Setting up a satellite dish using a google map. How to set up a satellite dish yourself: the right approach

Installation satellite dish possible without using additional equipment, and anyone can connect and configure the receiver. The publication's experts suggest handling the satellite dish yourself in a few simple steps.

Installation of a satellite dish

Standard satellites - Sirius, Amos and Hotbird - currently broadcast 72 channels. Advantages satellite television:

  1. price: subscription fee, inherent in all cable TV channels, has not been introduced for satellite television. The only cost that pays off over time is installation satellite dish;
  2. high image quality;
  3. large selection of TV channels.

A standard bundle for three satellites - Amos 4.0W, Sirius 5.0E, Hotbird 13.0E - provides a choice of channels for every taste. Satellite television technologies are constantly developing, therefore every year there are more and more satellites and TV channels for users.

Antenna operating principle

  1. the satellite signal hits the surface of the dish;
  2. being reflected, it enters the converter;
  3. converter sends satellite signal to the receiver;
  4. The signal reaches the TV through the receiver.

Types of satellite dishes

  • offset: the dish is installed in the direction not strictly towards the satellite, but below it, since the signal reflected from the surface of the satellite dish enters the converter at an angle. Such plates are mounted vertically so that less precipitation collects on them;
  • direct focus: in them the converter partially covers the surface of the mirror.

IMPORTANT! The Svec dish and receiver are most often used - the reliability and practicality of this manufacturer’s product has been confirmed by ten years on the market.

Installation options for satellite antennas

To install a satellite dish, you must select its location correctly. If there is a tree in the signal path, it may degrade the reception quality. The antenna for three satellites must be tuned to the southwest.

Step 1 - Satellite Dish Location: Top View

Satellite TV set

The kit includes:

  1. mirror (dish) for receiving the signal. The diagonal of the plate must be at least 60 cm (in some models the diagonal of the mirror is 1.2 m). The choice of diagonal depends on the terrain, as well as obstacles in the way of receiving the satellite signal.
  2. the head (converter) converts the signal reflected from the plate and sends it to the receiver. There are converters with different numbers of outputs, allowing you to connect one, two or more receivers at the same time;
  3. DiSEq connects several converters;
  4. cable;
  5. bracket;
  6. The DVB receiver is the most expensive part of the kit. To receive a signal free channels A Globo type receiver will be sufficient, however, to receive paid channels, models with card readers must be used;
  7. F-connectors connect the cable to converters, receiver, DiSEq and other components of the system. Standard scheme installation involves the use of 8 pieces.

IMPORTANT! To insulate the connections of the F-connectors and cables, you will additionally need heat shrink, as well as anchors for attaching the bracket to the wall.

Equipment preparation

We determine the location of the cardinal directions on the ground. The figure below shows the approximate location of south at different times of the day. Of course, you can navigate by the Sun only in clear weather. More accurate readings can be obtained using a compass.

IMPORTANT! Near a reinforced concrete wall, the compass can become very unstable. Please note that the NTV+ satellite is always in the south, and the Sirius, HotBird and Amos satellites are approximately in the southwest.

Installing a satellite dish with your own hands: choosing an installation location

We determine the visibility of the satellite at the installation site.

The ideal option to eliminate the possibility of interference is to install a satellite dish on the roof. It is not advisable to attach the dish to the collective antenna rod or gas chimney pipes. Mounting on the wall of an elevator shaft is allowed.

A satellite dish cannot be installed under a roof canopy if the apartment windows face southwest or south: the canopy will simply block the signal. In addition, precipitation can change its position. It is optimal to mount the plate on the south or southwest side, on the outside of the balcony.

In the case of installing a satellite dish on the facade of a building, permission from the architectural control and a standard installation design are required.

IMPORTANT! Quite often, satellite dishes are stolen from roofs. If there is an option to install the plate on the wall of a building, it is better to choose it.

Step 3 - Selecting the antenna angle to receive the satellite signal

The procedure for installing a satellite dish relative to the elevation angle

Installing a satellite dish yourself: materials for installation

  1. 10 mm spanners (used when assembling the antenna, as well as for fixing the dish at an elevation);
  2. open-end wrench 10 (used during assembly);
  3. wrench 13, L-shaped socket (used when installing the antenna in azimuth);
  4. adjustable wrench (used if the plate is attached to anchors);
  5. crosshead screwdriver;
  6. pliers (used when pruning coaxial cable, as well as plastic clamps);
  7. hammer drill SDS-plus (used when drilling mounting holes in the wall);
  8. drills for hammer drills d=12 mm, length - from 120 to 180 mm;
  9. extension;
  10. building magnetic level;
  11. a small TV with a low-frequency input (used when Openbox SF-10, SF-20 or SF-30 satellite finders are not at hand);
  12. satellite receiver;
  13. insulating tape;
  14. plastic clamps (used when fastening the cable);
  15. 40 cm of plastic corrugated pipe d=10 mm (used to protect the cable from chafing when descending from the roof);
  16. cap screws (6 pcs.) x 13 with plastic dowels, length - 60-80 mm;
  17. thick and wide metal washers d=30/50 mm - about 4-8 pcs. (used for leveling).

You can assemble the satellite dish according to the instructions - assembly rules are included with each product.

