Basic computer courses for dummies. Useful literature on computer topics

More than 150 video lessons
with a total duration of more than 30 hours

This is the most complete and only video course on working with a computer in RuNet, relevant for today and tomorrow!

As the name suggests, the course is designed to show you that mastering a computer is truly very simple! And make of you independent user.

After completing these lessons, you will no longer need to contact specialists or friends to install Windows, or take your computer to the seller or service center to replace HDD, increase volume random access memory etc.

You will learn to do everything yourself!

The knowledge that you acquire from this video course will always be relevant!

They have no expiration date!

Whatever Windows comes out, be it Win-8, Win-9, Win-10, etc... What you learn from these video lessons will remain with you in 5-10 years! Like a multiplication table that remains the same...

Make the right investment in your education. The knowledge you need. And which will benefit you throughout your life!

What level of user is this course designed for?

This course is designed for novice users, and for those who know how to work in the operating system and are familiar with some programs, but do not know how to assemble a computer, replace devices or install Windows, drivers, etc. And also, for those who decide to expand their knowledge in the field computer literacy.

All lessons from the course were tested on my friends who knew how to use a computer, but their knowledge was very limited.
Of these there were: one accountant, one secretary, two gamer neighbors and my father, who bought himself a computer literally three days before the completion of recording this course.

When my father bought a computer, using its components (in disassembled form), he was able to assemble it himself after watching the first discs of the course.

As I recorded the material, I gave all the above-mentioned people my video lessons, and today, they have a basic understanding of computer components, install and reinstall the operating system, drivers and programs. And of course, they work on the computer without any problems.

So, what does the whole course consist of?

In this course, I will not focus on one operating system, I will not tediously talk about various functions programs that hardly anyone will access at all... Also, I won’t talk about outdated devices and ports... These devices are outdated and out of use... I don’t think it’s necessary to waste your time studying “ Computer history" I will also not talk about rarely used devices, or devices intended for limited group users.

And yet, I got it
the largest and most complete Russian-language course on computers.

In this course, I will try to give only the most necessary information. So that you can fully, independently, without any help from outsiders, understand the computer, operating system and software.

The entire course is divided into topics. Naturally, you can view it in its entirety, or you can view only the topics that interest you.

Even if you are now interested in only one or a couple of topics from this course, this does not mean that tomorrow you will not be interested in another one.

You can always insert a disc and watch a lesson on a topic that interests you.

The following courses are recorded on the discs:

Disc 1."Iron" - Theory and practice
62 lessons. Duration: 3 hours 35 minutes

In this course, we will look at the types of computers, consider and select devices, analyze their purpose, installation and connection, and also consider step-by-step assembly and disassembly system unit computer.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you can view this disc both on your computer and on a home DVD player. This disk can be used as reference material, for example, if your computer fails...

Disc 2."Operating systems" - Theory and practice
29 lessons. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

In this course we will look at all kinds of operating systems. Let's install operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7. Let's understand the basics BIOS settings. Let's learn how to boot from removable media such as CD, DVD and Flash card.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you can view this disc both on your computer and on a home DVD player. This disk can be used as reference material, for example, if you need to reinstall the operating system...

Disc 3."Operating systems" - Settings
34 lessons. Duration: 13 hours 44 minutes

In this course, we'll look at how Right configure operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7 (these lessons may be applicable to other operating systems Windows lines). Let's deal with installing drivers, creating backup copy system disk to restore the system in case of failures...

Disc 4."Programs and utilities" - Installation, Configuration, Operation...
19 lessons. Duration: 12 hours 53 minutes

In this course, we will install, configure and understand how to work in various programs... Let's look at where, how and what programs are best to install... We'll look at how to work with archivers, how to burn discs, how to work with video, sound and images, how to work with text documents and e-books, how to work on the Internet, with websites and mail, and what programs we may need for this, we’ll figure it out computer security etc...

This disc is intended for viewing on a computer. The lessons are made in the format of WMV files that can be opened with any player in the Windows environment.

Habits that will make you happy

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The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of assigned tasks. Nowadays, many jobs require the ability to use hardware, but not everyone can handle it. This article will provide brief instructions on how to learn how to use a computer for free.

What happens when a dog licks his face

Ten habits that make people chronically unhappy

You will need

  • computer;
  • teaching aids;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn to touch type ( ten-finger method touch typing). In many cases, working at a computer involves typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type more than 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the “poke method”, this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a rule to read the built-in documentation for all distributions new to you. This way you can reduce the time spent studying programs and be able to work more productively.
  • Remember the hotkey combinations and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It's worth optimizing your virtual workspace. You can place shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data stored on your hard drive. Text documents put them in some folders, photos in others, videos in a third. Make sure that finding the necessary information takes minimal time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good at computers, you should hire a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses. This way you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.


