Dial a phone number. Automatic dialing of extension codes for Android contacts

Currently, almost every enterprise organizes coordinated work by introducing extension numbers. An extension number is a numeric identifier that is assigned to a specific line of an enterprise or its department. It consists of 2 parts: the 1st part is the main phone number, the 2nd is an extension that will connect you with the desired department or person.

What is an extension number?

To understand how to call an extension number, you need to understand what it is. This is a forwarding point in a virtual automatic telephone exchange, which is assigned 1 of the employee’s external telephone numbers (landline, mobile, sip or skype account, etc.). The extension number has a four-digit format - from 0001 to 9999, which is limited by the maximum number capacity of forwarding points on the 1st virtual number.

The first 2 digits of the extension number indicate the serial number of the forwarding list, and, as a rule, belong to the 1st department of the company. The second 2 digits are the serial number of the department employee.

What are extension numbers for?

A single telecommunications space of a virtual number in a cloud PBX erases real physical boundaries and shortens distances. Its capabilities make it possible to build the activities of various commercial and public structures without additional costs for renting premises, office equipment and other expenses.

Modern companies are a room divided by bulkheads into separate sections. These sections house employees who perform their work. Each workplace is equipped with a computer and telephone. To contact a specific person, you need to call the company's main number. When the connection occurs, you dial the extension number, after which the required contact is established.

The use of extensions is increasing because they are convenient, fast and easy to use without the need to spend money on additional equipment. Taking into account the obvious fact that all employees have their own cell phones and, many still have home phones, a virtual exchange allows you to transfer a call to any of them. The transfer can be made not only to the phone, but also to Skyp or voicemail.

How to dial an extension number from a mobile phone?

First, you need to study the company's phone number. How to call a megaphone operator - the first part of the number is the main number of the organization, and the second, which is in brackets, is the extension. Dial the organization's main number on your mobile phone and call. An answering machine should answer you. Listen to him completely, otherwise, a failure may occur and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, you will hear a list of the main extension numbers and a proposal to dial the required one after a characteristic signal. Dial the extension number and wait for an answer.

Unlike a landline phone, mobile phones do not need to be switched to tone mode; they do it automatically.

In some cases, an automatic telephone exchange (PBX) may connect you incorrectly. If this happens, there is no need to disconnect and re-do the dialing operation. You should contact the person who answered and ask him to independently switch you to the department or specialist that is needed. Usually, company employees are loyal to such a situation. If you come across a person who does not want to transfer you, you will have to dial the extension number again.

How to dial an extension number using tone mode?

Most modern corded phones have special switches labeled "Pulse-Tone". If you are connected to a modern electronic PBX that supports tone mode, keep this switch in the “Tone” position at all times. If you only need the tone mode when making calls to information centers or similar services, using such a switch is not very convenient. It wears out faster, and some devices generally respond to changes in this position only after the handset is put on and taken off again.

In cordless phones, switching to tone mode is done through the menu. It’s just not very convenient to use this method when calling help desks. If your PBX does not support tone mode, temporary switching is carried out as follows: call the help desk in pulse mode, press the “star” button. After that, all further key presses will cause a series of tones. When you hang up, the phone will automatically switch to pulse mode.,

When making calls to extension numbers from mobile phones, there is no need to switch to tone mode. Even if you do not hear, they are still transmitted to the subscriber. If you find that there is no response to key presses, find an item in the phone menu that allows you to enable DTMF signaling and activate it.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transmit tones from wired phones, where there is no tone mode at all. This device can be either push-button or disk-based. In this case, set your phone to a mode so that keypress tones are heard directly from the speaker.

Your question:

How to dial an extension phone number?

Master's answer:

When you dial the phone number of a large enterprise, you often have to deal with the problem of dialing an extension number in order to talk to a specific person or contact the desired department. Such extension numbers allow the company to organize the correct and coordinated work of all employees. However, many do not know how to dial extension numbers correctly.

First, study the phone number of the desired company. If the number consists of two parts, then the first will represent the main phone number, and the second, which is usually written in parentheses, means the extension number. It is the second part that will help you connect with the required department. Now dial the main number on your phone and call it. You will hear an answering machine response.

You need to fully listen to his greeting, because otherwise the call may fail and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, the answering machine will list all extension numbers, and then prompt you to dial the required number after a beep.

Now you need to check whether your landline phone is in tone mode. This is necessary for normal communication with the extension number. If the mode is disabled, then you just need to press the “star” button on your phone. It is located below, under the main numbers. Some landline phone models also have a dedicated Pulse-Tone button. If your telephone already operates in tone mode, then simply dial the extension number.

