Cheating visitors by updating the page. Automatic counter boost with a free program

Novice webmasters wonder why no one visits their sites, because they spend so much effort on filling them. The fact is that the competition is now serious and it is difficult to reach the TOP for popular queries. To do this, you need to not just do filling, but fully use optimization.

Getting visitors to your site costs a penny, but if you have a little time, it can be done for free. It’s easy to improve your performance, but before that you need to decide on your goals. Do you need to cheat anything at all, because there is not much sense in it if it is done to monetize a resource.

Why do you need to boost visitors?

Through click sponsors, they constantly order viewing of sites while surfing. If this is useless traffic, then for what purpose is it attracted? There are different goals, for example, some dishonest optimizers do this to show the client what results they managed to achieve.

Some inflate the statistics a little so that their site is accepted as a quality advertising service. Naturally, traffic sources are checked, but many systems have now added the function of hiding the source, and you can also attract people through tasks, requiring them to go to the site from search engines.

It is often used to increase traffic before selling sites. To increase the value of a resource, its owner buys traffic over a long period of time. Inexperienced buyers do not pay attention to behavioral factors and conversion, buying sites with decent traffic.

If you also plan to sell your site or you don’t have enough visitors to add your site to some service, it makes sense to use promotion. If you want to attract your target audience, find out better and collect quality traffic.

Where can you order visitors?

Many active advertising systems have been created that offer inexpensive promotion. It’s easy to do, just register and add the site to your surfing list, make payments and receive traffic. Let’s not focus on this; it’s better to consider suitable services:

  1. – the most popular bookstore with a huge number of users. This is where the maximum number of visitors is gained the fastest, but for 1000 transitions from surfing in Lite mode (viewing for 15 seconds), you will have to pay $1.5. In addition, only at a cost of $2.5, you can hide the source of traffic.
  2. Socpublic is a good bookstore, where there are much fewer participants, but it is enough for small cheats. Use surfing with automatic verification, it is the cheapest. You will pay 23 rubles for 1000 transitions, and you can specify traffic sources (pages from search engines).
  3. is the only bookstore that offers advertisers surfing for 15 rubles per 1000 transitions. But it has one drawback: the visiting time is only 5 seconds. Also, here you won’t be able to hide the referral source, but you can set geotargeting for free.
  4. – the project was created specifically for cheating visitors. Advertisers can order advertising in the format of banners, email newsletters, and so on. Prices for visitors start from $0.7 per 1000 hosts. No statistical systems will understand that cheating is being carried out, and almost any platform is accepted here.

On all these sites you can get visitors for free. To do this, you will first need to do the work. In the first three systems, it is better to complete tasks (clicks, registrations, comments). On JetSwap you can download a program that will automatically visit sites and bring you credits, which you can then use for surfing.

High-quality promotion of visitors helps solve many problems and significantly improve performance. It is not that expensive, and even a beginner can do it. Don’t compare this with marketing; promotions are needed for other purposes. If you want targeted traffic, try using .

Today I would like to introduce to your attention a topic such as getting visitors to a website. Is promotion necessary and how to attract visitors to the site. Is it good or bad?

Well, I think there is no definite answer. It depends on the situation and why.

How to increase website traffic- this question torments many administrators of their and not only their sites. Naturally, increasing attendance (traffic) is in many cases the main and perhaps even the final goal of webmasters. Why and what is this needed for? Mainly for commercial interests. Sometimes for PR. There are other reasons, and if you are reading this article, then you have reasons.

To extract material profit, boosting website traffic is used in the following way: there are no or very few visitors (targeted visits) to the website. But the affiliate program wants a lot. There are a number of restrictions. Cheating allows you to show your affiliate or potential investors that there are a lot of visitors. Or similar cases - so to speak, “dishonest increase in the site’s reputation” both in the eyes of potential investors and in the eyes of advertisers, etc. The site visitor counter is spinning.

To boost visitor counters, old and proven surfing sponsors or Autosurfing are used. But not everyone is suitable for this. There is one nuance, namely, cheating can be detected by the referrer. The counter script shows the page (referrer) from where the visitor came. Therefore, you need to use services that provide fake referrer. So, here are the best systems in RuNet for automatically increasing website traffic:— Fully automatic surfing system. There is a program that looks at other people’s sites for credits around the clock. The program easily earns money from boosting your site within a day of use. Good old autosurfing.— You can run a program on your computer to receive loans, spend the credits on promotion, and in this case, promotion will be free. In the site promotion settings, you can even specify real search queries, but there are no real site visits from search engines for the request, only HTTP-Referer. As, indeed, in the first case.

