Names of all social networks. The largest social networks in Russia and the world - an overview of the brightest representatives

According to this indicator, VKontakte is significantly ahead of other social networks.

The main audience of the resource is young people who use the ability to download, view and listen to video and audio recordings from almost any user on the page. Also, the service is characterized by a large number of various communities and celebrity pages, which host the latest news and publications.

Through these communities, users can create all kinds of interest groups, read about the latest events, share photos and invite each other to various events.


"Odnoklassniki" today ranks second in the Russian Internet. This social network has become one of the very first in Russia and is still very popular.

The resource is popular among middle-aged people.

A feature of Odnoklassniki is the presence of its own currency, with which you can buy gifts, change interface elements and activate new account management functions. The drop in Odnoklassniki attendance was caused by the growing popularity of VKontakte. However, the social network managed to regain part of the audience due to the transfer of the service to the ownership of, a large company that provides a large number of services for Internet users.

Other social networks

Facebook is a social network that became the first in the world and is the most popular today among users around the world. However, it has not received such distribution in Russia due to restrictions on uploading files and sharing videos that the resource imposes. Also, some users note that Facebook has a somewhat overloaded interface, which makes it difficult to get used to and use the functions of the network.

Other popular social networks have become such world-famous sites as Twitter, which allows you to share short notes and incidents in life with other users, Livejournal, which allows you to maintain a full-featured blog, and Google+, which at the moment has not yet gained wide popularity among users in Russia.

Social networks have firmly entered our lives. Many of us don't imagine our day without logging into our favorite network, checking the news, and exchanging messages. Social networks are used at work and with friends. The boundaries between the virtual and real worlds have blurred. We don't dial phones anymore, we text, we don't compliment each other, we like and comment on photos.

Today there are many networks, but what is the largest social network in the world? To understand this, we compiled a small rating of the largest popular social networks and compared the number of users registered in them.

Facebook. The largest social network in the world. Today it has 1 billion 200 million registered users. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Registration is free and open to all persons over the age of 13. There is a Russian version. Initially, the network was conceived for the internal communication of students at Harvard University, but then it expanded first to other universities, and then around the world. This social network broke all attendance records, and Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in history. He was only 23 years old.

myspace. The largest and most popular social network among Americans. It has not yet received such development in Russia. It was opened in 2003, has a Russian version. The number of users is 25 million. For a long time it was a leader in America, but the appearance of Facebook shook its position. In 2011, Justin Timberlake ran an advertising campaign to restore MySpace to its former glory. The number of users began to grow slowly.

Social networks are the best way to keep in touch with your friends and / or relatives, look for new acquaintances, exchange music, films, photos. It's the end of 2016 and now there are several hundred platforms designed to build social relationships on the Internet. In this article, we will analyze some of the most popular in the world.

5 Tumblrs

The number of users of the Tumblr microblog reaches two hundred and twenty million. This social network is very popular due to its simple interface, the absence of restrictions on the content of posts and the ability to publish any images or videos. Registration is not required to view entries, but is required in case of publication. In many media, Tumblr is referred to as "the easiest way to blog."

4 Vkontakte

The most popular social network in the former Soviet Union, the fourth in the world, according to SimilarWeb. In conversations, it is most often referred to as VK. According to Wikipedia, there are about three hundred and eighty million accounts. Registration is free. A social network of a general nature, with the ability to search for friends, read various publics, listen to music, watch videos, etc.

3 Twitter

The microblogging network, but, unlike Tumblr, has limitations (it is possible to write posts only one hundred and forty characters long). Around the world, about five hundred million people use Twitter. Registration is required to use. According to statistics from market research company Pear Analytics, forty-one percent of "tweets" (the title of posts on the web) are small talk, thirty-eight percent are conversations, nine percent are retweets (repeated messages), only four percent are news, and the rest is self-promotion and spam.

2 Google+

In second place in terms of the number of users - five hundred and forty million accounts. Registration is required. In announcing the emergence of the network, Google assured that the emphasis would be on users, privacy and live communication. The work of the social network is based on the so-called "circles", thanks to which a person regulates his communication. The user creates his own "circle" (for example, "Relatives") and adds there all the people that fit this category. There are similar details with blogs.

