Reasons why the LG refrigerator does not freeze. How does a No Frost refrigerator work? Why doesn't the freezer work?

It's hard to imagine life modern man without such important equipment as a refrigerator. It greatly simplifies life, but when it fails, it makes it doubly difficult.

When a refrigerator fails to cope with its main function - it stops freezing - it becomes a useless cabinet. What to do? How to quickly return this “assistant” to service?

Don't waste your time, energy and nerves trying to fix the refrigerator yourself. This can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Do not trust your favorite refrigerator to the hands of a non-professional!

If your refrigerator has stopped freezing, call an experienced and certified VseRemont24 technician to your home! He will arrive at the most convenient time for you and carry out all the necessary repairs.

Owners most often encounter the problem that the refrigerator does not freeze. low quality and cheap refrigerators. Unfortunately, it happens that in the process of producing refrigerators, some companies use previously faulty components.

However, even more often, refrigerators fail as a result violations of the rules their exploitation owners.

How often do you defrost, wash, clean your refrigerator? Are you using sharp objects or unsuitable cleaning agents? Even a scratch or microcrack invisible to the eye can lead to a violation of the seal of the freezer, causing freon gas to leak.

Freon leak from a hermetically sealed system - first one of the possible reasons why the refrigerator is not freezing.

The VseRemont24 master, using special equipment, will diagnose the refrigerator, find the exact cause of its malfunction (namely the location of the gas leak) and eliminate the problem, after which he will refill the refrigerator with freon.

Second The reason why the refrigerator is not freezing is The motor-compressor has failed. When the motor stops pumping up pressure in the system, clicks, rumbles, and grinding noises are heard, and the refrigerator operates louder than usual.

The following causes the engine to burn out:

  • its overheating due to prolonged operation,
  • freon leak,
  • installation maximum value temperature controller,
  • power surges or too low voltage,
  • too much or, conversely, a small amount of gas in the system.

In most modern refrigerators, the motor-compressor is a non-separable part, so the only thing a technician can do is replace it with a new one that matches the brand and model of the refrigerator.

Third the reason for the refrigerator to break down when it does not freeze is thermostat failure. This is a device responsible for monitoring the air temperature in the chambers.

Your refrigerator may stop freezing due to complete or partial blockage of the capillary pipeline system. This fourth possible cause of failure.

If you have a refrigerator No Frost, one more is possible ( fifth) cause of failure - failure of heating elements defrosting the cooling radiator. You will need to completely defrost the refrigerator, and the VseRemont24 technician, who will come to your home, will check the heating elements for serviceability and, if they are faulty, replace them with new ones.

The technician will tell you the exact cost after he inspects the refrigerator and determines what repairs it needs.

You will be provided with a guarantee for all types of work and installed “original” components.

VseRemont24 specialists have repaired many non-freezing refrigerators different brands and models. Do not doubt that your refrigerator will freeze properly again, and the food in it will always be safe and sound!

What to do if the refrigerator suddenly stops producing cold? Outwardly, everything seems to be in order, but the device does not freeze. You can, of course, call service center and call a specialist to your home, or you can first try to figure out the causes of this phenomenon on your own. In any case, this situation cannot be left to chance, since the refrigeration chamber may break completely and then you definitely cannot do without the help of specialists.

Any refrigerator or chest, even of a well-known brand such as Indesit, Stinol, Samsung and Daewoo, is not immune from breakdowns. And if suddenly your refrigerator works, but does not cool, do not panic. Perhaps there is nothing wrong there.

Why the refrigerator may stop producing cold:

  1. It is possible that the device has simply somehow disconnected from the network - this can happen due to bad contact plugs with a socket or problems with the socket itself (for example, if it is very loose, the plug could fall out).
  2. A door that is not tightly closed can also cause cold to leak out of the unit - slightly protruding and awkwardly standing dishes can prevent the refrigerator from closing. To solve the problem, just push the interfering object deep into the chamber.
  3. A loose rubber seal that is no longer able to hold the door can also cause cold leakage. In this case, it needs to be replaced.
  4. The “Defrost” button was accidentally pressed – this can happen in some models.
  5. Problems with the temperature sensor - signals about rising temperature in the chamber are simply not detected by the refrigerator.
  6. Lost equipment settings - perhaps after a power outage or transportation of the device, the system could malfunction, or the cold regulator, accidentally touched by food, could switch to a “warmer” mode.
  7. A “plug” in the filter or capillaries - the oil in the tubes, in addition to the coolant, can sometimes “thicken” and thus form small blockages that lead to improper operation of the refrigerator. In this case, you should clean the system with a special tool.