But personally, I recommend not to bother with earning credits through mutual viewing (unless you are some kind of pimply schoolchildren who “autosurf” all day long in order to earn or save 20 rubles) - but simply purchase visits. Moreover, it’s pennies.

So, in order to purchase cheap visits right now (Incredibly low investment - from 0.69 rubles per 1000 visits) - here you go: SKYPROMOTION.RU

! By the way…You can purchase traffic from us. Ask: BUY TRAFFIC TO THE SITE

SKYPROMOTION.RU is a unique service where you can immediately receive thousands of visits to your website.

In fact, this is the best option, capable of solving all your problems for pennies. Incredibly low investment - from 0.00069 rubles. for visiting.

Real visits. Real IP addresses. Traffic comes from many sources, such as: advertising in the software of project partners, e-mail newsletters, social networks: and, pop-under and click-under redirects, news and media aggregators.

Price per visitor from 0.00069 rub. (When purchasing 1,000,000 visits). When purchasing a smaller number of visits, the cost of visits is slightly higher, but not by much.

I usually take about 100,000 visits for 3 months - 1000 visits per day (this is cheaper) - it comes out to only 538 rubles for 3 months for 1000 visitors daily.

Here you go:

The interface of the account is very similar to, everything is elementary simple, you can easily figure it out.

Cheat for promotion on social networks

Cheating as a means of promotion on social networks today it is extremely attractive, in demand and effective. The dynamics of development of social networks is colossal. Every day thousands of people register accounts, create groups, and open their own channels on video hosting sites. All this contributes to the rapid growth in demand for advertising, PR and promotion services.

Involving living people in groups and communities has an extremely positive effect on the further advancement of your endeavors. This service is key in the promotion of groups and accounts. The more subscribers a community has, the higher its chances of getting to the top of search results.

See here: promotion and promotion in any social networks

Promotion of the group on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki extremely attractive. The audience of these social networks today is over 500 million users, and daily traffic is close to 100 million.

Promotion of Youtube, Instagram and Facebook will allow you to present presentations of your products or services to an impressively large audience in the shortest possible time, talk about your talents and simply unique capabilities. As the owner of a well-promoted account on Facebook or Instagram, you are establishing an excellent communication channel with your target audience.

Youtube video promotion is a truly important component in a full-scale and strategically thought-out PR company. The audience of such a popular video hosting site is impressive, and as a result, promotion on it is extremely attractive. As part of comprehensive promotion, we offer you: increasing views, likes and comments on videos, increasing the number of subscribers on the channel, bringing clips to the TOP of Youtube.

Comprehensive promotion of channels on Youtube, groups and profiles on Instagram and Vkontakte, personal pages on Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Facebook here: promotion in social media networks.

Just one tool can save you your entire advertising budget!

Traffic is now expensive, competition is intense, so it is becoming more and more difficult to gain profit and such a thing as investing 1 ruble and then getting 4 or 8 rubles from it is becoming a rare occurrence. Therefore, I offer you, as my own, cheap and fairly high-quality traffic from search engines: See here

Another site: - Active advertising system. VipIp offers advertisers an inexpensive and effective way to promote a site through surfing and advertising mailings.

The service allows you to configure referral sources, geography, time and number of impressions, thereby creating the desired portrait of the audience on your resource. To get real traffic for your site, you just need to add a link to the advertised resource and buy the required amount. Visitors to the site will begin to arrive in just a few minutes.

  • Up to 8,000 real visitors daily;
  • Reporting on paid site traffic by our users;
  • Daily statistics by E-Mail;
  • Notifications about expiring balance;
  • Prompt and understanding support service.

In addition, you can order inexpensive and high-quality promotion on social networks:

Anything on the Internet can be cheated. They drive likes, registrations, installations of mobile applications and website traffic. The latter is worth talking about separately, because many webmasters order transitions to their resources, but do not even understand why this is necessary and whether it is worth spending money in general.

How to increase website traffic quickly, efficiently, for free? We will tell you about all this now, because it is the number of visitors that largely determines the success of the site. Promotion can even be divided into several formats, because someone uses this term to describe the natural increase in visitors.

