Can't connect to Wi-Fi on iPhone 4s. What not to do

Hello! We have already discussed all possible problems (and their solutions) associated with iPhone connection or iPad to Wi-Fi - . But the fact is that that article discussed general problems, but today I want to talk about one specific case. And this case, it should be noted, is very interesting.

So, I recently received a letter with a question that went something like this: “Good day! This morning my iPhone lost Wi-Fi connectivity. The thing is that when I went into the settings, I tried to turn on Wi-Fi, but nothing worked - the slider did not move. For some reason he shows up gray and it cannot be activated. Please tell me what to do?”

But indeed, there is some strange “glitch” of iOS - there is a Wi-Fi button, but it cannot be pressed. Or is it not a “glitch”? Let's figure it out, let's go!

In fact, the problem can be either software or hardware. And of course, first you need to eliminate failures in iOS system. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Hard reboot - for different models produced differently ().
  2. Reset network settings. To do this, open “Settings - General - Reset - Reset network settings”.
  3. If there is a jailbreak, then . Since some of its tweaks may affect performance Wi-Fi connections.
  4. Are you using beta firmware? Remember that from her - do it.
  5. Create a backup and restore iPhone firmware or iPad via iTunes (to be sure,). See if the Wi-Fi icon activates on a completely “clean” (without your data) device.

Have you done all these manipulations, but the problem still persists? Unfortunately, in this case, the gray color of the button most likely indicates Wi-Fi problems module.

By the way, indirectly this fact can confirm the impossibility turn on bluetooth- its icon will also not be active.

How can I find out more accurately? Open “Settings - General - About this device” and look at the Wi-Fi address line.

And what to do now - how to do the right thing?

  • . If yes, then feel free to take it to warranty repair- let them figure it out themselves.
  • Has the service period expired? Unfortunately, replacing and soldering a module is not the easiest operation - it cannot be done at home, without special skills and equipment. Therefore visit service center need to. But there is also good news- the cost of such a procedure is not very high. Although everything is learned by comparison....

And finally, I would like to note this point.

On the Internet, as a way to deal with non-working Wi-Fi, you can find the following advice - put it in the freezer or heat the device. They say, then the soldering will fall into place and everything will work.

I don’t know whether you want to check this method or not, but you need to remember the disadvantages of such a solution:

  1. It rarely helps.
  2. The effect, as a rule, does not last long - after some time the Wi-Fi connection icon will again become gray and inactive.
  3. You can easily overheat (overcool) the device and break something else - system board, display, all kinds of controllers, modules, etc.

Therefore, in my opinion, this manipulation- this is an extremely dubious decision.

Although, if you are still going to throw out the device (since with a non-working Wi-Fi button you just don’t need it), then you can try it. But only at your own peril and risk, because the consequences can be unpredictable. I repeat, visiting a service center will be a much more correct action.

P.S. After reading the article, did it become at least a little clearer? Like, click on the social media buttons, get +50% increase in Wi-Fi signal strength!

P.S.S. Do you have any questions, would you like to share a problem or some alternative solution? Welcome to the comments!

If everything went smoothly and there are no problems with the network, the Internet should be up and running. In this case, you should pay attention to the network signal strength, indicated by the antenna icon. If there are many bars on this icon, it means the connection is good and stable. If it is not enough, you should expect slow page loading speeds in the browser and frequent connection interruptions.

What to do if the connection is bad? You can try to get closer to the central signal source. If this is not possible, you need to configure your device to automatically or randomly communicate with networks. Then the operator will automatically search for free and fast networks and connect to the best of them, without asking the user for confirmation of this action each time.

But if the owner of an Apple phone wants to manually select networks, the above function must be disabled. The first time you connect to a specific network, the device will remember it, and the next time it will connect only to it.

To remove unnecessary networks from the smartphone’s memory, you need to select their names in the corresponding list by clicking on the red arrow, and after doing these steps one by one, delete them.

