Configuring network components settings. Connecting a local network to the Internet What are network parameters

In the Windows XP operating system, any method of connecting computers with each other (directly, through a personal network, via the Internet) is described by the term network not.<лючение. Для создания и настройки подключений используется с медиальная папка Сетевые подключения (Пуск >Settings > Network Connections). Any connection can be configured to perform all necessary network operations.

What are the main categories of network connections?

All types of network connections can be i)divided into outgoing and incoming. In outgoing connections, the computer initiates the process of establishing a connection; in incoming connections, it receives protection from the outside and gives its consent to establish a connection. Outgoing connections differ in communication method, which is completely configurable within the specific connection. All internal details are hidden from any program using the connection.

What types of network connections are there?

The Windows XP operating system takes into account five main types of network connections.

A dial-up connection is used to temporarily connect to another network. This type includes all connections using a modem.

Is the local network connection permanent: tf? connection. This is what is used within the local %! 1 network. Some types of Internet connections (ADSL, cable modem) also fall into this category.

A virtual private network connection is used for be- ,$&. secure data transmission over an open environment. All data is encrypted. Most often, this connection is a type of remote access connection.

Direct connection allows you to establish a connection between two computers without the use of special network hardware. The disadvantage of this method is usually the limited bandwidth of such a connection, as well as the fact that only two computers are involved in such a connection.

An incoming connection can be any of the types listed above, except for a local network connection. It allows the computer to respond to requests from the outside.

What equipment is needed to organize a network connection?

Depending on your system configuration and the types of connections you intend to make, you may need the following equipment.

Network adapter for connecting to a local network;

Modem (and access to an analogue telephone line);

An ADSL device or cable modem, which often also requires a network adapter. Additionally, various types of connecting cables are required. Network connections and network components

How to create a new connection?

If your computer has a network adapter installed, the Windows XP operating system automatically detects it and creates a local network connection. Moreover, every time you turn on the computer, the operating system checks for access to the network and immediately connects to it. Other types of network connections must be created manually. To do this, open the Network Connections folder (Start* Settings > Network Connections) and select File > New Connection. You can also use the link Create new< < ~о подключения в области задач. При этом запустится Мастер новых подключений, который позволяет задать необходимые параметры подключения.

How to change connection settings?

To change the settings of a previously created connection, open the Network Connections folder (Start? Settings > Network Connections). Click on the icon of the desired connection with the right mouse button and select nyeiK Properties in the context menu that opens. The properties dialog box for the selected connection opens. Basic settings are available on the General tab.

What basic settings are available for connection?

On networked computers running Windows XP, you can configure five separate network software components. This is the network adapter itself (the Connection via field on the General tab of the properties dialog box is connected to it), as well as the network client, network service, scheduler, and network protocol. They are listed in the Checked components used by this connection list. To change the settings of a component, select it from the search box and click on the Properties button. If this button is inactive, the selected component does not have configurable parameters. Different connections may use different network components, for example, from -due to the fact that the computer is simultaneously part of several ceitiii.

What is a protocol?

A network protocol is a set of rules that a computer uses when communicating with another device over a network. For such interaction to be truly possible, different computers on the network must use the same protocol. Thus, the choice of protocol is made when creating a network.

What types of protocols are used on typical networks?

A peer-to-peer local network running Windows XP relies on the TCP/IP protocol, which is also used when connecting to the Internet. In previous versions of Windows, the NetBEUI protocol was used on the local network (it was no longer supported in Windows XP). The local network running the Novell NetWare server uses the 1PX/SPX protocol. You probably won't need other protocols. When setting up a network, you should not install protocols that will not be used, as this increases the load on the computer and reduces operating efficiency,

How to configure the network protocol?

Changing the network protocol setting only applies to a specific connection. To perform this setup, open the Network Connections folder (PusO Settings → Network Connections). Right-click on the icon for the desired connection and select Properties in the context menu that opens. Select the protocol you want to configure from the Selected components used by this connection list and click the Properties button. The protocol properties dialog box contains a number of tabs, the number and composition of which depends on the protocol used and the type of connection.

What is a network adapter?

A network adapter (network card) is a piece of hardware that physically connects a computer to a network. This is either a special expansion card containing a socket for connecting network cables, or a separate device connected via a USB port. In modern computers, the network adapter is often integrated directly into the motherboard. To use the network adapter, you must install the appropriate drivers.