Wait for your phone to switch to tone mode. Then start entering the numbers of the extension number. As you dial, you will hear various short beeps with different frequencies. They mean that you have correctly switched to tone mode on your phone.

After dialing the extension number, wait for an answer. Sometimes an organization's PBX may fail, causing you to be connected incorrectly. If this happens, then simply ask the person who answered the phone to connect you correctly this time. As a rule, company employees treat such requests with understanding. If not, then you will have to dial the main number again, and then the extension.

It is not advisable to make calls to extension numbers using a mobile phone. After all, not every one of them can support the tone mode of the PBX, so you are unlikely to be able to get through. Mobile operators also charge such calls as landline calls. And the countdown of time and money begins from the moment the answering machine answers you. So such a call can cost you a pretty penny, or you won’t get through at all due to insufficient funds on your cellular device.

Currently, almost every enterprise organizes coordinated work by introducing extension numbers. An extension number is a numeric identifier that is assigned to a specific line of an enterprise or its department. It consists of 2 parts: the 1st part is the main phone number, the 2nd is an extension that will connect you with the desired department or person.

What is an extension number?

To understand how to call an extension number, you need to understand what it is. This is a forwarding point in a virtual automatic telephone exchange, which is assigned 1 of the employee’s external telephone numbers (landline, mobile, sip or skype account, etc.). The extension number has a four-digit format - from 0001 to 9999, which is limited by the maximum number capacity of forwarding points on the 1st virtual number.

The first 2 digits of the extension number indicate the serial number of the forwarding list, and, as a rule, belong to the 1st department of the company. The second 2 digits are the serial number of the department employee.

What are extension numbers for?

A single telecommunications space of a virtual number in a cloud PBX erases real physical boundaries and shortens distances. Its capabilities make it possible to build the activities of various commercial and public structures without additional costs for renting premises, office equipment and other expenses.

Modern companies are a room divided by bulkheads into separate sections. These sections house employees who perform their work. Each workplace is equipped with a computer and telephone. To contact a specific person, you need to call the company's main number. When the connection occurs, you dial the extension number, after which the required contact is established.

The use of extensions is increasing because they are convenient, fast and easy to use without the need to spend money on additional equipment. Taking into account the obvious fact that all employees have their own cell phones and, many still have home phones, a virtual exchange allows you to transfer a call to any of them. The transfer can be made not only to the phone, but also to Skyp or voicemail.

How to dial an extension number from a mobile phone?

First, you need to study the company's phone number. The first part of the number is the main number of the organization, and the second, which is taken in brackets, is an additional one. Dial the organization's main number on your mobile phone and call. An answering machine should answer you. Listen to him completely, otherwise, a failure may occur and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, you will hear a list of the main extension numbers and a proposal to dial the required one after a characteristic signal. Dial the extension number and wait for an answer.

Unlike a landline phone, mobile phones do not need to be switched to tone mode; they do it automatically.

In some cases, an automatic telephone exchange (PBX) may connect you incorrectly. If this happens, there is no need to disconnect and re-do the dialing operation. You should contact the person who answered and ask him to independently switch you to the department or specialist that is needed. Usually, company employees are loyal to such a situation. If you come across a person who does not want to transfer you, you will have to dial the extension number again.

How to dial an extension number using tone mode?

Most modern corded phones have special switches labeled "Pulse-Tone". If you are connected to a modern electronic PBX that supports tone mode, keep this switch in the “Tone” position at all times. If you only need the tone mode when making calls to information centers or similar services, using such a switch is not very convenient. It wears out faster, and some devices generally respond to changes in this position only after the handset is put on and taken off again.

In cordless phones, switching to tone mode is done through the menu. It’s just not very convenient to use this method when calling help desks. If your PBX does not support tone mode, temporary switching is carried out as follows: call the help desk in pulse mode, press the “star” button. After that, all further key presses will cause a series of tones. When you hang up, the phone will automatically switch to pulse mode.,

When making calls to extension numbers from mobile phones, there is no need to switch to tone mode. Even if you do not hear, they are still transmitted to the subscriber. If you find that there is no response to key presses, find an item in the phone menu that allows you to enable DTMF signaling and activate it.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transmit tones from wired phones, where there is no tone mode at all. This device can be either push-button or disk-based. In this case, set your phone to a mode so that keypress tones are heard directly from the speaker.

In this article we would like to address the question of how to call from a mobile phone to a home phone. We were inspired to write it by questions on many forums, where users ask to describe the correct process for dialing phone numbers in cases where you need to call from a mobile to your home. Probably many users do not experience difficulties in this process, but there are still subtleties in it, so you should familiarize yourself with the information that we have prepared for you.