If you have problems connecting your Apple phone to wireless networks, experts recommend deleting old networks from the device’s memory. After this, you need to turn off the device and reboot the system. Next, a new connection is created, and communication, as a rule, becomes available. The problem is solved like this in a simple way. But it happens that the problem lies in a problem with the router, which requires the user to contact the service provider. If, even after solving this problem, access to WiFi networks on the iPhone is limited or simply does not exist, then the problem is more serious and, perhaps, lies in problems with the internal parts of the device. In such a situation, you need to contact the seller from whom you purchased the smartphone, or a service center.

Smartphone version 5, although it is still a fairly “fresh” model of an “Apple” device, nevertheless, often upsets its owners due to problems with functionality. The design of the iPhone 5 is certainly impressive. This phone is slim and stylish. The performance of the 5 is simply amazing, as are the screen characteristics.

But, on the other hand, during operation, the owners of the fifth iPhone noticed its weak points. These include the susceptibility of the case to scratches, i.e. its fragility; common mistakes that arise during the process of connecting the gadget to wireless networks, i.e. establishing a WiFi connection.

On the Apple support website, the owners of the Five left many messages asking for help in solving the problem with connecting to the Internet via WiFi. Users report that access points are easily found, but sometimes it is impossible to connect to them. At the same time, the connection indicator shows that there is a connection, but sites and applications do not load. In addition, a number of users do not have even a weak connection on their devices.

Eliminating the problem described above, which at first glance seems serious, is actually very simple. For WiFi to work without interruptions, you need to switch the connection from WPA/WPA2 mode to WEP. The fact is that the first named modes represent new device certification programs, the operation of which is based on wireless technologies. These programs replaced the legacy WEP.

The new programs undoubtedly have many advantages, such as increased security information and enhanced access control to WiFi networks. According to reports from owners of iPhones of the fifth model, users who changed the connection mode to WEP. We successfully solved our problem and were able to connect to the selected WiFi hotspot. Of course, this method cannot be called universal, nor can it be said that it will help with any problems with the network, but in the vast majority of cases it helps get rid of the problem.

To switch the WiFi network operating mode, you need to make settings remote connection to the router. Then you need to go into the security settings and change the authentication mode from WPA to WEP.

The first Apple phone entered the market many years ago and immediately captivated many fans. mobile gadgets. But even today interest in Apple products does not fade. On the contrary, with the release of each new model of the Apple gadget, the manufacturer’s fan base only increases.

The functions of Apple smartphones are endless. And one of the main capabilities of the device is the ability to connect to the Internet via WiFi. But to fully use the wireless Internet, you need to be able to configure this function. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this, and as a result, it is not possible to connect to Wi-Fi at all, or during the process there are communication interruptions that interfere with normal surfing on the Internet. global network, downloading applications, etc.

In our article today we will talk about how to enable Wi-Fi on an iPhone 4S and how to set up WiFi on an iPhone 4. In addition, the current issue of connection problems in iPhone version 5 will be touched upon.

How to connect and install WiFi on iPhone

An iPhone 5 or any other version of a device connected to the wireless Internet is not at all out of the ordinary. All actions on WiFi connection on gadgets from Apple, they are produced simply.

To installed WiFi the module performed its functions, and the user could fully use all the possibilities of connecting to the Internet, it is necessary:

1.Pick up the switched on device and enter the settings menu.

2.Select a section with the appropriate name (WiFi) and activate it.

3.In the settings window that pops up, select a specific WiFi network, to which you plan to connect.

4.If this network is password protected, the user will see a padlock icon.

5.Enter your password.

6.Press the button to connect to the network, thus confirming your decision.

How to solve the problem of WiFi settings not being active

There are situations (fortunately, quite rarely) when the wireless network in an Apple device is inactive or grayed out. When going to the menu WiFi settings in this case, the toggle switch is disabled, and the ability to activate the connection is completely absent.