How to install a network adapter?

If the network adapter meets the plug-and-play standard, then the drivers are installed automatically. In addition, you can install the network adapter in the same way as any other device, that is, using the Add Hardware wizard,

How to configure a network adapter?

Access to the network adapter configuration tools is possible in two ways. First, you can use Device Manager (Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager). Secondly, by opening the Network Connections folder (Start > Settings * Network Connections), you can click;. right-click on the connection icon that uses this rep adapter and select Properties from the context menu. On the General tab, click the Configure button. Special network adapter configuration options are usually provided on the Advanced tab.

What is a network client?

A network client is a special up-tram software that provides access to the network and work with it, C< ^евые клиенты предназначены для использования определенного сетевого протокола и должны быть привязаны к нему.

How is a network client selected?

Network client that should be i. installed, determined in accordance with the network pro falcon used. The TCP/IP protocol is used by Client for Microsoft Networks. If the network is based on the IPX/SPX protocol, you need the Client for NetWare Networks.

How to set up a network client?

To configure a network client, you need to open the properties dialog box for the corresponding connection (Start * Settings * Network Connections * Properties) and select the General tab, in the list of network components used, select the client you are configuring and click the Properties button. The possibilities for changing the settings of the shunt are minimal. If the network client does not allow settings at all, the Properties button will be disabled.

What is a network service?

A network service is a network subsystem designed to perform a specific task. tee. For example, in a Windows peer-to-peer network, file and printer sharing is provided by the shared service. On the Internet, e-mail, file transfer and many other features are also provided by special services. Local networks organized in various ways can provide other types of services.

How to configure a network service?

To configure a network service, you need to open the properties dialog box for the corresponding connection (Start > Settings? Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. In the list of network components used, select the service you are configuring and click the Properties button. The settings available in the service properties dialog box vary depending on the specific service.

How do I add an additional software network component?

You should not add additional network components unless necessary. As a rule, the Windows operating system copes quite successfully with the tasks facing it, automatically adding network components if they are needed. But this operation can also be performed manually. Open the connection properties dialog box (Start * Settings > Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. Click the Install button. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, select the desired type (Client, Service, or Protocol) and click the Add button. Next, you can select the desired component from those offered by the operating system or use a separate distribution media (the Install from disk button).

How to remove a network component?

To remove a network component, open the connection properties dialog box (Start > Settings > Network Connections > Properties) and select the General tab. Select the component you want to remove from the list and click the Remove button. When you remove a specified component, components that rely on it are automatically removed. As in the case of installing network components, you should resort to this operation only as a last resort - usually the operating system itself does everything that is NECESSARY. Also, keep in mind that deleting a component affects all connections that use it. After issuing a deletion command, the operating system will remind you of this and ask you to confirm the issued command.

How to connect computers directly?

With a direct cable connection, computer ports of the same type must be connected (serial to serial or parallel to parallel). A wireless connection using the infrared ports of the computer is also possible. When connecting serial ports, a so-called null modem cable is used (ensuring the correct combination of outgoing and incoming signals). A special cable is also required to connect parallel ports. A direct connection through parallel ports is noticeably faster, since in this case the data is transferred not bit by bit, but by whole bytes at once.

How are connections configured when connecting computers directly?

When connecting computers directly< айн из компьютеров является ведущим, а другой ведомым. Ведущий компьютер инициирует соединение, в то время как ведомый принимает запрос и отвечает на него. Такое соединение обеспечивает ведущему компьютеру доступ к ресурсам ведомого компьютера.

How do I configure my computer to work in direct connection mode?

After opening the Network Connections folder, give the command File V New connection. In the New Connection Wizard window, click Next. Then select the radio button Establish a direct connection to another computer and click the Next button. Select the Connect directly to another comhyster radio button and click the Next button. At the next stage of the wizard, you need to select the Master computer or Slave KOMI "Euter switch, depending on the role that this system will play in the direct connection. Click on the Next button. For the master computer in the subsequent stages of the Wizard, you must specify the name of the computer; i to to which the connection is made, and the port that will be used for communication.For the slave computer, you can specify the users who are allowed to connect.

How to establish a direct connection between computers?