If you cannot find the cause of the refrigerator breakdown on your own, you should not risk the equipment and it is better to call a specialist.

No Frost system: why the refrigerator does not freeze

Refrigerators equipped with the No Frost system (for example, Atlant, Biryusa, Veko, Ariston, Nord and others) may also be subject to some breakdowns.

Often, the reasons for the breakdown of units with dry freezing lie in broken heating elements that regulate the defrosting process of the cooling radiator. In order to make sure this is so, you need to defrost the device and check the operation of the heating elements.

The No Frost system is characterized by the presence of an evaporator in the space between the walls. There is also a fan that circulates air through the chambers. From time to time, the heating element warms up the space and defrosts the refrigerator. All liquid is poured into a special container and then evaporates.

If the cause of the breakdown lies in the fan, then this will be noticeable by the following signs:

  • The freezer will not work;
  • The noise during operation of the unit will noticeably decrease or disappear altogether;
  • The refrigerator will not cool the main compartments well;
  • Faults can affect both the freezer and the top compartment.

The fan may become very cold and therefore stop working. To eliminate such a breakdown, you should defrost the refrigerator for about 11-12 hours. This time is enough for the fan to return to normal.

If the refrigerator does not freeze, but the light is on - what does this mean?

Sometimes it happens that the refrigerator is working externally, the light is on, the compressor is humming, but no cold is coming out. This can happen to any refrigerator of any brand, be it INDESIT, Express Cool, Bosch or Daewoo.

Sometimes this can happen after the unit has defrosted. If this is the case, then most likely there is a freon leak, as a result of which the compressor does not cool, but rather heats. The condenser remains cold.

The refrigerator may be turned on, but there is no sound of the compressor operating, or, conversely, the unit is too noisy, gurgling, gurgling and clicking. If this happens, it means the compressor is working.

Additional reasons why the refrigerator began to cool poorly:

  1. The thermostat is broken - you can check this using a tester. If there is no voltage when the refrigerator is turned on, then this part will have to be replaced.
  2. The engine has overheated - if the light is on and the temperature does not drop, you should touch the engine. It may have turned off due to overheating. To fix this, you need to defrost the appliance, then make sure the engine is cool, and then turn on the refrigerator.
  3. The fan is frozen - in this case, defrosting will help.
  4. The compressor burned out - if there is only one, then no chamber will freeze - neither the upper nor the lower. But if there are two of them, then it is quite possible that in some compartment everything will be fine, but in another the temperature will be too high.

By the way, if the room is too hot, it may happen that the refrigerator simply cannot cope with the load. Wherein freezer It may cool down normally, but there will be problems with the refrigeration unit. To eliminate this malfunction, you can set the temperature in the freezer to -10 -12 degrees, and in the main compartment move the thermostat to the middle position.

In any case, if the refrigerator breaks down, becomes hot, or the breakdown cannot be detected by eye, it is better to call a specialist and not risk expensive equipment. Professionals will be able to properly repair equipment in a fairly short time.

Why did the refrigerator stop freezing and how to avoid it in the future

Regardless of whether your refrigerator is old or new, you need to take care of it and follow certain operating rules.

Tips on how to protect your refrigerator from damage:

  • Do not place hot dishes in the refrigerator compartment that have not cooled down;
  • It is better to make the unit’s socket individual so that you do not have to constantly pull the plug to turn on another device, thereby loosening the socket itself;
  • When turning off the appliance for defrosting, you should first turn the thermostat to “0” and only then remove the plug;
  • There is no need to “help” the refrigerator when it defrosts by scraping snow and breaking off ice in the freezer - this can lead to the appearance of microcracks in the parts of the device;
  • You need to wipe it down a couple of times a year reverse side remove dust from the refrigerator with a slightly damp sponge, being careful not to touch or damage the wires and tubes.