If the above symptoms are typical for your gadget, the system will not allow you to use the WiFi interface. The operating system should display a message indicating that wireless networks are unavailable. How to solve similar problem? First of all, you need to check that the airplane mode toggle switch is turned off. This can be viewed in the main section. Next you need to do the following:

1 Install the latest iOS version(if this has not been done previously). Every year, by improving the operating systems of its devices, Apple makes them better and more stable. Immediately after the update, the problem may be resolved. To do this, you need to select basic in the settings menu, and then go to the updates section. Ideally, it should say that the device has the latest software. If the device cannot connect to a wireless network, you need to connect the gadget to a PC or laptop and check for updates through the iTunes program. 2 Perform a hard reboot of the system. As a result of the reboot, the temporary data is reset, which normalizes Wi-Fi operation. Often hard reboot allows you to solve the problem of the inactive wireless network indicator on the iPhone. To carry out this procedure, you need to press 2 buttons at once - home and power, and do not release the press until the Apple company logo appears on the screen. 3 Reset network settings. If a problem occurs such as Wi-Fi settings being displayed in gray, the procedure for resetting these settings may help. It is very simple, and even the most inexperienced user can handle it. To do this, you need to go to the main menu of the gadget, select the reset option, and then clarify that you need to reset the network settings. As a result, all previous settings will be erased, including information about connected Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi passwords, VPN and APN settings.

4 Execute full recovery operating system. If the previous method did not help the user in any way, and there was still no connection, you can try another method, which is to return the operating system to its original state. This can be done either using the iTunes utility, or using the capabilities of the system itself. If you will be using the system and not iTunes, go to the settings menu and select reset. After this, a window will open in which various options for resetting the OS will become available. 5 Take the device for repair. If none of the above methods help, it is most likely a hardware problem. And, most likely, the source of the problem is the WiFi module itself. To identify the malfunction, you should contact a certified Apple device repair center or the company’s support service. Specialists will diagnose the functionality of the device and decide on repairs. In any case, the user will receive competent advice and will soon solve the problem with the wireless connection on their iPhone.

Most often, WiFi does not work on iPhone 4s for several main reasons, the main one of which is weakness WiFi module in relation to external factors. Water ingress, overheating, pollution - any intervention can be fatal, but all this is fixable.
In addition, there are less predictable reasons, the ways of identifying and eliminating which every owner of Apple equipment should know.

Why WiFi doesn't work on iPhone 4s: main reasons

There are several possible events that led to this failure:

  1. Crooked firmware or incorrect installed configuration. The device itself is intact and functions correctly, but due to glitches in the system or incorrect signals, it is interpreted incorrectly, which creates the illusion of failure.
  2. Third-party software that affects the Internet channel. Some applications, intentionally or accidentally, can completely clog the communication channel with background streams, which makes you wonder: why doesn’t WiFi work on iPhone 4? Closing them is not enough; decisive action is required to clear the phone’s memory.
  3. Module failure. The saddest situation, entailing either long hours of painstaking self-repair, or large costs for paying for the services of a service center. Here, independent intervention can worsen the situation.

Don’t be afraid in advance: even if Wi-Fi doesn’t work on your iPhone 4s, you can still fix it, often on your own.

Flashing and resetting

As mentioned earlier, an unsuccessful update or a faulty flashing of the phone can lead to incorrect operation of the modules. In the absence of other reasons, all this can be corrected in two ways:

  1. Safe method. If WiFi does not work on your iPhone 4s, then make a backup in iCloud or via iTunes, and then reset the settings to factory defaults. To do this, go to Settings -> Reset -> Reset all settings. If the iOS image was intact, after some time iPhone time will start up again and work without interruption.
  2. Dangerous method. If Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone due to a broken firmware or the iOS image is broken, then the only way out– flashing via DFU mode. If you don’t know how to do this, it’s better to contact a service center so as not to turn your Apple device into a brick.

Third Party Applications

When wondering why Wi-Fi doesn’t work on iPhone, first of all check all incoming and outgoing traffic. It is possible that some of the recent installed applications Something is constantly downloading in the background. The solution to this problem is trivial: delete the application and restart your iPhone.

