lowest possible cost, some manufacturers (mostly Chinese) “forget” to add the necessary microchips to the Lightning connectors so that they at least comply with the MFi license. What kind of license is this?

MFi(short for " Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad" - Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad) is an Apple licensing program for manufacturers of accessories compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad means that this cable or accessory has been specifically designed to connect to your iPod, iPhone, or iPad and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. .

For certified cables and Apple accessories vouches for which and receives appropriate monetary deductions from each unit, which means they are safe for your device (theoretically).

In addition to the price, original Apple USB cables have serious problems with durability: they quickly fray and break.

I myself stopped using the original Lightning cable from the iPhone 5s in favor of the black Juicies+ with lightning connector and I don’t regret it at all.

So, to ensure that your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad are charged at the appropriate voltage and current, and sync without errors, use at least a certified Lightning cable. It is cheaper than the original one. But, if you do not have such an opportunity, there is a way how Apple protection and charge, sync and using the cheapest cables.

"The cable is not certified." What to do?

In some cases it is enough:

Sometimes you need this:

For jailbroken devices in Cydia, find and install the “Support Unsupported Accessories 8” or “Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler” tweak.

Remember that the problem cannot be completely eliminated in this way - this is only a temporary solution. Apple can always block the “singed” cable at the iOS level. In addition, you risk running into an expensive replacement of the power controller - the cost of the service starts at $80.

Therefore, we strongly recommend using either an original accessory or a certified one (for example, any owner of an iPhone 5 and later models can afford one).

There are times when the warning “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone” appears even when connecting the original cable, for example, if...

2. USB cable is damaged

If you are definitely using the original cable, and the ill-fated message still appears on the screen, your cable may simply be damaged.

If there are no visible signs of damage, to check, take a known intact (and, of course, original) cable and check the operation of your device with it. If it works, replace the cable with a new one.

3. The connector on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is clogged

We have already written about this situation in. The bottom line is that various debris gets into the connector on an iPhone or iPad (this is especially true for Lightning connectors) and accumulates there for a long time. At some point, there is so much debris that it breaks the cable contact in the connector - and, accordingly, a corresponding warning appears. The solution is to carefully clean the debris from the connector. To do this, you can use a toothpick or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. I advise you to clean the Lightning connector with your iPhone turned off.


And finally. Since 2008, I have always used the original cables to charge and sync my iPhone and iPad - it's safe and reliable. But if one of them was damaged and failed, I didn’t buy the other original one - it was expensive. Instead, I used a certified one, which I advise you to do. If you don’t have one at hand, you can charge the device once or twice with the cheapest cable, but don’t abuse it - the “unexpected” can sneak up unnoticed.

Comrades from the United States of America are increasingly fighting for copyrights. In the bourgeoisie, licensing is held in high esteem, as well as only original gadgets and devices. Therefore, the appearance of errors and warnings about certification of cables and accessories not news to iPhone owner, iPad or iPod.

World Famous Apple company went further than others in this. Starting with the new, seventh generation of operating iOS systems, the ability to connect a smartphone or tablet using cheap Chinese USB cables has disappeared. When connecting a non-original cord, a message appears that This cable or accessory is not certified and may not work correctly with this device.. At the same time, if in beta versions of the system the gadget simply warned about the problem, now it blocks the unwanted cable.

There are three workarounds for the error if the message “This cable or accessory is not certified” appears.

1) The simplest, but also unreliable. This method doesn't always work. But you don’t need to make any special efforts to try it.

  • You should connect your phone to the network using a USB cable.
  • Click “close” when an error message appears.
  • Unlock the gadget and press the same button in the warning window.
  • Disconnect the cable from the network and then connect it back.
  • Click the “close” button again in the message about an uncertified cable.

The gadget will start charging. This method is explained by a bug in the device’s firmware and does not always work, but over time, Apple developers will be able to eliminate this trick.