Why does someone need to increase traffic?

First, let's define the goals, since the appropriate method depends on them. The word “cheating” means an artificial increase in indicators. Simply put, it doesn’t matter who gets to the site and how, the main thing is that it is displayed in the statistics. Some do this for self-satisfaction, some before selling the site, some to increase income.

There are advertising networks that pay for views of pages with advertising materials (for example, Nolix advertising line). This is the main reason for using markups; they are cheap and pay for themselves quickly. At postal services a couple of kopecks are credited for visiting sites while surfing.

Surprisingly, some try to attract customers or targeted traffic this way. This is simply unrealistic, people visit sites only for a reward. Therefore, cheats are more suitable for other purposes. For example, for pre-sale preparation of a resource, you just need to take into account that a potential buyer can easily check the statistics.

Why do you need cheating? If it’s just for the indicators on the meter, then there’s no point in paying too much. If you are planning to improve the behavioral factors of the site or are preparing it for sale, then it is better to fork out for high-quality promotion. Let's look at a few sites that offer the services you need.

The cheapest way to increase website traffic

Both systems are designed to improve behavioral factors, but they also have other orders. So that you understand how people will fulfill your order, let's look at a specific example. We proceed to complete the task, a link appears, you need to follow it and send screenshot to confirm:

Usually here you are asked to go to a search engine, but in our case you need to immediately go to the site. We do this and send the screen. In the second step, we are asked to complete a training quest. You can order transitions to website pages, download files, watch videos and much more:

In general, the principle is clear, and every user action is tracked, so the promotion is of high quality. Each step in your task will cost 1 ruble, there are settings for performers and other filters. You always have to pay more for high quality services.

Getting visitors to a website can be useful in some cases, but it should not be confused with natural transitions. If you want to attract your target audience or clients, then promote yourself more actively in search engines or read an article about. There can be any number of traffic sources.

How to boost a website and anything on the Internet: likes, subscribers, comments on the site, views on YouTube, behavioral factors and much more on the Internet. And of course, the most important thing is where to wind it up.

When you start a new website or online store, tasks appear with filling it out and promoting online resources. Forums require content with participants, topics and posts, online stores require reviews and comments, websites need views and good behavioral factors.

I already wrote here how to get views and counters on your website quickly and for free. But below I will tell you how to make high-quality promotion for a wide range of purposes, but on a paid basis.

So, what can we do on the site:

  • boosting behavioral factors (search and visiting
  • cheating reviews
  • boosting comments on the website, YouTube, communities, etc.
  • a lot of likes, friends, subscribers and other things on social networks.
  • filling forums with topics and posts

And I’ll tell you now how and where we can do all this.

Website for cheating

There is a site, where for many years there has been a service for promoting Internet resources. To clearly see its work, you need to register on it, since the functionality of the site is hidden from unregistered users.

But in order to quickly understand how this system works, I will make for you a small guide that will help you reduce the time you spend studying the service from several weeks to one hour. But in order to briefly and most usefully explain the principle of how a website works using cheats, I’ll start with a short introduction.

Personally, I registered there for the first time back in 2006, and at that distant time, it was already a service with a long history. In my opinion, this is, if not the first, then 100% one of the very first such services. It works on a paid basis on the user-advertiser principle. Most of the participants are ordinary users for whom this place is work; (let's call them workers, bots). Despite the great competition of similar services, it is the largest in terms of the number of participants, and therefore the most popular. There are a lot of retirees and students there.

We, as cheaters, will act as an advertiser (employer, customer of certain actions). Also here are the cheapest prices and the most effective promotion if everything is done correctly. Read the entire article carefully - this will help you organize the entire process correctly and not overpay.

Since the service works with money, it is necessary to be able to top up your account. You can top up your account through:

  • Yandex money
  • WebMoney
  • VISA or MasterCard

The account balance and all payments are made in $.


Let's start with registration. By clicking on the link, we are taken to the registration page.

Everything is simple here - fill out the fields of the registration form and click register:

After filling out the form, a registration confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. It will be sent along with your login and password. Password for operations, which needs to be written down or saved somewhere. A password for transactions is used to protect your account and confirm important transactions (replenishing your balance, changing your password, etc.).