If there are no signs of the Internet being busy, but WiFi still hasn’t started working, then do a hard reboot by holding down the Power+Home keys for 5-7 seconds. This will help clear not only the Internet channel, but also RAM along with processor registers.

Physical breakdown and repair

Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone 4 after the procedures described above? Well, our condolences: you have encountered mechanical damage to the communication module. It is strongly recommended that you immediately take the device to service, but if you want to try to fix everything yourself, read below.

WARNING: You carry out all actions at your own peril and risk; the described algorithms are not recommendations.

You will need: a hair dryer (construction or regular), a set of screwdrivers for disassembly and free time.

  1. "Lazy" blowing. The phone warms up without disassembling, which allows you to remove moisture from other components. Unfortunately, after such a purge, the service life of the phone is a maximum of several months (although there are lucky people who still use iPhone 4).
  2. Gentle blowing. WiFi doesn’t work on the iPhone, so let’s remove the module itself and heat it with a hairdryer. With this method, even careless actions are less sad: only the module will be replaced, while the rest of the phone can work for years.

In both cases, the main thing is not to overdo it and let the device cool down before starting, otherwise you risk spending money on repairs. more money than buying a new iPhone (especially if backup copies no data available).

In this article, you will learn what to do if the Wi-Fi network does not work on your iPhone and what actions to take.


Apple is by far the most popular smartphone manufacturing network. At the same time, this is not only the most popular company, but also the richest of all existing companies that produce mobile smartphones. Thus, there is an opinion floating around the Internet that Apple company represents only quality, comfort and premiumness. But not always all three usages correspond to reality.

Repair service is also frequently visited iPhone owners who run not only asking to fix the wireless Wi-Fi connection or change the module, but also with other equally important problems.

So, what should you do if Wi-Fi suddenly disappears on your iPhone? Is it possible to repair the module or solve the problem in one place at home? Is it necessary to visit a repair service?

What to do if the Wi-Fi network does not work on your iPhone?

Every day, repair services for smartphones, namely devices Apple iPhone, add to the list of problems due to which Wi-Fi does not work or does not catch. Thus, many are wondering about repairing Wi-Fi at home, despite the fact that they only have a screwdriver and a hammer in their hands. Here it is rather worth noting the nature of the problem, since there are two types of breakdowns: a breakdown in the hardware and a breakdown in the software.

But professionals also take into account problems that are purely human factors, and highlight the following:

  • Perhaps you accidentally dropped your iPhone, as a result of which Wi-Fi now does not work, since the contacts and mechanisms of this technology were damaged. Therefore, if Wi-Fi stopped working after iPhone falling, then there is only one way out - go to a repair center.
  • While charging iPhone devices there was a voltage drop, which resulted in short circuit, which you most likely did not notice.
  • Your device has been dropped in snow, water, or moisture has entered it. Thus, the Wi-Fi wireless network chip became unusable due to oxidation.

Software failures

It is worth noting that Wi-Fi repair can only be carried out with special knowledge if it concerns a problem in the software part. Well, if the problem involves a hardware failure, then in addition to special knowledge, special tools and a new Wi-Fi module will also be useful.

Thus, if you understand the iPhone like the back of your hand, then the most you can do is reflash, reboot the device and that’s it. Therefore, it is very important to understand what to do in this situation, since excessive know-it-all will lead to a purchase new iPhone 4S.

But still, let's look at the solution to the problem in Wi-Fi work on hardware.

Method 1. Reset the settings on the iPhone

Performing a factory reset is easy and does not require any special knowledge.

So, to reset all settings to their original settings, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to find a gear icon called "Settings", and then click on it.
  • Then you will need to find in the section "Settings" item called "Basic" and click on it.

  • After this, you need to scroll down the slider to find the item "Reset" click on it two or three times.

  • Now you need to choose what exactly you want to restore. After all, our failure is caused by software, so in our case we need to press "Reset all settings".