Secure the bracket. The choice of fastening elements (anchor bolts, nuts, screws) should be based on the expected wind load and the material of the walls on which the installation is being made.

Step 5 - Fix the mount to the body of the bracket

Install the converters in the holder with the connector facing down: after installation, atmospheric moisture should not get inside the converters.

Step 6 - Attach the bracket to the plate

Connect the cable to the converters using F-connectors.

Installation of F-connectors

Remove the top insulation of the cable by approximately 15 mm. It is important not to damage the shielding braid.

Step 7 - Remove the top insulation of the cable

The shielding braid is placed along the cable.

The foil is placed along the shielding braid. Remove the layer of internal insulation by approximately 10 mm.

The connector is screwed in until it stops. The center conductor should not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm. If its length exceeds 2 mm, the excess is bitten off. Seal the F-connector. Be sure to seal with insulating tape in two layers along the entire length. A layer of sealant is applied over the tape (it is better to use silicone).

Step 10 - Screw the connector onto the cable (all the way)

Attach the cable to the arc of the cymbal converter holder using plastic clamps or insulating tape.

Step 11 - Install the converters in the holder with the connector down: after installation, atmospheric moisture should not get inside the converters Step 13 - View of the mounted antenna without wire and converter

Install the antenna on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that after installation it can be moved vertically and horizontally with little effort.

Step 14 - Install the bracket to the wall

If calibrating the dish relative to the satellite’s position was not part of your plans, you can install an antenna with a motorized suspension that automatically adjusts to the satellite’s location.

Step 15 - Connect the cable to the converters using F-connectors Step 16 - Install the antenna on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that after installation it is possible to move the antenna vertically and horizontally with little effort. We check the fixation of the bracket to the plate. Near the antenna, you must leave a supply of cable 1 m long, securing it to the bracket. The cable is secured to the bracket using plastic clamps or insulating tape. Step 17 - Installing the Cable to the Antenna

Correctly setting up a plate with your own hands

Approximately set the azimuth angle and the antenna elevation angle (the azimuth is set with a compass).

Connect the cable to satellite receiver(the operating instructions should clearly explain this step) - the cable must come from the converter or DiseC. The F-connector is processed according to the method discussed above.

The digital receiver is connected to the TV. Turn on the receiver.

IMPORTANT! Upon purchase, a digital satellite receiver must already be programmed for satellite channels (Sirius, Amos, Hotbird - for conventional dishes, on Yamal 201 - for dishes with a motorized suspension). From the list of receiver channels, select any “open” channel with a signal from the satellite.

Using progressive, not very strong pushes, move the dish mirror vertically/horizontally around the approximate location point chosen for using the satellite. As a result, a column (quality indicator) and a television picture should appear on the screen.

IMPORTANT! When turning by a degree, wait up to 5 seconds - during this time the signal from the satellite should reach the antenna.

On the menu satellite receiver Find the item “Received signal level” and activate it. The maximum signal level can be achieved by smoothly moving the plate vertically/horizontally.

IMPORTANT! The signal level will directly depend on weather conditions.

The adjusting nuts must be tightened while monitoring the signal level received by the system.

When setting up to receive a signal from Sirius, HotBird and Amos satellites, configure the converter by switching the received channel on the receiver to the corresponding one being configured in this moment companion.

Installation of Tricolor TV satellite dish

Among satellite systems, providing consumers from all over the country and far beyond its borders high-quality signal, the most popular is the Tricolor TV system.

The advantage of the system, in addition to an excellent signal and an audience of thousands of users, is that a wizard is not required for installation: self installation and setup will take no more than 2 hours, everything you need is included.

Installation of Tricolor TV satellite dish: average price

The cost of installing a Tricolor TV FULL HD antenna is approximately $300. This price includes payment for full set equipment, Maximum HD package (170 channels, 24 of which are shown in FULL format HD), antenna installation, decoder registration, as well as activation of the access card in subscriber system Tricolor.

Rainbow TV and Telekarta TV are also considered popular satellite television networks.

On the official website of the Rainbow TV network you can find special program“Installer's Assistant”, which describes in detail all the main points of installing a satellite television antenna, as well as a basis for setting up signal reception.

Installation of satellite dishes: price issue

How much does it cost to connect to satellite TV? Everything will depend on several factors:

  1. on the number of TVs connected to the antenna: Kyiv - 950 UAH, 1,550 UAH, 2,100 UAH and 2,400 UAH for 1, 2, 3 and 4 TVs, respectively;
  2. or on the diameter of the antenna itself: Moscow - 2,500 rubles, 4,000 rubles and 6,000 rubles for antennas of 0.6/0.9/1.2 m, respectively.

The cost calculation may also take into account an additional payment for installation in a hard-to-reach place, installation of a motor suspension, dismantling of plates, and customization of the installation system.

Video tutorial: installing a satellite dish

With the onset of the summer holidays, for many residents of large cities, life gradually moves out of town. One of the IT attributes of country life is the availability of satellite television. Some people try to install and configure their antennas on their own, similar to those of their neighbors, some resort to the services of installers, some calculate the installation parameters using a ruler on Google maps.

For those who are trying to install and configure satellite TV on their own, I would like to introduce the service, which helps determine which direction to point the satellite dish.

The logic of the work is as follows - the user selects satellite operator or a specific satellite, then determines the antenna installation point on the map, based on this data, the service calculates the direction and other installation parameters.