Once direct connections have been created on the master and slave computers, you can establish communication between them. On the slave computer, the direct connection icon is labeled Incoming Connections. On the host computer, double-click the direct connection icon. The Connection dialog box will open, in which you must specify the user name and password to connect to the slave computer. The Windows XP operating system allows you to enable password saving mode. After clicking the Connect button, the connection setup process continues automatically.

What is remote network access used for?

Remote network access allows you to connect a remote computer to the network via a telephone line. For the duration of the connection, the remote computer (usually a portable one) receives the same rights as a computer permanently connected to this network. Currently, this feature is used primarily to connect individual (home) computers to the Internet through an Internet service provider's local network. This feature can also be used to connect an organization's employees to the corporate network when they are not at their desk.

The receiving and control device “Signal 20P”, the control panel “S 2000”, “S 2000K” () use data transmission via the digital interface RS-485 and are supplied by the manufacturer not configured and not programmable, taking into account further linking of devices to a specific object (according to passports). Is it correct to include these types of work in the estimate for the installation of security and fire alarm devices during major repairs, according to FERm 81-03-10-2001:

  • 10-06-068-15 configuration and setup of network components;
  • 10-06-068-16 programming a network element and debugging its operation;

Is it possible to set up and commission a fire alarm system (commissioning) according to FERp-2001-02 “Automated control systems”.

Answer: Magazine No. 1 (53), 2009 “Consultations and clarifications on issues of pricing and estimate standardization in construction”

When installing fire alarm systems in new construction, as well as during major renovations, they are carried out as part of the fire alarm system and the system as a whole. The cost of equipment installation is determined according to the Collections for equipment installation: FERm-2001-10 “Communication equipment”, Department 08 and FERm-2001-11 “Instruments, automation and computer equipment”. The cost of commissioning work is determined according to the FERp-2001-02 Collection “Automated control systems”:

  • when installing reception and control devices into a fire alarm system - according to the standards (prices) for systems of category I of technical complexity according to table. 02-01-001;
  • when installing monitoring and control panels using an interface - according to the standards (prices) for systems of category II of technical complexity according to table. 02-01-002. The collection prices for commissioning work take into account the following costs:
  • for phasing and monitoring the characteristics of actuators (AM);
  • setting up logical and temporal relationships of alarm, protection, blocking and control systems, checking the correctness of signals;
  • checking the functioning of application and system software;
  • preliminary determination of object characteristics, calculation and adjustment of equipment parameters of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and program logic devices;
  • preparation for switching on and putting into operation measurement, monitoring and control systems to ensure individual testing of process equipment and bringing the settings of the PTS (PS), communication channels and special (application) software to values ​​(states) at which the speakers can be used in operation.

Prices of the Collection for installation of equipment FERm-2001-10 “Communication equipment” 10-06-068-15 “Configuration and setup of network components” and 10-06-068-16 “Programming a network element and debugging its operation” when determining installation costs Fire alarm systems are not used.

Attention: During the process of setting up a local network, Windows 7 may require confirmation of your actions. If you see a similar window, left-click on the “Continue” button.

  1. Click Start-> Control Panel.
  1. IN Control panels go to Network and Internet.

  1. Then Network and Sharing Center.

  1. In the window that opens, select Change adapter settings.

  1. Then highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and press Properties.

  1. In the window Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the tab Are common You must enter your personal data issued by the administrator. That's it, setup is complete, click OK.

a) Statics

b) Dynamics

Setting up a local connection for Windows 8

1. Right-click on the “Start” menu and select “All applications” in the menu that opens at the bottom

2.In the “applications” menu, select “Control Panel”

3. "Control Panel"

4.In the window that opens, select “Network and Sharing Center.”

5.In the upper left part of this window, click the “Change adapter settings” link.

6.The “Network Connections” window will open. On the “Local Area Connection” shortcut, right-click. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”

7.In the “General” tab, highlight “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button.

8.In the window that opens, set the IP parameters to receive automatically (Obtain an IP address automatically). Save the change by clicking the “Ok” button.

Setting up a local connection for WindowsXP

1.Click the “Start” button, select “Control Panel”

2.In the "Control Panel" window, select the "Network Connections" icon, open. (If there is no such option, click ‘Switch to classic view’)

3.In the “Network Connections” window, find the “Local Area Connection” icon and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”.

4.You should see the “Local Area Connection - Properties” window. In the “Components used by this connection:” list, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “Properties” button.