  • Then you need to accept the agreement that all your credentials, recorded browser passwords, apps and games will be deleted from the iPhone. To confirm, click on the button "Reset all settings."

  • Ready! You've reset your iPhone, and now you can turn it on again in the hope that the Wi-Fi function will work again.
Method 2. Hard reset the iPhone

If the first Wi-Fi repair method did not help, then you might want to try hard rebooting your iPhone.

Worth noting, What this method helped more than once when there was a problem connecting to the network via Wi-Fi, or the module could not find Wi-Fi networks.

So, to perform a hard reset, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to press two keys at the same time, that is, press a key combination « Home" + "Power", and then hold them down and hold them for 6-8 seconds, or until the phone turns off.
  • Then you need to turn on the iPhone again by pressing the button « Power", then check whether Wi-Fi is working or not. If everything worked, then great, but if not, then the problem lies in the hardware of your iPhone device.
Method 3. Check the router we are trying to connect to

By the way, it also happens that the router to which we are trying to connect our iPhone turns off, or the communication range is lost, and the iPhone simply cannot catch the specified access point. Therefore, here it is necessary to check not only the iPhone device, but also the router itself, since it can also malfunction.

Hardware failures

How to get Wi-Fi working on your own?

So, if there are no complaints about the software, and everything is fine, then the problem lies in the software.

Therefore, if you decide to independently restore the Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, then follow our methods.

Method 1: Warm up your iPhone using a hair dryer
  • First of all, you need to completely turn off your smartphone so that if something happens, a short circuit does not occur.

  • After this, you need to take a hair dryer and turn it on to the middle operating position so that the heating temperature is slightly higher than room temperature.
  • Then the working hair dryer, namely the barrel from where the air comes out, must be directed first to the lower part of the smartphone, and then to top part. It takes about 15-20 minutes to heat up.

  • Now you can try to turn on your smartphone, and therefore see what has changed. If Wi-Fi does not work as before, then proceed to the next method.

Method 2. Warm up Wi-Fi cards using a hair dryer
  • Before disassembling the gadget, you need to turn off its power by pressing the button « Power."
  • Then you need to take a special screwdriver, which is designed for disassembling phones and smartphones.

  • After this, you need to unscrew the two bolts at the bottom of the iPhone and then remove back cover phone.

  • Now you can see the bare Wi-Fi board, which you will need to try heating with a hairdryer on medium speed for 20 minutes.

  • When you finish the warm-up procedure and assemble the phone, you can turn it on and check again whether Wi-Fi is working or not.

Well, this is where we will probably finish our article today.

Video: Repairing the Wi-Fi board on iPhone 4S

In today's pace of life, most of us cannot imagine existing without the Internet. Large and small companies are equipped with computer services, through worldwide network. A huge percentage of the advertising tool, again thanks to the Internet. Communication on social networks, information on free topics and more, we can use all this thanks to a connection to the network. Wi-Fi is one of the ways to connect computers, tablets, phones... to the Internet. And of course, deprivation of this opportunity leads to a failure in our system. Not arbitrary, an emergency shutdown of the Internet can bring a lot of troubles and losses. And not a small part of users are Apple customers, and as a result, iPhone owners. Let's consider iPhone specifications 4s and possible problems connecting it to Wi-Fi.

Problems with Wi-Fi on the iPhone 4 are not new. Possible reasons these are different. Malfunctions Wi-Fi connections may manifest itself as a lack of signal, i.e. This is when the device does not see the network, or maybe vice versa, it recognizes Wi-Fi, but there is still no signal. Sometimes the Wi-Fi icon just freezes. However, problems can be different and occur for different reasons.

If Wi-Fi does not turn on on your iPhone, it is most likely due to:

1 Hardware reasons (related to breakdowns due to mechanical damage, that is, cracks, chips, just impacts of the device, getting into water, damage to the power supply circuit). 2 Software reasons (factory defect, crash or firmware error).

