MX record - Mail for a domain. Help

All DNS resource records, including "MX", must be added on the DNS servers registered for your domain. Therefore, first you need to find out which DNS servers are registered for your domain: .

If you do not see your pair of DNS servers in the list below, this means that the domain is registered not DNS servers site and you need to contact your DNS provider to set up an MX record.

Depending on the DNS servers you use in your site, adding MX-recording occurs according to the appropriate instructions:



Adding and editing DNS resource records (A, MX, TXT, CNAME) occurs through the hosting control panel. To add an MX record, and depending on your panel ( ISPmanager, Parallels Plesk or cPanel) follow one of the suggested instructions:

Go to the Domain Names section, click on the desired domain and click Posts:

    To edit an existing MX record, click Edit ;

    to add new entry, click Create.

Example of adding an MX record

Click OK at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Parallels Plesk

In the Websites and Domains section, open the DNS Settings of the required domain:

  • in order to change existing entry, just click on it;
  • to add a new one, click the Add Entry button:

Example of adding an MX record

In the Domains section, select Zone Editor:

then click Edit next to the desired entry:

Example of adding an MX record

To configure mail routing, in the block « Email» go to section Email Routing:

Yandex Mail provides one very useful and, most importantly, free service corporate mail, at which you can connect your domain to Yandex and use mail with the name of your domain and content from Yandex. And this is really convenient, and you can transfer not the entire domain, but only the mail part ( Mail server MX records). That is, the site will work as before, and mail will be transferred to Yandex Mail. And it is this procedure that I will describe in this note.

Since I have it at hand ISPmanager, then I will do this with an emphasis on this hosting management system with all the nuances that will arise while working with the “IP Manager”.

Domain confirmation for Yandex Mail

The first step to mail with the shell of your domain and Yandex filling is to confirm the domain (in my case, when I have a different hosting and other purposes for the site itself).

Nothing complicated here: create a file in the root of the site with the desired name and the required content and that’s it - the verification is passed, the site is confirmed.

Configuring MX DNS records in ISPmanager (for Yandex.Mail)

But this step is more difficult and requires careful study, since it determines how well and smoothly your mail on Yandex will work and whether it will work at all.

1) Remove the domain from the "E-mail" -> "Mail Domains" section (since ISPmanager most likely registers some data in the DNS there and if this is not done, then some letters will not reach the Yandex mail).

2) Now you need add MX records in your site's DNS. You can do this in the “Main” -> “Domain Names” section and double-click on the domain with the left button and you will see a list of DNS records for the domain. Our task is to remove old MXs and add new ones, and you can do it like this:

a) Delete all entries with type MX (mail server) And TXT (text entry).
b) Add a Yandex mail server:

Name: YOUR.DOMAIN. Type: MX (mail server) Address: Priority: 10

Don't forget about the period after the domain, it is required.
V) Redirect an SPF record by adding another record:

Name: YOUR.DOMAIN. Type: TXT (text record) Address: v=spf1

This is necessary so that “good” letters do not end up in spam.

You should end up with something like this ( True, the domain here is filled with example.test and the addition of both entries is shown in the picture at the same time in order to combine everything in one image, but the essence is the same):

After saving and a couple of clicks in the Yandex panel, the mail will work as it should. And one more nuance: DNS is not updated instantly, so I advise you to wait 10-30 minutes before visiting the Yandex panel.

By the way, this information about setting up Yandex Mail in ISPmanager was provided by one of the main developers of ISP System with the nickname ls and thanks to him for the picture.

Good luck with your email and less spam! =)
Questions, amendments, etc. I'll be glad to see you in the comments.

Mailbox for Lately has become a common means of communication and business card, through which both working and personal information. A laconic appearance and constant availability are necessary criteria in choosing a name for a box and a service provider. One of the most popular and reliable email services is Yandex.

Choosing Yandex is due to a number of advantages.

  1. A memorable mailbox on a domain that can be used for your website.
  2. Emails sent from the Yandex service are more trusted by receiving email services and are less likely to end up in spam.
  3. Correspondence is stored on Yandex and does not take up space on the hosting. Mailbox capacity is unlimited.

