Not a domain name. Why is it needed? What is domain level

Many users are faced with questions about what domain names are.

They become especially relevant when users decide to create their own.

Then different terms and definitions appear that you need to navigate in order to understand the complete structure of the Internet space and the location of the created site in it.

Getting straight to the point, we can say that a domain is the name of a website. It hides its IP address, which allows you to simply enter the name “”, and not the address of such a site – “”.

This is quite convenient, but if you go into details, many questions arise that will be covered later in the article.

What does a domain name mean?

As already noted, a domain is the name of the site. The user is provided with a set of , which he can use to name his resource.

It is this name up to the first dot that will indicate the address of its portal.

However, there are also difficulties associated with the fact that such names are already taken, then you have to change the values ​​and select something that has not yet been reserved on a specific hosting or domain.

Note! Domain and Domain name these are synonyms and have the same lexical meaning, regardless of which one is used.

A domain name is tied to a specific address on the network. It looks like When you switch to another server, the redirection remains.

This means that the technology makes it possible to use one site name, even if it is constantly transferred to different domains.

It is to preserve the unique name of the site that domain name technology was developed.

It allows you to assign a portal name to a specific person and transfer it to different servers without losing the root one.

How the domain works

To understand the concept of a domain structure, it is necessary to consider it from the very beginning using an example.

In order to make his website address unique, the developer must designate it.

To do this, he creates a name that is not used on the network. Let it be called “primer”.

After this, you need to attach or link a domain zone to the site name.

It will show in which territory the designated developer’s site is located.

In its finished form it will be called “”.

It turns out that upon registration, the “primer” site received a domain name of the “.ru” category.

There are 2 main rules when recording a domain name:

  • Zones that are included in the full site address are listed to the left in the hierarchy.
  • To separate domain levels, only dots are always placed between them.

If the site address “” is used, it will be considered in the following way:

  • net– fourth level domain;
  • blog– third-level domain, which includes the fourth-level domain net;
  • primer– second-level domain, which includes 3rd and 4th level domains;
  • ru– a first-level domain that includes all the levels described above.

The first level in the hierarchy always comes last after the dot separator.

Table of first-level domains intended for public use

Considering domain levels, it should be noted that they are international.

However, depending on their location, the law applies, established restrictions or rules in force in a specific territory of the state.

First-level domains are the highest in this chain of addresses.

There are geographically defined addresses, which refer to the country where these domains are used.

An example of such top-level domain zones could be:

  • ru – Russian Federation.
  • br – Brazil.
  • cn – China.

In addition to geographically defined domain names, first-level domains, which have an international public purpose, are of particular polarity.

The table will show all available addresses:

Domain name Its public purpose
com commerce
net Network and network settings
org Non-profit organizations
info Information portals
biz Business
name Private portals that use the owners' names as identification
aero Aviation and services provided by it
arpa Internet infrastructure
edu Educational system (mainly USA)
int International companies
gov Government
mil Military structures
coop Service organizations and cooperatives
museum Museums and people involved in them
mobi For mobile devices
pro Specialists from various industries
tel Automatic contact page generators
travel Travel, tourism, resorts
xxx Adult film industry

What are the domain levels?

When analyzing the hierarchy of domains, you should clarify their specific purpose.

From the previous section it is clear that first-level domains have either a specific public purpose or a geographic location. It is from them that the name begins to be built.

Everything that comes after them increases the number of subdomains, thereby increasing the number of domain levels.

This was clearly discussed above using the example of the full address “”, where reading from right to left will increase the hierarchy of the marked zone.

Experts identify 3 main zones:

  • Root.
  • Second level.
  • First level.

Each row may include an additional number of domain names. At the same time, they will compose and divide according to the rules through a dot.

Note! Domains can have 3-4 levels. They are subdomains and not a login global network.


It is also defined as zero. Its purpose is to separate other domain levels.

In other words, all address entries must end with a dot at the end.

It turns out that systems were previously used when introducing domain levels of the following type “”

Now the last zero domain is omitted, and address records today have acquired the following form: “”, where the dot at the end after the first-level domain is no longer placed.

It is also worth noting that recently appeared relatively all domain system And country codes.

They use the designation not in Latin, but in the language of a specific country.

In Russia you can now register the website address “primer.rf”" The use of national alphabets also makes it possible to simplify the circulation of domains and specific assigned addresses to them. However, all national websites also have an unreadable address that is hidden behind what is written in the official language.

Second level

This is the space left for indication own name your website. This is what second-level domains are.

It turns out that the portal creator registers the address on the network, and not just the name. It is worth noting that prices for such portals differ upon registration.