The place where the unit is located is important. It needs to be kept away from the sink and stove, heating pipes and radiators. Also, do not move the refrigerator too close to the wall. The minimum distance should be 4-5 cm.

Reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze (video)

If the refrigerator stops freezing, you should first try to find the problem yourself. It would be a shame to call a professional to fix a loose socket, an accidentally pressed defrost button, or an awkwardly placed dish that prevents the door from closing. If the breakdown is not clear from the outside, then you should not hesitate and call the service center to have the equipment repaired.

It is difficult to detect a breakdown of the freezer immediately upon its appearance, because the owners of this complex household appliances they look much less often than into the next compartment.

This happens because it is often the freezer that fails, but the main compartment works without failure. Usually, many people find out about a breakdown in the freezer compartment only when the refrigerator leaks, floods the kitchen and demonstratively begins to work at half capacity.

Such a breakdown requires an immediate response, especially if the safety of food is at stake and the summer heat outside the window makes itself felt obsessively. Before dialing the technician’s number, you can independently verify that there is a malfunction in the system:

Most often, people encounter the following problems with the freezer compartment:

  • Refrigerator freezer not working
  • The freezer doesn't freeze well.
  • The freezer does not work after defrosting.
  • The refrigerator was open - now it doesn't freeze.
  • The freezer does not freeze in refrigeration units Atlant, Stinol, LG, Bosch, Liebherr, ZIL, Electrolux, Samsung and units of other brands.
  • The No Frost freezer does not freeze.

What should you check to make sure your refrigerator is broken?

1. It happens that there is no frost in the freezer because the unit itself is broken. This happens when operating rules are violated. Before you accept the breakdown, it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the temperature regulator. Ideally, the thermostat position should be between “three” and “four”. If you accidentally turned the lever to the minimum, the load on the compressor could increase, causing the freezer to “cry”.

2. Another reason may be ice frozen on the walls and door of the chamber. If there is already an immodest amount of ice, the door cannot close tightly, and uncooled air from the external environment enters the freezer. During a break in the operation of the compressor motor, the block of ice decreases in volume, and melted water flows from the refrigerator. In this case, it will be enough to simply defrost the refrigerator and care for the seal (it should be washed and wiped dry).

If you are convinced that the temperature regulator is in perfect order, and there is no ice or snow in the freezer or puddles under the unit, then there is a high probability of breakdown.

Below we will look at the causes of freezer breakdowns and the “symptoms” of these faults.

Signs of breakdown

What's broken?

You have a two-compressor refrigerator. When working on the freezer, the compressor turns on and after a few seconds “goes off”

If the freezer does not work, the cause of the failure is a breakdown of the compressor motor (the main unit of any refrigeration unit). The reason could be natural wear of the part or huge pressure on it (set the regulator to maximum on a hot day, etc.).

The freezer compartment freezes, but takes long pauses. (Units with electronically controlled).

The freezer air sensor is broken. Due to the breakdown of this part, the control system does not receive data that the freezer is not cold enough and does not give a signal to the compressor motor to work.

For electromechanics. The freezer works, but the compressor takes long breaks in operation.

The freezer thermostat/thermostat is broken. According to the same principle as above - the “brain” of the unit does not receive information that there is a “Tashkent” in the refrigerator, so it does not give a signal to the compressor to switch and cool the freezer (in units with one compressor) or to the second compressor started working (in refrigerators with two units).

Option I: corrosion has started on the freezer.

Option II: the freezer did not freeze well at first, and then stopped working altogether.

Option III: both options together.

You have a problem with refrigerant leakage - it is typical for appliances with a bottom-mounted freezer and a “crying type” evaporator. First, a blockage forms in the drainage system, because of this, water collects at the very bottom - under the trays (it is not visible), and when a decent volume collects, it begins to flow along the walls of the freezer, which triggers the corrosion process. Due to wear of the housing, refrigerant leaks.

Your refrigerator needs the system sealed and refilled with refrigerant.