5.In the “Properties: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” window, select “Obtain an IP address automatically.” Next, click “Obtain DNS server address automatically.” TCP/IP is configured, now you click OK, then OK again.

Setting up a network connection for Windows Vista

1. In the “Start” menu, select “Control Panel”

2. In the “Control Panel” window that opens, in the “Network and Internet” group, click on the link “View network status and tasks”

4. In a new window, look for a connection called “Local Area Connection” and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Properties”

5. In the “Local Area Connection - Properties” dialog that opens, leave the ONLY checkbox next to the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” item, select this item and click the “Properties” button

6. In the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” dialog box, enter new network connection parameters (5 fields marked with red arrows) and click “OK”

Setting up a network connection in Ubuntu OS

1. Go to the Options menu

"Network" item

2. In the list of network connections, select your Ethernet connection and click the “Options..” button.

4. In the “IPv4 Settings” tab, select “Manual” from the drop-down menu

5. Click on the “Add” button and in the “Addresses” table write:

  • Address: Your IP address
  • Netmask: The subnet mask specified when connecting
  • Gateway: Gateway specified during connection.
  • In the “DNS servers” column, enter the DNS server address.

Nowadays, every user is faced with the question of setting up a network in the Windows 7 operating system. If you are a home user, you will someday be faced with the task of setting up an Internet connection, synchronizing with the XBOX game console, and if you have several pieces of computer equipment at home, then in any case, you will have to set up a wired or wireless network, and one computer will have to distribute the Internet to all the others. If you work as a system administrator in a small office, you will need to set up a network with static or dynamic addresses. Unfortunately, many users usually try to set up a local network without having any networking skills, and therefore carry out the setup at random, which causes them to have many problems during subsequent work. This series of articles is devoted to various methods of setting up a local network, terminology, and connecting to the World Wide Web.

Often, setting up a local network in the operating systems Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 begins with such an area of ​​configuring network properties as the component. With this network configuration tool, you can select a network location, view a network map, set up network discovery, file and printer sharing, and configure and view the status of your current network connections. In this article you will learn about managing this component.

Opening the Network and Sharing Center component

In order to use the functionality of the network configuration tool, you first need to open it. To open a window "Network and Sharing Center", Perform one of the following actions:

The following illustration shows the window "Network and Sharing Center":

Rice. 1. “Network and Sharing Center”

Network location concept

Before you start working with this component, you should understand such a concept as network location. This setting is set for computers when they first connect to a network, and during the connection, firewall and security settings are automatically configured for the type of network to which you are connecting. Unlike the Windows Vista operating system, which uses the strictest network hosting firewall profile for all network connections, the Windows 7 operating system supports multiple active profiles, allowing you to more securely use multiple network adapters connected to different networks. There are four types of network location:

home network. This network location is intended for computer use in the home or on networks where users know each other very well. These computers can create and join home groups. For home networks, network discovery is automatically enabled.

Enterprise network. This network location is used in a small office hose (SOHO) network. This network location also has network discovery enabled, but you cannot create or join a computer to a homegroup.

Community Network. This network location is intended for using the computer in public places such as coffee shops or airports. This is the most restrictive placement and has homegroup join and network discovery disabled by default.

Domain network. If the computer is joined to an Active Directory domain, the existing network will automatically be assigned a network location type "Domain". A domain type of network location is similar to a work network, except that in a domain, the configuration of Windows Firewall, Network Discovery, and the network card is determined by Group Policy.

The network locations available for user selection can be seen in the following illustration:

Rice. 2. Select a network location

Network map

A network map is a graphical representation of the location of computers and devices that allows you to see all the devices on your local network, as well as how they are connected to each other. In the window "Network and Sharing Center" Only the local part of the network card is displayed, the layout of which depends on the existing network connections. The computer on which the map is being created is displayed in the upper left corner. Other computers on the subnet appear on the left. Infrastructure devices such as switches, hubs, and gateways to other networks appear on the right. You can see an example of a network map in the following illustration:

Rice. 3. Example of a network map

Two components are responsible for the operation of the network map in operating systems:

Link Layer Topology Discover Mapper (LLTD Mapper) - a component that requests devices on the network to include them in the map;

The LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discover Responder - LLTD Responder) responder is a component that is responsible for requests from the LLTD Mapper component.