If you register a domain in the “.ru” zone, it will be much cheaper than the same one, but in the “.com” zone.

Basically, to register such a name on the Internet, there are special companies that deal with the registration of names of website addresses.

The price depends on the choice of which first-level site the required resource will be located on.

There are also rental systems that make it possible to use a second-level domain name on a monthly basis. However, in case of non-payment of rent, the site will be disconnected from the network and immediately disappear from the site.

First level

The name of each site begins at this level. This can be confusing as the site is usually read from left to right.

However, to be precise in the mandatory address design rule, the first-level domain (with the exception of the root-level domain, which is not taken into account and is zero) always comes first, and then in descending order.

In each country, such addresses have a main “highest” level and abbreviate the name of their country.

Other levels

It is also worth noting that there may be others after the second-level domain. They should be highlighted separately. However, they are not of global significance.

And they exist inside second-level domains. Usually they are not registered or formalized.

Users who own a website, having purchased a second-level domain “primer” in the form of a name, can independently select third- and fourth-level names.

They themselves allocate at their address the subspaces necessary to select another address from the already registered one.

In other words, 3-4 level domains exist at the expense of a second level domain and are its subtypes, which the site owner himself can select independently.

Such sublevel numbers cannot exist without an officially registered name, a portal, which is a second-level domain.

Purchasing and registering a domain name

The situation with purchasing a domain name has a number of features. This primarily concerns jurisdiction and legislation.

There was a well-known situation with the creators of torrent sites, which were initially present on the first-level domain name “.ru”.

However, after the tightening of Russian legislation regarding copyright, the resource began to be blocked. Therefore, to avoid this, developers had to transfer their resource to the “.org” domain, which has an international level.

Each country has official second-level domain name registrars. They have permission and a license giving them the right to carry out such activities.

It is from them that you need to purchase and register the site name.

In addition, the official registrars have representatives in the form of partner companies, who also handle the registration of domain names as an official registrar.

If a partner or representative has violated the terms of the agreement, you must immediately contact the official registrar.

Prices for services will vary. Typically, representatives offer to register a second-level domain name with a monthly payment.

Official registrars establish rules for registration with payment for a domain name immediately for 1 year.

Note! If payment is overdue, it will be impossible to access the site. Depending on the registrar, a contractually established period for resumption of payments is given. If it is missed, the domain name will become free and can be registered by another person.

A domain (domain name) is a website address, consisting of a set of characters or numbers, unique to a group of domain names. A group of domain names means special zones like .ru, .com, .org, .net, etc. The domain is displayed in address bar browser.

If you intend to create a website, it doesn't matter whether personal blog, a portfolio page for a freelancer, an online store, a forum, etc., then first you will need to come up with a name for your project and a domain name. Then you need to place your project on hosting, after which other people will be able to visit your site.

In this article we will figure out how to come up with a name for your future website, what a domain is (domain name), how to choose a domain, how to check it, how to register and set up a domain for your website.

What is a website domain in simple words and why is it needed?

A domain is needed to differentiate sites. Even if the user does not enter the address of your site into the browser, but, for example, gets to your site through the Yandex or Google search engine, then these same search engines somehow need to correctly distinguish between millions of sites and redirect users correctly.

Now let's take a closer look at the address of a website. If you copy the site address from the address bar of your browser, you will see a link something like this:

Let's look at this domain piece by piece.

The abbreviation http stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, "hypertext transfer protocol". If we talk in simple language, then http is like traffic rules on the road, or another way to say it is like a translator between two people speaking different languages. It allows you to connect a user who opens a particular site on his computer and the site itself, which is created according to certain rules.

The HTTP protocol, like a translator, first listens to what one person (the computer user) says to it and then translates it to a second person (the site). As a result, mutual understanding occurs between the first and second person, which is expressed in the fact that the person opens the page he needs and studies necessary information.

There are other protocols, such as HTTPS, which means secure connection. That is, all information will be transmitted in encrypted form. Or SMTP protocol, which is used to send email messages.

What is WWW?

WWW is an acronym that stands for World Wide Web, which means World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. The web server is computer program, which runs on a computer connected to the network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data.

Actually, web servers host files from various websites. By files we mean various pictures, videos, audio, various components of sites and folders in which all this stuff is located. And through the HTTP protocol, various users around the world manage to connect to such web servers and view the content of sites.

But the fact is that in the 90s of the last century and the early 00s of this century, web servers were very weak, so it was necessary to place, for example, site files on one computer, mail server for email messages on another, and FTP server For remote access to the files on the third. The names of the servers began with the name of the computers on which they were located, and depending on what the person needed, for example, viewing a website or sending mail, they looked like this:, or . In other words, the WWW part in the site name helped determine what a person needed. IN in this case he needed to look at a website.