If you have chosen Yandex, then next instruction will allow you to connect to the service.

Creating a mailbox in the Yandex system

To create a mailbox in Yandex system You need to follow a number of steps:

  1. Register on Yandex if you are not registered, or log in to your account using your existing username and password
  2. Go to the mail registration section for the domain:
  3. Confirm the domain that belongs to you.

Setting up DNS records for a domain

Instructions for setting up DNS records in Timeweb:

Please note that DNS records can only be configured on the host side of the NS servers.

NS (name server) - indicates the DNS server serving this domain, that is, it indicates the servers to which the domain is delegated.

1. MX record

Mail servers are responsible for receiving and storing messages. To set up a mailbox in the Yandex system, you first need to change the MX records.

MX (mail exchange) - a record pointing to an address mail gateway for the domain. Consists of two parts: priority (the higher the number, the lower the priority) and the node address.

Create a new MX record with the following field values:

The value is “”.

The period at the end of the server name is required. In some control panels, the point is taken into account by default, then you do not need to specify it.

Priority - 10.

If priority value "10" is not provided in the control panel, specify any other priority other than zero.

2. SPF entry

The SPF record (sender policy framework) is used to protect the domain from counterfeiting. SPF specifies a list of trusted servers (IP addresses) from which mail for a given domain can be sent, to prevent the possibility of spam being sent on your behalf.

To set up an SPF record, specify as a TXT record


If you want to send letters not only from Yandex servers, specify additional servers in this format:

v=spf1 ip4:IP-1 ip4:IP-2 ip4:IP-3 ~all

where IP-1, IP-2, IP-3 are the IP addresses of additional servers.

3. DKIM signature

With the help of a DKIM signature, the recipient of an email can verify that it actually came from the intended sender.

You need to create a subdomain like


and enter the DKIM parameters with the public key received in the mail for the domain as a TXT record ( ). For example, "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSEBtaCOteH4EBqJlKpe..."

4. CNAME record

Create a subdomain mail.your_domain and enter the value "" as the CNAME record.

When implementing specified settings There are two points to consider.

The first is that changes to DNS records can take anywhere from 3 to 24 hours to take effect.

The second is that when changing mail servers, access to messages on the current mail server will be lost. If you have existing mailboxes and want to save correspondence, use the following instructions.

  1. Connect using an email client (for example, Outlook) to the mailboxes on the old hosting via the POP3 protocol and download all correspondence.
  2. Create the required mailboxes in the "Mail" section of the Timeweb control panel.
  3. Connect via IMAP protocol and wait until the letters are uploaded to our server.

Mail client settings for working with a Yandex mailbox

If you are using one of mail clients(for example MS Outlook, Thunderbird, The Bat!), you need to specify correct settings. Each mail program has its own specifics, but their basic parameters are similar.

Server for sending mail (SMTP) -

To send mail you must use SMTP authorization:

Login (username) - email address;

Password—mailbox password;

SSL port - 465.

Server for receiving POP3 mail - or IMAP -

The SSL port is 995 (POP3) or 993 (IMAP).


A number of the above steps will allow you to implement Fast passage on Yandex service and use mail functions for your domain. Making changes may take a little time, but will ensure high quality work in the future.

Material from Insales Wiki

general information

Some Internet services that provide email services allow you to use mailing address on the user’s domain, that is, an address like mymail@mydomain. Of course, this can also be implemented using your own mail server.

If the store has its own domain registered, it is advisable to use this opportunity. Setting up your own mail server will not be described here; we will focus only on the most well-known services that provide email services on the Internet. In addition to service settings from the supplier postal services, you also need to change some DNS settings at the domain name registrar.

If the domain was registered through Insales, then to carry out this operation, send a letter to technical support with the necessary information (received from the mail service provider) and everything will be set up for you.

If you registered the domain yourself, then do not forget to do required settings, as a rule, this is editing the MX zone on the DNS server. MX records point to your domain's email address.