During the development process, it turned out that similar services already exist abroad, the most popular of which is, which is also used by installers. I tried to make my service aimed at Russian-speaking and less technically trained users, in fact, for housewives.

Next, I will tell you how the service calculates the necessary parameters and what difficulties I had to face during the development process.

In order to install the plate yourself, you need to determine several parameters:

  • Horizontal direction (azimuth)
  • Vertical direction (elevation angle)
  • Converter rotation angle

True and magnetic azimuths

True azimuth is used to plot the direction on the map in which the X axis runs parallel to the equator (parallel), and the Y axis is the meridian running from the south pole to the north.

True azimuth is calculated using the formula

K = PI/180;
a = latitude of place * k;
b = longitude of place * k;
c = satellite longitude * k;
Azimuth = (PI+arctan(tan(b-c)/sin(a)))/k;

Magnetic azimuth is oriented toward the Earth’s magnetic poles, which do not coincide with geographic ones, and is necessary to determine direction using a magnetic compass. In addition, magnetic poles change over time, and compass needles can also be affected by so-called magnetic anomalies.

In this regard, surveyors calculate tables of magnetic declinations (deviations) for each year magnetic azimuth from true) for each “integer degree” geographic coordinates(180*360=6480 possible values). Thus, to obtain the magnetic azimuth, it is necessary to add or subtract the magnetic declination value for the given coordinates to the true azimuth.

As a source of the magnetic declination table, the service uses the file magdec.bgl for 2012 - this is a declination table in binary form for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 flight simulator.

In order to visually display the direction to a satellite on a map, you must keep in mind that the map is flat and the Earth is round. Therefore, the direction line will be an arc. The service uses Yandex.Maps, in which you can set the geodesic=true parameter to display a line as a geodetic curve.

Elevation angle and plate tilt angle

Elevation angle is the angle of elevation of the satellite above the horizon. If the elevation angle is less than zero, then the satellite is not visible above the horizon and signal reception from it is impossible.

The elevation angle is calculated using the formula

K = PI/180;
a = latitude of place * k;
b = longitude of place * k;
c = satellite longitude * k;
Elevation angle = arctan((cos(b-c)*cos(a)-0.15126)/sqrt(1-cos(b-c)*cos(b-c)*cos(a)*cos(a)))/k;

It would seem that it is enough to tilt the antenna plane in accordance with the elevation angle and we will catch a TV signal from the satellite. But it's not that simple. This statement will be true if a direct-focus antenna is used, in which the signal reflection angle is perpendicular to the antenna plane. Common in the private sector offset antennas, the signal reflection angle of which, depending on the design, is 110-116 degrees. We often come across antennas with a reflection angle of 116 degrees.

Schematically, the difference in antenna designs and directions of the reflected signal can be seen in

Setting up an antenna for receiving television channels from satellites ABS1, Express AM2, Yamal 201 using a multifeed.

1. Collect multifeed, according to the attached drawing.
(The location of the converters is indicated for a 0.9 m antenna. For a 1.0 m antenna, the distances between the converters should be slightly larger)

2. Install angle of inclination of the converters so that they look at the center of the antenna mirror

The above distances between converters are approximate. In each specific case, they may differ slightly and are determined locally, for a specific antenna and according to the maximum signal level.
3. Collect antenna according to the assembly instructions. The multifeed with converters is mounted with a central support in place of the standard converter mounting. To securely fasten the multifeed, you may need to drill 2 holes in the sleeve. Firmly secure the support at the selected point. When installing on a balcony or loggia, the fence is drilled through and the support is attached with ordinary long bolts of large diameter. When installing on a wall, holes are drilled in it and self-propping anchor bolts are used.
4. Having mounted antenna, you should immediately turn it in the direction of the sun’s position at approximately 12-14 o’clock in the afternoon, and install it vertically, relative to the support.