How to call correctly from mobile to home?

Mobile and home numbers are very similar in structure and to make a call you should dial in the following sequence:

  1. Code of the country(so for Russia it is 8 or +7).
  2. Operator code for mobile and area code for home.
  3. The user's phone number(in mobile numbers these are the last 7 digits, but in home numbers the number of digits can vary from five to seven).

To dial a landline number from a cell phone, you need to dial a full set of numbers, unlike dialing between two city subscribers, when dialing the country and city codes is abolished in order to make a call.

Before making a call from a mobile phone, you need to make sure that you have the required amount of funds in your personal account, since such calls are charged much more expensive than within the mobile network.

In Russia, there are differences in home telephone dialing depending on the location of the subscriber.

You can call from the same city where the contact is located without using the international format - just put the number 8 in front of the city identifier. The long-distance format is necessary for subscribers who have traveled outside the region.

Long-distance communication format for mobile and landline numbers

Alexander M. once left the city of Yaroslavl for Moscow on business. And now I urgently needed to contact my mother, and since the elderly person was opposed to modern mobile phones, she only used a home stationary device. As a result, the son, who was already unaccustomed to such “gadgets,” was a little confused in this situation - he had to contact his neighbors (fortunately, they were more technically advanced). But when faced with a problem, Alexander nevertheless decided to find out what the process of dialing a phone is when connecting mobile and home subscribers.

Video instruction:

For long-distance calls, city identifiers are provided, which can be found in any address directory. Also, many sites on the Internet will help you find the necessary information. For our part, we will indicate the most popular destinations in Russia:

Moscow and region495 Omsk381 Voronezh473
St. Petersburg and region812 Chelyabinsk351 Saratov845
Novosibirsk383 Rostov-on-Don863 Tolyatti848
Ekaterinburg343 Ufa347 Krasnodar861
Nizhny Novgorod831 Permian342 Izhevsk341
Samara846 Volgograd844 Yaroslavl485
Kazan843 Krasnoyarsk391 Ryazan491

Reference! In addition to the main regional code, many of its administrative units (cities, towns, villages, etc.) have several more numbers added that identify the locality. Before contacting a home telephone subscriber, be sure to find out the code of his locality.

How to dial a home number in international format?

To call from a mobile phone to your home phone while you are outside the country, you must dial in a special order, which is developed in accordance with international standards.

In the Russian Federation, home numbers are dialed as follows::

  • XXX XX XX – when you need to call from home to home (country and city encoding is omitted).
  • 8 (UUU) XXX XX XX – dialed for long-distance mobile and landline connections, where UUU is the “address” of the city.
  • +7 УУУ ХХХ ХХ ХХ – combination of a landline subscriber in international format (+7 – international code of Russia).

The same principle applies when you need to call a home phone registered abroad. Here are some popular destination codes:

A countryA countryA country
Armenia374 Czech420 Kazakhstan7
Austria43 Finland358 Kyrgyzstan996
Azerbaijan994 France33 Latvia371
Belarus375 Georgia995 Lithuania370
Bulgaria359 Germany49 Poland48
China86 Greece30 Ukraine380
Croatia375 Israel372 USA1
Uzbekistan998 Portugal351 Great Britain44

Very often, in order to reach the right person in the office, you need to dial a specific extension number. Such a system simplifies the work of secretaries or operators who are involved in the redistribution of office calls, and also reduces the time spent waiting for a transfer to the required subscriber. The presence of a system with extension numbers confirms the seriousness of the business and the status of the company.

First of all, dial the main number of the organization and wait for the answering machine. The answering machine will tell you which extension belongs to which department. If you have never dialed an extension number and it is difficult to imagine how to do this, then you can wait for the operator, who will automatically contact you after the end of the answering machine message. Tell the operator who you want to talk to, and you will be redirected to the right person.

If you know the extension number of the subscriber you need, then dial the organization’s number. As soon as you hear beeps or an answering machine, switch your phone to “tone mode.” To do this, press the “star” (*) button, wait a few seconds and then enter the extension number. The company's PBX will automatically switch you to the extension number you entered. However, if you end up in the wrong department or on the wrong caller, ask the person who answers the phone to transfer you to the correct extension number. It will not be difficult for any employee of the organization to fulfill your request, since it is through short extension numbers that employees communicate with each other within the company.

A PBX system with extension numbers is the best global practice in telephone communications for businesses of any size, which allows you to connect together a huge number of employees of one company, even those located in different cities, and at the same time occupy only a few telephone lines. And dialing an extension number is a convenient way to get to the desired recipient without unnecessary delays.

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