How does the first channel make money? How TV channels make money from viewers

You will learn how much YouTube bloggers earn, what ways to make money on YouTube are relevant in 2019, and how a beginner can earn their first money

Hello, dear friends! The founder of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov, is in touch.

Today I will tell you about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet - making money on YouTube (YouTube)

You will receive step-by-step instructions, after studying which you can start earning your first money from YouTube.

Make yourself comfortable, let's go!

1. Earning money on YouTube - how much money you can really earn

Today, YouTube is one of the most accessible ways to make money on the Internet, because almost every person has a computer and other gadgets with video cameras that make it easy to create videos and post them on their YouTube channel.

It’s no secret that every day more and more people are using the opportunity to turn their knowledge and skills in the field of video creation into an additional or even main source of income that can be created without any investment.

By the way, the amount of this income can be unlimited! After all, everyone can make money on YouTube: from students to retirees, from employees to businessmen.

According to statistics, the majority of video bloggers who own their own YouTube channels earn no more than $500 per month on the popular video hosting site.

If your income here exceeds $1000, then you can already be called a professional money maker.

In order to achieve such an income, you will need more than one month of hard work and certain knowledge.

Dear reader, you are probably familiar with the work of Max +100500, you have seen the videos “Opa Gangnam Style” and other sensational videos.

Viral video- a video that, due to its originality, quickly spreads across the Internet and gains a huge number of views.

This is how enterprising people earn good money here quickly and easily, with virtually no investment.

First of all, you need to understand that earnings here depend on several defining factors.

2. What makes money on YouTube depends on - 7 main factors

If you want to earn good money through Youtube, then you need to pay very close attention to these factors.

Don’t neglect them, otherwise you will be marking time for a long time waiting for big profits.

Factor 1. Monetary niche

This is the most basic factor that you should consider long before creating your YouTube channel or recording your first videos.

It means that you must choose a “money” topic on which you will blog.

For example, traditionally, financial niches on the Internet are: business, finance, earnings, construction, medicine.

Conversely, if you run a channel on the topic of cooking, cross-stitching or growing indoor plants, then most likely you will earn purely symbolic money, which will only be enough for ice cream.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that the main income on YouTube comes to us from advertising, which will be placed in our videos.

Accordingly, the more expensive it is, the more we can earn. In expensive themes, advertising is expensive, since here the profit of advertisers is many times greater than in cheap themes.

And in vain many people think that if I like to knit socks, collect stamps or go fishing, then God himself told me to record a video on this topic, because I am well versed in it.

This is a misconception.

In fact, the market decides what is in demand now and what is not. This is why it is worth creating content on popular and expensive topics.

Factor 2: Video quality

Everyone wants to get the best and will never pay attention to “hack work” if there is an alternative.

Therefore, the quality of your videos and, in general, professional work on your YouTube channel is the key to the long-term demand for your videos and, as a result, income growth.

Don’t create your videos “for fun”.

As they say, “less is more!”

If you have a choice to make 10 “thin” videos or 3-5 high-quality ones, then make a choice in favor of quality.

Record these videos with your soul, work to ensure that they have a competent structure, and add titles and effects if necessary.

The principle of working on video quality is the same as when working on an article - it must be thoughtful, structured and meet the user’s expectations as much as possible.

In this case, video views on your channel will be maximum.

Statistics show that quality always trumps quantity, especially when it comes to videos.

Factor 3. Competent selection of SEO keys

Here it is worth mentioning the term “relevance”, that is, the correspondence of the video content to its description.

If you have a video about how to grow tomatoes, and the title says “Putin rocks,” naturally, users will quickly leave your channel and never return there again.

Therefore, wisely select keywords for the titles and descriptions of your videos. This will make it easier for users to find them and become regular viewers of your channel.

Ultimately, your task is to turn your visitors into regular subscribers and viewers of your channel.

To attract additional traffic, YouTube today can be integrated with social media. networks.

Factor 4. Regularity of channel updates

There is a good expression: “The stability of the result is a sign of mastery.”

Our task is not just to “bomb” 10 or 20 videos in the first week after creating your channel and forget about it for a month or two, but to publish your video content regularly!

It will be best if you post high-quality videos in small quantities, for example 2-3 per week, but do it constantly, than to load up the clip of videos at once and abandon your project for a long time.