To configure mail for your domain, you must be able to edit the MX zone on the DNS server that is used for the domain.

Setting up mail in your domain on Yandex

You can create up to 100 email accounts in one domain - this is enough for a small company. Owners of such mailboxes will be able to enjoy endless space for letters. You can work with mail both through the web interface on the page, and through mail clients - The Bat, Thunderbird and others using the POP3/IMAP and SMTP protocols.

You need to set up a CNAME record for the domain from the mail subdomain to the address You need to specify the following settings:

  • Subdomain name – mail
  • Record type – CNAME
  • Data –

It will take some time for the settings to take effect (from several hours to two days).

Setting up mail programs

You can use Yandex.Mail for a domain not only through the web interface, but through various email clients (for example, Outlook Express, The Bat, Thunderbird and others)

The work of email clients is configured in exactly the same way as for regular Yandex.Mail, except that the full e-mail must be specified as the username (login) (for example, [email protected]).

Please note that to work with mail via the IMAP protocol, its support must be enabled on the “Settings” page in the “Mail Clients” section.

Setting up GMail mail in your domain

Service Google Apps allows you to use GMail mail on your domain, and you can use the GMail interface to access it. The protocols POP3, SMTP, IMAP also work. GMail provides more than 2 GB disk quota for each account, and 7 GB in total (free basic service - up to five accounts), in each account you can create up to 50 mail records. GMail has a spam filter. You can be sure that your mail will not be viewed; no authorities will be able to obtain copies of your letters. Mail is accessed via HTTPS protocol. The service is free. All you need is Domain name.

Creating an account on Google Apps

If you don't have an account yet, follow this link Registration in Google Apps. and click on "Start here".

Fill in the required fields to register

Enter your username (Your address will look like [email protected], where user is the user name), password and code from the picture

The account has been created.

Activating login pages and confirming domain rights

Here's how to enable a login page for your domain's email accounts and verify that you are the owner of the domain associated with your account Google Apps. Log in to the control panel using your administrator account (here is your domain name)

Choose a method that is convenient for you to confirm your rights.

Follow the instructions provided to download HTML file to your website or other means.

After completing all the steps, click “Confirm”.

Creating user accounts

  1. Log in to the control panel through your administrator account (if you are not logged in yet).
  2. In the "Users and Groups" section top menu click "Create" new account user"

3.Enter your first name, last name and username.

4.You can choose a password of your choice by clicking “Change Password”.

5.Click "Add a new user account". Account information can be sent to the user by email or printed. 6.Repeat these steps for each user in your domain.

Attention! If you registered a domain through InSales, then in order to register MX and CNAME records, contact our technical support!

Setting up a WEB interface for accessing mail

Let's set up access to the mail interface at The procedure is simple, we log into the mail through the proposed standard Google form:, click on the “Domain Management” link in the upper right corner. We go to the domain control panel and select “Service Settings” - “Email” in the main menu. Well, then we set the URL in the “Web address Your users can view mail on the page” field. We apply and, if your domain has a CNAME record for, then the mail will open in the browser at

Setting up email clients

You can receive and send mail using email clients TheBat, Thunderbird and others. In most cases, they use the POP3 protocol to receive mail and SMTP to send mail.

For POP3 to work you need turn on in mail settings Google account POP3. For this:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click the Settings link at the top of any Gmail page.
  3. Click the Forward and POP link in the orange Mail Setup box.

Then, in the settings (profile) of the client program, you need to configure ports and protocols:

Login: [email protected](full address)

Cancel changes made

If for any reason you wish to stop using a third party postal service for your domain, this operation is easy to cancel. All you need to do is change the MX record to mydomain. (the period at the end is required!). However, remember that each change to MX records takes 24-72 hours to take effect.

For proper operation mail server, it is important to have a correctly configured DNS zone. We have already touched on some aspects related to the DNS system, today we will dwell on this issue in more detail. DNS Settings zone refers to preparatory operations before deploying a mail server and the performance of the e-mail system directly depends on it.