Often there are some obstacles in the direction of the satellite that can interfere with signal reception.
It should be noted that any obstacles, including window glass, not to mention trees and bushes, located in the path of the signal can make it impossible to receive it.
5. Installing antenna and pointing it at the location where the satellite is supposed to be located, lightly secure it to the bracket, but so that it can rotate on it with little effort. The setup process is greatly simplified by installing a clamp under the antenna mount on the bracket. In this case, the mounting bolts can be loosened to such an extent that the antenna will rotate freely, supported by the clamp.
6. Then, having connected the receiver and the central converter (Express AM2) with a cable (initially, all settings should be made directly, without connecting the drives), proceed to setting up the antenna. Antenna tuning consists of several stages.
Initial setup of the antenna for the central satellite:
To configure the antenna for the central Express AM2 satellite, you should enter into the receiver the parameters of the transponder on which you will search for the satellite.
Frequency - 11606, polarization - vertical, flow rate - 44948.
In most receivers this is done as follows:
Enter the Menu, select "antenna installation" or "transponder search" and enter the appropriate transponder parameters.
You can configure it on any satellite from the list. It is not this that is important, but the correctly entered value of the transponder parameters. Be sure to check what type of converter (LNB) is installed in the settings. IN in this case The converter type must be “Universal”, or in some receivers “Single”. When the right choice type of converter you should have the following local oscillator frequencies: 9750/10600.
Next, enter using digital buttons receiver remote control the above transponder parameters. The setting is made using the menu item "Signal Level" (Scan, etc.). Modern tuners They usually have 2 level scales. The first scale - "Level (Signal)" - shows the IF level at the tuner input. The second - "Quality" - shows the level of the useful signal with the specified parameters (frequency, speed and FEC). The level on the first scale includes both the useful signal from the satellite and the noise of the head, on-air noise, and the noise of all devices on the path from the head to the tuner. Most often, before connecting the head, the level is “0” and becomes Above zero when connecting it. Some tuners have only one scale, but often when a useful signal is captured, the color of the scale changes, for example, it turns from gray to yellow. The initial search is carried out on the first scale. The level on it increases as it approaches the satellite. The search is carried out by scanning the sector in which the satellite is supposed to be located. It should be borne in mind that obstacles, such as a nearby tree, the sun, or just a hand, also increase the signal level on the first scale. But it will be impossible to receive a satellite through them. When the tuner receives a signal from the satellite, the level on the second scale will appear - “Quality”. Further adjustment is carried out on the second scale according to the maximum signal. The scale may be located in another menu item and, depending on the brand of the receiver and the version serving it operating system, be positioned vertically or horizontally. One thing is certain: when you disable the option " LNB power supply"The scale will indicate a zero value. You should scan starting from the position in which you have the antenna installed, slowly rotating left or right degrees by 10-15 degrees different sides. You need to rotate it quite slowly, because digital signal is not processed as quickly as analogue, and appears on the TV screen with some delay. As soon as you catch a signal, the bottom bar will also color. In this case, you should very carefully turn the antenna to achieve the maximum signal level in the lower strip.
If you did not catch the satellite in one pass, then raise the antenna a little up or down and repeat the operation. You may have to do this procedure several times.
The final indicator correct settings to the satellite is the presence of a picture on the TV screen. It happens that on nearby satellites some frequencies coincide and tuning the antenna based on the presence of a level in the lower band in the menu does not lead to tuning to the right companion. Therefore, having configured the antenna in this way, before final tightening the fastening nuts, you should make sure that the picture is present.
Having achieved the maximum signal level, proceed to the final tightening of the fastening nuts. They should be tightened carefully, all the time monitoring the signal level on the receiver scale, since in this case the antenna moves slightly in one direction or another depending on which side you tighten the nut.
Then Having finally secured the antenna, you begin setting up the remaining multifeed converters. By connecting the receiver with a cable to the converter located to the left of the central converter (when viewed from the antenna side of the multifeed), enter the parameters of the ABS1 satellite transponder.
Frequency -12640, polarization - vertical, flow rate - 22000 .
Next, if there is no signal quality scale, loosen the converter mounting bolts and move it up and down in different directions until the signal value appears on the quality scale and its maximum level.
After setting up this converter, proceed to setting up the converter located to the right of the central converter. This converter is designed to receive a signal from the Yamal 201 satellite.
The transponder parameters for configuration are as follows:
Frequency – 11057, polarization – vertical, flow rate – 26470.
Having configured the multifeed, connect all three converters with the disk using the supplied short cables, in accordance with the attached figure.

In the receiver settings, you should bring the port parameters in line (select the corresponding numbers in the Diseqc 1,1 menu: ABS1 - 1, Express AM2 - 2, Yamal 201 - 3) with connecting the cables to the disk.
Then you should make automatic search satellite channels. If not all channels are found as a result of the search, you should switch to the manual search and conduct a search by entering the parameters of the missing transponders. Below is a table with a list of channels.

ABS 1 75° Express-AM2 80° E Ku Yamal 201 90° E Ku
12518V 22000 7/8 DTV (+2)
12548V 22000 7/8 Fashion TV Russia & Eastern Europe
Inter +
12579 V 22000 7/8 FootSchool TV Russia
TV Sale
Top Shop TV
12610V 22000 7/8 TRO Soyuz
Gameplay TV
12640 V 22000 3/4 NTV (0h)
DTV (0h)
Telekanal Domashniy (+7h)
STS (+7h)
NTV (+3h)
12670 V 22000 7/8 Luxe TV
Telekanal 2x2
TV Club
-R- Doroznoe Radio
-R-Radio Novaja Zhizn
12693V 11000 7/8
Mir (+3h)
Endemol feed
MGOU feed
Mir feed
Moscow feed
-R-Radio World
12701 V 2200 3/4 MIR Astana feed
12704 V 3900 7/8 NTS
12707 V 3900 7/8 Mir feed
12711 V 3900 7/8 Mir feed
12723 V 6820 7/8 TNV: Tatarstan Novy Vek
12740 V 7248 7/8 TVT 1 Tajikistan
TV Safina
TV Bakhoriston
Enisey Region
-R-Radio Russia
-R- Russian Volna
11044H 44948 5/6 Love Music TV
1Rock TV
-R-Radio Mayak
-R- Milicejskaya Volna
Purovskaya TRK Luch (05.00-07.30 & 13.00-14.10 UTC)
TRK Nadym
-R- Avtoradio Tomsk
TBN Russia
RBN Rodnoy
Bridge TV
Perviy channel SNG
OTV Primorje
-R-Radio VBC
-R-Radio Yamal
STS (+7h) BISS
TNT (+4h)
TNT (+2h)
Shkolnik TV
NTV (+4h)
NTV (+2h)
Telekanal Domashniy (+7h) BISS
-R- Radio Dobrie Songs
Telekanal Domashniy (+4h) BISS
STS (+4h) BISS
REN TV (+4h)
REN TV (+7h)
Vesti BISS
-R- Radio Chanson 103.0 FM
-R- Seven Skies
-R- Serebryany Dozhd (Silver Rain)
-R- Nashe Radio

HotBird is a European satellite with a large number of foreign programs. Hotbird can be connected to watch Italian, Armenian, Arabic, French, Polish, Portuguese, African, and Middle Eastern channels.