Advertiser Panel

The next step is to switch the user panel to the advertiser panel. This is done simply - in the control panel, click the Advertiser button and we should switch to the advertiser menu (in yellow tones), where we are interested in the “Paid tasks” item:

I’ll tell you how to create a task correctly, fill it out correctly, and what prices to set for tasks. First you need to top up your account balance.

Topping up your balance

To top up your balance, we need to click Enter funds at the top left of the control panel:

On the page that opens, enter the amount you need to enter. When you indicate the amount next to it, a hint will be generated indicating how much will be written off taking into account the commission:

We create a task for cheating

Now as for the actual cheating.

As you can understand, we will do promotion through paid tasks.

Tasks are divided into the following types:

To view examples of tasks on the service, and subsequently see our task there, you need to switch back to user mode and click on the Tasks item (this is how performers find our tasks).

So, to create a task, turn on the advertiser mode again and open the Paid tasks item. On the page that opens, select Create a new task.

The task completion form opens.

The shorter and clearer the assignment is written, the better! Users don’t like to read long tasks unless the price is good. They also value their time and no one will study the task for 10 minutes.

Be sure to indicate in the assignment conditions the condition of what to send for verification! If the conditions turn out to be long, then it is better to hide parts of the text under spoilers so that the worker can quickly get acquainted with the essence of the task and, if it suits him, become more familiar with it.

After that, a part with settings for the task appears at the bottom, where you can select from which countries the task is allowed to be completed (geo-targeting), the cost of the task and other settings.

Now a task will appear in the list of your tasks, where you can manage it: turn it on/off, top up the balance, edit, view statistics and requests for verification:

Advice!!! When creating an assignment, never make a direct link to your website. Such services have long been discovered by search engines. Therefore, use the transition through a third-party Internet page. For example, you can indicate a link to a VK post where there will be a link to your website. In this case, access to the site will be read as from VK. Accordingly, the site will not be called up by search engines for promotion.

Raising tasks

Periodically, a task needs to be raised in the list, since due to the large number of tasks it gradually falls down in the list.

One raise costs one cent. In the task settings, you can set automatic rise after a certain period of time in hours.

Prices for tasks

The higher the price, the better the task is completed. But there are standard prices that regular users and advertisers are based on.

Approximately the price levels are as follows:

0.5 to 1 cent- simple one-step task

If you set a task for 1 cent with the condition of subscribing to three YouTube channels or three VK communities, it will be done well and will be popular. There are many users who have 20 accounts on YouTube and VK, so they can instantly repeat the task from another account on the desired social network.

2 cents- posts on forums, comments without registration, reviews start from two cents.

3 cents- creating a topic on the forum, clicking on advertisements on a site with active visits, searching for a site through search engines using given phrases and visiting several pages of the site (behavioral boost).

If the topics are difficult to write reviews or posts, the price may be 5 cents.

In general, you can always switch to user mode and view tasks on your topic from other advertisers and find out the price for them.

If you set a low price, you can raise it in the task settings.

You cannot lower the price of a task - in such cases you need to create a new task.

The number of created tasks is unlimited.

Personally, I have run more than one forum through this service. In about a month, I managed to fill the forums with decent content. True, not all forums survived - some of them are history, but there are forums that have healed and now live with active users and are doing very well today. And I started filling them with cheating through these tasks.

Running online stores for reviews and comments, filling VK groups with subscribers and many other actions also went well.

Everything is limited only by your imagination and material capabilities. And the results from boosting a site can be very good!

In this article I want to tell you how hit counters on websites are faked, demographics, location and other parameters of monitoring services are faked.

How does the counter work?

We place javascript code that, when the page loads, starts sending http requests to the counter server.

This can be either a one-time request that sends data in the header, or periodic requests that send more statistics.

As a test subject, I took a “simple” hit counter - liveinternet.

Parsing http

When the page loads, the js counter sends a GET request to receive an image with statistics. At the same time, it transmits part of the client data in the url.

If you decode the query string, you'll get something like this:;r;s1920*1080*24;u;hSite Header;0.5985211677780615

We see a number of parameters separated by “;”, namely: the monitor size and its resolution, the transition page, the url and title of the page from which the request was made and a random number that guarantees the uniqueness of the visit.

Also sent to http header Cookie And User-Agent, which inform the server about the user’s demographics (not only) and browser version, respectively.
All this data together identifies the user.

From theory to practice

You can generate queries using Curl, but there will be problems with js, and you will have to write individual queries for each counter.