By default, the network map can only be viewed for locations "Home network" or "Enterprise network". When trying to view the network map for locations "Domain network" or "Public Network" you will see the following message:

Rice. 4. Trying to view the network map for the location of the domain network

To enable network mapping on a domain network, you need to do the following on your domain controller:

Rice. 5. Modify Group Policies to Enable Network Mapping

Rice. 6. Network map for domain network location

  1. Open the snap "Group Policy Management";
  2. Select a GPO (for example, Default Domain Policy, scope - the entire domain) that will apply to a computer located in the domain network, right-click on it and select the command from the context menu "Change";
  3. In the snap "Group Policy Management Editor" unfold the knot Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Network/Link Layer Discovery and select a policy "Enables the I/O mapping driver (LLTDIO)";
  4. In the properties of the policy setting, set the radio button to the option "Turn on" and check the box "Allow operation for domain";
  5. Repeat the same steps for the policy setting "Enable Responder Driver (RSPNDR)";
  6. Update policy settings on the client machine using the command gpupdate /force /boot;
  7. Update your network map. The result is shown in the following illustration:

Network connections

After installing the driver for each network adapter, the Windows operating system tries to automatically configure network connections on the local computer. All available network connections are displayed in the window "Network connections". A network connection is a set of data required to connect a computer to the Internet, local network, or any other computer.

Open window "Network connections" you can in any of the following ways:

Window "Network connections" are shown in the following illustration:

Rice. 7. “Network connections” window

When you select any network connection, you can do the following with it:

In the dialog box that opens "Windows Network Diagnostics" To troubleshoot problems, follow the steps in the wizard.

Checkboxes next to components indicate that these components are associated with the connection. The Network Connection Properties dialog box is shown below:

Rice. 11. Network connection properties dialog box


This article briefly introduces the components of the Network Properties Configurator for Windows operating systems - "Network and Sharing Center". The concepts of network location and network cards are considered, with the help of which the local part of the network card is displayed, the layout of which depends on the existing network connections. You've also seen the Network Connections window, which allows you to configure network connections on your local computer. In the next article, you will learn how you can configure clients, services, and network connection protocols using a graphical user interface.

Currently, the most common operating system for personal computers is Windows. This operating system includes tools for creating peer-to-peer computer networks.

Setting up the network card.

The process of setting up the network should begin with installing the network card, and this can be done either during installation of the operating system itself, or later, during operation. If your network adapters are plug-and-play compliant, the operating system will automatically recognize the installed network card when you boot and configure it.

If the board does not support plug-and-play format, launch the "Control Panel" and double-click on the "Hardware Installation" icon. This will launch the Add Hardware Wizard. By clicking on the "Next" button, proceed to a dialog box where Windows will offer to automatically search for new installed devices.

It is advisable to allow the operating system to recognize the hardware itself. If she succeeds, she won't have to manually enter device information.

If Windows was unable to recognize the network adapter, it will have to be installed and configured manually. After clicking on the "Next" button, a dialog box will be displayed in which you must specify the type of device to be installed by double-clicking on the "Network cards" line.

As a result of this, the following dialog box will open in which you must select the manufacturer and model of the network card from the proposed list. The selection is made by clicking on the corresponding list line. After selecting a network card, Windows displays a dialog box indicating the parameters of the installed card.

The type and amount of information displayed depends on the type of board. If the network card is automatically recognized, the settings shown in the dialog box are set by Windows. If the system does not recognize the network card, then the parameters are assigned default values, which quite often leads to conflicts with other devices. In this case, you need to change the parameters to eliminate conflicts. After this, the system installs the software necessary for the operation of the network card. You can use the standard driver available on the Windows distribution disk. If it is missing or for some reason does not suit you, use the driver on the disk supplied with the adapter (the "Have from disk" button).

Network configuration

The next step is installation and configuration of the necessary network protocols. Double-click the "Network" icon in the "Control Panel". The Network window displays installed network software components. Match the network card with the protocols necessary for the clients you need to operate (by default, NETBEUI and NetWare IPX/SPX are installed as the network protocol in Windows). To do this, click the "Add" button on the "Configuration" tab.

In the “Select component type” window that appears, select “Protocol” and click the “Add” button. Then in the “Select: Network Protocol” window, firstly, the manufacturer and, secondly, the required network protocol are indicated, for example, Microsoft, IPX / SPX protocol. After this, you need to return to the “Network” window, and IPX/SPX will already appear as a supported protocol. To begin the configuration process, either double-click a list item or select it and click the Properties button, which will display the Properties dialog box.