The freezer compartment stopped working “asymptomatically”.

There is a fault in the control module. The refrigerator appears to be working fine at first glance, but the “brain” does not signal that the freezing process has begun in the freezer. You need to “reflash” the board or install a new one.

Freezer doesn't freeze well

Often, in models of refrigeration units equipped with one compressor, a NO FROST system and a crying evaporator, the switching valve breaks. This small element is jammed in a position configured to cool two compartments at once. In this case, of course, there is not enough motor power for both chambers, so there is frost in the compartment, but it is weak and not enough to freeze food. A failed unit requires immediate replacement.

You defrosted the refrigerator and used sharp objects to chip the ice or warmed the ice with a hairdryer/fan heater. After turning on the freezer stopped working.

You may have accidentally damaged the circuit, causing a refrigerant leak. With this barbaric method, only “antediluvian” refrigerators could be defrosted, and modern “sissies” cannot be rushed. The system needs to be sealed and refilled with freon.

If your refrigerator has broken down for the first time or repeatedly, is out of order, or the freezer has stopped freezing, this is not a reason for despair. You will not have to buy a new refrigerator if you take appropriate and timely measures to repair the problem that has arisen in the systems and components of the unit.

It becomes a real tragedy for the family when the refrigerator, loaded with food, refuses to work. Therefore, experts advise setting the temperature several hours before filling the chambers. Before loading, make sure that the refrigerator operates rhythmically, without any extraneous noise. This is important if the refrigerator has been left unplugged for a long time. It doesn't freeze, most likely the freon has leaked.

Do you feel like your refrigerator isn't freezing enough? You can check it. In the cold chamber, place a container of water on the middle shelf. The temperature after cooling for several hours should be 4-5 degrees. Measured with a regular water thermometer. All manipulations are measurements, switching is carried out after 5-6 hours. During this period the door is not opened.

In the freezer Maximum temperature corresponds to the number of stars multiplied by 6. Frozen foods can be stored for a month if the temperature is around -12 0 C.

The reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze may be the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air. On a hot day in direct sunlight, the temperature in the positive chamber will inevitably rise. The refrigerator will not pump out cold if the room is cool. Thus, a class N refrigerator operates stably in the range of 16-35 degrees indoors and humidity less than 80%. The refrigerator should be positioned at a distance from heat-generating surfaces and with a gap of 5-7 cm from the walls and cabinets.

The thermostat of the device is set to the middle position. In hot weather, setting the task to maximum, you can burn out the compressor - it will overheat or jam from continuous operation. Adjustment temperature regime are carried out for a short time and for objective reasons. Super freezing or super cooling mode is activated at certain time, is converted to normal manually or automatically.

The refrigerator is complicated household appliances. If the device stops freezing, malfunctions may occur in different components.

The new refrigerator does not freeze or cool

You have installed the device in place according to the instructions. The refrigerator stood for 12 hours - it was plugged in, the indicator was on, but the compressor did not work. The motor may not start if there is low voltage in the line. 200-240 V is considered normal. The indicator light is dim, a hum is heard, and the compressor does not start - turn on the device through the stabilizer.

The indicator on the refrigerator does not light up - check the serviceability of the network. The socket can be checked by connecting another device. At open door There is lighting in the refrigerator - you need to check the serviceability of the compressor thermostat. The motor turns on and off immediately with a click - the reason lies in a faulty starting relay or a short circuit in the motor windings.

If the compressor is running but the chambers are warm, the cause may be a lack of refrigerant. In this case, the motor will work, and the condenser, mounted in the form of a grid above the compressor, remains cold. All malfunctions in the heat removal circuit during the warranty period are eliminated by service center technicians.

The new refrigerator works for many hours without stopping, cooling the chamber. In this case, the noise may be increased as the parts are grinding in. Gurgling and gurgling noises are not a sign of failure if cold is pumped into the chambers. Vibration and rattling are eliminated by tightening the fasteners, correct installation apparatus.

During start-up, thermostats set average temperatures. On the first day, you can ignore the alarm signals. The “smart” system notifies about deviations from the regime.