But over time, with the development of the Internet, computers, web servers, the emergence of new data transfer protocols, etc., the WWW part was no longer needed. More precisely, the browsers through which we view websites have learned to determine the site address without it. Therefore, now, when we type the name of a site in the address bar, we don’t have to write the www part. and often many sites that we go to, for example, through search engines show the name of the site also without this piece of WWW.

What is a second level domain?

Second level domain name(English second-level domain) - part of the domain name, separated by a dot from the first-level domain immediately following it (Wikipedia).

Why second level? Because the first-level domain in our example is a particle RU, but we’ll talk about it a little lower.

There are also third-level domains and it will look like this: I have a section for clients on this third-level domain. There are also domains of the fourth and fifth levels, but they are extremely rare and are practically not used by anyone.

The second level domain is the name of our website, depicted in this case in English. The fact is that now you can come up with domains in Russian. In my case it would look like moirubl.rf. Perhaps you have already come across sites on the Internet whose domain name was written in Russian and at the end there was a piece of the Russian Federation.

If you are creating a website, then you can come up with any name for your second-level domain, the main thing is that this name is not taken. Below I will show you how to find out whether the domain name you like is available or taken.

What is a first (top) level domain?

Now let’s look at the final part of the link in question, the RU part. This is also a domain, only the first one, or it is also called a top-level domain. First level domain regular user will not be able to register, but the second level is easy.

Top (first) level domain(English top-level domain, TLD) - in the hierarchy of the domain name system (DNS) the most high level. Is the starting point (from right to left) from which a domain name on the Internet begins.

According to international agreement, each country was allocated a first-level domain name, indicating that the site belongs to a specific state:

  • .ru – Russia.
  • .ua – Ukraine
  • .uk – Great Britain
  • .de – Germany
  • .fr – France
  • Etc.

There are also first-level domains related to the area of ​​activity of the site, for example:

  • .gov - for US government organizations.
  • .com - was originally considered as a domain for commercial organizations, but is now used by all types of organizations, including educational institutions (usually private), individuals, non-profit and semi-commercial organizations.
  • .edu - intended for educational institutions.
  • .info – intended for information resources. It can be safely used by both individuals and legal entities.
  • .biz – for business organizations. Such a domain can register both physical and entity, however, the registration may be challenged in the future if the domain owner does not engage in commercial activities in accordance with the domain charter. was created to alleviate the situation with, which has become incredibly popular and, as a result, is overcrowded.
  • .net – The name comes from the word “network”, indicating its original purpose - the registration of organizations engaged in network technologies, such as Internet service providers and other companies associated with system administration etc. But now it is used everywhere and in Russia it has become popular among resources involved in the fight against any diseases, social aspects, for example,, which means NO to Hepatitis,, which means NO to Alcohol. However, this is a free domain zone for registration by any person, both individuals and legal entities. Moreover, this top-level domain is one of the most popular
  • .org – originally intended for use by non-profit organizations that do not meet the criteria of other domains. Also available for registration by anyone. A striking example among sites using this domain zone is
  • .pro – this domain is intended in many countries of the world for licensed or certified lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers. In Russia, many domain name registrars also require you to provide documents confirming your affiliation with the type of activity indicated on your website.
  • .aero – these domains can only be registered by organizations related to air transportation. In Russia, a striking example that uses this top-level domain is Pobeda Airlines (

In which domain zone is it best to choose a domain?

If your site is designed for the Russian-speaking population, then first of all it is recommended to select a second-level domain in the .RU zone. This is important primarily for search engines Yandex, Google and others. They will understand that your site is designed for Runet (Russian-language Internet) and will rank your site better in search results.

For more information about what ranking in search engine results is and how a domain name affects it, watch the video below:

However, it may turn out that the variant of the domain name that you came up with is already taken by someone in the .RU zone. If you really like the domain and want to keep it at any cost, then you can check it in other domain zones, such as .com, .info, .net, .org, .рф.

These domain zones come in second place after, if you prioritize between them. In third place are the .biz and .pro zones, and this is primarily due to the fact that these zones should be chosen only if you will be engaged in commercial activities and can confirm that your future site belongs to this activity.

To confirm, you may be asked for a Certificate of Registration of Individual Entrepreneurs, as well as an extract from the tax office about the areas of activity you have chosen, a license for the type of activity, for example, if you are engaged in any kind of construction and your website is dedicated to this topic, documents on relevant education, for example, If your site is dedicated to medical topics, then you may need a Diploma of completion of a medical institution.