When you are in the IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol Properties dialog box, you can access three tabs: Binding, Advanced, and NetBIOS.

"Binding" tab. This tab lists the network components that use the protocol. If you have installed other protocols, then additional items will be indicated in the list. Select from the list only those items that use the IPX/SPX protocol. Minimizing the number of bindings for each protocol can significantly improve the efficiency of network software.

The "NetBIOS" tab allows you to enable support for the NetBIOS protocol by the IPX/SPX protocol, which will allow you to run applications that use the NetBIOS protocol.

Additional settings, such as packet type, network address, maximum number of connections, and others, are defined on the “Advanced” tab.

Installing network clients and services

To connect a workstation to the network, you must install the appropriate clients and services. For example, to organize a peer-to-peer Windows network, you need to install a client for Microsoft networks and a file and printer access service for Microsoft networks on each workstation.

To install new services and clients, you need to click the “Add” button and use the familiar “Select component type” window. Depending on your selection, the Select: Network Client or Select: Network Service window appears.

The “Access to files and printers” button is intended to open the “Organizing access to files and printers” window, which allows you to specify whether the resources of this computer can be shared (that is, divided between users).

After installation, clients and services must be configured correctly. The client for Microsoft networks is configured using the “Properties: Client for Microsoft networks” window. Network login parameters are set - login with restoration of connections of network resources or quick login when resources are connected as needed. When connections are restored, login is much slower, especially if any network resource is not currently ready to connect.

After installing the clients, you select the method of logging into the network: either a regular login to Windows, or using one of the clients.

If you have installed a network login using the Microsoft Network Client, you must enter your username and password, and then click OK. When you click the “Cancel” button, you will be logged into Windows normally, but network resources will not be available.

While working in the Network window, if you have not already done so, it is advisable to install file and printer services on each workstation on the network. In addition, using the “Computer” tab, you must assign a unique network name to each computer, and the workgroup name must be the same. In a simple Windows-based peer-to-peer network, this will immediately allow you to share other computers' resources, such as their disks and printers.

Using the Access Control tab, you set how you control access to shared resources. There are two options:

management at the user level (certain users or groups of users have access to the resource, and the list of users is taken from the specified server) or at the resource level (each resource has an access password, any user who knows this password can connect).

When working with Windows, if necessary, you can define a local resource on your computer as a shared resource on the network. To do this, use the “Access” tab of the Properties window for this resource. You can open this window in various ways:

  • 1. Using the “My Computer” or “Explorer” window, select the desired object and call the “File / Properties” command, the “Access” tab or the “File / Access” command (the same “Properties” window opens, but immediately on the desired tab)
  • 2. Using the “My Computer” or “Explorer” window, call up the context menu for the desired object and select the “Properties” command, the “Access” tab or the “Access” command.

By default, the "Local resource" option is set. After selecting the alternative option -- "Shared Resource" -- the remaining fields become available. The “Network name” field is intended to indicate the name by which the resource will be known on the network. By default, this field contains the "local" name of the resource. In the Notes field, you can provide brief information about the resource. The Access Type field allows you to specify what the remote user is allowed to do with the object. To do this, select one of the following access options.

  • 1. Read Only - In the "Password: Read Only" field, you can set a password containing from one to eight characters, although this is not required.
  • 2. Full access - an optional password can be set in the “Password: For full access” field. It is advisable to allow only for a short time and set a password, otherwise someone may damage your files.
  • 3. Determined by a password - you can conditionally divide all users into two categories: those you trust, and those who cause you doubts. You can provide the first password for full access, but you need to remember the danger of data loss. The second category can be provided with a password for reading, if necessary.

After all the settings have been made, click the “OK” or “Apply” button. From this moment on, the resource is available on the network.

You can access a shared resource over the network using the Network Neighborhood window. First, you need to find the shortcut corresponding to the computer on the network and double-click on it. The window will display all resources that are available on this computer and defined as shared. After this, the required resource is selected. If access is controlled at the resource level, the system will ask you to enter a password (if, of course, it was set for this object). If access is controlled at the user level, the system will check whether the user has the right to access this resource. If all checks are successful, you get the opportunity to work with the desired object.