The refrigerator is broken, it doesn't freeze

Each refrigerator has circuits that affect the temperature in the refrigerator or freezer. These include:

  • compressor, evaporator and their connections in a sealed system filled with refrigerant;
  • control, starting units and circuits that control the mode in the chambers;
  • body with thermal insulation and sealing of the opening, door;
  • chamber cooling and condensate removal system.

The failure of any element can cause the refrigerator to stop freezing. What to do? Cause analysis and diagnosis.

First of all, you should make sure that the cold is being produced. To do this, check the capacitor; if it is hot, the process is in progress. The compressor should be warm; your hand should endure it for more than 10 seconds. Check whether the door is closed well; perhaps food is squeezing it out, or icing is preventing the circuit from closing. The temperature rises if defrosting does not work in automatic defrost or No Frost. Most often, the refrigerator stops freezing if the temperature sensor or relay fails.

The refrigerator has stopped freezing - reasons

For a refrigerator with an electronic control system, first of all, the correct operation of the electronic board is examined. Electromechanical refrigerators check whether the thermostat is working. If the light is on in the chamber and the thermostat does not respond to commands, replacement is required. The consequences of failure can be expressed both in freezing of the plus chamber and in defrosting of the freezer. In this case, the compressor may work continuously or not turn on at all.

You can make sure that there is not enough freon in the refrigerator if you empty the cavities of ice and dry the device for 24 hours. If after turning on the freezer does not freeze, there is no freon in the circuit. It is necessary to find the leak and make repairs and refills. Another sign of freon shortage will be the appearance extraneous sounds– the refrigerator gurgles, the compressor works, but does not freeze.

An ice coat may freeze in the chamber; the thermostat will not respond to commands. So, if you set it to zero, there will be no click, the compressor will continue to pump in cold. The faulty unit is replaced.

Checking the control unit is trusted to specialists. Suspicion will arise if error codes are displayed chaotically. When you hold down the shutdown button for 5 seconds, codes and icons continue to appear on the display. In combined Haer refrigerators with electronic control and one compressor, the upper chamber often does not freeze due to a broken setting. But to reset the temperature, you must remove the lock. By pressing buttons 3 and 4 you need to wait until the lock indicator lights up. Only then set the mode with button 1. This is written in the instructions, but few people know; there are many questions on the forums.

The refrigerator does not freeze, and the energy unit is considered the cause of the breakdown. The motor-compressor has problems in the motor - starting relay, short circuit in the windings, low voltage. The compressor has a crank and a piston - there may be wear or jamming. A specialist will determine the exact reason for the refusal. Compressors often require replacement and are not repaired.

Defrost systems are equipped with heating elements, temperature sensors, timers, fans with a motor and blades. Any node can fail. If there is a breakdown, the condensate does not melt, internal icing of the chamber begins and the temperature rises. What to do if the refrigerator has stopped freezing, the back wall of the chamber has iced up using the drip defrosting system? Defrost the camera and call a technician.

The refrigerator does not freeze after defrosting

Why does the refrigerator not freeze after defrosting and clearing the chamber of ice? The evaporator inside the chamber may have been damaged when removing the ice. Freon came out, leaving a mark - a dark oil stain. The warm circuit of the door or the foamed part between the freezer and refrigerator may be damaged. Moisture accumulates in these places and contributes to rusting of the tubes.

In any case, if the gas comes out, you need to find the leak and restore it. If the contour is in the foamed part, it is muted and outlined. A new portion of refrigerant is pumped in after evacuation - removing air from the circuit. Both excess and lack of freon are harmful.

The refrigerator does not freeze, but the light is on

If you have a new refrigerator with an electronic control system, it may not turn on if the door seal is broken. Why heat the constantly incoming air? If the light is on, the compressor does not start, it clicks - a technician is needed, the compressor is faulty. But if the device is controlled electromechanically, the thermostat is faulty. Electronic system The air sensor in the chamber may have failed.

A burning light and a non-working motor may indicate a malfunction in the electronic board. Sometimes, in similar cases, the lights in the cells do not turn on; the light bulb has burned out. So first you need to make sure it is working properly.

How to fix a refrigerator if it doesn't freeze?