But if you plan to create:

  • Business card website;
  • Portfolio website;
  • Personal blog;
  • Information site;

Then you should focus on the following domain zones: .ru, .com, .info, .net, .org, .рф.

If you are creating a personal page that will contain a few pages, for example, a portfolio, contacts, reviews, then it makes no difference what domain zone your site will be in.

If you are creating an information site or personal blog, in which you plan to regularly write articles and thereby attract a large number of visitors from search engines, then the name in the .RU zone will be a priority. But if all the cool names are taken, then you can find something for yourself in the .com, .info, .net, .org zones.

If you are creating a one-page website where you will sell something and attract people through advertising, then it does not matter in which zone you have a domain.

If you are creating an online store, then you need to first of all focus on the country where the bulk of your customers will be located. For example, for Russia it is, and for But if interesting domains are occupied, then it’s not critical if you choose an option in the .com, .biz or .pro zones.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the zone.RF. This domain zone is best chosen for one-page sites and personal business card sites, but not for information sites with a lot of news. Difficulties may arise technical plan related to the encoding of the Cyrillic alphabet and the adaptability of server software to the Latin alphabet, as well as incorrect display addresses of your pages in old browsers and when displayed in search engines.

What is cybersquatting and domaining?

In the process of coming up with a domain name, which we will talk about in more detail below, as well as in the process of checking the ideas you come up with, you will encounter the fact that many interesting names will be taken by other people. But what’s most offensive is that if you go to the selected name, there will be no website there, but you will see an advertisement that this domain is for sale.

This is the very case when the terms cybersquatting and domaining are used.

Cybersquatting- registration of domain names containing trademark belonging to another person for the purpose of their further resale or unfair use. People who practice such actions are called cybersquatters.

For example, imagine that Coca-Cola does not have a website. And then the moment came when they decided to start one. But bad luck, there was someone more enterprising and fast man, who has registered this domain name. Naturally, he did this for selfish purposes, so that he could later resell this domain to Coca-Cola for crazy money.

Domaining (English domaining, from domain - domain)- almost the same thing as Cybersquatting - this is speculation in domain names. The idea is to purchase Internet domain names for their subsequent resale for profit.

The main difference is that NOT the brands of any well-known companies are registered here, but good interesting words from the most popular areas of our life, which can be used to create a website and attract large quantity traffic due to uniqueness of this word.

Most expensive domain

A striking example is the domain, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive domain ever sold. Transaction amount: $13 million. Year of sale: 2010.

Here are a few more examples where people made huge capital by selling a domain name:

  1. sold for $3 million in 2006
  2. sold for $7.5 million in 1999
  3. sold for $11 million in 2001
  4. sold for $2 million in 2008
  5. sold for $7 million in 2004
  6. sold for $7 million in 2006
  7. sold for $5 million in 2009
  8. sold for $4 million in 2008
  9. sold for $2 million in 2004
  10. sold for $2 million in 2007
  11. sold for $1 million in 2009

So, as you can imagine, domain trading can be a very profitable business. If you do not plan to trade domains, but want to create your own website and come up with an interesting and memorable name for it, then you may have problems with this.

According to my subjective estimates, 80% of all interesting names already occupied by cybersquatters. Therefore, you will have to rack your brains to come up with and check dozens, if not hundreds of very different names and their variations in different domain zones.

How to come up with and choose a domain name?

The process of coming up with a domain name can take you anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. Before starting this process, I recommend preparing some kind of notebook or having special folder on a computer where you will record all the options that come to your mind.

Remember, the domain is chosen once and for all. If, after several years of hard work on your website, you want to change the domain name to something more interesting, then be prepared for the fact that search engines will react negatively to this and this may affect you by a decrease in the number of visitors, and, therefore, loss arrived.

Please also note that the site name and address may vary. For example, the name of my site sounds like “My Ruble”. And its domain name looks like The meaning of the name of my site and its domain are similar, but the spelling is different. In this case, to write the domain name I used the translation into English language words “My (my) Ruble (rouble)”.

In this case, I could use, for example, this option: This method of coming up with domain names is called transliteration - the exact transfer of characters from one script to characters from another script.

Exist special services that will help you make the correct transliteration, for example this service:

When choosing a domain name, it is important to decide on the theme of the site for which you will create and register a domain.