2) Buy a special Chinese cable. The Celestial Empire is rich in so many talents. And now, craftsmen from China have managed to develop a cable that is not afraid of being blocked by an iPhone or iPad. The creators claim that usb type completely unimportant for their models; cords work equally well with all types of gadgets. How long Chinese new generation cables will be able to stay on the market is unknown. After all, Apple is also not standing still and will want to improve program code to protect against fraudsters.

3) The most difficult, but this moment most effective method. The Cydia store has released a special free tweak that will help you bypass the protection.

  • First, you need to jailbreak using the Evasi0n 7 utility. Instructions for working with it can be found on the Internet.
  • Next you should run with home screen Cydia and wait for the storage update. In the Manage tab, click on the Source button.
  • Add the following Internet address - The program will automatically download all the necessary data from the storage.
  • Find a tweak called Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler.
  • Update your device for the changes to take effect.

After these simple manipulations, the gadget will begin to charge even with the help of non-certified cables and accessories. This method is good because during beta testing of the seventh generation of iOS, it was in the shadows. And only after the official release operating system, the tweak appeared in public access. Consequently, Apple was unable to block the program's actions even before the system was released. It is possible that they will now add such a function to new version firmware. But folk craftsmen will come up with something new. As always happens in the struggle between pirates and copyright holders.

Unfortunately, the Lightning cable from Apple does not last forever; sooner or later it will fail. If this has already happened, then you are probably thinking about what cables are suitable to replace the original one, maybe you should choose something cheaper, but how can you be sure of the quality of the cord? What if a low-quality cable damages Apple equipment, because you can’t recklessly buy the first one you come across Chinese cord.

Here we will look at what exists today best deals for cable products, we compare price-quality positions, taking into account the fact that the cable should be ideal for iPad Apple, even if it is not original. It's no secret that it happens that the iPad does not charge even from a non-original cable.

We agree that the choice is not easy when a real cable costs from 1500-2000 rubles, and a non-original one can be purchased, for example, for no more than 500 rubles. Let's try to find out why the original cord is so expensive and whether the original cable can be replaced with a non-original, but high-quality and cheap one.

Initially, the right to Lightning, in particular its connector, was assigned to Apple , therefore, other serious companies cannot produce their own products using the same connector without special permission from the author. These are the laws of business. If any company uses such technology in its products, it will be forced to pay Apple a bribe of $4 for each cable. This also comes down to price, since a certified cord should not cost less than $4.

As we have already said, there are both certified and non-certified cables or counterfeits on sale. good quality. But the fact is that Apple took this point into account and built a special chip into the Lightning connector, which acts as an authenticator, and if an uncertified product is installed, it stops charging, so on the screen of your Apple devices A corresponding entry appears: “an uncertified accessory is connected.”

This way the company limits the possibility of using low-quality products in its equipment. On the one hand, this is certainly good, there are fewer problems with the iPad, but on the other hand, what kind of solution does exist? So, let's take a closer look at cable products.

Counterfeits of the original cable

The Apple MFI cord is familiar to everyone; it is quite dense and rigid, about a meter long. Unfortunately, this product is often found on eBay as a counterfeit at a price of three dollars apiece, and its packaging may look like the original, while its real price is about $19.

An advanced Aliexpress store will offer you a cheap analogue for just 400-500 rubles. But what is distinctive is that the cable does not look so rigid and is relatively thin and flat. You can find unpleasant burrs on its surface. Cables are offered different colors, and their length corresponds to the standard one meter.

An interesting option is the KALUOS cable, which is distributed in all online stores. His appearance Looks reassuring: itself is quite thick and rigid with an aluminum connector, giving the appearance of an excellent quality cable. Moreover, the cord has two colors: gold and silver, and the length reaches up to 1.5 meters. The price, in turn, is around 3 dollars.

A good analogue is the Belkin cable, which is not inferior in rigidity and thickness to the original one, however, it also has many fakes. If the price for the original cord is about $19, then on Internet sites it is sold from two to ten dollars. At the same time, Lightning itself -the connector accurately reflects the original. What distinguishes the original from a fake is only its price and often its length, which is slightly longer than that of the real thing.