1 Facebook

According to all existing companies specializing in Internet marketing, Facebook is the most popular network in the world. The number of users reaches one billion and seven hundred million. This social network allows you to create your profile with a photo and a detailed profile. There are many ways to communicate with each other on Facebook, including chat, a virtual wink, and a wall where you can leave messages for other users.

It is no secret that millions of Internet users visit social networks every day. They communicate with each other, download, view videos, pictures, photos, etc. The lion's share of activity on the World Wide Web falls on these sites called social networks. But which of them is the most popular and visited? Below is a list of the ten most popular social networks. networks in the world.


Vine is a service and mobile application that allows you to create and publish short videos no longer than 6 seconds. The service was founded in June 2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll. However, prior to its official launch, Vine was acquired by Twitter, Inc for $30 million. Vine debuted as a free app on January 24, 2013 and was initially only available for IOS devices. However, it later became available for Android and Windows Phone. On April 9, 2013, the app became the most downloaded free app in the App Store. At the end of June, it already had 13 million users, and about 1 million new videos began to appear on the service daily. About 42,000,000 people visit Vine every month.


In ninth place in the ranking of the most popular social networks. networks is Flickr - a site for posting photos and videos, as well as viewing, discussing, rating and archiving. Allows you to communicate and create thematic groups. The service was launched on February 10, 2004, and in March 2005 it was bought by the American company Yahoo! As of March 2013, Flickr had 87 million registered users and over 3.5 million new images uploaded per day.

In contact with

VKontakte is a social network based in St. Petersburg and owned by Mail.Ru Group. The project was launched on October 10, 2006. The site is available in several languages, but it is especially popular among the Russian-speaking audience. Like other social networks, VKontakte allows its users to exchange messages, images, audio, video, create groups, public pages and events, as well as play Flash games based on the browser. As of January 2015, the site's audience is about 71 million people a day.


Instagram is a free application for sharing photos and short videos with the ability to distribute them through its service to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The service quickly gained popularity. As of April 2012, it had 100 million active users worldwide, and 300 million as of December 2014. In April 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for about $1 billion.


Sixth place in the list of the most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Tumblr, a microblogging service that allows users to post text messages, images, videos, links and audio recordings to their tumblrlog. The site was founded in 2007 by David Karp. May 18, 2013 Yahoo! acquired the service for $1.1 billion. As of 2015, Tumblr has about 220 million registered blogs.


Google+ is a social network developed and owned by Google Inc. The service was launched on June 28, 2011. And two weeks after its launch on July 14, 2011, Google announced that the Google+ social network has over 10 million users. As of September 17, 2012, the site's audience is 400 million users, and the active monthly audience has reached 135 million people.


LinkedIn is a social network designed to find and establish business contacts. It was founded in December 2002 by Reed Hoffman and launched on May 5, 2003. The site is available in 24 languages ​​and has over 380 million registered users representing 150 different business sectors from 200 countries. About half of the users are from the US, 25 million from Europe.


Third place in the list of the ten most popular social networks in the world is Pinterest - social. network, photo hosting, allowing users to add and share images. The site was founded by Ben Silberman, Paul Saerr and Evan Sharp in March 2010. As of February 2013, Pinterest has 48.7 million users worldwide.

Twitter - social a microblock network and service that allows users to create and exchange public short messages of up to 140 characters. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and launched in July 2006. The service quickly gained popularity around the world, with over 100 million users posting around 340 million tweets a day in 2012. As of May 2015, Twitter has over 500 million registered users, of which over 302 million are active. For 2012 more than 900 employees work in the company.


Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world and is available in over 70 languages. Owned by Facebook, Inc., headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The site was launched on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard University roommates and fellow students Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes. As of July 2014, the Facebook audience was 1.32 billion users, and the average daily audience of social. The network has 968 million users (approximately every 7th person on the planet is registered with Facebook). The site is valued at around $100 billion, making Mark Zuckerberg, at 23, the world's youngest billionaire.

Share on social networks

A large number of visitors come from the search if the site is in the top ten and the further, the fewer users. This is the difficulty, because there are millions of sites. Real competition.