  • If you are a freelancer and want to create a personal page with a portfolio and reviews, then it is recommended to choose a combination of your first and last name, for example or, where the first letters sm will be the initials.
  • You can also use words that characterize your activity or a combination of such words, including with your first or last name. For example, if you are into design, you can search for domain names that contain the word design (,, etc.)
  • If you are going to launch an informational site or blog, then it would be logical to select a domain with the theme of your site. If this is a culinary site, then you need to select a domain name that will reflect the culinary theme.
  • The domain name for a company's corporate website may contain the name of the company or be based on some keywords characterizing the direction of the company's activities. For example, if your organization is engaged in European-quality repairs, it is logical to choose the name Another example is or - for a travel company website.

When choosing a domain name, it is advisable to select short options that will be euphonious and will not raise questions with spelling variations, as well as be easy to remember.

Modern “sharks” of Internet business - for example,,,, - with just one name they can inform the visitor not only about their topic, direction of activity, but also about the quality of work, the level of information presentation , his target audience and much more. Of course, for your site to stand on par with the Internet giants, you need to work hard on its operation. However, making a website recognizable only through a domain name is quite simple.

Ideally, your name will be within 4-8 characters. But even if the name turns out to be longer, this is not critical. Remember that people will primarily evaluate the quality of the content on your site and its usefulness.


If you have difficulty with your creative imagination and few interesting domain name options come to mind, I recommend that you follow the following tips:

  1. Open any search engine and type in various keywords, related to your future site. Then look at the names of existing sites that the search engine will give you for your request and try to come up with an analogue, synonym, or play on different parts of the words.
  2. Open a catalog of Internet sites, select a topic that suits you, and see what words your competitors use in domain names. Based on this, try to come up with your own version.
  3. Open English-Russian directories and look for translations of keywords that most accurately describe the topic of your site. For example, if you want to create a sports-themed website, then look for translations of words such as: sports, fitness, movement, health, healthy image life, vigor, strength, etc. Based on these words, try to come up with a name for your website.

You can learn more about all these options for coming up with domain names in the video below:

How to check a domain for availability?

So, after you've sketched out a dozen or two different options, it's time to start checking the availability of your domain. I usually do domain selection. I then register domains there. For more information about the procedure for checking and selecting a domain name, watch the video:

Checking domain name history

After you have checked the options you have come up with for availability, do not rush to register the domain. Now it is necessary to check the history of the domain, since it could previously have been used by other people, and with bad consequences for its future owner.

The fact is that if you create a bad website and post stolen content on it, search engines will impose sanctions on such a site. More precisely, they will impose it on the domain name. Sanctions mean the exclusion of pages of a given site from search. This means that people will no longer come to the site from search engines, or they will come, but not soon. To do this, you need to remove all stolen content and replace it with unique and useful content.

As a rule, search engines can lift sanctions in such cases; note that the key word here is “can”. And this does not happen immediately, but can take 6-12 months.

At the same time, if you plan to use the domain for a one-page site or a business card site, where people will mainly come not from search engines, but from advertising or links in your profile social pages, then it doesn’t matter whether this domain is banned by Yandex and Google or not.

Domain purity is important primarily for future information sites.

To check the history of a domain name we will use the following services:

  • Checking Whois history -
  • Checking by URL in Yandex and Google.
  • Check at

You can find instructions for using these services in the video Checking domain history:

Domain registration

After all checks have been completed, it is time to register the domain. You can register a domain through a hosting company where your website files will be hosted. This can also be done through a special domain name registrar company.

I recommend registering domains separately from hosting in special companies registrars. It is more reliable and convenient. And you can order hosting services separately from other companies specializing in this. Why?

I registered my first domain and hosting in one place. It was a small hosting company whose services I refused after some time. I chose a different hosting and moved the site. But the domain remained with the first company. Over the past 8 years, I have changed about 5 hosting companies and now host my website on a separate dedicated server. My domain, by the way, is still registered with that first company.

What's so scary about this? I'm not sure about the small hosting company where I originally registered the domain. I periodically wonder what will happen if this company, unable to withstand the competition, closes? What will happen to my domain?

To register domains, I use the services of - this is one of the market leaders.

For instructions on registering a domain name, see below:

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


A domain is a hierarchical name for a website.

The domain can be compared with the residential address. To understand where a person lives, you need to know the city, street, house and apartment number. Same with the site. To enter, you need to know its address.

Domains were invented to give a face to a website's IP address. After all, remembering addresses like is simply impossible.

Consists of letters, numbers and hyphens. Its length can be from 2 to 63 characters.

Domain zones and their types

These are addresses included in a specific zone. Domain zones can be of two types:
National zones define a country. For example, Russia - .ru, Ukraine - .ua, Germany - .de, USA - .us, etc.
Common areas are for everyone. For example:

  • .com – for commercial projects;
  • .org – for non-profit websites of various organizations;
  • .info – for all information projects;
  • .biz – only commercial organizations, .net – for Internet-related projects;
  • .edu – for educational institutions and projects, .name – for personal sites, etc.