Careful attention to equipment and compliance with the operating instructions will extend the trouble-free operation of the refrigerator. You can fix minor problems yourself. Without the skills, tools and devices, it is better to entrust diagnostics and repairs to a specialist. However, you need to describe to the technician how the device behaved before it stopped. Perhaps the refrigerator made a special noise and did not freeze. So, if a refrigerator with a No Frost system is bubbling and making a grinding noise, the defrosting system is faulty. If you do not take action in time, very soon the refrigerator will not freeze.

Maybe there was a creaking sound or vibration. Pay attention to whether the condenser was heated completely or on the first leg. Perhaps an oil puddle has formed under the refrigerator - do not remove it until the technician arrives. We invite you to watch a video on how faults are diagnosed.

The refrigerator is not freezing

Repair of refrigerators or freezers begins with the absence of the main function - cooling the products stored in it, main reason This is the loss of the refrigerator’s ability to heat the refrigerant (freon gas) to boiling point. Are you wondering how boiling is related to cooling? This is where knowledge of the laws of thermodynamics comes in handy. We will not bore you with them, but we will try to briefly talk about the principles of operation of the refrigerator, i.e., the causes and consequences of breakdowns of household, single-chamber and double-chamber refrigerators, both domestic and imported, associated with breakdowns in the cooling system, i.e., the refrigeration unit when the refrigerator is not freezing.

The entire operation of a refrigerator and freezer is based on the phenomenon of evaporation, in a closed circuit, when the pressure is released, of liquefied boiling refrigerant, with high heat absorption from the surrounding space.

What elements are included in the refrigeration unit where freon circulates?

1. Compressor (motor) - its task is to compress the cooled gas coming from the evaporator and, as a result, the freon temperature rises 20C higher environment(some models of compressors increase the pressure to 10 times atmospheric pressure) and push the hot gas into the condenser.

2. Capacitor - external system thin zigzag tubes on the back wall of the refrigerator, here freon is converted from a gaseous state to a liquid as it cools, condenses, transfers heat to the room, but high pressure prevents the gas from boiling during cooling. The refrigerant is then sent to the filter drier.

3. Filter drier - necessary to prevent clogging of the capillary tube. A drying cartridge filled with adsorbent is mounted inside. If the dryer cartridge is placed in a stamped evaporator, the body of the dryer is the evaporator manifold. After being cleaned in the filter, the refrigerant moves into the capillary tube.

4. Capillary tube - designed for a sharp release of pressure, almost to atmospheric pressure before entering the evaporator.

5. Evaporator - located around the freezer compartment, two-chamber refrigerators have two evaporators: a large one for the freezer compartment and a smaller one for the refrigerator compartment. A sharp drop in gas pressure in the evaporator causes it to boil and evaporate, while heat is absorbed from the freezer or refrigerator compartment. Freon vapor from the evaporator is sucked through the tube into the compressor and the cycle is repeated until the electronic sensors of the refrigerator, set to the temperature required for storing food, stop it.

Knowing the principle of operation of a refrigerator and freezer, one can clearly identify the reasons that require the intervention of a professional refrigerator repairman, since these works require knowledge and experience in pumping gas, soldering work and restoring the tightness of the circuit for freon circulation.

Attention! If you feel like you have the ability to repair a refrigerator, before inspecting the refrigerator, do not forget to pull out the electrical connection. plug from the socket!

Why doesn't the refrigerator and freezer freeze?

1. The refrigeration unit is working, the evaporator is not covered with frost. Cause: System clogged (filter drier is cold, condenser is warm). Possible solution: Replacement of the filter drier or refrigeration unit and subsequent injection of refrigerant.

2. The cooling in the refrigerator compartment is insufficient. The refrigerator runs continuously. Reason: Partial leak of freon in the refrigeration unit system. Possible solutions: Check for freezing of the evaporator outlet channels, check for heating of the condenser by touch. If the evaporator channels are not frozen and the condenser is weakly heated, check the power consumption of the compressor. In case of reduced power, the cause and location of the leak are determined by the presence of oil stains or with a leak detector. Fix the leak. Evacuate the refrigeration unit and charge it with refrigerant. And if a leak is not detected, then the capillary tube is clogged. Blow out the capillary tube with dry air or refrigerant. Evacuate the unit and charge it with refrigerant.