Regularly posting videos will help you earn more on YouTube, because it means that you care about users.

Video hosting “understands” this.

Ultimately, the viewers of your channel themselves often look at the date of publication of the video and give preference to those projects where there is always fresh content.

Factor 5. Number of video views

This is the most obvious and understandable factor that is easily measured.

Knowing this relationship, you can watch your channel grow exponentially by regularly publishing quality video content.

Factor 6. Monetization methods

Now we will talk directly about making money on YouTube.

Imagine that you already have a visited YouTube channel, for example with 30 videos and a total number of video views of more than 10,000 per day.

Quite a good result.

But, if you didn’t monetize your video content, that is, didn’t take actions that would contribute to making money on your channel, then it’s worthless in terms of commercial efficiency.

You will learn more about what methods of monetizing a YouTube channel exist, and what their features are, below.

Factor 7. Quality of monetization

Let's assume that you have decided exactly how you will make money from your videos, but this is only the first step.

The second step is to properly place monetization tools on your channel.

For example, if you decide that you will make money on YouTube using affiliate programs, then you should think about how exactly you will mention affiliate products so that as many visitors to your channel as possible will buy them.

3. Ways to make money on YouTube - TOP 7 best ideas

Let's move on to the most interesting part.

Now let’s look at how exactly you can make money on your YouTube channel and what you need to do to get the maximum profit with the current traffic.

That is, the same channel can bring in, with the same traffic, both 1000 rubles a month and a thousand rubles a day!

Method 1. Direct advertising in videos

This is a picture at the beginning of a video, a watermark, text or any other mention of the company, product or service of the advertiser who contacted you.

For example, you are running a video blog on traveling around Europe.

Then at the beginning of each video you can place a 3-5 second picture with an advertisement for a travel company that specializes in selling tours to Europe and providing related services.

Method 2. Google Adsense contextual advertising

These are pop-up ads that match the theme of your videos. YouTube itself selects them for your video content.

After that, you receive payment for each click on such an ad.

This method is the simplest and most common.

However, in most cases it is not the most profitable, although the income coming from user transitions through contextual ads is the most stable.

Method 3. Selling your goods or services

For example, in the case of making money from contextual advertising, you receive only a small part of the money, thanks to which the advertiser sells his goods or services, which means it is profitable for him.

By selling your products, you receive all the money that can be earned through advertising.

I think this is clear.

If you look at making money using Youtube from the perspective of an advertiser, then sometimes it is more profitable to place your advertising on other people’s channels (using other people’s videos) than to make money from third-party advertising and receive small money per click.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are an excellent source of income for narrowly themed YouTube channels with good traffic.

If for some reason you do not want to sell your own products or services, you can advertise third-party products on your channel that match the topic of your video blog.

To do this, you can also place affiliate links and mentions in your videos and receive commissions from each affiliate sale, which today range from 40% to 100%!

Method 5. Earn money from other people's videos

You can make money on YouTube even without having your own videos. To do this, you will have to find the necessary videos and post them on your channel, and then also monetize them with affiliate programs, contextual or other advertising.

This method has one clear advantage - the speed of content creation, or rather, the absence of the need to record your videos, which significantly saves time.

The disadvantages of this method of earning money are also obvious:

  • you don’t develop your “brand”, which means you lose regular visitors;
  • you may be sued for copyright infringement;
  • at any time YouTube itself can delete your videos and block the channel;
  • you will not be able to flexibly regulate the topics of your videos and their content, since you are not their author.

Method 6. Combined earnings - your blog + YouTube channel

This combination allows you to increase the amount of traffic and create additional opportunities for earning money.

How it works?

For example, if you have your own blog on WordPress, then you can direct traffic from it to your YouTube channel and vice versa.

If you have your blogs integrated with social networks, this allows your blogs to exchange visitors.

This way, you create more marketing traps and traffic from the two types of blogs generally converts better into money.

4. How to start making money on YouTube - step-by-step instructions for beginners

These are simple steps that include 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Create your own YouTube channel

To do this, you must register your Google account (if you do not already have one), since YouTube video hosting is owned by Google.

Follow all the usual registration steps and then sign in to your Google account.

Step 2. Design your channel and upload videos to it

I repeat that you should not upload other people’s videos to your YouTube channel, as you will quickly get banned by YouTube and all your work will be ruined.

