Which disk to burn ps1 games to. How to record games on PS (PlayStation)? If the disc is not readable by the set-top box

Here is an article that is devoted to one of the most frequently asked questions about the PS1 console. This article describes how to correctly burn a disc for the Sony Playstation 1 using the Alcohol 120% program.

Actually, a large assortment of games for the Playstation 1 console is on our website. You can on our gaming portal in the appropriate section.

From the author. After I received a huge number of messages on the social network “VKontakte” and in personal messages asking me to tell them how to properly burn discs for the Sony Playstation console, I decided to write this article, which will be useful to all owners of this console. I wrote this article based on my recording experience. There are many articles on the Internet on this subject, but almost all of them are copies of a single article from one author. On my own behalf, I will also add that I wrote this article together with you based on your comments in your messages. Therefore, I’ll make a reservation right away: for the first time you need to stock up on 2-3 blank CD-R discs and patience. Because if you are recording a disc for the first time, you will have to work hard to determine the optimal recording speed. For some reason, sometimes the same game, recorded in the same way on different drives for different people, works for some, but not for others. But after the recording is successful, record the games this way and everything should work.

So, for recording we will need the Alcohol 120% program. You don't have to chase the latest version. Any version will do. Just keep in mind that Windows 7 requires version 2.0 and higher. You will find links to download the Alcohol 120% program at the bottom of the article.

Now let's start recording.

Step one. Let's launch the program. Look at the picture below.

Step two. Pay attention to the picture below.

Step three. The following window will appear. Look at the picture below.

A few words about choosing the recording speed. Many articles write that it is necessary to choose the lowest recording speed of 2x or 4x. This is partly a lie!!! Why? Yes, because the recording speed depends on the model of the set-top box for which you are recording the disc. Look at the pictures below.

So. If you have gray old model console shown on the left in the picture, then games should be recorded at speed 2x or 4x. Not higher!!!
If you have a new small white model of PSone console, shown on the right, it is recommended to record at speed 8x. Can record at 16x. But at a speed of 2x or 4x, games most likely will not work.
IMPORTANT! If after recording the game does not play on the console, then try recording to another disc at a different speed. For example, if it doesn’t work on 4x, then try 8x and vice versa. Why does this happen? - I don't know. It seems to me that the problem is in our modern drives. But in this way, after spending 2-3 blanks, you will determine the optimal speed for your case. In the future, record at this speed, and the games will work.

Well, that's all you need to burn discs. I often receive messages like “I recorded a disc, but the set-top box does not read it. What should I do?” I will list the possible reasons why The set-top box may NOT read the disc:

1. The game is recorded on a CD-RW disc, or even worse - DVD-R or DVD-RW. Be careful! The Playstation 1 ONLY reads CD-R discs.

2. Perhaps your set-top box is not chipped. But in this case, not a single Russian disk will work for you.

3. You may have made a mistake when burning the game to disk. Maybe you made a mistake when choosing the disk speed or did not select the "Playstation" option. Be careful. Re-read the article.

4. The CD-R disc may be of very poor quality. We recommend discs from Verbatim and TDK. I’ll add on my own that Mirex disks work great for me. I do not recommend discs from Smartbuy. They have very bad wheels.

5. You didn't download my release. I cannot be responsible for other users. When downloading a game, pay attention to the author of the news. My nickname on the site is ViZed. They also post high-quality images Lucky and our editor Sersh. But again, I repeat, I fully and completely test only my releases on

I also often come across the question: " In my Alcohol 120% program, the minimum speed is 48x (or 24x). How to set a lower speed?"
Answer. Most likely - no way. It just seems like your drive doesn't support low speeds. You can try inserting the CD-R first and then running the Alcohol program. But if even after this it is impossible to select a low speed, then your drive definitely does not support low write speeds. Of course, you can try recording at high speed. And it is very likely that the game will work on the console even after recording at 48x speed, but you do this at your own peril and risk. It is very likely that the game will not work on the console, or the music/videos will be very glitchy. But CD-Rs aren't that expensive these days, so it's worth a try.

This is all I personally know about recording discs.

Good afternoon (or maybe evening, morning or night). Since you are reading this, it means that you have decided to burn a Playstation game to disk so that you can later play it on your console. I would like to immediately note that these games are also available on Playstation 2. In this article, I [the author of the article] will tell you how to burn a disc for Sony Playstation using the Alcohol 120% program. You will find links to download the Alcohol 120% program at the very bottom. Well, on our website you can also download it in the appropriate section.

Before recording, I would like to note that it is better to stock up on 2-3 blank CD-R discs for the first time, because there is a small risk that you will not be able to record successfully the first time. It happens that a game recorded by one person plays normally, but not by another. There are many nuances: the selected recording speed, the drive of your computer, the features of the set-top box. This will be discussed below.

Now let's start recording.

Step one

We launch the Alcohol 120% program. A program window will open in front of us. In the upper left corner, select “Burn CD/DVD from images” (see picture below).

Step two

Step three
Be careful here.

About choosing the recording speed

In the picture above you can see that the recording speed is 8x. But discs recorded at 8x speed in the Alcohol 120% program will not always be played back normally on a Sony Playstation. There are 2 models of the console. Both are pictured below.