Methods and methods for troubleshooting depend on the indicators of malfunction and their causes. They may not be identical and the degree of resolution of problems with Wi-Fi connection may be completely different. And as a result, the very manifestation of these problems may not proceed according to the pattern.


If Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone 4s, there are numerous reasons for the breakdown and ways to fix it. For example: due to software features There was a problem with Wi-Fi. What can you do when the Internet on the iPhone 4s does not work? For this reason, you can resort to flashing it. Save everything first necessary files, so that they are not lost during reinstallation. Then connect to your computer and use the system recommendations for restoring the firmware. Problems of this kind are mainly detected on the fourth and less often on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

If, however, the reason why the Internet does not work on the iPhone is due to hardware failures, then a more detailed and in-depth dive into the essence of the problem is needed. And this is done through device repair. Repairs take place in the workshop. Experienced specialist complex work is carried out with a microcircuit, parts of an electronic device and takes certain time. Experts in this field often deal with this problem. But before you spend money and time on going to a service center, you can try to fix all Wi-Fi problems yourself. But it should be noted that there is a guarantee for service and return in case iPhone malfunctions, burns out. So, if you decide to fix the iPhone 4 yourself, you must be careful and strictly follow the recommendations on this topic.

The first method is when you take an ordinary hair dryer (in no case a construction hair dryer) and start exposing the iPhone to a hot stream of air, maximum mode. After which a warning about too much should appear on the device display. high temperature, this will be a signal for the end of the temperature attack. Next, you need to reboot your smartphone. The device must connect to Wi-Fi.

The second method seems simpler, but also less effective. You need to take your faulty iPhone and place in a regular refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then, just like in the first case, reboot the device. The device will begin to function correctly.

If the above methods did not help, then you may have to fix the breakdown with more complex manipulations. Of course, if you have previously resorted to repairing faulty electronic devices, there will be no problems. But in any case, we will try to present the entire iPhone repair scheme in the most accurate form.

Hard Reboot Method

An ordinary reboot of course at this stage corrections will not help. Here you need to turn off the iPhone by simultaneously pressing two buttons, “Home” and the power button. After which, upon startup, everything should return to normal.

Or by synchronizing your device with your computer via iTunes program. After connecting, the system should provide an option to restore and iPhone update. Click and wait for the update to happen. Then, when you turn on and detect the wireless network, the electronic mechanism should work as it should.

Repairing a gadget using the method of unscrewing the case

There are special tools for microcircuits and unscrewing the case in the form of screwdrivers. You can purchase them in a specialized store. We will need two types of screwdrivers of the proposed tools. This is a Phillips screwdriver and a special screwdriver for smartphones. So, using a Phillips screwdriver, carefully unscrew the nuts securing the device body. We try to put them separately and all together so that they don’t get lost. Then we open the front cover and find a small square under a thin film, black, all movements must be careful with this complex electronic system. This is the fee Wi-Fi module, which we have to heat strongly with a hairdryer. We remove the film from the board and start heating it using the same technology as in the first method. The task is to heat up this particular square and press it using a piece of cardboard or other material. We need that, under the influence of pressure, all the detached contacts are connected and, as they cool, are in strong contact. After the mechanism has cooled down, you can try a control check of the smartphone. Wi-Fi should work.

Other causes of problems why Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone 5/6 and more often version 4

Perhaps this is due to a more complex operating system that is not entirely compatible with the older device, hence the crashes, system errors. Also, possible interference in the operation of the gadget can be caused by various malware. Be careful when working with unverified sources of applications and downloaded programs. Don't forget that Apple took this seriously. possible problem, providing users with the opportunity to use only native programs and applications. Do not pump up your rather sensitive iPhone 4s with illegal programs. Subject to all recommendations, the device, that is, bluetooth, wireless internet must work accurately.

Note that the main cause of failure is related to the wireless network and Bluethooth of the series in question, namely the iPhone 4s in the contacts of the Wi-Fi module board, their disconnection. This is eliminated due to the method of temperature influence on the device parts. But still, if you are not sure of the reasons and that you can cope, we advise you to contact specialists.