Now you have your own YouTube channel and it’s time to design it and upload videos that you will then monetize.

Without design, your channel will look like this:

Now click on the channel design button and select the desired picture to make your channel header look more colorful.

You can upload either a simple thematic picture or order a professional design for your channel with a logo and corporate identity from a designer.

This will require some investment of money and time, but the credibility of your channel will be higher. This is evidenced by the statistics of successful video bloggers.

Step 3. Monetize your channel

Now we will talk about monetizing your channel directly using the internal function of the same name on YouTube itself.

To do this, go to the YouTube website, go to the “my channel” section

In the column that opens, click on “channel”, then on “status and functions”, in the window that opens we see the “monetization” function, but do not yet click “apply”.

We return to the “channel” again and select “USA” in the “country” drop-down menu. This will make it easier for us to undergo moderation by YouTube to approve the application for monetization.

Let's go back to “status and functions”. Now an “enable” button should appear opposite the “monetization” item.

Click on it and confirm the inclusion of monetization on your channel, following all further instructions.

If everything went well, then after some time the application you submitted will be moderated and you will receive a confirmation message.

Now you can make money on YouTube.

Now you know how to monetize your channel. I hope that this instruction will help you create a stable income on YouTube.

Watch detailed instructions from Stas Bykov on how to make money on YouTube step by step in video format:

5. Conclusion

Today we examined in detail the topic of making money on YouTube.

For many people, this video hosting provides ample opportunities to create their own business or an additional source of traffic.

However, this method of generating income from the Internet requires some time.

But in the future, watching videos and recording them will become not only a hobby for you, but may also turn into your life’s work.

As practice shows, it usually takes from several weeks to several months from starting work on your channel to receiving your first profit.

Also, your own YouTube channel is an excellent addition to a text blog and can act as an additional PR tool for its author when selling his own goods or services.

In the article, I told you how much you can earn using YouTube and gave real examples of bloggers who run their own video blogs.

By the way, when you start making money from the Internet using your channel, you immediately become a video blogger.

I wish you good luck and big earnings on YouTube!

If you found the article and the ways to make money described in it useful, then like it and share your thoughts on the topic in the comments.

The average Russian viewer thinks that he watches television for nothing. But that's not true. The amount of his taxes includes money not only for officials, the army and other state institutions, but also for state television channels. But this, of course, is pennies. Meanwhile, characters who are very far removed from television directly earn money from the viewer. And in some cases we are talking about so much money that it doesn’t seem like much.

Relatively fair trade

Of course, there are channels that have a single purpose - commercial. They do not entertain or inform the viewer, but by hook or by crook they try to sell him some kind of product. But such channels do not serve anything else. That’s what they call “teleshopping”. And they make good money from a percentage of sales. So good that it is able to pay cable and satellite operators to broadcast its signal.

TV also has less honest ways of making money. They are all well known. This, for example, is voting for an artist by calling a short number. Not everyone knows that this call is paid. And they get the money. Small, of course, but still offensive. What if there is more than one call? If there are many favorite performers?..

More TV quiz shows. This is when a charming presenter chats incessantly, persuading you to guess the encrypted word. And you, of course, have already guessed it. And you are only surprised at the stupidity of the rest of the audience, who are talking complete nonsense. And now your hand reaches for the phone. Of course you won't get through by phone. But you will be charged money either for the fact of the call itself, or for the waiting time for an answer, which can be very long.

But today we will talk about another way of extorting money from viewers.

I’ll install it, clean it, help you

The television networks of large telecom operators have channels that like to talk about themselves as socially significant and useful. These are, for example, “Television Ladies Club”, “My Family”, VKT and others. And, if you look at their program schedule, you immediately find confirmation of this social significance. There are advice from doctors, consultations from psychologists, and interactive communication of various specialists with the audience.

I turn on one such channel. Just at the beginning of the “Your Personal Psychologist” program. I assume that now a doctor, candidate or doctor of science, author of various smart books will appear on the screen. But no. As the credits say, in the studio in front of the camera there is a white magician and parapsychologist, he represents such and such a parapsychological center. The telephone numbers of this very center are also indicated.