If you have managed to master a computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can study from books, you just need to avoid materials for beginners, since then you will have to filter more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Don’t be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it, constantly study the unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

I present to your attention the best, in my opinion, on this moment tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7. I don't even know how to describe it. It contains everything - from the little things, the basics of working on a computer, to a description of the system settings. You will learn how to install Windows 7, customize the system for yourself, use all kinds of built-in using Windows 7.

In short, the entire system is described in full, in detail and intelligibly. In addition, described popular programs: Word and Excel in detail. And all this with illustrations and examples. I highly recommend you check it out. It would probably take me half a year to create such a guide about Windows 7. Huge respect and respect to the author of this creation - Sergei Vavilov!

To open this tutorial you will need PDF reader. I recommend using Foxit Reader.

Download tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7 (13.7 MB)

2.Computer for beginners

I can also recommend you another excellent tutorial “ Computer for beginners» from Alexey Lebedev. Perhaps it will be even better than described above. I just found it later. I highly recommend checking it out - you won’t regret it, I assure you.

Download the tutorial “Computer for Beginners” (8.9 MB)

3. All the secrets of the Internet - a handbook for a network user

I I described this book in a separate article, you can take a look at what it will give you before deciding to download.

Download “All the Secrets of the Internet” (63 MB)

Don't let it scare you big size books - the link is not from Letitbit and downloads very quickly.

4. Computer Doctor-1

An excellent book by Evgeny Khokhryakov about computer security.

All the nuances of protecting your computer from any threats are revealed. Naturally, with examples and pictures. The quality is simply amazing.

The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of assigned tasks. Nowadays, many jobs require the ability to use hardware, but not everyone can handle it. This article will provide brief instructions on how to learn how to use a computer for free.

You will need

  • computer;
  • teaching aids;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn to touch type (ten-finger touch typing method). In many cases, working at a computer involves typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type more than 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the “poke method”, this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a rule to read the built-in documentation for all distributions new to you. This way you can reduce the time spent studying programs and be able to work more productively.
  • Remember the hotkey combinations and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It's worth optimizing your virtual workspace. You can place shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data stored on your hard drive. Place text documents in some folders, photos in others, videos in a third. Make sure that finding the necessary information takes minimal time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good at computers, you should hire a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses. This way you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.


If you have managed to master a computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can study from books, you just need to avoid materials for beginners, since then you will have to filter more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Don’t be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it; constantly study unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and the necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

On this page, all the lessons on the site are arranged exactly in the order in which we recommend taking them. Unfortunately, at the moment there are gaps in the list of lessons that will definitely be filled. Topics on which there are already articles are links (highlighted blue with underlining) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems) because They are not useful for training, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is most welcome. The proposed topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step-by-step training system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the website, studying which in a certain order, you will feel free when working at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic Level

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what happens at this moment
  7. What is a driver? What is a graphical operating system shell
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to use the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What is a hard drive and how does it work ( On publication)
  13. Computer hard drive, partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. Create a text file.
  15. Start menu, what's in it
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In progress)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. Install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard elements programs: settings, drop-down menu, quick access panel.
  21. Create a shortcut. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the desktop theme.
  24. How to install a device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In progress)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable a program from startup. How to disable autoloading in the program itself. ( In progress)
  26. What is an archive? Working with the archiver program
  27. How to open a video on a computer
  28. How to open e-book(.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In progress)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue Screen of Death - what is it?
  33. What is BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open.mkv
  36. How to open.djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for?
  38. How to change the language on your computer
  39. Hot Windows keys 7,8
  40. How to increase font size on computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to set a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to protect your Google account
  4. What is antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to Make File Extensions Visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock on computer
  3. Program for creating videos from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate Level

  1. How to create virtual machine(virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to do defragmentation of hard disk.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - operating features
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if your laptop (netbook) gets hot
  6. Computer stands: cooling and not so much.
  7. How to enable WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and near-computer devices

  • Body exercises
  • Trainer programs for monitoring computer time
  • How to properly arrange your workplace
  • What to do if you are overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved in it
  • How to protect your hands so that they don’t hurt if you have to type a lot (carpal tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: benefits, pros and cons
  • Standing desks with height adjustment - overview.
  • Laptop stands for standing work - review.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit time on the computer for children and how to do it correctly?
    2. What can a child learn using a computer?
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic Level