3.The suction tube on the evaporator side is not covered with frost. Reason: There is not enough freon in the system. Possible elimination: The leak is located and the fault is eliminated, additional freon is injected.

4. The electric motor is running, the evaporator is not cooling. Cause: Clogged capillary tube. Possible solution: Check the temperature of the initial section of the capillary tube by touch while the refrigerator is operating. If there is a blockage, the temperature of the capillary tube will be significantly lower than the temperature of the filter drier. And in this case, it is necessary to unsolder the evaporator with the suction and capillary tubes, rinse and blow out. If the blockage persists, replace the evaporator with a new one.

5.Spontaneous defrosting of the evaporator. Cause Freezing of moisture in the capillary tube. When the end of the capillary tube is heated at the entrance to the evaporator while the compressor is running, a characteristic hissing of the refrigerant flowing into the evaporator will be heard. Possible solution: Replace the filter drier.

6.The suction tube on the evaporator side is not covered with frost. Reason: There is not enough freon in the system. Possible solution: The leak is located and the fault is eliminated, an additional dose of freon is pumped in.

7. The appearance of frost on the inter-chamber partition bar. Cause: The inter-chamber partition heater is faulty. Possible solution: Install a new heater.

8. Cooling in the refrigerator compartment is insufficient. Cause: Presence of oil in the evaporator. The presence of places of partial thawing of the evaporator indicates the presence of oil in it. Possible remedy: Visually check for freezing of the evaporator. If there is no refrigerant leak, you need to unsolder the evaporator, rinse it with refrigerant, blow it with dry air with a dew point no higher than -60°C and solder it

9.Freon leak. Cause: Leakage in the evaporator occurs mainly due to metal corrosion, less often due to mechanical damage. Typically, leaks appear as invisible black spots on the surface of the evaporator channels. Possible solution: Repair the evaporator by soldering or replace it with a new one.

10.Moisture freezing in the capillary tube. Cause: Cyclic spontaneous defrosting of evaporators when the compressor motor is working properly. Possible solution: Replace the filter drier with a new one. Freon is pumped into the refrigeration unit to the required level.

Obviously, work on restoring the refrigeration unit must be carried out by a specialist. We suggest you order these works at our official service center, where responsibility for the result of the repair lies not only with the refrigerator repair technician, but, above all, with our service.

What are the conditions for repairing a refrigerator at home in Moscow and the Moscow region?

1. No delivery to the refrigerator workshop is required. All work, including replacing the refrigerator compressor (motor) and refilling with freon, i.e., major repairs of the refrigerator, is carried out at home.

2. Urgent repairs are paid at the price of regular repairs; the logistics of our service center allow this. All components and Consumables, including freon, as well as full set The master brings tools for repairs with him.

3. Diagnosis of the causes of a refrigerator breakdown is paid only if repairs are refused. In case of repair, diagnostics are free.

4. Upon completion of the repair of the refrigerator, freezer, the master confirms the documented work performed and installed parts according to the BO-1 form approved in consumer services.

5. Our official service center bears full responsibility for the repairs performed by the technician, as well as the installed components and consumables.

How to call a refrigerator repair technician?

1. Our dispatch center for receiving and processing calls from clients is open from 9-00 to 22-00 daily, excluding holidays and weekends. You can leave your contact number.

2. The operator transmits your contact number to the service - a refrigerator repairman serving the area.

3. In 10-15 minutes the specialist will call you back.

4. A refrigerator repair specialist will answer all your questions and provide advice if necessary. Will call possible reasons refrigerator breakdowns, will provide an approximate repair estimate. Thus, before the technician arrives, you will know the cost of repairs from minimum to maximum. After the consultation, you can give the repairman your address and agree on a repair time.

5. Refrigerator repair technicians at home work from 10-00 to 22-00 every day, excluding holidays and weekends; by agreement with the client, the service time may shift.

Official service center for repair of ADMIRAL refrigerators. Moscow, Moscow region.