Magician: “If you have problems: children have gotten away from you, depression, relationships are not going well, there have been suicide attempts, nervous breakdowns - contact us. We will adjust everything, joy and happiness will come to you. Alcohol, drug addiction - everything is curable. Call and make an appointment."

Call to the studio: “Hello, my name is Elena. My man drinks: Problem with alcohol, withdrawal, depression.”

The magician moves his hand in front of the camera for a while - apparently, he is checking Elena’s aura through the cable.

Magician: “This was done by a girl who wanted to bewitch your man. There is pressure on his psyche. Make an appointment. I will cleanse, protect, and help you. And the free bonus is the expansion of the channel of luck.”

New call: “This is Vasily speaking. The son is drinking. We don't know what to do."

Magician (after the same ritual with his hands): “He has demons infested with him. He is not alone now, he has a presence of demons. Entities of the dark world. His manipura chakra is not working properly. We are working with these problems. We will cleanse the energy sector and cast out demons. We can help you and solve this problem. Bonus - we’ll expand your luck channel for free.”

Also: “This is Maria. I am 52 years old. There have been problems in my personal life for the last two years.”

Magician: “Your situation is just some kind of horror. I see funerals around you. The widow's veil lies upon you. Anyone who wants to live with you is doomed to death. I will remove this negative program, 100% guarantee. Call us. And as a bonus, I’ll expand your luck channel for free. Working with you, we will eliminate negativity from your entire family and provide protection for all of you.”

And so on for a whole hour: chakras, demons, curses and the promise of a bonus at the end.

Generic damage - for everyone

The magic phrase sounds: “Call now! Whoever calls now will receive a 25% discount. Call, they will definitely help you!”

So I called. It’s interesting how much this 25% amounts to in banknotes. But for some reason they never told me the amount. They offered to leave your phone number. The doctor will call you back, they say. I didn't leave my phone number.

And then again “Your personal psychologist.” Only this time there was not a magician in the studio, but, so to speak, a magician. Representing the International Academy of Clairvoyance. Don't be a jerk!

“This is Tatyana. I have problems with my son: He has become somewhat uncontrollable.”

Magician: "Ancestral damage and the addition of a dead body. Essential connection through the father's line. We need to remove the ancestral curse. This is a long-term job, we need to work with you for a long time. Connection of a dead body and ancestral damage. We need a bioenergy therapist. Otherwise, he will disappear, we have to fight for him. Make an appointment, phone number on the screen."

Call: “Gennady. My son Nikita, he is 13 years old, is constantly sick.”

Maginya: “He has weak energy. He has an evil eye. He has a program for destruction from the womb. Here you need to work with a photograph of your son. Come for a personal meeting. Come to us, we need to remove this program, he is on the verge of death, you don’t have to wait until trouble happens to him.”

Victims of clairvoyance

I didn’t dare call the phone numbers of all these centers. Simple curiosity can lead to serious financial losses.

A couple of years ago, a viewer of this same TV channel contacted the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern District of the capital and complained that she had become a victim of scammers. Being in a difficult life situation, she saw another magician perform on air. And she called the indicated phone number. An assistant answered her and asked about her problems and financial situation. After which he connected the suffering lady with the “healer”. She made a verdict: the client is under the influence of damage. And to get rid of it, you need to transfer 16 thousand rubles to the specified account. The woman translated and began to wait for the improvement to finally come.

A couple of days later, the clairvoyant’s assistant called her. He told the client that her husband was cheating on her, and his mistress brought the damage to her. So now we need to “work” on our husband as well. For a fee, of course. But bad luck! Her husband died a long time ago:

Question: why do TV channels need all this obscurantism? Yes, all for the same thing - to earn money. Only they do not sell goods, like TV stores, but services. Moreover, these programs are presented as socially significant. And for social significance, you can also get some budget subsidies.


Natalia OSIPOVA, psychologist

Unfortunately, such a public will always find clients. In difficult situations, desperate people easily give themselves into the hands of charlatans. Some of the deceivers have hypnosis skills and easily pump out all the necessary information from clients. And then they use it so skillfully that people begin to believe in their supernatural capabilities. And they even seem to begin to feel better. But this, of course, won't last long.

Instead of socially significant topics, TV constantly advertises either beauty salons or magic drugs.