Another popular power cord with Lightning The connector is Nillkin cable , which is made quite high quality, there is a code on the packaging with secret password for original verification. Externally it is massive, while flat, but flexible. There is a special strap on the cord itself that allows you to lay the cord neatly. Its length is more than a meter, and it is made in different colors.

Price on Aliexpress starts from four and a half dollars. However, it is disappointing that such a brand is not in the Apple certified database, so, unfortunately, it is difficult to guarantee its quality, although in practice it has proven itself very well.

It is worth noting another worthy, but unnamed product, only 23 cm long, which differs from all others in that it simultaneously has three of the most popular connectors: Lightning, USB and Apple 30-pin. The outside of the tee can be made of fabric and also have backlight properties. At the same time, it has medium rigidity, it can even be classified as flexible, and accordingly it is a fairly thick cord.

Popular product on the market digital technologies became a meter-long Lightning cord marked Blaze. Sellers pass it off as original and guarantee 100% quality. Unfortunately, it is not on the list of those certified by the company, but it looks very similar to the original. If you look closely, you can see differences in the cord, for example, in the fact that it is a little thin in appearance.

As for the fairly common types of cheap fakes, the price for which is one dollar or less, for example, in the popular online store Aliexpress, of course no one will guarantee their quality, because the price speaks for itself. However, it is precisely the price factor that plays a significant role in sales and, judging by their volumes, they exceed fifty thousand, which is why such products always have a high sales rating.

Appearance of such Lightning -the cords are quite similar to the original, but still the connector looks very rough, the cord itself has slim look, there are ugly burrs on the connectors along the edges, their length can vary from one to two meters. The price for such cables in Moscow ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.

Certified cables

Unlike cheap counterfeits for $2-4, you can purchase a relatively inexpensive, but certified MFi - Lemfo cable one meter long. In addition, it completely coincides with the original in all respects. It is distinguished from the original only by the marking “lemfo”. For this identical template they are asking eight to ten dollars.

In the same pricing policy there is another analogue High Quality- two-meter, or even five-meter with a Lightning connector, quite thick and at the same time quite flexible cable YourCharger . However, the downside of this cable is that it can charge and connect to Apple products, but it cannot synchronize data between devices, which makes buying a cable half useless.

The certified analogue of Snowkids, not without reason deservedly appreciated by many customers, is represented by a strong and thick cord 1.3 meters long. The rigidity of the cable is quite high, and the connectors look weighty. The price varies around eight to ten dollars. Of course, you can buy it much cheaper in China, but on the domestic market it is a worthy, economical ally of the original.

There is a worthy successor in the Apple certified product database - an MFi cord marked “ESK” . Externally, in design and length, it completely coincides with the “apple” original. There are no logos on it, including the standard one for Apple records"Designed by Apple... ". But the most important thing is that the price for it is two times lower and is 10 dollars. You can buy it on the Chinese JD site.

I would like to point out one more thing high level LG cable that has a micro-USB connector, but comes with a small adapter to Lightning . By the way, such adapters also come in either certified or not.


As we can see, the variety of certified and non-certified products with a Lightning connector offered is quite large, since only a fraction of those cables that offer are listed here Chinese manufacturers. Without testing, one can only understand the quality of such products superficially. What are the dangers of using a low-quality cable when using an iPad?

The fact is that if you use an uncertified device in your work, your iPad may simply not accept it and such a purchase will become useless. And the second dangerous reason is the possibility of the iPad breaking due to the wrong voltage level entering it, since one creator knows what voltage a cheap Chinese cable conducts, so if the current exceeds, you can damage your tablet forever.

If you are ready to take a risk and buy a non-certified, but recommended Lightning cable, then you should remember some connection features. In particular, when the message “This cable is not certified...” appears when you connect the cord, close this window and unlock your iPad; if the window with the message appears again, then also click the “Close” button. Next, disconnect the cable and turn it on again, but do not perform any other actions with the tablet. This way, the device should see the cord and start charging. If you see that there is still no charging, then repeat the procedure again.