Website domain name conversion

The IP address is It is used to identify computers on the network, to address data - to connect computers with each other. Similar to how you save phone numbers, you can keep a notebook or telephone directory for IP addresses. Role telephone directory on the Internet they perform - the domain name system. Without it, the functioning of the Internet would be impossible.

A DNS server is a program that converts a domain name into a digital IP address and vice versa. The memory of these servers stores extensive tables in which each domain name is assigned an IP address. In order to understand this better, let's give a clear example:

DNS tells computers how to find each other over the Internet. When you type an address in your browser, your provider checks it through a domain name server to know where to send your request: ---> check in DNS ---> DNS reports the address = ---> You receive the contents of the site.

Let's say the client requested the address “www. Organization. city. a country". Searching for information by domain name occurs as follows: the client asks its server. If he belongs to this zone, he will answer where it all ends. It also asks for the root server. The other cannot answer because he does not know; but he knows that he is responsible for the “country” zone. The user of the “country” zone also cannot answer, but knows that he needs to ask the server of the “city, country” zone. He, in turn, sends a request to the user of the “organization” zone. city. country”, which will provide the necessary information.

Understanding the essence of DNS servers can be quite important and useful for administering your project and troubleshooting DNS-related problems.

Domain levels

Domains are divided into names, and third level. Moreover, if you disassemble the composition, then the reading goes from right to left, as in the figure:

The top-level domain is marked with a dot. In common usage, it is not displayed as part of the domain name.

First level domains

They are responsible for the territorial affiliation of the domain, whether the domain belongs to a specific country, or the type of organization. Top-level domains are divided into several groups:

  • Country code top level domains. In the territory Russian Federation These names include domain zones: .RU, .SU, .РФ. International top-level domains are such domain zones as: .com, .info, .biz, .name, .org.
  • New international top-level domains. These domain zones are thematically focused on various areas of life and business, hobbies and everyday life, business and finance; sports and entertainment, style and beauty, professional activities.

Second level domains

This is the site's unique identifier. As an example this level You can cite the website At the first level, the second level of the site address is registered. It is the second level names that are common for commercial use.

Third level domains

This type of domain is usually used to create mini-sites, or separate sections based on the main site, for example, a forum. You can create an unlimited number of such domains. Examples of third-level domains include:,

How to register a domain

  • Select a domain zone and come up with a name.
  • Check if the domain name is available in the selected zone.
  • If it is free, then you can proceed to the procedure of registering an account in the server, if not already registered, and filling out the owner’s data. Be prepared to enter your passport information. You should provide real data if you don’t want to lose your domain later.
  • Top up your balance and pay for registration.
  • Follow the service's instructions until you complete the domain name registration process.

After registration, the domain will appear in the list on the control panel. Last step– specify a list of DNS servers, after which the process begins. If you register a domain through a hosting provider, registration will occur automatically. Check your email - you may receive an email confirming your registration. Check the domain owner details. They should match yours.

A domain will not be registered if it:

  • Contains more than 63 characters;
  • The title contains obscene language;
  • Contains less than two characters, for example,;
  • Contains characters other than Latin a...z, numbers 0...9, and a hyphen - except for zones where registration of domain names in national encodings is permitted;
  • Contains a double hyphen or a hyphen at the beginning or end of the title.

Keep track of your balance and pay for hosting on time.

The content of the site can be changed. It is possible (moreover, it is very useful) to optimize the site and promote it in search engines. But the site’s domain name must initially be chosen carefully, given that changing it is difficult and irrational.

A domain name is not just a beautiful set of letters that you write on your business cards after the words “address of our Internet site.” The domain name also has a great influence on the future fate of a commercial website on the Internet.

A domain name that people understand...

First, about the external side of the issue. The domain name should be visually beautiful (for example, you should write it on a business card). And for a commercial website, the domain name must reflect the essence of the company’s activities, the type of goods and services offered. Consider this an unwritten rule.

...and attracts search engines

In our area, clients often rush to choose a domain name not by type of activity, but by the name of the company. But the names of the companies are a different matter. Gentlemen, honestly, whose company name really reflects the essence of its activities? It’s different in the Soviet years: Glavryba sells fish, Mosmoloko sells dairy products in the capital, Tommoloko sells the same in Tomsk. Everything is clear and simple to the point of boring. And since the 90s, a general fashion began for sonorous, beautiful foreign names that are in no way connected with the type of activity. This fashion has passed, but still, in our area, the name of a company does not always reflect the services it provides. You can, of course, call the site (well, the company is called that... after the name of the founder...). But why would one guess that VasyaPupkin is engaged, for example, in the supply of wood and lumber?