The average Russian viewer thinks that he watches television for nothing. But that's not true. The amount of his taxes includes money not only for officials, the army and other state institutions, but also for state television channels. But this, of course, is pennies. Meanwhile, characters who are very far removed from television directly earn money from the viewer. And in some cases we are talking about so much money that it doesn’t seem like much.

Relatively fair trade

Of course, there are channels that have a single purpose - commercial. They do not entertain or inform the viewer, but by hook or by crook they try to sell him some kind of product. But such channels do not serve anything else. That’s what they call “teleshopping.” And they make good money from a percentage of sales. So good that it is able to pay cable and satellite operators to broadcast its signal.

They say that TV stores sell mostly unnecessary things. I don't know, I didn't buy it. But, whatever one may say, this is still honest commerce. The product is demonstrated and the price is named. Succumbed to advertising - your difficulties.

TV also has less honest ways of making money. They are all well known. This, for example, is voting for an artist by calling a short number. Not everyone knows that this call is paid. And they get the money. Small, of course, but still offensive. What if there is more than one call? If there are many favorite performers?..

More TV quiz shows. This is when a charming presenter chats incessantly, persuading you to guess the encrypted word. And you, of course, have already guessed it. And you are only surprised at the stupidity of the rest of the audience, who are talking complete nonsense. And now your hand reaches for the phone. Of course you won't get through by phone. But you will be charged money either for the fact of the call itself, or for the waiting time for an answer, which can be very long.

But today we will talk about another way of extorting money from viewers.

I’ll install it, clean it, help you

The television networks of large telecom operators have channels that like to talk about themselves as socially significant and useful. These are, for example, “Television Ladies Club”, “My Family”, VKT and others. And, if you look at their program schedule, you immediately find confirmation of this social significance. There are advice from doctors, consultations from psychologists, and interactive communication of various specialists with the audience.

I turn on one such channel. Just at the beginning of the “Your Personal Psychologist” program. I assume that now a doctor, candidate or doctor of science, author of various smart books will appear on the screen. But no. As the credits say, in the studio in front of the camera there is a white magician and parapsychologist, he represents such and such a parapsychological center. The telephone numbers of this very center are also indicated.

Magician: “If you have problems: children have gotten away from you, depression, relationships are not going well, there have been suicide attempts, nervous breakdowns - contact us. We will adjust everything, joy and happiness will come to you. Alcohol, drug addiction - everything is curable. Call and make an appointment."

Call to the studio: “Hello, my name is Elena. My man drinks: Problem with alcohol, withdrawal, depression.”

The magician moves his hand in front of the camera for a while - apparently, he is checking Elena’s aura through the cable.

Magician: “This was done by a girl who wanted to bewitch your man. There is pressure on his psyche. Make an appointment. I will cleanse, protect, and help you. And the free bonus is the expansion of the channel of luck.”

New call: “This is Vasily speaking. The son is drinking. We don't know what to do."

Magician (after the same ritual with his hands): “He has demons infested with him. He is not alone now, he has a presence of demons. Entities of the dark world. His manipura chakra is not working properly. We are working with these problems. We will cleanse the energy sector and cast out demons. We can help you and solve this problem. Bonus - we’ll expand your luck channel for free.”

Also: “This is Maria. I am 52 years old. There have been problems in my personal life for the last two years.”

Magician: “Your situation is just some kind of horror. I see funerals around you. The widow's veil lies upon you. Anyone who wants to live with you is doomed to death. I will remove this negative program, 100% guarantee. Call us. And as a bonus, I’ll expand your luck channel for free. Working with you, we will eliminate negativity from your entire family and provide protection for all of you.”

And so on for a whole hour: chakras, demons, curses and the promise of a bonus at the end.

Generic damage - for everyone

Then the “Pretty Woman” program begins. The announcement describes it as “a program that allows women to feel more confident.” In fact, “Pretty Woman” turns out to be an extensive advertisement for a health center.

After “Pretty Woman,” “Your Doctor” appeared on the air. And I’m no longer surprised that over the course of 40 minutes, beauty salons and some magical drugs are consistently advertised.

The magic phrase sounds: “Call now! Whoever calls now will receive a 25% discount. Call, they will definitely help you!”

So I called. It’s interesting how much this 25% amounts to in banknotes. But for some reason they never told me the amount. They offered to leave your phone number. The doctor will call you back, they say. I didn't leave my phone number.