Incorrect settings may result in mail being unable to be delivered to your mail server or recipient servers rejecting your mail. Indeed, if your zone records do not contain information about the mail server, where should mail be sent? To the village for grandfather? You can, of course, ask your provider to configure the DNS zone, but it is better to do it yourself.

What do we need? A dedicated IP address (let's say, which you must obtain from your provider. A domain name (for example can be registered with any registrar or their partner. When registering with a partner, check whether he provides access to DNS zone management, otherwise you will have to spend Extra time, nerves and money to transfer the domain to the registrar.

If you already have a domain and, most likely, a website operates on it, check if it is possible DNS management zone from the hosting provider's panel, otherwise it is better to transfer the domain to the registrar; to do this, contact the provider's support.

So, we have a domain. What records does its DNS zone contain? Firstly, this is an SOA record - a description of the zone. We will not analyze all the records in detail, this is beyond the scope of our article, but have general idea about them is necessary. There should also be two NS records pointing to name servers ( DNS servers) serving this domain, these will be the registrar's servers or the hosting provider.

The first record to be added will be the A record or name record. It should point to the IP address of your server if you decide to serve all requests to the domain yourself or to the IP address of the hosting provider if you decide to host your website. When hosting a website with a hoster, the domain is usually delegated to its DNS server (the corresponding NS records are registered) and an A record will be created automatically when parking the domain.

This option is most common, but if necessary, you can always create an A record yourself. This entry looks like IN A

In our example, is the address of our hosting provider where the site is located. Pay attention to the dot at the end of the name, this indicates that the name is absolute; in the absence of a dot, the name is considered relative and the domain name from SOA is added to it. You can check the entry with the command nslookup.

For the mail server to work, you need to create an MX record, which should point to our mail server. To do this, let's create a record: IN MX 10

You can also simply write: IN MX 10 mail will be automatically added to this name (without a dot at the end). The number 10 determines the server priority; the lower it is, the higher the priority. By the way, the DNS zone may already contain an MX record like: IN MX 0

Typically, this entry is automatically created by the hosting provider when hosting the site; it needs to be deleted.

Now let's create an A record for IN A

Now all mail for the domain will be sent to the mail host with the address, i.e. your mail server, while at the same time the site will continue to work on the provider’s server at
The question may arise: why can’t you immediately specify the IP address of the mail server in the MX record? In principle it is possible, some people do it, but it does not comply with DNS specifications.

You can also make aliases for a mail server like And Why is this necessary? This will allow the client not to depend on the features of your infrastructure, having specified the settings once. Let's say that your company has grown and allocated a separate mail server to serve external clients. mail1, all you need to do is change two DNS records, clients will not even notice that they are working with a new server. To create aliases, CNAME type records are used:


This is the setting direct DNS zones can be considered completed, the most interesting thing remains - the reverse zone. The reverse zone is managed by the provider that issued you the IP address and you cannot manage it yourself (unless you are the owner of a block of IP addresses). But you need to add at least one entry to the reverse zone. As we wrote in the previous article, many mail servers check PTR records (reverse zone records) for the sending server, and if they are absent or do not match the sender’s domain, the letter will be rejected. Therefore, ask your provider to add an entry like this for you: IN PTR

A bit strange looking, isn't it? Let's look at the PTR record structure in more detail. A special domain is used to reverse name conversion top level This is done in order to use the same software mechanisms for forward and reverse name conversion. The fact is that mnemonic names are written from left to right, and IP addresses are written from right to left. So means that host mail is in the domain example, which is in the top-level domain com., means that host 44 is in subnet 33, which is part of subnet 22, belonging to the network 11. To save uniform order PTR records contain a backwards IP address appended with a top-level domain

You can also check MX and PTR records with the command nslookup using additional parameter -type=MX or -type=PTR

And of course, we should not forget that any changes in DNS zones do not occur instantly, but within several hours or even days, which are necessary for the changes to propagate throughout the global DNS system. This means that although your mail server will start working 2 hours after making changes, your partner may not send mail to you for a longer time.