Acceptance is made for a set of equipment:

  • Satellite dish 90-120cm.
  • Linear converter.
  • Cable.

Channels without a subscription fee (open) are consistently received on 90cm dishes. Encoded paid foreign programs work on 120-140cm antennas (Sky Italia, NOVA, Polsat, Bis TV France). This data is for Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as nearby regions. See the Hotbird coverage map for the antenna size for your region.

Instructions for setting up an antenna for the Hotbird satellite yourself

1. Determining the possibility of satellite reception

We determine the direction of the satellite using a program on the Internet or using a compass. First option: go to the GEONAMES website (DISHPOINTER), select the name of the satellite (Eutelsat Hotbird 13B/13C/13E). We enter the exact address and look at the map. The satellite's direction will be shown with a colored line. We check whether the windows face in the right direction, and check for obstacles in the reception path.

Performing the compass procedure: find the south mark and count 24 degrees west to the “204” mark (the south pointer corresponds to 180 degrees + 24 degrees to the Hotbird satellite). The satellite signal is coming in this direction. We check for interference on the reception path.

If there is no signal from the windows or walls of the building, a satellite dish is connected to the roof. The cable is routed through the façade or low-current riser.

Attention! Only a specialist, after visiting and measuring the signal, guarantees satellite reception! The cost of the service is 1000 ₽.

For independent measurements, we use an attachment with a scale of level and quality.

2. Equipment assembly, satellite orientation.

We carry out the procedure using a receiver with a TV or an antenna tuning device. The device makes the work easier, since there is no need to carry the TV with the set-top box to the installation site. The device shows the strength and power of the signal, there is a sound indicator. But there are some peculiarities: the device does not determine which satellite it has received, so after receiving maximum values according to the device, we check the channels on the receiver.

In both options, first set the satellite parameters in the receiver:

  • Name Eutelsat Hotbird 13B/13C/13E.
  • Transponder (frequency): 12322MHz, polarization: H, bit rate: 27500, error correction: 3/4.
  • Disek - off. 22KHz - off.
  • Converter settings (only if required): upper local oscillator 10600 MHz, lower local oscillator 9750 MHz.

The transponder can be selected from the general list of frequencies for a given satellite, or through the “Manual search” section. We will have 2 scales on the screen: signal level and signal quality. It is important for us to fill both scales to the maximum values, but not less than 60-70%. Complete list of channels and frequencies of the Hotbird satellite.

3. Setting up the Hotbird satellite dish

Before performing the work, we find data on the elevation and azimuth of the desired region (if the required city is not in the list, we use the program for calculating SATCALC):

Region Elevation angle Azimuth
Arkhangelsk 211 13
Volgograd 219 26
Ekaterinburg 232 13
Kazan 231 21
Kaliningrad 189 27
Krasnodar 215 32
Moscow 208 23
Murmansk 201 11
Nizhny Novgorod 215 20
Rostov-on-Don 215 30
Saint Petersburg 200 20
Samara 223 21
Tyumen 237 10
  • We set the dish according to the elevation and azimuth of your region (Moscow and the region, elevation angle 208, azimuth 23).
  • We turn the converter to the -15.8 mark ° , so that the value is on top.
  • We set the antenna mirror vertically with a slight downward inclination.
  • Slowly move the antenna 1-2mm left and right, wait a few seconds, look at the filling of the scales. If the signal does not appear, then change the location of the antenna (up and down), continue to move left and right. We repeat the procedure until we reach the maximum values ​​in two scales, but not less than 60-70%.
  • Fix the antenna, tighten the bolts

If for some reason you are unable to set up the Hotbird dish, or the antenna has stopped working, contact Spectrum TV installers +7 962 963 31 08.

HotBird antenna tuning experts: challenge Moscow and region

Antenna technicians perform the following types of repair work:

  • Setting up a satellite dish.
  • Replacing the converter.
  • Cable repair or replacement.
  • Connecting additional TVs.
  • Setting up a satellite set-top box.
  • Replacing the antenna mirror.
  • Reinstalling the system.
  • Strengthening the support.
  • Replacing connectors.
  • Receiver firmware.

The cost of setting up HotBird is 2500 ₽!

Prices for components:

  • Converter 1 output - 490 ₽.
  • Cable - 35 ₽ per meter.
  • Antenna 90cm - 1590 ₽.
  • Antenna 120cm - 5600
  • Lightning protection - 490

Spectr TV installers have significant experience and specialized technical education. A guarantee is provided for work and equipment.

  • Arthur
  • In the company since 2010. Specialization: repair, configuration, installation of satellite systems

  • Alexander
  • In the company since 2006. Specialization: repair, configuration, installation of satellite and terrestrial systems

  • Sergey
  • In the company since 2004. Specialization: repair, configuration, installation of TV systems. cellular. Internet.