And then again “Your personal psychologist.” Only this time there was not a magician in the studio, but, so to speak, a magician. Representing the International Academy of Clairvoyance. Don't be a jerk!

“This is Tatyana. I have problems with my son: He has become somewhat uncontrollable.”

Magician: "Ancestral damage and the addition of a dead body. Essential connection through the father's line. We need to remove the ancestral curse. This is a long-term job, we need to work with you for a long time. Connection of a dead body and ancestral damage. We need a bioenergy therapist. Otherwise, he will disappear, we have to fight for him. Make an appointment, phone number on the screen."

Call: “Gennady. My son Nikita, he is 13 years old, is constantly sick.”

Maginya: “He has weak energy. He has an evil eye. He has a program for destruction from the womb. Here you need to work with a photograph of your son. Come for a personal meeting. Come to us, we need to remove this program, he is on the verge of death, you don’t have to wait until trouble happens to him.”

Victims of clairvoyance

I didn’t dare call the phone numbers of all these centers. Simple curiosity can lead to serious financial losses.

A couple of years ago, a viewer of this same TV channel contacted the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern District of the capital and complained that she had become a victim of scammers. Being in a difficult life situation, she saw another magician perform on air. And she called the indicated phone number. An assistant answered her and asked about her problems and financial situation. After which he connected the suffering lady with the “healer”. She made a verdict: the client is under the influence of damage. And to get rid of it, you need to transfer 16 thousand rubles to the specified account. The woman translated and began to wait for the improvement to finally come.

A couple of days later, the clairvoyant’s assistant called her. He told the client that her husband was cheating on her, and his mistress brought the damage to her. So now we need to “work” on our husband as well. For a fee, of course. But bad luck! Her husband died a long time ago:

Then she turned to the police. After searches carried out in the so-called Clairvoyance Center, a criminal case was opened under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud committed by an organized criminal group.

Question: why do TV channels need all this obscurantism? Yes, all for the same thing - to make money. Only they do not sell goods, like TV stores, but services. Moreover, these programs are presented as socially significant. And for social significance, you can also get some budget subsidies.


Natalia OSIPOVA, psychologist

“Unfortunately, such a public will always find clients. In difficult situations, desperate people easily give themselves into the hands of charlatans. Some of the deceivers have hypnosis skills and easily pump out all the necessary information from clients. And then they use it so skillfully that people begin to believe in their supernatural capabilities. And they even seem to begin to feel better. But this, of course, won't last long.

Modern technologies have taken over our world, our whole lives, therefore, you can make good money by providing entertainment and information. After the World Wide Web, in second place is the popular “more ancient” way of entertainment and receiving important information – television. And it’s very interesting how TV channels make money and what kind of income they generate.

The very purchase of digital or cable TV is already an expense for TV viewers. And, probably, the question came to many people’s minds: “How does the television market live if we don’t pay for TV views?”

How much do TV channels earn from advertising?

To find out approximately the earnings of TV channels, you need to learn about ways to earn money and other important nuances. There are many ways to make money on your own TV channel. To find out how much television channels earn (and their earnings vary significantly), you need to analyze a lot of data: channel rating, number of viewers, method of earning.

TV channel income

When we watch any program, there is an advertisement literally every ten minutes, and the time is not much less than the program itself. Statistics show that people spend from 2 to 4 hours watching TV, but some people can watch TV all day long.

Where does the TV channel get paid? TV viewers consume a lot of advertising without paying much attention to it. All highly rated series, shows, and films bring good income for the “introduction” of advertising videos into them. And the higher the rating (in other words, PR), the greater the income.

TV channels make money not only from showing obvious advertising, but also from hidden advertising. In many TV series and programs you can see advertisements for new gadgets, clothing brands, equipment, etc. on your favorite characters/actors/presenters. For example, in the very popular sitcom “Voronins” they often advertise Prostokvashino dairy products, Pikovit children’s vitamins, irons, a clothing store, etc.

At the same time, some successful TV channels sell their hits to “TV newcomers.” That is, the TV channel invests in the production of the project, and if it turns out to be successful, they sell it to channels with low ratings or to other countries.

Another point worth considering. What if the TV channel is not popular enough and has insufficient views? For example, few people watch music channels. Take, for example, a music video: why do the creators of the channel play the same thing for a long time? There are people who need to raise themselves to the Top. By paying extra to the TV channel, the clips are embedded in people’s subconscious. The audience “eats” what they are fed.