Put yourself in your place potential client who is looking on the Internet through search engines for where he can buy these same lumber. And search engines display a list of sites for him. Which site are you more likely to open: with words like “lesopilka” and “drevesina” in the name or the incomprehensible VasyaPupkin? The answer is obvious.

But these were domain name selection factors that were important to people's perceptions. And the Internet also has its own technical difficulties, which should also be taken into account when choosing a domain.

1) Choice domain zone . As you know, they are international and national. If you are focused on the Russian-speaking sector of the Internet, then it is better to choose the domain of the ru and su zones. Sites hosted on them will be ranked better in the leading Runet search engines - Yandex and Google. Of course, search engines also take into account the site’s language and a lot of other factors, but the domain name is also a significant point. Thus, if your online business is focused on a specific country, it makes more sense to register a domain name in its national zone. If for several countries, then internationally.

2) Domain level. It is better to immediately register a second-level domain (for example,,,, rather than a third-level domain (for example,, Second-level domains are “valued” higher by search engines.

3) Is it worth saving on a paid domain? Not worth it. Free domains are indexed by search engines worse than paid ones, and are also prohibited from being added to a number of large directories. In addition, the user does not have any fixed rights to a free domain. And the hoster may, for some of its own reasons, refuse to renew. If by this time money has already been spent on promoting a site on a free domain, and the resource has “fed” visitors, then it’s even sadder. It is theoretically possible to organize a site move to another site. But you will lose your usual visitors. So if you have serious intentions about doing business on the Internet, you should immediately take care of hosting your website on a paid domain that will belong to you.

4) Name length. In principle, domain names up to 63 characters long are allowed in the ru zone. Only clients of “multi-book” will not appreciate it. According to research conducted by Google experts, search engine users are twice as likely to click on short and clear domain names than on long ones. So the shorter the domain name, the more convenient it is for perception and “more productive”.

5) Keywords in the name. We have already explained above that naming a site related to the essence of the services offered is useful from the point of view of people's perception. But it is also useful for promotion in search engines. A keyword in a site name significantly increases its ranking in Google search engines and Yandex. Keywords used in site page addresses are also useful for increasing rankings, but only for one specific page (and in the domain name - for the site as a whole). If it is relevant to the topic, it is useful to use English keywords (seo, web, etc.) in the domain name. However, it is better not to translate “completely Russian” words, but to write them in transliteration. Search engines also take into account transliteration. However, we have to warn against the temptation to cram too many keywords into a domain name. In domains with a length of 20 or more letters, search engines may regard this as spam, with all the unpleasant consequences that follow, such as excluding the site from search results lists.

6) Consider the frequency of queries in search engines. Write down in a column all the successful (and free!) domain names in your opinion. Enter each of them into Yandex and Google statistics. What words does it go to? greatest number requests per month, those are more useful to choose for the name of the site.

7) Together or with a hyphen? This question is important not only for schoolchildren writing dictation. It also plays a significant role when choosing a domain name - and the role is much more significant than one might assume by looking at the “some dash”. If you have a choice, for example, “MoskowBolt” or “Moskow-Bolt,” it is better to choose to spell the domain name with a hyphen. First, a hyphen divides "a long word written with Latin letters” into two semantic blocks, which makes it easier for people to perceive. Secondly, Yandex likes domain names with hyphens more and ranks them better. Let's conduct an experiment. Let’s enter the word “travel” into the Yandex search engine. We look carefully at the search results and see there:, - the keyword “travel” is highlighted. And in it is not highlighted, since the name is written together, and not with a hyphen. This kind of “highlighting” of a keyword has a significant impact on ranking. So don't underestimate the hyphen in your domain name.

8) Uniqueness and recognition. Refuse the temptation to register a domain name that is similar to your competitors if you intend to position yourself as a serious company seeking to occupy its niche and become recognizable. Even if competitors have staked out, for example, for sale plastic windows wholesale, in your opinion, the most successful name is, registration is not an option. Firstly, they are easy to confuse. If their clients come to you, that’s fine, but if, on the contrary, yours come to them? Secondly, owners of a previously registered domain can sue “unscrupulous copycats who deliberately undermine their business by attaching to someone else’s brand.”