Antenna setup Astra 19 + Hotbird 13

The combination consists of two satellites - Astra 19 and Hotbird 13. The satellites are located close, so they can be connected to one antenna. Astra 19 - viewing German, French programs. HotBird - Italian, Polish, Arabic, African, Asian TV channels.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 1.2m-1.4m.
  • Converter linear polarization, 1 output - 2 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 1 piece.
  • Disc switch for 2 - 1 pc.

The multifeed is a holder for the second converter. The standard configuration of the plate requires one mount. When connecting an antenna to several satellites, a multifeed is used.

A disk switch is a device that will switch power between two converters (two satellites). If a channel from the Hotbird satellite is selected, then power is supplied to the corresponding converter.

Tuning procedure for a 120cm antenna:

  • We assemble and install the plate on the bracket.
  • In the central focus we connect the converter to Astra 19, since the signal from this satellite is weaker.
  • We assemble and install the multifeed according to the instructions. We place the multifeed on the left (antenna in front of the tuner).
  • We adjust the distance between the center of the Astra 19 converter and the center of the Hotbird converter to 83mm.
  • Installation of the disk: we take 2 cables from the converters, connect a cable from Astra 19 to 1 input of the disk, and from Hotbird to the second. Output (out) to the receiver.
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and to the TV, display the menu on the screen.
  • Displayed in the console operating frequency Astra satellite: transponder (frequency): 12,545, polarization H, flow rate 22,000, error correction 5/6.
  • We have 2 scales: level and quality; we will use them to adjust the antenna.
  • We unscrew the Astra converter to the -10.3 mark, the Hotbird converter to the -15.8 mark, the values ​​​​should be on top.
  • Slowly move the antenna left and right, wait a couple of seconds, check that the scales on the set-top box are full. If the signal does not appear, change the location of the antenna (up and down).
  • We repeat the procedure until the scales are filled. They must be filled at least 60-70%.
  • We configure the Astra 19 satellite channels on the receiver. If all channels are found and work stably, then we begin to configure the disk switch.
  • In the disk settings section, set the switch function to “enable”.
  • Let's go to settings. The version must match the one written on the device body.
  • We set the same inputs that we used during the connection. They can be designated either by numbers - 1,2, or by letters A, B.
  • At the first entrance is Astra, at the second is Hotbird.
  • Setting up channels on Hotbird. If there is no signal or it is weak. Move the Hotbird converter left and right and check again.
  • We fix the antenna and tighten the bolts.

Antenna setup for 3 satellites Amos 4 + Sirius 5 (Astra 4W) + HotBird 13

The combination consists of 3 satellites: Amos 4W, HotBird 13E, Sirius 4.9E (new name for the Astra 4A satellite). Hotbird - European channels, programs from Asian and African countries. With Amos and Sirius - channels in Ukrainian.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 120-140cm.
  • Converter linear polarization 1 output - 3 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 2 pcs.
  • Disc switch for 4 - 1 piece

Multifeeds are additional holders for converters. The standard configuration of a satellite dish includes 1 holder. The disc switch will combine the signal from 3 antennas and switch the power between them (power is supplied to the converter of the satellite whose channel was selected on the set-top box).

The procedure for tuning to a 120cm antenna:

  • We assemble and install the antenna on the bracket.
  • We place Hotbird in the central focus. To the left of Hotbird, first the converter for Sirius, then Amos.
  • The distance between the centers of the first and second converter (Hotbird-Sirius) is 83mm, the second and third (Sirius-Amos) is 87mm.
  • Unscrew the converter (see degrees on the feed): HotBird -15.8, Sirius -20.2, Amos -24.3. The value should be on top.
  • We connect 1x4 disk drives: 1 Hotbird input, 2 Sirius input, 3 Amos input.
  • Using a cable, we take the signal from the disk output (out) and connect it to antenna input set-top boxes (LNB IN, ANT IN).
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and the TV, and display the menu on the TV screen.
  • In the set-top box, select the Hotbird satellite, go to the list of frequencies (transponders), look for the frequency 12322 MHz.
  • Full parameters: frequency 12322 MHz, polarization H, flow rate 27500, error correction 3/4.
  • We position the antenna vertically, with a slight downward tilt. Pre-setting in azimuth and elevation for the satellite, a hotbird will simplify the task (see data above).
  • Slowly move the plate 1-2mm to the left to the right, wait a few seconds, check the filling of the level and signal quality scales on the screen.
  • When this operation does not bring results, we try to move the mirror up and down, and continue setting.
  • We achieve maximum filling of the signal scales - at least 60-70%.
  • We check the channel settings on the set-top box. If everything works well, the signal is stable, we proceed to setting up channels to other satellites.
  • In the receiver we enable the protocol-disek function. The version must match the version of the disk we connected. Usually these numbers are indicated on the case. The majority of switches use protocol 1.0-2.0
  • We exhibit required inputs disek. 1 input Hotbird, 2 - Sirius, 2 - Amos. There may be letter designations A-B-C-D.
  • We tune channels from Sirius and Amos satellites. As a rule, the set-top box already contains a frequency sheet. But you can also do it manually.
  • Sirius frequency: 11766, polarization H, bit rate 27,500, error correction 3/4.
  • Frequency Amos:11140, polarization H, flow rate 30,000, error correction 3/4.
  • Be sure to activate the function network search, as this will help us configure the entire transponder sheet of the satellite.
  • When paid channels are not planned for viewing, we select to search only for open or FTA channels.
  • If the signal of any satellite is not stable, we adjust the converter.