A brilliant idea to attract a large number of visitors to your site was the idea of ​​a social network. The meaning of a social network is that people communicate in it and invite their friends to join. Many lack communication in reality or people are at a great distance from each other, popular social networks are based on this. During the development of social networks have become commonplace for us. We communicate on social networks every day.

For many users, social networks have become indispensable in terms of communication. Messaging with several people at once becomes a habitual state, without which a person plunges into loneliness and despondency. However, even being in the space of popular social networks does not make a person happy, since there is no real communication, depth and sincerity. Currently, many large companies are imposing a ban on popular social networks in Russia, such as, VKontakte, Facebook and others.

In contact with- search for fellow students and classmates; the most visited resource in Russia and Ukraine. Created in 2006 by Pavel Durov (recently, registration is closed to everyone, you can become a member of the network only if one of your friends is already registered on the site, and he will send you an invitation to your mobile phone).

My [email protected] a social network owned by the same company group as Odnoklassniki; fully monetized in 2010. A distinctive feature is the ability to download a special application and chat directly from your phone or computer (analogous to an ICQ pager).

My Circle - social network for job search and professional personnel. The first social network in Runet, created in 2005 by a group of recent graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University and the New Economic School. Initially, the resource was conceived as a site for finding classmates, classmates, and was later redesigned. On March 27, 2007, the service was bought by Yandex; now it is one of the Yandex services and continues its development under his tutelage.

Companions– search for associates in spirit, the opportunity to express their opinion on the most acute and important topics. - site about people and interests. Communication, blogs, communities, videos…

Web of Professional Dating (Webby)- provides an opportunity for its users to publish their presentation business card and establish business contacts.

TooDoo- as the authors of the site write, “this site is a social network of “sitefans”, designed to unite the Runet and allow everyone to exchange opinions with their friends about their favorite (or unloved) sites, find new interesting pages, recognize “by face” those who read the same sites, make new acquaintances with interesting people, for example, with the authors of your favorite sites. - Russian network for mobile phones.

In sight- the opportunity to meet new people, communicate with friends and acquaintances, create interest groups, as well as pages of public places and cities. After completing the free registration, more than 17 services and other features are available.

Facebook- year of foundation - 2004. As of May 2011, more than 700 million accounts were registered on Facebook. The most popular social network in the world.

classmates- year of foundation - 1995. Number of participants - about 50 million. “When you are over thirty-five,” said Michael Schutzler, CEO of the project, “you look in the rearview mirror of your life, and one day a thought arises in your head:“ My God, how did I get here? And how is Harry? I haven't spoken to him for 25 years." The network, whose name is translated into Russian as Odnoklassniki, created in the city of Renton, USA, is called upon to solve the problem of "looking in the rear-view mirror". Today, is one of the largest social networks in the world, bringing together people who want to find and keep in touch with those with whom they studied, worked or served in the military. It offers its members the opportunity to upload photos, biographies, participate in news discussions in their community feeds. is considered the first social network on the Internet.

myspace- year of foundation - 2003. "An online community for communicating with friends of your friends" - this is how the developers define the purpose of this social network. Network members can create their own communities of interest, blog, post photos, music and video materials. In January 2008, a beta version in Russian was launched, but already in August 2009, the final closure of the Russian division was announced. Russian MySpace CEO Alexander Turkot explained the closure by Rupert Murdoch's categorical unwillingness to develop the network in Russia. However, the Russian-language interface and profiles of Russian users are preserved. After 2009, it loses its popularity (it dropped from 5th place in the world to 72nd in 2011, the number of network members during this time decreased from 80 to 30 million). In April 2011, for the first time, losses were announced in the network.

LinkedIn- year of foundation - 2003. A growing network brings together St. 100 million professionals from 150 industries. Users have the tools to create their own professional portfolio, search for partners and clients, expand the circle of professional communication.

Friendster- year of foundation - 2002. One of the oldest online social networks providing the search for those "who you are interested in" and building a social network. It has been losing popularity in recent years. The number of users - 8.2 million (June 2010) from around the world.

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