Income of the first channel

The income of Channel One for 2016 decreased by twelve percent and was equal to 26.5 billion rubles. The majority of the income came from advertising. “First” television channel is the leader in the number of viewers and in the number of revenues. Profits began to decline for the first time last year. As noted by AKAR, the television market has dropped to fourteen percent. But not only the income of the first channel decreased, but also that of CTC Media.

In 2015, Channel One’s consumption increased to 36.4 billion rubles, and this is due to an increase in costs, which the channel cannot yet reduce. This was due to payment to the rights holders of Eurovision, for showing the same Olympic Games, etc. A large share of the costs is to ensure the operation of all offices located abroad (in particular, much depends on the value of the currency). Also, do not forget the costs of the participation of famous presenters.

The expenses incurred by Channel One in the past year fell sharply due to additional profits - 92.3 million rubles (subsidized from the state budget). Channel One received 3.5 billion rubles.

How much does TV advertising cost?

TV channel Geo: Russia (off prime) Geo: Russia (prime 100%) Geo: Moscow (off prime) Geo: Moscow (prime 100%)
First channel 15 sec. – 219’000

30 sec. – 438’000

15 sec. – 522’000

30 sec. – 1’044’000

15 sec. – 72’000

30 sec. – 144’000

15 sec. – 165’000

30 sec. – 330’000

Russia 1 15 sec. – 131’000

30 sec. – 262’000

15 sec. – 282’000

30 sec. – 564’000

15 sec. – 36’000

30 sec. – 72’000

15 sec. – 60’000

30 sec. – 120’000

STS 15 sec. – 102’000

30 sec. – 204’000

15 sec. – 258’000

30 sec. – 516’000

15 sec. – 24’000

30 sec. – 48’000

15 sec. – 96’000

30 sec. – 192’000

TNT 15 sec. – 168’000

30 sec. – 336’000

15 sec. – 369’000

30 sec. – 738’000

15 sec. – 45’000

30 sec. – 90’000

15 sec. – 84’000

30 sec. – 168’000

NTV 15 sec. – 108’000

30 sec. – 216’000

15 sec. – 216’000

30 sec. – 432’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 60’000

30 sec. – 120’000

Friday 15 sec. – 27’000

30 sec. – 54’000

15 sec. – 45’000

30 sec. – 90’000

15 sec. – 6’600

30 sec. – 13’200

15 sec. – 12’000

30 sec. – 24’000

Ren-TV 15 sec. – 63’000

30 sec. – 126’000

15 sec. – 90’000

30 sec. – 180’000

15 sec. – 21’000

30 sec. – 42’000

15 sec. – 30’000

30 sec. – 60’000

Che 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

Russia 24 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

Channel 5 15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 105’000

30 sec. – 210’000

15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 27’000

30 sec. – 54’000

Pepper 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

The effectiveness of television advertising

Advertising on Russian TV has always been the most effective marketing tool. First of all, this is due to the fact that television reaches the largest audience, and secondly, it is useful and quite interesting.

  1. A good option would be to use the product in everyday situations. For example, on Channel One, the Good Morning television program shows products from a Moscow coffee shop every day.
  2. Our life and the advertised product. You can show the use of a product for a certain, special philosophy of life, or the use of this product will guarantee the audience a completely different life.
  3. Use of fantasy. For example, the following option might be a good solution: the viewer (future buyer/customer) uses the product and receives some kind of nice gift/prize. This option is more suitable for female viewers, because ladies are prone to dreams and fantasies.
  4. Image and mood. It is necessary to focus on creating only positive emotions (forget about the negative). In this case, it is not necessary to make explicit advertising statements in favor of purchasing the product, but only a soft hint.
  5. You can work on a song for the product, especially if you plan to launch radio advertising in support of television advertising. In this case, the popularity of the melody will play a big role.
  6. Creating a character for advertising. A good option is an advertisement for a chocolate jelly bean called “M&Ms.”
  7. Application of scientific data, research conducted, statistics collected, etc.
  8. Demonstrating the product and talking about it in a positive way. It’s a great move to invite a celebrity to participate in advertising.

Of course, creating a television channel yourself is very expensive, but you can do it on your own channel.