The specialists of the Spectr TV company will provide services for installing and configuring antennas for satellites: HotBird, Amos, Sirius, Astra. Phone +7 962 963 31 08.


After we have decided on the antenna installation location and its approximate direction, the pre-assembled antenna is hung on the bracket. Afterwards, additional multifeeds and converters, cables and other structural elements are installed.

  • IMPORTANT: To fine-tune the antenna, it must be moved vertically/horizontally. BUT you should tighten the fastenings just enough so that the antenna itself does not move or change its tilt, but you can still move the antenna in planes, albeit with force. To do this, the left/right screws are not fully tightened.

For example, the free lower left screw on the U-shaped adjustable element of the antenna (see photo) allows you to adjust the antenna according to verticals, and those on the clamp for fixing the antenna to the wall mount, usually there are two of them, - according to horizontal.

What is multifeed and how does it work?

Multifeed- this is a design that allows you to receive several satellites SIMULTANEOUSLY on one satellite dish due to the possibility of installing additional heads (converters). This allows you to save money on purchasing an additional satellite dish.

Multifeed law: angle of incidence = angle of reflection

An antenna is often called a mirror. And in the case of multifeed, the laws of optics and reflection apply (remember physics?) Specifically: The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. That is, if you adjust the antenna to the corresponding satellite so that it is in focus, then the signal from a neighboring satellite located at a different orbital position will be reflected not at the converter that is in focus, but at some other point. This whole thing works according to the same law!

This law is easy to understand:
If a neighboring satellite (Amos 4) in geostationary orbit is located to the right of the focus of the central converter (Sirius 4.8) of the satellite antenna, then the reflection of its signal (yellow arrow in the figure) from the dish mirror will be focused to the left of the place where the central converter is located in the focus of the antenna. (see pic)

If the satellite is higher, the signal will be focused lower. In general, the effect of a mirror.

Tuning an antenna to a satellite with installed multifeeds

Then you need to put 2 mutifeeds on the antenna nose mount, which already has an installed holder for the main converter (the converters are fixed in all holders). Next, everything needs to be tightened securely, but it is still possible to rotate the converters in multifeeds in all directions and planes with some effort. The cable system is connected at the very end.

Setup: Steps in a painstaking process

Setting up equipment is quite a troublesome task and requires a lot of time. It all starts with screwing it to the center. F-connector converter with a piece of cable 2 meters long. The other end of this cable is fixed to the receiver.

The receiver itself connects to the television receiver. Be careful: the power (220 V) must be turned on only after connection. Another important point, which you need to remember: when you screw on the F-connector, make sure that the shielding film and the thinnest conductors on the cable braid do not short-circuit with the central core. Otherwise, everything may end in a breakdown of the receiver!

Setting up a satellite dish for the main Sirius 4.8E satellite

Turn on the TV and receiver. Go to MENU - INSTALLATION, then to SEARCH CHANNELS. On the left you will see a list of satellites from which reception will occur. Select the desired one, for example, Sirius 2/Ku 4.8E, if the central converter is configured for it, which was previously firmly fixed.

  • LNBP- turning on the converter.
  • LNBP Type- choose Universal (the type can be found in the documents for the converter).
  • LNBP Freq- 10600/9750 (this data is also indicated in the instructions for the converters).
  • 22Khz- select the AUTO item (this is the signal that switches the dial).
  • DISEqC- leave NONE (if you connected the signal reception directly, without using DISEqC).

Then look for the corresponding button on the remote control: it will take you to the transponder submenu. This is where you will need to look for a satellite signal. TIP: mark in advance a couple of transponders from satellites with different polarizations and any channels (preferably free) that actually WORK (FTA). These are easy to find on the Internet on specialized sites.

  • EXAMPLE: let's look at the option with transponder 11766H. It broadcasts at a frequency of 11,766 Mega Hertz (horizontal polarization). To make it more convenient to adjust the quality of the picture and signal, it is better to display all the information in full screen mode. There is an INFO button for this. It will be convenient to navigate the quality using the microscale located below.

Don’t be alarmed if at first the “quality” of the signal is 0. The reason for this failure is quite understandable: at the very beginning we discussed options for directing the antenna and turned it in the right direction using the “scientific poke” method. And now the time has come to tune the antenna in all planes. Get ready immediately for a long and monotonous process that requires accuracy, attentiveness and self-control. Why? A couple of millimeters and the signal will be lost. It won't even be about him poor quality, but in complete absence!

Tuning the receiver antenna in planes

First you need to find one ideal vertical position. Then slowly and smoothly try to rotate the antenna horizontally. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the signal quality scale. As soon as the number moves from 0, it means you are acting correctly. In this way, you should bring the scale to at least 15. It is possible that all manipulations with horizontal movements will be unsuccessful. Then you will have to return to the vertical position and change it a little. And then start all over again: careful movements left and right until a signal appears, at least a small one. Your task is to achieve the most High Quality reception. Doing this, of course, is not easy, but without this, as they say, there is nowhere.