9) Useful little things, things to consider when choosing a domain name. Consider which characters to use in your domain name. For example, numbers are normally perceived by search engines, but are not convenient for people. Use underscore undesirable - a link to the Internet is already underlined with a line, go and see if the underscore is “hidden” under it. An abbreviation, especially a transliterated one in Russian, is often difficult for people to understand. For search engines, this is a completely meaningless set of letters, which has no reason to be promoted to the first positions in the ranking. And finally, domains in Cyrillic (by at least- at the current stage of their development) is fraught with registration. Some browsers do not read Cyrillic domains normally, showing instead “some kind of crap in the wrong encoding.” Moreover, for users, bilingual domains (after all, these names will still end in .su or .ru) are inconvenient - it’s like switching the keyboard layout...

In general, just as parents need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for their child, website creators and customers should carefully select a domain name for the website.

Welcome to the Business Online blog.

Choosing the right domain name is important step, no matter what type of website you want to create. Yes, exactly, the selection of a domain name will begin immediately after choosing the theme of the site.

Today, let's talk:

What is a domain

Someone said, words have meaning, but names have power. Therefore, domain name becomes important in the era of internet marketing and branding.
So, a domain is a symbolic (Latin alphabet) unique name that identifies an Internet resource in world wide web World Wide Web...

In 2014, the number of active domains reached 271 million, according to

The domain name is part of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) http://site

URL is a unique full website address, which consists of protocol, domain name + path.
A domain name is used for the convenience of remembering an Internet address and the ability to transfer a website to various hostings, as a simple label to indicate ownership or control of a resource.

Domains are formed according to the rules of the domain name system (DNS). Any name registered in DNS is a domain name. The DNS system ensures consistency between network addresses(IP addresses) and symbols.

You can determine the server IP address by domain Here.

There is a strict hierarchical arrangement of the domain in the network. First level domains (top ones, for example.RU..

Selecting a domain zone, depends on the territorial and linguistic affiliation of the site or thematic (general use). This is the ending after the For example, in Russia it is advisable to use the ru or рф zone when registering a domain name.

Example: and are located in different domain zones.
Example, thematic affiliation: info - information sites, com - commercial organizations.

Where to buy a domain

Typically, domains are purchased directly from domain name registrars or hosting companies. Be sure to register the domain in your name.
When you purchase a domain name, you receive ownership rights for one year. Don't forget about this and renew your domain rights on time.
By the way, you can buy at a price of 140 rubles per year Here.

Domain selection Here

Come up with a beautiful domain name. Selection rules


  1. The domain name should be close to your industry or brand.
  2. Short, preferably one word, length can vary from 2-63 characters.
  3. Catchy and easy to remember.
  4. The name is easy to pronounce and write by ear.
  5. It’s easy to write the name on a translit, for example online, photo.
  6. Different from competitors, for example, in numbers (from 1 to 9 ( or symbols (for example, a hyphen)
  7. Contains keywords at the beginning of the domain name.
  8. It is not someone else's trademark.

Free online service of ready-made beautiful domains

Come up with beautiful name domain is sometimes not easy. While wandering the Internet, I recently discovered an interesting free online service"Friskies."
FREE, as you know, is translated freely/freely. The service publishes various free domains according to parameters, categories and topics.

Let's get acquainted with the project closer. Let's look in more detail at the possibility of choosing and purchasing a memorable domain.

  • 1. First, let’s decide on a domain zone; the project will offer you the most popular domain options from ru, com, net, org, info, biz. If you need a specific zone, then check the box next to the one you need, choose, don’t be shy.
  • 2. Length of characters. Everything is clear here; the shorter the domain name, the easier it is to remember. Of course, do not forget about information content and your topic.
  • 3. “Exclude domains” department. Allows you to use a filter that excludes domains with numbers and dashes.
  • 4. Thematics department allows you to quickly filter out unnecessary domains.

I decided on the search filters and chose the topic “business”. The Frishki service offered 18 free domain names. Next, move the cursor to the domain name, three icons will appear. Look at the screenshot.

  • You can view all domain indicators on the website - Seo analysis (tits, PR, links).
  • View domain history in the web archive.
  • View performance history on the service. I think you are registered there, if you use it, if not, you will have to register.
  • Next, let's look at the buttons on the right.
  • 1."Offer" its description, allows you to edit the domain.
  • 2. "Check", allows you to instantly look at employment through the service.
  • 3. "Already taken", if you checked at the previous stage that the domain is busy, click on this button.
  • 4."I'm taking it", confirm your intention to purchase a specific domain and begin the registration process.
  • 5. Price, displays the actual price when registering a domain with a specific registrar.

On the service you can not only find an attractive domain, but also add your own for sale. The rules can be found on the service.

That's all. Come up with, choose, register your unique, beautiful domain name. Additionally, you can read the article “