So, if you have the small white PSone model shown on the left, then it is recommended to select 8x speed. And if you have a large gray model, then 2x or 4x speeds are recommended. This is not a strict rule. Discs can be played even if recorded at maximum speed. But it can only cause music and video glitches in games. Therefore, I recommend choosing the speed according to the principle that I described in the previous sentences.

But it happens that the disc does not play back even at the correctly selected low speed. Why does this happen? Hard to tell. Below I have written 7 reasons. Therefore, at the very beginning, I recommended stocking up on 2-3 CD-R discs. Thus, if a disc recorded at 8x does not work, then try recording the disc at 4x, or 16x, or another speed. In addition, I would like to add that speeds of 2x and 4x were optimal 8-10 years ago. Time is running. The optimal speed value has shifted slightly higher. It is even possible that you will not find “2x” in the list of speeds on your computer. So don't get too hung up on it. Experiment to find the optimal speed on your computer. Well, the first pancakes are always lumpy, you know. But in this way you will understand what recording speed is optimal. It is enough to carry out the experiment once to know the required speed for the future.

And another important rule! The Sony Playstation only reads CD-R discs!

That's all. Insert the disc into the console, turn it on and play.

If the disc is not readable by the set-top box

If you have written a disc and it is not readable, then let's try to find the reason. And there can be many of them.

1. You made a mistake when recording. Re-read the article, look at the pictures above. Maybe you just weren't paying attention. Did you do everything right?
2. The game is not recorded on CD-R. I repeat. The Playstation console only reads CD-R discs.
3. The set-top box is not chipped. Non-chip set-top boxes play only licensed discs. How to check if yours is chipped? Well, if you have games in Russian that you bought in a store for 70-150 rubles, then you have a chip-based console. So that's not the problem.
4. CD-R disc is of poor quality. Well, it’s unlikely, but still. Good discs are produced by TDK, Sony, Verbatim.
5. Wear of the attachment. Try this experiment. Insert the disc into the console. Then turn it upside down or put it on its side. And after that, turn it on so that the disk is loaded on its side, or upside down. If the game works fine this way, then the problem is in the mechanics of the console. There's nothing you can do about it, you'll have to play like this. By the way, because of this problem, games may lag during video cutscenes.
6. There is a problem with the disk drive (drive) of your computer. It's strange, but some new drives don't write discs well at low speeds. Try recording a friend's game. Or select a different speed and try again. I do not recommend recording PS1 games on laptop drives. They are not intended for this. The discs come out with a lot of errors.
7. You downloaded the game from another resource. I am not responsible for other sites.


- In my Alcohol 120% program there is no speed of 2x (4x or 8x). What to do?
- Most likely your drive does not support this speed. Or it is non-standard and not recommended for your drive, so the program does not see it. Try recording at a different speed. It is advisable to set the speed to a multiple of 8. That is, 16x, 24x. Or try recording on another computer. Just don’t set the speed to 10x, 12x and the like. Most likely the game will not work. I know from my own experience.

- Is it possible to burn several games onto a disc?
- Can. But standard programs are not enough here. Additional software is needed. Someday I will write an article on this matter, but for now you will have to figure it out for yourself. If you are interested, search the Internet for the PSX CD Builder program. Only it is in English and difficult to learn for the average user.

- Will these games work on PS2?
- Yes. I don't have a PS2, but I know that people write these games exactly as written in the article and play them on PS2 without any problems.

- The program does not see the BIN file (SUB or any other). How to choose it?
- It does not need to be selected when recording. Review the pictures above. I wrote there that you need to select a CUE file, CCD and similar small markup files. They will automatically pick up the necessary files for recording.

- I downloaded the game, and it weighs more than 700 MB. Will it fit?
- It will fit. The fact is that the game files you download contain additional information about the disk structure, which are not written to the disk.

That's all I know about burning discs for the Sony Playstation. Well, below are links to download three different versions of the Alcohol program. Activation is attached, it is in the archive with the program. I would like to note that these are not the latest versions of the program. But they work great. And why should you chase the latest versions, constantly updating, when these versions work great?

Once upon a time, the dream of any teenager was the Sony PlayStation 1. This legendary console set the fashion for gaming on TV, which is actively developing to this day.
Progress does not stand still, and today the first version of the PlayStation is an outdated product. The advantage is that today you can buy it for literally pennies, and the lack of store-bought games for it can be eliminated by recording them yourself onto discs.
The process of recording PlayStation games will require four things from the user:

  1. A blank CD-R or CD-RW (but it is better if it is a DVD-R, since rewritable discs are unreliable and often do not work correctly with the set-top box);
  2. Write drive;
  3. Alcohol 120% program (you can use any other program to write images to disk, but this program, according to reviews from PlayStation owners, records images with the highest quality possible, reducing the likelihood of spoiling the disc.
  4. Actually, the image of the game, which can be downloaded from specialized resources (the format can be any, but you should pay attention, if you have an image in two files MDF and MDS, then these files must come in pairs, other image files come separately, so this does not concern them).

Already have everything? Then you can proceed to the recording process.

Burn a PlayStation 1 game to disk.

If you do not already have the Alcohol 120% program installed, you will need to download it from the developer’s official website using the link below, install it on your computer and run it.

Actually, there is nothing complicated about recording games on PlayStation. By analogy, you can record on the PlayStation and on other versions of the console, for example, the second one. However, when recording to older versions, you should keep in mind that regular discs will not work, since the size of the game is usually larger than its size, which means you will need to purchase a so-called dual-layer disc.

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