You can try to slightly rotate the converter in the holder (around the axis). There are even special marks on the case for this. You can also move it a little back and forth along the holder, while achieving maximum readings on the QUALITY scale.

The conclusion is: in order to achieve best quality signal, you need to try ALL adjustment options. This is the only way the result will satisfy you completely.

  • IMPORTANT: if you have double-checked everything a hundred times, tried to adjust the antenna, changed the receiver settings several times, but still haven’t found a signal, try replacing the converter. There is a possibility that it is simply broken.

Have you achieved the best possible reception quality? Congratulations! It seems like it's time to tighten the screws and enjoy a job well done?! Not everything is so rosy. Remember: the setup was carried out with a transponder broadcasting ONLY in horizontal polarization (mark “H” on the body). It is also necessary to configure the V-transponder, that is, with vertical polarization. Yes, and back into battle!

In each specific case they can help completely different actions. Somewhere, a slight rotation of the converter around its axis clockwise or counterclockwise leads to success. And some have to scan transponders in a manual search. A description of this process can be found in the documents for the purchased receiver. And then visually monitor the reception of certain channels and their correspondence to the desired satellite.

Let's tighten the nuts!

The long-awaited moment has arrived when signals in both polarizations produce the highest possible quality. Now you need to tighten the nuts very tightly and firmly. And here again difficulties can overtake you: by tightening the adjusting nut, you, without meaning to, slightly change the direction of the antenna. As a result, the signal quality again noticeably decreases! Therefore, this must be done extremely carefully, with great caution.

Position of converters on multifeeds

Before you start setting up converters on multifeeds, you need to know their angle of inclination to the horizon and understand how they will be located.

Satellites in the sky in geostationary orbit relative to the territory of Russia are located along an arc that runs closer to the south of the sky. To an observer it will look something like this:

Therefore, the location of the converters on the antenna should be inverted and mirrored. If the antenna is directed to the southern sector, then the neighboring converters will be located conditionally like this:

If the “dish” is tuned to a Western satellite, then the converters on the multifeed should be positioned like this:

And finally, if the satellite antenna is directed towards one of the eastern satellites, then the “heads” in the neighborhood should be positioned as follows:

Let's look at another important point that you should always remember. Since a satellite transmits a signal in most cases in horizontal or vertical polarization, for different satellites vertical polarization will not always be “vertical”, and, accordingly, horizontal polarization will not always be “horizontal”. Vertical and horizontal polarization will remain exclusively for the southern satellites, and for all others the polarization will be somewhat “tilted”, as shown in the figures. Therefore, both the central converter and the converter on the multifeed must be positioned at a certain angle relative to their axis. For this purpose, there are special division marks on the converters.

Calculation of the position of converters on multifeeds relative to the central head

The Rainbow TV: Installer Assistant program, which can be downloaded here, is intended for calculating the installation angles of a satellite dish. It also contains all the information for setting up the multifeed. To calculate the multifeed, you can use the corresponding tab in the program. Converters will need to be placed according to the design diagram presented on the tab as a result of the calculation.

Here is an example of a calculation using the program for our multifeeds with distances relative to the central converter:

Where Hor- distance from the core of the central converter to the center of the head on the multifeed a Ver- distance from the center of the main converter to the center of the head on the multifeed.

Setting up multifeed to satellite

So, the antenna itself and one of the converters are successfully configured. After this, you should turn off the receiver and twist the cable of the central converter to the converter from the multifeed. Then turn everything ON again.

A familiar menu will appear in front of you, only now you should select Hotbird 13E and another valid transponder. As in the case described above, it is necessary to systematically achieve excellent signal reception. However, here it is not the antenna itself that will have to be moved, but the converter on the multifeed. By the way, it is capable of moving in any plane: up/down; right left; back forward.

If you see that the signal is excellent, tighten the nuts. But don't forget to check the polarizations. Scan transponders and check any channel broadcasting without payment, purely visually. Everything is okay?

Multifeed for satellite Amos 4w

Turn off all equipment again and twist the cable, as before, to the last converter. Then the setup process is repeated with some changes: the Amos 4w satellite and its operating frequency are selected in the receiver menu.

Having configured the multifeed, connect all three converters with the disk using the supplied short cables, in accordance with the attached figure.

In the receiver settings, you need to set the port parameters in accordance (set the following numbers in the Diseqc 1,1 menu: Sirius 2/Ku 4.8E - 1, Hotbird 13E - 2, Amos 4w - 3) with connecting the cables to the disk.
Then, automatically search for channels by satellite. If not all channels are found as a result of the search, then you should switch to the manual search mode and search for them by entering the parameters of the missing transponders.

Is it worth covering the disks from rain or moisture?

Of course yes disek too electronic device and runs on electricity, and when exposed to water short circuit can't be avoided. You'll be lucky if it's the only one that burns. Just a bag of tape won't help, it will only make the situation worse.

But a plastic bottle with the top cut off is another matter, simple and reliable. You can get creative and find a bottle or box of a suitable shape and seal the cracks with silicone or sealant.

Modern disk drives are already sold with a plastic protective casing included.

The disek must be installed in such a way that water does not reach the connection points through the cable. Therefore, it must be raised above the level of converters.